Sex Slavery

An adult stories – Sex Slavery by Princessgoodgirl40,Princessgoodgirl40 After working late one night, I found myself being the last one out of the building. This was not unusual and I usually felt pretty safe making my way to my car through the parking garage.

Tonight was different. I ignored the anxious feeling in the pit of my stomach. My heart raced and I felt a sense of impending doom I could not really place. I quickened my steps as my stilettos tapping the ground echoed through the empty garage.

I breathed a sigh of relief when I reached my car. As I unlocked the door, a white van screeched to a halt right behind my car, effectively blocking me in. My heart leapt into my throat and I backed into the wall as a very tall, muscular man dressed in black jumped out of the van and approached me. Before I could scream, he was crushing me against the wall with his body, with his hand over my mouth. I looked into his intense dark eyes and it occurred to me that he was not wearing a mask. In all the true crime I’ve read, I’ve learned that means he does not intend to let me go alive, as I have seen his face. A feeling of dread over came me as I started to tear up.

“Make any kind of sound and I’ll kill you right here.” He said in a low, gravely voice. I nodded and he slowly removed his hand from my mouth. I was frozen with fear as he led me to the van. When I got in, he immediately bound my wrists and ankles with duct tape and placed a piece over my mouth. He sat next to me during the ride and explored my body. He slid his hand between my legs, up my skirt, brushed against my clit over my panties, caressing my inner thighs. He slid his hand down my low cut blouse and cupped and squeezed my breasts. I did not make a sound or move a muscle.

When we arrived, the man picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. He was so strong, and big, I knew I had no chance fighting him off. I decided doing what I’m told is my best chance of survival.

When I looked around I noticed the area was quite rural. I could see a modest looking home which we seemed to be approaching. I knew no one would be able to hear me scream out here. My hopes of being rescued or escaping were quickly fading away.

We entered the empty house and he took me downstairs into the basement.

When he flipped on the light, my stomach dropped. It was a dungeon. It became very clear what his intent was of me. I was going to be his sex slave until he killed me. I wondered how many other victims he had victimized down here.

He removed me from his shoulder and had me stand up against a wall that was outfitted with shackles. He withdrew a sharp knife and used it to slice through the duct tape on my wrists. He then proceeded to place both wrists in long shackles so that now I was chained to the wall with little slack. It was just enough so I could sit down.

The man pressed his body up against mine and grabbed my face, forcing me to look him in the eye. His eyes were intense, dark, and menacing. His gaze left me breathless. He ran his hands up and down my body and i whimpered. He quickly wrapped his hand around my throat and pinned my head against the wall. “We are going to have a lot of fun over the next few days. And you’re going to like it.” He kissed me and bit my bottom lip hard. I winced with pain and he looked at me and smiled. Then he left me there, shackled.

Once he left the room I peered around to see what was there. There were several types of bondage devices that made me feel unnerved. They all were equipped with shackles. There was a wall with various instruments that were probably used for spanking or some kind of impact play. I realized he had said, “the next few days.” I guess that’s the time I have left. A few days of torture before he kills me……

I had fallen asleep but the creaking of the door opening woke me and my heart instantly began to race.

The man walked down the stairs and approached me. He knelt down to be at eye level with me. He gently stroked my face. “Ready to be a good girl for me and have some fun ” I looked back at him with fear in my eyes. He offered his hand as he stood up to help me to my feet.

He released me from the shackles and guided me over to what appeared to be a very rudimentary bed affixed with shackles from both the headboard and footboard. I became suddenly overwhelmed with a need to run. The attempt was futile as he grabbed my hair and yanked me to the ground. I fought and resisted but he was entirely too strong as he threw me to the ground.

He then, through the resistance, managed to rip my clothes off. He grabbed me by the wrists and pulled me to my feet, leading me to the bed. I tried to plant my feet and pull away but he just dragged me along.

When he reached the bed he lifted me and slammed my body down on the bed. “Please let me go! I won’t tell anyone, please.”

“Shut your whore mouth ” he barked as he grabbed one of my wrists and lifted it above my head where he fastened a restraint. He followed that with the other wrist.

Once my hands were secure, he moved to my ankles. On his way there he slid his fingertips over my body and down my legs, bringing out my goose flesh. He roughly shackled one ankle, then the other. My legs were spread wide open and I was unable to close them. I laid there, exposed, waiting for what might happen as his hands continued to explore my body.

“This is how it’s going to go. Whenever I come down here, I’m going to fuck you and you’re going to be a good girl and take it, everything. Do you understand me?” I tearfully nodded and whimpered. He slapped me hard across the face, stunning me for moment. “Do you understand me?!”

“Yes.” I whispered.

“Good girl…” he said “we can make this fun for you too. I’m going to make you have a good time.” I had no idea what he meant by that but I thoroughly doubted that.

His hand slowly moved over my breasts as he cupped and squeezed them. He pinched my nipples and then took one between his teeth. I winced and tried to pull away. He then moved down my stomach, and trailed his fingers down to my clit. He very gently applied pressure to it and slowly stimulated it. I wriggled my body to try to get away but he held me in place. He stopped and went to his wall of objects, choosing a vibrator before coming back to my side.

I did not like where this was going. I knew it would feel good. I knew my body would betray me. I did not want to be vulnerable but he was going to force it out of me.

He came back and smiled at me as he turned on the vibrator. “No, please!”

“Why? Are you afraid you will like it?” He did not wait for an answer. He just turned on the vibrator and gently manipulated it around my clit. I couldn’t help but lift my hips to the toy to apply more pressure. He laughed a little and asked me, “do you want me to make you cum?” I shook my head but my body was already on fire. He applied more pressure just above my clit and i was getting closer and closer to a climax as my breathing became heavier.

The man withdrew the device and smiled. “Not yet.” The sensation drifted away and I caught my breath.

“Want to try again?” I shook my head and desparately said, “no, please.”

He pressed the vibrator to my clit again and inserted his fingers into my tight pussy. The sensation and deep penetration was going to send me over the edge.

“Don’t you dare cum.” He demanded over the sounds I was making.


“You want to cum for me!”

“Yes please!” He, again, removed the toy just in time. I growled in frustration.

The man then removed his clothes and climbed onto the bed, hovering over me.

“I think it’s a cock that you need.” I became scared and my eyes widened.

“No! Please!” I screamed as I tried to resist.

“Oh yeah, I love when you fight.” He crushed my body with his weight as he thrust his hard cock into me quickly and without caution. I was wet from the edging so he slid in easily, but his cock was long and thick and the pain was intense.

He did not take his time. He was not concerned about my pain. He fucked me mercilessly. The pain eventually subsided and it began to feel good. The pressure built and I could feel that I was approaching a climax. The abductor sensed it as my pussy became more and more wet.” “What a good little Whore, getting so wet for me.”

It wasn’t long until my body completely betrayed me and I exploded into a powerful orgasm. As it racked over my body, the man encouraged me through it.

“That’s my good girl, look at you, what a good girl you are.” I immediately felt ashamed as he finished inside me. He released me from the shackles and replaced me against the wall where I was originally.

I sat down and brought my knees to my chest. He knelt down and placed a finger under my chin, guiding my eyes to his.

“I’ll be down a little later when I get hungry again, so you better be ready for me. Understand?”

I nodded and whispered, “yes.”

“Good girl.”

I watched as he ascended the stairs and disappeared, the door closing behind him.

As I waited, I fought the feelings that I was aroused. My clit throbbed and I gave in. The shackles were just long enough for me to reach. I opened my legs and licked my fingers before trailing them down to my aching clit. I moaned softly and let my head drop back as I moved my fingers in circles. “Why was I so aroused after all that?” I didn’t care, I quickened my pace and made myself cum within a minute of playing. I felt exhilarated as I wondered what he was going to do to me next.

A few hours later he came back through the door. What I thought would be excitement, immediately turned into dread. I suddenly realized that the end game here would ultimately be to kill me, I assumed.

As he descended the stairs, he removed his belt, snapped the two sides together and carried it in his right hand. He approached me and without saying a word, he hit me across the face with it. I shrieked In pain.

“Get on your knees.” He said authoritatively. I didn’t respond, I was frozen.

“I said, get on your knees, slut!” He barked as he threatened to hit me with the belt again. This time, I did as I was told and held my gaze on the ground.

I heard him unzip and step out of his pants.

His hand gripped my chin tightly and forced me to look up at him. He held his cock and slapped my pursed lips with it. “Open your mouth.” He commanded. I sealed my lips shut and shook my head.

“Listen, slut. You are either going to suck my cock like you like it, or I’m going to face fuck you and you aren’t going to like it.”

Realizing my options, I reluctantly opened my mouth for him to slide his cock into. I wrapped my lips around him and bobbed my head up and down.

“Look at me!” I did not oblige, so he grabbed a fistful of hair from the back of my head and pulled back to force me to look up at him.

“That’s it princess. You look so pretty with my cock in your mouth.” His grip became tighter on my hair and he started applying pressure to my head.

“You’re not doing it the way I like. Guess I’m going to have to skull fuck you anyway.” He began aggressively fucking my mouth, forcing his cock into the back of my throat. I gagged and choked and he seemed to enjoy it even more. I was relieved when he removed his cock from my mouth. He lifted me to my feet and shoved me up against the wall by my throat. I was still naked so it was easy to violate me from there. With his free hand he grabbed onto my thigh and pulled my leg up to his side before he slid his hard cock into me. I gasped as his entire length slid deeply into my pussy. He began thrusting upward hard and forcefully. I cried out at the pain, but also the accompanying pleasure. He kept his hand on my throat and pounded my pussy, edging me closer to an orgasm. But before I could climax, he pulled out and effortlessly spun me around to face the wall. He slid his cock back into me from behind as he held a fistful of my hair and pressed the side of my face against the wall. He pounded me harder than anyone had ever fucked me. My body shook and I groaned as I orgasmed and gushed fluid onto the floor.

“Oh yeah…you’re such a slut, you love being railed like a whore, don’t you?” He continued fucking me until his own orgasm and he filled me with his hot cum.

I eventually stopped pretending to not want him. Every time he appeared at the top of the stairs, my pussy ached and leaked with intense anticipation. Over the next few days he continued to fuck me mercilessly, torture me, deny my orgasms, dominating me. I waited for him to kill me but he kept me for several more days as his slave.

Now I live here. I’ve graduated to sleeping in his bed at night, often fucked throughout the night. Call it Stockholm syndrome if you want. Maybe that was the plan all along.


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