Soccer Moms Ch. 09 by Heybuddy65,Heybuddy65

[Author’s Notes: 1) there are underage characters in this story but they will neither have, see nor even hear any sexual activity; 2) this is a work of fiction and so certain aspects of this story are not completely accurate but they advance the storyline. Please try to look past that to the more important aspects of the story; and 3 I know this is a very long and complicated story. I have to ask you to trust me that if you have enjoyed the story up to this point, you’ll still like it by the end. Often there are many different paths to the same destination.]

Soccer practice was finally beginning for the spring season. There were practices Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday since games were not going to begin for almost a month. Coach Hochbauer started the first practice by saying “Now I will see who has been practicing and who has not over the winter.” Girls who had been playing basketball were in better running shape, but they were clearly behind with their ball skills. Katie had played basketball through Junior Varsity, but she felt she needed to concentrate more on soccer and had not gone out for the Varsity this past winter, much to the chagrin of the basketball coach. Not surprisingly, Melanie had never been into basketball. So both girls had spent their free time this winter working on their ball handling skills and it was very clear to Coach Hochbauer that both girls had come back ready to play.

It was still a little chilly with a brisk wind and so it was not uncommon for parents to go back into their cars when practice began. This not only had the advantage of giving the girls a nice warm car to get into once practice was over, it also kept the parents from freezing their own behinds off. Jen and Carol would sit in each other’s car. There was no set turns but whomever was not in their car during practice would leave about 5 minutes before practice ended to get that other car warmed up.

There was plenty to talk about regarding their daughters. This season was the big recruiting season. National signing day for women’s soccer was in less than a year away. This was also the semester the girls would be taking the SAT exams and both Katie and Melanie had a number of AP classes that would have end of the year exams.

The girls had convinced their mothers to all go back to the Rogers’ house after one of the Saturday practices. Paul was at work and Katie and Melanie were up in Katie’s room, so that gave Carol and Jen some alone time. Again, since they were not really “alone” they were limited in what they could do. But kissing and light petting over each other’s clothes was deemed safe enough. As time went on and it got warmer, the mothers were able to resume their walking laps around the fields while the girls practiced.

Finally it was the Tuesday practice before the first tournament. Coach Hochbauer wanted to talk to the girls and the parents before practice began. She reminded everyone that during this spring season they could expect some college scouts at just about every game. She always wanted to remind the girls (and the parents) that while everyone wanted to make a good impression with the scouts, everyone needed to play as a team for everyone’s interest.

“The scouts don’t spend a lot of time at the consolation games. We need to stay focused and play as a team. The more we win, the more the scouts will be drawn to us and then they can see all of you play. We will be substituting a lot to make sure everyone is getting field time, but I don’t want to see defenders creeping up to the Center Forward position. We’ll move people around in positions when we can. But trust the process and just keep to your assignment whatever it is. If anyone needs letters of recommendation, I am always happy to do that, but please ask early. If you tell me you need it tomorrow, I might not be able to get it to you. Lastly, I know you’ve all worked very hard and I know you are hoping for some pay off from it now. But don’t forget to have fun as well. Now, let’s get to work.”

Thursday night Carol waited for Paul to come to bed sitting on the comforter. She had something that she wanted to ask, and she was not sure how he would react. She did not want to spring this on him after sex, but she thought it would not hurt if she wore something sexy and hoped that would make him more agreeable.

He certainly noticed the attire when he came into the room. The baby doll negligee she wore put the tops of her breasts and her cleavage very much on display. It ended at her waist and the way she was sitting exposing all of her legs and a hint of her flaming red public hair. She clearly was not wearing any panties. Paul was excited about the look, but Carol quickly let him know that she wanted to talk. He was a bit disappointed by figured when the talking was done they would not be going right to bed.

Carol began her carefully rehearsed discussion. “Paul, Katie has her first spring tournament this weekend and we’ll be heading out tomorrow.” Paul did not respond as this was neither a question, nor news so he figured it was preamble and let Carol continue.

“And with all the girls coming back and no one being added, the arrangements will all be pretty much like they were in the fall season.” Again, there was nothing for Paul to respond to at this point although he thought he knew where this was now heading. It was something he had thought quite a lot about himself, and he was expecting Carol to ask him about it. He knew he could have interrupted her and said what he knew she wanted to hear, but he decided to let her go through her whole schpeel.

Carol continued “So we’ll stay with the Smith’s Friday night. And then when the girls sleep with the rest of the team, Jen and I will be in the room with just ourselves.” A smile started to come across Paul’s face. Carol could tell that he knew what she was asking. She also knew that he was going to make her ask. She would have preferred that he just said “No.” if that was going to be his answer, but she realized she had to press on with her talk.

“I just wanted to know if I had your permission to play around with Jen when we are alone?”

Paul was not going to let her off the hook that easy though and asked “Play around how?”

“You know what I mean.” Carol responded exasperatedly.

“I do…” Paul said “…but I want to hear you say it.”

“Paul, this is hard enough to ask.”

Paul could see that it was causing her distress, so he finally decided the time had come to easy her worries. “Carol. Please. I’m sorry. I was just ribbing you a little. I expected you were going to ask about this after the first practice. I’m actually surprised that you waited this long. But I am glad you asked and I have already had time to think about what I would say.”

“The short answer is ‘Yes.’ I was not even thinking of it as my permission as much as my blessing. I am completely okay with it. But I want you to know why too. This has been about you exploring a new part of yourself. If I thought you were becoming someone else, I might be jealous or I might not want you to do this. But that is not happening. You are still the woman I fell in love with and this is not going to change that. And besides, all of this has also led to my own sex life becoming something amazing. It was good before, but this is all next level. So yes, please. Go ahead and have fun with Jen. I wish I could be there and hopefully we’ll get to do that again. But for now, enjoy this opportunity.”


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