Rudy’s Fall

An adult stories – Rudy’s Fall by Sunadmire,Sunadmire Rudy’s Fall

Rudy’s life fell apart as his past caught up with him.

Category: Loving Wives

Tags: Cheating; Creampie; Hot Wife; Impregnation; Interracial Sex; Swinger; Unknown child; Voueur


This story is plays off in South Africa before the introduction of cell phones in 1994. The academic year starts January/February and ends November/December.

This is a standalone stand-alone work with several references to earlier events described in Reunion. Minor references are also made to events in:

Fertility Issues; Deflowered and Betrayed; Lisa’s 2nd Chance; and

Rudy and Stacey.

Spoiler alert: Any pre-knowledge required from these works is included in the text. Characters from the ‘Spring Break’ series also feature in this work, but have no bearing on this work. Leave a comment if you are the first to spot one (or more) characters from the series.

All characters in sexual situations, real or implied, are 18 years of age or above.

The events and characters in this story are entirely fictitious and chosen purely to fit into the story’s plot.

Local words:

Matric: Final year of secondary school, similar to Grade 12 or senior year. Most scholars turn eighteen in their ‘matric’ year.

Voortrekker (Pioneer): A youth cultural organization, similar to the scouts. Achievement badges are often earned during weekend camps and holiday camps.



I am much indebted to kenjisato for the thorough editing of the text (multiple times) and making this story much more readable and enjoyable than I could master on my own. I take responsibility for any error that remains.


Late September 1997 (Tuesday) Pretoria: Cattle Breeders Convention

Rudy noticed Wilson, a regular attendee at previous conventions. Wilson was a biology teacher, about fifteen years older than Rudy. They’d discovered, about five years ago, that they shared the same interests – low fertility in ‘champion’ bulls.

Wilson was sitting, on his own, at a table with six place settings for supper. It didn’t appear as if Wilson was waiting for someone, and Rudy thought that Wilson would probably welcome his company; it wouldn’t be fun to dine on his own. He decided to walk over and ask if Wilson would mind if he joined him for supper.

Rudy stopped next to Wilson, who looked up at him. “Can I join you for supper? It’s no fun dining on one’s own.” Rudy wasn’t expecting any problem with his request pulled the chair out before Wilson could even answer and aimed to sit down in the chair. There was a rustle behind Rudy, who guessed that some other convention goers or hotel guests were on their way to another table.

Wilson looked up and smiled. “By all means, there’s enough space for the four of us.” The shuffle had shifted around the table, and two ladies came into view. Wilson held out his hand towards them. “Rudy, meet my wife, Desiree, and my daughter, Ingrid.”

Desiree held her hand out to greet Rudy. “Pleased to meet you.” She chuckled, and looked in Ingrid’s direction. “The two of us tagged along to buy the big city’s shopping malls empty.” Rudy estimated her to be in her mid-to-late forties, his eyes momentarily fixated on her DD breasts.

Rudy, who hadn’t sat down entirely, shifted his gaze to Ingrid, who shyly held her hand out to Rudy. “Pleased to meet you.” Rudy estimated her age as barely into her twenties.

Rudy paused mid-action, halfway between sit and stand. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to spoil a family dinner.” He came upright, looking for another solitary acquaintance whom he could join for a relaxed chat.

Desiree stopped him. “Nonsense, you’re more than welcome.” She smiled, almost naughtily. “I can do with the company of a young, handsome man for a change.”

Wilson waved his hand, as if irritated. “Yeah, yeah, rub it in that I’m getting old.”

Their lighthearted conversation continued during supper. When they were finished, Rudy stood up, asking if he could get coffee for anyone else. Desiree and Ingrid accepted, but Wilson said he still wanted a word with Daniël, another convention goer and walked to the other side of the dining room.

Schalk, yet another convention attendee, in his late twenties, arrived, just as Rudy handed Desiree and Ingrid their coffees. He made small talk with Rudy and showed some interest in the presentation Rudy had made on the infertility in cows. Desiree, who had finished her coffee rather quickly, excused herself – to ‘powder her nose’, and urged Ingrid to accompany her.

Desiree was apologetic when she returned on her own. “Sorry, Ingrid was tired and wanted to get to bed early. These youngsters aren’t used to walking any more, I guess.”

Rudy was surprised by the news, Ingrid didn’t appear to be tired during supper. Her sparkling contribution, after she started to relax in his presence, to the light banter during supper, wasn’t indicative of a tired person.

Schalk shifted his attention to Desiree on her return, mentioning that he had heard, through the grapevine, that Desiree loved to smock, and that his wife had expressed interest in taking up the art of smocking. After another bit of small talk, Desiree apologized to Rudy for leaving, so she could speak to Schalk’s wife.

Rudy, didn’t mind at all, he wanted to go to bed early in any case, as he had left very early from Tzaneen that morning.

He followed Desiree and Schalk’s progress, admiring Desiree’s shapely figure and the swing of her hips. They stopped at a table with two men, which Rudy found curious as he thought they were on their way to meet Schalk’s wife.

Rudy shrugged it off, got up and worked himself through the dance floor to get to the elevators. He noticed Wilson, dancing with another woman, and was surprised that she allowed him to subtly slip his hand onto her breast and to grope her. She didn’t react as if violated, but rather attempted to discreetly hide the action.


Wednesday: Tzaneen

Stacey enjoyed the quiet house. Rudy was at a weeklong ‘Cattle Breeders’ convention in Pretoria. Dirk, an adaptation of Hendrik, and Alta (Aletta) were socializing with the neighbor’s twins, Ivan and Melissa, who were of Dirk’s age.

Stacey tried to catch up with long-outstanding chores, which she couldn’t get around to do, if there were frequent interruptions.

-ding, dong-

Stacy was perplexed, she wasn’t expecting visitors. She got up and opened the door. In front of her were two ladies in their late thirties or early forties and a young man, probably around eighteen.

It was the woman with jet-black hair who spoke. “We understand that this is the home of Rudy Pretorius?” She nervously fiddled with a large brown envelope in her hands.

Stacey was perplexed, she couldn’t place any of the three. She frowned and hesitantly answered. “Yes, why?”

The black-haired woman continued. “Sorry, I should have introduced ourselves. I’m Helen, and this is my wife Amber and our son, Dolf. Is it possible to see Rudy?”

Stacey extended her hand, still unsure on how to handle the situation. “Stacey.” After an uneasy silence she continued. “He isn’t here, but do you want to come in? Have a tea?” She extended her hand towards the lounge to show the trio where to go.

Amber came apologetically in. “Tea will be nice if we’ll have to wait for him.” She entered the house and headed in the direction of the lounge. Helen followed her, with Dolf, gentlemanly, waiting for Stacey to go before him.

As they got seated, Stacey grinned. “Tea wouldn’t be enough for the wait. Rudy is at a convention in Pretoria, I don’t expect him back before Saturday afternoon.”

The three looked at each other, until Amber and Dolf looked at Helen, clearly expecting her to decide on their next move. Helen finally spoke. “It’s a pity. We planned to return to Welkom tomorrow. I doubt if we’ll be able to extend our accommodation for two more days.” It was clear that something serious was on her mind. She looked at the other two and stood up. “Well, then there’s no point in waiting or having tea.” She stood up and led the others to the door.

Helen stopped and turned to face Stacey. Her hand holding the envelope, waved back and forth, as if she wasn’t sure if she should hand it over to Stacey. She sighed when she finally decided to hang onto the envelope. “I apologize for the inconvenience, and thank you for receiving us. We’ll see if we can extend our stay, we desperately wanted to see Rudy.”

Stacey greeted the women and gasped when Dolf looked into her eyes, when he greeted her. She didn’t pay him any attention, and couldn’t recall that he had looked her in the eyes the entire time of their visit. Dolf was the spitting image of Dirk – in five years’ time. The same posture and face, it was the stubble on his cheeks and under his nose which gave Dolf a more mature image. An uneasy feeling crept over her.

Stacey returned to her chores as the car drove off into the lane of trees leading to the main road, but she had to give up. Her mind was in turmoil and she decided to hang up the washing, as it was a chore which wouldn’t require her to concentrate.

The strangers’ names continuously cycled through her head, while she transferred the washing from the machine into the basket – ‘Helen, Amber, Dolf’.

‘Helen’ – the name sounded familiar, she’d heard it before. She dug deep into her memory. Then she remembered, ‘Helen’ was the name of the accompanist before she joined the Tuks choir! She got goosebumps – Helen was the one who everybody thought Rudy had a relationship with, the lesbian! A relationship Rudy had assured her was fake because he was in love with someone else, with ‘Elizabeth’.

She grew suspicious, there were too many coincidences. Helen, a lesbian, who dated Rudy almost twenty years ago, with a son, looking like Rudy’s own son, just older. A cold feeling filled her entire body – Dolf had to be Rudy’s son, one he probably never knew existed. There was more to Rudy’s relationship with Helen than he had admitted to.

Another coincidence emerged – Rudy’s Christian name is Rudolph. ‘Dolf’ would be a natural derivative. Her thoughts were in a mess – she needed a place to calm down. There was only one place she knew – The Archives. She’d lie down in the clearing with the soothing sounds of the waterfall and associated birdsong and other forest sounds. She desperately needed to get her thoughts straight, calm her emotions down.



Desiree waved towards Rudy when he entered the dining room for supper. She smiled when she saw that Rudy noticed her and turned in her direction. She waited until Rudy arrived. “You’re welcome to join our family tonight, or whenever.”

Wilson and Ingrid hadn’t arrived yet, so Rudy pulled a chair out for Desiree. “It’s kind of you to invite me. I’ll surely abuse your kind invitation.”

Desiree looked confidentially at Rudy. “Why haven’t you brought your wife along? We ladies have a ball of a time here.”

Rudy contemplated the suggestion. “I may well do it next year. Do you have planned activities?” He found it strange that Schalk had to introduce Desiree to ‘his wife’ if the wives have ‘a ball of a time’.

Desiree winked at him. “Mostly visits to shopping malls during the day, but we do have a lot of fun at night…” She left her last comment hanging – for Rudy to make up his own mind.

Rudy didn’t have time to process Desiree’s words, as Wilson and Ingrid had arrived. Wilson started to talk to Rudy about one of the presentations which left him with some questions and ideas. Their conversation excluded the women, who chatted about the weather and other stuff from home.

Soon after they finished supper, Wilson asked Rudy if he would excuse him, he still wanted a word with Frederic.

It suited Rudy, as he wasn’t clear about what Desiree had meant earlier. Again, he was denied the opportunity when Siboniso, a Zulu attendee in his early thirties from KZN, asked Desiree if he could join them.

Siboniso sat down in the chair between Rudy and Desiree, the one Wilson had just vacated. “Wilson told me earlier that you’re a tennis coach?” Siboniso (his name means: Him who leads) was facing Desiree and had his back to Rudy, excluding him from the conversation.

“Oh, yes. I like coaching young ones – primary school. They’re very receptive, and not so set in their own ways.” Desiree clearly was enthusiastic about her coaching.

Siboniso took the bait. “My wife isn’t convinced that our kids’ coach is doing the right things. Would you mind giving her a few pointers when you have a minute to spare?”

Desiree’s eyes brightened. “It will be a pleasure, but let me just powder my nose first.” Then she looked past Siboniso to Rudy. “Would you excuse me, I’m passionate about helping the little ones.”

Desiree looked at Ingrid. “We’re going to the Voortrekkermonument (Pioneer’s monument) tomorrow. You better get a good rest, there’ll be a lot of walking.”

Ingrid wanted to object, but her mother’s glare made her change her mind.

Siboniso turned around to face Rudy, as the women walked off in the direction of the women’s toilets. “You married?”

Rudy found it strange that Siboniso, he only knew his name from the conference name-tag, would ask him such a question. “Yes, why?”

Siboniso smiled. “You must bring your wife along. It’s the first year that my wife has tagged along, and she’s loving everything. Shopping malls, the entertainment schedule, everything.”

Rudy chuckled. “Giving my wife free rein in the shopping malls doesn’t sound like a good idea. The whole thing sounds like ‘twice the price, and half the fun’ for me.”

Siboniso chuckled. “It may turn out to be double the fun as well, trust me.”

Desiree had returned and placed her hand onto Siboniso’s shoulder. “I’m ready, take me to your wife.”

Siboniso looked up at Desiree and then at Rudy. “Will you please excuse us.” He stood up and led Desiree towards the left of the room.

Rudy found it strange that the same sequence of events played off over the two days. Wilson would excuse himself after supper to chat with someone else. Another conference goer would arrive, mention a topic his wife had an interest in, which incidentally coincided with one of Desiree’s interests. Desiree would then get up to ‘powder her nose’ and take Ingrid along. She would then return on her own and excuse herself to talk to the guy’s wife about their common interest. He wondered if the pair would, like yesterday, get distracted en route.

Rudy decided to track the pair’s progress through the room. He momentarily lost track of them when they walked past a group from another conference, but he soon picked them up when they reappeared. It seemed as if they headed towards the dance floor, which was near Rudy to the right. They soon entered the dance floor and started dancing.

Siboniso’s hand soon ventured onto Desiree’s bum, pulling her onto his grinding groin. Desiree’s arms were wrapped around Siboniso’s neck, pulling him closer for a quick kiss from time to time. After about the fourth kiss, Siboniso’s hand slipped into Desiree’s pants.

Then Rudy noticed that Wilson was dancing nearby, making sure that Desiree saw him kissing a twenty-something sex bomb, Wilson’s hand slipped inside the youngster’s Bermuda shorts, his other working her breast. Wilson worked his way towards the elevators, and when one opened, entered while kissing the young woman.

Rudy’s gaze drifted back to Desiree, who was now closing in on a mixed couple in a close-dance. As the mixed couple looped around, he recognized Schalk, who leaned in to meet the black thirty-something woman’s lips. His one hand had slipped under her blouse and was massaging her breast, his other on her bum, working her crotch into his groin.

Rudy got up, he was horny and wanted to go to his room to relieve himself. There was definitely something going on. He wondered if what he saw wasn’t part of the ‘entertainment schedule’, which results in ‘double the fun’, Siboniso had eluded to.

Meanwhile, Siboniso and Desiree had worked themselves towards the elevator. When one of the elevator doors opened, they danced into it. Siboniso’s hands wrapped around Desiree’s waist and Desiree had wrapped her arms around Siboniso’s neck. Their lips met and started to eat hungrily at each other’s when the doors closed and shielded them from Rudy’s confused stare.

They were still kissing when the elevator’s doors opened on the eighth floor. Siboniso had already dislodged one of Desiree’s bra-cups from her breast and was rolling her nipple in his fingers.

Desiree hummed in delight, as her hand had slipped into Siboniso’s trousers, exploring the wonderful extent of his erection. They worked their way towards Wilson and Desiree’s suite.

The door hadn’t properly closed behind them when Siboniso pulled Desiree’s blouse and bra, still buttoned up and clasped, over her head – her DD breasts bounced to freedom. He broke the kiss and latched his lips onto one of Desiree’s breasts. Desiree returned the favor by unbuckling his belt and opening up his trousers. She worked his trousers over his hips to free his black cock.

Siboniso straightened himself and took Desiree’s lips into his. She purred, as his fingers opened her trousers and his hand slid in under her thong. His finger cleft her wet nether lips and Desiree couldn’t suppress her gasp, as his finger started to work her clit.

But Desiree was curious, she had heard rumors about big black cocks, especially after Siboniso had pulled her name out of the box this morning. Edna, Matt’s wife, had specially told her that she would be satisfied – she had had Siboniso the night before.

She wriggled herself free, her breasts rubbed sensually over Siboniso’s chest, and fell to her knees for a close-up inspection. His circumcised dick was notably thicker and longer than Wilson’s. Schalk’s dick, which she enjoyed the night before, and the largest she had to date, would give Siboniso’s fair competition. Her heart started to race, thinking how it would fill her, as she leaned in to take his dick into her mouth. A drop of pre-cum leaked onto her tongue, as she squeezed his shaft.

Siboniso tried to work his shoes off his feet; he had learned over time that shoes without laces were easier to remove. With his shoes removed, he stepped onto his trouser ends, lifting his feet to work his trousers off his legs.

Desiree realized what he tried to do and, while hanging onto his dick with one hand, reached with her other hand to help him. The movement worked his dick deep into her mouth; once or twice, his dick even wedged itself into her throat, causing a gag reflex and Desiree started to fumble with his trousers.

Siboniso was pleasantly surprised at Desiree’s gag reflex, it tightened over his glans, sending shockwaves into his genitals every time he pushed in. It got too much for Siboniso and he fired his first load of the evening into Desiree’s throat.

The load was too much for Desiree to manage, and some jizz got into her trachea. She ceased her attempts to get Siboniso’s trousers off, and grabbed his large dick with both hands to get it out of her mouth. She coughed uncontrollably, blasting most of the jizz back onto Siboniso’s dick, and her hands clamping it. It caused a slippery delight on his dick.

Siboniso finally got himself out of his trousers and started with his boxers and socks. When done, he reached down and pulled Desiree up. He waited for Desiree to wrap her hands around his neck, before lowering his hands onto her firm globes. He took a firm stance, and with a strong grip, lifted Desiree off the ground.

Desiree’s heart raced, as she knew that the time had come when he’d fill her pussy with his wonderful black cock. She wrapped her legs around his waist and leaned in for a passionate kiss.

Siboniso noticed that some of his cum had found a path through Desiree’s nose and was plastered on her upper lip. He took her lip in his to work the cum off, and to transfer it onto Desiree’s tongue, while he effortlessly walked her to the bed and laid her down, helping her deeper onto the bed, until her head rested on the pillows.

Desiree lifted her feet, hinting at Siboniso to remove her trousers. When he took hold of the pipes, she lifted her hips to allow them to slip free.

Siboniso tossed her trousers aside and pried her legs wide and worked his shoulders in between her thighs. He took a look at the hairy bush, protruding on both sides from her thong. He pulled the gusset aside and opened her lips with his fingers.

Desiree stiffened as Siboniso’s upper tongue touched her perineal raphe, his tip tickling her anus. Her body shuddered, as Siboniso’s tongue slid into her vulva and slowly worked its way in the direction of her clitoris.

Siboniso continued, until his tip cleared Desiree’s clit. He took aim at her vaginal opening and worked his tongue deep into her, swirling it around to collect her divine sex juices before pulling out again. He savored the taste for a few seconds, before swallowing. Next, he aimed at her perineal raphe again, and slowly worked his way up. He could feel how Desiree tensed up, and when his tip reached her clit, he dug his tongue into her hood, probing for her glans.

“Ohhh, ohhhh, ohhhh, fuuuck.” Desiree’s legs clasped around Siboniso’s head, as the first bolt of her orgasm ripped through her body. Her knees jerked wide and her back arched into an orgasmic spasm when the next bolt ripped through her body. She clasped her breasts and squeezed hard, hoping to extend the spasm’s duration. “Fuck, you’re good.”

She lowered her hips slowly, pausing momentarily, as another bolt ripped through her. When she finally recovered, she took hold of Siboniso’s head and pulled him up. “Fuck, where have you been all my life.” She had to take another breath, as she reached down to guide Siboniso’s cock into her vagina. She purred softly, as he started to fill her up.

As Siboniso started to pull back, Desiree took a deep breath. “I want you to cum deep in my pussy.”

Siboniso drove deep into her; he, too, wanted to offload his virile baby batter into this married white pussy, and started to increase his pace.

“Yesss, that is it. Fuck my white pussy.” Desiree was getting close to her second release. Her breathing got shallow and she had to force herself to take a deep-enough breath to speak. “Go for it, fill me up with… your… Aaaaahhh fuuuuuck!” She tensed up, as a new orgasm ripped through her; his dick had punched against her cervix.

Siboniso continued to hammer into her, his recent release emptied his balls, and he needed time to reload.

“Yes, yesss, keep going… fuck your whore. Oooohhhh.” It extended Desiree’s orgasm. She lifted her legs and locked her feet again, behind his back. Her nails dug into his back and scratched into his skin, while Desiree tried to get Siboniso deeper into her.

It took Siboniso over the edge and he plastered his jizz onto her cervix, filling her up. He pulled back and thrusted back in, blast after blast, he continued to fill her up until Desiree’s pussy overflowed.

When he was done, Siboniso rolled off Desiree, catching his breath. He was already thinking how he would tit-fuck her, and fill her up again, maybe in the shower from behind.

Desiree reached down and scooped his jizz from his generous supply oozing out of her pussy. She just had to taste it again. She reached down for more, and rolled over to face Siboniso. She swirled his jizz in her mouth, eager to share.


Thursday – Tzaneen:

Stacey saw the same car from the day before, through the kitchen window, as it stopped in the parking area at the end of the lane of trees – she had expected them. It felt as if a cold hand clamped over her heart. She wondered how much she’d disclose of her suspicions.

Her retreat at The Archives soothed her soul; she had realized that Dolf was conceived at a time before she was in Rudy’s life, and he told her that he did have sex with women before. She wished, however, that he had disclosed that his relationship with Helen was not all fake, it was one relationship the two of them specifically discussed.

She filled the kettle and switched it on; she had a feeling that the visitors would stay to have tea today. She readied a tray to serve the tea while she anxiously waited for the trio to ring the doorbell.

It was Helen, with the same envelope as the day before in hand, who spoke. “We’re sorry to bother you again, but we see no way to avoid it. Can we come in?”

Stacey had another look at Dolf, convinced that he was Rudy’s child. “By all means, come in. Can I make tea, the kettle is already on?”

Helen, relieved that Stacey wasn’t disturbed by their visit, graciously accepted the offer, and stepped inside. The rest followed her to the lounge.

Alta came from her room. “Is it Wilma?” When she saw the visitors, she introduced herself, planning to make a U-turn back to her room.

Stacey looked at Alta, while she greeted the guests. A plan took shape in her head. She looked at Dolf. “Would you like a tour of the farm?”

Dolf’s eyes brightened. “Yes, please. That would be cool!” He looked at Helen. “May I?”

Helen chuckled. “By all means, my boy. You’d be better off than counting the words of our women’s gossip.”

Stacey looked at Alta. “Would you be so kind to take Dolf to Dirk, and ask him to show Dolf a bit of the farm, maybe a short walk through the forest, a bit of the mountain and maybe the horses. Dirk is at Donovan’s.”

Alta wanted to object, but her mother’s glare convinced her otherwise. “Okay, okay.” She looked at Dolf, as she walked towards the front door. “Come with me.”

Stacey rushed off to the kitchen when the water boiled and added milk, sugar and rusks to the tray. Stacey held the tray to Helen, who seemed to be the more authoritarian of the two, but she suggested Stacey place the tray on the tea table, so everyone could help themselves.

Amber looked at Stacey. “Thank you for suggesting a tour of the farm to Dolf. He would really appreciate it, more than you would ever know.”

Helen took over, the envelope was now laying on Helen’s lap, she nervously looked at Stacey. “We knew this wouldn’t be easy, especially with Rudy present…”

Stacey noticed how the emotion overwhelmed Helen, and tried to make it easier for her. “You’re Helen, the choir accompanist the year Rudy joined the Tuks choir?”

Helen nodded. Amber wrapped her arm around Helen’s shoulder, and pulled her closer.

Stacey continued. “And you faked a relationship with Rudy.” She looked at Amber. “Because you were in love with Amber.”

Amber spoke up. “Yes, I was studying at Kovsies (University of the Free State), and she wanted to avoid the attention of…” She cleared her throat, before she continued. “Predators.”

Something broke in Stacey, her calmness was shattered. She realized that Rudy, the love of her life, had been abused. She didn’t try to mince her words when she continued. “But then, you became the predator and tricked Rudy into sex, getting pregnant with Dolf, or rather Rudolph.”

Helen sobbed defeated. The truth was now out there. There was no need to keep the pretense. “It was only once, and he didn’t want to. He was in love with someone else.”

Helen was apologetic and looked at Stacey. “Yes, I deserve your outrage, but I…” Helen looked at Amber and took her hand. “We were desperate to have a child and couldn’t afford an in vitro pregnancy. Amber couldn’t get pregnant after an accident. So, it was up to me to do it. I was three months pregnant with Dolf when we married. So, yes. Dolf is Rudy’s son.”

Stacey had calmed down. “Sorry for my outburst, but you’ll appreciate that I had to process a lot of information since your visit yesterday. It was an emotional rollercoaster ride, but I thought that I’ve sorted myself out.”

Helen looked at Stacey. “I appreciate the plan you made – for Dolf to see the farm, and to interact with his brother and sister.” She hesitated a moment. “Or are there others?”

Stacey chuckled. “After your visit yesterday, I’m not so sure any more. But Dirk and Alta are the only ones I’m aware of.”

Amber took over when Hellen sobbed. “When he learned of ‘the birds and the bees’, and that there had to be a man involved, he thought that he had been adopted.”

Helen took a deep breath. “But we assured him that he was my biological child, and showed him photos of me being pregnant with him.”

Amber elaborated. “We thought we could keep it a secret from Rudy, but after Dolf turned eighteen, he insisted on knowing who his father was. He didn’t say it outright, but hinted in the direction that a mother who doesn’t know who the father of her child was, would be a whore when we averted his request.”

Helen stood up and went on her knees in front of Stacey and took her hands in hers. “We didn’t come here to break up your marriage. Don’t hold it against Rudy. I tricked him into cheating on Lisa.”

Stacey gasped – it was the first time she heard that the name of Rudy’s lover, the woman he had waited for, was Lisa.

Amber chuckled. “We were so relieved yesterday, when we realized that you weren’t Lisa. We were so convinced that he would have married her.”

Helen had something to add. “You should have seen his devotion. I understand that he completed both his master’s and Ph.D in three years. He was driven, because he wanted to get back to Lisa.”

Amber continued. “You’re lucky to have such a devoted and faithful husband.”

Stacey appreciated the high esteem the women held for her husband, but she picked up other information which threatened to falsify their assertions. “You said Rudy told you his beloved’s name was Lisa, but he told me her name was Elizabeth!”

Amber chuckled. “It IS the same name – E-LISA-Beth’!”

Stacey gulped, she never made that connection, and the gears in her head had started to turn. “What do you know about Lisa?” A sly thought crept into her mind. “Rudy hasn’t told me a lot about her. He may even still be in love with her.”

Helen stood up and returned to the couch seat next to Amber. They placed their empty cups in the tray.

Helen looked at Stacey. “He didn’t talk a lot about Lisa, I know they met while doing research on fertility issues in mice at Maties (University of Stellenbosch). Their parental homes were both way up north, so they started to share rides, stopping over in a quaint, old guesthouse in Kimberley.”

Amber chuckled. “They never intended to get intimate, but the guesthouse was fully booked and they didn’t have a reservation. Luckily for them, another couple made two reservations and cancelled one of them.”

Helen placed her hand on Amber’s leg. “They were lucky to pick up the cancelled reservation, but had to share the room. It was during that trip that they fell in love, although they hadn’t realized that yet. It was only when their paths diverted from each other at the end of the year that Rudy realized that he had lost Lisa.”

Helen looked at Stacey. “Did he tell you why he married you, and not Lisa?”

Stacey tried to keep her disorganized thoughts together, she was now convinced that Lisa, her neighbor, was Rudy’s lover – the one he had waited for. Even though both of them denied that they knew each other better than the occasional contact at varsity. There were just too many coincidences piling up. She bit her lip. “He found out she married someone else.” Stacey battled to keep herself together and looked at the women.

Alta came in from the back door and headed towards her bedroom. “Any word from Wilma?”

Stacey shook her head, glad that it was a short answer. “Nothing yet.”

“Dirk wasn’t impressed, but I told him it’s an order, not a request.” Alta disappeared down the passage.

Stacey needed to process the new information and hoped to buy time. “More tea?”

Both accepted the offer, and Stacey fled into the kitchen and faffed around for longer than required.

When Stacey finally emerged from the kitchen, she placed the tray again on the tea table and allowed her guests to help themselves first.

Helen slid the envelope over to Stacey. “Will you please see to it that Rudy gets this? It is a short summary of the situation, a few photos, and contact information.

“I’ll make sure.” Stacey wanted to change the topic; she needed alone time to process the information. She looked at Helen. “You said you were three months pregnant when you got married.” Helen nodded her head. “I haven’t picked up that same-sex marriages are recognized in South Africa. Much less eighteen years ago. How did you get it right?”

It was Amber who answered. “We have a family friend who is a minister, and he agreed to go through the entire process. Of course, he couldn’t file the paperwork with the government – but our families wanted to have a ceremony.”

Helen continued. “I am the mother on all of the paperwork, and we gave Amber’s information as an alternative contact.

Helen and Amber continued to tell Stacey of all the challenges they faced in bringing Dolf up. They could still have continued if Dirk hadn’t arrived with Donovan and Dolf following him into the house. They went straight for the kitchen to get something cool to drink.

With Dolf back with them, Helen started to prepare to leave. Stacey escorted them to their car.

Amber paused. “We’ll understand if Rudy chooses not to make contact.”

Stacey’s heart went out to the young man; he was fighting back tears. She wrapped her arms around him and hugged him. “I’ll make sure that he makes contact.” It seemed as if he had calmed down.

As they got in, after they greeted, Stacey couldn’t suppress a smile. She could hear Dolf’s deep voice clearly through the half-open window. “Wow, it is a beautiful farm. I like The Archives best, it is a pool in the forest. We skinny-dipped…”

The engine had started, overpowering Dolf’s voice. Stacey waved; as the trio drove off.

She went to Rudy’s study to put the envelope on his bureau as the trio drove off. Impulsively, she pulled a drawer open. It contained the normal office stuff like pens, a ruler, scissors and a stapler. The one below that had invoices related to the farming activities. The bottom drawer was filled with chargers and cables for some electronics.

She wanted to leave, but her curiosity made her open the center drawer again. She worked her way halfway through the stack when she decided to look at the bottom of the stack. Her fingers touched something solid, and when she took a closer look, she noticed that it was the 1977 yearbook of the University of Stellenbosch. Her heart raced, it was Rudy’s final year at Maties – the year he did his B.Sc (Hons). She paged through the yearbook and stopped at the page dedicated to the Biology Department. In one of the main photos were Rudy and Lisa. The caption – Research into Low Male Fertility. She read the associated text, which referred to Rudy and Lisa as ‘a close-knit team’.

The corner of a loose piece of paper peeked out towards the end of the yearbook. Stacey pulled on it and her heart froze. It was the back of a photo with three names on it – Rudi, Liza and Ellen. She flipped it over and gasped. Rudy, clothed only in a mankini stood in the middle of two women. His left arm was wrapped around Lisa’s waist – she was wearing a provocative, all-revealing nurse’s costume. Rudy’s right arm was wrapped around a stranger’s shoulder – she, Ellen, was clothed in a similarly revealing maid’s costume.

Stacey gasped as the decor in the background looked familiar. But it was the name ‘Ellen’ which swirled uneasily in Stacey’s mind. She gulped when she recalled that Rudy enquired about ‘Ellen’ while they visited the Eleonore’s Guesthouse the day after their engagement. He claimed that she was the waitress in the local restaurant.

Stacey stiffened, she recognized the decor in the photo, as the decor in the honeymoon suite at the guesthouse. Rudy wanted to revisit the guesthouse, to clear his mind of memories of his ‘Elizabeth’.

She looked back at the photo, Ellen’s well-toned body impressed her. Then it dawned on her that Ellen’s mother mentioned that Ellen, who was actually Laura, her daughter, played netball on international level.



Rudy was already seated at the table, where he had supper with Wilson and his family the previous two days, when Wilson arrived. Rudy looked at Wilson. “What are your plans for tonight?” His question was loaded – he wanted to test his theory that Wilson and Desiree were involved in some form of wife swapping.

Wilson waved his hand. “Nahh, not much. Maybe get into bed early, got a long drive back home tomorrow. What’s your plans for the night?”

Rudy looked at him. “I don’t have a long drive tomorrow, I’m sleeping over at my cousin’s, somewhere in Pretoria’s eastern suburbs. I’ll probably have a drink or two in the bar. Want to join me?”

Wilson shifted uneasy in his chair. “I don’t think so. Izaac asked me to have a quick word with him after supper.” He saw Rudy’s skepticism in his eyes. “I may enjoy a drink with you if his word is as quick as he promised.” Wilson chuckled. “But I doubt it, I’ve never experienced him as someone with a ‘quick word’.”

Desiree and Ingrid had arrived in the meantime. Ingrid claimed the seat next to Rudy, unlike the previous days where she sat across from him next to Desiree. They went to dish up their supper and they enjoyed their supper in relative silence. There wasn’t a lot remaining to discuss about the weather.

Wilson soon excused himself from the table, telling Rudy that he thought it was a good time to have his quick word with Izaac. Rudy nodded his acknowledgement, and waited for the next action – another conference goer, who would check in with Desiree, mentioning that Desiree should talk to his wife about some common interest. He wondered what that interest could be.

Desiree would then go to ‘powder her nose’, taking Ingrid away to sleep early. Desiree would return on her own, and set off with the guy ‘to meet his wife’.

Rudy’s thought wasn’t even complete when Bill arrived and started to chat with Desiree. This time he took the seat where Ingrid normally sat.

He only realized that Ingrid wanted to talk to him when she pulled on his arm. He looked questioningly at Ingrid.

Ingrid took a breath. “I’ll tell you what is going on.”

Rudy didn’t even have time to respond before Desiree got up to ‘powder her nose’, and called Ingrid to join her. Ingrid didn’t want to go, but a stern look from Desiree persuaded her to go with her mother.

Bill looked at Rudy. “What’s your plans for the night?”

Rudy wondered if the question was some form of code, it was almost word for word the same as Wilson’s question earlier. “I think I’ll have a drink or two at the bar, may help me to sleep better. What’s your plans?”

Bill hesitated before answering. “I’m thinking of taking my wife for a dance, maybe getting an intimate dance in with someone else’s sexy wife. You’re not into dancing?”

Rudy smiled, Bill didn’t hide his intention to have an intimate dance with someone else’s wife, and Rudy would bet that Bill’s hands would soon be groping Desiree’s breasts. “You may convince me to go dancing if an intimate dance with a sexy woman was that easy.”

Desiree had returned and asked Rudy if he would mind if Bill introduced her to his wife. Rudy didn’t respond and Desiree and Bill didn’t wait for it either. He watched the pair as they walked towards the opposite side of the room.

“I can tell you what’s going on.” Ingrid pulled out the chair next to Rudy, and sat down.

Rudy looked at Ingrid. “I thought you went to bed early.”

Ingrid chuckled. “Nahh, I stopped the elevator on the second floor and took the first elevator down.” She followed Rudy’s gaze and saw that he was looking at her mother and Bill. “Bill is going to fuck my mother tonight.”

Rudy was shocked at Ingrid’s use of expletives. “How do you know?” He didn’t look at Ingrid, he was tracking Bill and Desiree through the room.

Ingrid was also following her mother through the room. “They wanted me to join in.”

Rudy looked momentarily to Ingrid. “Who are ‘they’?”

Ingrid took a breath. “There is a whole group of swingers, Edna is the organizer.” She looked into the dining hall and then scanned the dance floor. Ingrid continued, “It is that tall redhead dancing with Schalk. She would approach all the wives not in on the party, to talk them into it. That, apparently, is the hard part. The men are normally easier to persuade once the wife bought into the idea.

“Every morning, the participating men would draw names out of a box to determine his partner for the night. After supper they meet up and go to the woman’s suite.”

Rudy was intrigued. “Why should I believe you?”

Ingrid chuckled. “Because Edna tried to talk me into it this morning. There is a young, unmarried, man who wanted to participate. Edna was looking for an unattached woman, and thought I’d be interested. I almost agreed to it, so she explained the entire process. She even promised me money if I decided to participate.”

Rudy watched as Bill and Desiree entered the dance floor. “What is the reason for dancing? The paired-up couples seem to be… quite intimate.”

Ingrid bit her lip. “Any participant must show their real-life partner that they mutually approve of the other’s intimacy with the hooked-up partner, and are happy to indulge into it themselves. There had apparently been wives who had second thoughts when it came to the push, and they found that they had fewer comebacks that way.

“Edna said that it is enough to grind groins when your partner is nearby, and to have a passionate kiss, to keep it secret, but most people prefer to overdo it. Management had apparently asked couples to leave the dance floor and continue their trysts in the privacy of their hotel rooms on occasion.

“Look, there is my mother making sure that my dad sees how her breast is being groped… See how she leans in for the kiss to block the view of others. And Dad is making sure she sees that he, himself, had slipped his hand into Salome’s blouse and onto her breast.”

Rudy noticed Wilson and Salome’s intimate kiss and how she tried to hide his hand on her breast. “I guess Salome and her husband had already exchanged their signs of approval.” Rudy smiled as Wilson and Salome worked their way to the elevator.”

Ingrid gasped. “Bill has slipped his hand into Mom’s skirt, and there’s his wife, Yolinda, enjoying being groped. Look – she’s trying to hide it from others by kissing Conrad.”

Rudy nodded his head. “How do you know the names so well?”

Ingrid chuckled. “I spend all day with the women, visiting landmarks, shopping malls, and the like. And they continuously mention their husband’s good traits to me when we chat. I think they, too, were trying to get me interested in joining the ‘club’.”

Rudy looked at Ingrid. “Wanna dance? No groping, grinding and kissing, I promise.”

Ingrid waited until Desiree disappeared in an elevator. “Let’s go and watch the action up close.” She secretly enjoyed watching the inter-spouse communication and wanted a close-up view.

Rudy himself was horny, and cautiously maintained a safe distance from Ingrid while dancing. He got distracted by a tit, which popped out of a dress and then quickly taken into a bearded mouth. The couple drifted out of view and when he saw the couple again, the breast’s owner was busy getting herself modest again. He couldn’t suppress the hardening of his cock.

Siboniso and a forty-something brunette, Kate, drifted by. Siboniso’s fly was open and the brunette’s hand wasn’t enough to hide his full erection. They leaned in for a kiss, and Siboniso’s dick got sandwiched between their bodies, resetting their modesty.

Ingrid wrapped her arms around Rudy’s neck. “I thought you promised ‘no grinding’.” She offered her lips for a kiss.

Rudy leaned in, but it got too much for him, he wanted to escape the stimulating action, and views afforded to him on the dance floor. “Can I buy you a drink, maybe a cocktail?”

Ingrid chuckled. “Is it something to do to avoid the heavy action?”

Rudy looked at Ingrid. “It seems as if you now regret your rejection of Edna’s offer.” He took her hand and led Ingrid to the ladies’ bar.

Ingrid sat on the bar stool Rudy pulled out at the high table. Ingrid sighed. “Mom would kill me if a man rocked up and asked me out for a dance. She still thinks I’m a virgin.” She chuckled. “I now realize that some wives kept Mom busy while others tried to sell their husbands to me.”

A waitress arrived and took their orders. Ingrid ordered a strawberry daiquiri and Rudy settled for whiskey on ice. Rudy gave his room number as reference for payment.

Soon, the waitress delivered their drinks. Rudy held his whiskey glass in Ingrid’s direction. “To good company for the night.”

When Ingrid realized what happened, she took her glass and, while looking at the glasses, clinked them. “Did you mean ‘night’, as opposed to ‘evening’?” The sound of ‘company for the night’ sounded tempting.

But Rudy’s mind was elsewhere. “Oh, no! That’s bad luck.” He monologued out his normal retort. “You need to look me in the eyes, while the glasses touch.”

Ingrid was perplexed. “Why would it be bad luck, what would happen to me, or us.”

Rudy was no longer as confident. “I’d love to tell you, but you’ll think that I’m trying to hit on you.”

Ingrid grinned. “This sounds very suspicious. Tell me please – I wouldn’t take it as you hitting on me.”

Rudy leaned forward and whispered softly. “You’ll have seven years of bad sex. It is a tradition with its roots in medieval times.”

Ingrid blushed. “Only me, or us both?”

“I’ve never thought of that question. I don’t know.”

Ingrid chuckled. Then we should correct it. She held her glass in Rudy’s direction and looked at his eyes. “To seven years of good sex.” She giggled. “For both of us, just in case both parties were cursed earlier.”

Rudy raised his glass and touched Ingrid’s glass while looking her in the eyes. “To many years of good sex.”

Siboniso and the voluptuous cougar, Kate, passed them on their way to the bar counter. Siboniso’s fly was still open but his dick was out of view. Kate’s bra was notably unclasped, her breasts swayed freely with every step. They ordered drinks, and clinked their glasses when the barman handed them over. Siboniso gave his room number and Kate stared at Rudy and Ingrid when their glasses clinked.

Ingrid chuckled. “They didn’t look into each other’s eyes, but I’ll bet they’ll have good sex.”

Rudy lifted his glass and looked Ingrid in the eyes. “I wouldn’t take chances on good sex?”

There were about fifteen patrons, mostly local youngsters, left, with Ingrid the only woman around. One patron came around with a strawberry daiquiri and offered it to Ingrid, in exchange for a dance. Ingrid accepted the offer, and walked with him to the dance floor.

Rudy anxiously kept an eye on the pair, and relaxed when he saw that the guy wasn’t trying to take liberties. It also seemed as if Ingrid enjoyed the dance. A slower dance started and the guy pulled Ingrid closer. His hand, which was on Ingrid’s hip and strategically out of Rudy’s view, sneakily slipped in under her crop top and, before Ingrid realized what happened, slid her bra cup over her breast and started to play with her nipple.

Ingrid broke free and rushed off the dance floor towards Rudy. She fell in Rudy’s arms, which he wrapped protectively around her. Between sobs she uttered. “I’m glad I’ve declined Edna’s proposal. I can’t take his public groping. I would have fled, like now, the moment a pervert started to grope me.”

Rudy remained coolheaded. “Let me take you to your room, away from these perverts.”

They had to pass the guy who danced with Ingrid on their way to the elevators. As they passed him, he sneered at Ingrid. “Yes, go fuck that old fart, you bitch.”

Ingrid sobbed and tucked herself tighter under the protection of Rudy’s arm as they stepped into a waiting elevator. Ingrid turned to face Rudy as the elevator doors closed and wrapped her arms around his waist. She needed comfort, an assurance of protection, and looked up. “Kiss me, please.”

Rudy placed his hands on her hips and tenderly kissed her. Then, slowly Ingrid guided Rudy’s hand into her crop top and onto her free breast. She purred softly, when his fingers started to roll her nipple.

Ingrid had already unbuckled Rudy’s belt by the time the elevator doors opened on the eighth floor. As if intimately dancing, they worked their way to Ingrid’s suite. Ingrid couldn’t miss Rudy’s erection grinding against her lower stomach as they shuffled.

Ingrid didn’t waste time when her suite’s door closed behind them. She lifted her crop top over her head, leaving one breast exposed.

Rudy, encouraged by Ingrid’s signals, worked his shoes off before removing his trousers. It took him longer than he had hoped for. Ingrid was already undressed and lying down, with pulled-up legs and knees spread apart on the bed, beckoning him towards her with her finger. He didn’t waste any time and pulled his unbuttoned shirt over his head.

“Fuuuck…” with indistinct words followed. “Fill my pussy with your cum.” It was a woman’s voice coming from the neighboring suite.

“Aaaarghhh, fuuuck!” This time it was a man’s voice which rumbled through the wall.

Ingrid giggled. “It’s my mother’s room; the previous nights I thought that my dad banged her. I used my pillow to block the noise, at least most of the noise.”

“Bill, you’re a bull.” The words came softly, yet clearly through the wall.

Ingrid winked Rudy closer. “Why shouldn’t we have some fun as well?”

Rudy positioned himself between her legs and pulled her labia apart. Her ample sex juices pulled strings as they parted. His heart cringed, he was about to cheat on Stacey. He knew he cheated on her before, but the last time was twelve years ago. And Stacey had never figured it out, even though the children he had fathered were their neighbor’s, Lisa’s.

While he hesitated, Ingrid pulled his head onto her breast. She was already highly worked up, and needed very little to go over the edge.

Rudy closed his lips over her pert nipple and swirled his tongue around it. He nibbled a bit and pulled. Ingrid stiffened, an orgasmic wave flushed through her body. A content purr escaped her throat, as more orgasmic waves swept through her.

She took a moment to collect herself, leaving enough time for Rudy to have a last taste of her nipple. Then she wrapped her arms under his armpits, and pulled him further up. “I want you inside me.” She reached down and guided his dick towards her vagina.

For Rudy, his conscience had lost the battle. Several thoughts rushed through Rudy’s mind. He had masturbated the night before, and there may still be sperm in his urethra, which may impregnate Ingrid, with any penetration. Sperm may mix with his pre-cum and could leak into her vagina, even if he pulled out in time. “Is it safe? Are you on birth control?”

Ingrid sighed. “I don’t know if it is safe, and I’m not on birth control.” She frowned as she tried to think about her period. “My period ended exactly two weeks ago.” She gave it some thought before she elaborated. “It definitely started before the weekend.” She remembered that they visited family in Pretoria, and that she needed to use tampons during the visit.

Rudy made a quick calculation. Two weeks ago would be fourteen days ago, maybe thirteen. If he allowed three days for the duration of her period, then Ingrid would be at day sixteen. If Ingrid’s period is short, like in two days, it may even be outright unsafe! He voiced his concern. “How long are your periods?”

Ingrid sighed, her long periods were a constant annoyance. “Five days, some months even six.” Most of her friends have four-day periods.

Rudy sighed relieved, Ingrid would be on day eighteen or later, Ingrid was well past her fertile window. He slowly worked his dick into Ingrid’s tight vagina. “You’re at least on day eighteen of your period. It should be safe, but I’ll pull out if you want me to.”

Ingrid relaxed, she loved the way he filled her. “No, please. Cum in me.” She hesitated a moment, contemplating if she should elaborate. “I only had sex twice before, both times was with the same guy at the after-party of the Matric Ball. The guy used a condom. If you’re sure it’s safe, I want the full experience.” She grunted, as Rudy drove hard into her tight pussy.


Friday – Tzaneen:

Stacey parked her car next to Lisa’s at the guesthouse. The door was open and she walked in without knocking. She found Lisa in the main bedroom.

Lisa was surprised to see Stacey in the door, and she couldn’t miss the somber expression on her face. “Hi Stacey, what brings you here? Is something wrong?”

Stacey got straight to the point. “Why did you lie to me? I thought we were friends!”

Lisa’s heart raced, she wondered what Stacey had discovered. “Lied about what?” She was careful enough not to blurt everything out.

Stacey opened the yearbook and flopped it on the bed in front of Lisa. Lisa took a deep breath, but Stacey started to speak first. “And don’t lie to me, insisting you weren’t intimate.” She slapped the photo on top of the yearbook, as if she claimed a pile of cards in a game of ‘Snap’. “You’re the one Rudy wanted to marry, but you betrayed him and he married me instead.”

Lisa’s mind was in turmoil, she needed time to get her thoughts together. “Let’s talk about it over a cup of tea.” She walked out and headed towards the kitchen.

Stacey picked the yearbook and photo up and followed her. “Why did you tell me you didn’t know him? I mean, what he had with you was before we met!” She dumped her documentary proof onto the kitchen table.

Lisa looked daringly at Stacey. “Because we felt that both you and Adrian would be jealous of what we had.” She picked the photo up and showed it in Stacey’s direction. “Did you ever have sex with Rudy like this? Well, I can assure you, Adrian isn’t as adventurous as Rudy.”

Stacey felt the jab in her direction and countered. “At least he didn’t cheat on me, like he cheated on you!”

Lisa didn’t wait to respond. “He didn’t cheat, it was a fake relationship. She’s a lesbian, Helen – the choir’s accompanist.” She blamed Charl, an old schoolmate from her hometown, for telling her about Rudy and Helen.”

Stacey played her trump card. “Then why has Helen an eighteen-year-old son? They’re here with Helen’s wife, Amber.”

Lisa gasped, unsure what to make of the information Stacey had thrown at her. She recalled seeing two women and a young man in town, and there was something familiar about the young man, something that reminded her of her son, Adrian. She was still in denial. “No, he didn’t cheat!”

Stacey had come to her senses and took Lisa’s hand in hers. Her voice was soft when she spoke. “Yes, he did cheat on you. But don’t blame yourself, you acted on what you thought was the truth.”

Lisa was still blocking the truth. “No, he couldn’t have. She’s a lesbian.”

Stacey looked at Lisa. “Yet, they had sex, and she got pregnant. He’s a beautiful young man now. The spitting image of Dirk, just older.”

Doubt started to grow in Lisa’s mind and she finally considered what Stacey was saying. She looked at Stacey. “What!? How can you be so sure?” She still wanted to justify marrying Adrian.

Stacey chuckled. “I had a visit from Helen, her wife, Amber, and her son, Dolf, yesterday. They wanted to see Rudy, but he’s at the Cattle Breeders Convention in Pretoria. I only expect him back tomorrow – and I’m still unsure on how to handle the situation. He lied about not knowing you, while you were the one he was actually waiting for. And he lied about how intimate he got with Helen.”

Lisa squeezed Stacey’s hand. “He didn’t truly cheat on me. We had no arrangement, no commitment. Just that mutual feeling, an understanding between two people who were deeply connected. It all happened before he even met you. Don’t judge him too harshly.”

Stacey sighed. “Helen also told me that she had to trick him into the sex, he wanted to remain true. She stood up and hugged Lisa. Both had a loss of trust to process.



Stacey barely greeted Rudy when he arrived. Her emotionless kiss didn’t go unnoticed.

Rudy was concerned. “Is there a problem?”

Stacey handed Rudy the brown envelope. “Some woman called ‘Helen’ asked me to hand you this. She was here with another woman, Amber, and her son, Dolf’. They made me promise that I give this to you.”

Rudy’s heart started to race, he remembered his tryst with Helen. His knees grew weak when he imagined what the envelope was likely to contain and barely made it to a nearby chair. He looked at Stacey, holding the envelope up. “I think I know what is in here.” He took a deep breath. “Helen and I had sex, once… Only once. She tricked me into it, and I felt abused when I realized what she had done. She concocted a plan so we would share a bed during the choir’s last overnight outing, and then seduced me, claiming that she wanted to feel a real dick in her pussy, just once. Then she locked her feet behind my back to prevent me from pulling out, saying she wanted the experience of semen being blasted into her. It must have happened then. She had assured me that it was safe.” He sighed. “I guess I should have told you about it.”

Stacey could see that Rudy was deeply affected. She walked over to him and placed her hand on his shoulder. “He is the spitting image of Dirk, if you wondered. They said there are photos of him in the envelope. They asked if you could make contact, but will understand if you don’t.”

Rudy looked up at Stacey. “What do we tell Dirk and Alta? Do they know about Dolf?”

Stacey pulled Rudy’s head onto her tummy. “Yes, they both saw him, but I doubt if they had made the connection. Alta walked him over to Dirk – he was at Donovan’s. Then Dirk showed him a bit of the farm, I know they skinny-dipped at The Archives.” She took a deep breath. “The two have a Voortrekker camp in three weeks’ time. Why don’t you make arrangements to visit your son in Welkom while they’re away, and decide what to tell them, when you know better what your plans are?”

Rudy, relieved, looked at Stacey. “So, you’re not mad at me?”

Stacey chuckled. “I was mad at first, but, there was nothing between us when it happened. I’m just disappointed that you kept it a secret…” She dropped the yearbook on Rudy’s lap. Her voice was cold, when she continued. “Like this secret you kept from me, and lied about. You knew Lisa!”

Rudy was glad that he was seated, his heart went cold from shock. “I’m sorry, I don’t have any excuse… I should have told you.”

Stacey wanted to get her anxiety out of her. “Is there any other secret that you kept for yourself, which you think I should know? Any other children you could have fathered that I should know of? Maybe with this slut, Ellen, or should I say ‘Laura’, the netball star?” She dropped the photo on the yearbook. “I want our marriage to continue on a basis of trust!”

Rudy’s heart froze as images of his infidelities flashed through his mind. He had fathered Eveline and Adrian with Lisa, and their cousin, Rian with her sister-in-law, Sylvia! Should he tell Stacey about it? Will she find out? He bit his lip – he doesn’t know which other secrets Stacey had uncovered. “It all happened before we met.” He saw the stern expression on Stacey’s face. “I cheated on you… with Lisa.”


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