An adult stories – PUNKS Ch. 19: Truth & Consequences by dadadadiox,dadadadiox September 1994
Joe walked into Laura’s office Monday morning. He had time to kill before his mid-afternoon flight. Laura had been impatiently waiting her turn with Joe as he moved through the office thanking Guerilla staffers for showing up for his friend Clyde. He closed her office door behind him and took a seat.
“So, who was that child you were with Friday?” she asked in a condescending tone, punching the word child.
“That’s my friend, Casey, and she’s not a child. She’s twenty-four.”
“She looks more like nineteen.”
“And how old are you?”
“You know I’m thirty-three.”
“Kind of old for… what’s her name again?”
“I thought you were fucking Tina?”
“I told you we fool around sometimes. It’s complicated.” Joe steeled his eyes, “You don’t have everything figured out, Laura. I did fly cross country for Clyde’s benefit, and to visit my friends. It’s not all about Tina.”
“I suppose that’s good news. So, who’s this Casey chick?”
“Just a friend.”
Joe adored Laura, they went way back, but at times she was a bit judgy about his life, and that sometimes irritated him. He stared at her, waiting for her next comment.
“So you have a girlfriend in LA, this young thing in New York, and you’re fooling around with Tina?”
“Are you jealous,” Joe smirked, “big sister?”
“Don’t call me that. We’re the same age.”
“You act like my disapproving big sister, or maybe my…”
“Don’t you dare call me your mom?”
“Stop acting like my mom and I won’t call you that.”
Laura’s assistant Dawn popped her head into the office. “Kenny wants to see you before you leave.”
“I was planning to,” Joe said. He turned to Laura. “I’ll be out next month to finalize the Budokan album. We rearranged some tracks and Kenny is cleaning up some noise on the recording. It should hit the stores before the holidays.”
“Who are you going to sleep with when you come out, Casey, Tina, or both?”
“Both?” Joe smiled, “I’m not that lucky, Mom?”
Laura flipped him off.
Joe smirked. “Hey, we always talk about my life. What’s going on in yours? How’s Vinny, and how are the kids, Anthony and Carla?
Laura smiled. “Yes, they’re doing great. Thanks for asking.”
“You never talk about them and I usually forget to ask. Let me guess. Anthony is probably in first grade. Carla is what, four?”
“Very good, Joe,” Laura said begrudgingly. She didn’t think Joe really cared, he was just trying to change the subject. She still appreciated that he asked about her family. “Vincent made captain, he’s a big shot now.”
“Nice. Tell him I said congrats. Now that he’s made rank, Vinny’s gonna get fat, no more smoking hot fireman sex for you.”
“Vin is in great shape. He works out every day.” Laura glared at Joe. “And don’t call him Vinny.”
“Firemen do have a lot of time on their hands, lots of time to exercise.”
“Yeah, they do, kinda like musicians.”
“Is he still in Lower Manhattan?”
“Yes, Ten House.”
“Tell him I said hello, and congrats on the stripes.”
“It’s not the military, Joe.”
Joe shrugged, “What the fuck do I know?” He stood up. “I have to go see Kenny and then make my way to JFK. Bye, Mom.”
Laura flipped him off again.
“Are you not a mom?”
Joe knew that she knew he was just changing the subject. He also knew his remembering the names of her kids, and their ages, was a big deal. On his way out he stopped by Dawn’s desk.
“Thanks. You nailed it on Anthony and Carla.”
“Have a good flight.”
“Don’t tell her you told me.”
“I can keep your secrets, Joe.”
“Then how the hell does everyone know them?”
Dawn shrugged, “Don’t forget Kenny.”
On the flight from JFK to LAX, Joe thought about the pickle he put himself in. Last time out he ass fucked Tina, hurting her feelings more than her ass. This time he fucked her hostess and friend. He was oddly okay with all of it. There was a small feeling of guilt in the back of his mind telling him he did the wrong thing both times, but it wasn’t a loud voice.
— The Quiet Before the Storm —
Joe was anxiously awaiting the phone call that usually came the morning he returned home from New York. Tina didn’t call after the anal incident, but things seemed okay since then, so he suspected she’d call.
When his phone rang at 9:02 PST, it startled him, even though it rang around 9 AM most times she called. When Joe answered, the first thing Tina did was apologize for not being able to see him while he was in town.
“I was hoping to get away Sunday, but he was home all day. I just couldn’t.”
“That’s fine. I wasn’t expecting it.”
“So you saw Jack Friday night. He said it was a great show, you played a few songs and raffled off a guitar.”
“I did. It was a fun night. I’m glad I came out for it. Clyde doesn’t look good. They guy is like forty-five going on sixty.”
“He didn’t look good fifteen years ago.”
“No, he didn’t. How was your party?”
Tina told Joe all about her parent’s anniversary dinner, in more detail than he needed. When she was done she had to go, but not before one question, “Do you have any plans to come back soon?”
“I have to come out to finalize the edits on our live record, but I don’t know when that’ll be. Maybe the end of October.”
“Please let me know, okay. I have to run. Love you.”
“Love you too.”
Joe was relieved that Tina’s brother didn’t rat him out for having a date at Tommy’s. When she first mentioned Jack, he was expecting her to ask who he was with. Apparently, Jack knew better.
— Nosey Neighbor —
Nothing had changed between Joe and Jasmine aside from the fact Joe was traveling east once a month and she had family and career obligations that sometimes interrupted their weekend hookups. There was no progress in their relationship nor did it backslide.
Joe was okay with that. He’d come to accept that his idea of them being exclusive was not going to happen. His relationships in New York had become more interesting than his same-as-it-ever-was thing with Jas.
She had no clue what was on Joe’s mind when he went quiet, thinking to himself about the mess he had helped create in New York. It didn’t happen often because Joe didn’t let his problems back east affect his life in LA. He compartmentalized and tried to be present for Jas. One had nothing to do with the other.
When Jasmine showed up on a Friday, Joe had some uncomfortable news. He found it amusing but he wasn’t sure if she would feel the same.
“I was in The Grind the other day and Frank pulled me aside. He saw us fucking in the car last week and he’s being a dick about it.”
“Which one is Frank?”
“He’s the guy with the bad comb over. He’s on the other side of the alley. It was his dog yapping that night. Remember he turned the light on?”
“Shit.” Jas made a face, “What did he say? Did he see anything?”
“He said he’d appreciate it if we didn’t fuck in the back parking lot.”
“Is that it?”
“No, he’s a busybody. He acted all offended.” Joe paused, “The problem is, Frank runs his mouth and a few people know about it.”
“Like who?”
“Annie, her staff, a few patrons.”
“Great.” Jas shook her head, “Now I can’t show my face in the coffee shop.”
“Or you can be like me and just own it. I don’t give a fuck. It’s not his business. The old pervert probably got off.”
Jasmine laughed. “He is kinda creepy. That comb over is ridiculous.”
“Which style? He has two, the cinnamon bun and the strudel.”
Jas made a face, not getting Joe’s joke. He explained.
“Frank lets what hair he has left, the stubborn survivors, grow very long. Then he either styles them in a swirl, like the cinnamon bun, or he goes back and forth, like the icing on a strudel.”
“I never noticed,” Jas chuckled, “because I avert my eyes.”
“Most people look away. He’s a ridiculous, cranky old man. I don’t worry about what he says. Most people know he’s a busybody and pay little attention to him.”
“It doesn’t bother you that he’s talking shit about us?”
“Maybe a little, because he’s an ass, but honestly… I don’t give a fuck. We had sex in my car on my property. It’s no one’s fucking business. We didn’t hurt anyone.”
Joe didn’t tell Jasmine everything. Frank told another neighbor he turned his light off but stayed in the yard and watched them through his fence. He had a disparaging remark about Jas, something racial, and Joe didn’t care to share that.
“I like that we can talk about sex in a matter-of-fact way. I don’t know about your moral philosophy, but your openness is impressive. Nothing is taboo with you.”
“It’s just sex. I don’t put it in a precious box that can never be opened. That’s insecure and stifling. I prefer being open and honest about it.”
“I like that,” Jas said, “nothing seems to bother you. You’re pretty chill.”
“Not always. I can also be sensitive and moody and can be a bitch sometimes.”
“Yeah, but you’re my bitch.” She lightly pushed him, “You’re a thinker. I don’t always agree with you, but your position and logic is usually clear. I remember the day we met. I enjoyed talking to you. After that, I took every chance I could get to hang out with you.”
Yes, I remember the stalking.” Joe faked a shudder, “Stephen King is writing the novel.”
“I wasn’t that creepy. Was I?”
“No, Jas, you weren’t. I loved your attention. I was happy to be your friend.”
“But that’s as far as you were going.” Jas said with an attitude, “That was frustrating as all hell for me. I wanted to fuck you so bad.”
“The feeling was mutual, Jas.”
“Then why didn’t we?”
“It’s complicated.”
“No it’s not,” she pointed a light pink fingernail at him. “You were chickenshit.”
Joe laughed, “I don’t deny it. I was telling people that. I didn’t want to fuck it up.”
“Do you remember that night after your first gig at The Surfside, we went on the beach that night and got high. We walked in the surf carrying our shoes?”
“And you kissed me,” Joe said softly.
“I did. And that was it. I couldn’t believe it. I still had a great time with you. We were up till dawn. I went home to my dildo wishing it was you.”
Joe did not have a reply to Jasmine’s memories. That night on the beach, and later at a taco shop, and then on the lamp lit boardwalk, was one his fondest memories of her. She was right, he should have fucked her back then. Finally he just said it.
“Yes, I also went home and jerked off, so I guess I called it wrong.”
“I fucking kissed you in the surf. That wasn’t enough of a clue.”
“You’re right. I should have fucked you. I blew it.”
Jas put her arms about Joe’s neck and looked him in the eyes. “I’m glad we fixed that.” She kissed him.
Then Jas asked a question he’d been expecting for several weeks. “So you’re flying east again next month. What’s up with all these trips to New York? Is it five trips?”
“Yeah, in five months. The next one will be six and then I’ll go back for Christmas. It’s a lot.”
“Tina must love that.”
“I didn’t see her last week. She was busy.”
“Really? You don’t talk about her much anymore. Is everything okay?”
“It’s always a challenge for us. We have our history and emotions. We go back and forth between being good and having problems. She’ll always be one of my best friends, but it’s hard sometimes.”
Jas ran her hands down Joe’s chest. “Tell me some of your favorite things about her.”
“I’m just curious. Be open and honest, like you say you are.”
“Okay, she gives incredible, toe-curling blow jobs. I mean, unbelievable.”
“I didn’t mean sex.”
“But what if that’s my favorite thing? T is gifted, and she loves sucking dick.”
“I know your play. ” Jasmine smiled. “You’re just saying that to make me feel like I have to step up my game, then you get more head.”
“I’m getting plenty, baby.”
Jasmine scrunched her nose. “Okay. How about something not sex related? What do you love about her as a person?”
“Oh.” Joe thought for a moment. “We’ll. I love her hair, her laugh, and how she looks at me. I like that she’s graceful and elegant and at the same time can be a clumsy doofus. She’s mature and immature. Tina is competent and intelligent but clueless in other ways. She’s a contradiction.” Joe paused a moment, “For someone so competent and successful, it’s amazing how fucked up her life is.”
“It sounds like you think about these things a lot.”
“Over the years I have. It comes and goes.”
“I like that you can tell me these things without trying to pretend you don’t care about her. That’s honest.”
Joe no longer tried to downplay his relationship with Tina, as he did months ago when he learned she was a problem for Jas. As Jas had noted, he didn’t speak of her often. When he did, he kinda told the truth. He just stopped short of saying he loved Tina, or that she was doing him when he visited.
Jasmine had one more thought. “I don’t want to sound like a child, but didn’t you promise me a trip to New York?”
“I did, and I intend on keeping that promise. How about we make that a goal for next year. You don’t want to go during winter.”
“I do not, but if that’s when it happens, I’ll deal with it.”
On the next Monday morning call, Tina took the conversation in a different direction. After a kurt good morning, and brief small talk, T went for it.
“So, when you bumped into my brother Friday night, I guess he invited you to grab a bite after the show, but you declined. That’s weird.”
“How so?”
“You skipping a late-night diner hang after a show at Tommy’s. It’s never happened before.”
“I just wasn’t up to it.”
“Yeah, you had other plans, with a blonde.”
“Hello?” Joe tapped his phone receiver. “Is this the Gestapo I’m speaking to?”
“No. April told me you were with a young blonde and she was clearly attached to you.”
“Yeah, she was a little handsy that night.”
“I’m not dumb, Joe. I know it was Casey.”
“What makes you say that?”
“It took me a few days, but I figured it out. Friday morning I asked Casey.”
“What did she have to say?”
“She smiled and said she had a great time at the show. Then I asked what she did the rest of the weekend and she clammed up, so I assume you fucked her.”
“Did you give her shit for it?”
“No, but she knows I know and she’s been walking around with this dumb freshly fucked smile on her face that’s really annoying. After what happened last time you were here I thought you might have better judgment than to fuck one of my friends.”
“So… you are going to keep throwing that in my face. And now you can add me fucking Casey to my list of henious crimes.” Joe paused, “You seem to have forgotten that I exorcized my Catholic guilt years ago.”
“I am well fucking aware of your shamelessness. It’s not your best trait.”
“That’s funny. I think shamelessness is one of your best traits… since you’ve evolved.”
“Did you think this through or did you let your dick do the thinking for you?”
“What do you mean?”
“What happens next, Joe? Do you think Casey had her fill last weekend? What happens when you fly out next time? Are you gonna sleep with Casey and then expect me to suck your dick?”
Joe didn’t answer.
“That’s what I thought. You were thinking with the wrong head.”
“I have a question, T. Did you tell Casey that I wanted to go on a date with her?”
“I was just teasing her because I know she has a crush on you.”
“And did you tell her that if we hooked up… I’d rock her pussy?”
Tina went quiet, so Joe continued.
“I’m not putting this on Casey. I did what I did, but she asked me to take her to Tommy’s. She figured that I wanted to sleep with her, because you put that idea in her head.”
“Oh, so now it’s my fault that you fucked Casey?”
“No, but you fanned the flames and she made her move.”
“Oh please, you’ve been flirting with her for years, playing your dumb games. She knew you wanted to fuck her long ago.”
“You teased me with the idea of setting us up. Do you remember that?”
“I was just teasing you. I wasn’t serious.”
“But you put that idea in my head, and you gave Casey ideas, and then we acted on them.”
“You’re a dog, Joe. You were gonna fuck her first chance you got.”
“I’m not denying that, but I never would have asked Casey out on a date. That’s the truth.”
Joe was not lying. As mush as he wanted to sleep with Casey, he never would have asked her on a date with the intention of fucking her. Tina said Joe plays dumb games. She played them too, and sometimes a game doesn’t end as we planned.
A week later, Tina was not herself. The call was normal, but Joe sensed something was on her mind but she wasn’t saying it. He suspected that he knew what it was, so he asked.
“How are things with you and Casey?”
“We’re fine, but it’s a little awkward.”
“Are you okay, T? Is there a problem?”
“No. I said we’re fine. I need some time to sort this out.”
“Is there a problem between you and Casey?”
“I told you we’re fine but it’s a little weird. I’m not saying she’s flaunting it, but Casey is proudly strutting around here and I can’t help think she’s… I don’t know, taunting me?”
“I don’t think she’d do that,” Joe said. “That’s out of character. Maybe you’re being hyper sensitive.”
“I don’t think you know her that well. She’s made some comments about that weekend that have gotten under my skin.”
“Like what?”
“I don’t care to discuss it, Joe. Have you spoken to her?”
“No. I kinda lost her phone number, and I didn’t want to call her there.”
Tina laughed, “Did you really?”
“I did. And I feel like shit about it.”
“Well, I’m not giving it to you.”
“Then I’m calling her there, on your time. How bad is it, T?”
“It’s bad enough that Jenna senses something is up. Casey and I aren’t the same, but we’ll be okay. I need some time, Joe.”
“I’m sorry, T. This was probably a mistake. You’re right. We didn’t think this through.”
“Joe, let’s not discuss it now. Just give me some time to work through these… feelings.”
“What feelings?”
“The feeling that I fucked up.” Tina said sharply, “I don’t care to talk about it, not yet.”
Joe dropped the subject even as he sensed all was not well at the Amethyst Gallery. The following morning he called and got Casey on the line.
“She probably knows we’re talking,” Casey said, “she now has caller ID at her desk.”
“Good to know. Hey, are you okay? She’s seems to be having a hard time.”
“I’m fine and she’s definitely not happy with me. Now I’m trying to lay low. We’ll be okay.”
“I lost your home phone number. I’m sorry.”
“That’s okay. If I need to talk I have your number.” Casey then whispered, “She’s coming this way. Listen, Joe, no matter what happens, I’ll never regret it. I have to hang up now.”
Tina did not call on the following Monday, and Joe didn’t call her. Tina said she needed time to work out her feelings. He decided to give her space to figure it out. He wasn’t going to press the issue.
The truth was, Joe found himself thinking about Casey a lot, and he felt awful that she and Tina were having problems. He was thinking of Casey far more than Tina. Joe didn’t know what to do about that. He hoped time would work things out in his head… as well as Tina’s.
When Tina skipped another weekly phone call. Joe sent her a check-in email. She replied in short – ‘I’m very busy, sorry. Will catch up later.’
— Westwood Ho —
Joe heard a noise downstairs. It sounded like his studio door opening and closing. He looked at the clock, it was 5:05 AM. He got up and went to the back door and looked out to his lot. He flipped his parking lot floodlight on. It had been on a motion detector, but his neighbors complained it was too bright and tripped on too often. He walked out onto his second-floor landing and looked down.
He reached inside and turned off the flood. Light shined out of the tiny window of the studio door. Joe breathed a sigh of relief, returned for his keys, and walked downstairs. He unlocked the back door and walked in.
“Danny, what the fuck? Why are you so early?”
“My ex threw me out.” Danny was sitting on the floor. He picked himself up. “I’m sorry I woke you. I had no other place to go.” He was clearly embarrassed.
“How long have you been crashing on her couch?”
“Ten weeks, I think. Maybe more.”
“Can’t say I blame her. Did her boyfriend have something to do with this? You guys almost had a fight a few weeks back, right?”
“Fight? I would knock that little weasel’s head off. He’s a cunt.”
“Alright, tough guy, take it easy.”
Joe noticed a backpack and a canvas bag. “So what did you do to get your ass booted? Joe smiled. “Did you fuck one of her roommates?”
Danny didn’t answer.
“You dog. You did, didn’t you?”
“For two months Gloria and June paraded their pussies in front of me. They’d make noise to wake me up… and there they are, in bras and panties like I’m not in the room.”
“Who made the first move?”
“Gloria sat on the edge of the couch talking to me, a few weeks ago, the day after I had the beef with Ryan. She said he’s a little asshole and she’s okay with me staying there. Then she put her hand on my junk. What would you do?”
“Is she hot?”
“I would have fucked her too.”
“I know!”
“That was three weeks ago? How many times did you hit that?”
“How many times can you fuck in three weeks? I hate to be a bother, Joe. You’ve been good to me, but can you drive me to Westwood to get my shit. I can’t take all that stuff on the city bus.”
“What do you have there?”
“My clothes, two guitars, and an amp.”
“That’s it.”
“And a box of assorted stuff.”
“Give me twenty minutes. We’ll go wake those bitches up to move you out. Then I’ll buy you breakfast.”
“Thanks, man. You’re the best.”
Joe liked this kid, but his life was a mess. He needed to get his shit together. On the way over, Danny told Joe that these UCLA grad students were fans of Joe’s band. He had told them he was working for Joe, but they thought he was full of shit.
Outside the apartment, at 6:10 AM, Joe pounded on the door, once, twice, three times, then he heard female voices.
“Rise and shine campers. We’re here to collect Danny’s guitars. You threw him out. He needs his stuff.” He turned to Danny. “What’s your ex’s name?”
“Michelle, she’s the tall brunette. Glo has the chest. June is the blonde.
There was a man’s voice and stirring inside. Joe pounded again, “You can’t kick him out and keep his shit. I’m not leaving until we have it.”
The inside locks clicked and the door cracked open. One eyeball peaked out. “Holy shit,” the man said. Joe jammed his foot in the door so Ryan couldn’t close it and pushed hard knocking him back and the door open. He held Danny back with one hand, keeping him in the hallway
Joe quickly scanned stunned roommates. Michelle, Gloria, Ryan, and June. As Danny had stated, Gloria and June were in bras and panties.
“We’re here to collect his belongings. There will be no trouble, and we’ll be gone as fast as we arrived.”
“You’re Joe Theroux.” Ryan said.
“Yeah, I know who the fuck I am. May we come in?”
“Yes,” Michelle said.
Joe stepped through the door. Danny followed.
“Go grab your shit, kid. Pile it up in the hallway. Don’t forget anything, cuz I’m not coming back.”
“Michelle?” Joe pointed at the tall brunette.
“Thanks for giving my boy a place to crash. Being an ex and all, you didn’t have to do that. He overstayed his welcome a bit. He’s sorry.”
“He slept with my roommate?”
“Gloria?” Joe looked at her big tits.
“How many times did you fuck Danny?”
She stood silent, a little embarrassed, while Danny moved his guitars into the hallway.
He looked back at Michelle. “Are yu gonna kick her out too? Sex is a two way street.”
Michelle looked at her feet.
“People fuck! Big deal. Look at you, cute girls in underwear. What did you think was going to happen? Grow up for fucks sake. It’s just sex.”
Danny kept moving, placing his heavy tube amp by his guitars. Joe just stared at the roommates as they stood speechless. The girls were hot. Gloria had an impressive rack and a very cute face. She looked like a deer in headlights, more so than the others. Joe looked them up and down as Danny moved clothes into the hall.”
“All set, kid?”
“One more thing.”
Joe smirked at the roommates as Danny carried a large box to the hall. He looked at Joe as he passed, “This is everything.”
“Say your goodbyes. You’re never coming back.”
Danny stepped inside and hugged Michelle. “Thanks, Chelle. I’m sorry we woke you.”
“I’m not sorry,” Joe said. “You could have freed your couch by letting him sleep in Gloria’s bed. Instead, you got all prudish on your friends.”
Joe grabbed the two guitar cases and looked back, “Ryan, he would have kicked your ass all over Westwood, you insecure fucking cunt.”
He walked out and went to his car. Danny had to make four trips to the car. As they were leaving, Gloria came running out in a T-shirt and panties. She hugged Danny.
“I’m so sorry. Where are you going?”
Joe pointed, “Glove box. Card.”
Danny opened the glove box and handed Gloria a Guerilla business card.
“If you want to come and visit Danny,” Joe said, “you’re welcome, but only you, not them.”
“Thank you.” She said, looking at the card as they drove away.
Driving west on Wilshire Blvd in silence, the wind blowing hair back. Danny looked over at Joe. “That was the coolest thing anyone has ever done for me. Thank you, Joe.”
Joe smiled. “Did you see the look on Ryan’s face when I called him an insecure cunt?”
They laughed.
“You hurt him, man. Ryan loves your band.”
“Fuck Ryan!” Joe said as they turned south on Sepulveda Blvd.
Sitting in the Eldorado at Randy’s Donuts, they sipped coffee and ate donuts. Danny apologized again for waking Joe at 5 AM.
“Don’t worry about it. So what’s your plan?”
“What are you gonna do?”
Danny stared at Joe.
“That’s what I figured.” Joe took a bite of his donut and a sip of coffee. “Okay, the couch in the studio is a pull-out. You can crash there for the time being. You’ve got the bathroom, a shower, and the office fridge. It’s the bare minimum.”
Danny nodded, “Thanks. Joe. I appreciate it.”
Joe glared at Danny to make sure he had his full attention. “The deal is this; get your shit together, man. If I’m not charging rent you should be able to save money. You’re working for me and Grant is giving you work. You need to stash cash to get your own place.”
“I’ve already saved a little.”
“Good.” Joe sipped coffee. “I’m gonna talk to my partners about putting you on the payroll. This way you’ll have a job and references when it’s time to find a place.”
“That’ll be great.”
“I trust you, kid. Don’t make me regret it.”
“I won’t.”
Joe started the engine and put the Caddy in reverse. He looked over his shoulder to back out.
“So that couch is a pull-out bed” Danny said. “I wish I knew that when I painted.”
— Surprise Visit —
When Tina skipped another Monday phone call, her third in a row, Joe called the gallery. Casey did not answer. It was a different girl. She informed Joe that Mrs. Giacomo was out of the office. Joe had just booked his flight for November 10th, only a few days away, and wanted to let Tina know he was coming to town. He did not leave a message.
Joe arrived at Amethyst Gallery before noon with a plan to surprise Tina and take her to lunch. He knew seeing her was going against Jenna’s Plan B, but he hadn’t spoken to Jen in weeks. He was hoping to patch things up with T, have a frank talk with Casey, and catch up with Jenna. When he arrived, there was a new girl in reception. Joe’s heart sank.
“Mrs. Giacomo’s out of the office through next week,” the new girl said.
“Is she out of town?”
“Yes, she and her husband are in Aruba celebrating their wedding anniversary.”
Joe almost laughed, but he held back. “And where’s Casey?”
The new girl shrugged, “She left.”
“She quit? Was she fired? What happened?”
“She left on her own.”
“And who are you?”
“I’m Brittany,” she stiffened up, proudly, “and who are you?”
“I’m Joe, Mrs. Giacomo’s ex.”
“Oh,” Brittany said, “I see.”
“Is Jenna here?”
“Yes. Would you like me to call her up?”
“No. I know where she is. I’ll just go down.” Joe nodded and walked towards the stairs
“Sir, can you please sign the visitor’s log?”
“Visitor’s log?” Joe chuckled. “This is a new policy.” He returned and signed the log without a word to Brittany. When he walked down to Jenna’s office, she smiled, rose from her desk, and gave him a hug.
“You realize she’s not here, right?”
“I just found that out,” he said. “Aruba huh? I didn’t think she’d ever return to the scene of her biggest mistake in life.”
“That’s harsh,” Jenna said.
“The truth is cold like that.”
“Have a seat. Is there anything I can do for you?”
“Where’s Casey?”
“You haven’t heard? She left.”
“She quit? Was there a problem? Why didn’t you call me?”
“Of course there’s something wrong, but I’ll be damned if I know what it is,” Jenna said. “And why would I call you? Do you know something I don’t?”
Joe shrugged lightly, too much of a coward to tell Jenna what happened.
“She and Tina had a rough couple of weeks and I have no clue why. Then Casey started calling in sick. When she gave her notice Tina was upset, for one day – then she was rather cavalier about it. Honestly, Joe. I was blindsided… and far more hurt than Tina was.”
“This is not good.” Joe sighed. “How about I buy you the lunch I had intended for her?”
Jenna furrowed her brow. “Do you know something? You obviously didn’t tell T you were coming?”
“No. We haven’t been talking.”
“Really? She told me last year that she’d never let that happen again. For how long?”
“It’s been almost a month,” he said.
“Okay. We need to talk. Let’s have lunch.”
During lunch, Jenna explained that Tina was fine, with no obvious problems and she had never alluded to losing touch with Joe. She explained that Casey took a job with an uptown gallery. It seemed like a lateral move, which puzzled Jenna.
“Why would you leave your friends and mentors for the same job?”
Joe had an explanation he couldn’t reveal.
“So, what are you doing in town?” She asked.
“We’re releasing a live album from our last tour and doing some remixing and changing a few tracks. I thought I’d take T out for lunch and find out what happened with us.”
“I think some of it has to do with the honeymoon,” Jenna said. “I don’t know if she’s working on her marriage again or just throwing Troy a bone. He wanted this trip, T did not. She eventually agreed to go.”
“I can definitely see her wanting to keep this from me.”
Jenna laughed, “For sure. The last thing she wants is you busting her ass for taking a vacation with her husband.”
“Not just a vacation,” Joe added, “a second honeymoon.”
“I know,” Jenna shrugged. “I don’t get it. What are you gonna do with your free time here?”
“I have no clue.” He said. “That’s always a problem. It’s not like T was available. Aside from the punks, everyone I know in town is married, some with kids.”
“I have the same problem. I haven’t traveled that road, so my social life is hampered by friends being married, a couple have kids.”
“You have a boyfriend, so it’s not like you’re single-single.”
“Well, we’re not in the best place right now. You know he’s in Boston on the Big Dig. It’s not good.”
“I didn’t know it was a problem. You were up there visiting him the last time I was here.”
“It’s not a problem… well, not really, but this long-distance thing sucks. I hate it.”
“I see. That project is massive. He’s probably gonna be there a while.”
She took a sip of her drink. “We see each other one or two weekends per month. It’s not enough. Two if I’m lucky.”
“Does he feel the same?”
“I think so, but he’s got family and friends up there. He’s not alone on an island.”
“You’re never alone in Manhattan.”
“It was a metaphor, Joe.”
After lunch and a couple of cocktails, they walked back to the gallery. Joe was about to excuse himself, but Jenna invited him inside.
“If you have nothing to do, you can hang out and watch me work on my new project.”
“Okay, I can hang.”
Jenna put on a lab coat and got dirty with plaster to create a rectangular mold that would later be sculpted. Joe observed. He’d seen the process a few times. She showed him her previous work, related to this new mold.
“It’s the stages of the female form. This is the infant, then the child, here’s the young adult, and next is pregnancy. After that, the woman with a child, and finally an elderly lady.”
“I like how there’s a clear resemblance in the face. I can tell it’s the same woman.”
“That’s the hardest part. Showing age is easy. Maturing her features while leaving similarities is not.”
There were other artists working. Joe knew most of the young people there from his many visits. He checked out their work and then got out of the way. When Jenna’s was done they retired to her office where she dealt with class scheduling.
Jenna made an observation. “Ya know, this is the longest we’ve ever talked.”
“I don’t know about that. We took you out for your college graduation, then to a club. That was an all-nighter. We had breakfast at dawn. We hung out a lot in those days. We talked all the time.”
“Not like this,” she said. “a one-on-one conversation. It was always the three of us.”
“C’mon. You and I have had many chats.”
“Yeah, a half hour here and there. Not like this.”
He nodded. “If you say so.”
“Do you want to know what I hate?” Jenna asked rhetorically, “I hate that Tina’s moods and going back and forth with you affect our friendship. If you guys aren’t okay, I don’t see you.”
“I’m sorry.”
“I don’t know if you realize it, because I never told you, but when you left in eighty-four I was hurt too. You and Tina were my best friends.”
“I know, Jen. You did tell me that I hurt you. I’m sorry.”
“Maybe someday we can talk about that time. I know it’s not an easy topic for you, but I’m not Tina, so maybe we can talk without you getting butt hurt.”
“I don’t know, maybe.”
Jenna looked at the clock. It was 4:44. “I have to prepare for a class I have tonight.” She stood up. Joe stood and hugged her.
“This was really nice,” she said, “Maybe you could carve out some time for me the next time you’re in town.”
“I would like that, Jen.”
— Surprise Visit 2 —
Joe did not go back to his hotel. He grabbed a bite to eat and thought about the mess they had made of Casey’s life. Then he jumped on the subway to Brooklyn. He wanted to hear from Casey herself exactly what happened at the gallery. He walked up to her building and buzzed her apartment at 8:25 PM.
Her voice came on the intercom, “Hello?”
“Casey, it’s Joe. If you’d like to talk, buzz me in.”
“Oh my God, yes.” the buzzer sounded. He entered the building. Joe walked up the flight of stairs and when he turned into the second-floor corridor, she was coming his way. Casey flung her arms around Joe and kissed him. Joe kissed her back.
I thought I’d never see you again,” she said in a squeaky, excited voice. She kissed him again, then led him back to her place. The moment the door closed behind him, Casey was kissing Joe again, and again. He did not resist. When she reached down and grabbed his junk, Joe picked Casey up and carried her to her bedroom.
Clothing flew in every direction. Casey’s baby blue cotton pajama bottoms hit the floor along side Joe’s Allstars and Levis. Her top draped over the side table. She pulled Joe’s T-shirt over his head and tossed it over her shoulder. Then she ripped his underwear down and webt to her knees.
Casey took Joe’s semi-hard cock in her mouth, going straight to sucking him hard, and deep, because he wasn’t fully erect. As he stiffened, she slowed down, working his crown, suckling on just the top few inches. Her hand gripped his base while she went down on him. Suddenly, she stopped and stood up, stepped aside and pushed Joe onto the bed.
“Lay back,” she pointed and then pounced on Joe, taking his shaft in her hands and his knob in her mouth. She sucked hard, deep, with purpose.
Joe watched her, loving her eagerness. “Oh, my God, Case. You’re a wild-woman.”
She stopped and looked up at Joe, his throbbing tower in her hand, “I’m so fucking happy you’re here.” Casey returned to duty, taking him deep, his tip poking at her throat. Joe leaned back and enjoyed the show. She was amazing, and so damn sexy, her blonde hair swaying wih her bobbing.
Casey was sideways, perpendicular to Joe. Her ass propped up. Joe wanted it. He tapped her hip. “Bring this up here. C’mon, turn. Give me your pussy, baby.”
Casey didn’t miss a stoke and she turned and swung her leg over Joe. Her pussy and ass staring him in the face, he pulled her and an began sucking her pussy. Casey moaned and pushed deep, taking his head in her throat, she gagged and pulled back, then found a long, sensual rhythm enjoying Joe’s cock and tongue.
She filled Joe’s senses, her taste, her scent, her soft pink flesh on his face, her squeeks and moans and his tougue worked on her pussy, licking and probing. He wanted to fuck her tight little muff, but this was so good.
Casey again took charge, lifting her leg over Joe, spinning and swinging it back over him. She straddled him, using her hand to aim his rock hard cock at her pussy. As she slid down his shaft, she moaned, her pussy stretching around his girth.
“Oh. My. God! This is in-cred-i-ble. Oh, yes!”
Joe moaned, “Oh baby, your pussy in heaven. Oh, you’re so damn tight.”
Casey started grinding on his dick, not hard, moving her ass, wiggling, feeling him deep inside her, allowing her vagina to adjust to being filled with cock. She sat tall in the saddle, Joe’s hands went to het perky tits, ad Casey commenced riding. “Ah,” she sqeaked. “Oh, Joe. Ah.”
The race was on, who would cum first? After a minute of slow and sensual riding, Casey seemed determined to cross the finish line first, bouncing hard. Joe fat knob pounded her depths, hitting hard as she dropped, she squealed, then screamed. It was almost too much cock.
“Holy fuck, baby,” Joe panted, his cock feeling her vagina gripping, and sliding, sending waves of sensation through his loins. “You are magnificent.”
She fell forward, putting her tits in Joe’s face, he took her nipple in his mouth. Casey’s G-spot rubbed hard on the wide base of his shaft. She moaned, adjusting her rhythm, hard but under control. Joe felt her body reacting, her snug snatch grabbing him even tighter, milking his cock.
Joe’s hands went under her. He grabbed her little ass, and squeezed. Casey moaned, then squeaked. “Ohhhhh, yes!” She pushed up, her hands on Joe’s chest, bouncing again as her orgasm hit hard. She screamed, “Ohhhh, yeah, my God!” Casey slammed her pussy down on Joe, fell forward and fucked him with short, quick strokes, squeaking and squealing until she was spent.
She kissed Joe as she gradually slowed to barely fucking him, hold his cock deep, clenching him. Her lips lighting caressing his. “I love fucking you, Joe.”
Joe exhaled, “You’re so beautiful. Just stay like this. Let me feel you. It’s so good.”
“What about you?”
“Oh, I trust you’ll take care of me.”
“Yes, I will.”
At 10:40, they lay in a twist of arms, legs, bed sheets, and pillows. She gave Joe a long, loving blow job – hand job combo. He then got her off again, licking her soft pink vulva. She bucked on the bed as she cam. Her breathing had just returned to normal, relaxed, they were spent.
“I love how you talk to me and tell me I’m beautiful,” she kissed his shoulder. “and how good I am. It just feels nice to hear that.”
“Just for the record,” he said, “I didn’t come here to fuck you.”
“Well, that would have been a very disappointing visit. I’m glad I took the initiative.”
“Me too, you’re a good girl, Casey English.”
“Especially when I’m bad.” she kissed his chest.
“You gotta tell me what happened between you and Tina,” he said flatly, “That’s why I’m here.”
“I thought so.” Casey sat up against the headboard. “It’s not as dramatic as you might think. We had no big fight. When she asked me if I was with you at Tommy’s I figured it was okay to confess that, but nothing else. Then she asked what I did all weekend, and I knew she was on to us. I didn’t say anything, she just walked away.”
“You never told her I stayed here?”
“Not that day. After that, she just treated me differently. She was more demanding and less friendly. Sometimes she was cold. Jenna noticed and asked me what was wrong. Of course I pretended I didn’t know. After a while, I realized I couldn’t go on like that.”
“So you just left your job and she was okay with that?”
“No, she was not okay with me leaving, but Tina didn’t try to convince me to stay either. Jenna did. She was in shock that I gave notice.”
“I’m so sorry, Casey.”
“Don’t worry about me. I had a friend at this other gallery who’d been trying to steal me from Tina for months. I turned her down after I got that nice raise. I called her back when I no longer felt secure in my position.”
“Had I known this would blow up in your face I never would have…”
“I would have.” Casey interrupted, “I wouldn’t change a thing, Joe. I’m fine in my new job and that weekend was the best time I ever had. I would do it again.”
“I’m glad to know you’re okay. I’ve been worried about you.”
“I don’t care what Tina thinks. You can stay with me every time you come to New York if that’s what you want.”
“Let’s deal with that when the time comes. I fly back late Monday.” Joe turned to look Casey in the eyes, “Jenna is hurt that you left without an explanation.”
“I thought about telling her. I just couldn’t break the promise I made you. Honestly, I think Jenna would be very upset with us. I still had a week to go when Tina locked me out of the email system. When I asked why, she dismissed me. That was my last day.”
“That’s cold. Why didn’t you call me?”
“I wanted to, but I was afraid you’d call Tina and start a big fight over me. I didn’t want that. I don’t want to be a problem for you, or for her. I knew you’d find out eventually and if you wanted to talk you’d find a way.”
“You should have called me before you quit. You say she listens to me. Maybe I could have fixed this.”
“No, you couldn’t. Once Tina started being a bitch, I decided to poke the bear. I told her we had an amazing weekend, that you cooked for me, and we barely left my apartment.”
“You rubbed her nose in it?”
“I kinda did, and she was really pissed off. That’s when I decided it was time to go.”
“You’re right. I don’t think I can fix that.”
“I told her you have a beautiful cock.”
“You did not.”
“I did.” Casey smiled proudly, “I didn’t give a fuck. I was done.”
Joe shook his head. “I get it, but that was unnecessary.”
“I told her a lot of stuff, Joe, in small bits, every time we talked. She told me to shut up, twice.” Casey turned and leaned against Joe, looking into his eyes. “Are you staying with me this weekend?”
“If you’d like.”
“Yes, please. Sign me up for that. All day and night?”
“I can do that.”
Casey kissed Joe. “Thank you. Seeing you makes me happy.”
She fell back on her pillow. “I feel terrible about Jenna. I didn’t mean to hurt her.”
“She’s a big girl. She’ll be okay.”
Joe spent the next three nights with Casey in round two of their thing, whatever it was. He thought their first weekend was incredible. She was so much fun to be with, sweet and loving. This weekend Casey was eager and insatiable. She took charge, and he liked it.
Late Monday morning, Joe spent time at the studio before he went to JFK for his flight home. He received a message from the receptionist; call Jenna, immediately.
“I cannot believe you fucked Casey,” she said without a greeting. “You knew all along what happened and wouldn’t tell me.”
“I’m sorry, I couldn’t,” he said, “I’m guessing Casey called you this morning. Did she tell you everything?”
“That Tina gave her permission to fuck you? Yes. She told me everything. It’s unbelievable. I can’t imagine Tina doing that.”
“Well, that’s not actually what happened. She didn’t give permission. Tina put the idea in Casey’s head that I wanted to sleep with her, and Casey went for it. And then T punished Casey for it.”
“I can’t believe you fucked her.” Jenna paused, “Okay. I can believe it, but I’m still shocked. You should have known better, Joe. You shouldn’t have done it.”
“I’m sorry.”
“No, you’re not! You banged her again, yesterday. Casey told me everything, Joe,” Jenna paused. “I’m so fucking disappointed in you.”
“I’m truly sorry about that.”
“When Tina gets back, she’s gonna hear it from me. This is wrong, Joe. What she did to Casey is terrible. I’m disappointed in her too.”
“Me too, Jenna.”
Joe wanted to give Jenna the consenting adult speech and lay blame on Tina for teasing them with her head games. He thought better of it. There was no need to pile on. He knew Jenna was right, he should have known better. Joe just couldn’t help himself. He wanted to fuck Casey.
He figured this would blow over soon enough. Tina will come back from Aruba and have to deal with Jenna, which serves her right, and after some words and apologies, they’ll move on. He flew back to LA wondering what his next conversation with Tina will be like. After five days home, that question was answered.
Tina didn’t even say hello, “You came back to New York to fuck Casey?”
“No, I did not. I went to New York on business. I popped in to have lunch with you. Casey was gone. I asked for Jenna. She told me what she knew. I went to see Casey for her side of the story.”
“And your dick just fell into her pussy?”
“Ya know T. I’m not playing this fucking game of judgment with you. Yes, I fucked Casey last week, and it was fun. Casey is beautiful to be with. I might do her next time I’m in town, and I don’t give a shit if you approve or not. I’m a single man who can fuck whoever he wants. You’re a married woman who can fuck whoever you want, including her husband on a romantic fifth-anniversary second honeymoon.”
“It’s not what you think it is?”
“Was it a second honeymoon?”
“Did you fuck him?”
“Of course, we’re married, Joe.”
“Then it’s precisely what I think it is.”
Tina sighed. “Listen. I’m sorry for bitching at you. This is partly my fault. I don’t deny that. I messed up. When I got the sense she had a genuine emotional connection with you, I was jealous of that, not the sex.”
“That’s kinda what I do, T. The no-one-night stand thing is about making those connections. I’ve told you many times. I don’t do cheap hookups.”
“Jenna is furious with me. I’m afraid she’s angry enough to leave me.”
“I doubt that.”
“You didn’t hear what she said and how she said it. It was hard to hear, but I let her go off because I know I fucked up. I just had to sit here and take it.”
“So, how was your romantic getaway with Mister Money Launderer?”
“Shut up, Joe. It’s not what you think. He asked months ago if I would go with him to Aruba for our anniversary. Troy is finally beginning to realize he’s facing serious jail time and his lawyer’s maneuvers are only delaying the inevitable. He actually apologized to me for ruining our future. He’s hurting. I didn’t want to go on this trip, but I didn’t want to kick him while he was down. So I went on vacation with my husband. It’s not a reconciliation.”
“It is if you lovingly fucked him in Aruba and you haven’t divorced him for ruining your future.”
“Don’t be an asshole.”
When Joe hung up after this talk, he leaned back considering where he was with this mess he made. He was actually relieved TIna and Jenna knew his secret. He was almost pleased. The only downside was the price Casey paid for their fun.
He had no business in New York for the foreseeable future. He figured that was a good thing. It would give everyone time to cool off and figure this out.