Of Rats and Men_(3) by smilerknight

Introduction: A girl meets a man in a dark alleyway. , In his dark gray van, the man followed the teenage girl through the nearly abandoned streets. It was a quiet, starless night; he could just barely glimpse the girl as she walked underneath the dim streetlights and through the silvery moonlight emitted by the glowing orb far, far above. Up ahead, the girl stopped at an intersection, waiting for the few cars to cross, and the man had a chance to look her over once again. She was young, perhaps eighteen years old, with a slender, gently curving body, sky blue eyes, and long blonde hair that he could discern even from this distance. Then, the lights flashed green, and she continued away from the sparse traffic, closer to him.

After a few blocks, she turned into an alleyway. The man decided that this was the moment. He nimbly pulled his van over to the side of the road, at the mouth of the alley, and silently walked after the girl, one hand reaching into his pocket.

Anna was tired, and she wanted to get home as soon as possible. The darkness of the alleyway unnerved her a little, but it was a quick shortcut and she didn't want to linger in the lifeless streets. She slid her hands into the pockets of her thin coat, and kept walking.

Without warning, a shape rushed at her from the shadows. She only had time to inhale before a broad hand covered her mouth. She screamed, but the sound was muffled and there was no one else around to hear anything. She writhed and twisted, but the figure behind her blocked all of her movements. Suddenly, she felt something smooth and eerily cold at her throat.

“Don't move,” a harsh voice crackled. The blade glided over her skin, and Anna froze.

The man couldn't help but smile, even though he knew that she couldn't see it. With his arm wrapped around the girl from behind, hand over her soft lips, he could feel her firm breasts and her quick, frightened breathing. His other hand kept the ten-inch blade steady at her throat.

“Shhh…” he whispered into her ear. He slowly withdrew the blade for a moment, curling his arm around her. He ran the blade up the front of her slim body, cutting away her violet coat and leaving her in her shirt. He tossed the coat away, not caring where it landed. It didn't matter – by the time he was done, no one would ever find her again. Then, he reached down to where her slender legs were sheathed in tight jeans, and tore off the button. The girl began shaking her head and whimpering. He tightened his arm around her, feeling her fast breaths.

The man pushed her over to the side of the alley, face-first towards a wall. She cried out, the sound muffled by his hand, and raised her hands to the rough brick. He pressed his body into hers, forcing her against the wall. She seemed to know what was about to happen and kept her legs close together. It made no difference. He reached down once again, grabbing the waistline of her jeans, and yanked them to halfway down her smooth thighs. Her light blue panties were now fully exposed to the cold night air, and he noticed with mild amusement that they matched the shade of her eyes. The girl began to writhe again, but he pressed her even harder into the wall with his body, forcing his hips forward. He kept a hand firmly over her mouth, and with the other, he unzipped his own jeans. He forced his groin into the her back, and he was sure that she could feel his free erection. The girl tried to push back against him, her hands against the wall, but he was much stronger than she was. He stepped forwards, placing his feet on either side of her tightly closed legs. The man reached down with the blade one final time, tucked it away, and let his fingers travel around her exposed panties. The girl was visibly shaking now. He let his fingers trace over her vaginal lips, hidden by the thin material; then, with a deep breath, he hooked two fingers around the strip of cloth and pulled it to the side.

Anna felt the cold air on her labia, devoid of its final protective layer. She twisted and turned, but the man behind her had an iron grip with his hand and arm. Suddenly, she felt the heat of his shaft between her legs. Various thoughts fluttered desperately through her mind. She was no virgin, but she had only done it a few times with other boys her age. The man still had his other hand down there with his shaft, and she gasped when he roughly jammed a finger inside her. It was only the tip, yet he wriggled it around between her vaginal lips, rubbing over her inner walls to her discomfort. She let out a whimper as a second finger entered her, spreading her labia open. Without warning, the man delved his fingers deep inside her, going all the way until she felt his knuckles pressing against her outer lips. He stayed like that, painfully rotating his fingers around, curling them up, and spreading them out inside her, while his bony knuckles rubbed against her labia and clitoris; she could do nothing more than writhe a few centimeters in an attempt to dislodge him.

After a while, though, the man seemed to have enough. He quickly withdrew his fingers and she gasped, surprised at the sudden sensation of friction. He pressed his upper body against hers, forcing her chest flat against the wall with her hips slightly back, and Anna turned her head to the side to avoid getting her face crushed against the bricks. His hand moved between her legs, and the warm head of his cock traced up and down her labia. Again without warning, the man jerked his hips forward and she felt the large tip painfully force its way between her vaginal lips, spreading them far wider than she had experienced before. Her eyes widened, but he did not stop, so she had no time to adjust to his size and the fullness inside her before his balls were already against her vaginal lips. The huge shaft pulsed against her inner walls, and its giant tip pressed against her cervix. After a few seconds, the man drew back, until only the tip was inside her. With no lubrication, the friction against her inner walls was sheer pain, and she cried out as he forced his way back inside, until his tip hit her cervix once again. The man didn't care, though, and only continued to move faster.

Bent over with hands on the wall, she whimpered in pain each time he plowed inside her and gasped each time he withdrew. Nevertheless, he kept moving, faster and more intense each time. Anna could feel him slowly swelling inside her, stretching her insides even more. The man reached around her with both his arms, still covering her mouth with one hand but grasping her throat with the other; he pulled her back towards his body, arms wrapped around her, until her back was flush with his stomach and lower chest. She tried to alleviate the pressure at her throat, vainly attempting to curl his fingers away with both her hands. He thrusted inside her faster and faster now, and she gasped in realization. Beating her hands back against his stomach and legs, she shook her head and twisted against his grip, but the man did not care. With one final, immense thrust, the tip of his cock hit her cervix and his shaft pulsed deep inside her. She felt ropes and ropes of his disgustingly hot, sticky semen coat her inner walls and pool inside her, knowing that she had just been impregnated by an adult man. She had never allowed the boys she had slept with to finish inside. He continued to hug her from behind, hands groping her breasts through her shirt, as his cock kept erupting streams of thick fluid against her cervix. Eventually, his breaths slowed, and he relaxed, his shaft sliding out of her as he let go and turned to lean backwards against the wall next to her. Thick, white strings of his semen still connected the tip of his cock to her vagina, which was now dripping the rest of his sperm in long, hanging strings. She turned and looked at the man for the first time, seeing his unshaven, aging face, his broad body, and his strangely wide eyes. He had already zipped up his jeans, and the strings of semen were now connected to his fingers; he promptly reached between her legs and wiped it off on her labia. She looked down, and saw a puddle of thick white liquid underneath her, growing larger and larger as more semen dripped out of her. The man simply leaned there against the brick wall, regaining his breath and watching her stumble around with her jeans still halfway down her thighs, with one hand keeping her panties to the side and the other keeping her vagina open as the ropes of semen flowed out of her and dripped slowly to the ground.

After several minutes, the disgusting, thick flow still had not ceased; suddenly, the man stood up and roughly grabbed her arm. He began walking, dragging her behind him, seemingly not caring about the trails of semen dripping out of her. She began to scream, but he forced one hand over her mouth once again. She could taste his own vile semen on his fingers, and it occurred to her this was what had just been inside her own body. Exiting the alleyway, the man yanked her towards a large gray van, opened the back doors, and shoved her inside, slamming the doors closed behind her. It was windowless and pitch black; after a few seconds, she heard him get into the front and start the engine. The van rumbled, and then they were moving.

Her jeans were still halfway down her thighs, and her panties still pulled aside. In the darkness, she could still feel the man's thick semen steadily flowing out of her, pooling between her closed legs and on the carpet beneath her vagina. Her insides still felt abnormally stretched. Gasping, Anna began to cry.

Once they arrived at the man's lair, he wasted no time. His clients demanded punctuality, and he never delivered late. He was looking forward to this, too – this was something new, for once.

The teenage girl was unconscious now, perhaps unable to deal with the shock. He didn't care, as long as she was still alive. She only needed to be alive for a little bit longer, anyways. He carried her remarkably light body into his basement, to a white mattress on a bed frame. He laid her in the center, and used precise knots of rope to tie her wrists to either side of her shoulders, her ankles to the bottom corners of the bed frame, and her waist to a metal ring in the middle of the frame. She now lay on her back, with her small hands a few inches to the sides of her shoulders and her slim legs wide open, knees a few inches in the air. He took out his blade again, and with surgical precision, removed her jeans but kept her shirt on and unbuttoned. He debated on the panties, but decided in the end that keeping them pulled aside would be fine. Lastly, he gagged her with a piece of cloth. The sight of her, lying unconscious on her back with panties pulled aside and vagina exposed was beyond alluring. Even her tight shirt, covering her firm, perky breasts, almost caused him to lose control. She was still unconscious, though, and deciding that it would be easier to do what he had to do now while she was asleep, the man went back to work.

First, he made sure that the lighting was optimal – he did not want it too bright, but it had to be sufficiently illuminated so that everything was visible. Then, he adjusted the various cameras around the room, ensuring that they were all set at the appropriate angles. Walking over to the girl, he brought the plastic Tupperware box and took off the lid. Inside was a large wedge of brie cheese. He reached between her legs and spread open her vaginal lips with two fingers. He could still see ropes of thick white liquid inside her, and confirmed by reaching inside with a third finger. He did not want to clean it out, though, and he supposed that it should be unnecessary – the creatures weren't exactly picky eaters. Thus, the man dipped three fingers into the wedge of cheese, scooping up soft chunks, and shoved them inside the girl, smearing them over her the walls of her vagina as deep as he could reach, moving his fingers in and out until the wedge of cheese was completely gone. Withdrawing, he watched her labia flutter closed behind them, marveling at the enduring tightness of her teenage vagina. There was no sign of what he had just done to her.

Now, the man went out of the room and came back with a large box connected on the top to a long, thin rubber tube. He picked up the tube and hoped that his measurements had been correct. It was just over an inch in diameter. He carefully placed the box on the ground by the bed, making sure that the tube was coming out of the top of the box. Taking the tube, he brought it between the girl's open legs. He looked at her face, and her eyes were still closed. It didn't matter if she was pretending – she didn't have to be conscious for this part, at least. He looked down at her exposed vagina, and spread it open with two fingers again. This time, though, he spread it open as far wide as he could, observing once again the remarkable tightness of the teen girl. Keeping her lips spread open, he guided the rubber tube to her labia and pushed it inside a few inches. Removing his fingers, he watched her vaginal lips once again close gently around the foreign object, despite it being several times larger this time. A strange, squeaky noise startled him – perhaps that had been too uncomfortable and she was beginning to awaken. Then, the man realized that the noise was coming from the box on the ground. No surprise, he thought. They could probably smell it inside her already, through the airholes in the box. Beside him on the bed, the girl stirred, movements restrained by her bonds. Perfect timing, the man thought to himself, and smiled. He activated the cameras – some recording, others broadcasting live.

On the bed, the girl tried to turn. Finally opening her blue eyes, she looked around confusedly, and then widened her eyes as she saw him, sitting at the side of the bed staring down at her. She tried to make noise, but it was all muffled by the gag. Upon her realization that she was almost completely restrained, he saw her breasts begin to rise and fall in fear. The man glanced upwards one last time, ensuring that all the cameras had their power lights on.

“Don't worry,” he said. “I won't hurt you.”

The girl did not seem to hear him. Perhaps now she could feel the large rubber tube inside her, or the copious amounts of brie cheese that he had smeared all over her inner walls until her vagina was filled with a thick, moist mixture of the dairy product and his semen. She tried to raise her head and look down her body, but due to her hands being restrained, she could barely lift her head off the mattress. He supposed she could at least see part of the rubber tube extending into the air between her legs and off to the side of the bed, although he doubted she could see the box on the ground, and she definitely could not see where the tube entered her. The man looked at the girl, looked into her fearful blue eyes, and then glanced away.

Anna was beyond afraid. She had no idea how she had gotten here or what he was going to do to her. She remembered what he had done to her in the alleyway, and remembered being in his van, but could not recall anything after that. She was restrained in an uncomfortable position; her legs were open but not flat on the mattress, and she could not move her hands at all. She could only tilt her head to the sides and a few degrees forwards and backwards. Above all, she felt an immense discomfort between her legs, as if he had masturbated inside her several more times and then shoved a giant cylindrical plug just inside her vagina. Her inner walls were tightly gripping something cold, hard, and wide, and she could feel an oddly warm, viscous liquid congealing deep within her. She wondered if he had pumped some mixture inside her. A shadow fell across her face, and she recoiled into the mattress as the man reached over with a hand and brushed a loose strand of her blonde hair off her face. Anna looked at him confusedly. Expressionless, the man reached below her line of sight with his other arm, and she heard a clatter, as if he had knocked something over. Then, she heard a rush of strange squeaking noises, felt a scurrying vibration along the object inside her, and her eyes widened in shock upon a sudden burst of sensation.

He had done it. He had tipped over the box, so that the rubber tube now lay parallel to the ground, branching off one of the side walls. A flurry of squeaks permeated the air; he heard the rapid movements, just as the girl must have felt them inside her. Now that the box's exit could be reached, the rats, having been starved for weeks, dashed one-by-one through the newly available pathway towards the irresistible scent of sustenance. Rats were dumb animals, the man thought. When the exit to the tube had been on the top of the box, the rats could have been able to stack onto each other and escape, but they were too desperate to do so after nearly starving to death. Now that the tube was freely accessible on the side wall, the rats disappeared in seconds.

The girl must have had no idea what had been going on. Most of the rats were still scurrying through the tube, but he had no doubt that she could feel the few that were already moving inside her. The girl's eyes were wide, and she was soundlessly shaking her head in pain. Each time one of the rats entered her, she shook in her restraints and her legs jerked in a frantic, useless attempt to close them. As the box emptied, her movements became more and more erratic, her head shaking quicker and quicker. Odd, wet, slurping sounds began to emanate from inside the girl, whose legs shook with desperation. The man looked away from the tube, away from the thudding movements inside it, away from where it disappeared inside her, and fixed his eyes on her face. He could not resist her expression of helplessness and agony.

Beneath the lights of the cameras and gazes of the hidden audiences, he bent over the girl. Even as she writhed beneath him, he draped himself over her and grasped her face in his hands. He stared into her wide blue eyes for a few seconds, cherishing her pained, shocked expression, before reaching downwards and ripping open the top half of her shirt. Buttons flew around the room, but he stared hungrily down at her firm, exposed breasts, lovingly supported in a matching blue bra. He groped her breasts with one hand, not even bothering to remove her bra, and with the other, he reached down between her legs to where the rubber tube entered her. Running his fingers over her soft labia, massaging them around the cool tube, feeling the stretched curve of her vaginal lips, he sensed each agonized shudder of her body. Tracing around her distended vagina, he could feel the rodents moving within, ravenously consuming the liquid mixture inside her, wildly clawing and biting for their share, no doubt confused and disoriented in the darkness. The rats were not large, but he knew she could feel their small furred bodies rapidly darting around and climbing over each other in the search for sustenance, gnawing for every last morcel inside her. Perhaps some were already burrowing away deeper inside, giving up on the mixture in favour of the main course. All this was too much for him, so he unzipped his jeans and began furiously stroking his shaft mere inches away from her labia. He doubted she even noticed.

It only took a few seconds before he climaxed with his cock in his hand, jabbing it between her legs at her vaginal lips. He sprayed his thick semen for several seconds around where the the tube entered her; when he was done, her labia were dripping with ropes of sperm once again. There was a pool of fluid around her clitoris, gently beginning to flow down to her stretched vaginal opening. He caught his breath for a few moments, and when he turned back to the girl, he noticed that the tube had stopped moving. The box was empty.

The man looked at the girl again. She was still twisting in her restraints, desperately tilting her head and trying to close her legs, even though it would do no good now. In fact, he decided to let her do just that. He sat up and grasped the rubber tube protruding from between her legs. He gave it a tug, but it did not move; perhaps the mixture had completely congealed and glued the tube to her insides. He pulled harder and harder, until it suddenly shifted an inch. There was a brief outbreak of muffled squeaking, and the girl's eyes widened even further. Ignoring her, the man tugged, and inch by inch, the tube slowly moved until it popped out of her with a wet slurp. Just like before, despite the immense distension, her vaginal lips gently closed. The thick semen that he had ejaculated on her labia began to flow down into her vagina. Except for her jerking movements and the wet sounds, there was no sign of what was happening inside the girl.

The man ran one hand over her breasts again, feeling her cleavage with his fingers while he traced her vaginal lips with his other hand. The sounds inside her had changed; they were no longer wet and slurping, but more of a thick smacking, grinding sound now. With his hand just above her vagina, he could feel the rapid movements inside her. Each time there was a particularly loud burst of sound, the girl's hips jerked, and her head shook wildly. She seemed to be moving slower less frequently now, though. He looked into her wide eyes, and saw them shimmering with agonized tears.

However, the grisly sounds were not fading. He decided to unbind the girl's ankles; it made no difference if she started to flail around, as the creatures would not be coming out of her from where they went in. He reached down and cut the knots around her ankles. Now, she was only restrained by her hands and her waist.

Immediately, the girl's legs snapped closed. She looked directly into his eyes, with that same pleading, agonized expression. He stared back. She kept her legs together, still shuddering, and curled them ever so slightly up towards her body. Now, her labia were visible between her closed legs and the man reached down to caress them with his free hand. The thick grinding sound from inside her suddenly became louder and the girl let out a muffled cry. Tears streaked her face. Perhaps the rats had burrowed past her cervix; perhaps they were in her womb now. Her movements began to slow. He raised his hand from her breasts to her throat, feeling for a pulse. He bent his head over her face and tilted his ear, listening for breathing. He felt a very faint pulse and heard very faint breaths, and realized that it was the beginning of the end for her.

Suddenly, he felt something wet on his other hand down by her legs. He glanced over, and saw a thin blood trail emerging from her vagina, running down her legs onto the mattress. Looking up, he made sure that it was visible to the cameras. The girl seemed to feel it, and she closed her eyes, tears still dripping. Her movements were almost imperceptible now; her hands still trembled, but her body was mainly still. He could still feel and hear the rodents consuming her from the inside out. They had probably reached her internal organs. He tilted his head over her face and heard no breath. Raising his hand to her throat once again, this time he felt nothing. Looking down, he noticed that the stream of blood had grown to a flow, gushing from inside her and pooling underneath. The girl had stopped moving; he took one of her hands in his own and felt its cooling warmth. The man sat up, straightened his clothes, and left the room, leaving the vermin to their meal. He made sure the cameras were still transmitting. Read 22440 times | Rated 67.2 % | (58 votes) Vote list (Close) :
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