Not a Relaxing Weekend Ch. 03

An adult stories – Not a Relaxing Weekend Ch. 03 by Nandemonai93,Nandemonai93 Emily’s slow drift out of slumber was cut short by the fact that even though her eyes could open, it was still completely dark. Coming to consciousness with a jolt, she tried to rub her eyes, but found herself unable to do so, as her hands were held in their position. A brief bout of panic set in until she realized what had happened. There was no danger; she had done this to herself. She took a deep breath of relief and felt her mouth was dry. The tied up girl then felt the intruders buzzing away inside and on her most sensitive area and wondered how long she had been asleep for. She could still feel the sunshine on her body and the slight breeze so it couldn’t have been long. That thought though threatened to melt away as the vibrations at her crotch were quickly bringing her to her boiling point. Grabbing hold of her restraints, she was ready to fight for this orgasm. She should probably have to cut herself out afterwards, drink some water and get out of the sun. She could keep playing inside. Oh this weekend was going to be so good…!

The tormented girl strained and moaned and arched her back and clamped down and… and…. and… nothing. The vibes cut out just as soon as she was getting close to the top of that wave that was roiling inside of her. She slumped down, her heart racing, short of breath, her breasts heaving and wobbling softly on her chest with each breath. Each and every one of those deep breaths driving the dryness of her mouth further and further down her throat. Emily decided enough was enough; it was time to get out of…

And then the vibrators kicked back on. Instantly she found herself struggling to grip her bonds and ease the tidal wave out of her body again. Closer and closer she was brought, the vibrators seeming to rise in speed along with the long awaited orgasm that was building inside of her. She was reaching the precipice so quickly now, almost there, so close, she danced along the blades’ edge, trying to tip over, so close, so close. It was maddening, now that she was there, that she had been brought there so many times, it was harder to reach the point of no return. She would have screamed out in frustration if she wasn’t biting down on her lips, the sweet torture of her small tormentors better than anything she had felt before. So close, so close. There it was! She could feel it beginning to arc and crash and…


The vibrators went dead just quick enough for the wave to fall back, leaving her with the frustration of denial. Her loins were on fire, sweat beads now running down her sides, between her toned thighs, down her breasts which were dancing to the tune of her chest struggling to fill with oxygen. It was too much, too much. She needed that release, right now. Emily started to shift her body around to allow a bit more slack to her right hand, giving herself some room to search for her out, the pair of scissors next to her. She was furiously searching for her only key to freedom when the vibrators kicked into high gear again.

“Aaaah, give me a break!”

All muscle control was lost from her body, as if it was trying to get to that sweet release no matter the cost. The naked girl began trembling in the throes of pleasure yet again, but her mind raced.

It was simply too soon. Too soon for her vibes to have been activated again. It was the same with the previous bout, but she had written it up, if at all, to the randomness of the timers. Or she simply hadn’t cared enough. Regardless, had something gone wrong with the app? Or the vibrators themselves maybe? The only thing Emily knew for sure was that she had to get out of her bondage, now to assess the potential problem as well. But it was really difficult for her to focus on the task at hand, what with her mechanical tormentors driving her nearly insane with their incessant teasing. A soft but strained moan escaped the tied up girls’ lips as she strained against her own body to search around her right hand. She patted around the soft beach towel and on the grass surrounding it. This was where she had left them… Refusing to let panic set in, she searched around again. She must have simply pushed them away or placed them a bit farther away than she remembered.

“Where the fuck is it!?” She simply had to.

It was too terrifying a thought that she had misplaced her only escape. But after the third search around her, the tied up girl slumped back onto her back and the now damp towel beneath her. It was too difficult to think with her toys forcing her to reach the tipping point yet again. Emily would have imagined that with the panic almost setting in and the frantic searching, reaching a climax would have been impossible. And it still might have been under normal circumstances, but after a week’s worth of denial, plus the day up until now, her body was too sensitive, too eager to unleash all the pent up energy inside of her. Her thoughts became jumbled up again. If she could only orgasm right now, she would have enough clarity to figure out her situation. So she rode the wave again, holding on tight to her bondage, biting down on her lips, but still, small frustrated moans escaped them. She writhed and fought and struggled and tensed up all her muscles, all for that sweet release that was coming, coming….coming….

A frustrated cry of gibberish was all Emily mustered as the vibrators went dead again, leaving her in agony. She didn’t care if anyone heard; maybe it would even be best if someone were to find her. Then at least, she could get some sweet release! …And some water… What was she thinking? She shook the thoughts away. It was time now that she had a few minutes of clear thinking to find the scissors. Turning her head to the side, Emily tried to rub her blindfold off on the towel. But try as she might, there simply wasn’t enough friction. She gave up on removing the blindfold, instead trying to feel around her with her body. Maybe…

The buzzing between her legs sent her into frenzy, the settings obviously turned to max and her sensitive areas almost hurting with the vibrations. Emily let out a yelp as her body went taut again. She hadn’t set them to max, never, not since the first and last painful time she used that setting. Something was definitely wrong here. But the vibrations kept going, and the helpless girl could do nothing but hold on and wait for her torment to stop. Slowly though, the painful sensation in her loins turned to pleasure, her body searching so hard for that release that it used anything it could. And just when Emily thought she might actually manage to get somewhere with this, the tormentors went silent. She let out the breath she hadn’t realized she was holding in, her muscles relaxing a bit. She was in the midst of taking a deep breath when they fired up again on maximum. Her breath cut short, she let out a half-choked, muffled scream, her throat too parched to let out anything stronger. Before she could compose herself though, the vibrations stopped again.

Again and again, the vibrators were turned on at maximum strength and turned off a few seconds later. Emily was writhing in her bonds, unable to stop the waves of pain and pleasure washing over her. In the chaos that was her thoughts, there was only one thing she was sure of. Someone was controlling this; someone was doing this on purpose! And that someone had taken away her only escape…


Casually seated on the shaded porch, one knee over the other and sipping her cool water, Miranda enjoyed the sight of the girl writhing in the garden, enthralled by the amount of struggle, sweat and cute little yelps the latter emanated. It seemed Emily had realized something was wrong when she couldn’t find her scissors and Miranda had confirmed it for her by simply pushing both the vibes to their max setting. Slowly, she had figured out how long Emily needed to reach the precipice of orgasm, as she went still for a few seconds before she crossed it, and had shut the invaders down each time without fail. Setting the timer to switch off well before that point, Miranda had let the phone sit beside her and enjoyed the view. Emily had struggled and yelped, fighting against her bonds and her body, the latter now drenched in sweat, her voice low.

“…P-please…please…please s-stop! Please…I-I can’t…t-t-take it…any m-more!” the tied up girl slowly rasped between struggles, her voice gravelly. “Plea-please… please I-I need so-some water… and it hu-hurts!”

Miranda enjoyed the begging as she contemplated what to do.

-Option C: Give her what she needs, but don’t let her go just yet.

“Please! I kno-know you’re there!” Emily begged.

The blonde slowly stood up, noting the intense wet feeling in-between her thighs. Her underwear were probably completely soaked by now. This was just so exciting! She grabbed a water bottle from beside her and gingerly made towards the pleading, naked girl. Before a new wave of begging began, Miranda lowered the settings on the toys to the lowest setting; just enough to remind her perverted little captive of their existence. A sigh of relief escaped the latter’s lips, and then a shiver ran down her spine.

“Th-thank you! Could you… maybe… also help me out of this?”

Leaning over, Miranda nudged her now captive’s chin with the bottom end of the water bottle. She had no intention of letting Emily go just yet, but she couldn’t let her die of thirst either. The bound girl seemed confused for a moment or two, but then slowly half-opened her mouth and lifted her head. Miranda popped the cap from the bottle and poured some of its content down the others throat. Repeating the process for a few gulps, Emily let out a small moan, signaling she’d had enough.

“Augh, thank you. I thought I would have died of thirst here…” she trailed off, a deep red blush forming rapidly on her cheeks. “Um, I know how this looks… but uh… I’d really like to get out… so…”

Miranda stayed silent as she reached in her pocket for one of the items she had pilfered upstairs.

“Oh, I know, I’m wearing headphones! That’s why I can’t hear you! Wait, I-” she stopped when her unknown watcher nudged her yet again with the water bottle.

As Emily opened her mouth obediently yet again, albeit in slight confusion, Miranda slammed home the ball gag she had picked up. Before her captive could even flinch she reached around and cinched it tight. Strands of chocolate colored hair were caught between the straps and cheeks, but it would do for now. The bound girl, reeling from surprise, began complaining behind her gag, the sound of her garbled speech making Miranda weak at the knees. She adored those sounds so much!

Taking a step back, she dumped the rest of the still cold water on top of her captives’ chest and crotch. A muffled scream echoed in the small garden, accompanied by the creaking of the ropes straining to keep the athletic girl stretched out. Her body went taught, as did her nipples from the sudden chill, standing at attention on top of the quivering soft flesh that was her breasts. The blonde took that opportunity to adorn her captive with the other item from her pocket; a pair of nipple clamps. The bound girl squealed at the sudden pressure, shaking her head violently no! Miranda ignored her, instead tapping away at the phone. Soon enough, the squeals turned to mewls and moans as the vibrators slowly brought Emily back to the previous, near-orgasmic state.

By now, the bully was breathing heavily, her own state not that far off from the auburn beauty struggling in front of her. Reaching a hand down the front of her jeans she felt an incredulous amount of wetness. Her panties had begun soaking through and if she wanted a clean pair of pants to wear later, well… In the process of kicking off her shoes, she noticed the discarded bag in the corner again. The thought occurred she hadn’t searched through that one, not yet at least. Stepping out of her slightly moist jeans, Miranda grabbed the bag and headed for the porch. Pants and moans intermixed with disappointed whines and muffled begging now flooded the garden as the vibrators tirelessly worked over the tormented girl. It made focusing on anything else very hard for Miranda.

Tossing her pants to one of the chairs, she sat at the edge of the porch, keeping her captive in full view as she opened the bag. A few books and notebooks along with a change of clothes; and something packed in paper towels. Nothing of real interest, except… A packed snack, Miranda thought. No, no too small and… oddly shaped. Curiosity got the better of her and she began unpacking the thing. Her fingers touched something soft, rubbery and slightly slippery. Wha… oh! The realization hit her like a gut-punch. She stared at the toy in her hands for a few moments, the gears of her mind nearly audible from exertion. Her eyes wandered over to the squirming frame of the bound girl, then back to the plug. So, this was the reason the up and coming team captain had taken such a bad tumble earlier today. What on earth had possessed her to play with this inside her, Miranda wondered.

The reveal of it all was a bit too much for her, as the bully could now no longer resist the onset of burning desire building in her loins. Hooking two fingers on either side of them, she nearly ripped off her panties, tossing them off somewhere. She didn’t really care at this point. Reaching with expert fingers, she found her own sweet spot and set about granting herself the release Emily had needed for a long time. Listening to the sounds of begging and moaning from the struggling, panting girl bound by her own hand, Miranda found her other hand reaching underneath her shirt and bra, fingers twirling around her nipple as the palm kneaded the soft breast that hosted it. It didn’t take long, what with the visual and auditory experience she was having, not to mention the immense, nearly sinister feeling of power that flooded her heart. She bit her lips as the explosive climax rocked her body, trying to keep any sound from escaping. Even in this state, she tried desperately not to let the other know who the holder of her freedom was.

Before the first one had even subsided, her fingers had already begun working for a second orgasm, as if on a mind of their own. In what little conscious thought she could muster, she tried stopping as she knew another one would be harder to achieve, and yet, she tried. She kept fondling herself with the other hand, yearning somewhere deep down to reach over and touch the bound girl instead. But that would require her getting up close, which she didn’t particularly feel like doing at the moment. Instead, she kept rubbing and flicking, pinching and rolling until eventually, she neared the edge. A sudden burst of incoherent, garbled mumbling from the restricted robust girl sent shivers up Miranda’s spine, forming the final push needed. A cry of pleasure escaped behind gritted teeth as she fell back, the waves of pleasure running like honey across her body.


Whoever her assailant was, they had proven to be cruel already. Yes, they gave her water, but then tricked her into a ball gag, not to mention the cold shower or the clamps. Well, maybe she didn’t mind the gag and clamps so much, but that was beside the point! They had taken her escape away, along with her ability to speak and the control of her vibrators obviously. Emily couldn’t even begin to wonder what other things they had done while she wasn’t awake. How long had they been there, just watching her?

Somewhere deep, deep down the true feeling of helplessness stoked the already red-hot fires of her desire, but it wasn’t the time. This was a serious problem and she couldn’t give in to those feelings. Even if they hadn’t hurt her yet, who’s to say they wouldn’t do so later, or rob her blind, or even leave her here until her parents came home? Dread flooded her mind, as she tried to bargain, beg and plead. All efforts were for naught though, her gag made it impossible for any coherent speech. She kept at it anyway, too stubborn to simply give up.

All until the vibes kicked back up to their previous speed. No! Not again, she protested. Testing her bonds for the umpteenth time, she found them as unforgiving as ever. She refused to give in, but there was nothing she could do now. Pretty soon, much sooner than she would’ve liked for the situation she was in, Emily’s thoughts melded away, becoming jumbled as her weary body tried to reach relief. But there was none to be found. The same pattern of denial had been set into her infernal tormentors, an inescapable, unending ride on waves of pleasure that would never crash. Try as she might, she simply couldn’t reach it, but try she did. As before, she clamped down on tired muscles, pulled on her ropes with all her might, tried to find friction where none could be found. She bit down hard on her gag, as her sensitive, clamped nubs were flung about with every sudden movement, yet she couldn’t help herself. Time and time again, she was denied.

Emily couldn’t even think. In brief moments of clarity, she tried to remove her blindfold or her earplugs by force, to no avail. She merely managed to frustrate herself more. This was inescapable. She had made sure of it. And now, someone had taken things outside of her control. How did this even happen? Was someone here all along? Was she followed? All the doors were… No, not all of them were locked. She had forgotten to lock the gate! Stupid, so fucking stupid! She had made such a mess of things, again! In a bout of uncontrolled fury and frustration, driven mad by the incessant buzz of her own toys, she began cursing at herself as loudly as she could, straining against the ropes. She fought as violently as she could and for a brief moment, she thought she might just faint. Forcing herself to relax, as much as that was possible, she prepared mentally for all that was to come. There was nothing else she could do after all…


Breathing hard, Miranda slowly opened her eyes. Strands of blond hair obscured her vision while her right hand trembled from exertion. Slowly picking herself back up, she noted the disheveled condition of her clothing, or what remained of it. Wiping her hands on her thighs, she set about re-arranging her bra and t-shirt. Emily showed no sign of having heard her previous outcry or being anywhere near escaping her bonds; or cumming, for that matter. Still basking in the afterglow of satisfaction, she found herself wondering how long her pervy little captive had been denied. Definitely since she arrived, but the current settings on the app were not far off from how she’d found them. Maybe that was the plan all along? Well, they always say to be careful what you wish for.

Having the clarity of post-climax, Miranda began thinking about the situation she found herself in. There was a very naked, very tied up, very hot, very bothered and very, very much under her control Emily in front of her. She’d originally come over in the hopes of garnering peace while working out whether her teammate was an unannounced carpet-muncher. But only as ammunition to be used for her incessant ‘teasing’, of course! There was absolutely no other reason she wanted to know, she assured herself! However, she had discovered a LOT more than that. She had the pictures yes, but she didn’t yet know if she really wanted to come out with all of it. It was perhaps better to keep this all for her own benefit. No harm could come, to her at least, from having all of this ‘dirt’ on Emily.

Somewhere deep down though, Miranda already knew she didn’t want to tell a soul. This was a perfect situation for her. She could finally see to satisfying her dominant urges, along with other, more… subtle urges at the same time. There was an abundance of time and toys to try out, along with a test subject to use them on. Speaking of which, she thought, perhaps it’s time for a change.

She thought about lowering the vibes as she stepped inside to procure the items needed, but decided against it. It’d be best to keep Emily occupied as the transition happened. Slightly opening the window, so as to hear her captive, Miranda set about picking out some locks and keys from the pile on the bed. No longer having any pockets to stuff things in, she had to make a couple round trips to bring them all. If it was weird to be walking around completely bottomless in a stranger’s house, Miranda never felt it so. Her mind was focused solely on further planning out her scheme.

Having set up the things she wanted inside the house, her focus returned to the writhing mess of orgasmic energy and moans that was Emily, still bound and tormented in the garden. Making her way to the upper part of the bound girl, Miranda stepped on something wet and slippery. Jumping back, thinking it was a bug or something, she laughed nervously as she realized it was her previously discarded undergarments. Kicking them aside, she continued with her plan, kneeling near the head of her captive where she had both her arms and their anchor points in reach. She set about wrapping a leather collar around the girls’ throat, something that was met with more resistance than the gag. It seemed her teammate had been expecting something like this. A brief struggle ensued, which, in the end, didn’t matter as with a bit more effort, Miranda victoriously tightened the strap of the collar, before feeding a small padlock through its loop. She wasn’t planning on taking any chances.

In the aftermath, the headphone cords had become tangled, one of them dangling loose. So much for keeping ‘stealthy’, the bully thought as she carefully pulled the whole thing off and tossed it away. At this point, it would have been difficult to keep the fidgeting beauty completely sensory deprived anyway. She got a firm grip on the rope that held Emily’s right hand with her own left and began cutting with the other, using the scissors. The bound girl, feeling the change in her bonds, tensed up in expectation, yet there was nothing else she could do.

It was a longer task than expected, since scissors were not exactly the tool for this job, yet she persisted. Once the rope was loose, Miranda fed a padlock through a different D-ring of the leather cuff before she began pulling the rope to bring her captive’s arm upwards. Emily didn’t exactly resist the movement, but she didn’t go along with it either, forcing Miranda to tug hard on the rope. In that moment, Emily tried to pry her arm free, in an attempt to remove the blindfold, or the gag, Miranda didn’t know. She only knew to immediately place all of her strength in keeping the arm down. Another struggle ensued, with loud moaning and muffled words coming from the tied up girl. Inevitably, the blonde won, having all the advantage she needed to do so. Taking a deep breath, she placed her knee on the other’s wrist, in order to keep it down as she prepared for the rest of her plan.

Her hands now free, she tapped Emily on the forehead, as you would a misbehaving dog. A loud whine was her reply, along with more indecipherable gagged speech. Miranda resigned to waiting for a pleasure high to move her plan along. Foolishly, she hadn’t brought the phone along, nor could she go and get it at this point. Fortunately for her, she didn’t need to wait long as the sweating girl beneath her bucked and squirmed once more to the tune of an incessant buzz. Moving quickly, she brought the free arm of her captive around, feeding the padlock after a few tries through a D-ring on the other cuff, effectively binding Emily’s hands together. The latter didn’t take it sitting down, struggling all the way, albeit feebly.

Feeding some of the rope she’d found through the padlock, the blonde pulled on it until the bound arms became taught, then knelt on it, keeping her thigh away from any questioning fingers, as she kept a grip, creating even more leverage. Beyond giving her all the control she needed, it also squelched the fight from her victim. Completely ignoring all questioning sounds coming from the bound girl, she fed that same rope through the large ring on the collar she had forced on Emily, pulling tight. Beginning the slow work of cutting through the other rope, Miranda enjoyed the view, looking down the naked body of her athletic teammate.

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