Pillaging with the Orc Hordes Ch. 03 by Lovecraft_Lore,Lovecraft_Lore

Remember it is almost time to pay your taxes with live poultry or up the butt or some other experience that makes you feel like you want to give them the bird after you’ve been sodomized. Anyway, here is the story of that time that Gerulf, the fattest, hairiest Orc, demanded some butt stuff as payment of taxes.

Story includes:

Female on male pegging.


An Orc getting sodomized by an enchanted sex toy

If that is not your thing, maybe skip this story.


“Gerulf demands butt stuff!” Gerulf moues as he approached our camp fire.

“Why do you constantly refer to yourself in the third person?” I asked.

“Gerulf wants to be famous.” Gerulf replied.

“You’re already famous for being the fattest Orc that ever was.” Redbad glared at him.

“Gerulf wants his name to be remembered a long time.”Gerulf explained. “That is why Gerulf tattoos the words ‘Gerulf was here’ on the sides of cattle in every town or village we raid.”

“Anytime there’s a battle, you’re no where to be found. You eat all our food, smoke all our weed, you drink more beer than any other Orc could or should.” Redbad continued. ” My wound is throbbing painfully as I had to use most of my healing magic to aid others. The gold you spent tattooing your name onto livestock could’ve been spent on healing potions, weapons, or battle magic. I’m angry that you keep putting everyone else at risk with your selfish behavior. Your illeism is almost like salt in my wound.”

“Gerulf answers to no one. Gerulf plays by his own rules.” Gerulf smiled evilly. “Perhaps you should be called Redbad the lame leg. Perhaps Gerulf should take your slaves as his own.”

My blood went cold as the fat, hairy Orc ran his eyes over Nefeli’s and I bodies before staring openly at my loincloth covered groin.

“I demand your slave as my share of the taxes we collected.” He licked his lips as he reached for me. I froze in terror. “She will spend night and day giving Gerulf pleasure.”

Nefeli burst into tears as she tried to wrap a bear skin blanket around the two of us to cover up from the Orc’s leering eyes. I didn’t know what to do. “I don’t want to do this.” I whimpered.

“The slaves are suppose to be tending the wound and the camp. Not your drunk, limp dick. The slaves are not here to service you just because no free woman will do so willingly.” Redbad tried to stand on his bad leg, grimacing in pain as he did so. He started limping painfully toward his axe on the other side of the camp fire. “We have big plans for our lands. The people, freeborn or slaves, that will be tending it need to be strong and healthy.”

“How about Gerulf kills you then takes your slaves?”Gerulf hissed as he lunged at Redbad with a drawn sword, the fat Orc trying to go for his limp leg.

Redbad spun out of the way. “I said most of my magic was used on healing others.” Redbad’s limp was suddenly gone. Redbad slipped his ridged helmet off and brought it down on Gerulf’s outstretched sword. He followed up by grappling the fat Orc, knocking him into the camp fire. Gerulf howled in pain as his face was shoved into the flames. Redbad stood, raising Gerulf’s sword in the air, silently displaying it to the other Orcs and Halflings.

“Okay, I think everyone got the message.” One of the Halflings.

“What message?” Nefeli whispered.

“Don’t fuck with Redbad.” The terrified Halfling whispered back.

Some of the paladins ran up with weapons drawn “Stay your weapons. Orcs spilling Orc blood is forbidden on this quest.”

“This is his weapon, not mine. My axe is way over there.” Redbad pointed across the fire to his weapon. “Furthermore, I spilled no blood. He burns not bleeds for his trespass.”

The paladins quickly reviewed with us and the Halflings the details of what transpired. A large group of onlookers had gathered around by the time the five master paladins had assessed the situation and made a judgment. “We find that Gerulf the fat drunkenly attacked another Orc and a slave with murderous intent after being refused his demand for what he called butt stuff. His punishment shall be the burns he received at the hands of Redbad and forfeiture of his share of the taxes and plunder to Redbad. We find that Gerulf the fat put everyone at risk with his selfishness, His punishment shall be to run the gauntlet of his peers. We find that Gerulf the fat committed sacrilege against the Goddess Inanna by trying to, not just enter one of her temples, but enter that temples up the butt without permission. For breaking such a taboo, his punishment will be sodomy followed by the words ‘Acantha was here’ tattooed on his lower back to remind any onlooker for all time the act of sodomy, followed by banishment. The slave shall carry out the punishment. Tie Gerulf to the wooden horse.”

A paladin handed me a large ivory dildo attached to straps from the creepy old perverted wizard’s sex dungeon. A mix of emotions ran through my mind as I realized what was being asked of me. The paladin stripped my clothes off before helping my strap the dildo to myself. She ran her finger along the shaft. I felt it sending ripples of pleasure into my body. “This is a high end toy with a psychic connection. It will let you feel almost what a man would feel.” She smiled at me. “Enjoy.”

“I don’t understand. All the women were raped by Orcs when they raided the village.” The confusion obvious on my face. “How is this different?”

One of the paladin spoke up addressing me and the large crowd of onlookers. “You were an unbeliever then. The Goddess Inanna, in her wisdom, sent her Orcs to plow your womanly fields with their massive tools. You and many other women of your village converted by willingly sitting upon the sacred fuck swing of the holy Goddess and accepting the seed of one or more of her followers. Now that your body is a temple to the fertility Goddess, you and you alone, can decide who may enter and worship within it.”

That explained a whole lot. The Orcs had been aggressive in what they had done to us. At the same time, they had gone out of the way to not physically harm any of the women once captured. Nefeli had had three Orcs on and in her for an hour but said it felt more like a group of horse trainers saddle breaking a young colt than an attack. Most of the other women felt the same. As soon as I had been in that fuck swing, a red cord had been tied around my ankle. None of the Orcs had tried anything sexual since, at least until Gerulf got creepy at me.

Once our village had been secured following the attack. The Orcs had rounded up all the children, got them washed, fed, and into the arms their mothers. It had been a confusing experience, everyone assumed they were vile soulless killing machines, more animals than thinking beings. Leaving gold on the ground as they made sure the children were tended to as their top priority was something I had seen with my own eyes and yet could hardly believe.

Gerulf screamed in terror as he was tied face down to the wooden horse. His cloths were removed as a paladin lubed and fingered his exposed butt hole. His back was covered with thick dark hair. As the paladins pulled his enormous ass cheeks open I saw his ass crack as equally hair. His fat pectoral muscles looked almost like misshapen breasts as they hung low off his chest.


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