Siblings Get Reacquainted by RoquefortFiles

An adult stories – Siblings Get Reacquainted by RoquefortFiles,RoquefortFiles “That’s the last box little brother!” yelled Lynn, dumping the packing box on the floor.

“Thanks sis, you’ve been great.” shouted Dan.

Lynn, 38, was helping her younger brother Dan, 34, move into his new flat, which was just around the corner from her own. They hadn’t seen each other often in recent years, as Dan had been working overseas, and their paths never seemed to cross. Now he was back home and looking to settle down.

“You want a drink, Lyn?” he asked.

“Oh yes, why not.” she said, “I think I’ve earned it.”

“You have, I would’ve been lost without you.” he told her.

He found some glasses, opened a nice bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon, and poured two glasses.

“Now, where did we leave the sofa?” he asked, laughing.

“Oh, is that the big thing I’ve put all those boxes on?” said Lynn.

“Never mind, I have an idea.” he said, “Grab the bottle, follow me sis.”

She followed him into the bedroom, where at least the bed wasn’t covered in boxes.

“That’ll do as a sofa for now.” he declared.

“Looks comfortable at least.” said Lynn.

They sat down, backs against the wall, with their legs lying across the mattress. Lynn handed him a glass, and they made a toast,

“To your new life at home!” she said with a smile.

Lynn was 4 years older, so she often found him an annoying little shit as they grew up, and he knew it, but she was his sister, and he’d have done anything for her really. They talked about things over the years, remembering people who were no longer here, others who had just moved away.

They poured another glass, as they laughed about things they’d thought were long forgotten. They both wondered where the years had gone, it all seemed so long ago now.

“Don’t get glum now sis.” he said, “I’ll pour another glass.”

“No, I don’t usually drink much, I’ll be drunk.” she said.

“I’ve been working in mainly ‘dry’ countries for years, never get a chance to drink.” he told her.

“Anyway, it’s a celebration, is it not?” he said.

“Yes, go on little brother, pour another.” she relented.

They settled again, side by side, backs against the wall, then Dan had a eureka moment.

“Music, I have my vinyl back!” he remembered. “Come grab the speakers sis.”

They brought the record player and speakers, then he found the box with his vinyl. He looked through for something to put on, as Lynn plugged it in, and sorted the speakers.

“Adam and the Ants?” he asked, and Lynn looked aghast.

“No, maybe not.” he said.

“This’ll do.” said Lynn, holding up Dark Side of the Moon.

She put it on, and he went to find candles as it was getting dark outside and he hadn’t found the lamps yet. He brought a load of candles, placed them along the window sill, and on the dresser and bedside cabinets, and they gave the room a lovely warm glow. He then produced another bottle of wine, and opened it.

Leaning on the wall once more, Pink Floyd playing quietly in the background, they resumed their conversation.

“Dan gave her a dig with his elbow, saying,

“I wish you wouldn’t keep calling me ‘little brother’ all the time sis.”

She elbowed him back, just as he went to take a sip and sent wine all over him.

“Sorry little brother, that’s what you are, my baby brother.” she laughed.

He got up, pulled off his wine-soaked t-shirt, and Lynn couldn’t help but notice how fit he was. Not at all the annoying, skinny teen that used to tease her. He put a fresh one on, then sat back on the bed.

“You call me ‘sis’.” she said.

“Yes, but not ‘big sis’.” he joked.

She started making fun of him,

“My poor baby brother is upset about being called ‘baby’.” she laughed.

He started tickling her, and she collapsed on the bed unable to retaliate. She had always hated being tickled, she just lost control of her senses when she was tickled. She laughed, and screamed, then grabbed him to make him stop, and they fell back on the bed. Suddenly they were looking at each other, less than a foot apart, and they both felt something they knew they shouldn’t.

They sat up again, and had another sip of wine, feeling embarrassed, but both also feeling aroused.

“I did fancy you once you know.” he said.

“You fancied me?” she asked looking shocked, “When?”

“When you were going out with boys, all dressed up.” he confessed.

“I never knew, gosh!” she said.

“Why would you, it’s not something I was ever going to tell you.” he replied.

“You just did little brother, you just did.” she said.

“Are you upset?” he asked.

“No, oh God no, we were young.” she smiled at him.

“Yes, but I suddenly felt it again, when we were messing about, I am sorry sis.” he told her.

“You don’t have to be sorry for feeling something.” she assured him.

She held him, rubbing her arm up and down his, in a comforting way. Then they looked at each other again, and with nothing spoken, they moved towards each other, lips locked together, and tongues dancing around their mouths. Lynn moaned with pleasure, clearly enjoying her brother’s tongue, and Dan ran his hands over her back, and then lower, running a hand over her bum. She, reached for his t-shirt, wanting to see that body she’d only glimpsed earlier, and she pulled it up.

They were both frantically undoing each other’s clothing, and Dan opened her blouse, exposing her bra covered breasts. He reached for one, rubbing his thumb over the nipple area as he cupped her breast. Lynn was rubbing his now swollen bulge through his jeans, and she felt herself soaking between her legs. She sat up, undid her own button and zip, and slipped her jeans down, kicking them off to the floor. Dan followed her lead, and, as he was now wearing only briefs, he slipped Lynn’s blouse off, leaving her in just her bra and panties.

“You’re more beautiful than I ever imagined.” he told her, sincerely.

“You were a skinny adolescent last I remember, now you’re so fit.” she replied.

They resumed kissing, and although they knew it was wrong, it felt so right. Neither of them were involved with anyone else, and neither had, or wanted children. They were just two adults, discovering they were attracted to each other. So, they shared a tiny bit more DNA than an average couple, but so what.

As they kissed, dan unclipped her bra, and it dropped onto the bed. He broke their kiss, moved down, and began licking and kissing her breasts. Her nipples stood out so beautifully, and he licked and sucked them, gently nibbling with his teeth, making Lynn gasp. She reached for his member once more, this time releasing it from his briefs, then pulling his foreskin back, revealing his glans. She bent forward, looking to reach it with her mouth, and Dan turned around so he could also reach her panties.

As they lay, and Lynn took him into her mouth, he slipped her soaking panties down, and he saw her beautiful, natural pussy, hair completely untrimmed. He began to probe the hair with his mouth, looking for her clit, and soon found her swollen bud. She smelled so good, and he slipped his fingers between her labia, then brought them to his mouth. She tasted wonderful, and he buried his tongue inside her.

Lynn was equally enthralled with his cock, sucking it, and trying to take as much of it in her mouth as she could, which wasn’t much, as her baby brother was very well endowed. Dan fingered her while licking her clit, which was swollen so much, he could suck it like a fingertip. He lay on his back, and Lynn straddled him, without having let go of him with her mouth. Now he licked her, and slipped a finger in her bum, as well as her pussy, and as he slid them in and out of her, she squirted, and he caught most of it with his mouth, swallowing all he could.

Similarly, Lynn was bringing him closer to climax, and she felt him tense, his balls tighten, then he erupted, filling her mouth with his come. She felt fantastic, like she’d never felt with anyone before. She sucked and squeezed the last of his seed from him, then turned around and kissed him. They kissed, mixing their fluids before swallowing it all between them.

Dan was still almost fully hard, and as they kissed, Lynn relaxed her legs so she was just splayed underneath him, and she felt his cock nudge at her opening. She reached down, between her legs, and guided it inside.

“Jesus, who’d have thought that the biggest cock I’d ever take inside me would be my little brother’s!” and she smiled at him.

They rocked together gently, enjoying the feeling, and the closeness they now shared. Dan looked down as he built a nice rhythm, and her breasts were rocking, but still so firm that they didn’t sag at all. Her nipples were huge, and he bent his head to flick his tongue over them, making her gasp again, then sigh loudly as he thrust inside her again. Lynn wrapped her legs around him, and pulled him harder with each thrust, and feeling herself getting closer as she did.

Lynn shuddered in orgasm, gripping Dan tightly with her legs and her arms, and almost stopping his thrusts. She opened her eyes, looked up at him, smiling, and said,

“Fill me up baby brother, fill me full of that seed.”

“Oh yes, I’m going to fill that lovely sweet pussy sis.” he replied.

Then, as he increased his speed, he began to groan, shouting that he was about to come. He thrust hard into Lynn, spilling his seed deep inside, just as she’d asked. She felt it inside, loving every jet that he pumped into her. Then, he lay on top, looked in her eyes, and smiled. She looked more beautiful than ever to him, and he didn’t have to pretend when he said he loved her. He always had, and he always would, she was his sister, and nothing could ever change that.

He went to withdraw, but Lynn pulled him back with her legs, and held him there.

“Just stay baby brother, just stay inside me for a while.” she asked.

He rested his head on her shoulder, and remained, just as she’d asked.

He’d never felt so at peace, it felt perfect to him.


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