Small Spaces

An adult stories – Small Spaces by JerichoXOXO,JerichoXOXO Savannah Lovelace had just put all three of her children down for bed. She breathed a sigh of relief when the hardest child to put to bed finally started sleeping and tiptoed out of the nursery to not wake any of them again. The baby monitors were all on. Savannah had made sure, so she tried to tell herself she had no reason to be anxious. She always worried about the kids, though. It was in her nature as a mother. How couldn’t she be? There were so many things that could happen to them. The world was a big and scary place, and their oldest was about to start preschool in a handful of months. She was just happy she wasn’t doing it alone, not by any means. She had two partners that loved her and the children a great deal, and she joined them both in the bedroom at the end of the hall.

The main bedroom was all white, featuring dark wood, a full walk-in closet, and walls full of gothic decor – including her husband’s artwork. On a king-sized bed full of fluffy pillows and puffy comforters lay Savannah’s wife, Sheila Lovelace, who was several months pregnant with what would be the fourth baby in the house. Out of all the children, Sheila had given birth to two of them and Savannah had given birth to one. Hers was the hardest to take care of so far, though, which was also a reason that she worried. Maybe she had bad genes, but her husband assured her that was impossible and it was probably something wrong with him. Her partners were so sweet to her, always so loving and reassuring, and at the end of every day, she was glad to congregate with them in their big bedroom.

“Welcome back, lovely,” Sheila greeted from the bed with a warm smile. She was a brunette with fluffy hair and the prettiest big green eyes. She was tall and curvy usually, but even curvier lately with the baby in her belly. “How are the children? Did El give you much trouble?”

“Only the usual amount of trouble, but everyone is sleeping soundly,” Savannah reported happily. She wanted to make Sheila smile and was always glad to have good news. Sheila or Xavier, their husband, usually put the children down to sleep, but Savannah wanted to do it alone this time. Sheila had stayed behind to read a little poetry and had already locked Xavier away in his cage.

Xavier was a large man with a tendency to toss and turn due to frequent nightmares, but the cage made him comfortable enough to be assured he was in no danger because the danger he feared most had been locked away. As a therapist, Savannah could understand the psychology of it all, but she was glad Sheila had it custom-made to be large enough and pleasant enough for him to sleep comfortably. Inside was a padded dog bed, pillows, a comforter, and Xavier cuddling a large stuffed toy that was almost as big as Savannah. She was a small woman, but she was plus-sized and rather comfy, much like a stuffed animal herself. Savannah leaned down a little to look at Xavier, who opened his eyes because he felt her watching him. “Hi, puppy.”

“Hey, kitten,” Xavier said. He looked sleepy, but incredibly content. She could see his hand tattoos because his blanket was only up to his chest, and his pretty black eyes reflected the light of the lamp on Sheila’s nightstand. His long blond hair was everywhere. He smiled at his wife. “It’s Thursday. You know what that means.”

“I do, and I’m very excited,” Savannah agreed, blushing. Xavier didn’t sleep on the bed very much, though sometimes he slept on a dog bed at the foot of the bed where the women slept. Savannah missed him often because he was a great cuddler. Sheila, who was head of household and master to both, gave her permission to sleep in his cage with him every Thursday night, since Friday was her day off. Xavier stayed home with the children each day, so he didn’t mind whatever night, as long as it was convenient for the women.

“First you have to cuddle me, though,” Sheila said from the bed, putting emphasis on the ‘me’. Sheila was her master, and her master came first. She drew a fake teardrop down her cheek with her finger. “I miss my kitty.”

“Wait, don’t cry, I’m coming,” Savannah said. She waved goodbye to Xavier, who waved goodbye back to her. He closed his eyes and rested peacefully because he knew she’d be back.

Savannah met Sheila on the bed and cuddled her on her side. Sheila wore a sheer red nightgown and looked flawless as a doll, even without her makeup. She wrapped an arm around Savannah’s head and scratched the back of it. Savannah enjoyed scratches on the back of her head because they released a great deal of tension on her scalp. They also made her feel like a loveable kitten. Sheila gazed adoringly at Savannah’s hazel eyes and played with her dark and wavy hair.

“I’ll miss you while you’re gone,” Sheila said. She didn’t mind having the huge bed all to herself, but she loved holding Savannah all night. Savannah loved her dearly and felt lucky to sleep in the same bed as her every night. She just spent many nights with her and little with her husband. “But I know you love him as much as I do.”

“Thank you for understanding,” Savannah said to her. “And I love you as much as I love him too, don’t forget.”

“I love you too, my beautiful baby,” Sheila said, petting Savannah’s hair and drawing her closer in to cuddle her neck. Savannah put a hand on Sheila’s stomach, where the baby rested, not understanding the concept of time and what went out outside where it could not see. It had no clue three parents were waiting to show it love. “It makes me so happy my pets love each other so much. I’m such a lucky woman. With my little lucky cat.” They both giggled at each other.

Sheila leaned in closer for a kiss, and Savannah happily obliged. Both women had full lips that felt like butterfly wings. Kissing Sheila reminded Savannah of biting into a fresh strawberry, and she was in her own little heaven every time. She was such a beautiful woman. She was eight inches taller than Savannah, so Savannah spent most of the day looking up at her, and every second admiring the person she was.

Sheila moved her hand underneath her wife’s hair and gently held the back of her head to keep her in place while she kissed her deeper. Sheila’s tongue and the inside of her mouth still tasted like birthday cake. Their oldest had just turned three. The birthday party had been sweet, and people hadn’t stopped staring at Sheila in her tight dress and red lipstick all afternoon. Xavier and Savannah had both been relieved when the crowd left and they finally had her all to themselves again. Sheila took other partners from time to time because she deserved the world and believed anyone or anything she wanted was hers, but Savannah was her wife, and that made her a priority. Fortunately, Sheila always made her feel that way. She had never been so pampered and cared for before she met her. Even the white satin gown she wore was Sheila’s purchase. Sheila picked clothes out for both her husband and wife.

Sheila pulled away from the kiss and caressed Savannah’s cheek. She studied her face and kissed her forehead.

“You’re so darling, I want to touch you, but the baby’s made me so low-energy lately,” Sheila apologized.

“Don’t worry, Shay,” Savannah told her. She dropped her voice to a whisper. “I’m sure Xavier will touch me plenty.”

“Oh, I do hope so,” Sheila said, taking more of a sultry tone. As sexual as she was, she was a voyeur, and upon adding Savannah into the relationship, she played matchmaker with her and Xavier often, putting them in intimate situations together when she could. Part of the reason she agreed to lock them in the cage together was because she found it so endearing to see them cuddle. If she was lucky, she would be awake to catch them doing other things as well. “Lay with me for just a little longer and I’ll hand you over. I just love you so much.”

“As long as you need,” Savannah said, putting her head in the space below Sheila’s chin where her neck was. She fit perfectly there. Sheila pet her hair for a while, assuring Savannah she adored her company through physical touch. Savannah wrapped an arm around her as far as she could extend it, feeling the side of her breast for comfort. It was pillowy soft. Sheila naturally ran a little warm, and the heat of her body lulled Savannah almost to sleep.

She caught herself dozing off after about twenty minutes of cuddling. Her body jerked back awake and Sheila looked at her with surprise.

“I’m so sorry, I’m falling asleep,” Savannah said. It had been a busy day.

“No worries, honey. Do you want me to put you in the cage?” Sheila asked.

“Yes, please,” Savannah said. Sheila sat up slowly with a hand on her stomach and turned to her nightstand. She retrieved a key from inside the drawer, which opened the padlock on the cage. She got off the bed and gestured for Savannah to follow her. She did so obediently, standing next to her excitedly as she put the key in the lock. Xavier, who had also dozed off, stirred in the cage and looked up at them.

“Hi, beautiful,” Sheila said to Xavier. “I’m letting kitty in. Make room, please.”

Sheila popped the lock open and removed it. Xavier put his stuffed animal in the corner of the cage behind him and scooted more toward the wall his back was facing. Sheila opened the cage door. Xavier fixed the blankets and lifted them up to invite Savannah in. He wore a black tank top and cotton pajama pants in the same color. Savannah crawled in to meet him.

“Meow,” she said with a giggle. She passed him by enough for him to give her ass an affectionate squeeze before she turned around to face the same direction he was.

“Hey, cute stuff,” Xavier said while they were briefly face to face.

“Hey, handsome thing,” she said, giving him a kiss. She got under the covers as Sheila was locking the cage back up and let Xavier spoon her just like his toy. He was a foot and a half taller than she was, so she felt small and dainty. Xavier kissed the top of her head many times, making her feel even cuter.

“Goodnight, my precious pets,” Sheila said to both of them in the cage. “Dream of me.”

“Goodnight, master,” they both said to her. Sheila went back to the bed, got under the cool covers, and turned off the lamp. The room was pitch black, but Savannah felt safe and sound in Xavier’s arms, sharing his enclosure with him. It meant a lot for him to let people into his personal space, which made Savannah feel very special. It honored Savannah he trusted her, and she returned the same trust to him.

“Hey, Xavier,” Savannah whispered. Xavier put a hand under her nightgown and rubbed her thigh up and down. Savannah blushed.

“What’s up, gorgeous?” he whispered back.

“I’m about to fall asleep, but if you need to use me in the night, you can,” she said. He hugged her tighter. He was strong, and Savannah felt her heart skip a beat.

“Thank you,” he said. He kissed her head again and moved his hands farther up her dress to hold one of her breasts in his hand. Savannah blushed all over, and she could feel his heart beating even with her back to him.

“Your heart beats so strongly,” Savannah whispered to him.

“It’s beating for you,” he told her at the same volume. “Sweet dreams, perfect.”

“Sweet dreams,” she said, closing her eyes with a smile. Going to sleep after a long day could be difficult, but she had never slept easier than in Sheila’s bed and in Xavier’s cage. She let herself drift off into dreams, but kept in mind that Xavier might wake her up unexpectedly. The thought aroused her. It was why she gave him permission in the first place, and she settled into dreams, influenced by her lustful feelings.

Deep in her brain, Savannah walked the perimeter of a yacht in a white sundress and a big sunhat. The wind tried to blow it away, and she clutched at it when she could, though it wasn’t easy. Eventually, the wind succeeded, and Savannah looked out at the water, wondering what to do. The water was pink, and the sunset was red. Somewhere in the distance, she could hear the sounds of two people making love, which she realized was coming from beneath her. She found a staircase in the middle of the yacht that led to a common room with many doors. The sounds stopped, so Savannah could not determine which door was the door they had been coming from. A door to the left, which adorned the number 3 in gold, opened, grabbing Savannah’s attention. Her wife exited the room and waved to her.

“Come in,” she said cheerfully, disappearing behind the door. She left it a crack open. Savannah entered the room and was in hot pink lingerie instead of her sundress. Sheila and Xavier both lay nude on the bed, sharing a joint. She could see all of their tattoos, and both their intimate places.

“It’s your turn, cutie,” Sheila said, patting a spot between her and Xavier on the bed. Savannah was too nervous to speak, but she was wet, a lot wetter than she remembered being two seconds ago, and she joined them on the bed. Xavier kissed Savannah on her lips and Sheila kissed her neck on the other side of her, leaving lipstick marks. Sheila touched the outside of her wife’s underwear, which was small and thin, and Savannah recognized it was a dream. The same moment had happened around the time the three had first started being intimate with each other, although it had happened in Sheila’s beach house. Savannah’s mind reflected her thoughts, placing all three of them in Sheila’s room at her summer home right on the water. Just like Savannah remembered, Sheila fondled her breasts and Xavier put his hand in her underwear instead. She opened her legs just slightly, and he put his fingers inside of her, but it felt far deeper than usual. It shocked her somewhat, and she woke up.

Savannah was still cuddling Xavier, but she immediately felt his hand holding up one of her thighs and the fullness of his cock inside of her. He was massive, ten inches that he joked was five for each of them, even though he always gave it all. She felt panicked for a moment, trying to process what was happening while he thrust in and out of her, gently at first, to get it all in. By the time he was all the way inside of her, she realized she was being used, and her body relaxed completely, though her heart continued to race. It was overwhelmingly fantastic. Her heart could barely keep up. She had no clue how long they had slept, but they had indeed slept. At some point, however, Xavier had woken up and decided he wanted her. It felt amazing to be wanted that badly, and she couldn’t help but whimper, though she wasn’t awake enough to moan. Xavier didn’t stop when he heard her, but he did cover her mouth with one hand. He leaned down to kiss her cheek and whisper in her ear.

“You don’t want to wake Shay or the kids, do you?” he asked in a whisper. She shook her head. “Do you promise you’ll be quiet?” She shook her head again. “Do I need to cover your mouth the whole time?” She nodded and Xavier kissed her on the side of her face, acknowledging he had heard her request.

As Xavier used her, Savannah felt like a rag-doll, not conscious enough to help him out but conscious enough to enjoy him forcing her into certain positions. There was something so relieving about letting someone else do whatever they wanted with her. She didn’t have to think about anything but receiving pleasure and trusting he was receiving pleasure, too. He always told her that her pussy was tight and her ass was phenomenal. It had done wonders for her self-confidence, and feeling him handle her like she was a toy for him to please himself made her believe it was true. She could feel him taking up all the space inside of her, and she wondered, like she always did, if she would have the next baby. After having one with him, her desire to breed was even stronger than it had been before, and if he wanted to do that now, she had given him that right.

Savannah reached her first orgasm, and he slowed down to give both of them a break, though he didn’t stop completely. She panted behind his hand, feeling breathless and drowsy, but full of love. The orgasm took a great deal of energy from her and she nearly dozed off again, woken right back up by Xavier picking up his pace again. She tried not to moan, but it was so hard, so she just whimpered and put a hand on his where it covered her mouth. She didn’t pry it off, she just wanted to touch it. She liked how big his hands were, and he tried not to be too rough with them when he was with her. She preferred him to be more gentle with her than he was with Sheila, but it didn’t mean she didn’t let him take advantage of how easy it was to overpower her.

The cage rattled softly but didn’t shake around too badly. Otherwise, it was just the sound of skin on skin. It was a small space, so Xavier stayed close to her and didn’t have to space to pull out much of his cock each time he was on the downbeat of his thrusts. There was so much of him it barely felt like he was leaving her at all, and the rhythm lulled Savannah, despite its intensity. Xavier let out a shaky sigh every so often, trying not to moan himself. He entered her with more force, approaching his climax as well, and tucked himself all the way inside of her when he came. He took deep breaths and so did she. She cried a little because it felt so good, closing her eyes when she thought he was done. She felt him pet her hair, which soothed her into the beginning of another dream. Xavier shortly interrupted her sleep, still smitten with her. She awoke to him using her again, signals of euphoria lighting up her brain like plugging in all the lights on a Christmas tree.

Sheila stirred on the bed, and Xavier stopped. They held their breath, but Sheila only adjusted herself under covers and returned to sleep. Xavier leaned closer to Savannah’s ear.

“Do you mind if I put you on your stomach?” Xavier whispered as quietly as he could. Savannah shook her head, and he kissed the top of it softly. Savannah rolled over onto her tummy and let him mount her. He was tall enough that his back was close to the top of the cage. Some of his long hair hung right next to her face, swaying like a curtain while he made love to her. He felt deeper inside of her in this position and it stirred up affection inside of her that came from her very soul. Savannah cuddled a pillow and moaned into it. She was sure she was drooling onto it too, but that was an issue for her to handle in the morning. The cage was always a mess when they slept in it together. Xavier just couldn’t help himself, and Savannah loved him too much to not want him back.

Savannah approached another orgasm and clutched the pillow on either side with her hands. Pressure built up in her like a soda bottle shaken up too hard, and when she tightened around him, he slowed down. Xavier took alternating motions, fucking her slowly for a couple of seconds, and harder for a couple more. Savannah couldn’t handle how amazing it felt and came so hard she nearly screamed into the pillow in front of her. Xavier came shortly after she did, finishing himself off with a last round of heavy strokes. Both felt sufficient relief, though Savannah could feel her thighs were slick with cum, probably from both of them.

Xavier hugged Savannah around her waist and brought her down sideways with him so they could cuddle again. To avoid making a bigger mess than they already had, Xavier stayed inside of her, which was a usual thing. Xavier enjoyed how warm she was inside and Savannah felt comfortable being anchored to him by his own cock. He wrapped his arms around her, and she felt even more secure. The couple slept peacefully.

At sunrise, Sheila’s alarm – a different song every morning; today a remaster of libiamo ne’ lieti calici from the opera La Traviata – woke up everyone in the room. Savannah woke up from dreams of dancing with both her partners to the opera in a ballroom, catching Sheila sitting up and stretching her long and lovely arms. She took off her sleeping mask and saw Savannah looking at her. She smiled and waved at both her and Xavier, who had removed himself from Savannah while she was asleep, and tucked himself away in his pants. Someone, likely Xavier, had laid a towel underneath them. Sheila had likely thrown it in, which she did out of politeness and care for both her pets. Savannah was terribly wet and somewhat sore. She would probably have to shower this morning.

“Good morning, my precious pets,” Sheila said, leaving the bed to turn off her alarm. She approached the cage with the key to pop the lock open.

“Good morning,” Savannah and Xavier said at the same time. Their voices were opposite pitches, so Savannah giggled. She tilted her head back and said good morning to Xavier as well, who gave her an upside-down kiss.

“You get out first, you’re smaller,” Xavier said to Savannah. He scoot back a bit to let her crawl out, though Sheila had to help her up because her legs ached. She didn’t have underwear on, but looked back at the cage to see Xavier bring it out with him and toss it into the laundry hamper by the bedroom door. Savannah felt embarrassed, but Sheila cooled down her blushing face by kissing it all over. Savannah giggled and kissed her back. A baby began crying from outside of the room. All three of them looked toward the door. Sheila pat Savannah’s head.

“You go take puppy to shower,” Sheila told her, exchanging some kisses with Xavier as well. “I’ll tend to the babies.”

“Are you sure you don’t need help?” Savannah asked. Xavier went to rummage around in his cage, trying to fix things up. He put the dirty towel in the laundry hamper.

“I’ll be just fine, my sweetheart. You. You know the kids love me,” she said with a wink. She left the room with a wave in her red nightdress and headed to the nursery, leaving Savannah and Xavier in the room together. Xavier shut his cage and Savannah hugged him from behind. He turned around to hug her from the front instead. She put her chin on his chest to look up at him, arms wrapped around his hips, and he played with her hair.

“Good morning, sunshine,” he said to her. “How are you feeling?”

“Sore, but happy,” she told him. “I love spending the night with you.”

“Likewise. It means the world you let me do that stuff to you,” Xavier told her, smiling at her fondly. He didn’t smile very often, but Savannah made him smile often. She was a kind woman who always made him feel at ease. The baby stopped crying. Sheila had soothed its little woes. “I love you.”

“I love you more,” Savannah said. Xavier kissed her and gave her ass a healthy squeeze.

“Alright, let’s go clean up. Can’t be filthy animals forever,” he said jokingly. She made a face and giggled at him. Sometimes she got shy when he said those kinds of things, but secretly she found it delightful. It wasn’t much of a secret to Sheila or Xavier though. While Sheila emphasized the adoring and pampering parts of owning her, Xavier was another pet, and he was not timid about acknowledging how feral they could be with each other.

Xavier started the water in the bathroom, checking the temperature with his hand. Everyone in the house preferred their water on the warm side, but Savannah and Sheila had different definitions of warmth. Xavier had a good memory, though, and temped the water the way he knew Savannah enjoyed it. She was happy he cared about her so much to remember little details like that. She stripped out of her nightgown, and Xavier looked her up and down.

“Someone looks tasty,” he flirted.

“Aren’t you tired of me yet?” she teased, stepping into the shower.

“Tired? Of you? Literally impossible,” he told her, stripping out of his own clothes. Xavier had done the water perfectly, and Savannah rinsed herself off until Xavier got in the shower with her, washing off the remnants of their encounter. She went up on her tip-toes to adjust the showerhead to Xavier’s height, but he fixed it for her when she couldn’t quite do it. She never could, but she always tried. It was compulsory because she always wanted to do something for someone that had done something for her. Sometimes she forgot that Xavier and Sheila wanted nothing in return but her love.

“I’m sorry,” she said to Xavier, looking up at him. He was mighty handsome, looming over her while he messed with the showerhead. His arms looked especially nice and strong. “I know I should just ask.”

“Don’t be sorry, it’s cute to watch you try,” he said and chuckled. He patted her ass and finally got the stream of water to shoot toward him. Savannah didn’t have to switch spots with him, just back up a little, but if she cuddled him, she could stay in her spot. She wrapped her arms around his waist and put the side of her face on his chest. She enjoyed feeling it rise and fall. Xavier opened a shampoo bottle and put a decent amount in his hand, though it didn’t look like enough for all of his hair. He lathered Savannah’s hair with it instead. Her heart fluttered, feeling his hands on her head and his fingers in her hair.

“We don’t need to do any conditioner, right?” he asked her. Savannah had her eyes closed and was enjoying the scalp massage. She didn’t process what he said to her right away because her mind chose that moment to grace her with memories of cuddling in the cage. “Hey, cutie, did you hear me?”

“Oh, yeah, sorry,” she said, opening her eyes. “Yeah, we don’t need conditioner. I’m sorry. My brain is all mushy from last night.”

“In a good way?” Xavier asked.

“In the best way,” Savannah answered. Xavier adjusted the showerhead to cater to Savannah’s height once again.

“There you are, kitten,” he said.

“Meow, meow,” she chirped.

“Woof, woof,” he replied. They exchanged several quick kisses in a row and Savannah turned around to rinse off her hair while Xavier put shampoo in his. “Hey, you said you’re sore?”

“A little,” Savannah told him. Her voice was like a little bird on a morning windowsill.

“Do you want me to lick it better?” he asked. Savannah’s heart jumped. She didn’t think she’d ever get used to how willing he was to please all the time, but she felt ecstatic knowing. She was a much more sexual person than people assumed her to be, but it got exhausting asking all the time. With Xavier she just told him if he wanted her he could take her, and she was always willing to give herself up to him no matter how much or how little she expected it.

“Would you, please?” Savannah said. She turned back around to face him and looked up at him with attentive eyes. Her eyes got wider when she looked at him sometimes, so she could take him all in, and he liked to call them her kitten eyes. “You can rinse the shampoo out of your hair first, though.”

“I appreciate you,” he said, moving the showerhead’s position again. The water hit his hair, and he sighed contentedly. “I’m so lucky to live the life I live with you and Shay.”

“You’re the sweetest in the world,” Savannah said.

“No, I’m not,” Xavier said. “I’m a big and scary dog.” He growled at her and Savannah just giggled at him. Her giggle was contagious, so he laughed too. She thought he looked like royalty rinsing out his long hair, and she had daydreams about being a princess in a castle that Sheila owned just like her.

Xavier carefully got to his knees when he was done, trying not to knock them too hard on the porcelain. Sometimes he got too eager and forgot how heavy he was. They were both about the same weight, but Xavier was much denser, despite being much less compact than Savannah.

“Now you’re smaller,” Savannah teased, tapping his nose.

“Not for long,” he teased back. “Come here, cupcake.”

Xavier pulled Savannah closer by the hips and sat on his calves because he was still above her midsection on his knees. He helped her put a leg over his shoulder and put her whole pussy in his mouth, making her feel tiny again. She let out a delighted squeal. He focused on her clit first – which fit nicely under his tongue – applying pressure and working his tongue on her slowly. She enjoyed strength more than she enjoyed speed, and Xavier held her thigh with one arm because he knew she liked the way his muscles felt. Savannah moaned, extremely pleased with the feelings of the moment. She already felt better, the aching inside of her soothed by something soft. Xavier put his tongue inside her cunt, cooling down her swollen walls, and she trembled with pleasure.

“Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you,” she said in the thralls of ecstasy. Xavier grabbed her tighter and moaned himself, shifting his attention back to her clit. She whimpered and whined, putting a hand on the wall of the shower and another hand on the back of his head. She felt like she could melt into his mouth, her legs already weakening. She moved her hips from front to back, rubbing her clit against his tongue while he licked it. She felt dizzy with heat, and the water in the shower suddenly seemed cooler against her hot skin.

Savannah came twice in a row. The first orgasm sent her head spinning, but the fact he was still tending to her passionately brought another one shortly after it. She moaned and panted, trying to catch her breath, but Xavier was enjoying his meal and wouldn’t quit. She made no efforts to make him stop, accepting her fate as an early breakfast. She placed her other hand around his head and tried to keep herself from falling over. She got wobbly after a lot of sexual attention and had to lean into her husband when she came a third time, so she didn’t fall over backward. She worried sometimes about breaking his neck because she was so bottom-heavy, but he never seemed to care. He was sturdy enough that it didn’t matter to him very much at all. After the fourth time, Savannah became too sensitive to handle it anymore.

“Okay, baby, put it down,” she said, which was a command Sheila had taught her. Savannah wasn’t very good at saying no, but Xavier was very good at listening, so he stopped when he was told to. Savannah took a deep breath and Xavier stood up to hold her. She felt better immediately being able to lean on him and take some stress off her feet.

“Do you feel better?” he asked.

“Amazing,” she responded. She nuzzled his chest while he rinsed off his face. “Thank you, Xavier. You always make me feel so good.”

“I don’t want to make you feel any other type of way,” he told her. They kissed after his face was clean, and his lips felt softer than they had before Savannah had moisturized them. “I adore you.”

“I adore you harder,” she said. They cuddled for a little while longer, knowing they’d have to finish up and face the day after this. It wouldn’t be bad. Savannah loved the children dearly, but just being alone with one or both of her partners was a whole different type of love. Her life was full of love and meaning, she thought, and she was content knowing she’d be in bed with her beautiful wife for the next six days until she could spend the night with Xavier in his space again.


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