Sister Fun (Pt2)_(1) by Tbarn1966


sister proves to brother in law what he was told was true…… , Answering the phone you hear your sisters voice on the other end ‘Hi Anna, its Sarah I’m sorry I haven’t called earlier I didn’t know what to say after the other day.’ You realise she’s talking about the tube trip and in the car afterwards. ‘Don’t worry Hun, I understand if you like we can talk about it sometime’ you reply. ‘Well that’s why I’m calling, can you come over later?’ she asks. ‘No problem Sarah, how about around 6:30?’ you say and Sarah agrees.

Pulling up outside Sarah’s house you check your make up and walk up to the door, before you can knock the door opens and Sarah stands there smiling nervously. Giving her a hug as you enter as she quickly shuts the door and you both go into the kitchen. You watch as Sarah moves round the room talking continuously without looking at you. Stepping up to her you touch her arm, ‘Sarah what’s on your mind’ you ask her, ‘you’re acting like a nervous schoolgirl’ you tell her. Sarah stops and looks at you blushing ‘I told Mike what happened the other night’ she admits, you feel yourself go cold at her statement ‘he didn’t hurt you did he?’ you ask her in a quiet voice.

The shocked look on her face tells you that that isn’t what’s bothering her. ‘What is it you ask’ Sarah blushes again and tells you what your brother in law said, ‘he called me a kinky slut and said that’s a really dirty fantasy I had’ Sarah then goes on to tell you that the thought of you both together turned him on so much he fucked her for hours, something she again admits he hasn’t done for ages. But then Sarah drops into a chair and tells you ‘he didn’t believe me’.

‘You want him to know it really happened?’ you ask her, Sarah can’t look at you as she nods silently, feeling your stomach tighten you whisper ‘what if it happened in front of him?’ Gasping Sarah stares at you in disbelief at what she just heard. ‘You’d be willing to do that?’ she asks. You’ve never admitted it to Sarah but you’d always fancied Mike since before they were married and wouldn’t mind finding out what sex was like with him. Looking Sarah in the eye you just nod. ‘When?’ is all Sarah can ask. No time like the present you grin wickedly, we’ll pretend I’ve come over for dinner tonight and go from there you tell her. You both make dinner quickly and then get ready to surprise Sarah’s husband. During dinner you can feel his eyes on you and a couple of time you’ve caught him looking at you there’s been a question in his eyes, smiling to yourself you think he’ll get his answer later.

After dinner sitting and relaxing on the sofa beside Sarah you look across at Mike and nudge her, as she looks your way you wink at her and watch her blush slowly, chatting you casually drop your hand to her knee and feel her tense up. You see Mikes gaze flick to your hand and back to your face as you talk about something that happened. Slowly you stroke your hand up and down Sarah’s thigh making it look almost an unconscious action. With each move of your hand you’re also pulling her skirt higher exposing more and more of her leg, now Mike is openly watching your hand prolonging the tension you suddenly ask Mike for another drink, you watch as he jumps at his name ‘sorry what did you say’ he asks.

‘Another drink would be nice please Mike’ you repeat, you see his disappointment as you move your hand from Sarah’s leg and hold out your glass for him. Getting up and leaving the room he goes to fill the glasses, Sarah looks at you ‘I don’t think I can….’ she admits. ‘Just relax and go with it’ you tell her, hearing Mike coming back you decide to move things further, before Sarah can say a word you kiss her, forcing your tongue into her mouth as Mike walks in the room. You hear him stop dead and can only imagine him staring at his wife and sister in law in a deep passionate kiss.

As you keep kissing her you move your hand to her thigh again without stopping you move her skirt up high enough to show her panties and run your hand down the inside of her thigh close enough so you hand brushes against her panty clad pussy mound, Sarah gasps loudly as she’s lost in the kiss. You hear Mike move and sit across from you both, he still hasn’t made a sound as he drinks in the sight of what you’re doing to his wife. You slowly move your hand away from Sarah’s thigh and taking her hand you move it up and place it gently on your breast, without thinking she squeezes it and starts to massage it thorough your blouse, you moan lightly as she squeezes it again. Moving you hand you run it down her body, slipping it again to her thigh this time running your fingers over her panty clad pussy mound, Sarah gasps throwing her head back with her eyes closed she pushes her hips forward. Again you stroke her mound this time you glance over at Mike and see him staring at you both as he massages the growing bulge in his trousers.

Using your free hand you undo Sarah’s blouse as you kiss her neck, moaning louder now as you rub her pussy through her dampening panties she helps you pull the blouse open exposing her bare breasts, even you didn’t know she hadn’t put on a bra when she got ready, leaning down you suck on one of Sarah’s nipples eliciting another gasp. Forgetting Mike you start to suck and bite her hardening nipples as she pushes her breasts up together for you, feeling Sarah’s legs open more you slip her panties to one side and explore her soaking pussy lips with a finger tip rubbing up and down as she cries out throwing her head back ‘God yes Anna!’ turned on more by her cry than by the fact that her husband is watching you feel you pussy flood and your panties become soaking wet you moan low and loud.

Moving your fingers you find Sarah’s hole and slip 2 fingers inside and start to finger fuck her making her writhe with pleasure her gasp coming almost continuously. Suddenly you feel a presence beside you and glance up at Mike standing in front of you both with his trousers off and his hard erect cock in his hand stroking it slowly, you grin and nudge Sarah who jerks her head up opening her eyes remembering his presence for the first time, again she gasps but this time there’s an almost animal growl mixed in on seeing him stroking over you both. Before you can move Sarah has sat forward and enveloped Mike’s cock in her mouth sucking greedily at it, you see from his face that she rarely does it and for a second he freezes before starting to thrust into her willing mouth.
Leaving her sucking him for a second you stand and strip dropping your clothes on the floor you stand for the first time naked in front of your brother in law, stepping close to him you kiss his lips pushing your tongue into his mouth hungrily. You feel him move, his hand grabbing you breast and mashing it hard before it moves to your soaking pussy, opening you legs for him you feel his fingers probe your wet pussy lips before finding you hole and pushing deep inside, his thumb finding your clit and mashing it rubbing back and forth bring louder and louder moans from you.

Shaking now you feel you orgasm starting to build when suddenly his hand is pulled away from your pussy, without warning Sarah pulls you round and buries her face in your dripping pussy lapping at your juices as you cry out holding on to Mike as you shake hard. Stepping back he pulls you to the floor as Sarah follows still trying to lick you hot throbbing pussy, on your back now Sarah moves between your wide open legs burying her face and tongue into your pussy again, watching as you shake you see Mike get behind her and almost rip Sarah’s skirt off, pulling her panties to one side you see him enter her soaking pussy hard as his thrusts force her face into your pussy you hear her muffled cries as he fucks her faster and faster. Moving her face she finds you clit, licking and lapping at it uncontrollably mashing it with her tongue Sarah brings you to your first orgasm, bucking you hips as she eats you, you scream out her name again and again.

Hearing you cry out Mike stiffens and groans as his cock start bucking inside Sarah’s tight wet pussy filling it with his cum, feeling his cock pumping inside her makes Sarah orgasm hard her face still buried in your pussy, causing your orgasm to come harder, thrusting deep inside her for a little while Mike finally falls back on his heels pulling his still hard cock out in one move, Sarah groans and slips off your pussy falling to your side panting hard.

Looking up at Mike you see his wicked grin as he gazes at you pouring pussy, glancing down you see his cock twitch and without thinking you sit up grasping his cock and giving it a little tug before licking it clean and sucking on it slowly. You hear Mike moan and again feel Sarah’s hands run over your body, this time she slips a hand round to your arse and strokes slowly over it before slipping a finger inside the crack, jumping a little as she does you take more of Mikes now hardening cock in to your mouth running your tongue round and round it, Mike’s hands grasp your hair and hold your head there as he starts to thrust his hips. Before he can lose control you pull away pushing him back with a hand making him lay down, you move and straddle his waist staring at him as you lower yourself down on to his hard cock, feeling the tip touch your burning wet pussy you stop for a second and hear him moan louder as he feels your juices begin to run down it and coat his cock.

Pushing down you impale yourself on it pushing down as far as you can, without warning you gasp as you feel Sarah’s finger enter your arsehole pushing in to the first knuckle, then the second as she moves her finger round inside you, you feel it push against Mike’s cock and he thrusts his hips up starting to fuck you. Sarah start to move her finger in and out fucking your arsehole at the same time as you ride Mike to another powerful orgasm. Losing control you buck and thrash crying out louder and louder with each wave. Falling forward on to Mike you can’t stop him pulling you closer and sucking your hard nipples biting and pulling them harder and harder.

Unable to control yourself now you feel your pussy start to squirt its juices all over Mike’s balls and Sarah’s hand, you scream with the intense pleasure as you collapse on top of Mike begging them both to stop, with a sudden move Sarah pulls her finger out of your abused arsehole and Mike rolls you over onto your back pulling out as he does so, all 3 of you collapse on to the living room floor, panting you look at them both as they grin at you. You can’t help but grin back as you watch Sarah reach out and grasp Mike’s spent cock and give it a tug… looks like we tired him out Anna she laughs.
What next you wonder…..



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