Not so Frozen Bk. 03 by 88girfriend,88girfriend

“No, thank you.” He cut her off and then closed the door on her practically in her face.

He sighed with relief at the silence only to have it broken a minute later by Elsie’s voice, “I think she likes you.”

Elsie lay on what he presumed was the guest bed wearing a sky-blue woolen sweater, matching woolen socks that came all the way up to mid-thigh, a smile and nothing else. “Do you know how muddled and afraid I have been for the last 20 minutes?” Josef asked as he walked over to Elsie. “I thought you were mad at me for something. I thought I had said something wrong or not followed some sort of custom.”

Josef finger combed his hair. Elsie helped him out of coat and tie. He kept talking and she kept undressing him. “That woman more than likes me. Maybe you could get her a job outside of the castle. I mean I like her, she is sweet, but that woman is in love.”

Elsie had his shirt off, his suspenders hanging down and her fingers entangled in his chest hair. “I can’t blame her. I want you too.”

Elsie went right for his left nipple and started to suck on it. Josef forgot about Inga and about being inside stone walls. He even forgot about breathing a couple of times. Elsie fumbled with his pants as she started to kiss him on the lips. He smelled so good. A slightly musky, manly smell mixed with his usual scent of mint and lavender. She didn’t know why but it was driving her crazy. “I need you, Josef.” She said between kisses. “I need you in me. I need to feel your hard cock inside me. I need to be one with you right now.”

“Are you sure?” Josef straightened up after taking off his boxers. “I’m hard but dry.” He warned.

“Don’t worry Josef,” Elsie produced a small dish of olive oil. He tasted it and rubbed it between his thumb and index finger. Elsie laid on the bed on her back. “Will that work?”

“I can’t see why not.” He answered dripping a little of it on his hardening shaft.

As instructed Josef stuck the head of his dick into Elsie’s waiting mound. As she had told him, she was wet. Her pussy juice covered his lance and he stuck his shaft slowly inch by inch into her pussy. It had been tight before and it was just as tight now. Josef pulled out and then slowly pushed back in. When he had rooted himself as deep as he could go, Elsie grabbed both of his forearms. “No, don’t pull out. I want you in me. I want us to be one. How long can you hold this position?”

Josef’s voice was husky, “until the stars fall from the sky.”

Elsie started to move her hips a little and it may have been only Josef’s imagination but it was like the muscles of her vagina were milking his dick. It felt like tiny fingers wrapped around his shaft at its base and then massaged down the full length of his cock. He was having to try more than usual to not cum right then and there. Elsie was still moving her hips in an almost trance like state then she opened her eyes wide and went limp.

Josef pulled out and did his best to not erupt. He walked over and looked at a panting of a guy with a monocle. Then he looked through the end-table only finding a few blank pieces of paper and a lot of dust. Now still feeling horny but way more under control he returned to the goddess laying on the bed and rested beside her. She smiled at him. “That was wonderful.”

Elsie meant to massage his waning member but instead found it still hard and ready to go again. She looked down at his still erect penis and frowned. “Did I do something wrong?”

“Not at all. It took all of my concentration to not cum right away.” Josef explained to her.

“Why wouldn’t you want to cum in me? It’s fine. I don’t think it’s disgusting or anything. In fact,” she smiled mischievously, “I think it’s really nice.”

The idea of having a child with Josef ran through Elsie’s mind and she couldn’t believe how much it turned her on. She couldn’t remember but she was pretty sure she had her flow about ten days ago. Mother had said something about two weeks Elsie thought but could not remember. In any case the longer it took to get her with child the more time they would have to practice.

“Yes, for me too.” Josef tried to explain, “but for most of us, men that is, we can only do it once then we have to rest for a while and to be honest the first time is the one that feels the best”

Elsie put her hand in front of her mouth to cover her, “Oh.”

Josef put his hands under the sweater and started to rub Elsie’s breasts. “I like to make sure my partner has enjoyed themselves a couple of times before I cum,” Josef started to say.

Elsie was momentarily distracted. Her nipples hardened as Josef touched them but then she was back on mission. She kissed him to stop him from talking. When they broke their kiss Elsie started, “Well, I have a new plan. You cum whenever you feel the need and don’t you dare do this holding back stuff anymore. Once a month with you, all of you, is better than a hundred times in one night, knowing you’re not thinking about me 99 percent.”

Josef looked at her confused, “99 percent?”

“Well of course you can’t think of me 100 percent.” Elsie began to wrap her finger in a stray lock of his hair. “You would stop breathing.”

He kissed her, “Yes, but what a noble way to die.”

Elsie kissed him again. Then crawled on top of him as she had before. She reached down and put his dick in her. She was still soaking wet. This time there was no fumbling or experimentation like back in the cabin. They got right back into the rhythm they had perfected the night before. Elsie came again and collapsed onto Josef’s chest. He couldn’t believe how much he loved this woman he had barely known until a few days ago.

The animal within him took over. He stood up with his dick still inside her and began to lifter her up and down. Elsie wrapped her legs around his hips. She put her hands on his shoulders more to steady then support herself, as Josef didn’t seem to need any of her help. She caught a glimpse of their reflection in the full-length mirror behind Josef. She watched as his muscles strained and rippled. It was hypnotizing and so erotic to watch herself get fucked by this mountain of a man.

“I’m not hurting you am I Elsie?” Josef asked still a little concerned about her limits.

“You couldn’t be farther from hurting me if you were in the Americas,” Elsie responded.

Elsie didn’t know why but an image of Inga face came into Elsie’s mind. They had grown up together in the castle. Inga knew everything about Elsie. Inga had been one of the few servants that was trusted to stay on after Elsie had hurt Anna the first time. She was a good and loyal servant, but more than that she had been Elsie’s friend, and her only real connection to the outside world for so many years.

Elsie’s back brushed up against one of the bed posts. She instinctively reached up and behind her head grabbing the post. She kept trying to get a grip but found no hand holds. I flash of blue light later the problem was solved by the two icicles that now stuck out of the post. They were already starting to melt but Elsie didn’t care. She didn’t need them to last for long.

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