PUNKS Ch. 16: Abuses and Violations by dadadadiox,dadadadiox

August 1994

On Joe’s first morning back home from New York, Tina phoned him at their usual time. She was not in the best of moods considering the amazing day she had just shared with her best man.

“Sunday night was awful,” she said. “His golf game got rained out after nine holes. He had been home for hours, pacing the apartment because I wasn’t there.”

“That sucks.” Joe pretended to care. “It didn’t even occur to me the rain would ruin his day.”

“I know.” Tina said, “I wasn’t thinking about his stupid game. He was such a baby. He questioned me about my day. He took off for a golf day with his buddies and expected me to sit at home waiting for him, but then he’s upset because he was alone all afternoon.”

“I guess he didn’t like waiting for you when you were supposed to be waiting for him.”

“I know!” T replied, exasperated. “And Troy doesn’t see it. I used a fake headache to dodge going out to dinner. He was looking forward to dining out, so he whined and tried to guilt me into going. I was not interested at all. I have a strong headache game.

“I can’t say I went up against it.”

“Not much. We ordered Chinese take-out and watched a bad action movie he picked up at Blockbuster.”

“What did you watch?”

“Under Seige.”

“Awww, Steven Seagal, fuck. Your husband is guilty of domestic abuse making you watch that crap.”

“I think that’s why he picked it. Once I had agreed to watch a movie, he punished me.”

“I will say this,” Joe added, “If you pointed a gun at me and said I must watch a Steven Seagal film to save my life, I could do Under Siege. Who doesn’t love Tommy Lee Jones?

“But you must suffer Gary Busy to get the Tommy Lee.”

After a moment of reflection, Joe said, “That’s a really good point.” This was another thing he liked about Tina. She could critique a bad action film with the same earnestness as a painting or photograph.

“I hoped to fall asleep during it, but Troy kept turning up the volume on the action scenes.”

Joe laughed, “Oh shit, he has the remote? That’s the pants in the family these days.”

“I have it some nights,” Tina protested.

“Yeah, the nights he’s not watching.”

Tina didn’t answer that remark. After a moment of silence, Joe continued needling her. “Was it worth it, T? Was your Sunday afternoon with me worth the grief you had to put up with in the evening?”

There was a long silence before her quiet reply.

“Yes, Joe. It was. That was a wonderful day.” Tina sighed, “I just have to be more careful. Thankfully he didn’t pop in at the office. That would have blown up my working on Sunday alibi.”

“It sucks to have a ball and chain.”

“The thing is, he has no reason not to trust me, so it annoys me that he’s so suspicious any time I do something outside my routine.”

“On the other hand,” Joe added, “you are having an affair with me. He may have no reason to suspect it, but there it is.”

“I’m quite aware that I’m cheating on my husband, Joe. You don’t need to remind me.” Tina paused for a moment. “The other day I said I would do this with no other man. You know that’s true, right?”

“Yes, I do. And that’s why I know you married the wrong man.”

For the first time, Tina did not respond to one of Joe’s ‘Married the wrong man’ comments. He noticed. Maybe she was beginning to see things his way. There was no doubt she was unhappily married, and Joe was certain that she loved him.

He also noticed that Tina admitted to cheating, exposing the fact that she understands her blow jobs aren’t cheating theory is bullshit. None of Tina’s inconsistencies troubled him. Joe wasn’t going to call her out. That could backfire badly. He was fascinated by what she was willing to do for him. Her contortions and moral flexibility were impressive. And he was frustrated by what she refused to do. Her boundaries seemed arbitrary and artificial.

He was addicted to the head games they played and this psycho-sexual dance that pushed her to do things she’d never do with another man. Joe wanted to test how far T was willing to go. How long could she live this lie?

— Stray Cat —

It had been nine months since Joe had played live. He was feeling the itch to get on stage. While he had no interest in working with City of Angels, he contacted Chico, his best man in LA. They were always good but hadn’t been in close contact since the last tour. Chico now had three kids at home and was busy with domestic life. He was also feeling the urge to play.

“I don’t want to tour,” he told Joe, “but I’d like to get out and play again.”

“I hear ya, Chi. I started feeling it two months ago.”

“Just get me out of this house for a few hours a week. Can we revive the Eldorados? We can just play local gigs.”

“Let me see what I can do.”

Days later, Joe walked into Grant’s Music Store. He had a flier to post on the wall cluttered with business cards and wanted ads. He needed a bass player and a drummer. After talking with his old friend Grant, he motioned to a young man across the store noodling quietly on guitar.

“Who’s this kid?”

“He stumbled in here last week trying to sell me a Les Paul.”

“That’s the last thing you need.” Joe glanced at Grant’s wall of Gibson guitars, mostly Les Paul’s.

“That’s what I told him. He’s new in town and seems to be unloading gear. I bought an Ibanez from him and might take a Tele off his hands.”

“Is that shit hot?”

“No. You can hear him, can’t you? The kid can play. I just think he’s hurting for cash.”

“Selling guitars when you’re desperate is the fucking worst. It always leads to regretful decisions.”

Joe approached the young man, mid-twenties, tallish, lean, and good-looking. His brown shoulder-length hair was a little unkempt and he needed a shave, or was it a sad attempt at a beard? Joe watched him picking his way through a Nirvana riff, followed by another. When he stopped Joe took a step closer.

“So, how long have you been playing?”

The kid looked up. “Since I was twelve; so, twelve years now.”

“New in town?”

“Yeah, I drove cross country with a friend last week.”

“From where?”

“I was in New York the last couple of years.”

“Whereabouts, the city?”

“Yeah, we lived in the East Village and did some time in Brooklyn.”

“I spent my best years in the village.” Joe extended his hand. “I’m Joe.”

The kid put his guitar pick between his teeth and shook Joe’s hand. “Daniel.”

“Nice to meet you Danny.” Joe smiled. “Is Danny okay?”


“Grant tells me you’re unloading gear.”

“Yeah, I’m a little hard up for cash. I hate doing it but a friend is letting me crash on her couch and have to kick in something to help her out.”

“How long have you been in town?”

“Six days.”

“Are you looking for work?”

“Do you have work?”

“Well, I own a small recording studio across town. I could keep you busy, part-time. I can also hook you up with other people, to get you connected.”

“That would be cool.”

Joe pulled out his business card and handed it to the kid.

“Holy fuck.” Dan looked up. “I thought you looked familiar.”

“Yeah, it’s a curse.”

“Are you guys done? I heard the band had a falling out.”

“The guys have families and needed a break from the road. I don’t know what we are. Do you play any other instruments?”

“I can play bass and little piano.”

“Can you play that?” Joe pointed to a beautiful sapphire and turquoise upright acoustic bass. The overhead lights reflected off the lacquer finish.

“I’m sure I could learn.”

“You have my address there. Come by the shop tomorrow. We can talk. I’ll find some busy work for you.” He shook Dan’s hand. “And stop selling your guitars. You will regret it later.”

Joe left Danny to his playing to ask Grant a favor. Before he spoke, Grant had a question. “I thought you were done rescuing stray cats. You got burned pretty badly.”

“Yeah, and I also hate that I don’t trust strangers as much as I once did. I’m trying to get over that, to do more. I can give that kid a few weeks’ work just fixing the shit I hate fixing, which is a lot of stuff.”

During his decade in Venice, Joe developed a reputation for picking up stray cats. There was a significant homeless population around the boardwalk, a source of frustration for local residents. The boardwalk was full of street performers and buskers trying to eke out a living. Joe had given some odd jobs to a few street musicians in recordings. He helped people with talent. He paid them with cash and kindness. A break-in at his studio, theft, and vicious vandalism, caused him to retreat from his charity. Joe was trying to turn that around.

The following day, Danny showed up and Joe put him to work doing the little jobs around the studio that Joe often neglected. He didn’t have full-time work for the kid, but it was enough to justify having him around. First, he had to lay down some rules.

“We had a break-in years ago. What they couldn’t steal, they smashed. So I’m a little overprotective. For now, you can be here only when I’m home. I’ll tell you if I need you tomorrow, and you show up. That’s the deal. I’ll pay you cash for now.”

“I’m in Westwood, so I have to work on the bus schedule.”

“You’re taking the city bus to get here?”

Danny nodded.

“Fuck. You’re one notch above rock bottom.”

“What’s rock bottom?”

“When you can’t afford the bus.”

Danny smiled and snickered. “Yeah, I’ve never been there, but I’ve been a poor musician in Boston, in New York. I figured LA could do me no worse.”

“Why are you in Westwood? That’s high-value real estate.”

“I’m crashing with my ex-girlfriend, but she has a new boyfriend and two roommates.”

“Are those cute roommates?”

“Holy shit, boss.” Danny said half under his breath, “Yeah, and they’re flashing it. They walk around the house in their bras and panties half the time. I think they’re doing it to tease me.”

“What would happen if you fucked one of her roommates?”

“Chelle told me I would be out the door if I did that.”

“Sucks to be you, Danny, living with pussy you can’t have and riding the bus.”

Joe got a good vibe from the kid. He just did. The fact Danny was from Boston and Joe from Providence, and they were both big Celtics and Red Sox fans didn’t hurt Danny’s chances. Joe had been living in hostile Laker territory for years. He found an ally.

A week into their arrangement, Danny had been at the studio for four days. Joe was impressed at his showing up ready to work and having no problem understanding what Joe needed. That included hauling lumber to the roof where Joe was planning to build a roof deck garden.

“I have business in New York in a couple of weeks. Down the road, If this works out, I’ll get you a key and security code for the alarm system. I’m not ready for that. When I go back east I’ll leave a list of things to do and have Grant come by and let you in.”

Danny nodded. “I understand.”

“Just leaving you here alone is putting a great deal of trust in you, but Grant will be checking in.”

“Okay, that’s fair,” Danny said. “You can trust me, boss. I’m a lot of things, but I’m no crook.”

“You’re done for the day. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Danny nodded, “I’ll be here by nine.”

“One more thing,” Joe added, “don’t call me boss.”


In the months since Tina had adjusted her boundaries, allowing herself oral freedom without guilt, she gave Joe what he wanted but taunted him with what he couldn’t have. Tina loved pushing Joe’s buttons. She was fascinated by what she could make Joe do, like fly from LA to NYC for a blow job. She felt a sense of power and control. Tina enjoyed teasing him and took pleasure in knowing she could get him flustered. She mostly did this from a safe distance, over the phone.

“Oh my god, Joe.” Tina whispered sexily, “I can’t stop thinking about you filling my pussy. I want you to stuff me with your beautiful cock and make me…”

“You can stop now.” Joe interrupted in a flat tone, “How many times do I have to tell you? If you’re not going to fuck me keep your pussy out of the discussion.”

“I’m aching, baby,” Tina giggled, “My pussy is so hot for you.”

“You think it’s funny now, but you might not find it so cute when I ram my cock inside you – unless that’s what you’re hoping for.”

“No, that’s not what I’m asking for.” Tina said out of character, “I’m just teasing you.”

“But that’s what you did years ago when you wanted to get fucked,” Joe reminded her of past provocations. “You’d prance around the apartment in your panties, flashing your ass at me, knowing I would take you.”

“I loved it when you took me, but this isn’t the same. My pussy is not in the game.”

“I don’t see it that way, T. If you keep talking about how wet you are, how much you want me to fuck you, and if you’re flashing your ass at me… your pussy is in play.”

“Nope. I’m just messing with you.” Tina repeated, “I will not fuck you.”

“I’m just telling you to be careful what signals you send. I’m dead serious, Tina. I think you want to get slammed, and I’m warning you, if you keep this up, that’s what you’ll get.”

“Is that a promise or a threat?”

“I’m just telling you what’s coming if you keep taunting me.”

“Oh, baby,” T said breathlessly, “your threats make me so wet. My pussy is dripping for you. I’m ready to be fucked by your long, fat cock.”

“You’re asking for it.”

Tina giggled, “You’re a tough talker, Joe.”

“Are you doubting me?”

“You won’t force yourself on me. It’s not your way.”

“I’m accepting your challenge, T. The next time I see you, if you tease me with your ass, you’re getting fucked whether you like it or not. You can say no all day, but I’m taking that pussy if you keep playing this game.”

“Big talker.”

Joe suspected Tina was pushing their sexual agreement forward by flashing her ass when she sucked his cock. From a safe distance of three thousand miles she said, “If you were here right now, I’d give you the pussy you need.” In her office, she lifted her dress, flashed her ass, played with her pussy while she went down on him, and even let Joe lick her fingers. Tina teased the idea of fucking Joe while standing firm on her blow jobs only rule.

Joe loved the game. He was masturbating while thinking of taking Tina’s pussy by force because he believed that’s what she wanted. The problem was, Joe wasn’t certain of this. If he took her pussy after misreading her intentions it could be a major mistake on his part. He was literally up at night thinking of this dilemma with a trip to New York looming.

Up at night is never a good time for Joe. His mind goes places best avoided. He was in deep, and he knew it. All that talk about moving on from Tina and making a life with Jasmine was in the past. Joe was living two lives, one in LA – his weekends with Jas – and one in New York with a trip every month to get his dick sucked.


Ever since the Seattle grunge scene surfaced in the late eighties, and exploded in the nineties, Joe had been looking for bands in that vein. He was always beaten by labels who got to that scene early. Joe also had his own band and a touring schedule. He could never dedicate enough time to the hunt. Now he was committed.

Guerilla Records had punk bands, rock bands, alt-rock, power-pop, and some rap artists. Because Grunge was punk-adjacent, Joe felt his label was a good fit. He didn’t care if it was a Seattle band. He was just looking for that dirty grunge sound and the attitude that came with it.

Joe was on the threshold of signing a band he had seen a few months ago, but they were balking, talking to labels that had a foothold in Grunge. Sensing his chance was slipping away, he pitched a trip to New York for recording. After days of band debate, the five kids who formed the band Beacon Hill agreed. Joe went to work scheduling the trip. His plan met some internal company resistance.

“Hey, Joe. I have Marty here with me.” Laura said, “We have a question.”

“What’s that?”

“What’s going on with this insistence on flying bands here to record?” Laura asked.

“It’s not new,” Joe said, ‘I’ve done it several times.”

“Never three times in four months,” Marty noted.

“That’s because I’m producing full-time now. You want me to replace my band’s income, right? I need new talent.”

“I get that, Joe.” Marty said, “Are you sure these guys are worth the expense? The last band didn’t impress Kenny or me.”

“I know. No one is more disappointed in how that session turned out than I am. Beacon Hill is different.”

“How so? What makes them special?”

“Marty, do I have to explain what’s going on in Seattle?”

“No,” Laura jumped in, “but we’d like you to justify the expense. Money is tight.”

“Well, I’ll explain it anyway. Ever since Nirvana and Pearl Jam and Soundgarden destroyed the eighties metal scene, I’ve wanted to break a grunge band, and it’s been a struggle. Sub Pop has that market locked down. The thing is, what they do is what we’ve been doing for fourteen years; no-frills, no overproduced stomped-on music. We don’t overdub and edit the shit out of what the artist brings to the session. I hate these producers who think they know better. What guys like Steve Albini are doing is what we do. There’s no reason we shouldn’t be a player in that…”

“Joe,” Marty interrupted, “you don’t have to explain this. We just want to be sure we’re not wasting our time and the travel expenses for another Surf Geeks session.”

“Look, I apologize for that mess. I promise you these guys are serious. If we don’t sign them, someone else will. They have other offers on the table. If you want, I’ll take mine back. I didn’t realize we lacked the funds to conduct business.”

“Don’t be a baby,” Laura said, “we’re trying to keep our business in good health. Asking these questions is not unreasonable.”

“Especially after those kids you schlepped out last time,” Marty added.

“If you don’t like these guys after you meet them,” Joe said emphatically, “I’ll pay for the damn airfare and hotel. I feel that good about this band.”

Three weeks later Joe arrived in New York a day ahead of his new band. He popped in at Guerilla Records to kill time before checking into The Chelsea. He sat in Marty’s office discussing business. As always, his senior partner mentioned his concerns about cash flow. Joe had an answer.

“We could release the Live at Budokan record.”

“I like that,” Marty said, sitting up in his chair. “It’s been nine months. Getting it out there before people forget about City of Angels is not a bad idea.” He leaned over his desk. “I assume you’re serious.”

“Sure. If it will make you worry less,” Joe smirked, “I’d like to listen to it again, before we pull the trigger.”

“The editing is done. The cover art is done.” Marty pressed a button on his phone to ring Kenny, the sound engineer. “Ken, can you bring me a Budokan CD for Joe?”

Ten minutes later, Joe and Marty stood in the hallway outside the Guerilla break room with Kenny the sound engineer discussing the live recording they did in Japan. Kenny had just handed Joe a copy they had edited several months ago.

Laura stood in the break room pouring a cup of coffee, eavesdropping on their conversation. She emerged just as their talk was wrapping up. Joe said hello as Marty and Kenny returned to work. Laura pointed at him, and then away, “Come to my office.”

Joe was taken aback by her bluntness. There was no good morning, just a finger and a cold order.

“Close the door,” she said as she sat at her desk. When Joe sat down across from her she dove right in. “When we talked about these trips we’re paying for I had some questions I didn’t want to ask in front of Marty.”

“Okay,” Joe nodded, “what’s up.”

“This will take a bit,” she pointed a finger, “so don’t interrupt me. Three months ago you came out with those kids from Phoenix. They were good, and their record is doing well, but it seemed like a stretch that you needed to give those nineteen-year-olds a trip to New York to land them.”

“Why are you…”

“Let me finish.” Laura gave him a stern look. “Then you schlepped those stoners from Santa Cruz out here. They did not deserve that trip. Even you admit they’re idiots.”

Joe nodded in agreement.

“Last month you sat in on Jada’s session. That’s fine, but it seemed like a huge favor for someone you hadn’t seen in what, twelve years? Now, this is your fourth visit. I understand you like this band, but I sense there’s something else going on here.”

“What makes you think something is going on?”

“You’ve made me change your flights. You come in on the redeye but we don’t see you until late in the day, if at all. You can’t check into The Chelsea until three, so who knows what you’re up to those days?”

Joe leaned forward. “Why don’t you just come out and say what’s on your mind instead of dicking around about my suspicious activity.”

“You’re having an affair with Tina, aren’t you?”

Joe had already suspected Laura knew, so he just owned it, “Something like that. It’s not a full-blown affair. We’re just fooling around a little.”

“What does that even mean?” Laura’s arms went up, “I thought you were over that. What happened to this girlfriend in LA?”

“We’re not serious.” Joe said in a low tone, “She doesn’t want to be exclusive.”

“You? Exclusive?” Laura scoffed, “You did say she was a smart girl. What did you say her name was, Jasmine?

“Yeah, and why are you so concerned about my personal life?”

“It’s not your personal life I’m concerned with. Do you know what it costs us to fly a band cross country with whatever gear they want to bring, and then put them in a hotel? We can’t afford you using this business as a cover for your sexcapades.”

Joe sat quietly, biting his lip, because he was totally busted – on one sketchy trip for sure. He considered pulling rank, for a split second, but he thought better of it. Instead, he took another tack.

“I agree with you, on the stoners. They’re playing around the bay area but I don’t know if they’ll grow. The Chollas are getting radio play all over the southwest, especially with the Mexicans. They just got back from a nice little tour of the Northwest. Those kids get it and they’re working hard and I…”

“This isn’t about the bands, Joe!” Laura cut him off. “It’s about the money. If you want to fly out here on your dime to fuck Tina, that’s your business, but don’t put that expense on the company. It’s a violation of our trust.” She pointed a finger at him, “Don’t drag bands out here to create an excuse for being in town. We can’t afford that shit.”

Joe wanted to deny it, but he knew Laura wasn’t going to buy any bullshit he shoveled. She had known him since he was nineteen. She was a conspirator in all of his plots and schemes in the old days. She knew how he operated and Laura knew how deep under his skin Tina was. Laura also knew she had him dead to rights when Joe sat speechless, staring across her desk too long; so she continued.

“If this happens again I will talk to Marty about it. He doesn’t know what you’re doing, and I don’t want to tell him.” Laura leaned over her desk. “It would hurt Marty to know that you’re abusing your position.”

“Okay,” Joe nodded. “I’ll be more careful.” He then tried to change the subject. “We just decided to release the City of Angels live record. That’ll help bring in some dough.”

“That’s good, but we won’t see a nickel for six months.” Laura then reversed his attempt to distract her. “Now, what the hell are you doing banging your married ex-girlfriend? Hasn’t she fucked your head up enough? I thought you were trying to have a life in LA.”

“I was.” Joe shrugged, “then shit happened. You don’t want to hear it.”

“I do… but I don’t,” Laura said, “Tina is your kryptonite, Joe. Stay the fuck away from her. You would never do this shit for anyone else. She fucks with your common sense.”

“I can’t.”

“I worry about you, but you’re a big boy. It’s your fucked up life. You have to live it.., not me. I just don’t want you bringing down the company when you crash and burn over Tina… again.”

“I thought you were supposed to be one of the sensitive, liberal New Yorkers? Turns out your heartless.”

“I’m not heartless. I love you, Joe. I just don’t trust your judgment when she’s involved.”

Joe had hoped to call Tina that day. The band wasn’t coming in until tomorrow. After Laura scolded him for his business malfeasance he decided to hang around the office and studio to make sure everything was set for this session. Joe suddenly felt his reputation depended on this band from Beacon Hill, Seattle.

He called Tina very late in the day just before she closed the gallery, to apologize. Joe said he was sorry he couldn’t get away. He said he was sorry he called so late. He said he was sorry – but it was doubtful he’d see T on the first day the band was in town.

Tina was not moved. “What’s your old saying, Joe, if you have to keep saying sorry it no longer means anything or something like that?”

“Are you pissed off?”

She let dead air linger. “No, I’m not, but there were a lot of sorries in that explanation. It reminded me of your punk proverb.”

“You know I want to see you, right? I’m not lying to you about my business here. That’s why I’m in town, T. What we do is a bonus.” Joe then raised his tone, “If we can hook up! Sometimes you can’t get away and sometimes I can’t get away.”

“You have more control over your schedule. You pick your flights, right? You own the company, right? You could do…”

Joe interrupted, “Don’t tell me what I can and cannot do, T. We never discuss my business. Have you ever noticed that? You don’t ask about Guerilla, or why I’m in town, and you have no clue what pressures I might be facing. Since my band stopped touring, my label’s income has taken a dive.” He paused for a moment, “On the other hand, I know all about your investors and the shitty deal you got into with those arrogant, abusive assholes. I hear all about the rich, entitled snobs you suffer. We talk about your gallery and art all the time. You have no fucking clue about my business because you don’t even think to ask.”

Joe did not expect this phone call to go this way. It just happened. And as in so many of their past fights, from the eighties and the nineties, they both pushed back.

“I take great personal risk seeing you,” Tina replied in a cold tone. “I do my share, Joe. I may not rush into your arms the moment you land at JFK, but I always do what I can,” she hesitated just a moment, “without blowing up my life and reputation.”

“Life and reputation? You could save both by dumping that mother fucking pension fund raider you married. Our affair is the least of the threats to your life and reputation. Your people would understand you being with me. No one gets why you’re with Troy. It’s a fucking mystery.”

“It’s so like you to just ignore the fact I took wedding vows, in my church, and maybe breaking those vows with divorce is difficult.”

Joe laughed, “Is filing for a legal divorce breaking a wedding vow more than sucking my dick?”

They both realized at this precise moment that this conversation had unnecessarily gone off the rails – something they were all too familiar with. Almost in stereo, with Joe a half syllable ahead of T, they both said…”

“I’m sorry.”

Joe kept talking, “I know divorce is hard to do. I shouldn’t have mentioned the business crap. It’s not pertinent in our… ”

Tina interrupted, “No, it’s okay. You’re not wrong. I don’t ask about your music business because I just assume it’s all good. You sold millions and millions of records. Joe. I thought Guerilla was doing okay. You never complain about your business, not like I do.”

“We’re not the fucking Clash or Ramones, T. We’re not even the Chili Peppers. We’ve sold a few million recordings combined, five albums. That’s respectable, but our company needs to find more talent if we’re to survive.”

“I’m sorry, Joe,” Tina said. “I assumed all was well, and I’m sorry I never ask.”

“That’s a lot of sorries, T.”

Tina laughed, “Can you call me as soon as you know you have some time?”

“I can do that. Sorry, it wasn’t today.”

“Can we stop saying we’re sorry?”

Joe laughed, “That would be a good rule for us. We should stop saying we’re sorry.”

When Joe hung up the phone he was annoyed with Tina, even after saying he was sorry too many times. He was not wrong that Tina had no clue about his business. She never asked and rarely discussed his business aside from, ‘I’ll be in town with a band.’

That conversation gone awry did not sit well with him. He thought about it late at night, lying in bed at The Chelsea. It was another lonely night in Manhattan thinking of a woman a subway ride away.

— Breaking Through —

For this trip, Joe was all business. He stuck around the studio more than usual because he knew he and his band were under extra scrutiny from his partners. He felt really good about these kids from Seattle. They were a little dark and brooding, but that’s kinda what he was looking for.

Near the end of the second day, Kenny leaned back in his chair in the control room, smiled broadly, and said, “These guys are the real deal, Joe. They have everything; the sound, the look, and they’re all solid musicians. A lot of these bands play dirty because they’re not technically good and they try…”

“Like punk bands,” Joe smiled, “Go ahead, you can say it. We’re not that good so we use overdrive and distortion to cover it.”

“Exactly. These guys can flat-out play. And that kid,” Kenny pointed through the glass at Charlie, the personality of the band, “has a set of pipes on him. He reminds me of Joe Cocker.”

Joe slapped Kenny on the back. “And he’s a fucking legit songwriter.”

Kenny nodded, “He is. The kid has a way with words.”

Later that day, after the band decided to eat dinner in the studio and keep working, Joe called the Amethyst Gallery to see if he could connect with Tina. He had been in town three days and the only contact they had was his ill-fated phone call on the first day.

“I’m sorry,” Joe apologized after Tina opened the conversation whining that she had left herself a light schedule to be flexible, but he didn’t call for two days.

“Every workday has gone into the evening,” Joe explained. “We order take-out and eat in the studio. We’re waiting for Chinese food right now. I’m here on business, T. That comes first.

“When can you get away?”

“Not tomorrow.”

“After that, it’s the weekend, and I’m tied up. I’m helping a friend run her photographic salon.”

“I’m sorry, T. It’ll have to be Monday. We’re working all weekend. These guys are perfectionists, but I’m sure we’ll wrap this up by Monday.”

“And you fly back Tuesday?”


Tina sadly accepted that she wouldn’t see him until Monday, “Okay. Please call me as early as possible Monday and give me a time.”

Things did not get wrapped up early Monday. The band wanted to go over some songs again, to see if they could improve what they already had done. When Kenny pitched another idea the band liked, Joe knew he was fucked. He made a phone call he dreaded.

“Hi, Casey. How are you?”

“I’m fine, but someone else is a bit jumpy today, waiting for this call.”

“Can you put me through?”

When Tina picked up Joe didn’t give her a chance to complain. He rolled the dice. “Yes, I’d like to make a five o’clock appointment for oral services. If you have an opening, I can fill it.”

Tina hesitated. She was not in the best spirits. Then she decided to play along. “And what level of service are you interested in, sir?”

“I mentioned oral, and anything else that might be available.”

“Well, the pussy package is very popular today but I’d have to check your membership status to see if it’s in your plan. What’s your membership number?”


“Let me check.” Tina paused a moment. “I’m sorry, you don’t have the pussy plan. The highest level service you’re eligible for is the full oral package.”

“Is there any way I could upgrade to the pussy plan?”

“I’m sorry, sir. That’s only possible when your current membership plan expires.”

“That’s a shame. So I’m good for my five-o’clock oral?”

“Yes, you are, sir. We look forward to your visit.”

Joe’s gamble paid off. He didn’t get scolded for calling so late and he got Tina to accept his 5 PM arrival. He liked that she played along, and performed her role well.

A few hours later, Joe arrived after closing. Tina had to unlock the front door to let him in. He immediately felt a strange vibe, even as she greeted him warmly.

Hey, baby.” She kissed him just inside the entry. “It’s so good to see you.”

“I’m sorry I’m late. It was a long day.”

“It’s okay. I had a crazy busy afternoon.” Tina led him through the lobby and reception area. Joe was disappointed Casey wasn’t at her desk. She showed Joe into her office. “It was actually best that I stayed here and got stuff done.”

Tina took the seat behind her desk and offered Joe the seat across from her. He sat down.

“I wish we had more time,” Tina said, “I told Troy I’d be a little late. I can’t play too long.”

“It’s my fault.” Joe said, “I’m so sorry. This trip has been good. The band is great. I just didn’t have any time…”

“It’s okay, Joe. You fly cross country. I know you’re trying. I wish I could be more accommodating at times. I thought we were not going say sorry anymore.”

“Yeah. Starting now.” Joe looked up at the clock. “How long do you have?”

Tina smiled mischievously. Joe knew the look. She fiddled under her desk where Joe could not see. “I will take care of you, sir. Your appointment will be honored. I have a slutty reputation to uphold. My business depends on my maintaining the highest standards in cock sucking. You will not be disappointed.”

Tina continued to wiggle and work under her desk and then produced her lacy, violet panties. She held them high for Joe to see, smiled, and dropped them on her desk. “These are so soaked they’re rubbing and chaffing on my pussy. I hope you don’t mind me making myself more comfy.”

“Are you fucking serious? How many times have I warned you? If you’re not going to fuck me stop teasing me with your pussy.”

“I’m not going to fuck you, sir. I’m just performing my job. This is part of the arousal package that comes with your VIP oral membership. I’m doing my job, getting you hot and hard so I can suck your big, fat cock.” She stood and walked around the desk. Standing in front of him, looking down with her temptress smile, Tina bent forward and kissed him. Joe reached between her legs, bruising against her inner thigh, close to her pussy. Tina swatted his hand away.

“Now sir. There is no pussy available with your membership,” she said in a business tone. “I’m your cock sucker. That’s the deal.” She went to her knees and began unbuckling his belt. Tina then broke character, “Baby, I’ve been looking forward to this moment all week.”

After Tina unzipped his jeans, Joe lifted his butt so she could slide his pants and underwear off. Joe’s semi-hard cock flopped to the side. Tina leaned forward and kissed his head. Taking him in her hands, she wrapped her thumb and finger around his base.

“I’ll take care of you and then I have to go home, okay?”

Joe nodded and Tina went down, taking Joey’s fat knob in her mouth. She began sucking with intention, bobbing with half his cock in her face. Then she pushed deeper, his head almost entering her throat. T’s hand went behind her ass, lifting her dress so Joe could see her naked bottom. Joe watched as she moved her fine ass to the side to give him a better view. She pushed it out, inviting him with a tease. Joe’s cock grew harder in Tina’s warm mouth. His head was now probing her throat as she bobbed up and down trying to get him off quickly so she could run home to her husband.

Tina reached under to play with her pussy while sucking Joe’s cock. She wiggled her bum more, arching her back, teasing Joe with her smallish ass. Tina often lamented that she had no ass. Joe vehemently disagreed. She had a gorgeous bottom, but not much to spare.

Joe was watching her ass with his cock in her throat, pondering a decision based on what Tina was putting out. Her first move was dropping her panties on the desk. Hello! She wants him to fuck her. Tina wiggled her ass faster.

“If you don’t stop that I’m going to fuck you. I won’t tell you again.”

Tina pulled up, “No, you won’t. As long as my mouth is on your cock, you won’t interrupt me. That’s your rule, right? Never interrupt a woman sucking your cock.”

“Not if I want that pussy more than your face.”

“Joe, I know what you love more than anything, and that is this.” She plunged down taking all his cock in her face while moving her ass up and down. Joe was fixated on her bottom while she sucked him hard. She arched her back again, lifting her bum.

When T removed her hand from under her and presented it to Joe, wet with her juices, that was all he could take. With his cock in her face, Joe pushed himself up, practically throwing Tina from his lap. She gasped as she fell back, Joe standing over her.

“What the fuck?” She said as he reached down and grabbed her arm and began lifting her. Tina struggled to get her legs under her, but it didn’t matter. She wasn’t in control of the situation.

“What are you doing?”

He lifted her to her feet. They stood face to face, Joe looking down at her. “You want to flash that pussy at me. I warned you.”

“Oh no!” Tina pushed him back. “We’re not fucking, Joe. I was just teasing you.”

Tina was not prepared to defend herself – if that was her intention. Joe reached across his body with his left hand and grabbed her left wrist, then pulled her arm across her body, spinning her forcefully.

“No, Joe! Stop!” Tina tried to wiggle free as Joe pushed her forward, over her desk, knocking items to the floor. She struggled as he forced her head and torso down with one hand while he reached under, between her legs from behind, and pushed two fingers inside her wet pussy. Tina gasped with the penetration.

“Joe, please don’t. I was only playing. I don’t want you to fuck me. Please don’t.”

Joe leaned against her, his body weight slightly off center, his thigh holding her against the front of her desk. His left hand on her back held her down on the desk while his right-hand finger fucked Tina’s pussy. He leaned forward, pushing his fingers deeper. Tina struggled to free herself, forcing Joe to push down harder to control her.

“You think it’s so funny,” he said, “You have all the power. You make the rules. You think I’m just gonna sit back and take the morsels you give me while you taunt me with your wet, tight pussy. He pushed his digits deeper causing Tina to gasp again. The side of her face was on the desk as Joe’s left hand held her just below her neck.

Tina tried to look back. “I won’t do it anymore. I promise. Please don’t violate me, Joe.”

“Joe removed his fingers and grabbed his cock. Moving directly behind her, he pressed his meaty head against her ass.”

“Maybe I’ll violate your virgin ass. That would teach you a lesson about flashing it.” Joe pushed his cock against her asshole, wiggling his head against Tina’s tight ass. “Did you get ass fucked during the years I was away?”

Tina twisted her body trying to break free to no avail, “You know I haven’t done…”

“Oh, nice. I can take your ass for the first time.”

“Nooo, you’re not doing that.” She twisted again, “Let me go, Joe.”

Joe slid his cock lower, parting her lips with his head.

“No, baby, please don’t. I’m begging you.”

“You’re so fucking wet, T. You want it. Your pussy is begging for this cock. Don’t fucking lie.”

“I don’t. Please. Ohhhhhhhh.” Tina felt Joe’s cock stretch her pussy as he pushed deep inside her with one strong thrust. His head went to full depth. He held it there for a moment.

“There you go, T. This is what you want. You can say it. I know the truth.”

“No, Please stop.”

Joe pulled back and plowed into her pussy again. He fucked her with a few long strokes then paused.

“Joe, please stop.”

“Oh, you want me to pull out of your tight pussy.”


“Okay.” Joe pulled his cock out, Tina exhaled in relief. “I’m gonna fuck you, T. If not your pussy, I’ll take your sweet little ass.”


Joe pushed his cock, slick with Tina’s juices, against her asshole. He pushed his thumb inside her ass.

“Oh, my God! Nooo.”

“He wiggled his thumb in her ass, preparing it for his much fatter cock. He pulled it out and pushed hard against her tight ass with his knobby head. It took a long time, Tina feeling the pressure against her ass. She tried to wiggle free, but that only made her ass more inviting to Joe. He pressed his crown against her asshole and watched it slowly open.

“Oh, nooo!” Tina squeaked, then let out a moan as Joe’s tip broke the seal.

Tina felt her ass open as the force of his cock and body weight pushed through. Joe leaned back, not wanting to hurt Tina, but wanting her to know he was in control. He held her down forcefully. Tina’s virgin asshole gripped Joe’s shaft and inch behind his fat knob which was inside Tina’s ass. He pushed in another inch.

“Awwwww, nooo,” Tina struggled to break free but Joe was too strong and her feet were barely on the floor.

Joe stopped. The top third of his cock was inside Tina’s tight ass. He allowed her the time to feel it, to adjust, and maybe welcome an ass fucking. Joe leaned forward to whisper, pushing another inch deeper.

“Please, Joe,” Tina gasped, “Don’t hurt me, please, baby. I don’t want this.”

Joe spoke low and menacing, “You threw your fucking panties on the desk, and you’re telling me you don’t want me to fuck you? You shake this little ass at me, teasing me, begging me to fuck you, and then you say no, don’t fuck me. You’re not in control anymore, T.”

“I know. I promise I…”

“It’s too late for that, baby. I’m in your ass and I’m gonna teach you a lesson about teasing my cock with your ass. My cock wins.”

“Nooo,” Tina whined, “please don’t…”

“Okay, I’ll give you a choice.” Joe leaned harder giving her ass more fat cock. He held it deep inside her ass, her hole stretching more to accept his fat truck.

Tina squeaked and moaned, “Ohhhhh, nooo,”

“You can give me your pussy, or I can take your ass. You decide.”

“Please, Joe. Take my pussy, not my ass.”

Joe pulled out of Tina in a pop,” Tina screamed, “as the hood of his knob stretched her asshole on the way out.”

“Don’t move.” Joe reached over her for a tissue and lightly wiped his cock. He threw the stained tissue on the desk for Tina to see. Joe held her down with one hand between her shoulder blades, his cock pressed against her wet, pink pussy.

“Please don’t hurt me, baby,” Tina said as Joe buried his cock deep inside her in one forceful push. Her slippery wet vagina welcomed him, stretching around his girth. Tina let out a groan and then a squeak.

Joe started fucking her slowly with long full-length strokes, deep to shallow. He held his crown between her lips, nearly slipping out, and then plowed to her depths with his head until she could take no more cock. He rammed her hard, pushing his pelvis against her bottom, back out to her lips and then plowed her again.

“Ohhhhhh, baby. Noooo.”

Then Tina fought him, she tried to push her torso up. Joe pushed her down hard and used his body weight to keep her there. She tried to twist away but his grip was too strong. The more she fought him, the harder Joe fucked her with long lunging thrusts. She made a weak attempt, squirming to free herself, but there was no getting off that rock-hard cock. Finally, exhausted, fucked into submission, Tina surrendered and took the fucking she deserved.

Pounding her pussy with long and strong strokes, burying himself deep inside Tina with every thrust, Joe still was not sure if she wanted this or if he had crossed a red line. At this point, with her moaning and squeaking, her pussy getting hammered harder than she had in years, there was no turning back. If there was damage, it was done.

Joe focused on Tina’s ass. Her smallish bottom was a fabulous sight from behind, Joe’s fat cock spreading her open, her soaking pussy lubing his piston as he rammed her. He pushed deeper and harder, Tina screamed and then let out a long moan.

She was powerless; pinned to her desk, her feet not on the floor, Joe had total control. He thought about fucking her in the ass. The urge to pull out of her pussy and shove his cock in her asshole again was strong, but the stirring in his loins signaled there was no time for trading holes.

Tina screamed again, her pussy pulsating on Joe’s shaft. She squealed and squeaked, her legs shook and her head thrashed about as orgasm tore through her body. Joe strengthened his grip on her. Pushed harder to keep her down while he increased his pace, fucking faster and harder, her tight pussy gripping his shaft.

When Joe shot his load inside Tina’s already soaking wet vagina he made her messy pussy far messier. Cum squirted out as his cock filled her, leaving little room for his load. His knees buckled. He held himself up and kept fucking her, using her pussy to drain his balls. He slowed, then leaned against Tina’s ass to keep his balance. He held his cock deep inside her, breathing heavily, not releasing her as Tina whimpered.

Finally, he leaned back and fell into the chair behind him.

Joe immediately recognized this was a moment of truth. Tina’s next words and actions would tell him if taking her pussy was welcome or a violation. He sat exhausted, staring at Tina’s ass, cum running down the inside of her thigh. She lay motionless, her breathing erratic but slowly returning to normal. She didn’t speak, didn’t try to move. Her ass was in the same position Joe fucked it in. Her feet finally found the floor.

A long, silent minute passed. Joe stood and stepped behind Tina to help her up. He put his arms under her waist and lifted. She was barely helping herself. Joe steadied her on her feet and held her close. Her head in his chest, she said nothing.

After another silent period, she barely uttered the words, “I have to use the bathroom.”

Joe let her go and watched her walk unsteadily across the office into her bathroom. The door closed behind her. Joe put his pants back on and buckled his belt. She was in there for a long time. He picked up items that had been pushed off the desk. When Tina emerged she was still quiet, not looking at Joe. She took her panties off the desk and slipped them back on. Joe watched her, waiting for some indication they were okay.

When she was back together, Tina stood tall, as if she was trying to maintain pride. She grabbed her purse and gestured towards the door. “I have to go home.”

Joe walked ahead and waited for her at the front door. He stepped outside as she set the alarm and locked the door. She turned to Joe. “You can go. I’ll be okay.”

Joe said nothing because he didn’t know what to say. He chose to walk with her. The three blocks to the Spring Street subway station felt like two miles. Her silence was heavy. At the top of the subway stairs, Joe tugged on her purse to pull her close. He hugged her for several seconds. Tina rested her head against his chest, saying nothing. She didn’t make eye contact. She simply walked away. Joe watched her disappear under the street, holding the handrail, still shaky from the pounding she took.


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