Siblings Orgy Circle Pt. 03

An adult stories – Siblings Orgy Circle Pt. 03 by pujo1950,pujo1950 Pam’s online business was booming. Her list of subscribers was expanding rapidly. Most days her tips were more than I make in a week. She continued demonstrating her mixology skills. She has added new meaning to Slippery Nipple, Fuzzy Navel and Sex on the Beach. But she is branching out, recently adding nude jumping jacks and yoga poses.

Looking for something new she asked me if I had any suggestions.

I said, “Why don’t you do a video of your butt while you’re walking? I love the way your buns flex as you walk.”

She said, “I think I’ll need some camera help, are you in?”

Of course, I wouldn’t pass up that opportunity. We first tried it with me following close behind holding the camera. That was fun but it was hard focusing the camera while we were both moving. Then I had the idea of filming her on the treadmill. That was easier and better and led to me shooting her from the front also. Watching her pussy flexing was fantastic but I had trouble holding the camera without shaking.

Then I remembered an old selfie stick I had. I dug it out of a closet, modified it a bit and mounted it on the treadmill. Positioned strategically for close ups of her buns or cooch, it worked great. We did versions for social media and her NSFW site. These posts have attracted a lot of attention.

We’ve just ordered an elliptical and a stationary racing bike. We’re anxious to see if they enhance the flexing of her pussy lips and maybe slightly spread her butt cheeks for even more erotic views.

Her most profitable hours are of course late at night. She sleeps during the day but always reserves evenings for our together time.

Making a lot of money really hasn’t changed her much. She still clips coupons and shops for sales. Most of her money goes straight into investment accounts. The only splurging she’s done was to pay off Mom’s car loan and Sue’s student loans.

We’ve talked a lot about our relationship, and we see us continuing to live together as a couple for the foreseeable future. We both also want to continue our monthly family recreational sex for a little extra spice.

The morning of our next family rendezvous, Carrie called to report that her and Rick woke up with fever and cough. To play it safe they would not be coming this month. By group chat the rest of us agreed to meet.

We got to Aunt Linda’s just before noon. When we walked in, Sue was setting up the poker table. Mom and Linda were putting lunch on the table. We all exchanged hugs then Pam and I joined Sue in the family room.

We finished the poker prep just as lunch was served on the deck. It was a bright sunshiny day with a light breeze. Linda is a great cook, and everything was delicious. As we ate, we caught up on each other’s activities since we last were together. Dessert was Grand Marnier infused strawberries over homemade shortcake topped with Chantilly sauce. It was worth every calorie.

As we were clearing the lunch dishes there was a knock on the door.

Linda says, “Someone see who that is please.”

Pam opens the door says, “Hey it’s Aunt Skeeter bearing gifts.”

Skeeter is Linda’s next door neighbor and best friend. She is not really our aunt but is just like a part of our family. Her name is Gale, but no one ever calls her that. The story goes that the night she was born, as her parents walked to the car her dad heard a nightingale singing.

He said, “If it’s a girl, let’s name her Gale.”

Her mom laughingly said, “A mosquito just bit my thigh, Let’s name her Mosquito.”

So, they named her Gale and nicknamed her Skeeter.

Skeeter is very attractive. She is tall with dark russet colored skin and a fluffy Afro. She is carrying a couple of grocery sacks full of vegetables from her garden. Pam takes the sacks as Skeeter and Linda hug. Their thighs mashed against each other reminded me of the song Ebony and Ivory. I grew hard, imagining my face pressed between their luscious legs.

As she looks around the semi cleared table skeeter says, “I guess I’m too late for lunch, huh.”

Linda says, “I’ll fix you a plate.”

“No thanks, I’m just teasing. I already ate.”

Mom says “I brought homemade Limoncello. Would you like a glass?”

“That would be nice.”

Mom served us all pony glasses of her homemade frozen Cream limoncello. This velvety, luscious version of limoncello is a traditional cold creamy treat on most of our family holidays. It’s serving signals that this get together might be special.

Linda raised her glass, “Salute.”

We all repeated her toast and enjoyed our first sip.

Skeeter asks, “So is this your poker weekend?”

Linda says, “We’ve just been visiting so far but poker is coming up?”

Skeeter, “You know, I’d like to play with you sometime.”

I was hoping she might want to play more than poker.

Linda looks around at all of us and says, “Should we invite her?”

Skeeter, “I can’t today, but let me know the next time you play.”

We chatted for a while then Skeeter got up to leave. I quickly moved in to give her a departing hug, managing to mash my thigh against hers. She smelled and felt as good as she looked.

After the lunch dishes had been cleared away, we gathered in the family room.

Auntie said, “I’ve thought a lot about this get together. Our last meeting changed the way I felt about myself, for the good. I want to thank all of you for having a positive role in those changes. All in all, I’ve had a good life. But there was always something missing. I know I’m not ugly, but I never felt pretty, never felt sexy. I never dated that much and ended up marrying for the wrong reasons. My ex was only focused on his pleasure.

When Gene said he wanted to lick my legs and my ah, ah, pussy. There I said the p word. For the first time I realized that I might be a little sexy and that a man could get pleasure just by giving me pleasure.”

Looking at me, she said, “And boy did you ever give me pleasure. Thanks.”

“Taking my clothes off in front of all of you all was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. Also, one of the most spirit freeing things I’ve ever done. Each of your reactions helped me to realize that I’m not a bad looking lady. I’ve always thought my breasts were too small, my butt too big, my legs too long and thought my ah, pussy was ugly. Looking at myself through your eyes I came to like me, all of me for the first time. For that I’ll always be grateful.”

She paused, then continued, “Except for one time in college I’ve never thought about being with another woman. Pam, you and Carrie showed me the joy of giving and receiving sexual favors. Enjoying your lovely naked bodies changed the way I look at my own. This month I spent a lot of time without clothes, I masturbated in front of a mirror. I took nude selfies, and I even got a full wax job. I now think I’m pretty hot stuff. So, thanks to all of you.”

Sue had tears in her eyes when she hurried over to give her mother a hug.

“I love you mom, and you are hot stuff.”

We gave her a group hug.

As we all settled back in our seats, I said, “Just for your info we all think you’re pretty hot stuff. How about you show us your wax job?”

She laughed, “All in good time. I have some ideas about how we can all get a good look at each other. I think…”

Mom interrupted, “First I’d like to say something. OK?”

“Sure, go ahead.”

“This month has brought some changes in how I look at things also. I have to admit when I first heard about your get togethers I was shocked. I was concerned it might break up the family. You know maybe lead to jealousy and family squabbles. When I showed up last month, I was pleased to see that you were just having fun and enjoying being together. I never intended to intrude, to get involved but then Carrie and I had our little tete a tete. I’m sure you all know about that.

As I laid there with her head in my crotch, licking my, ah OK my pussy. There I said it too. I had the desire to reciprocate. I had never in my whole life considered having my mouth on someone else’s privates, male or female. But at that moment I became fixated on doing just that. I enjoyed that fantasy all month, often while masturbating. Like Linda, I have some body image issues so may not have the courage to make that fantasy come true.”

As she teared up, she said, “Maybe I should just leave now.”

Pam knelt in front of her and said, “Mom, we love you. We all love you. You don’t have to leave. You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to but just hang out with us for a while.”

“Well maybe I’ll stay for a little bit.”

Linda said, “Sis, I understand where you’re coming from. This is a big change in our routines. Speaking of big changes, I have always wanted to change our family Christmas gift exchange. On Christmas morning we all just dive in and start opening gifts. It’s always chaos. No one gets to see what everyone else gets and their reaction. I wish that we’d take our time and open each gift one at a time. Well, this isn’t Christmas, but I propose that instead of everybody stripping at the same time, we should do so one at a time. That way we can enjoy each other more.”

Pam interjected, “That’s a great idea.”

Linda added, “You’ll notice I moved the furniture around a little. What I have in mind is that as each of us strips we will walk back and forth on that runner. Kind of like a fashion show runway. What do you think?”

We all grinned and nodded in agreement.

Sue said, “So what’s up with that massage table?”

“I borrowed it for the weekend. After our little stroll on the carpet, we will lie down on the table. That way the rest of us will have easy access to each other’s charms. I think it’ll be fun to be pleasured by the whole group.”

Mom says, “Obviously you’ve spent a lot of time thinking about this. I’m not sure I can go through with it, but I can see where it would be…ah interesting.”

Linda, “What about the rest of you?”

We all agreed to try it.

Linda “Who wants to go first?”

Sue, “I’ll do it.”

She stepped onto the carpet. Did a slow twirl then unbuttoned her blouse and tossed it away. Slid her shorts down and kicked them aside. Since that was all, she had on she stood naked except for her flip flops which she kicked off. Again, she did a little twirl.

Linda, “Now do a stroll.”

As Sue slowly walked back and forth Linda narrated.

“Ladies and gentlemen take a look at those perky breasts. They look like little cones topped by long hard nipples. I don’t believe they’ve ever been restrained. Now focus on her tight little apple butt. See how it flexes as she struts. Check out her thigh gap and her long legs and those tiny feet with bright purple toenails. At the top of those legs, is her clean-shaven hot dog bun pleasure mound. Which appears to be a little moist at the moment. Oh, and take a gander at her abs. Obviously she spends some time at the gym. Thank you, Sue, now if you’ll move to the table.”

We all applauded.

Sue climbed on the table and laid face down. As she placed her right leg on the table with her other foot still on the floor her butt crack opened momentarily exposing her cute brown eye. I couldn’t breathe.

The rest of us gathered around the table and began massaging her from head to toe. Pam and I alternated between kissing and sucking her tight little butt cheeks. After several minutes Sue turned onto her back. We rubbed and massaged her all over. Linda was first to suck a tit joined quickly by mom on the other side. I immediately spread her legs and licked from her ankles to her upper thighs. Pam licked the opposite side. Soon our tongues were tag teaming inside her moist slit. Pam began flicking her clit as I continued tonguing her.

After a few minutes Linda said, “Time to switch.”

The four of us changed places. Linda immediately began licking her daughter’s pussy. Mom was watching intently and rubbing her nieces’ legs. As Pam and I were sucking her bazooms, Sue began taking deep breaths. Soon she was trembling, and her legs began the traditional family shaking. Pam kissed her, obviously with a French twist. As Sue came, she wrapped her arms tightly around Pam and let out a long low guttural groan.

The rest of us lightly massaged her as she relaxed. Mom was rubbing the inside of her leg and as Linda backed away Mom bent and kissed Sues crotch.

As her breathing returned to normal Sue said, “Wow, that was something. Thanks everybody. I need to just lie her a minute.”

Linda kissed her daughter on the cheek and said, “I’ll get us all something to drink.”

The something was Shiners in frosted mugs.

Sue took a couple of sips while still lying down.

Soon she sat up, spread her legs and said, “I’m kind of wet. I think I need a towel.”

I said, “Here let me help as I lapped up her juices.”

She laughed and said, “I don’t think that’s going to help. But don’t stop.”

We all took our seats and Linda asked, “Who wants to go next?”

Pam said, “Me.”

She slowly undressed while humming the tune from the movie The Stripper.

She began her carpet stroll with an exaggerated model’s strut.

Linda said, “Feast your eyes on that beautiful, tanned body. Check out those breasts. They’d fit nicely in the palm of your hand. And note those toned legs, they go all the way from her slender feet all the way up to her lovely, rounded derriere. Ah in front we have an obviously waxed crotch featuring a lovely lady’s mound with a slightly open pink slit. All in all, a delightful package.”

Everyone applauded.

Pam moved to the table and laid down on her side. Sue and Mom were at the backside, Linda and I in front. I kissed her, we sucked each other’s tongues before I started softly sucking her tit. Linda was rubbing her legs and hips. I think Mom was rubbing her back and I could see Sue’s hands in between her legs. Soon Pam rolled onto her back. Mom quickly began sucking a tit while Sue sucked the other. Linda focused on her, as she had eloquently described it, her lovely ladies’ mound.

Pam loves when I suck her toes, so I sucked each little piggy. Linda watched me for a while then lifted a foot and began licking between her toes as I took over tonguing her pussy.

Linda grinned at me, said, “I never really thought much about feet, but hers are nice, this is fun.”

Soon Linda said, “Time to switch.”

Mom and Sue were now at Pams waist. Mom was lightly rubbing Pams stomach then bent and kissed her pussy. She kissed it several times then ran her tongue quickly down the slit. As if startled she stood up and looked at me. I smiled and winked. Sue began eating Pam as she finger fucked her. Mom was watching intently. Sue paused and looked at Mom as if to ask do you want a turn. Mom took a couple of licks then backed away. Sue licked and pumped until Pams legs shook.

I kissed her as she was coming down. I whispered, “You want another one?”

She smiled, “How bout you give me a minute.”

Sue and Linda took a seat. Mom stayed with me. She kept staring at Pam’s pussy. I took her hand and inserted her finger in the wet slit. I wiggled it inside a couple of times then sucked her finger. I reinserted it then rubbed it on Mom’s lips. She licked her lips then sucked her finger before reinserting it on her own.

Pam was watching the process and uttered “OK now.”

With Mom slowly pumping her I began flicking her clit. Shortly Pam enjoyed her second orgasm. After she had relaxed a bit we joined the others.

Linda topped off our drinks, asked, “Ok, who’s next?”

Pam said, “How about you, I’ll narrate. We all want to see that wax job.”

Linda moved to the carpet. She really hammed it up. Taking time to shed each item. Standing in bra and panties she slowly turned as she flexed her buns. The sheer bra was next to go. Inch by inch she rolled her panties down bending from the waist as she moved them down her long legs. She stood erect, her hands over her crotch, she slowly twirled. With a “Ta da.” She dropped her hands.

We all applauded.

Sue said, “It looks great Mom.”

She began her walk on tip toes which emphasized her leg muscles.

Pam started, “Is that about the best waxed pussy you’ve ever seen? Her vulva appears to be trimmed in dainty lace and sitting at the top of those gorgeous legs that go on forever. The famous Linda legs. And on the back side are the full cheeks of her luscious tush.”

At which point, Linda, still on tip toes began flexing her glutes. Tightening then relaxing them as she slowly pivoted around. Everyone again applauded.

Pam continued, “Let me direct you to her firm breasts. I’d say they’re a perfect mouth full, no sag in those babies. Thank you, Aunt Linda, for sharing all of you with us. I can’t wait for you to get on that table.”

She was on her stomach. All four of us crowded around her ass. Everyone was rubbing and squeezing her fanny. Sue and I spread her cheeks then took turns running our fingers in her crack. I was able to get in a couple of kisses and a quick cheek suck before she turned over. Mom and Pam took her boobs, Sue and I were at her waist.

Sue ran her fingers over her mother’s pubes then spread her slit and said, “Mom it’s beautiful, just perfect.”

With her spread wide, I stuck my tongue as far inside as I could. Sue and I bumped heads as we licked and sucked a very wet pussy.

Linda softly said, “Could I get a toe suck please?”

I licked her feet and sucked her digits. Sue focused on her clit while sticking a finger in her mom’s butt.

Linda came before we could change places. We all continued to enjoy exploring her body as she relaxed. She was a little shaky getting off the table.

She said, “Wow I’ve never had that much attention in my life.”

Sue walked her to her seat.

With a fake pout Sue asked, “How come everybody gets a toe suck except me?”

I scooped her up in my arms and laid her on the table. She giggled as I began sucking her big toe. Pam joined in and sucked on the other foot. Our eyes met and mischievously we spread her legs wide.

Pam said, “Let’s make a wish.”

With a foot in her mouth, it sounded like mayawith.

Sue was laughing so hard she had tears in her eyes.

As we spread her she mumbled through the laughter, “No, don’t break em! Stop you’re gonna make me pee.”

Mom and Linda were laughing out loud.

Linda said, “Don’t pee on the table, it’s borrowed.”

When we finally let her up, she raced to the bathroom holding her crotch.

She was still laughing when she returned.

“I never thought toes could be so much fun.”

Pam sat on the floor with her legs spread.

“C ‘mere I’ll show you something really cool.”

Sue sat in front of her. Pam scooted close and started rubbing her foot on Sues pussy. After a few strokes she inserted her big toe. Sue stared intently. Then began lightly rubbing the foot as she wiggled around. Pam pulled her now juicy toe out and rubbed it on Sue’s lips. Sue sucked on it then pushed it back in her slit. Then she began rubbing her foot on Pam. Quickly her big toe disappeared inside Pam. They toe fucked and sucked each other’s toes while the rest of us watched.

Linda said, “Hey you two don’t mind us.”

Sue helped her cousin up then hugged her tightly as they exchanged wet kisses.

Linda said, “Thanks for the demonstration girls. Can we get back to business? Who’s next?”

We were down to Me and Mom.

I looked at Mom who was just staring off in space and said, “I’ll do it.”

Mom quickly said, “No, I’ll go. If I don’t do it now, I’ll probably chicken out.”

She stayed seated as she took off her shoes, wiggled her painted toes, then slowly moved to the carpet.

It was like watching a slow-motion movie, piece by piece she took her clothes off. Once naked, she just stood there.

Linda says, “OK Sis walk a little.”

As Mom began to move Linda started to talk.

I said, “Auntie, let me.”

I began, “Just look at those dainty feet with bright pink nails and well defined calves and thighs. Her lady parts look like a pink tulip peeking through a silky bush.”

Mom slowly turned and walked away.

“Her rounded butt sits nicely on top of her shapely legs.”

She turns and heads back, picking up the pace a little, her head now proudly erect.

“Her bazooms look like scoops of ice cream with a chocolatey halo around her cute nipples. Her hips and tiny waist complete her hourglass figure.”

Mom sucks in her stomach, smiles and pirouettes.

Everyone applauds. Pam and I embraced her and led her to the table. I lift her onto the table. She is light as a feather. Lying on her back she crosses her hands over her breasts then quickly moves them to her crotch before dropping them to her side.

Linda says, “Now that wasn’t so hard, was it?”

“It got easier as I went along.”

Linda kisses her sister as she massaged her breast. Pam kisses her stomach then licks her belly button. I am rubbing the inside of her thighs as I smooth her pubic hair.

Sue says, “Auntie you’re gorgeous.”

I began kissing Mom’s thighs and worked my way up to her pink tulip. I licked each petal then softly sucked each side before focusing on her slit. With her head lying on Mom’s stomach Pam is rubbing her clit. I can hear Linda and Sue sucking her tits.

I feel her starting to tremble as Linda says, “Time to switch.”

Reluctantly I moved away. Linda and Sue focused on her pussy as Pam and I played with her ice cream cones. Moms’ legs began shaking, her whole body stiffened and trembled. Pam plants kisses all over her face as Mom begins relaxing.

Looking at me, Mom has a big smile as she says, “That was fun and I really liked what you said about me.”

“It was all true. You’re a knockout Mom.”

She sits up, I help her off. We crowd around with hugs and kisses.

Everyone moves back to their seats. I just stand at the table kind of bent over.

Pam asks, “What’s the matter honey?”

I whisper, “My nuts are aching.”

Pam, “Poor boy. I’ll fix it.”

She pulls my pants down and says, “Hey you all, we have a blue ball emergency. We need to hurry so here’s a quick synopsis. He’s hung nicely, full nut sack, tight butt and muscular legs.”

She directs me onto the table and immediately begins sucking my dong. Everyone gathers around.

Mom says, “I want a turn.”

Pam waves my dick at her then Mom licks me and lightly sucks me.

Linda is playing with my nuts and Sue leans over me with her tits over my mouth. She begins sucking and licking mine as I suck hers.

After a minute or two Mom releases me and Pam goes to work. With her magic tongue working me over it wasn’t long before I was getting close.

Sue says, “Let me finish him please.”

It doesn’t take long before I shoot in Sue’s mouth.

She wipes her chin with her fingers and licks the cum drippings and says to Pam, “Thanks cousin.”

Grinning I say to Pam, “You’re such a generous soul.”

She grins and gives me a kiss, says, “You’re so funny. I love you.”

“I love you too.”

As we moved back to our chairs, I noticed Linda and Sue sitting on the couch. Sue has her naked leg draped over her mother’s leg. Both of them with a finger or two in each other’s taco.

We were sitting around sipping our brews when Pam’s phone rang. It was a facetime call from Carrie.

Carrie announces, “Rick and I were just wondering how things were going.”

Pam says, “First how are you two feeling? You look like shit.”

“We feel like shit, our temp is still high. Glad we stayed home but miss being there.”

Pam says, “We’ve had an interesting day so far. We miss you, but Mom is with us.”

“How’d that go?”

“She was wonderful. Here I’ll let you see her.”

Pam moves in front of her and scans her from toe to head.

Rick in his best Billy Crystal voice says, “Hey mom you’re looking mahvellous.”

Pam scans the room. Each of us says hi.

At Linda she zooms in on her wax job.

“Auntie got a full wax job. Doesn’t it look cool?”

Carrie says, “I can’t wait to see it up close.”

Rick says, “Hey auntie let’s see the back side.”

Giggling says, “No, sorry, you have to be present to win.”

Carrie laughs, “I’m sorry we couldn’t be with you. We’re going to hang up now. We’ve been up for 10 minutes and need a nap. You all have fun. Oh, one last thing. Rick and I would like to host next month’s get together.”

All of us in unison, “Goodbye, you all take care of yourselves.”

Linda says, “Now that we’ve all had a nice orgasm let’s play some cards. I’m feeling lucky.”

I said, “It’s so cool that you all get the legs shakes. At least I know you’re not faking.”

Sue said, “Oh really.”

She flopped on the floor with her arms circled as if she was holding someone. She started moaning and thrusting her pelvis.

She began repeating, “Oh, oh, oh my.”

Her legs started shaking as she cried out, “Oh my gawd. My gawd.”

She rolled on her side, grinning at me, she said, “Can’t fake it huh? But you don’t have to worry I’ll never fake it cause then you’d stop what you were doing.”

Everyone laughed as we headed for the poker table.

We played for a while with everyone holding their own. No bad beats. The women weren’t highly focused. At one point they were comparing the size and shape of their clitoris. They debated whether they should measure with the hood pulled back or not. I didn’t have anything to share so just observed. A little later they started comparing their nipples. Linda’s was about 3/4 of an inch long. Sues was slightly shorter. Mom and Pam’s were like small raisins. Then of course they started measuring their areolas. Moms was a couple of inches wide, everyone else about an inch. When they started giving Mom masturbation tips, I went to the john.

When I returned, it was Mom’s deal, she said, “This is my last hand. I’m worried about the kids. They looked terrible. I’m sure they’re not hydrating. I’m going to the store and get some Gatorade and soup for them. I may be back later.”

After Mom leaves, Linda says, “It’s getting late and I’m hungry. How about we do pizzas in my new wood fired pizza oven in the backyard?”

Linda says, “To avoid shocking the neighbors we need to put some clothes on. I don’t have that many bikinis, but I have enough t-shirts for everyone.”

I started a fire in the oven, quickly it was blazing hot. Linda brought out her homemade pizzas and we all watched as the edges began to brown and the cheese bubbled. We enjoyed them on the deck with cold Shiners.

Just before I sat down, I noticed a spray bottle that Linda uses as a plant spritzer. I filled it with water. I walked around the table spraying each of the girls’ t-shirts. They laughed and screamed as the water hit.

Pam asked, “What the hell are you doing? Are you crazy.”

“I like looking at hooters under wet t-shirts.”

Pam, “You really are crazy.”

There was some light chatter as we ate. We were all still wound up from the earlier activities.

I said, “Auntie your idea worked great, everybody had a chance to enjoy everyone. I was fascinated by the runway stroll. I notice there are two types of butt flexing. There’s the up and down. The right cheek goes up as the left goes down and vice versa. Then there’s the butt sashay. Each cheek sways side to side.”

Pam asked, “Which do you prefer?”

“You all have great butts, and I just enjoy looking at them however they’re moving.”

Pam says, “He’s always checking them out. If you all haven’t noticed, he has a butt fetish.”

Sue was seated next to me. She never looked my way but began playing with my dick with her left hand. I reached over and started rubbing her thigh. My nuts were still aching. After a few minutes I scooted my chair back, dropped to my knees.

As I looked around under the table, I saw 3 sets of bare legs and nice pussies. I thought, am I lucky or what? I spread Sues legs. She scooted forward as I began licking her. I was totally engrossed on her wet pussy as her legs started to twitch, she pushed my head back and stood up.

She says, “Hurry, get up and sit down.”

I bumped my head on the table getting up. As I sat down Sue straddled me and sat on my erection.

Linda says, “Will you two knock it off? The neighbors might see.”

Sue mumbled, “It’ll just look like I’m sitting on his lap.”

“Looks more like bouncing on his lap to me.”

She was rubbing her clit. The bouncing picked up a little steam and soon I shot a load into her warm moist slit just as her thighs trembled.

Back in the house we resumed our game while enjoying another brew.

After a couple more Shiners the bidding began getting wild. I once read that one can’t win at holdem without going all in at least once. We all tried to win it all. Pam and I busted out first. A few hands later the mother daughter duo bumped heads. Sue won it all with trips.

As Sue was cashing in, Linda says, “Other than that last hand It’s been a great weekend. We’ve each had a nice orgasm or in Sues case a couple of nice ones?”

Pam pats me on the leg and says, “And you’ve had a couple yourself haven’t you honey.”

Linda continues, “You know that brings up something I’ve been wondering about. He recovered pretty quickly. We all know that Pam can have several orgasms back to back. I’d be curious to know how long it takes the rest of us to recover.”

Sue says, “I’d like to know that myself. Let’s time each other.”

Linda says, “If we’re going to time things let’s also see how long he can last.”

Pam pat’s my dick and asks, “Are you ready big boy? Looks like you are.”

Sue says, “I’ve got my stopwatch ready.”

With that she knelt on the sofa and said, “C’mon everybody, kneel next to me. He can have 30 seconds in each of us then he has to switch.”

With three luscious butts lined up for me I was quickly ready to go. I started with Pam, entering her doggie style. I stroked slowly, savoring each second. Soon Sue shouted “Switch.”

I moved to Linda, pushing in between her full butt cheeks I started pumping.

All too soon Sue said, “Times up. I’m next.”

As I pumped her, I tried to focus on anything except her wet pussy, but the sensation was too intense to ignore. Soon I was back in Pam, then Linda then Sue again. I lost count but I was in Linda when I knew I was done. I think it was my second full stroke in her; I pulled her cheeks tight against me and shot my load.

Linda announces, “He just came.”

Sue yelled out, “8 minutes and 42 seconds. Not bad. Now let’s measure his refractory time.”

Pam laughed, “I love how you use those big words.”

Linda headed for the shower. Pam brought a warm washcloth and a towel and began washing me. Sue was standing behind me rubbing my boobs. As Pam finished Sue knelt in front and started swishing my softie back and forth. Linda joined her and began fluttering her wet hair over my dick.

Pam says, “Hey guys it’s only been a few minutes, you know what they say about a watched pot. Let’s give him a little time.”

The three of them huddled together quietly discussing ways to get me aroused. While pretending to not look at me, they kept throwing surreptitious glances at my softie.

Finally, they all moved to the kitchen. I closed my eyes and softly rubbed myself.

After some time, I heard Sue say, “Let’s go see how he’s doing.”

All three gathered round me.

Linda wrapped her hand around me, shook it a little and said, “It’s not ready.”

Sue stood next to me, inserted my finger in her pussy and slowly stirred it around. Pam inserted a couple of her fingers in her own pussy then put them in my mouth. Linda blew softly on my dick. I began to stiffen slightly.

Sue bent over in front of me, spread her butt cheeks exposing her puckered hole and asked, “Hey butt man, how’d you like to poke my ass?”

That did it. I was moved to attention.

Linda said, “I’ll get some lubricant.”

Lubed up I entered my cousin’s tight butt.

Looking at her phone Pam announces, “It took him 39 and a half minutes to get hard again.”

After a couple of strokes Sue says, “Someone grab my phone I want to film this.”

Pam says to Linda, “Let’s do face time so she can watch live.”

Pam focused her lens on the action while Linda held the phone so her daughter could watch me pumping her butt.

No one timed it but how ever long I spent in her ass was wonderful.

We stayed hooked up until I was completely soft.

Sue and I showered together then joined the other two in the living room.

Sue flopped down on the sofa with her legs spread wide open.

She says, “Now I know what Shania meant when she sang, Man, I feel like a woman.”

Raising her voice, “Yeah, I am W-O-M-A-N. I just scored a hat trick. He came in my mouth, pussy and ass.”

We all laughed.

Linda says, “I think it’s about time to call it a day. What do you all think?”

We all agreed,

“I know we talked about doing some more timing, but I suggest we hold that until next month.”

Again, we all agreed.

“All the beds have fresh linen so pick whichever one you want and share it with whomever you want, if you want.”

Sue says, “Hey Pam how bout you and I swap some juice?”

As they started out of the room, I said, “Hey auntie, how bout you and I?”

Linda grins, says, “I suppose I have to wait another 39 minutes.”

I was already in bed when Linda joined me.

She crawled over me and laid on her stomach, said, “Wow what a day. I think everyone enjoyed themselves.”

I started rubbing her back and butt and said, “Speaking of enjoying can you flex these beautiful glutes again?”

“For you, sure.”

As she began flexing, I put a finger in her crack. It was awesome watching her cheeks tighten and feeling the slight squeeze on my finger. I Inserted a second finger. Finally, I stuck my tongue in her crack. I didn’t move it. I just let those luscious buns do the work. I don’t know if it had been 39 minutes or not, but I rolled her over on top of me. She wiggled onto my dick and pumped rhythmically.

She grins at me then pulls my face close and says, “I think you kinda like your ole auntie.”

She licks my lips before gently inserting her tongue. We continued to play tongue tag well after I came. We slept with her lying on top. I don’t think either of us even moved.

The sun was just coming up when the bed shook. Pam and Sue had just jumped into it.

Linda rolled off me and said, “Jesus girls, I was sound asleep.”

Pam said, “Well I’m happy for you. Your daughter is a wild woman. I didn’t get much sleep.”

Sue giggling says. “I didn’t hear you complaining. Oh, and Mom you’ve got to try scissoring. It’s fantastic.”

“What the hell is scissoring?”

“You rub vulvas together. Here I’ll show you.”

Pam lifted Linda’s leg as Sue spread hers and scooted in. Soon their two pussies were massaging each other’s.”

Sue, “Isn’t it great, Mom?”

“It’s different but certainly feels good. Is this what you two were doing all night?”

Sue didn’t stop grinding on her mom’s pussy, and said, “That, among other stuff. I just love my cousin.”

Linda replied, “I think you just lust your cousin.”

Pam and I were nestled against the head of the bed watching.

Pam was gently stroking me and asked, “How’re you doing Hun?”

I said, “I’m a little tender down there but all in all, I’m doing great.”

Breakfast chatter was somewhat subdued as we basked in the afterglow of our get together.

The family circle, actually this time a family square, was smaller than usual but we all got off one more time.


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