Our Squirting Nudist Daughter

An adult stories – Our Squirting Nudist Daughter by Jamie_FL,Jamie_FL Chapter 1: Welcome to the Family

“Suprise!” yell her parents.

“Happy 22nd birthday Mollie and welcome to the family! Wehought we would have a surprise birthday party for you!” her dad says.

Her father passes for a box the size of a shoe box and she smiles and thinks him as she opens it with excitement. As she unwraps the box she opens the lid, to find 5 lb of vacuum sealed high quality marijuana. “SOUR DEISEL” was printed on the bags she held them up.

“That’s 5 lb of the best weed you can get!” Says her mother with confidence.

“We wanted to get you enough to where you could smoke every single day!” her father says.

“Wow thank you both so much Mom and Dad! This is so cool I can’t believe how awesome it is to have parents who get me weed!” She cheers.

“Take the next gift…” her mother says.

She opens another box this time it is a large candy jar inside a wrapped gift paper. Inside the jar are all sorts of pills and various different colors and shapes. Some are the shape of cartoon characters While others are a simple round circle with a Playboy bunny icon on them.

“5000 ecstasy pills honey!” says her mother.

“Wow this is so f****** crazy for real!?” Molly screams.

“Open this one!” Says her father.

She opens this next package and inside she finds several sheets of paper. They are colorful with all different designs on them.

‘5000 hits of triple dosed LSD!” They pointed out to her.

“What!? No f****** way oh my God this is insane! I really can’t believe this I love you guys so so much!” she says with glee.

There are more boxes packed with more drugs. They end up getting her a whole bag of ketamine, and about 1,000 shrooms. In addition to this there was another huge Jar full of concentrate marijuana, known as “wax.”

They literally had a whole pile of drugs for their adopted 22 year old daughter to gobble up at her leisure… they were allowing her free access to MDMA LSD mushrooms DMT and marijuana, but hard drugs like meth, crack or heroin were still highly illegal for anybody.

“So I know you may be the only one naked honey… but you will at least get to have a lot of fun!” says her mom.

“Yes… I will have lots of fun with these drugs. I love you both so much I can’t even explain it…” she says.

She is standing there completely naked and starts to rub her arms all over her body.

“Ooh… I am so excited! Thank you so much! This is the best birthday I ever had! I love you both so much!” she says.

“We love you too sweetheart!” They reply.

They go over and give her a big group hug and then start to leave.

“Don’t forget to eat your cake sweetie!” Says her mother.

“Don’t worry I won’t. Thank you again. I love you both very much.” She says.

“We love you too!” They say.

Mollie is admiring the pile of drugs on the coffee table. She grabs the jar of ketamine and unscrews the lid. She is starting to drool as she chops a line of it. She snorts it with a straw and then licks the white residue off the side of the jar.

“Holy shit that is so good!” She says.

She will also be starting a GED program, almost like school, in a few days. She will be going to school nude and on drugs. She knows her parents will be okay with it.

Chapter 2: School

Mollie wakes up at about 6:00 a.m. a few hours before school. She starts to smoke weed with her mom as she takes about five hits of acid. She eats breakfast, and then takes five hits of MDMA. She then begins to snort lines of ketamine off the counter. She sits on the couch taking dabs with her mom or nearly 30 minutes, also during this time she consumes five more hits of LSD and six more of the MDMA pills.

“HUEHUEHUE Haha Lalala UHHHHH” she babbles while hopping around furiously masturbating. Molly is now completely tripping LSD and rolling MDMA.

“HNNUNGHHH” she moans as she uncontrollably masturbates while standing in the middle of the living room.

Molly will take the bus to school and it should be arriving within 20 minutes. By 8:30 she heads out front to wait for the bus. She has absolutely nothing and is naked and barefoot. Not only this she literally has been masturbating furiously for the last hour and a half… she was going to be “wearing her juice” as she put it. She had literally soaked herself and her own grool. Her pubic hair was twisted and pointing into spikes that had dried up juice in it.

The bus pulled up and the door open as the driver did not even look at Molly. He was already aware of her condition and did not see these having to interact with her.

“HEYA-howdy sir! Is this the bus to Copperdale school?” The naked fucked up girl asked the bus driver.

“Yes….” He said.

“Cool!” She says.

“Alright… well… let’s go” He said sarcastically. Mollie was far too high to tell.

She got on the bus and went to her seat. She was just starting to trip hard from the LSD. She began to furiously masturbate as her bare ass sat on the bus seat, spread out. She was playing her juices, and it was obvious she was on drugs. She was in a daze but aware of what was happening… just barely.

Molly was soaking wet. Her pussy juice had made a huge wet spot on the bus seat and was visible through her ass crack. Her legs and feet were wet and slimy from the amount of squirt that came from her pussy.

The bus stopped as a group of young boys got on to take their seats. Molly sat with her legs spread out with her bare pussy on display and her ass cheeks spread out. Her pussy juice had completely soaked the seat she was on.

Mollie had just cum a few times in the last few minutes, as she was sitting there with her legs spread.

They looked in horror as they saw the dirty naked and Barefoot girl exposing her soaked wild hairy vagina with a huge grin. She was blatantly on drugs.

“Oh hi…” she says with a goofy grin.

“Hi…” they reply.

“So you guys new here too? I’m Mollie…” she says.

“No…” they say.

They ignore her and look away trying to ignore her. She sits there masturbating for a while until the bus reaches school. Molly eats about 5 more tabs of LSD and two more MDMA pills as she snorts ketamine. The bus pulls up to the school and the other boys on the bus immediately get off without even looking at Molly. They are so uncomfortable they just want to get off the bus as quickly as possible.

Molly gets off the bus and enters the

school as well. She walks around the front of the school to find a sign that says “New Student Orientation”

“Welp guess I am going!” She says.

She enters the school and the students are all shocked to see a naked girl walking into the school. There are a lot of students at the school.

She walks up to the sign and goes over to the “Orientation” desk.

“Hi I am Mollie and I am new. Can I go to orientation please?” She asks.

“Are you Molly Langford?” The faculty member asked.

“Yeah that’s me!” She says.

“Alright follow me we will be showing you around.” He says.

The faculty member shows her around the school. She has been tripping all day and is so out of it she is still cumming on the regular. She is still wearing her “juice” that she produced on the bus and throughout the morning. After a short tour the staff member leads Molly to the principal’s office.

“This is your class schedule and your locker number.” He says.

“Sweet!” She says.

Molly is still tripping on drugs and is completely out of it. She is literally in a trance and has been masturbating for the past 10 minutes. The Principal was shocked and embarrassed to see her in this state. He did not want to have her at the school… but was forced to by law. He looked at her in disgust.

“Ok Molly I am going to take you to your locker…” he says.

He leads her to her locker and she opens it.

“Ooh nice! So this is my locker?” She asks.

“Yes…” He says.

“I love it!” she cheers.

The principal hands her the class schedule.

“Ooh yeah sweet thanks!” She says.

The principal looked at her disgusted by her actions and her attitude. She was still wearing her juice, and her pubic hair was all spiked.

“Ok. Thank you..” he says.

He quickly walks away without another word.

“See ya!” She says.

She walks down the hall and up the stairs to find her first class. She was late but had a exception from the principal. She walks in to find the classroom completely silent and everyone looking at her.

“Hi! I’m Mollie. I am a new student and I will be starting in this class today. “She says.

She is completely nude and barefoot and is wearing her “juice” she was literally soaked.

A few students gasped, a few of them snicker and others whisper amongst themselves. She looks completely bugged out, her pupils are very dilated.

Mollie’s eyes are bloodshot from all the LSD and she is just grinning like a complete idiot. She walks up to the front of the class and stands awkwardly before the teacher tells her to sit at a table next to the Blackboard. She is facing the entire class.

The teacher’s name is Mrs Hartwell and she doesn’t seem to be very fond of Molly. She doesn’t talk to her the entire period and is constantly giving her a look of disgust. Molly is still tripping and is masturbating. She is rubbing her pussy and is completely unphased by the fact she’s in front of the class.

During the class the bell rings and the teacher tells her to leave. She walks out the door and sits down on a bench in the hall. She is still wearing her juice, and the hallway is still filled with students. A few girls come up to her and start to ask her questions about her nudity and why she’s at school.

“Hi! I’m Molly! I’m new here!” she says innocently.

The girls look at her disgusted and ignore her.

“Why are you naked? What is your deal?” Asks one of the girls. Another one scoffs.

“Yeah what’s with you?” Asks another girl. “Fucking lunatic” says another girl.

“Oh…. I am a squirtingnudist and I am actually wearing my pubes and my juice today!” she says.

The girls just give her a dirty look and walk away. She sits on the bench and waits for the bell to ring. She starts to eat some more LSD as she sits there.

The bell rings and the other students walk in to the classroom. Molly follows them into the classroom and goes to her seat. This teacher is another woman her name is Mrs Pentanbac.

“Hi! I am Molly and I am new to school!” she says.

“Yes… they sent at a memo about you. Please have a seat in the desk with your name tag on it” she says unimpressed.

Molly sits at her desk. She is still tripping from the drugs and is wearing her juice. She looks up at the teacher with a big goofy grin on her face.

“Alright class today we will be working on… ”

The teacher is interrupted as she suddenly notices Molly is furiously squirting and soaking the desk and floor. The other students had moved away before she sat down…

Mrs Pentanb stops and stares at Molly in disgust.

“Molly can you please come to the board and outline the notes as I read this chapter please?” She says.

Molly walks to the board and begins to write out the notes from the chapter. The teacher continues to read off the notes, but Molly is so distracted. She is completely in a daze as she writes on the board.

Molly is still squirting and soaking the desk. Her juice is all over the floor and is dripping on the floor from her pussy. Her pubes are soaked and twisted and she is using the juice as styling gel for her pubic hair. Sudenly, she loses control of herself and has an explosive and massive squirting orgasm in front of the whole class.

The teacher looks at her in disgust and disbelief. She makes Molly help the janitor clean up the puddle. When she gets back to her desk she takes out her pills and eats three more ex pills, and adderall, and three hits of acid.

The bell rings and she leaves the classroom. She goes to her locker and eats five more hits of acid and six more of the MDMA pills. She takes a huge bump of ketamine as well.

It’s lunch time now and Molly has an hour and a half to kill. She walks into the cafeteria and sits at a table. There are a bunch of boys sitting at a table eating. She gets up and goes over to them.

“Hey! I’m Mollie!” She says.

They all get up immediately. They are all very uncomfortable with her being here.

“What do you want?” They say.

“I don’t want anything.. I’m just Mollie! I’m new here and I’m having a good time!” She says.

The boys leave and she sits at the table alone. She eats a hit of acid and a few more MDMA pills, as well as some more ketamine. She heads outside to go smoke a cigarette and smoke some weed. She’s got joints rolled up with DMT inside of them so she will be getting super super blasted on her lunch break.

Outside of the cafeteria Molly sees a bunch of boys smoking weed and talking.

“Hey! I’m Mollie! I’m new here!” She says.

They ignore her and walk off.

“Bye guys!” She says.

She walks over to a group of girls smoking weed.

“Hi I’m Mollie! I’m new here!” she says.

“Get lost… what the fuck?” They say.

“Oh…ok…” She says.

Molly finds a bench alone under a tree on the edge of the campus, smokes her weed as she relaxes. She is still wearing her juice and has been cumming a few times in the past hour. She starts to eat her pills and ketamine and then gets her weed joint ready to smoke. She takes a hit and the DMT hits her brain like a ton of bricks.

“WOOOOOOOOOOOOW!” she yells as she feels the DMT taking over her mind.

She sits on the bench for the rest of lunchtime and smokes a few more joints, she has eaten several more hits of acid. She still has to go to third period.

“Hey! I’m Mollie! I’m new here!” She says.

“Oh… Hi, Molly! I am Mrs lizell I am the art teacher” says the teacher.

“Ok cool!” Molly says.

Mrs. lizell it’s the first teacher to not be disgusted by Molly and is instead asking Molly to come up to the class and give an introduction. Molly is still tripping and slathered in her juice.

“Hi! I’m Mollie! I’m a squirting nudist! And I am new to this school!” She says.

“Ok… well thank you for that intro… why don’t you go to your seat and take your seat please?” Says the teacher.

“Ok! Sure thing!” She says.

She is glistening with dry juice and is still tripping on her drugs. She takes a few more hits of ketamine and MDMA pills during class. The bell rings and she walks out of the classroom.

She returns to her parents house later and walks in the door. Her parents are in the living room.

“Hey there’s our little nakey butt!” Says her mom

“Hi mom!” She says.

She walks over to her parents and gives them a big hug. She is still wearing her juice, and her pubes are completely soaked and twisted. Her juice has dried into a sticky substance on her pubes and around her vulva. Her feet are solid black from being barefoot literally all day at school and on the way to school. She was covered in her own juice.

“How was school baby!?” Asks her mother.

“Oh it was super fun! I went to school naked and barefoot and I got high and fucked up on drugs!” She says.

“Oh my gosh sweetheart that is so wonderful!” Her mother says.

“So, how many days a week do you have to go to class and when do they give you your GED?” Her father asks.

“Oh… I have to go to school for about 2 hours each day, and they said they will give me my GED when I graduate from high school. It will probably be the summer after this year.” She says.

Molly is snorting lines of ketamine off the kitchen counter. Between those she is taking dabs of wax and mixing them with DMT.

“Oh, Molly honey I was thinking we could take you to Walmart to get any school supplies you want. Here, would you like me to prepare a little goodie bag with some acid a few X pills and a little bit of ketamine for you dear?” Asks her mother.

“That would be awesome!” Says Molly.

Her mother grabs the keys.

“Okay, let’s go batey butt.”

Her mother walks over to the kitchen counter and pulls out a large box of MDMA pills and puts 100 in a ziploc bag. She takes out a large jar of Ketamine and the box of


“We should probably have a car kit for you…so I am getting a good amount of every thing to keep in the car.”

“Ya! You are so smart! I love you so much!” Molly says.

Molly eats a tab of acid and an X pill as she goes outside to wait for her mom. She is still wearing her juice and her pubes are still twisted and completely soaked.

“Hey Mom! I am ready to go to Walmart!” She says.

“Oh sweetie! You are so wet! Look at your pubes!” Her mom says.

“Oh yeah they’re soaked! It’s my juice it’s always super wet!” She says.

Molly’s mom looks at her with a grin begins to tickle and tease Molly’s hairy vagina. Molly starts to giggle uncontrollably as she tries to keep her composure.

“Heeee heeeeeheeheeee HAHAHAHAHAHAAAA Haaaaaaa” she moans.

“Let’s roll down the windows and jam out!”

Molly’s mom looks at her with a grin begins to tickle and tease Molly’s hairy vagina. Molly starts to giggle uncontrollably. Molly’s mom rolls down all the windows.

“HEEE HEEEE HEEEEEEEE” Molly continues to moan uncontrollably as she giggles.

They make it to Walmart and Molly enters the store naked and barefoot. She has already taken three hits of acid, one hit of MDMA and several hits of ketamine. She is completely soaking wet as she walks around the store. The naked girl walks in completely high and tripping on LSD. She has dirty black feet and her pubic hair is soaked with her own juice as she shamelessly masturbates herself. She turns around and calls to her mom.

“Mom!” she says, and giggles.

The mom comes in. The crowd watches in shock as Molly aggressively masturbates at the front door of the entrance to Walmart.

She rubs herself into a frenzy.

“Mom! Mom! Checkit!” Molly screams, and starts to ejaculate. Her juices squirt from her pussy and coat the floor.

Molly is now walking through Walmart nude and barefoot wearing only her soaked bush. She has been continuously soaking her juice for the entire shopping trip. Molly is wandering through the store completely tripping on her drugs. She is soaking wet and has been squirting all day. Her pubes are soaked and her hair is twisted and soggy from all the juice she is constantly squirting. As she wanders through the store, she grabs some school supplies, or tries to. She’s not sure what she is doing, so she grabs a random pencil, some scissors and a notebook. She heads to the front of the store, still dripping wet, wearing nothing but her soaked bush.

The crowd keeps their distance from Molly and the spectacle. A few people take pictures reluctantly, others leave, others ignore her.

She walks up to the cashier. The cashier is a young woman who appears to be in her twenties. Molly looks at the cashier and smiles. She is still wearing her juice, and her pubes are soaked. Her hair is matted together from the juice.

“Holy shit…. well she’s obviously on a couple different things..” Says the cashier.

Molly is completely tripping and has been cumming and squirting for the past half hour. She is soaking wet, her pubes are soaked and twisted.

“I’m her adopted mom. Yeah, she is! We wanted to give her a nice birthday! She loves it!” Says Molly’s mom.

The cashier runs the items through the scanner. “$80.43.” She says.

Molly’s mom hands the cashier a hundred dollar bill. The cashier hands her the change and Molly’s mom thanks her.

“Come on, squirtle!” referring to Molly.

The cashier watches in discomfort. She gives the two a dirty look.

They get in the car and head home. As they drive Molly continues to drip and squirt her juice. The car is absolutely soaked with Molly’s juice. It is completely soaked with her pussy juice and her pubes are twisted and soaked.

“I fucking love being naked and squirting” says Molly.

They arrive at their house. Molly sits at the table. She takes out her ketamine and mixes it with DMT and a dab of wax. She takes a huge hit.

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