Samantha Redraws the Boundaries

An adult stories – Samantha Redraws the Boundaries by Not2Pervy,Not2Pervy Samantha Redraws the Boundaries

Bisexual daughter orchestrates a father-swap foursome

[This story is a little more wild than my usual. I hope you enjoy! (all characters are over 18)]

“Dad, tell me the truth: Have you ever fantasized about Hailey?” It all started about a month ago when my daughter, Samantha, asked me that question.

I’m a single father. Samantha is my only daughter. It’s been just the two of us for the last five years. Sam’s mother, my ex, left us when Sam was 16. She was kind of a rebellious teen, and she and Cindy fought constantly. I tried to mediate, but Cindy saw that as taking Sam’s side. There were other reasons our relationship wasn’t working, but that seemed to be the final straw. One day, Cindy just told me she was done and she left. Moved to Argentina. We heard she hooked up with an old boyfriend there, but that was the last either of us had seen of her.

The teen years were rough at times, but we got through them. I liked to think we had a pretty good relationship. After what went down with her mom, I promised Sam I would always tell her the truth. She promised me the same.

I said it was just the two of us, but lately it was more like two-and-a-half. That’s because Sam’s best friend, Hailey, always seemed to be around. And when Hailey wasn’t around our place, Sam was likely over at Hailey’s. The two girls met at college freshman year and bonded right away, at least in part because Hailey also was the only daughter of a single dad. Both girls attend the local university and live at home.

So when Sam asked me that question, it wasn’t easy for me to answer it. I’d promised to always tell her the truth. Hailey was around our house a lot. And the truth was that yes, I had fantasized about Hailey, more than once. More than a few times, even. Hailey was absolutely gorgeous, with a pretty face, long curly hair that was a little bit more strawberry than blonde, and a body that was just about perfect. What’s more, my love life was at zero, but my sex drive was still plenty lively. There was no way I could not notice Hailey.

I took a deep breath. “Yes. Yes, Sam, I have fantasized about Hailey. I tried not to, but I’m sorry. I just couldn’t help it. I’ve always had a weakness for strawberry blondes and let’s face it, she’s gorgeous. I’m sorry, Sam. I hope I haven’t embarrassed you.”

“No. It’s OK. Thank you for being honest with me. I’ve seen you looking at her and I just wondered, is all.”

“Do you think Hailey has noticed? I hope I’m not that bad.”

“Honestly, it wouldn’t surprise me if she has. But she’s kind of used to it. I mean, guys stare at her all the time.”

“I’m sure they do. But I’ll try really hard to keep it under control. I know I give you girls a lot of space around here to do your own thing. You both seem to come and go as you please, and that’s the way I want it. I want you and your friends to feel at home. If I can’t stop staring I will just try harder to keep my distance.”

“Dad, you don’t have to do all that. This is your house! I don’t think it’s that big a deal. If I think it’s bothering her I’ll be sure to let you know, OK?”

“OK. Please just let me know.”

Hailey’s dad was named Jim. I’d met him a couple times. He and Hailey had invited Sam and I to go out on the river with them once, and we’d had a good time. We went golfing with them once too. When my brother couldn’t make it and Sam was busy, I’d taken Jim to a Cardinals game. He seemed like a good enough guy. He was about my age and seemed reasonably fit. I’d been meaning to ask if he played racquetball, since I was looking for someone to play with who might be a closer match to my skill level.

The school year had just ended and Sam suggested we invite Jim and Hailey over to grill some steaks and splash around the pool. I agreed and we set it up for the following Saturday.

It was a warm day, warm enough that the cool water provided welcome relief from the heat, and we could lounge around outside the pool without need to cover up. That was a bit of a mixed blessing as I had to be extra careful not to stare at Hailey in her bikini, especially with her father there. But the girls weren’t making it easy, giggling and frolicking and splashing and almost popping out of their tops. A couple times I looked over at Jim, and I was pretty sure I caught him checking out Sam.

Sam might not be quite in Hailey’s league, looks-wise, but there’s no doubt she’s also a beautiful girl. She has dark hair and eyes and a latin complexion, like her mother. She fills out her bikini pretty well too, especially if a guy is into a dramatic hourglass figure, and it was looking to me like Jim might be just that kind of guy. I started to resent his leering just a little, until I remembered I had no justification to hold that against him. As I thought about it, our shared lechery kind of made me feel even more comfortable with him.

We were sitting on the edge of the pool, feet dangling in the water and watching the girls when Jim surprised me. Out of the blue he made a comment. “How did a couple of normal-looking guys like us end up with such gorgeous daughters?”

I’d been having roughly the same thought. “I credit her mother.”

Jim laughed. “Yeah. Same here.” Then he offered, “It gets a little rough sometimes when she reminds me too much of her.”

“How long has she been gone?”

“Five years last month.”

“Ha! You beat me by a month. I’m coming up on five years next week.”

Jim laughed. The girls must have seen us talking and decided to take that opportunity to swim over our way.

“What are you two talking about?” Sam called out, standing in the pool just a few feet in front of us. Hailey was next to her. The water came up to each girl’s rib cage as they stood there, hard nipples trying to poke through clingy tops.

“Not much. Girls, mostly.” I answered.

“Oooh! Any particular girls?” They both giggled.

“Nah.” Jim and I looked at each other, and smiled.

“Funny, cuz that’s kind of what we wanted to talk to you about.” Sam volunteered.

“We’ve got something we need to tell you.” Added Hailey, “both of you.”

Jim replied, “Oh? OK.” The girl’s faces looked like this might be serious.

“Yeah,” I added. “You know you can tell us anything.”

The girls slid closer together, and put their arms around each other’s shoulders. Sam spoke first. “You know how Hailey and I are, like, best friends…”

Hailey looked at her dad, and then she looked at Sam, smiling warmly. “Like REALLY close friends.”

Sam looked at Hailey, then she looked at me, and glanced quickly at Jim. “Except we’re not JUST friends. We’re more than friends.” Sam turned to Hailey, and then they kissed! It was a very passionate kiss.

Jim and I stared at them as they kissed. We glanced at each other. He looked as shocked as I was.

Hailey broke the kiss, and turned to us. “We’re lovers.”

Sam added, “We’ve been lovers for a while now. This is our coming out party. We wanted to come out to you guys.”

Jim spoke up, “So…you’re gay?”

Hailey answered, “Actually…no. We’re not gay. We’re bi. It’s not that we’re not attracted to guys, it’s just that I love Sam, and I want to be with Sam.”

“And I want to be with Hailey. And we don’t want any guy to get in the way of that. I’m in love with Hailey.”

“Wow,” I said.

“Yeah. Wow.” Jim seconded the emotion.” I knew you two were close, but…” He paused, seemingly lost for words.

I looked at him, and then started. “You know it’s OK. I love you, Sam, and I just want you to be happy, and Hailey, if Sam loves you, then that’s good enough for me. I’m happy for you.” I meant it too. I had a couple of mixed emotions, but mostly, I really meant it.

“Of course,” Jim added. “Hailey, Sam, it’s OK.” I didn’t know Jim that well, but I was glad he seemed to be taking this like I was. It made me feel better about him.

“We knew you’d be cool with it, but we had to tell you,” Hailey said.

“Wait…” I felt it was safe to tease a little, “So all those sleepovers with you two…weren’t just sleepovers?”

“Dad!” Sam feigned shock.

“Nope.” Hailey broke in. “We were fucking!”

“Hailey!” Sam said it to her teasingly, and then they both laughed as they looked at each other, and kissed again, even more passionately than they had at first. The kiss turned into a bit of a make-out session as the girls pawed at each other while they kissed deeply.

Two beautiful nearly naked girls making out was flipping a switch for me that I couldn’t control. I couldn’t help it. I felt my dick starting to get hard. I glanced over at Jim. He had shifted the way he was sitting. I felt pretty sure I knew what it meant as he drew one leg up and hunched over slightly. His eyes were fixed on the girls. They darted to me, then quickly back to the girls.

Sam broke their kiss and turned to speak to us again. “Sorry. Sometimes we get a little carried away. We love you guys, and we knew you’d be cool with it. But there’s more.”

“There’s more we have to tell you.” Hailey added. “And this part…we’re not so sure what you’ll say. But we hope you’ll like it. We think you might really like it.”

“Yeah. Like Hailey said.” The girls put their arms around each other’s shoulders again as they faced us and Sam continued to speak. “This next part…well…remember we said we’re not gay. We’re bi? You’re probably wondering what does that mean? Well…what it means is even though we love each other and we’re obviously totally hot for each other, we’re still attracted to guys too.”

“We still like dick.” Hailey smiled.

“Basically, yes. Sometimes we’d still like to have sex with guys too. But we don’t want any of that jealousy. Like, our love is strong and we trust each other and all, but we’re realistic too, and we don’t want to take the risk of jealousy in our relationship.”

Hailey took over. “Yeah. So we tried to think about this, and do you know how hard it is to find a guy that can work with that? Sure plenty of guys will SAY they could, but what if he falls in love with one of us, or one of us gets jealous? Pretty quickly things start getting messy. It could get so messy in so many ways.”

“So as we tried to scope all this out, we started trying to figure out what kind of guy or guys might work. It seemed like college guys were out, but then we hit on the possibility of older guys. So I asked Hailey, ‘Would you fuck an older guy? How old?’ and then she goes, ‘I’d fuck your dad.’ and that started us off. It turns out, Dad, that Hailey thinks you’re totally hot.”

Hailey looked at me, raised her eyebrows, and smiled. Then she looked at Jim, “And Dad, Sam thinks you’re hot too, and she confessed that she’s already fantasized about fucking you.”

Sam said, “That was a fun conversation. You’ll like this, Dad: Hailey said she bet your dick was yummy.”

“I said it had to be yummy if it made Sam.” Both girls laughed. Of course by now, my cock was rock hard. My brain probably would have been registering more shock, except all the blood was rushing into my dick.

“So the more we talked about fucking each other’s dads, the more we liked the idea. Like, we weren’t really that serious at first, but we kept coming back to the idea because it fit so perfect. I can’t be jealous if it’s you fucking Hailey, because I love you and I know you would never do anything to hurt me. And Hailey feels the same with you, Jim.”

“That’s right. You both love us already. You won’t try to make the other girl into your girlfriend. You can keep a secret. You’re both totally hot…”

“You’re both pretty chill guys and fun to be around. You’ll respect our rules. We can trust you.”

Hailey summed it up. “It’s like you checked all the boxes. Perfect! Plus there’s a bonus: We don’t have to worry about diseases, and we know you’ve both had vasectomies, so we don’t have to worry about condoms, and we don’t have to go on the pill!”

“But we still weren’t ready. We still had to work on the idea a little more. We weren’t sure if you’d go along with it, so Dad, that’s why I asked you if you’d ever fantasized about Hailey.”

“And Dad, I’m sorry, but I checked the browser history on your laptop, and when I saw all the searches for ‘latina teen blows friend’s dad,’ and ‘stepdad fucks daughter’s best friend,’ stuff like that, I mean, c’mon. It was pretty obvious.” Hailey laughed. Sam did too.

I looked at Jim. He had a kind of shit-eating grin, like a boy who’s been caught doing something cute and naughty.

“And we know neither of you has a girlfriend. We can’t even remember the last time either of you went on a date. So we figured…”

“You might be interested in fucking us.” The girls looked at each other, and then turned to look at us. Sam, on the left, looked at Jim. Hailey, on the right, looked at me. Then both girls reached behind, undid their bikini tops, and tossed them onto the concrete rim of the pool.

Hailey’s tits looked amazing. Not too large, but they fit her frame and stood out perky and firm. I couldn’t help but glance at Sam’s tits too. I had never seen them. They were bigger than Hailey’s, with large nipples screaming out for attention. But I quickly focused back on Hailey as she dipped down into the water and made her way over to stand right in front of me. Sam stood right in front of Jim.

Hailey looked me in the eye, pulled my knees apart, and then reached out to rub my now painfully hard cock through my swim trunks. Another quick glance told me Sam was doing the same for Jim.

Sam started to speak. “Just a couple ground rules: Remember this is our show. This is for Hailey and me. We’re super excited and we think it’s super hot, but you’ve got to follow our rules, OK?” Jim and I looked at each other, but neither of us spoke right away, so Sam continued. “We’re doing this because we crave dick, but it’s not going to be a one-on-one thing. I want to share this with Hailey. She wants to share it with me. I want to see her face while your cock is inside her, Dad. I want to watch her get fucked, and she wants to watch me.

Hailey spoke up. “That means we’re all going to be in the same room. Daddy, you have to be OK with seeing your little girl get fucked by another man, with seeing me suck his cock.”

“So it’s not exactly incest, but it’s kind of dangerous, if you know what I mean. I need both of you to tell us you’re OK with that, or else we can just shut this down now. We’ll be disappointed, but we’ll get over it. You’re still our dads and we still love you, no matter what.” Sam paused to look back and forth between Jim and I. Then she tried to close the sale. “Come play with us. You know you want to.”

I looked at Jim. He looked at me. I was thinking he seemed like he was in just about the same place that I was, a little scared, incredibly turned on, and pushed over the edge by my desire to make my little girl happy. “I’m OK.”

“I’m OK too.”

“Allright!” Sam screamed. “Let’s have some fun!” She looked at Hailey, eyes full of light and mischief.

Hailey’s eyes showed the same joy and anticipation. “We’re all really close. Let’s get closer!”

Hailey tugged my suit down to release my cock. It stood up proud in front of her face. Her eyes got big and she bit her bottom lip as she reached out and rolled my shaft between the palms of her two hands. Then she licked the tip, encircled it with her mouth and popped it in. I moaned my appreciation.

I thought I caught Sam stealing a glance at my dick and smiling as Hailey had unveiled it. I have to admit that sent an extra surge through me that helped to stretch it out even bigger. While Hailey blew me, mostly she kept her eyes on me, but I caught her stealing a glance toward Jim’s dick too.

After the girls blew us for what couldn’t have been more than five minutes, but plenty enough to get the feel and to really start to get everyone into the groove, Sam stopped. So Hailey stopped too. “Let’s move this party inside,” Sam said.

The girls jumped out of the pool. Jim and I, still in a bit of a daze, hesitated just a moment, then as the girls ran towards the patio doors, we noticed their bikini bottoms were still on, and we began to chase. I caught Hailey on the stairs up to the master bedroom, wrapping both arms around her waist and holding as I gently tackled her. Jim raced past me to catch Sam just beyond the top. I pulled off Hailey’s bikini bottoms and pinned her down as she struggled playfully, but not too hard, to resist. I rolled her over and pushed my face in between her legs. I couldn’t see Jim and Sam but I imagined something similar as I dove in straight for the honey pot and devoured it with my tongue. Hailey shrieked in delight.

Hailey was wet–and not just from the pool. As her lubrication grew, her natural aroma didn’t take long to win out over the faint taste of chlorine as my lips and tongue worked on her. I settled down to tease toward, but not yet touch, Hailey’s clit. When I reached it, she jumped and cried out. I teased her a little more. Then I remembered how Sam had insisted this was their show, not ours, so I relented and let her escape toward the bedroom. I walked the rest of the way up the stairs to follow and as I reached the top I saw Jim let go of Sam too. I saw her naked ass disappear through the bedroom door.

When we got there a couple of seconds later, the girls were removing the covers from the bed. I wanted to reassure Sam we weren’t going to try and take over. “Is there a way you wanted to start this? We’re at your service.”

Jim was on board too. “Your wish is my command.” He gave a theatrical bow, which looked kind of ridiculous since he was bare-ass naked as he did it. The girls giggled.

“That’s right. This is our party and you’re just along for the ride,” Sam said.

“Literally.” Hailey added with a smile. “But yeah, we did think a little about…choreography. Sam’s the director. Listen to Sam.”

“Let’s try this: You guys lay on your backs, across the bed, from opposite sides. Sam backed me over next to the bed and came in close, pinning my legs. The head of my cock was poking Sam’s belly! My eyes got big with surprise as I felt it, but looking at her I was sure that she’d done it on purpose. She had a wicked smile as she moved in closer, just until the tips of her nipples barely touched my chest. I was frozen, and she was totally enjoying my nervousness. She started to bring her face closer, as if to kiss me. She paused briefly, as if thinking about it, then her lips moved over to my ear. Softly, she whispered, “Hey dad…nice cock!” then suddenly, she shoved my chest and I fell back onto the bed.

Sam turned her attention to Jim. “Now you…” she motioned, “other side.” Jim went around and she followed him, backing him up and shoving him onto the bed just as she had done to me. Hailey had moved around to stand facing me. Jim was laying close by to my left. “We’re going to need you guys to scoot a little, dicks toward the middle.” We scooted. “There. That’s good. What do you think, Hailey?”

“Looks perfect from where I’m standing,” Hailey replied. She was eyeing my dick, throbbing against my belly, and also peeking at Jim’s dick, stretched out on his belly pointed almost towards her.

I had never been naked and erect like this around another man. I’d never been this close to two naked women either. It was a little weird. But honestly, even seeing another man’s hard cock like that, the situation was so charged, so erotic, it seemed perfectly natural. This is how we really are. Naked. Nothing to hide. Horny as hell. Having it all out in the open like this felt fucking great! Like in some ways it was the most honest and real I’d felt around other people maybe ever!

“Wait!” Sam giggled. “Hailey! We gotta change sides!”

Hailey giggled too. “Oh. Right!” The girls quickly ran around to swap sides. A jolt ran through me as I wondered if this meant they were going to swap partners and surprise us. That thought was an unexpected thrill, but quickly I could see that Hailey was behind my head, and I could see Sam standing behind Jim. His head was blocking so I couldn’t see her pussy. I still hadn’t had a good look at hers but I was hoping I’d get a chance. On the stairs I’d discovered that Hailey was trimmed into a nice landing strip and was completely bare around her vulva. Would Sam be the same?

I looked at Sam and could tell she was looking at my dick, and at Jim’s. “What lucky girls we are to have such nice fat cocks to ride!,” she said.

“Mmmmm.Hmmmm.” Hailey answered as both girls climbed onto the bed and began to crawl over us.

I barely caught a glimpse of Sam grabbing Jim’s hard cock and opening her mouth to take it in just as Hailey’s hanging tits blocked my view. Now it was time to focus on the girl above me as I felt Hailey grab my cock and lift it to meet her warm, wet mouth. I felt her tongue begin to swirl around my head as I looked up to see her glistening pussy. My arms reached up to grab the cheeks of that luscious ass as I brought her down to meet my tongue.

Hailey shifted slightly to get me in just the right place. She was too short to get me all in, at least in this position, without breaking contact, but I was long enough to give her plenty to work with. I licked around her clit and was starting to get into a groove. Hailey’s muffled moans told me she was feeling it too. Then I heard Sam say “Are we ready to ride?” and Hailey broke it off, pulling my cock out of her mouth to answer, “Let’s go!”

Hailey crawled forward and sat up to position her pussy above my cock, reverse cowgirl. She grabbed it and rubbed the head across her opening a few times, then once she was sure it was good, she sank down slowly to take me inside her. She was tight and warm and slick. It felt good. It felt perfect.

With Hailey off the top of my face, I could now see that Sam was doing the same with Jim. Craning my neck for a better view I got my first good look at her pussy. Sam’s darker hairs were trimmed just like Hailey, and I saw the head of Jim’s dick split her lips and sink inside. I looked up at Sam’s face, and she winked at me. She actually winked at me! Then her face contorted with pleasure as she sank down onto Jim.

Hailey began to grind her hips, and Sam began to bounce up and down. The bouncing did wonders for her tits. The motion was hypnotic. My cock felt incredibly hard. Hailey was finding the spots that hit her, and she began to bounce a little too. I stared at the motion of her ass. She’d bounce for a while, with longer and longer strokes out before sinking back onto me. Then she’d grind a while.

“Sam, your daddy’s cock feels so good! So fucking good! He fills me up.”

“Your daddy’s cock feels fucking fantastic! God I’ve missed having a real dick in me!”

“C’mere.” Hailey leaned over toward Sam. Sam leaned too, and they met in the middle for a kiss. She continued grinding on me as I saw her hand reach out and cup Sam’s breast while they kissed. I could see her thumb rubbing over Sam’s hard nipple. “Mmmmm. Mmmmm. Mmmmm” noises told us they were both really getting into it.

Then I saw Hailey’s hand drop from Sam’s breast, down to finger her clit as they stopped kissing, and began to ride again, racing toward the finish line. Briefly, I felt a hand, Sam’s hand, softly finger my balls, then touch around where my shaft was going in and out of Hailey, just to get the feel of it before it left, I presumed to return to Hailey’s clit. Sam and Hailey were looking at each other as they rode.

“How are you guys doing?” Sam paused to check in with her cocks. “If you need to cum, go ahead. Hailey and I are close. But if you can hold out for a while longer, that would be even better.”

“Doing great, really great. And I can hold out as long as you need me.” Jim’s voice said. Who was this guy? Some kind of fucking machine? Damn! I was definitely feeling like I could cum anytime, but if Jim can hold out, then dammit…

“I think I can hold out. I’ll do my best.” Remember, I always promised Sam I’d be honest with her. Haha.

The girls started riding hard for the finish line. Fingers were flying over clits. Breathing was getting heavy. Closer, and closer, and closer until with a kind of half scream, half grunt, Hailey got there first. Spasms squeezed my cock and rippled through her body. Her victory seemed to send Sam over the edge too. I saw her eyes roll into the back of her head as she slumped forward toward me, catching herself on her hands and then falling all the way until her head rested on the bed between Jim’s legs.

Hailey stayed upright, but her body relaxed as she held my still very hard cock motionless inside her. Then she turned toward the slumping Sam, and pulled off of my dick to lay down, mostly on top of me, but so that her head was next to Sam’s. She softly stroked Sam’s hair as Sam came back around. I don’t think she actually lost consciousness, just that her orgasm had taken her so completely. I felt that Hailey and I were probably thinking the same thing, how beautiful Sam looked. Hailey kissed her and I could see the pure love between them.

After a few seconds, Jim broke the moment. “Break time?”

It was. Hailey responded, “Yeah. I don’t know about anybody else, but I could use a bottle of water.”

I took that as my cue. “Coming right up,” I said, and I rolled off the bed and ran downstairs, still naked, to grab us four waters. When I returned everyone was sitting up against the head of the bed, with Jim in the middle. I have to admit, for a second there I was feeling a little jealous as I handed them all their water. “Scoot over,” I said to Hailey, who was on the end nearest me. Everyone laughed, and then scooted left. They’d been messing with me. I took my place beside Hailey and sipped my water.

“How’s everyone feeling?” Sam asked. “Everyone having fun? Nobody too weirded out?”

“It’s even better than I thought it might be. I feel wonderful,” said Hailey. Then she leaned across Jim to kiss Sam, who met her half way. They kissed each other only inches in front of his face, with their tits crushed up against his upper arms.

“Sorry about this.” Sam broke the kiss to grab Jim’s once again fully hard cock. “I promise you’ll get some relief soon. It’s gonna be worth the wait.” She laughed.

Hailey laughed too. “Dad, I never knew you had such a big cock. And it’s nice too, It’s pretty. I love looking at your cock.” Then she turned to me. “And Will, yours is almost as long, and maybe even thicker. It’s got that big head. So yummy! Sam, I don’t think we could have found two guys our age with such nice cocks.”

“Nope. We are very lucky girls, in more ways than one.”

“College guys wouldn’t have lasted more than five minutes with you two, ten max,” added Jim.

I stepped in. “Nope. Being with you two is surprisingly easy. Group sex? It feels surprisingly natural. Taboo? Whatever. I feel good about it.”

Sam replied, “Good. I’m having fun too. Now everybody finish your water. I think you’re going to like this next part.”

“I know I will,” added Hailey. Sam got up from the bed to get us into position.

“OK boys: The big thing we didn’t get in that first round, one of the things Hailey and I really wanted, was the chance to really see and enjoy the sight of each other getting fucked. I mean up close and personal. I want to really watch a dick sliding in and out of Hailey’s hot, wet, delicious and beautiful pussy.”

“Ho. Lee. Shit.” Jim commented his approval. Hailey giggled.

“To get this started, Hailey and I are going to do a little 69 laying on our sides down here across the corner of the bed.” Hailey crawled over into position, and Sam layed down facing her. “You guys get to stand back and watch the hot girl-on-girl action.” Jim and I got up and moved to either side. “Then, when we pull our heads back, you lift our top legs and bring in the cocks. Got it?”

“I think we’ll catch on,” I said. The girls giggled conspiratorially as they each drew up their bottom leg to provide a little rest for the other girl’s head. It seemed like this was a position they were very familiar with. As if it had been choreographed, at the exact same time they each drew their top legs back, and each dove into the other’s pussy, kissing and licking and giggling and cooing. I saw Jim grab his dick to slowly jerk it as he watched. I did the same. It was beautiful how much they were enjoying each other.

After just another couple of minutes on the bench, coach called us in. “OK boys,” Sam said as she and Hailey pulled their mouths away from a couple of very wet and ready pussies. I pulled up Hailey’s leg and braced it on my shoulder as I placed my dick in front of her entrance. Jim did the same with Sam. Sam’s face was just inches from the head of my cock. If I’d turned to the left she easily could have sucked it. But her eyes were glued on the head of my cock dripping pre-cum onto Hailey’s open vagina. Then she looked up at me. Her eyes met mine and once again, her mouth curled up into that wicked smile I was learning to love so much. “Do it,” she said.

I pushed and began to enter Hailey. She was slick, and hot, and still wonderfully snug as I continued to push in.

“Is this OK?” I asked as I brought my left leg up onto the bed behind Sam’s head where I could see I’d get a better angle and better leverage.

“Whatever works.” She answered. I glanced over at Jim. He had sunk into Sam and was bringing his leg up to the bed also, to mirror mine. I was able to drive deeper into Hailey, who let out a kind of high pitched moan.

“That is so fucking hot!” Sam said. “How you doing, Hailey?”

“Feels so good.” she gushed. “And it’s so fucking cool to see my dad’s dick sliding into your pussy, filling you up.”

“I know! It’s fucking incredible!”

“His balls are right in front of my face,” said Hailey.

“I know!” Sam replied. “I can’t wait to eat my dad’s cum dripping out of your pussy!”

Wait. Did Sam really just say that? Did she really want to taste my cum? And then Hailey chimed in, “Me too!”

Sam laughed. “OK boys, time to fuck.”

I began to thrust in and out, slowly at first and then a little more rapidly. It felt great, of course, but honestly, what I was seeing was even better. My daughter, Sam was rapturously following the motion of my dick and balls from just inches away as I penetrated and stretched her girlfriend’s pussy. When I looked up, I could see Jim’s dick sinking in and out of Sam. Hailey’s face was pure pleasure too. Then I saw Hailey bring her hand up to play with Sam’s clit. I looked down to see Sam doing the same for Hailey. I decided to reach down and pinch and circle Hailey’s nipple. She moaned her approval.

At one point I heard, “Give it to her harder Dad!…Pound that pussy!…So good!…So hot!” I wasn’t even sure which girl said what.

The whole room was filled with the sounds of wet, hot, rhythmic fucking and not just one, but two girls loving it. This was fucking wild! My brain was exploding with how hot it all was. My circuits were on overload. I could hear Jim’s breathing getting heavy, and then he lost it with a sudden gasp. Hailey went next with a high pitched scream. That set Sam off. You could hear the vibrations in her voice. Then I let go what felt like a tremendous series of streams deep inside Hailey. I came so hard my balls actually hurt a little for a second. We were four very satisfied people.

As my heart rate began to slow down, suddenly Sam gently nudged me backwards so my dick plopped out of Hailey. “And now for dessert!” she said, as she dove back into Hailey’s pussy, licking and sucking wildly. I could see Hailey do the same to Jim as she went in to feast on Sam. “Mmmmm. Ohhh. Mmmm. MMMMMmmmm” It went on and on. I looked up at Jim and he had the same stunned look on his face that I’m sure I did.

Both girls were clearly really enjoying this. I mean really, really enjoying. It sounded like they might cum again. It was so incredibly, indescribably hot. It had only been a couple of minutes, but already my dick was getting hard again. And then they came, both of them together. Then they each rolled onto their backs to stare up at the ceiling, completely spent, their faces shiny with each other’s juices mixed with our cum. I looked down and saw Sam’s eyes weren’t even in focus, they were a thousand miles away, and then slowly, she focused in on me as she looked up, and smiled that smile.

In that moment I thought, “If I died right now, I’d die a happy man.”

And then I realized I’d actually said it out loud as I heard Sam say, “Don’t die now. If you die right now that means we can never do this again!”

Oh fuck. Oh fuck. Oh fuck. What the hell have we started?!!! That part I managed not to say out loud, but beyond that, my brain shut down. Gone out on strike. I felt like I’d just instantly become a hard core helpless addict to some new powerful drug, and that drug was Sam. And Hailey, and even a little bit Jim, but mostly it was my daughter, Sam.

Then I realized everyone was laughing, so I laughed too. This new drug was certainly the best shit I had ever been on.

“Have you guys got anything more in the tank?” It was Sam asking the question. “There’s only one thing I didn’t get yet that I wanted from tonight. I want to lick cum off Hailey’s face and tits. What do you say, boys? Have you got anything left for one more round? Maybe between the both of you you can get up enough to make Hailey my pretty cum princess. What do you say?”

I had absolutely no will to resist her. I didn’t know how I was going to come through, but I heard myself say to Jim, “I’m game if you are.”

“Hell yeah!” Jim replied.

The girls sat on the floor side by side up against the bed. Sam held Hailey’s face for us, she cupped Hailey’s tits for us. The girls kissed and nuzzled each other and giggled and looked up with excited eyes as Jim and I stood in front of Hailey, jerking our hard cocks.

“C’mon Hailey, kiss your daddy’s cock that’s been so nice to me.” Sam said it, and Hailey did it. Oh my god she did it! “And one for you too, daddy.” Sam leaned in to quickly kiss the head of my cock. And then the smile. That got to me. I’m pretty sure she knew it would. My dick had been hard, but now it was fully back. I knew I could give her what she wanted.

“Aren’t those cocks beautiful, Hailey? They sure like you, to get all hard like that…big and hard and ready to cum just for you.” Sam’s narration was the pure voice of lust. She was channeling it from somewhere. She just tapped in and out it flowed. “And guys, isn’t she so pretty? Isn’t she so hot when she cums? Like we all watched her cum today? Are you going to come for us again, Hailey? Can you cum for us again?” I now noticed Sam was playing with Hailey’s clit.

Hailey’s breath was starting to get irregular. Her mouth was slightly open. She was licking and biting on her lips, but unconsciously, almost like she was in a trance. “Show her how hot she is, guys. Give her your cum! Give her your hot cum. All over her face. All over her lips. Dripping down onto her tits. She wants it. She needs it. She deserves it. She’s been such a good girl. Such an incredibly hot and sexy good girl. Then I’m going to lick it. I’m going to lick it all up. Lick every drop of cum all off her gorgeous face and gorgeous tits!”

Hailey came. Her face looked rapturous, ecstatic. She was so beautiful! Her pleasure triggered ours.

I went first this time, splashing it all over her cheek and onto her lips and teeth as she smiled beautifully, happy to receive, happy to feel my hot cum on her, rewarding her. Jim followed soon after. He got her nose with a big glob that started to drip and then her chin and into her mouth. She continued to smile as it dripped down onto her tits and she turned toward Sam, who did exactly what she said she would, lovingly licking every drop she could find, and then finally turning to Jim and I, “Thank you, boys,” she said. Then she smiled that wicked smile.

After lounging a while to let the whole experience sink in, we all cleaned up and showered off. We got dressed, and went back out onto the patio to grill those steaks. We’d worked up quite an appetite. Eating around the patio table it all seemed so surreal. Did that really just happen? We talked about school, and work, and plans for the rest of the summer. The girls felt free now to show their affection. They kissed a few times, clearly very much in love with each other. One thing was for sure. We all felt a lot closer than we had just a few hours before.

After dinner, when Hailey and Jim went to leave, Sam stopped us all at the door. “So what do you say, guys? Should we make this an every weekend thing? Hailey?”

“Absolutely. This was fantastic. I could do this at least once a week…at least!”

Jim looked at me. “Count me in…as long as this all stays just between us, I would love to share this secret with you. What happens between us–no matter WHAT happens between us–stays between the four of us.”

I felt like I knew just what he meant. Me, you already know where I stand. I looked at Hailey, one of the most beautiful girls I had ever seen, and I looked at Sam, my Sam. I could not refuse anything she wanted from me. Anything.

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