She Hooked up Online With My Dad by ccphilly,ccphilly

Dinner could not end fast enough. My mom was already drunk and belligerent as always with my dad as they constantly argued. Now that I was 18, I was pre-planning my exit strategy into my own apartment to get away from their fighting but had yet to make the move. All I could think about right now though was my instructions to be at my girlfriend’s apartment at 7:00 sharp.

My rich, snotty parents knew I had a girlfriend, but I had purposely not introduced them because they would certainly not approve. Angie was not a country club WASP like myself. She was a good-looking petite blonde but from the wrong side of the tracks. Unlike college-bound me, she was a high school drop-out who was estranged from her family and worked as a grocery store cashier.

“When are we going to meet this girlfriend of yours,” mom asked slurringly.

I chose not to answer.

“Ronnie, I’m talking to you!” she shouted.

“Dammit Sarah,” dad said. “Give him his space. It’s no wonder he hasn’t brought this Angie over considering how you’d probably treat her.”

Mom looked at him with eyes that could kill.

“He hasn’t brought her over because he knows you’d try to fuck her,” she said as she took another gulp of her gin and tonic.

That was too much. I told them both to stop it.

“Oh yeah,” mom said. “Take his side.”


“Enough,” dad said. “I’m outta here.”

“Have fun at your ‘lodge’ meeting,” mom said sarcastically.

Dad got up, slammed his chair against the table and left the room. It was an uncomfortable situation to say the least. Dad and mom had been fighting all my life and it had no doubt affected my ability to have a normal relationship. Angie was beautiful and any guy would be thrilled to have her as a girlfriend but to me, she was abusive. I knew she was with me because I had money, but she didn’t respect me. Case in point, I was not allowed to fuck her. She didn’t even kiss me or show me the least bit of affection. I on the other hand was expected to take her out for nice dinners, buy her gifts, pay her rent, and watch her have sex with other guys. Yes, you heard that correctly.

Maybe it was because of her experience from a broken home but she was cruel and I being the sad sack, simply took it.

“I need to go,” I said to mom.

“Go then!” she hissed at me as she gulped another drink.

Upstairs I went as I silently wished for the day when I was truly on my own and away from my abusive mother and indifferent father.

As I passed by my parents’ bedroom, I could hear the shower going. Dad had already showed in the morning, so I found it odd that he felt the need to shower before his masonic lodge meeting but, whatever. Into my room I went where I grabbed my wallet and car keys. On the way down the stairs, I noticed my mom was already on the living room couch, passed out.

It was not 6:30 and the texts were flying into my phone asking where I was. Angie was very impatient, but I was in love with her, so I put up with her abusiveness.

Driving to her place was like driving into another world as I passed the McMansions of the country club and entered the trailer park on the outskirts of town. Scared of my Mercedes being broken into, I purposely parked in the Wal-Mart and walked across the parking lot, across the field and into the trailer park where Angie lived.

“You’re late,” she said sternly as she opened the door.

“Forgive me,” I replied.

“Get inside,” she said.

I went inside to her dismal home on wheels. And dismal it was as she had little furniture other than a lumpy sofa-bed.

Angie looked at me with disgust.

“What are we doing tonight?” I asked.

Angie slapped my face with force.

“I knew you’d be late you piece of shit,” she replied. “Because of that, I’ve been online finding someone for me to fuck and you to aspire to.”

“Oh Angie,” I said. “I am sorry. Please, let me make it up to you. Don’t let me be subjected to another humiliation.”

“Too late,” she fired back.

I knelt on my knees and took her hand into mine which she slapped away. She grabbed some rope and proceeded to tie my hands together behind my back which she had done before. She then instructed me to sit in the chair in the corner which I did obediently.

“I’m going out now to meet him,” she said.

I knew what this meant. She had arranged a hook-up online and was going to vet him in-person before bringing him home. She was going to, as she had done before, fuck a handsome stud while I watched cuckold-style. I was pre-humiliated and yet excited by what was to come. I only hoped that whoever she chose was not someone I went to school with.

I sat helpless in the corner for an hour, unable to move because of my hands being tied. Who was she going to bring home this time? Another black guy? Another Mexican laborer? One of her high-school boyfriends?

The door to the trailer opened as she entered with her stud and HOLY SHIT I said under my breath as it turned out to be my 60-year-old dad.

“What the fuck!” dad said as he saw me bound in the corner.

“Dad” I said in response.

Dad was somewhere between embarrassed and infuriated as he acknowledged the situation.

“Whoa,” Angie said. “You’re his father?”

Dad and I looked at each other and both of us nodded.

“Your son’s a pussy,” Angie said.

Dad paused. He was not prepared for what he was now into.

Dad was embarrassed and enraged as he walked over to me, looking like he was ready to strike me.

“So, daddy,” Angie said. “Are you gonna teach this pussy son of yours how to be a man?”

Dad looked at me with disgust with my hands tied behind my back.

“Hey daddy, I’m talking to you,” Angie said.

Dad looked at me with awkwardness and disgust.

“Well,” he said. “This is awkward.”

“Yes,” Angie added. “He’s pathetic. You’re not. Are you ready to teach him how to be a man?”

Dad looked at me with a mix of anger, disgust, and sympathy. What was he to do?

Angie was clearly turned on by the fact that she had unexpectadly picked up her boyfriend’s dad online and now was in an awkward position. Initially, she was not thrilled with the idea of fucking a guy in his late 50s but now she was turned on knowing he was the father of the boyfriend she wanted to humiliate.

“Hey daddy, I’m talking to you,” she said. “Wanna fuck me and make your pathetic son watch?”

“Yes,” he said.

My father completely disrobed as the Angie slipped off her panties and bra but leaving on her high-heeled shoes.

Angie and dad began to embrace and kiss. As they got more passionate, she moved down from his lips to his torso and before taking his penis into her mouth asked…

“Are you ready for this?”

Dad mummed an umm-humm and pushed her head down onto his manhood as he opened his mouth and looked at me.

“Boy, not a word of this to your mother. You hear me?”

I was dumbstruck at what was in front of me.

“Boy! I asked you a question,” he screamed.

Angie stopped sucking him for a minute and yelled at me to be obedient and answer his question.

“Yes dad,” I said. “I won’t say anything to mom.”

Dad went from a semi-hard to a fully hard erection and put it to work, stroking and face-fucking Angie.

“Look at me boy,” he said. “Look at me sticking my dick in your girlfriends’ mouth.”


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