Spanked Housewives, Pt. 01

An adult stories – Spanked Housewives, Pt. 01 by belowzero007,belowzero007 They were two fairly typical housewives. Prettier than average with much in common, they lived next door to each other. They were both 32 and elementary school teachers, teaching in different nearby towns. They had married their college sweethearts right after graduation and both had two children, a boy and a girl now 7 and 5 respectively. Sarah’s husband Tom was a successful insurance broker specializing in large employers and Mary’s husband Jack was a financial advisor to wealthy clients. They had both moved to the small suburban town within a few months of each other after getting married. It was only natural they would become friends, and having the same time off as teachers only made it all that much better. Their husbands also got along well and often played golf and went fishing together on the weekends.

Sarah was a pretty girl-next-door type brunette about 5’8″ tall, with an athletic figure with pear shaped 34C breasts, a firm butt and long legs. Her hair was cut shoulder length and she had green eyes, an aquiline nose, medium complexion and a small mouth with thin lips. Her husband Tom was a handsome 6’1″ and about 165 lbs, lean but muscular and kept in good shape by going to the gym three times a week. Mary was a blonde that kept it fairly long, and although shorter than Sarah at 5″2″ she had a much fuller figure with natural 38D breasts, a thin waist and what could be called a bubble butt. Regular exercise and jogging kept her firm so there was no fat on her curvy figure. She had pale skin, big blue eyes, a few freckles across her nose and cheeks, and full lips around a mouth that seemed too big for her face when she smiled. Her husband Jack was also shorter than Tom at 5’8″ and was a stocky 180 lbs., but with exercise like tennis and basketball there was no fat on him either. All in all, two good looking, youthful and sexy couples in their early thirties.

They developed a mutually beneficial plan not long after their first children were born to get time together as adults on Saturday nights as well as alone time with their own spouses, something many couples had difficulty with when they have children. Once a month they would get a single sitter for all the children and the kids would all stay at one home or the other, while the couples went out together to dinner or a movie, or had dinner and watched a movie, or had a gathering of several couples at the other home. Since the children were the same sex and ages and got along, it worked well. Then on two of the other weekends one couple would watch all the children at their own home, or take them all out to a movie or some other activity, allowing the other couple to go out alone or stay home and relax. They all knew but left it unspoken that “relax” was euphemism for sex, something that was always difficult to find private time for when you had younger children.

This had gone on for several years as the children grew up and the prior Saturday night it was Sarah and Tom’s turn to watch the kids while Mary and Jack had an evening alone. Everything had gone as usual, but the following Monday on a warm summer morning things changed quite a bit. Both wives and the children had off from school, but the kids were all enrolled in a summer day camp and had left at 8:00 for the day on the bus that picked them up. The husbands had gone to work as usual. Sarah and Mary sat in Mary’s kitchen enjoying a cup of coffee and bagels as they made small talk about the kids and the vacations they were planning for later in the summer.

Then came the moment when everything changed. Mary was wearing a very short summer dress that showed off all her curves and had begun to make some fresh ice tea. She put the teapot on the stove and then bent down at the waist to retrieve a pitcher from the cabinet under the counter. This caused her dress to ride up in the back and show off a lot more of her derriere than she probably realized. That she was also wearing high cut panties didn’t hurt Sarah’s view from her vantage point. What she saw were the purplish blotches that covered Mary’s lower ass cheeks and disappeared under her panties.

“It looks like one of us was one very naughty girl…” Sarah coolly commented.

Mary came up with the pitcher in one hand before understanding the meaning of what her friend had just said. Embarrassed, she hastily pulled down on her dress with the other, stammering ” No, it’s… it’s not like that…”

” OK, so what is it like?” Sarah persisted. ” I hope he is not abusing you.” And Mary shook her head strongly no as Sarah continued ” Come on, we’re friends and you can tell me. I promise it will be just between us. You tell me your secret and I’ll tell you one of mine.”

They had been friends long enough for this to put Mary at ease enough to begin, although hesitantly. ” Well… sometimes Jack… well, sometimes I need… want… to be punished, so he spanks me. There, I said it. And you know we had Saturday night free since you took the kids… so he gave me a spanking… and then he fucked me silly.” She rushed through the last part as if that would make it less embarrassing.

Sarah replied ” No need to be embarrassed, silly! I think lots of couples do that and it sounds hot to me, but that looks like more than just a spanking… it’s two days later… come on now, let me see it again and tell me the whole truth.”

Mary came over to her friend and turned around and lifted her dress and panties, to show the purple marks that covered both of her full, round ass cheeks. “Well… we have a paddle he uses to spank me…”

” Really… and you enjoy it? It must hurt to do that. Can I see it?

” It hurts like hell but does get me all hot and bothered… and wet… you know…down there… and then when he…” she cut herself short and continued ” I’ll be right back.” Mary left and returned a few minutes later with a wooden paddle about 20″ long and 3″ wide and 1/4″ thick, shaped to have a handle at one end. She handed it to Sarah, who looked it over, feeling the smooth surface.

Then Mary said with some deviousness in her voice ” OK, girl, now it’s your turn. Tell me a secret about you and Tom. And after what I told you, it better be a good one.”

Without hesitation Sarah got off the stool. ” It seems we have more in common than we ever knew.” She turned around while unbuttoning her shorts as she bent slightly at the waist, hooked her thumbs into the waistband and pulled down the shorts and panties she was wearing, exposing her backside to her friend. There was no mistaking the five red lines and slight welts that ran across both her ass cheeks.

Mary brought her hand to her mouth in surprise and said “Oh… my… god.” She moved over behind her friend and reached down to feel the welts and examine the red lines closer. “What did he do? With what… and when?” she asked.

” This morning…. after the kids left and before he left for work… with a cane.” Sarah answered matter of factly.

” That must smart like all get out. What did you do to deserve that? And since you asked me, did you enjoy it?”

” You bet it hurts like you wouldn’t believe, but I didn’t do anything… he just wanted me to think about him all day long. And I sure do every time I sit down, and he knows I love it… I thanked him after each stroke, and meant every word. I only wish it could have been more.” After a long pause she added ” But he did let me suck him off before he left for work.”

” It does seem like we both love a good pain in the ass… and ‘let me’? … so it seems we have even more in common than spankings.” Mary unconsciously licked her lips while insinuating she also loved sucking her husband’s cock, and they both laughed. ” You’ve got to let me see this cane you use. I’ve never seen one in person.”

“Sure, but let’s go over to my place since it is too long to hide under these summer clothes and someone might see me carrying it over here.” Mary poured the now boiling water into the pitcher with the tea bags and turned off the stove, and they hurried over to Sarah’s house. Once they got there Mary stayed in the living room while Sarah went upstairs to her bedroom. She returned with the cane, about 3.5′ long and made of rattan about 1/4″ in diameter with a leather grip handle. She handed it to Mary, who examined it carefully before handing it back to her friend.

Mary surprised Sarah ” I can’t stand it. I really want to know what that feels like.”

Sarah replied “But I’ve never… that is always Tom’s job… to do it to me.”

“Come on… a few swats won’t hurt. Well, maybe it will… but I really want to see what it feels like.”

” OK, take down your panties and bend over the back of the sofa.” Sarah ordered, and Mary complied. Sarah pushed Mary’s dress up on to her back and pulled her panties down to her knees. ” Damn girl, you’ve got a really nice ass. I’m jealous! Now you have to count the strokes. That’s the rule. And you are only getting three. And you realize this is probably going to leave marks like mine”

” Yes, Sarah, I understand. I didn’t tell you before but Jack is going out of town on business for three days today, so they should fade before he gets back… I hope.” As soon as she said that Sarah brought the cane down directly across both ass cheeks, and hard.

” Yowww!!!” Mary cried out and stood up straight and rubbed her ass cheeks. When she remembered the rule, she said meekly ” One” and returned to her position bent over the back of the sofa.

The next one came down across both ass cheeks once again, just above the last one.

” Hsssss….” came out of Mary’s mouth, but this time she remained in position and said firmly “TWO!”

Sarah took her time, holding the cane against Mary’s ass for a moment, and when she saw Mary wiggle her ass in anticipation of the next one, she lifted the cane and brought it down once more on her ass, this time just below the first one. Mary gritted her teeth and did not make a sound from this one, but said softly “Three” as she exhaled.

Mary remained over the back of the sofa and Sarah touched her friend’s ass to feel the welts begin to form as the red lines became more pronounced. She heard Mary moan “Mmmmm” to her touch. She then did something that surprised herself but seemed natural at the time. She moved her hand between her friend’s legs and Mary moved them slightly apart, giving Sarah her tacit approval. Sarah’s hand covered Mary’s mound with its’ wispy blonde fur and a finger pressed into her slit, and found it dripping wet. Mary moaned but did not move as Sarah flicked her finger back and forth across her now erect clit. It only took a short time before she had an intense orgasm, squeezing Sarah’s hand between her legs as the waves of pleasure passed through her body.

Mary did not consider herself a lesbian at all. She had fooled around a few times with a close friend in high school while they were learning about their bodies and boys, but aroused as she was this just seemed like a natural thing to happen after getting caned. Sarah also had little experience with another woman, except for a few times with her college roommate who was always horny after a few too many drinks, but apparently knew just what she needed to do to Mary. So while it surprised them both, neither felt particularly embarrassed or ashamed, but rather felt a kind of intimacy they never had before..

When Mary calmed down Sarah removed her hand, patted her butt lightly and chided her “I thought you might have needed that.”

“I sure did.” Mary got up and shuffled over to the mirror that she knew was in the hall to the kitchen, her panties still down around her knees, and turning her backside to it looked over her shoulder and saw the results of the caning she had just received. Three red lines and the beginnings of matching welts were becoming obvious across both ass cheeks, and she felt them lightly. ” Wow, that is amazing. I am going to have to get Jack one of those. You’ve got to let me know where you got yours. I may even use rush shipping so it is here when he gets back!”

“I’ll give you all the info when we get back to your place. And fair is fair, I think you owe me a few swats with that paddle!” she laughed as Mary gingerly pulled up her panties and let her dress fall down into place, and they went back to Mary’s house.

Sarah’s living room faced the rear of the house, but Mary’s house had a big picture window in the living room facing the street, so they went up to her bedroom to assure privacy after Mary retrieved the paddle from the kitchen cabinet where she had left it.

” Ok, girl drop those shorts and anything underneath them, and get yourself up on the bed on your hands and knees.” Mary commanded with a tone of fake authority. They both know this was a new role for them, as they were used to being on the receiving end. Sarah pulled down her shorts and panties down for her friend for the second time that morning and left them on the floor as she got up on the bed. With her morning caning and the red lines and welts still fresh, she knew this was going to hurt more than it might otherwise. Mary repositioned her a little so her knees were at the edge of the bed and pushed her head down to the comforter, which raised her firm, tight ass up even higher. Mary caressed the welts on Sarah’s ass once more and rubbed the paddle she held in her other hand across Sarah’s back, and then moved it down underneath her to press the cool wood up against her breasts, knowing this would heighten the anticipation Sarah felt. Sarah’s shivered and her nipples became erect.

” Same rules. You count each one, but there will be five. Understand?”

” Yes, I understand…”

The paddle came down hard on her ass, across both cheeks evenly, and she cried out “Aaiieee…” and gripped the comforter tightly, then finally said “One.”

A second blow came down quickly after that, but this time landed on only the left cheek. This concentrated the pain more and she cried out again, still gripping the sheets, and called out “Two.”

The third blow came down on the right cheek, again concentrating the pain, and she cried out a little louder “Three!”

Then Mary brought the paddle down across both cheeks twice quickly in succession, not waiting for Sarah to count. As she began to caress Sarah’s hot red ass cheeks, Sarah said quietly ” Four… Five.” Mary had caressed her for a few moments when Sarah spread her legs apart slightly. This gave Mary access to her pussy and she moved her hand against Sarah’s shaved mounds, pressing first one finger into the wet slit, then another. As she began to move her fingers in and out of her friend’s tight pussy, she used her thumb to find and press against her clit. Sarah pressed herself back into her friend’s hand and moaned with pleasure. As with Mary not long before, it did not take much or long for Sarah to be brought over the edge, and her pussy gripped Mary’s fingers as the spasms of her orgasm tightened around them before she collapsed on the bed. Mary put the paddle down and got up on the bed and lay next to her friend, and as they held each other knew a new bond had been established.

” That was really nice… thank you… ” Sarah said quietly to Mary.

” I really enjoyed it too… I wonder what took us so long to figure this out. I mean, now it seems obvious what was going on. There were hints we both gave over the years but never picked up on, I guess.”

” I know what you mean, but I’m sure glad we figured it out now. The question is what do we do now?”

” Well, I don’t know about you but I am horny as hell, and Jack won’t be back for three days, so you stay right there!” Mary said emphatically as she got herself up off the bed. She went to her walk in closet and while she was there, Sarah got up on her knees and admired her own reddened ass in the mirror over the dresser across from the bed. The lines from the caning still showed, but there was now a nice red background to them. As she was admiring herself Mary returned, now naked and holding two nice size dildos, one in each hand. She dropped them on the bed and moved to pull Sarah’s blouse up over her head and threw it to the floor. She pushed Sarah back down on the bed and picked up one dildo and handed it to her, and took the other for herself and moved so her head was next to Sarah’s crotch, and vice versa. Both women spread their legs, exposing their wet pussies and began to use the dildos on each other. First they moved them back and forth across the outside getting them wet, but soon began to press them into their friend while holding her ass with the other hand, which each knew was still sore. It did not take long before both were moaning wildly as the dildos were plunging in and out of their pussies, their juices coating the dildos and dripping down their thighs. Sarah was the first to take the next step, and pressed her mouth against Mary’s open pussy as she pressed the dildo all the way in, and began to flick her tongue across her friend’s clit. Mary quickly reciprocated and moved in closer as she pressed her dildo into Sarah’s pussy and began to lick her friend’s pussy, quickly concentrating on her clit as well. They both held on tightly to each other around the waist and buttocks as their hips moved involuntarily. Within just a few minutes they both tightened up and squeezed the others head between their thighs as they continued to lick at each other’s clit and they had an orgasm together.

When they both finally finished, they collapsed back on the bed and let the dildos fall out of their pussies as they held each other, breasts pressed against abdomens, heads resting on thighs and legs and arms intertwined. Eventually Sarah recovered enough to turn herself around so they were face to face, their faces glistening with their friend’s juices, and they tasted themselves on each other as they kissed softly, hands caressing breasts and backs, not saying anything yet. Without a word Mary got up and pulled Sarah up with her, and led her to the bathroom. Mary turned on the shower and they both got in to luxuriate under the stream of hot water. Mary soaped up Sarah’s lean body and then washed and conditioned her hair, and then Sarah did the same for Mary’s curvier body, taking extra time on her full breasts and shapely ass. Once they rinsed off they got out, put on a pair of robes Mary provided and took some time drying and brushing their hair in silence. Make-up came next, but that was kept simple as neither used much in the summer when not working, unless going out for the evening with her husband.

They got dressed again, Sarah in her same clothes and Mary put on shorts and a low cut tee shirt top with spaghetti straps that stretched tightly across her full breasts. They washed and put away the dildos, and the paddle, and made the bed again, removing all traces of what had happened only a short time before. They went downstairs and Mary poured the ice tea she had made earlier in glasses filled with ice and they sat silently at the kitchen counter side by side.

Finally Sarah broke the ice ” Well, I hope you are not so damn horny anymore…” and they both broke up laughing until Mary responded ” No, I think that did the trick… for now at least”

“Well, I sure hope so… if not, I can’t help you.” which made them laugh some more.

When they calmed down, Mary got serious ” You know everything is different now. Where do we go from here?”

Sarah thought for a moment before replying “I’m not sure, but I hope we can be even better friends… and I would like to think maybe we can do this again… it really was very nice and after all the boys are not always around…. and I think maybe we could bring our husbands into this as well. After all, we both like getting it more than giving it… or at least I do… and I don’t think they will really object if we give them the opportunity to spank two hot women instead of just one.”

” I’m sure you’re right about that… and I know we will always be great friends, if anything even more now than before. I know Jack has always found you very sexy and actually wondered more than once to me what it would be like to spank that very spankable ass of yours.” Mary said with a wink.

Sarah responded “Spankable ass? If anyone has a spankable ass it is that incredible butt of yours… and to be honest I have no doubt that Tom thinks the same.”

“Well then, all we need to do is figure out how we are going to make this happen, my partner in crime! And in my opinion, the sooner the better!”

” Agreed!” Sarah replied and they clinked their glasses together to seal the deal.

So over the next few hours, over lunch and a few glasses of wine, they came up with their plan. As there was no reason to delay any more than necessary and knowing Jack would be home before the weekend, they arranged for a sitter for the next Saturday night for all the kids at Mary’s house. They agreed to use Sarah’s house since it had a room for watching a movie that would be perfect. To avoid suspicion Mary would wait until late Saturday afternoon to bring over the paddle, hoping Jack would not want to use it before their date together, which he sometimes did. They knew the guys had a late golf time on Saturday so would be out all afternoon which would make that easier. Sarah would bring over the kids to eat dinner over Mary’s before the guys got home, so that would make it much harder for Jack to even try anything with the kids in the house.

Before they finished and the kids arrived home from day camp they ordered another paddle and a cane so they would have two of each, and a few other items they needed to make their plan work. They also discussed other kinky things they had done in addition to the spankings, and things they had as fantasies, or their husband had mentioned as his own fantasies but they had not done yet, that they agreed might be worth trying together. After all, since they were breaking new ground sexually they might as well push the envelope. They also realized that they did not need to do everything at once and decided that most of those things were for a future time and place. Assuming that this would not be a one-time deal and trying new things later would keep it fresh and exciting. They also both realized that once they started this there was no telling what their husbands might do on their own.

Each day they talked about their plan, refining it. It was hard to keep from bursting out of their skins and telling their husbands what they had planned during what seemed like a very long week before Saturday. Part of that discussion centered on something they had avoided at first, which was if they would have intercourse with each other’s spouse. They decided they would leave that up to the husbands to make the first move and would definitely show no resistance if they started anything. They described in some detail and with more than a little pride their husband’s cocks and how endowed they were. Each was definitely intrigued at the possibility of seeing what it was like in person and, of course, what it would feel like inside her.

They had agreed to refrain from any spanking activity, or any sex, with their husbands until then, which was easier for Mary as Jack was gone until Thursday anyway. But they were so horny by Thursday they could not help but have sex with each other on Thursday morning. They did not spank, cane or paddle each other, but used their fingers, tongues and the dildos to satisfy the urges they both felt. While both loved their husband’s cocks and being spanked by them, they found something satisfying in each other that uniquely bonded them in their mutual desires as only two women could.

Soon enough it was Saturday and as planned the kids did their normal summer weekend activities of swimming at the community pool and playing outside, while the husbands did some chores before going to play golf together. When the coast was clear Mary brought over her paddle and the other items they had ordered that had been rush delivered to her house that Thursday and Friday. They had divided up the order equally and charged it to their credit cards, but knew their husbands would not see the charges until the bills came and by then they figured they would not care at all about the money spent.

The husbands got home from golf around 6:30, and Sarah had already ushered her children over to Mary’s house, where the sitter was already waiting. They ordered pizza for the kid’s dinner and got them set up with activities and the movies they could watch. In the meantime both husbands took showers and got ready for what they thought would be a normal evening of dinner and a movie. Sarah returned to her own house and got dressed, and Mary went upstairs to do the same. As agreed they both wore a light summer dress with a low cut neckline that showed lots of cleavage, particularly on Mary, and were quite short to accentuate both their ass’s. Both also wore no bra so their nipples showed through the thin fabric and wore silk panties. There was no doubt they would excite both husbands throughout the evening even more than usual. Both husbands wore casual slacks and a sport shirt that was their normal attire for going out with their neighbors. Both men noticed how hot their wives looked and gave them a compliment to that effect followed by a long kiss, and commented on how hard to resist they were and intimated that sex was almost a certainty when the night ended. Of course both Mary and Sarah knew but did not say that sex would hopefully come way before the men realized, if things went as planned.

Mary and Jack walked over to Sarah and Tom’s house. When Tom opened the door and saw his curvy neighbor, he complimented on how nice she looked, to which Mary curtsied and said ” Why, thank you sir, and you look quite handsome tonight.” They stepped inside and when Jack saw Sarah in her clingy, short summer dress he complimented her as well, and she replied as her friend had done ” Thank you, kind sir.” Both put a little extra emphasis on the word “sir”, but it was subtle enough for both men to notice but ignore it.

They had made reservations in a nice local Italian restaurant and left without any more delay to drive the short distance there. Tom had brought a bottle of wine that they shared while they had a delicious dinner. The conversation was normal, about the kids and vacation plans, house repairs and golf. Just before dessert the ladies excused themselves to go to the ladies room to freshen up and when they returned they had a surprise for their husbands.

They had both taken off their panties and when they returned passed them surreptitiously under the table to their husband. The husbands did their best to try and not look surprised, but it was hard not to notice the false look of calm on each other as each pretended they did not and said nothing. It was obvious to each man that his wife had her bare ass on the chair, and as they shared two desserts between the four of them, the ladies deliberately squirmed in their chairs a little more than seemed necessary. Finally it was time to pay the bill and the men did so with cash, leaving what seemed like a better tip than usual since they were in such a good mood. Both had no doubt he would have sex with his wife before going to sleep.

They went out to the car and the ladies made a point of sitting together in the back seat, having the men sit up front together “to finish talking about your golf game while we talk about a new store in town”. It was obviously just an excuse, but the guys went along. They got back to Sarah and Tom’s house in a few minutes and all went inside. It was still fairly early at around 9:00.

When they got inside Sarah announced ” I’ve ordered a cable movie on demand for us to watch, and Mary and I will get us all some more wine.” She and Mary left for the kitchen and once there while opening a bottle of wine and getting out the glasses agreed that the plan was working perfectly so far. Meanwhile both guys used the bathroom before returning to the recreation room that had a large screen TV and a big, comfortable leather couch to watch the movie.

Mary and Sarah came into the room with the glasses and wine and poured everyone a glass. Sarah raised her glass in a toast ” To good friends and great neighbors. May we only grow closer and it only gets better from here.” They clinked the glasses together, agreeing with “Here, here” and ” To good friends”.

They sat themselves down, with the guys on the outside and the women next to each other in the middle. Sarah picked up the remote and got the movie started. The movie she chose was one called “The Secretary”. She had seen it before, but Mary had not, but after she described it agreed it would be perfect for their plan. Neither of the husbands had seen it as far as they knew and when Sarah asked as it started that was confirmed.

The movie was about a twenty something girl with some emotional problems who lives with her parents. She is naturally submissive but doesn’t know how to express her tendencies in a healthy way. She went to secretarial school and had done well, so to try and gain some independence she finds a job as a secretary to a successful lawyer in a practice by himself. The lawyer is a very precise and controlling individual with issues of his own relating to his own sexual desires to be dominant and include it in his relationships. He recognizes the submissive tendencies of his new secretary and when she makes a mistake on a letter, has her lean over his desk and gives her a hard hand spanking. She does not resist and feels the sexual release it gives her and wants more, deliberately making mistakes to be punished, all while falling in love with her employer. There are a few ups and downs in their relationship when he feels guilty about what he is doing to her, but she eventually makes him understand it is what she wants and needs from him, and in the end they wind up together. While unspoken at the end, it is apparent the relationship includes his disciplining her on a regular basis, and she gladly provides every excuse he needs to do so.

It was the perfect movie for this occasion, with enough of a plot and good actors to be a real movie but with non-explicit sex scenes and of course the spankings to be arousing to them all. As they watched the movie, it was apparent from the bulges in their pants that it excited both the guys, particularly the spanking and bdsm scenes. Both women squirmed in her seat quite a few times, their pantyless asses on the soft leather. When it was over Sarah picked up the remote and turned off the TV.

She got up and pulled up Mary with her ” Let’s go freshen up and get another bottle of wine. It seems we’ve done justice to this one”, picking up the empty bottle. They went to the bathroom and after peeing quickly changed into the new clothes they had bought and arranged their hair, then went to the kitchen and opened another bottle of wine.

When they were ready, Mary and Sarah looked each other over, and agreed that if this didn’t work, nothing would. Then together and holding hands they walked back to the room where their husbands still waited. They didn’t know what the men might have said to each other about their wives behavior at dinner or the movie, but there was no doubt they would react to this and hoped for the best.

They were not disappointed when they arrived back in front of their husbands, who sat there staring and said nothing. The ladies stood side-by-side, hands clasped behind their backs in front of their husband. Both were dressed in a very short plaid, pleated skirt and very tight white button up blouse that barely contained their bra-less breasts, white ankle socks and penny loafer shoes. Both had made two ponytails on either side of their heads with red ribbons, completing the schoolgirl look. Mary was holding a tray with the bottle of wine on it, but unseen there were also two flat backed wooden hairbrushes as well.

Once the effect settled in, Sarah spoke ” We’re sorry, Sirs, for being such bad girls at dinner tonight. We are reporting for our punishment as ordered.” She had emphasized the word “Sirs”, and both men remembered how they had replied to the compliments earlier. Of course they had not been ordered to “report for punishment”, but the men quickly figured out the game and played along.

Jack replied ” It’s about time you got here. We’ve been waiting too long already.”

Mary answered “We’re sorry, Sir, but we got here as quickly as we could.”

Tom continued “Well your excuses are not acceptable, so now it will be even more for you both. Now get over here.”

Mary and Sarah looked at each other, and both thought they might have an orgasm right then and there, but controlled themselves and said together ” Yes, Sirs. Thank you, Sirs.”

Mary put the tray down on the table in front of the sofa and both men saw the hairbrushes. They then surprised the men once again by moving past each other to the other side and around the table, and lay themselves over the lap of their friend’s husband, their feet on the ground to the outside and their heads on the cushions between the men. That put the women facing each other in the middle and they took each other’s hands as they lifted their heads up to look each other in the eye. Both were smiling broadly. The men looked at each other for only a moment before lifting the back of the skirt to expose the ass of the woman across his lap. Both women wore simple white cotton panties, which quickly were brought down to their thighs. The men caressed the ass in front of them for a few moments, Jack caressing Sarah’s smaller tight butt and Tom Mary’s larger bubble butt, before giving it a good hard squeeze, to which both women moaned in pleasure, anticipating what was to come.

It did not take long before first Tom and then Jack lifted his hand and brought it down hard on the butt in front of him. It took no time before they had begun to spank them over and over in rapid succession, to the “owwws” and “ahhhs” of both ladies, who often lifted up their butts to receive the blow that had not yet come. It was not long before both asses began to show a nice tinge of red and the men continued until the ladies were squirming on their laps and kicking their legs up and down. After what was probably about five minutes but seemed much longer to the ladies, the men stopped and the ladies relaxed over the thighs of the men that held them.

Tom spoke first ” You know, Jack, I think they liked that a little too much. We better find out” and he reached his hand down to Mary’s upper thighs and pressed between them. Mary separated her legs a little to give him access, and Tom cupped her pussy and pressed a finger into her slit. Of course it was soaking wet. Mary knew she was wet before she even went over Tom’s lap, but just enjoyed the intrusion into her pussy. ” Yup, just as I thought, you enjoyed that, didn’t you, you little minx?”

” Yess… yes Sir… I’m sorry Sir.” Mary replied in her best girlish voice.

Jack followed suit and pressed his hand between Sarah’s already opened legs, and of course found her as wet as his wife apparently was. ” Well, it seems we have two little devils who like to be punished, isn’t that so, Sarah?”

” Yes sir… thank you, Sir” she replied.

Tom took over ” Well, they still need a punishment for being tardy for their punishment.” He gently pushed Mary off his lap and told her ” Get the hairbrushes off the tray”, and when she hesitated for a moment ” Come on, hurry up or it will only be worse.”

Mary quickly recovered and moved to get the two hairbrushes and handed one to Tom and one to Jack, then returned over Tom’s lap.

As soon as she was in position, Tom lifted up her skirt and then the brush and began to smack her ass with it, hard. Almost at the same time Jack began to smack Sarah’s ass with his brush. The ladies began to cry out immediately with the first blow and with each after that ” aaaiiiaaa!” “owwww” ” that hurts!” ” please stop!” “no more!”, but they all knew the protests were in vain and probably as much for effect as sincere, as both women were loving the exquisite pain they had set up for themselves. They grasped each other’s hands tighter and tighter as the smacks continued without mercy and their legs flew up and down wildly as the pain increased, but neither made any effort to move from her position. By the time the men finally stopped, their butts were a bright shade of red and they knew would be warm to the touch. The men caressed and kneaded the warm, red ass before them, comforting the women as they began to recover.

At one point the women looked up at each other and smiled a knowing smile that they both understood. This was not exactly according to the plan, but they both knew instinctively what they both wanted right then and there. They fell off the lap they were on and kneeled in between the legs of the man before them. Looking up at him, each began to undo the belt and zipper of the pants on the man before her and in one motion as he lifted up to accommodate her, pulled pants and underwear down to his ankles and off his feet. The women sat with their sore ass against their feet, hands on his thighs, looking at the sight before them, which in both cases was a large cock sticking out from the man’s groin. Sarah knew Tom’s was longer at over 8″ than what looked like around 6″ on Jack, but there was no doubt Jack’s was much thicker than her husbands. And Mary saw the opposite, that Tom’s cock was definitely longer than her husband’s, but not as thick. In unison, they both came out of their reverie and leaned forward, taking the cock before them in their hands and into their mouths.

Both were experienced at fellatio, but these were different than they had become used to for so long. Both licked the pre-cum off and then sucked the head into their mouths, using their tongues to arouse it, not that they were not already hard and at full attention. They took as much into their mouth as they could, going deeper and deeper each time they pressed forward. At first Sarah’s small mouth had trouble accommodating Jack’s thicker cock, while Mary was not used to the length of Tom’s, but after a few minutes they managed to get used to the cock they were sucking and were enthusiastically bouncing their heads up and down, gurgling and gagging on the saliva coated cock that filled their mouth. Mary never was able to take Jack into her throat due to his girth, but after a while Sarah had Tom’ entire length in hers, pressing her face hard into his crotch. Both men alternated between watching the woman before him and watching his own wife pleasure the man next to him. Before long both were ready to cum and they both grabbed the ponytails of the woman kneeling in front of him and, holding her head in place with both hands, began to fuck her mouth.

Jack growled as he thrust into Sarah’s mouth ” It seems we have two cum-sluts, that have been bad little girls.” Looking down at Sarah he continued ” You going to be a good girl and swallow it all down?” Looking up at him with tears in her eyes she nodded affirmatively, unable to talk with his cock in her mouth. This put Jack over the edge and he spurted into the mouth of his friend’s spouse, who choked but swallowed it all except a drop that dribbled down her chin. Seeing this Tom held Mary and looking up at him she pressed herself onto his cock until he was all the way down her throat, her nose pressed into his pubic bone, and then she began to suck and move her tongue against the bottom of his balls, and as he came she pulled back to take it all in her mouth. When she had milked him dry she slowly pulled herself off and the men collapsed back onto the sofa. When they released the ponytails the men still held them by, both women collapsed back to the floor between the men’s legs.

Then the women surprised them again and leaned over and began to kiss. They opened their mouths and shared the juices that had been deposited by each other’s spouse in their mouths, mixing it together before swallowing it down. When they separated, they looked up at their husbands and both said almost in unison “Thank you, Sirs.”

Mary continued ” We really hope you enjoyed punishing us. Since we have been very bad girls once again, we understand if another punishment is needed. If you wait a few minutes and join us in the kitchen, we will be ready for whatever you think we deserve.” With that they both got up and left the room towards the kitchen.

While they got themselves ready, the men talked between themselves.

” What do you think brought all that on? Tom asked Jack.

” I surely have no idea, but I’m not going to complain. You going to complain?”

” Not for a minute. Damn, your wife has the nicest and most spankable butt I ever saw.”

” Yeah, I know, but yours is so firm and tight, it’s not anything to sneeze about it. So what do you think they have in mind next?”

” I have no idea, so let’s just go with the flow. I’m sure it will be interesting, if nothing else.”

With that said, Jack leaned forward and took the bottle of wine and poured them both another glass, and after clinking the glasses together with a toast from Tom ” To spankable butts, and the wives that have them”, they both took a drink and sat back to contemplate what was to come.

After waiting a few more minutes, Jack got up. ” Well, I guess it is time to find out what those two devils have in mind.” Tom got up to follow him to the kitchen.

When they entered the kitchen, the sight before them was no less shocking than the events that had already occurred. Off the far side of the kitchen was an eat-in nook with a round table about 6′ across with four chairs. Normally Sarah kept flowers in a vase in the center. The chairs had been moved to the side and instead of a vase the two women were bent over the top of the table on opposite sides facing each other. They were naked and had leather cuffs on their wrists that had been locked together. They also had leather cuffs on each of their ankles but these were not attached, although an adjustable leather strap with clasps on both ends was attached to both of Sarah’s. On the table next to each woman were a paddle and a cane. There was no doubting what was intended, and after perusing the situation for a minute, Tom went over and bent down and attached the leather strap from Sarah’s to Mary’s ankle cuffs, and pulled it tight. This bought their legs closer together and off the floor, and made their ass’s stick out even more from the side of the table. Since they lost the support of their legs, their bodies and breasts pressed into the table as well, particularly Mary’s fuller ones that were squeezed out on each side.

Both men circled around their wives, looking at them from every side. It was a truly erotic scene with the leaner brunette Sarah contrasted by the curvier blonde Mary, bound to each other and bent over the opposite edges of the table. Both still had a very red tinge to their ass from the earlier spanking. The men caressed their wives on their shoulders and down their arms, down their backs to their ass, before moving around again to do the same to the other woman. Tom stopped behind Mary and Jack stopped behind Sarah. Without even talking they both knew they wanted to spank the other man’s wife. Jack figured that it would be better to use the paddle before the cane, so he picked up the paddle next to Sarah and Tom, following his lead, picked up the one next to Mary.

Tom said firmly ” I want you to both understand the rules here. You will count each stroke, and thank us for giving you the punishment you so richly deserve. Understood?”

Together, Mary and Sarah replied enthusiastically ” Yes, Sir, I understand!”

Tom went first, and brought the paddle up and then down with a loud smack on Mary’s ass. It took a moment to register with her brain, but Mary shrieked at the pain ” Aaaiiiaaa…” then composed herself and said ” One, thank you, sir.”

Then Jack brought his paddle up and down hard on Sarah’s ass, to similar effect ” Owwww…. One, thank you, sir.”

Tom went next, the smack echoing through the kitchen followed by Mary’s ” Ooohhhh… two, thank you, sir.”

Jack followed before Mary finished and Sarah cried out in pain ” Yaaaiii… two, thank you, sir.”

Tom and Jack continued to alternate one after the other, taking their time, and each smack brought a louder cry from the woman getting smacked, followed with the number and a sincere thank you to her tormenter. The woman held each other’s arms above their joined wrists and looked at each other as they received the paddling, their own spouse behind the woman across from them watching their wife’s reaction to each smack as well. As no limit had been stated before they began, the ladies had no idea how long it would go on, and as it continued they both wondered how long they could endure. After ten strokes, Jack gave Sarah five quick smacks in succession, to which she screamed out in pain continuously until he stopped, and once she calmed down she counted out ” Eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen… thank you, Sir!” and collapse her head on the table. Tom did the same to Mary, who began to cry real tears of pain and scream out loudly, until he was done and then she also counted out her numbers, followed quietly by ” Thank you, Sir” as she sniffled through her tears.

Both men put down the paddles, and caressed the now very red ass of the woman they had just paddled. It was warm to the touch, and both women sighed as they felt the light touch of the man behind them. Tom moved his hand down to cup Mary’s pussy, and pressed a finger into her slit, finding it soaking wet as he expected, and Mary moaned at the pleasurable intrusion. Jack saw what Tom had done and his wife’s reaction and followed suit, and began to finger Sarah’s also very wet pussy, who also moaned in pleasure. But neither man intended to give the woman enough pleasure to orgasm yet, better to leave them frustrated, and they broke off contact. At Tom’s nod, Jack followed him to the other side of the room where they talked quietly. They poured themselves a little more wine and brought it back to sit at the table on either side of the women.

Jack dipped several fingers, still wet with Sarah’s juices, in the wine glass and brought it to Sarah’s lips, who took them into her mouth and sucked on them eagerly. Tom did the same for Mary, who also eagerly sucked on his fingers. They dipped their fingers in the wine and fed it to the women several times before taking a sip for themselves and getting back up. They both moved behind their own wife.

The men then pulled the panties out of their pockets, still there from when the ladies had given them at dinner. They leaned over and wiped it against their wife’s inner thighs where pussy juices had dripped down during the paddling, then pressed the panties against the spread and wet pussy, pressing it inside to soak up all the juices. Both women moaned at the new intrusion, which only increase their arousal. By the time they removed them the panties were well soaked and smelled of female sexual excitement. The men sat down again on either side of the women, and Jack brought the panty he held to Sarah’s mouth and pressed it between her lips until it filled her mouth. Tom did the same, pressing the panty with Sarah’s juices into Mary’s mouth. Each woman tried to protest, but secretly enjoyed the now familiar taste of her friend.

Tom said with a laugh in his voice ” Don’t worry, ladies you don’t have to count any more. We were afraid you might wake up the kids next door after those last few smacks.”

Through the gags, both women tried to respond, which came out something like ” Thnk nu, thir…”

Jack picked up the cane next to Sarah and Tom picked up the cane next to Mary, and without any delay each brought it simultaneously down on the ass of the woman in front of him. As the pain registered the women screamed through their gags and pulled on each other’s wrists. Quickly another blow came down on each, then a pause and another blow, and another pause before another blow and the muted screams continued. Tom, being more experienced with the cane, was able to make level lines across both ass cheeks one above or below the other. Jack, not used to the implement, was less precise and the lines were not always level and sometimes crossed each other, which was actually more painful for Sarah. Of course, other than her caning Mary the other day, Sarah had more experience receiving a caning than Mary, so in a way it probably evened out. But either way, it was a very painful punishment for them both, and they screamed and cried and pulled on their bonds as it was being administered. After what seemed like forever, but was only a few minutes and 10 strokes the men stopped to admire their handiwork. Red lines and welts began to form on each ass over the reddened background of the paddling. Tom had Jack come around to see the perfectly placed lines that had formed across Mary’s butt. Then they went behind Sarah and Tom commented ” Not bad for a beginner… we’ll have to have you practice more and you’ll get it in no time.”

With that said, they moved to the side of the table again and removed the gags from their mouths, leaving them on the table in front of their faces, and the women breathed heavily, saying over and over ” Oh my god… oh my god… oh my god…” Mary finally added “That was incredible.” to which Sarah replied to her ” I told you so… but it was the paddling before that made it so special this time… and sharing it with you…”

The men smiled at this exchange and went behind the woman they had just caned. Each woman watched as her husband dropped his pants and underwear, then removed his shirt as he stood behind her friend, all the time looking at her, knowing her friend’s husband was also behind her. Spanked, bound, paddled, caned and bent over the table, the question of whether they would get fucked was now moot.

The men wasted no time and put one hand on the ass in front of them, bent their legs as needed to line themselves up, used their other hand to position their erect cock against the open pussy and pressed forward in one fast stroke until they were deep inside and pressed against the warm, red ass before them. Both women exhaled loudly as if the cock had pushed the air out of their lungs, and looked at their friend across from them with eyes wide open. Both men watched the face of their wife as she was impaled on the cock of the man behind her. Each man had already cum not long before in the mouth of the woman they were now about to fuck, so neither was in any hurry and knew they could last a long time. Slowly each pulled back before thrusting once again deep into the pussy that was so wet and soft and hot, and held them like a sheath. Then back almost all the way out, and in again, over and over, and the woman exhaled with each penetration as women do when they are getting fucked good ” unggh…. ungghh….ungghh…”, as well as crying out “Yess…yesss…” “oh my god…” “harder… take me…” and other sounds of pleasure. These were punctuated by cries of pain when their new partner pounded into a sore ass particularly hard, while the slapping sound of cock into a soaking wet pussy continued with each pounding stroke.

Neither had been fucked by anyone but their husbands since before early in college when they first met, and they relished the difference. Jack’s thickness filled Sarah’s tight pussy like never before, stretching her almost painfully, while Tom’s length went deeper than Mary thought was possible for her pussy to accept. Each woman found an exquisite pleasure in what was happening to them, and each had multiple orgasms as they incoherently begged for more, until it seemed almost continuous as they were fucked so hard and well. Watching her husband pounding into her best friend at the same time only made it even more surreal and enhanced the experience for both women, and the husbands worked to outdo each other as they watched another man fuck his wife across the table.

They went on for at least a half hour, sometimes going slow and lovingly, and sometimes pounding the women mercilessly. The women were exhausted by all the orgasms they had, but neither made any attempt to stop the man from taking what he wanted. They were like sex slaves of old… objects of desire… at the mercy and whim of the man behind them, and without control of their circumstance, and not wanting anything but to be used until the man decided he was done. But eventually even the men were getting tired and ready to complete the violation of the woman in front of them, and with a signal between them they thrust several times as hard as they could and holding themselves deep inside their partner came in spurts of hot cum. They both fell to rest on top of the woman underneath them, everyone satisfied as never before.

As was natural, the men’s cocks became soft and slipped out of the pussy that held it, and both women moaned at the loss of fullness they had become so used to. The men began to undo the bonds that held the women together, first their ankles and then their wrists. When they were free, they slowly rose from the table and hugged and kissed their own spouse, but then once again surprised the men.

With a glance at each other, Sarah said cryptically, at least to the men, to Mary ” Can’t let it go to waste, can we?”

Mary replied “Definitely not” and both women waddled hand in hand back to the TV room with their legs held together, followed by the men who wondered what they were up to now. When they got there, the women lay down on the sofa in a 69, faces to pussies and began to lick at the cum that their husbands had deposited in the other woman and was now dripping out. They continued this until they were both sure they had removed it all, and both had another orgasm from the efforts of their friend. When they finally were satisfied there as no more to be had, they sat up side by side with big grins on their faces, now soaked with cum and pussy juices. They turned to each other and licked the drops of cum that remained on the other’s face and kissed each other softly several times before turning once again to face their husbands, who had stood there watching this scene.

Tom spoke up ” Damn, don’t you two ever stop? Or do we need to punish you again?”

Everyone laughed and Mary replied ” No, no… I think we’ve all had enough… for tonight anyway”, leaving the promise of more to come at some future date.

Jack went back to the kitchen and retrieved the bottle of wine, and returning with the men’s glasses poured some for each of them. Jack sat next to Mary and Tom sat next to Sarah. The women leaned against their husband’s chests, who had their free arm around them. They sat in silence, still naked and sipping the wine, each contemplating what they had experienced that night. They all knew there was no going back, and none of them wanted to. The women thought about what they had planned and how it had gone so much better than they ever anticipated. None of them wanted to talk about it, or what would happen next, since there would be time for that later, so they all sat quietly until finally Jack broke the silence.

” It must be past midnight, and we need to get the sitter home.” He nudged Mary, who groaned in complaint, but got up and said to Sarah ” I’m sure all the kids are sleeping, so they can just stay over.”

Sarah said ” Thanks. Call me when you guys get up and I’ll come over and get them.”

Jack and Mary got their clothes and put them on, and once dressed Sarah and Tom escorted them to the door.

Sarah, still naked, hugged Mary, and Mary hugged Tom while Jack hugged Sarah. Jack and Tom shook hands. After they all said “good night”, Jack and Mary walked hand in hand back to their house. Sarah and Tom watched them go before closing the door. Tom retrieved all the paddles and canes and wrist and ankle cuffs in case one of the kids came home on their own in the morning, and after turning out the lights went upstairs to join his wife, who was already in bed. Still naked, Tom joined her and spooned against her back. He asked simply ” Happy?”

She turned her head to him and kissed him and answered “Deliriously so. I love you so much.”

” I love you too…. You don’t mind that I fucked Mary?” He replied softly and kissed the back of her neck.

” Not at all. I would have been disappointed if you didn’t. We both hoped you would.”

” Hmmm. You girls really thought about this a lot, didn’t you?”

” We sure did. Now let’s get some sleep.” And in only a few moments both were fast asleep.

Jack and Mary returned home, and Jack paid the sitter and drove her home, which took maybe 10 minutes both ways. When he returned he found his wife waiting in bed. When he got in bed, he found her naked and awake. She turned to face him. ” Is everything OK? I mean, are you OK with what Sarah… with what… I did?”

” OK? It was perfect. You are amazing. And the most beautiful, wonderful wife a guy ever had. I was worried you would be mad later that I fucked Sarah. To me it was a fantastic evening and I hope it was for you too. I am not sure how you are ever going to top this evening.”

” Whew… I’m so glad you think so. I want to thank you for making my fantasy come true. Now, to top this… well, Sarah did tell me Tom installed a set of hooks in the ceiling in the basement and I know he has a fierce looking cat o’ nine tails… and I know you always wanted to whip these big tits of mine… and I think Sarah might like that monster of yours in her tight little ass…so who knows…”

” You are a minx… so be careful what you ask for, you might just get it!” And with that he dove under the covers and, squeezing his wife’s tits, began to suck on her nipples. He came back up to kiss her and turned her around and spooned behind her, his cock pressing against her welted and sore ass. ” Good night, sweety.”

” Good night, my love.” And they both fell asleep.

Both couples slept a little later than normal the next morning, and both had a quick fuck before arising. The ladies ass’s were still quite sore, which reminded them of the night before, and the husbands awoke just plain horny as they recalled all that had happened. Mary and Jack had to be quiet about it, knowing the kids were all probably already awake and somewhere in the house, and Jack fucked her as they stayed in the spooning position they had fallen asleep in, reaching over her to squeeze her full breasts and pull on her nipples. Tom and Sarah were a little more vocal as Tom fucked her doggy style and smacked her ass more than a few times before they both came. Mary and Jack got up and took a quick shower and went down in their robes to find the kids watching TV and eating breakfast, having made themselves all bowls of cereal, and Mary made coffee and bagels for herself and Jack. Tom and Sarah also took more a leisurely shower before getting dressed and going downstairs for coffee and something to eat. Neither of the couples said anything about the night before, but Sarah called to let Mary know they were up, and the kids could come back over anytime they were ready. Mary told her she would send them over when they finished breakfast and the show they were watching was over. Sarah asked her if they could get together to talk, and after figuring out the kid’s schedules for the day agreed to meet at Mary and Jack’s after lunch, when all the kids would be at some activity.

The time came and Sarah and Tom showed up at Mary and Jack’s, and they went to the living room to sit and talk. Mary gave the guys each a beer, and she and Sarah each had a glass of wine. Once everyone was settled, Mary took the initiative ” Well, the pink elephant in the room is what do we do now. It seems obvious we all enjoyed last night, and Jack and I talked about it and hope we can continue to see where this all can go. Sarah and I have talked about other fantasies we would like to try, and we guess we need to know if you guys are game.”

Tom spoke up ” Last night was one of the most incredible nights of my life and I think I can say the same for Sarah, and it seems only natural that since we seem so comfortable sharing our secrets and each other’s spouses like we did, that we continue to explore this further. I don’t know about you guys, but my mind is racing with all the possibilities. Since it seems like you both feel the same, here are my ideas on this. I think we need to establish some ground rules.” All the others nodded, so he continued ” First, we need to provide the ladies with a safe word. A word either one can use that will automatically stop whatever we are doing if it becomes too intense or they are too uncomfortable with anything we do. I read a lot of people into this type of thing use ‘red’ for stop, and ‘yellow’ for I need to take a break but am willing to continue, which seems simple enough. Anything else you say will not be taken as serious, including ‘stop’ or any begging or promises, rather we will see it as a sign of how much more you may need the punishment. Understood?”

Jack nodded his head and both Sarah and Mary agreed that made good sense.

” Second, just like before, to the outside world we will appear as we always have, with no hint of any of this. But when we are in private, Jack and I are your masters… totally. We will do whatever pleases us and you will both obey without question, subject of course to the safe word. You can both be punished for any reason, or for no reason at all. You will submit to any sexual desire we have whenever or however we want. Of course we encourage you both to talk to us about anything you want to try, but everything will occur as we order it. Your every fantasy and desire should be known to Jack and I and we will do the best we can to fulfill them… while getting what we want at the same time. It may not happen right away, or when you expect it, and once you make it known to us there will be no asking for anything. We will decide when and where and how. And of course we can do things we think of without letting you know ahead of time, as surprise can be a very erotic element…as we guys found out quite clearly last night. Understood and agreed?”

Everyone smiled at that last line, and both ladies said ” Yes, sir. Understood and agreed.”

” Finally, I think we should agree that neither guy or even the other couple will play with the other husband’s wife alone, unless there is explicit permission from him. Doing so without notice and approval can only cause problems that we don’t want or need, and if we do this right is completely unnecessary. That said, given what these two minx’s have apparently already done with each other, and the fact that I am not sure we could stop them if we wanted to, I think it should be fine for you two to play with each other whenever the desire arises. The only caveat is no spanking each other in any way… that is reserved for Jack and me. Does everyone agree? Did I leave anything out?”

Sarah and Mary agreed with enthusiasm. Jack said ” That seems to say it all, but if anything else arises we can discuss it and change or add as needed. But I think we will be getting a sitter for all the kids more often than we used to… no need for one couple or the other to go out or stay home by themselves, is there? Anyone not want to get one for next Saturday?” No one replied no, so he and Tom clinked their beer bottles together and took a swig and Sarah and Mary clinked their glasses together to seal the deal.

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