Off The Shoulder

An adult stories – Off The Shoulder by EmilyMiller,EmilyMiller I’m normally an office rat, but, every few months, they let me out of my cage. Conferences, seminars, symposia, I had no clue what the difference was, to be honest. You sat and listened to presentations from industry peers. Or had to endure blatant sales pitches from vendors and consulting companies masquerading as helpful case studies. Infomercials is what they were. Sometimes, like this week, I gave a talk myself. I wondered if the audience found my sessions as boring as I did other people’s.

You were meant to network, of course. Then I’d never been good at that type of thing. I’d gravitate to the same handful of people I already knew, slightly jaded regulars like me. I know I’m not selling this. On the positive side, it got me away from my desk. Away from the job I had been doing for fifteen years, pretty much in the same exact way. Let’s say that my career had peaked early, shall we?

Speaking of networking, some attendees took this aspect very seriously. Put a bunch of middle aged people, maybe not overly burdened with excitement in their personal lives, in a hotel together, with easy access to alcohol, and infidelity is going to be rife. On top of that, there were generally a few working girls around. It must have been like shooting fish in a barrel for them. I sometimes wondered if there were also male escorts at these events. Not every female delegate, and there were more each year, was going to want to swim in the pool of forty- or fifty-something, male middle managers. I’d also heard stories of hotel staff providing additional services to guests.

A lot of stuff was going on and more than once I had been forced to listen to banging headboards and poorly suppressed screams coming from adjoining rooms.

That had not been for me. Not that I hadn’t been tempted; I had needs too. But I had been married, to my High School sweetheart as it happens, and had always fought off thoughts of cheating. It had been hard sometimes, but I had been a faithful husband.

Had was the operative word in all of those statements. I was now living in an Airbnb, while the divorce was being finalized. We’d not been able to have children. That had both been a stressor and removed the glue that had kept many a fractured marriage together. But, as I assumed was normally the case, it wasn’t simply one thing. No affairs for either of us, at least as far as I knew. Just a slow accumulation of scar tissue that smothered our previous feelings for each other. What do they say? As time goes by it’s harder to delight each other and easier to disappoint.

As for being faithful? The last conference had been a couple of months ago, post-separation. It was at the same venue as now, just a short flight from my new home. When one of the call girls had sat down and asked me to buy her a drink, instead of politely declining, I’d said sure. She was a lovely, willowy brunette, with a beautiful face. I guessed she was in her mid-twenties. She said her name was Alexa and I found out that her oral skills were pretty special and her pussy surprisingly tight. Not that I had a lot of women to compare to. I’d lost my virginity to an older girl who had something of a reputation for notching up cherries. Then it had been just Helen, only Helen.

I was upset of course, I had moved out only weeks before. Maybe I was trying to get revenge; though it’s hard to say on whom or for what. Helen and I had both agreed that we were over, it wasn’t anyone’s fault. Perhaps I was making up for lost time. Whatever my motivations, as Alexa knelt in front of me and pulled my cock out, I felt something. Not just her soft lips caressing my shaft, but maybe a Band Aid being ripped off psychologically.

It was day one of the conference and I guess the organizers hadn’t exactly been inundated with pitches for talks. As a result, I had been given a plenary slot. It had gone well, there was even a ripple of applause when I finished. A couple of the afternoon presenters had been mildly interesting, but I had other things on my mind. Specifically, would Alexa be there?

I had been a flustered first-timer after we had first fucked. If I’m honest, I’d had a hard time suppressing tears as I looked at my nude torso in the restroom afterwards; a filled condom taunting me from the open waste basket; another load in Alexa’s stomach. She had more business to conduct and I didn’t have the presence of mind to ask for her contact details. I’d tried different escort sites, but couldn’t find her. A search for Alexa brought up very different girls.

I’d been reduced to just trawling through pages of photos, hoping to stumble across her. While I never did, I managed to arrange to meet with a couple of other girls who took my eye. The second had asked me if I wanted anal. It was an extra $100, but I had always wanted to try. Helen was never receptive, just one more sliver of scar tissue. The girl had been so tight and I had loved stretching her sphincter. But, mid-sodomy, I had imagined it was Alexa’s ass I was pounding instead. A therapist might have suggested that I was looking for a surrogate Helen. I’d probably have told them to go fuck themselves, but I also knew it was true.

Now I was back at the same hotel. I hoped it was Alexa’s regular patch. It was a long shot, I knew, there were two other business hotels in the vicinity and more in the neighboring downtown area. I’d been at the bar for an hour and a half now, making my two bourbons last. I had had other girls come and talk to me, including a rather inebriated woman whose talk I had earlier attended. I said I was waiting for someone, true in a way, but we exchanged virtual business cards nevertheless. She was cute enough for her age and it’s good to have a fallback plan.

I was staring into my drink, swirling it around my glass and thinking of gazing into Alexa’s hazel eyes as I pumped semen into her mouth. Then she sat down next to me. Not Alexa, a smaller girl and platinum blonde, with her hair scraped back in a ponytail. She said hi and asked me how my evening was going. Something about her voice caught my attention. It was maybe its sonorous depth and the disparity with her petite body.

“Hi, I’m Andy. Can I buy you a drink?”

This was odd. I was pretty sure that she wasn’t a delegate. I’d have put her in her early twenties at most; not the normal age bracket. Neither were her clothes exactly standard business attire. So she must be a professional. Then why didn’t I wait for her to ask for a drink? That was the normal start of negotiations. That’s how the game was played.

“Sure, Andy. I’m Emma. I’ll have what you are having.”

“A bourbon? Are you sure?”

I guess that was sexist of me. She put her head on one side and adopted a quizzical look, as if to say really? I quickly ordered her a drink and another for me. Alexa seemed to be a no show, but this girl was interesting. She was short, her legs barely reached the footrest of the barstool. She wore heavy makeup, dark eyeliner, long mascara pasted eyelashes, bronze eyeshadow. Her eyes were large and of an indeterminate color; as different light caught them, they seemed to change from pale green to light blue-gray. Her lips were a study in scarlet and her cheekbones accentuated by blusher. Layers of foundation couldn’t quite conceal her freckles. The overall effect was coquettish, perhaps even slightly devilish. Then lot of the working girls went for that look.

Our drinks arrived and we clinked glasses. She took a gulp and shook her head.

“That’s strong.”

She didn’t seem too put off, however, and took a second, if more conservative, sip.

Emma was wearing a stretchy, red boob tube in some shiny material, this wasn’t exactly my area of expertise. It clung to her, leaving little to the imagination. She wasn’t the most well-endowed of girls, Alexa’s breasts were much fuller, but her small tits complemented her petite frame. The shape of her nipples was very visible and I found myself thinking about sucking on them. Her midriff was bare and a diamond twinkled the the dark recesses of her navel. Under a very short, burgundy, leather skirt she wore black fishnets. As she sat cross-legged, I could see the tops of them and a little pale flesh above. Again my thoughts wandered to my tongue on her skin. Black stilettos completed her look.

I realized that my eyes had been traversing her. Flipping upwards a little guiltily, I saw her smiling at me. Her grin was crooked, suggesting she knew full well what had been on my mind. She was maybe not the prettiest girl I had spoken to that evening, but there was definitely something about her. Small talk was never my thing, so I went with something neutral.

“So, Emma, are you from round here?”

“Not really, you might say that we are new in town.”

“We?” I asked curiously.

Maybe I had misjudged things.

“Do you have a boyfriend?”

Again the crooked smile, as if there was some joke that only she was aware of.

“No. No boyfriend. But I’m with someone. My… counterpart. Yes counterpart. That’s Lily. We used to work together. Well maybe together is the wrong way of putting it, we worked at the same place. But we certainly got fired together and, as we don’t know anyone else in this town, it seemed to make sense to hang out. I guess you could say we are each seeking employment.”

“Employment? Well I might be able to help with that.”

It was a weak line, but I have to admit that the idea of Emma and her friend sounded pretty good to me. That would scratch another of my long suppressed itches.

“So where is your friend, Lily, right? Is she as pretty as you?”

Again, what a cliché! But Emma didn’t seem too bothered by my stilted conversation.

“She’s here. She’s a little shy. Is it OK if we go over to her? She doesn’t like to be too public.”

I said sure and Emma hopped off the stool and beckoned me to follow her to a low-lit cubicle lying next to the wall, with leather seats and a table. I was polite enough to let her lead the way. For a skinny girl, she had a lovely bubble butt and I enjoyed how it moved as she walked. I saw just the outline of her friend as I stood and said hi. But it was not until Emma and I had sat down opposite Lily that I could take a better look. I was a little surprised, but tried to be polite. To be honest, I was thinking about scratching yet another itch and could feel my heart racing as a result.

“I’m Andy. Pleased to meet you, Lily. Are… are you two sisters?… or cousins?”

Lily was backlit and it created a halo around her loose, mid-length hair. This was dirty blonde and had a slight wave. She seemed to be wearing no cosmetics and her freckles stood out, even in the dim light. Her face was more moon-shaped than her friend’s, or was that just a result of Emma’s makeup? Lily had the identical, slightly strange, eye color as Emma, but her attire was much more modest. A white shirt, with full-length sleeves and buttoned to the top. I thought I had glimpsed blue jeans before I sat down.

Once you got past the superficial, the girls did indeed look like close relations. Hell they could have been identical twins. I tried to calm my growing excitement.

Lily replied. Where Emma’s tone was deeper than her size might suggest, Lily’s voice tinkled. It was not so much that she spoke in a high register as the light musicality of it. If Emma brought an oboe to mind, Lily speaking was reminiscent of a softly plucked harp.

“No, not sisters. Not really. We aren’t related. But you might say we are connected. We complement each other I guess.”


I probably sounded a little confused and a lot incredulous, but what the Hell.

“So Emma tells me you girls are looking for work. What line of business are you in?”

Emma answered this time.

“Well, we used to be… advisors. We had a… client and helped her when she had decisions to make. We would offer our opinions. Lay out alternatives. Sort of a brainstorming service, I guess.”

Lily continued.

“But the… consultancy who employed us made us… redundant. And so here we are.”

“So you are looking for advisory business?”

It was hard for me not to sound deflated.

Lily replied again in her sweet, mellifluous, almost innocent, voice.

“Oh, no. We are looking to fuck people for money. Didn’t Emma explain?”

–Given we now had a clear understanding, agreeing terms went pretty easily. The girls were not unreasonable in their monetary demands. Indeed, the two of them were not much more than what many individual girls wanted for their services; not that I said as much to them. As to the services, nothing seemed to be ruled out, though maybe Emma was quicker to say yes than Lily. To be honest, that made me want Lily more; men can be such perverse creatures. Overall, I felt like a kid in a candy store. I had bought Emma a second drink and Lily a first — a Pinot Grigio — which had lubricated negotiations. Now I left for my room, having agreed to meet them there in twenty minutes, after I had showered.

I sat in an armchair, another bourbon in my hand and with just a hotel robe wrapped around me. My heart felt like it was about to burst through my rib cage and I was already rock hard under the toweling material. I wanted to stroke my cock, but I also wanted to wait for the girls. I kept my desire under control. Then the buzzer rang.

I opened the door using the security latch. I was horny as hell, but you still need to be careful. It was just the girls, Emma looking much the taller in her heels, Lily in flats. Emma carried a bag and glanced at it while speaking.

“Just a few bits and pieces, we thought you might like.”

I let them in, placing a kiss on each cheek. I was struck how differently they smelled. Lily of jasmine and orange blossom. Emma of musk and sandalwood. Emma took the lead again.

“Do you have somewhere we could change?”

“Of course, but I’m keen to, you know, get going.”

She slipped her hand inside my robe and quickly found my cock.

“What do we have here?”

Dropping the bag, she undid my robe, knelt down, and took my cock in her mouth, swallowing it balls deep in one fluid motion. She raised her big eyes to meet mine and, pulling back two inches, sunk back down again, repeating this five times, eyes focused on mine the entire time. Alexa had been good, but Emma was out of this world. It was all I could do to not cum immediately. She pulled off of me with a both a pop of a vacuum being broken and a satisfied look.

“I love cock. Now let us get changed. It will be worth it, trust me.”

Lily had been silent, but now joined the conversation.

“And when we get back, I promise to do exactly the same to you before we do anything else, OK?”

Emma was as hot as fuck, but I craved Lilly’s virginal aura even more.

“OK. It’s a deal, but don’t take too long.”

I searched the minibar, as much as a distraction as anything else, and found bourbon for Emma and me, some sort of white wine I had never heard of for Lily. As I poured the drinks, I heard the internal door click and the girls returned.

Saying my jaw hit the floor would be to conflate extreme amazement with physical impossibility, but it felt like that. I could feel my cock throb and twitch at just the sight of the two of them.

Lily was a vision in white. A diaphanous white bra, her nipples clearly showing through the lace panels. A matching, white garter belt holding up sheer white stockings inside white stilettos. She wore a sparkling tiara, which looked for all the World like it was studded with diamonds, but they were fake, surely. It was like an advert for high-end bridal lingerie had come to life. Then I noticed her panties. White of course and lacy, matching the rest of her clothing. But crotchless and framing a smooth, pink, hairless pussy. She span for me and I could see her butt-crack was also uncovered. She had a just as gorgeous a bubble butt as Emma.

While Lily looked like my fevered imaginings of perfection, the transformation of Emma was even more striking. She was encased a bright red, full-body catsuit, clinging to every curve of her tiny frame. It was sleeveless and with narrow shoulder straps, plunging at the front to reveal the sides of her modest breasts. Her calves were encased in knee-high black leather boots, with heels matching Lily’s for height. Her suit was also crotchless and backless. Their pussies looked as identical as most of their other features.

Again, Emma spoke first.

“Worth the wait?”

I nodded dumbstruck.

“We often give the client a show first. Would you like that?”

Frankly, if Emma had said they normally hung the client out of the window by his dick to start, I would have acceded.

“But I think that Lily has a promise to fulfill first.”

Lily smiled at me and took up her position on the floor. I threw my robe to one side and stood naked and achingly stiff. Lily held the base of my cock gently and steered the tip into her open mouth. Like Emma, she proceeded to take my full length, but she did it oh so slowly. The suction and feel of her tongue and throat caressing me was heavenly. She too maintained eye contact unblinkingly as she bobbed leisurely up and down my shaft. It was way too much and, four strokes in, I grabbed her head and thrust deeply into her as my cock exploded cum straight into her throat.

Lily sucked and sucked and sucked, calmly, collectedly. Draining me of every drop of semen. She then pulled back and left me still quivering, still erect, as if I had swallowed an entire box of Cialis. She smiled, almost demurely at me, her eyes now slightly downcast as if embarrassed by what she had done. Her cheeks had been pale, but now they glowed. I hoped with arousal.

“That was nice, but now it’s showtime. Please take a seat. Emma, want to show him what you have?”

Emma rummaged in the bag and brought out what looked like tack for a horse at first. I then realized it was a harness in black leather, which she proceeded to fasten to herself. When all the buckles were tight, it sat over here mound, just above her naked pussy. She then retrieved something else from the bag. Something long and thick and shiny red. She slotted it into the harness and stood proudly, an improbably large dildo strapped to her, putting my own cock to shame.

“Maybe you would like to try this later, Andy. But ladies first. Let me show you just how much of a nasty anal whore Lily really is.”

–Emma pulled a pillow off of the bed and threw it on the floor. With serpentine grace, she lowered herself on to it and lay supine, her artificial cock looking even bigger, now being vertical. She turned her head and addressed me.

“There was a time when I would have had to tie Lily up for this, for any form of sex really. Then she got a taste for it, didn’t you, angel?”

Lily was very interested in a spot of the floor just below her, gazing intently at it, hands clasped in front of her. She swayed slightly, giving off a vibe of youthful innocence. I had to remind myself that my sperm were currently doing the backstroke in her gut.

“Maybe just a little, Emma.”

Her voice was quiet, her manner shy. But, despite the pretense, I could sense something more. Was it hunger?

“A little!”

Emma laughed.

“She started begging for it, Andy. Isn’t that right, you little slut?”

Without raising her eyes, Lily replied.

“Yes, mistress. I’m your little slut now.”

Emma grinned lasciviously, maybe even evilly.

“That’s my good little bitch, now get on it and ride.”

Lilly obediently stood over Emma. She reached back and parted her butt-cheeks and then bent her knees, holding her torso upright. Emma moved the dildo into exactly the right position. Then both girls looked straight at me. They spoke in total unison, their different voice’s harmonizing.

“Don’t just sit there. Emma needs her face-fucked and you will have a better view as well.”

Their strange, lock-step vocals deeply unsettled me. They conveyed almost a feeling of possession, of some malevolent spirit controlling them both. Nevertheless, I did as instructed. Part of me wanted to run screaming from the room. The bigger part wanted to throat Emma. And then fuck Lily’s ass. I wanted her ass so bad.

Emma’s head was lying off the back of the pillow and she now tilted it backwards and opened her mouth. I knelt across her and pushed my rigid cock down, angling it between her widespread lips.

“That’s good Andy, we want it. Now deeper, we can take it.”

Only Lily spoke, for obvious reasons, but Emma’s deeper tones were still seamlessly entwined with her lilting higher notes. What the fuck had I got myself into, apart from Emma’s mouth, that is.

Desire got the better of good judgement and it wasn’t even a close game. Feeling I had permission, I thrust forward and down into Emma. I could see her exposed throat bulge as she accepted me.

“Good boy. Just how we like it. Now let me show you another thing we like.”

Lily had been crouched motionless above the huge strap-on. I was impressed with her core strength. Now she simply let gravity take over and dropped in one sudden movement onto the dildo, which disappeared into the depths of her rectum. The word impaled is over used in a sexual context. But this was an impalement, if ever there had been one. I hadn’t seen any lube being used, maybe she had applied some when getting changed. Lily smiled the same crooked smile as Emma and started to fuck her own ass cowgirl. As she did, she provocatively held a single finger to her parted lips. Hardly opening them, she breathed words to me, in her and Emma’s voices.

“See, Andy. We are both nastily little sluts. It’s just Lily hides it a bit better. Now Lily wants to cum and Emma wants your seed inside her throat.”

I began to fuck Emma’s throat as Lily thumped into her loins, driving the red monster deep into her. She put a hand on the floor and angled herself backwards, giving me the most perfect view of her asshole being stretched and her partly open pink pussy above. I wanted it to be me plunging into her tight hole instead. With the other hand, she found her clit and began to massage it in a circular motion.

“That’s it, fuck our throat, while we fuck our ass.”

The combination voice had ceased to freak me out, I had no idea what was happening and just went with it. I had cum for Lily not so long ago, but the tingling feelings started again and escalated. Emma’s throat was as tight and moist as a well-lubricated male masturbator and that’s just how I used it. Leaning forward to get a better angle, I pulled the catsuit to either side, revealing Emma’s breasts, each nipple with a platinum bar running through it, somehow I had been expecting that. I held the sides of each between finger and thumb and pulled up, twisting a little. Emma writhed beneath me and I fucked her face even harder.

“Twist harder, fuck us harder. We love it.”

Emma and Lily’s conjoined voices were breathless. I could see Lily’s chest begin to heave as she sodomized herself and started to rub her clit furiously. Moisture tricked from her vaginal opening. I twisted Emma’s nipple bars to 90 degrees and pulled up harder. I used her throat like a tight vagina, fucking her remorselessly. Sweat covered me, my own chest was now heaving, both with exertion and desire. Lily closed her eyes and began to moan. She started to finger her sopping wet pussy.

“That’s right, make us cum. Make us cum.”

Lily began to spasm and her chest flushed betraying the ecstasy she was feeling. I felt an intolerable heat rise up my cock, followed by intense muscle contractions as cum was squeezed down my shaft and burst into Emma’s throat.

Lily threw herself forward onto Emma’s body as she climaxed. And then something else happened. Looking at her shoulder blades below me, the skin began to ripple and then bulge. Horrified and immobile I watched as her skin split and blood flowed from the gashes. Gashes through which something was trying to emerge. My mind raced to any number of horror movie scenarios, but it most reminded me of a chick fighting to break out of its egg. Then she violently lifted her torso to vertical and spread out her arms, head lolling back, as if being crucified. With a wet, flapping, wooshing sound, wings unfurled on either side of her body and spread wide. Beautiful, white wings, angelic wings, but bloodstained. Lily’s eyes were tight shut dealing with the intensity of what seemed like a second orgasm.

This had all happened in seconds. As I looked on aghast, my cock — now on autopilot — continued to spurt into Emma. I could feel her still sucking greedily. Then I cried aloud and pulled back rapidly. My cock flicked out of her mouth and a last spurt landed across her brow. I had suddenly felt a sharp pain in each of my thighs. Looking down I saw the reason. Speaking through gurgled cum, Emma, now just in her own voice, spoke.

“That’s right, cutie. I’m a horny little bitch.”

Emma dissolved in laughter as I gawped at the horns which now adorned her head. She shifted slightly and a thin, barbed tail snaked out from under her body. Some dim vestige of meaning began to dawn on my addled brain.

“But you’re a… and she’s a…”

Still pinned down by Lily’s body, which was in turn transfixed butterfly-like on her giant dildo, Emma twisted her torso, lent on her elbow and surveyed me in deep amusement.

“I’m a bit of a demon in the sheets, Andy, and Lily is quite the angelic girl. Opposites you might say, two sides of the same coin, is what I think.”

Lily continued, also now in just her own voice, eyes open, but looking slightly glazed.

“I’m not really an angel. Not anymore. I guess I’m a fallen angel.”

She sounded wistful. Emma was more upbeat.

“And, as no one ever tried to put this devil on a pedestal, I had nowhere to fall. Now off me bitch, I want to stand up.”

Lily pulled herself up and off of Emma’s strap-on and stood up. During her slow elevation, I had seen that her asshole was trying desperately to close, but not quite managing it. Despite everything, I felt desire rise in me again. This couldn’t be normal, not that much was normal about the evening. Lily seemed to guess my thoughts.

“Don’t worry. You aren’t going to always have an erection 24 x 7. It’s just we have this… effect… on guys. Isn’t it every man’s fantasy to be a stud satisfying multiple women? Well you can tonight.”

Emma picked up the conversation as she stood and put her arm round Lily. Her tail coiled behind her. It seemed to be prehensile.

“That’s right. You have paid for us and we are at your disposal. Don’t worry, I might be a demon, but neither of us is evil. Girl demons have a rather undeserved reputation. The guys can be assholes, just like human men, but we mostly just want to have fun. You know, like the song.”

My vocal chords seemed to have lost elasticity at this point and so she continued.

“It’s OK. This isn’t a trick to steal your mortal soul. Souls don’t even exist, that’s organized religion BS. You have paid to fuck us and you can fuck us.”

I managed to squeak out a trembling OK. It had been one thing fucking two reasonably cute girls, who could have been sisters. Quite another to have carnal knowledge of angels and demons. Lily took over.

“I know you have questions. We will answer them later. But honestly, I really want you to ass-fuck me. See Emma here has turned me into a little anal whore and I really want your cum inside me. You don’t need a condom, in fact I insist you don’t use one. You can’t catch human diseases from either me or Emma, we are not… well… human. So don’t worry about that.”

Prudence suggested compliance. Who knew what powers these beings possessed? Lily seemed to be contemplating something. Then apparently made her mind up.

“See, to be honest, I don’t just want your cum, Andy. I need it. I’ll explain later. If you like us, we could even make this a regular thing. I’d love that and you’d really be helping me out.”

Of course this raised new questions, but I had been lusting after Lily’s hole all night. Now she was offering it to me on a plate. It was surely only polite to accept. I’d take a chance on that and worry about the small print later. I finally found my voice and tried to sound more confident than I felt.

“Lily, I want you to take off your bra and panties and then to bend over.”

I paused, unsure if this was what I really wanted, then — taking a deep breath — said it out loud.

“And Emma, I want you to peg me while I ass-fuck Lily.”

There. I had said it. Another itch scratched. I’d asked Helen if she was interested and got a flat no. I’d fantasized about requesting that Alexa did that to me if we met again. And, in recent weeks, I’d cum many times to videos of guys being ass-fucked by girls. Now I wanted to try it for real. At least I thought so.

Emma almost purred in her deep voice.

“Game on, bitch.”

–Emma unclipped Lily’s bra, letting it fall. Her small breasts were pert and her puffy nipples unadorned.

“I keep telling her she should get some piercings, but will she listen?”

Lily, who had folded her wings close to her back, ignored Emma and instead stared straight into my eyes as her friend undressed her. This was a much sexier idea than Lily just stripping herself. My cock had remained rigid through all the revelations, the girls’ work undoubtedly, but whether through supernatural powers or preternatural sexiness was unclear to me. As Lily’s pale, petite body was revealed to me, I seemed to get even harder.

Now Emma crouched and pulled Lily’s panties down over her stockings. Her tail lashed in what I assume was a sign of her own arousal. Emma also looked at me and then parted Lily’s labia and began to lick. I was half expecting Emma’s tongue to be serpent-like, but it seemed humanoid. Lily half closed her eyes and sighed deeply as Emma entered her vagina. Resuming eye contact with me, she squeezed both of her breasts. Pushing her tiny mounds to form a modest cleavage. Then she put her right index finger in her mouth and sucked theatrically on it. When she spoke, her musical voice was like honey.

“Come on big boy. I know what you want.”

Emma turned her and, as much as I was taken by the perfection of her nude butt, her feathered appendages also did something to me. You’re going to sodomize an actual angel. This has to be a dream. Emma now bent her partner forward and Lily gripped her ankles, looking back at me around her legs. Emma wisely stepped back and with the same rushing of wind, Lily extended her wings. Framed by them, her still gaping asshole awaited my attention. Emma knelt in front of me and licked my cock; more focussed on lubrication than stimulation. She turned and and ran her tongue sloppily around Lily’s quivering ring, then nodded at me, her head movement accentuated by her two-inch horns.

I stepped forward, standing between Lily’s parted legs. I couldn’t resist stroking her silky wings, which sent a shudder through her body. Then I angled the head of my cock towards her anal opening. When I had ass-fucked the other escort, I had struggled to get inside her. It was new to me and she was tight. Lily’s open ring offered no such obstacles. My glans popped in easily, but then I felt her tighten her muscles on me. Her sphincter felt like fingers squeezing my shaft.

“Give me all of it, Andy.”

This was music to my ears and I lunged forwards. Probably clumsily, probably too quickly. I was an anal beginner. But Lily squealed in pleasure, her head jerking involuntarily upwards, and I found myself fucking her hard before any conscious decision had been taken. She was silky smooth and oh so tight. Despite having filled both her and Emma’s throats with cum just recently, the stimulation was intense, and I wasn’t sure how long I could last.

Then I had a distraction. I felt Emma stroke my backside. Then slip a finger between my butt-cheeks. I had asked for this, but now I felt scared. I had played with my ass before, but never with anything as thick or long as Emma’s strap-on. I told myself that Lily had taken it with relish and ease, then I wasn’t an angel. I tried to focus on Lily and the moans and sighs that my pounding was leading to. Then I felt something slippery being spread on my sphincter. Spittle or lube, it was hard to tell. Maybe demon spittle was lube.

Then I gasped as Emma pushed a finger into me. She had long nails and it scraped the sides of my rectum, but without massive pain. Apparently this was warm-up enough as next I felt a broad pressure and knew that she was pushing the tip of her dildo hard against my asshole. I felt myself resisting, tightening. Then Emma grabbed my hips and my resistance was futile against her surprising strength. I screamed loudly but she was in me now. The pain of sudden penetration abated and I began to adjust. I began to feel a deeply pleasant fullness, which only increased as she pushed more and more of her plastic cock into my depths.

I had stopped fucking Lily while Emma inserted herself, but now the demon began to move my hips. Forward to push into Lily, backward to take more of her strap-on. I was torn between the slippery but frictional tightness of Lily’s ass and the unrelenting probing of my butt-hole by Emma. I closed my eyes, my head tilted to the ceiling and surrendered myself. Surrendered to Emma driving my cock into Lily’s angelic ass. Surrendered to Emma fucking my hole deeply and roughly. Surrendered to the impossibly extreme dual stimulation. Surrender to pumping what felt like pints of semen into Lily, while Emma angled her strap-on to expertly massage my prostate. In retrospect, my animal screams and roars as I came must have scared the occupants of the adjoining rooms rigid, if they had been unlucky enough to be in residence.

Utterly spent and over-stimulated, I just collapsed onto Lily, Emma’s cock slipping out of my cavity, before she also joined our messy, sweaty, three-way huddle on the floor.

–We were still for a while. Breathing heavily. Recovering. I guess even other-worldly entities can get tired. Then I sat up, still nude, but finally with no erection. My earlier fear has subsided. It was hard to be scared of two such obliging sluts, regardless of their extra appendages. I had questions and the girls had promised answers. We all really needed to shower, but that could wait.

“So you said you would explain. I just had the best sex in my life with a girl with horns and a tail and and another with wings. What the fuck is with that? You said that you’d like it if I became a regular. That sounds pretty cool, but I want to know what I’m getting in to.”

Emma started.

“Well, I guess it’s my fault really. Then I’m a demon, it’s my nature. You’ve heard this Austrian dude’s theories about the id and super-ego, right? The id is about desire and instinct and fuck consequences. The super-ego is about consequences not being fucked, the killjoy part of the psyche. Of course I may be a little biased in my descriptions.”

Lily chimed in.

“Totally biased. The super-ego is protective, the id destructive. Anyway, I’m not having this argument with you again, Emma.”

Emma looked a little sulky, but but her lip. Finding she quite liked the feeling, she did it again and some blood tricked down her chin, to her evident delight. Lily sighed.

“So, the Austrian dude had sort of an insight. But he didn’t understand how this works. Each human has two entities allocated to it, one by Heaven, one by Hell. By the way, what you guys seem to think about the two places is messed up. There is no above and below, the two cities adjoin. It’s like Minneapolis and Saint Paul. You can wander from one to the other any time. It’s just their mayors have rather different ways of running each municipality. Oh, and by the way, God isn’t in Heaven; she kinda sits above both cities, the mayors both answer to her. She’s like the state Governor, or something.”

My mind was struggling to take much of this on board, but I did my best not to look like a total idiot as I listened.

“The heavenly entity is all about reason and consideration. The hellish one is about chaos and selfishness.”

Emma could no longer restrain herself and interrupted.

“Or about bureaucracy versus freedom.”

She has addressed this to Lily, but now turned to me.

“Look, Lily and I could try to score points off of each other all night. Let’s just say the simple black and white view of Hell and Heaven that is prevalent here is not quite right. Things are a bit more complicated. Do you agree with that, Lily?”

Lily nodded in a conciliatory manner. Emma kissed her cheek and turned back to me again.

“So, obviously, we are on different teams; she’s Super-ego Girl and I’m Id-Woman. The idea is that some balance is achieved and the human makes good decisions. Your psychology guy introduced the ego as a mediator, but, in reality, that’s just the human deciding what to do.”

Emma giggled, suddenly very amused.

“You have them too. Your demon is called Francois and your angel is called Kevin. Yeah, strange name for an angel, I agree. I dated Francois for a while, before I decided to stick to girls.”

She nudged Lily with her elbow and the angel giggled too.

“So we were allocated to this girl. I sit on one shoulder, Lily on the other. We are meant to provide advice and ne’er the twain shall meet.”

Something struck me.

“Hang on. I have to ask. Is the reason that you look so similar…?”

Emma nodded.

“… that we both resemble our human? Yeah, that’s right. So, speaking of appearance, just look at Lily. How could any demon girl resist her?”

The two kissed, it got a little heated and I found my cock beginning to stir once more.

“Mmm… such an angel. Now where was I? Oh yes, I sort of wandered over to the other shoulder one day and introduced myself. She was a bit shy, reluctant to even talk to me. But I persisted.”

“You fucking tied me up is what you did, Emma. Be honest.”

“OK, there may have been some rope-like attributes to our first date.”

Lily scoffed.

“Yeah, maybe I wasn’t the most considerate of girls, not at first. But I’m a demon. You can’t judge me by human or heavenly morality. It wasn’t rape. Lily is stronger than she looks. She could have stopped me, stopped me with ease. But she didn’t.”

“No I didn’t, I guess I wanted it. I’d maybe always wanted it. I’m not sure I was really cut out to be an angel.”

“So, after a bumpy start, we both found we kinda liked each other. More than like actually.”

The two girls held hands and – as they had done earlier — spoke in harmonious unison.

“We’re a couple.”

It was actually heart-warming. Even Emma was blushing a little and Lily had gone bright red.

“The thing is, our timing was off. We ended up fucking when our human had a big decision to make. Neither of us were really focussed on the job and… and I might have gagged Lily, just a little bit.”

Lily picked up from her partner.

“These things get noticed. Reports are filed. Her management couldn’t care less of course, but mine were kinda pissed. I’d broken the Angelic Code by letting a demon fuck me. Emma claimed that it wasn’t my fault and she had forced me, but they knew that wasn’t true. Also, I had failed in my duty to our human. As a result she had fucked her boyfriend at work; something that could have got them both sacked.”

Emma squeezed Lily’s shoulder in a comforting manner and picked up the story.

“So she was found guilty of gross indecency and gross negligence. We tried to argue that our human never listened to Lily anyway, but that didn’t help. The punishment was for her to be exiled to Earth. And so here we are.”

I was confused.

“But why are you here? I thought your management didn’t care.”


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