Nora – Embracing an Erotic Life Ch. 01

An adult stories – Nora – Embracing an Erotic Life Ch. 01 by albright,albright I said to my wife Nora one night during the days we were considering Adrian Benton’s proposal for Nora to become his mistress, “Nora, it would excite me to hear you tell me about some of your sexual experiences before we met, maybe the ones you recall most vividly or were especially important for you. If you have been nervous to talk about this in the past I would think you would no longer feel insecure in doing so. I believe it is important that I understand your past better before we begin a relationship with Adrian which will inevitably change our life together.

Nora began. “James, as you know I attended an exclusive private Catholic high school for girls in Kansas City. Many of my classmates and most other friends came from prominent families who owned large houses south of the Plaza or in Mission Hills, just across the Kansas line. My father was very successful in business and my parents socialized with many of these people. However, he and my mother were very conservative Catholics and very strict with me, more than most other parents in their social set. At that girls school I worked very hard at academics and did well in even the most challenging advance placement courses. I was in the Honors Society, on the student council, editor of the literary and art magazine and won a number of regional awards for my drawings and paintings. Plenty of honors came my way. I was never very interested in sports, though I did hold a spot on the tennis team my junior and senior years; the exercise and competition both were good for me.

“It will surprise you to know that sex was not high on my list of priorities. Despite my popularity in the girls school, I did not date much. Most of the boys I met were from the families we knew socially and most of them lived in the neighborhoods around us. They generally seemed to regard me as very attractive — even beautiful if I believed what some of them said to me or wrote to me. I knew many of them were on their way to being frat boys at the University of Kansas or Missouri and I confess I did not take them very seriously or find them interesting.

“James, I did understand that I was attractive at that time. People told me so, and it was clear to me when I looked at myself in the mirror whether dressed or with nothing on. I knew my face was pretty and I was fortunate to have lots of naturally blond hair. When I asked myself about what I would change about my looks I found nothing of note. I was tall, but not too tall. My breasts were firm, not too large but also, more importantly, not too small. My legs were long and toned and my rear seemed nicely shaped, tight not flabby. I was well satisfied with my looks. I was not as relaxed in conversation with men as I wanted to be and not very interesting to them beyond my looks. My shy mother was not a helpful mentor.

“Why I was so late in developing stronger sexual desires I cannot say. I had learned to pleasure my body myself but did not do so often or with much passion. It was only in the final months of my senior year, after I had turned eighteen, this began to change. By then I was no longer so preoccupied with academic credentials and other recognition I needed to be accepted to excellent colleges. I most wanted to attend the School of the Chicago Art Institute, thinking I would have a career as an artist. I was relieved when I was accepted early decision in February.

“That spring I was relaxed enough to become more receptive to dates with boys my age and quite a few seemed eager to go out with me. I know they liked the way I looked and I am sure hoped I would offer them some sort of sexual experience. They assumed an attractive eighteen year old surely must have done much more than I had and would have more to offer them. Instead, they found me cautious and unreceptive to anything beyond kissing and mild petting. I tried to be more engaged but could not bring myself to respond to their forwardness or meet their expectations–and I felt their growing impatience.

“Even the boys I liked and respected seemed clumsy when we were alone together. After hurried kissing and petting their rushed attempts for more turned me off rather than on. I was beginning to think I would go to college still a virgin. More and more frequently I found sexual pleasure in pleasing myself, usually picturing my self having romantic sex with an older, more sensitive and experienced partner. Amazingly to me James, in early summer my fantasy began to be realized. By the time I left for Chicago two months after graduation I was a very different person sexually — more experienced, more confident and much more interested in sex. By the end of summer I was feeling sexy, desirable. Here is how that dramatic change came about.

“One Saturday morning while I was walking our dog in Loose Park I encountered David Landsdowne who was also walking his family’s dog. I had met David before, perhaps at a holiday party, but we had never really spoken beyond a quick introduction. I had no sense of what he was doing or where. His family lived eight or ten blocks from our house across Ward Parkway.

“We began to walk together and to chat. David told me he had just finished his sophomore year at Stanford and was home for the summer, working as an intern at the Kansas City Board of Trade. He asked me about myself and I told him about my interests and my plans for college in Chicago. David was very handsome, dark hair and green eyes, medium height and slender but nicely muscled. He seemed to me relaxed, confident, well spoken, and very mature compared to the boys I had been around. I liked him right away.

“After we had walked and talked for a half hour or so, David told me he was surprised I had only just graduated from high school; he thought I looked and acted older. This pleased me and I told him so. Before we had finished our walk he asked me whether I would like to go to a movie with him that evening. I accepted and I had an enjoyable evening — a good movie, good conversation, and good vibrations overall. David seemed to like me and to take me seriously. He seemed comfortable talking about serious things as well as the light and trivial. He was very modest about his own accomplishments and even getting him to talk about them was a challenge. As he left me at our front door he asked if he could kiss me. When I nodded yes he gave me a very slow, sweet and gentle kiss. And then he asked if I would walk with him to the Nelson Art Museum the next afternoon to see their new accessions of historical photographs from the Hall family collection. Again I agreed, this time with obvious enthusiasm.

“So David and I began to date, often several times each week, for the rest of the summer. This quickly became first a nice friendship and almost as quickly my first meaningful sexual relationship as well.

” As we left the Museum that Sunday afternoon, our first of several visits there together, it was closing for the day. I asked David if he would like to stop on our walk home at a favorite neighborhood bistro that had outdoor seating under the trees. We talked pleasantly there over wine and cheese, exchanging in more depth our career and personal interests and hopes for the future. Then, as it began to grow dark, we passed through the park toward our house and we found ourselves sitting on a bench in a quiet spot under the trees. David put his arm around my shoulder as though sheltering me and leaned over and we began to kiss. These were the first deeply affecting kisses of my life; I can remember thinking: now I know what the word swooning really means. David pulled me toward him as he kissed me slowly, softly, on my lips, on my eyes, on my neck. While this seemed unhurried and easy for me, at the same time it was incredibly exciting. I felt almost like I would faint in his arms. I began to kiss David back and to put my arms around him and to press myself against him. I had never really desired this with the boys I had dated. I wanted to feel him and most of all for him to feel me.

“While we continued to kiss David leaned me back against the bench and began to slide the palm of his hand very slowly and gently back and forth across my breasts grazing only my nipples. Not grabbing. Just a light touch but enough to give me pleasure, to make me feel something sexual was going on and to realize David’s light touch was enough to arouse me. I wanted this new feeling to last and last.

As we broke from a long kiss David said, ‘Nora, I love looking at you. I love your beautiful face, but at times I can hardly keep from embarrassing myself, and perhaps you too, by just staring at your lovely breasts. It is very exciting to touch them and to feel your nipples harden from my touch.’ I told David I had never before liked a touch as well as his and I wanted him to like my face and my breasts and all of me. ‘Nora, you are a beautiful woman,’ he said. ‘I like everything I see and all that I can imagine.’

“James, I have not forgotten that sentence. Do you know why? No man before had called me a woman. Not a girl, a woman! Until David did.

“I would have stayed all night with David on that bench. But after a few more kisses he said he thought we should go because my parents might be worried and he did not want to do anything that might keep me from agreeing to see him again. So he walked me home with his arm around me and I loved feeling that and the long kiss as we parted at our house.

“We agreed to have dinner together two nights later. As he left he said, ‘Nora, my parents will be at their house in Colorado from Tuesday until next Monday. If you like we could have our dinner outside near our pool on Tuesday evening and then swim and enjoy our time together. Think about it and let me know.’ I knew I wanted to see as much of him as I could and to meet him at his house. I did not tell him my parents would be leaving Kansas City for two weeks to be with friends on the coast of Maine the very day his parents were returning. Fortunately, because of my own internship, they let me stay home with only a maid to come to our house twice a week, always during the morning.

“After only a few days of knowing David I was aware this was unlike any relationship I had had and I hoped it would continue. Although David had told me the day we met he had a girlfriend in California and looked forward to seeing her again in August, I felt this might change and, in any case, he could be perfect for me for the summer. As I came to know David better in the days just ahead I found him kind, thoughtful and gentle — and I soon learned he was experienced sexually. His great gift to me that summer was to patiently and skillfully lead me through new sexual experiences, giving me intimate adult pleasures for the first time. I knew I should not fall in love with David — and I soon learned it might be very hard not to.

“When I arrived at David’s house early on Tuesday evening I found that there was no one else there and that he had prepared a simple meal for us — a cold soup and a salad along with fresh bread and then peach ice cream to follow. We sat at a table near the pool and enjoyed a bottle of fine white wine as we ate and talked. I pushed him to tell me more about what it was like to go to college at a place like Stanford and to be in California and I explained to him why I thought the Chicago Art Institute School would be the right college l in the right city for me. I guess I was right James, because nearly fifteen years later, I am still in Chicago. And still happy being here.

“After dinner we swam, then put on dry clothes and drank more wine. As it became cooler we moved inside to a very comfortable room with windows overlooking the pool. We sat together on a couch with candlelight and the rising moon to see by. David asked me whether I had smoked pot and if so would I like to share a joint with him. Although I had smoked a few times and had not found it very enjoyable, I did not want to disappoint him, so I answered yes. This time, perhaps with the wine and relaxed in his company, I was soon floating on a very mellow high. And I told David that I was feeling unusually contended. I welcomed his kisses and I found, for the first time, that I also enjoyed his tongue exploring my mouth such that I began to match his probing. This was all becoming even more intense than our previous time together. I felt eager for more, not knowing what might be coming.

” David asked me if he could unbutton my blouse so that he could see my my breasts and touch them. Very daringly for me, I began to unbutton my blouse for him. I was feeling very sexy. He reached around to undo my bra and I felt his hand cupping my breasts for the first time and pulling gently on each nipple. ‘Nora, lean back so I can see how lovely you are like this.’

I believe I closed my eyes as he looked at me. I know I could feel his eyes on me and when I opened mine I could read his excitement. ‘Thank you, Nora. You have given me a beautiful gift. Seeing you like this makes me want to ask for more.

“James, I recall that David next put his hand on my leg and began to stroke slowly and gently up the inside of my thigh. He said he hoped I would like his touching me there. And then he said that he would not do anything that I did not want him to. I feel sure that I told him I wanted him to touch me. I loved the way he moved his hand on my legs, just gently and gradually moving his hand higher and higher on the inside of my thighs. When he paused he left me wanting more, desiring to go further than I ever had with anyone.

“David asked whether I liked his hand on me and I told him I did very much. He asked if I would like for him to go a bit further and I told him I wanted him to. I felt his finger just gently graze my pussy through my panties, and then to stroke slowly along my slit. I realized that I was very wet. This had not happed to me before with a man. I remember thinking I was with a man. He asked me whether I was enjoying his finger on my sex. He knew the answer. He said, ‘I think you do. I like touching you there.

‘Nora, what do you like?’

‘I like everything you are doing David. I feel your touch so much.’

Then I know he asked me, ‘Nora, where do you like me touching you?’

‘Just where you are.’

‘Stroking your pussy, Nora?’

‘Yes David.’

‘Then if you want me to do more, Nora, tell me what you want me to do and where. I believe you will find that saying out loud what you like and what you want will add intimacy and excitement when we are together or when you are with another man. So tell me Nora what you want.’

“I found it uncomfortable to speak, but I did. ‘I want you to touch my pussy, David.’

‘To play with it?’

‘Yes, to play with my pussy.’

‘I love to do that, Nora. I can feel how wet you are, how aroused and ready to be touched. You are so sexy. Now I want to ask for more. I would like it if you would unbutton your skirt and take it off.’ I did as he asked.

‘Now Nora, take your panties off.’ I did.

‘Now spread your legs wide.’ I did.

‘How does that make you feel, Nora? For me to see you like that in the moonlight. You look so very open. Does it make you feel very sexy and very daring? I hope so and that you like it. Do you realize how desirable you are, Nora? How enticing? I have been hungering to see you like this. Such an erotic picture you make. And I especially find sexy the blond bush around your pussy. It makes me want to put my hand on you there. I hope you won’t shave it like so many women do.’

” I answered that I did feel sexy and desirable and daring in that wide open position. I loved his eyes on me.The words wanton and lustful came into my head. An entirely new feeling for me. I told him that.”

‘Nora, would you like to feel my fingers on you?’

“When I answered yes, David began to stroke my pussy and then to finger my clit, first very slowly. Still high from the grass I was in a kind trance with his finger at the center of the spell. Then, when he could feel me moving under his hand, seeking all the pleasure I could get from his fingering, he moved faster and faster until I shuddered in my first orgasm with him. I was thinking that it felt delicious.

“As I calmed and quieted, I felt David lean over to kiss me. He said, ‘Nora, I hope that was as good for you as I wanted it to be. You are a special woman and you deserve to be worshiped and to be given great pleasure. And I know you will learn to love returning pleasure. I want to help you learn. And now I hope you will please me.’

“I felt David take my hand and place it around his very hard cock, touching him there for the first time. He asked me to move my hand on him slowly and as I began to do so he said, ‘Nora, look at my cock. And then as you stroke me, I want you to look at my face and see how much power you have when you do this for me — and it will be the same for almost any man you touch like this. And another pleasing thing you can do is put one hand under my balls and just cup them and support them while your other hand is sliding up and down on me. I will tell you when I am ready to come and I want you to watch my cum spurt and then you will see my dick go soft. Touching a man with your hand, and especially with your mouth, especially when you do it well and when you enjoy doing it can be almost as nice for him as letting him fuck you.

“After he had come I touched him to feel how soft and how much smaller he had become. We snuggled together on the couch, kissing sweetly. I was ready for more sex if David had initiated it, but he said that he thought we should go no further then. He said he hoped before we met the next night I would enjoy thinking about what we had done together and how it felt. He told me he was enjoying our going step by step together; he wanted to help make each new pleasure memorable for me. He said he liked being a more experienced partner for me with new experiences to offer me, especially since I seemed so willing to reward him in return.

“We agreed to start the next evening with dinner at a new restaurant in the Crossroads and then to return again to his house for a swim and another special time together. He asked me if that sounded OK. I told him I would find it hard to wait until then.

“After dinner the next night the evening unfolded much as the night before. After a swim we sat together and kissed and he fondled my breasts and stroked my pussy. But before we went further David said, ‘Nora, let’s go to my room. I would like for you to be there with me and for us to share something I suspect will be new for you. Do you think you are ready?’ I was.

“When we entered David’s room, he turned on a tiny soft light above the bed. Beyond the two of us on the bed the rest of the room almost disappeared in shadows. As we began to kiss, he said he hoped I would agree to follow his lead again tonight but to let him know if he was taking me too far. I told him I wanted him to guide me to go further than we had been, and I trusted him.

David spoke very softly to me. ‘Nora, would you stand next to the bed and take off all of your clothes for me. Go slow so that I can enjoy what you are revealing to me.’ I stood and removed my light summer dress and then my bra and panties. David said, ‘Nora, you are incredibly beautiful and I crave touching every part of your body. Soon you will understand better how desirable you are and the implications of that for how men think about you. Maybe I can help you begin to enjoy showing off your body more to arouse desire and to give pleasure. Just watching you undress is very arousing. You are stunning, exquisite!’

“After I joined David on his bed, he asked me again to lay back and open my legs for him and he began to play with my pussy. He went slowly and as he was fingering me he began to ask me questions.

‘Nora, do you like touching yourself?’

‘I do David, but not often. Sometimes when I wake up in the night and can’t go back to sleep.’

‘ Do you think you might enjoy touching yourself more if you are thinking about what we have been doing together?’

‘ Probably so. It will be sweeter remembering how good this has been with you. When you aren’t here to touch me maybe I can draw on my memories of us doing sexy things together to stimulate myself.’

” As David continued to play with me he asked, ‘Would you like to try something more tonight, something new again Nora?’ I whispered yes. I felt eager to go wherever he would take me.

He said, ‘Just keep your legs open and close your eyes, Nora. I am going to put my mouth on your pussy and I hope my tongue will please you as my fingers have. Have you let anyone do this for you before?’

‘No. Never. But I would like for you to to be the first and I want to feel you there.’

“David lay down between my legs and moved his mouth slowly and gently on my sex and kept that pace until he heard me sigh and my breathing became heavier. I liked what he was doing and I knew he would like for me to tell him so. So I began to talk to him. ‘This is so good David. I love your tongue. Keep doing it. Lick me. I want to come for you this way and I am almost there.’ David began to move his tongue faster and more firmly on my clit and that carried me over the edge. My orgasm was very strong. And then he slowed again kissing my pussy with his lips and sliding his tongue in and out of me.

“I told David that I had felt so sexy with him tonight, being naked and spread so open for him seemed highly erotic to me. I said his mouth and his tongue had given me intense pleasure and I knew this feeling was something I would want often”.

David said, ‘ Nora, Do you know what this is called, what we just did?’

“I asked him if he meant we had had oral sex. He said that was true but did I know and could I use a more vulgar term for what he had done for me. He said sometimes during sex he liked, and he thought most men liked, for a woman to use very explicit words for what she wanted and what they were doing together. Like everyone, I had heard both boys and girls talk casually about sex, using the common words for things, and I thought I did know what David wanted to hear me say. So I did.”

‘David, do you mean that you have been eating my pussy!’

‘ I have been eating your pussy, Nora,’ he said. ‘I have been licking your cunt and tonguing your clit. Last night you played with my cock. And last night I finger fucked you. Now, do you want me to eat your cunt again? If you do, another way you can ask is to say you want me to go down on you.’

‘I like hearing you talk to me like that David. Coming from you it turns me on. I want to learn how to turn you on, or some other man sometime, by saying naughty, suggestive things. And yes, right now I am asking you to go down on me again and to eat my pussy. Make me come again, David. I need it. I want you to fuck me with your tongue. I want to spread for you and to give you anything you want tonight.’

“And he did eat me and made me come twice more, maybe more than that. He seemed tireless. I felt like I had been shown a new sexual country and I was so pleased that David and I had gone there together.

“And then we went further that same night. After David had pleased me again with his mouth he told me that he hoped I would do the same for him. ‘David, I want to do that for you but you will need to tell me just how to do it to make it best for you.’

‘ First Nora, touch me with your hand again. Just make my cock grow and when it gets very hard it will be easier for you to put your mouth around it.’

” I did that for him and I liked seeing and feeling him grow big and hard. I liked the hair around his cock and his balls. It was exciting to feel the impact I was having on him. I waited for his next suggestion.”

‘Now, when you are ready Nora, just put your mouth over the bulb at the top of my dick and kiss and suck it for a minute. You will probably feel my cock jump from the touch of your lips. And then gradually, with your lips around the top of my shaft, just slide your mouth softly up and down my dick, getting used to the way it feels. You won’t be able to take the whole length when I am hard. As you move your mouth down the shaft and then back up, try tightening your mouth around me. It is very nice for me to feel your mouth moving very softly at first and then much more firmly at other times. Doing it with your mouth tightly around me will make me come more quickly but it is nice to be teased softly as well. Maybe it is like what I try to do for your pussy with my fingers. Different kinds of pressures and speeds to tease and to build up excitement. If you learn to like giving head like this you might later try taking the head of my cock all the way to the back of your throat. It may take practice to be able to do that, and you may decide it is never something you want to do.’

“I tried to follow David’s suggestions and I liked feeling I was learning how to do this for him and I could be in control of his pleasure. But I knew I was not very good at it, especially when I tried to hold my mouth very tight around him. He asked if I wanted to make him come or would rather wait for another time. When I said I wanted to please him now he asked if I wanted him to come in my mouth or perhaps on my breasts. I said I preferred the breasts now and next time I would try to take his come in my mouth. I was trying very hard but my mouth was soon becoming very tired, so I told David I needed to stop. I pleased David with my hand and I watched as his cock jerked and a heavy creamy stream of cum came out of him in several spurts. I told him I would try again soon to please him with my mouth on him. I surprised him by what I said next. ‘David, I want to become a good cocksucker. Then I want you to tell me I am–a good cocksucker. But only when it is true. Soon, I hope.’

“Then David asked me if I was a virgin. I think he knew the answer. I told him yes, I was a virgin, but I hoped I would not be much longer. I said ‘David I definitely do not want to begin college in Chicago still not having been fucked.’ He said he wanted me to think more about this before we would meet again the next evening, he wanted me to be sure about it. I told him I would but that I was pretty sure I wanted him to be my first real lover.

“The next night we went out for dinner again. We talked about our friends and families, our summer internships, and the courses we planned to take in the fall. But we both knew our minds were on on being together later. It was a very hot day in Kansas City and very dark by the time we arrived at David’s house. He had a proposal. ‘Nora, I would like to leave the pool lights off and for us to swim in the nude tonight.’ This was another first for me. I enjoyed the feeling of swimming naked, of just being in the water with him like that and of holding each other and kissing. I felt his dick grow hard against me.

‘After our swim we did not dress but carried our clothes with us up to the terrace room overlooking the pool. We held each other and kissed on the coach. I enjoyed having my arms around David’s firm chest and my hands on his strong arms. He began to touch my sex and very quickly had me moaning and whispering to him about how much I loved him stroking my pussy. I was learning to feel comfortable telling him out loud what I liked and I felt I could ask him for what I wanted. It was not long before I shuddered with a first orgasm.

“When I thanked David for pleasing me, he asked me if I would like his mouth on me again. I said I wanted that if he did. He said he did want to please me that way but he hoped I would try again to please him with my mouth at the same time.

“David said, ‘Nora, here is a way we can do this. I will lie on my back. You knell on top of me with your legs open over my head. I will use my tongue and mouth to please you. And you can try then with your head over my cock to take it in your mouth and suck me. This way we can give each other pleasure and maybe it will be nicer for you and less tiring for your mouth.’

“I felt awkward getting into this position and a bit nervous about lowering my pussy to David’s face, but almost immediately I began to respond to his mouth on my pussy and so I wanted very much to please him as well. It was obvious very quickly we both were enjoying this. David asked me if I liked it and I told him I loved how we were sharing this way. This new position seemed incredibly intimate to me. And I was finding I easier also to use my mouth on him.

“I told David that I was just about to come again and that I could not hold back much longer. Just then David surprised me by dipping his finger in my very wet pussy and then when he knew I was about to climax he placed that slick finger against my ass and applied very light pressure slipping just the tip of his finger inside. This shocked me and thrilled me at the same time. My ass tightened around David’s finger and I felt a delicious spasm which helped send me into another deep orgasm.

“I still had my mouth clamped around David’s dick and was working vigorously up and down the shaft. I was in such a state after my climax I hardly realized he was coming in my mouth. I tried to keep his cum there because I had read that showing a man his cum in your mouth and then swallowing it while he watched was something most men found very erotic. And so I turned around and laid on my side with my face next to David’s and I opened my mouth to show him what he had put there. And I swallowed.

“As we lay there together, my body was calmed but my mind was racing. I felt a sense of exhilaration — and also pride. So much new had happened for me again this night and I wanted to store it all in my memory. I thought of the new position whereby we could give each other oral pleasure at the same time. I liked that and I began to imagine some variations that might be possible. Then I thought about how much I enjoyed David pressing his finger on my ass at just the right time to add to my orgasm. I certainly had not expected how much I felt from just that light touch and I was not prepared to like it so much. I wondered if I told David I had liked that where it might lead in the future. And finally, I had pleased David with my mouth and I had swallowed his cum. The taste and feel of it was not very appealing but I knew what I had done was a good reward to him for all he had done for me. And I was happy with myself for seizing the moment.

“David told me then he thought we had already had a wonderful evening together and he reminded me that tomorrow night would be the last for which we would have such free use of his house since his parents would be returning from Maine the day after. Then David asked me whether I had thought further about having intercourse with him. I told him I would like to do that with him and the things we had already done together tonight made me feel this next step was a logical one for us to take together. I told him I was nervous about it and feared I might not be able to relax and enjoy it as much as he or I would like the first time. But I wanted to go ahead.

“David suggested that we smoke a joint to help me relax before we wen’t further and we did. He held me close and kissed me as he began to gently and slowly run his hands over my body. He began finally to focus his attention on my sex, stroking my pussy to build my desire. I could feel that I was very wet. I whispered to him then, ‘David, I am ready. I want you now.’

“David reached for a condom and asked me to watch as he placed it on the head of his cock and then rolled it down his shaft. I had never seen this done before. I knew it was the right thing for him to do but in the back of my mind I was wishing he could take me without it. He asked me to lay on my back and to raise my knees toward my breasts and to open myself for him as I had done for his hand and his mouth. I felt his penis against my lips and then entering me and pushing slowly until he was against the hymen. He paused and asked, ‘OK?’ When I smiled and nodded he pushed hard against and through and deep in my vagina. I felt only a slight pain, not as much as I feared. In my head, relief and gratitude.

“David began to move slowly in and out so that I could get used to the feeling. Neither my mind nor my body was fully able to respond as I wanted. I put my arms around his back and slid them down to hold his hips as he moved. He began to move faster. I thought he probably did not want to prolong being in me this first time and also that he needed relief. Soon I could tell that he had come. He pulled out of me and lay beside me and asked if I was OK. ‘Yes, I’m OK David.. Thank you David for being with me this first time.’

‘Nora, next time will be better for you. And I hope that it will get better each time we are together.’

“I stopped to think that we had reached this point after knowing each other for less than three weeks and that we would have another five weeks before he would have to leave. It made me happy to think that for the next two weeks we could see each other as often as we would like at my house and that I would have a chance to repay him for all he had done for me and what he might do for me in the weeks ahead.

“When we met the next night talked only briefly about the night before. I assured David that I felt fine. I said to him, ‘David, I am looking forward to learning how to fuck you better and to enjoy it more.’ He told me that while he would be happy to use a condom each time but he encouraged me to see a doctor to request a prescription for birth control pills or some other form of birth control. He said that if I did not wish to do that in Kansas City I should do so as soon as I arrived in Chicago. As always he tried to be thoughtful and encouraging in the way he talked about this with me.

“So over the next week or so we used my parents house every evening. I was happy about that because it would give me a chance to show David some of my drawings and paintings in my portfolio. It was easy for David to drive into our garage unseen from the street. And whether we were in the house or around the pool we had complete privacy because of all the trees and shrubs around our property. We usually kept the lights low or off anyway.

” When we had sex, which was almost every night, I felt very comfortable responding to David’s suggestions. But also increasingly I told him what I would like as well. My interest in sex had increased from direct experience with David and also from the reading and watching I was doing on a variety of on-line erotic sites. That was easy to do while my parents were away. I could hardly think of anything but sex during the day, anticipating being with David that night.

“Usually when we began, David would suggest that we try something that he enjoyed and that he hoped I would too. Almost everything he proposed sounded exciting to me and I enjoyed almost all of it. Some of his suggestions surprised me. A few nights after we had first had intercourse he asked me to straddle him as he lay on his back on my bed. ‘Now, Nora, come up here and lower your sweet pussy on my face and let me please you with my mouth before we do anything else. I like eating your pussy and if it is good for you like this I want you to ask for it anytime. I like the taste of you and to be able to see you above me, see your breasts, and hear your enjoyment as I lick your pussy and use my tongue on your clit and get you really hot. Then after you have an orgasm or whenever you feel ready I want you slide down and ride my dick until I come. You can go as fast or slow as you like but I want you to try to tighten your vagina around me and to slide all the way down on me to the bottom of my shaft until I can feel you against my balls.’

“This became one of our favorite ways to have sex during the next several weeks. I liked putting my pussy on his face. It seemed so obscene to do something called face-sitting. And I liked riding David’s cock. I liked being able to control the pace of our fucking in that position and I liked it when I lifted myself high so that his dick almost came out of me and that I could then come down hard on it. It was a real power trip when I could feel him getting close. If I stopped moving he would ask, almost beg, for me to start again. Or if I wanted to I could just go fast and hard so he would lose control entirely until he came–and sometimes I did too.

“I also liked to turn my body so I was facing away from him while I was riding him; rather than looking up to see my breasts he would be looking at me grinding on his cock and could see me tighten the muscles in my ass as I clamped around him. Several times when I was almost ready for an orgasm in that position I asked him to place his finger on my ass and then as I was starting to orgasm to just slide it in a bit. That made me feel really sexy and I believe it excited him for me to ask him. He never tried and I never asked him to put his cock in me there, though I thought about it. Some of the things I especially still enjoy, like cupping a man’s balls while I play with him or suck him, I learned to like during those times with David.

“I was becoming more confident and creative in what I could do to excite him and myself. I was learning that teasing him, making him ask for what I could give him and then making him wait for it, asking him to tell me how he lusted for me, was not cruel but actually added to our enjoyment of one another. It just made us feel sexier and hungrier for one another. That was a good lesson to learn. Don’t you agree, my husband?

“James, another of my favorite positions was being taken while on my knees and leaning down with my elbows bent and my arms supporting me. I liked the way it felt. In this position I was usually willing to give up most of the control over how fast we went. I knew how hard it was for him to stop when he really started pounding in me hard and fast. I was turned on by the thought of David being able to see his cock going in and out of me and I knew he could also see my other hole as well and I wondered if he thought about trying to take me there. Sometimes at night, if we were in the dark, I liked to click the light on so he could see me kneeling with my head down like that. And I liked to picture how it would look if I was standing beside us and watching us move against each other so he would be as deep in me as possible on each stroke. I found in this position he could do some of the teasing. He could slow or stop his strokes and make me beg for him to feed me his cock. I could ask for it or I could just try to move back against him to feel him inside. I could fuck him while he held perfectly still. I liked feeling I was the one doing the fucking and he was the one doing the taking. Every way was new to me and every way was good.

“Beyond trying all of the basic sexual positions David also introduced me to other sexual activities I had never considered as part of what a man and woman might do together. We began to describe out fantasies to each other as we fucked. One time David whispered, ‘Nora, I would like you to kiss me while some other man is fucking you and for you to tell me what you are feeling.’ You like for me to do that now don’t you, James.

” And I know I told David at least once I would like to be with him sometime while I could hear him fucking another woman and he could watch me doing it with another man–and that afterward we could talk about it.

“We looked at erotic photos and videos together. He had some favorite sites and liked showing videos of what purported to be young wives cuckolding their husbands, especially with well endowed African American men. One time we both masturbated as we watched a video of a man stroking his cock as his wife was taken by another man.

“Another time David asked me to play with myself with my skirt up as we drove around the city late at night. Several times he stopped to watch.

“These experiences, and others, deepened my appreciation for how much sex could be part of my life, as much as I wanted it to be, especially with a loving partner, and that is what I found when I married you, James.

“During the final week before he left David and I saw one another only twice. One time we met over dinner after a trip to the Nelson. Mostly we talked about and thanked each other for all we had done together over the past eight weeks. This experience obviously was much more important to me than for David because so much was new to me– though I was sure he had enjoyed the good sex and appreciated the real friendship that went with it for us. Our last time together was for lunch at the restaurant in the Museum of Contemporary Art. As a gift I gave David a water color of a beautiful young nude African American woman I had done during a small group class I had taken with an artist on the faculty at the University of Missouri Kansas City. I knew he would prize that. David gave me a history of architecture in Chicago with an added section of photos and drawings of the most important buildings in the city. I devoured that book and I began to actively use it when I reached Chicago a few weeks later. I still use it as you know.

“Until I met you James no sexual relationship and no period of time was so meaningful and so happy for me as those summer weeks with David Landsdowne. I had learned a lot about sex from him and I realized even more as time passed how thoughtful he had been as my partner and mentor. He helped me become sexually aware and conscious of my own sexual needs–and to use my sexuality to satisfy those needs.

“David left for Stanford about ten days before my parents were going to drive me to Chicago to begin college. During that short period several very attractive boys asked me for dates and I accepted one of them mainly because I thought it would help me come down from my sexual high with David but also just to see how my experience with him would affect they way I would be with other men. These quick date requests made me wonder if David had told anyone about our intimate relationship or whether the word had gotten around in some other way. Certainly people had seen David and I together in several restaurants, at museums and as we walked together in the park. Perhaps my being seen with David, who was several years older than me, made me seem more interesting to more interesting men.

“Derrick, who I had not met before, was going to be a sophomore at Princeton. When he called he told me that David had suggested he ask me out. He said he and David had known each other while they were students one year apart at the most prestigious private high school in Kansas City. David had told him I was not only a beautiful blond but also bright and interesting and open to new experiences. I wondered what else David had told him. In any case, I was eager to go out with Derrick in a way I never would have been before my rich experience with David.

“Derrick reminded me of David in being very calm and confident –and he was very good looking, taller than David and, in contrast to David, with blond hair and a fair complexion. Derrick took me to dinner at a small French restaurant near City Market and, as could have be anticipated, we talked about our plans for the coming year and beyond. He was majoring in History with thoughts of an academic career like his father who taught American literature at the University of Kansas, or of going to law school and then working in government and perhaps later in politics. I described my interests in making art and in galleries and museums and in living in a major city, Chicago.

“After dinner as he turned his car down my street I said to him, ‘Derrick, I have enjoyed being with you. Would you like go for a walk in the park before we say goodnight?’

“He parked his car at the end of our block and we made the mile long loop around the park, chatting pleasantly, and then found ourselves sitting on a shaded bench under the trees, perhaps the same bench that David and I sat on our first time together. It was getting dark and there was no moon. We began to kiss eagerly and soon I felt Derrick’s hand on my breast. I did not remove it. I decided to see what would happen if I told him how I liked to be touched there.

‘Derrick your touch feels nice, but would you just move your hand slowly across my nipples, very softly. My nipples are very sensitive and I like them being touched softly and to feel them stiffen.’

“Derrick did as I asked and I was feeling easy with him and excited about feeling sexual with another man so soon after David. I asked Derick if he would like to see my breasts and to kiss my nipples. He did, of course, and I unbuttoned my blouse for him. I liked seeing and feeling his mouth on me. As he tongued my nipples I put my hand on his crotch and found he was already quite hard. I told him I liked feeling him. I was curious to see what his cock would feel like after getting to know David’s so well. I asked Derrick if he would like for me to unzip him and to touch him. His cock was very smooth, not as large as David’s but still very nice.

‘ Derrick would you like for me to stroke you?’ I began before he could answer and I could tell how excited he was. I suspect he was also shocked things were going so far so quickly. I felt confident I knew how to tease him and give him pleasure with my hand and I did. When I could tell that he was almost ready to come, I stopped.

“I said,’Derrick, I will help you come. But first, I want you to touch me.’

I raised my skirt and pulled my panties to the side and then took his hand and moved it to my pussy. ‘You can feel that I am already very wet, Derrick. I want you to please me with your fingers and then I will finish you. Go slow at first.’

“He was touching me slowly and lightly, up and down my slit and between my outer lips. After a few minutes I took his finger and placed it where I needed it. ‘Now harder and faster Derrick. With just your finger on my clit. Yes, like that. I think you will make me come if you will do that for just a bit more.’ Very shortly I had a sweet orgasm and I thanked Derrick for being nice to me and giving me what I needed. I began to kiss him again and, as promised, to move my hand onto his dick again. He was still very hard. I began to stroke him quickly and firmly and brought him to a climax. I had my handkerchief out and caught almost all of his cum, saving him from any later embarrassment.

“I was wondering what Derrick was thinking about a young woman who had just finished high school taking the lead like that the very first time we had met. I’m sure he liked what we did but later what would his opinion be about my sexual receptivity and assertiveness.

“As we walked back toward my house I asked Derrick what he thought of what we did. He said it was wonderful and so much more than he had expected, he was very glad he had asked me to go out with him and hoped to see me again. I told Derrick I would be leaving Kansas City at the end of the following week and I would like to see him again if we could find a private place to go. So a few days later we met in the afternoon in his house while his parents were out.

“I did not want to have intercourse with him but I did want to excite him, even amaze him, and to again control what we did together. After kissing and then asking him to touch me again, I told him that I was going to do something very special for him. I asked him if he would like for me to go down on him and suck his cock, the exact words I used because I wanted to gauge his reaction. He told me he had hoped I might do that for him, I seemed a girl who liked sex and was not afraid to show it. ‘A woman,’ I said. ‘Not a girl, a woman.’ Surprised, he nodded. So I did apply myself to giving him good head and it did not take nearly as long for him to come as it had for David who had more experience and more control.

“There was one more thing I wanted to do while with Derrick, something else I thought would shock him. I was in the mood to push myself a bit before I left for college. I told Derrick I wanted him to just watch me, I wanted to do something for myself but I wanted to share it with him and for him to tell me what he was feeling. I stood and took off my clothes. I sat back in the chair opposite him and opened my legs so he had a clear view. ‘Do you like looking at me Derrick?’

“Then I began to use one hand to touch my breasts and the other hand on my pussy. ‘Do you like this Derrick. Does it make you hot?’

Derrick said, ‘This is very hot, Nora. Amazing to watch.’

‘Is your cock getting hard again, Derrick? Show me. Stroke it if you like. I would like to watch you. Maybe we can both come at the same time.’

“Derrick began to stroke himself fast and I knew he would come again quickly so I used my finger on my clit to take myself to the edge and held my pleasure there until he was coming and then I had my orgasm.

“Again I was satisfied I had given someone, Derrick, a special experience and I had drawn on my experience with David, who I thought of as I was there with Derrick. This was the last time I saw Derrick until the Christmas holidays that year. By then he was with a girl he had met at Princeton. As we said hello he whispered his thanks to me for that special experience. ‘ Mind blowing,’ was the term he used if I recall correctly.

“James, did you like hearing me talk about that first summer when I experienced real sex for the first time? What do you think of me after hearing some of the things I did with someone else the summer when I was eighteen?”

“I need to think more about this all, Nora. It seems amazing, almost unbelievable, for such an inexperienced young woman to become so engaged in such a variety of sexual experiences, including losing your virginity, and then going far beyond that, in just a few weeks. And how in the world did you become so confident and comfortable you could assert your own particular sexual preferences to a young man, including the first time you met him. It does make me see your sexuality differently, but I’m not certain quite how.”

“Do you want to hear more about my experiences, James? About some of the things I did during my college years?”

“I want you to tell me more Nora and I sense now you are enjoying it. I am learning some of your sexual views go further back than I expected. Knowing more about what you enjoyed when you were eighteen reveals more about your feelings now, not just your willingness but your eagerness to engage in new sexual adventures.”


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