Sun, Surf, Sand or Sex, Sex, Sex?

An adult stories – Sun, Surf, Sand or Sex, Sex, Sex? by ComeDancing,ComeDancing I hope you enjoy my tale, poured out in a week of heavy passionate keyboarding, especially for the Summer Lovin’ Story Contest 2023.

Please comment and rate! xxx)


“No!” I say to my father in disbelief, wide-eyed in surprise. But, what I mean is “Yes. Yes. Yes.” I can hardly believe his words. A summer vacation in the Caribbean islands, fully paid! For a dirt-poor student like me, this is unreal.

“Yep.” He replies smiling. “It will be the last one for our family, all together. Kay has already left home. Soon you will too. You have your own lives, without us.” Then, I see sadness in his eyes at those words, about the end of an era. Our family vacations are coming to an end. He wants us all to enjoy one last time together, where he and Mom are taking their two kids, away from home, on a holiday.

Of course, Kaylee is not so much a kid, now 22, she has her own apartment in town and new profession as veterinary nurse.

I am going to be 19 soon, and feeling pretty adult at last: tall and developing some muscle. My hair is dark brown and eyes are green. Not a bad combination all-in-all. Also, I guess its worth admitting, I am a quiet and relaxed type.

I thought for a moment that the holiday would tie in with my birthday, but not quite, as Dad told me the dates, we are leaving the week after. Because of our impending holiday, we agree to make my birthday a very low-key event.

We pick up Kaylee on the way to the airport. She is waiting at the entrance to her apartment block, alongside her luggage. Kaylee is tall, well-proportioned, with a nice figure, but not too slim or too curvy. Her flowing hair is cinnamon, a red-brown and her eyes are deep green. She is a classical beauty, Amazonian, in my naïve opinion. Her personality? Let’s just say, Kaylee is a force of nature.

Kaylee and I are sitting together on the long flight. It is a good time to catch up.

“I expected to see Daniel with you last week?” I have mixed feelings about her boyfriend. He is an OK guy, but good enough for her? Not so much.

“We have drifted apart.” She admitted. “No fight or anything. Just we are going out less and less, probably for the last time.”

The topic shifted to her work. I remark how she is a natural at the clinic, helping injured animals recover, for their owners.

“It’s not that easy. A lot of the time, dogs and cats are brought in by people who find them. Hit by a car or attacked by another animal, sick, or abused by low-lifes. People want to help the poor thing, but not enough to pay. We can only operate as a business. We find some a place with a shelter, but others get put down. We have to do amputations in cases where a hospital for humans will repair the damaged limb. All because of the cost. It’s hard sometimes. You have to learn to be detached from emotions.”

Eventually, our conversation dries up and we are lost in our thoughts.

Finally, we arrive at the airport. The island, which Dad selected, is colorful and tropical. I like the warm, exotic air. We are all excited on the shuttle ride to the resort. The main hotel is about six levels, with well-kept grounds. Palm trees are everywhere. Check-in is fast. “Treadwell, is the name.” Dad says, and soon we are whisked to our new home for the next ten days.

Our accommodation is not part of the main hotel complex. We are staying in one of a dozen little villas which were built in the 1980s for tourists, before the main hotel complex was built next door, about 20 years later. The advantage of a villa is having 3 bedrooms and more of a park-like setting. Except they are popular and expensive! Dad was lucky to get us one.

The villas are cute. Bungalows with a veranda, painted in bright pastels. Inside ours, the front door opens into a lounge with all rooms coming off it. A small bedroom is on the right, then the bathroom, then two more bedrooms at the back of the lounge, and a kitchenette in the corner. We are excited to be in our holiday home. I get the smallest room with a narrow bed, but, I don’t care, I just need a place to crash. A golf cart brings our luggage to us, so we can unpack.

Later, Kaylee and I are exploring. We find one of the hotel’s outside bars. Around us are people in the main pool, lounging, or going back and forwards to the beach. She is probing me on my girlfriends, a subject I was evasive about, while we were on the plane. Eventually, she gets to the truth.

“You mean that dick of yours hasn’t wormed its way into a girl yet?”

“Kaylee!” I exclaim, then look around just to be sure no-one is listening. I only use her full name, when I am most serious about something.

“Oh. Come on. Are my words making you blush? Well, we have ten days.” I could almost hear the gears ticking in her mind as she made a decision. “We are going to get that checked-off before we leave. There are lots of pretty girls here. She becomes thoughtful. This is now her number one mission. My sister is going to get me laid, and that is part of the fun she wants from this family holiday.

Maybe it is her job as a vet nurse. She is automatically in control, and I am a patient. “I’m going to fix you up.” she says, and then turns to face the sea, smirking. Appointment finished.

Gee. I am distracted after that. Dad and I check out the jet-ski rentals by the beachfront. Mom and Kaylee are off for some girl-time together in the resort, but it turns out they grab a taxi to the nearby town to see the shops.

Around dinner time the ladies return to the villa. While Mom and Dad are in the kitchenette, Kaylee touches my arm. “Hey, I bought something for you.” In her hand is a pair of grey camo military-style shorts. “Put these on.” I look at her, but her eyes tell me no back-chat. I go to my room and return in them. They are a little tight, but I can rock them, alright.

“Not bad at all.” she surveys me, front and back. Better than your boring school-boy shorts. If you’re going to attract some horny girl. You need bait for the job. I’ll get another pair like them. In the shop there’s a dark green pair which will do for a spare.”

Next, she opens another bag and pulls out a pair of dark brown men’s canvas outdoor sandals. My eyes bugged. They DID look cool. “Just what you need on a Caribbean beach. Not your usual boys stuff.” she shrugged her shoulder, and I thought about my trainers by the front door. “I checked your size. They should fit.” I got into the sandals. They were comfy and smart. “Wow. Thanks, Kay. Thanks a lot!”

“We are not finished yet.” In her hand is another small bag, but it is too small for clothing. She withdraws a thin leather cord with a catch, and on the cord is a long hand-carved bone fish-hook.

“I have never…” I start, but trail off, learning my head forward. She places it over my neck. Suddenly, I am aware that my face is inches from her pert breasts. Then, she stands up again. “Let’s see.”

“Oh. Very nice. Now you look the part. Fun-loving beach-bum girl-magnet.” She teased. “Maybe, I should get your hair done next?” she mused, “A tousled look, with sun-blonded highlights perhaps…”

I know she is dressing me how SHE thinks I should look. And I realize I can’t stop her. All those years as her little brother, she always knowing better, have taken their toll. I am putty in her hands for a make-over.

At that moment, Mom comes out of the kitchenette and nearly drops the plate of nibbles she is carrying. “Kay got me some things.” I say lamely. “Come on, I’m not that different.”

Kaylee laughs hard and Mom smiles like it is a private joke. “He’s on holiday in the Caribbean and needs to look the part.”

Later, Mom and Kaylee are sharing a bottle of wine on the deck in front of the villa. They think I am out of earshot, but even while I am inside, I can just about detect their voices. They mention me.

“What’s really with the changes to Jake?’ Mom asks.

“Well. Our Jake is a shy boy. I get the impression he needs to brush up his style in meeting and talking to girls. I am not around very often. So, this is an opportunity to give him some womanly advice.”

“Ah. Yes, I thought so. He’s a good boy, but yeah, definitely needs some maturity in one or two areas.”

“Yep.” Kaylee smiled. ‘Leave him to me and he will be a new man by the time we get home.”

They laugh together.

The next day, it is late afternoon, I have to take a cool shower after the heat of the tropical sun. The water splashes and I feel my dick rise to attention, as it so often does in these moments. My thoughts are turning to the fairer sex. What can be more overpowering than the memory of letting my sister dress me as she wants. I breathe deeply, letting my soapy hand rub the smooth skin of my throbbing cock. I lean back against the shower wall, both hands stroking and rubbing, all the time thinking of an eager girl, in bed with me. “Ohhhh.” I moan under my breath as a sticky squirt arches into the air, onto the tiles. I roll my foreskin down and up again, and squeeze out the remaining drops.

“What is Kay doing to me?” I quietly ask myself. I went on this vacation thinking about sun, surf and sand, but now I’m thinking about sex, sex and sex. Now, I want the soft face of a girl and her cute body. Fuck, she had better help me find someone, or I will strangle her for this.

It is 10 pm, and Kaylee just ups and says “Jake and I are going to the bar and we’ll check out the nightlife.” Adding for our parent’s benefit “We won’t be out that late.” She hadn’t flagged this to me, but she is brimming with confidence and I am becoming like a side-kick, following along. “Yeah. Should be good.” I agreed.

We go into our rooms to get ready and I find myself putting on what Kaylee bought yesterday. She swings in and says, “You need a shirt at this time of night. I think you have one that’s cool. That ocean blue one. Don’t do up any of the buttons.”

Kay is wearing an orange tank-top and white shorts, her midriff showing. Her white gladiator sandals are stunning. Dark eyeliner is all she needs to accentuates her features. Gosh. She is hot!

“Have fun.” Mom and Dad tell us, as we wave and exit the villa.

The hotel bar is humming with activity. Lots of people, mostly couples of different ages, some singles and groups. The music is local. Don’t know it, but it is easy to move to its beat. A few people are noticing us, and I become aware that together, we look good, damn good, if I say so myself. Kaylee is aware of it too. We are both a decent height. I am 6 foot, she’s two inches shorter, but easily makes that up with heels, when she wants, which is the case tonight.

We get some drinks and move further over. A dance-floor is alive with swirling movement and colored lights. Kaylee looks at me. This is one interest of hers which I took part in, dancing lessons. We won some prizes at school. We are on holiday. We hardly see each other. She is hot. Will we dance? Yes!

If we looked good at the bar, we rocked that dance floor. It is so nice seeing Kaylee’s moves again. I smiled, as an older couple clapped while we exited.

Back at a table, we are drinking and I see three girls nearby. There is tension, as two of them are into each other while the third is feeling very much a gooseberry. All of a sudden Kaylee’s mission to get me laid enters my head with full force.

“She’s pretty.” I say, motioning towards the lonely blond girl. Cute and curvy, wearing a nice white, lacy frock.

“Hmm.” Kaylee looks sideways and gets the girl’s attention with some throwaway line. Soon, she is clearly pleased to be talking to someone else, other than her pre-occupied friends and brings her drink over to sit with us. “Athena.” She introduces herself. We do the same, and soon we are chatting about the hotel, its clientele and the island. She changes the conversation.

“I saw you both on the dance floor, looking smooth together. Do you practice?”

“We’ve had a few lessons and opportunities over the years.” Kaylee smiled.

“Years?” Athena looks dubiously at me.

Now, I wonder how old I appear.

“Ah. Kaylee is my sister.” I reveal. Well, I can’t be a girl-magnet if I am already hooked up. Can I?

“Really!” Athena gazes at me, then Kaylee, then back again. “I didn’t notice, but now you tell me, it’s obvious.”

“Really?” Kaylee and I say at the same time. Heck, we just acted like twins! We all laugh at that.

“Well. Now I am looking, I see all kinds of similarities.” She mused, but I notice she seems more interested in me and I spot her flirting hair-flick. Oh. Wow. I am making progress.

We talk for a while longer, then Kaylee goes to the bar to get us more drinks. I find out Athena and her friends are on their last night here. They go home tomorrow. I sip thoughtfully on my rum and coke.

It is clear Athena would much rather be here with us, than with her friends. We are touching as we talk, and she is telling me about her home city of Toronto. It is only a matter of time until we find an excuse to leave the bar.

Wistfully, I realise that means Kaylee becomes a gooseberry, but she will never stay for that tag. I hear her mentioning about leaving us to it and turning in for the night… Suddenly, there is a crash as my rum and coke hits the floor, shattering. But not directly, first it falls right down the front of Athena’s frock creating a massive, ugly dark stain. I can’t believe it.

Her friends at the next table look over at the noise, then crease up laughing.

Athena is livid, she jumps up and turns to leave. Ignoring me, I just hear the word “BITCH” she hisses at Kaylee, before she marches out, towards the lift lobby. Kaylee’s apology fades on her lips, as it is clear no apology is acceptable. I take a half-step to follow, but there is a hand on my arm. “No. Let her go.”

We don’t hang around the bar any longer, as people noticed the scene, and it feels uncomfortable now. I hear Kaylee apologising to me “I’m so sorry, Jake. It was an accident.” I am hardly listening, silently fuming in frustration and annoyance.

We head down to the beach and see a small bonfire with dancing flames reaching into the night air. As we approach, we find it is managed by a couple of hotel staff. There is a ring of people, mostly couples, some children, and they have sticks with marshmallows toasting. It reminds me of home. Not a Caribbean tradition I guess, but they know their market and where tourist money comes from.

“This is nice.” Kaylee says out loud. I am feeling less grumpy now. It is the perfect antidote to what happened inside. We sit down together on the sand and cozy up to each other, like some of the other couples. Kaylee speaks softly “I’m really sorry about earlier. I’m such a klutz.”

“No. You are not. You are the most un-klutzy person I know. You always have it together.”

“That’s so kind.”

Then I feel Kaylee’s arm around my back in a gentle hug. I find myself relaxing, and tell her “It wasn’t to be. Maybe next time we can find the right girl.” For a moment, I lean my head on Kaylee’s shoulder, then the marshmallows are ready. They are hot and gooey inside. We are sharing jokes while we eat them, having a good time. It is midnight and I can see the hotel staff are about to douse the fire.

“I guess it’s time to head back.” Kaylee observes.

“Yeah.” I stand up and offer her my hand to get up. Which of course she doesn’t need, but she likes my gesture. Because the sand makes for unsteady walking in the dark, we hold hands until we clear the beach and find the path towards the villas.

Away from the brightest hotel lights, a lovely clear starry sky spreads out above us. So many tiny points of light, and a vast stretch of the Milky Way, known in some cultures as “The Backbone of Night.” We pause to look up and enjoy the view.

“It’s so pretty.” Kaylee is entranced.

“Lie down. It’s easier to appreciate.” I suggest, and drop onto the tussock-grass, looking straight up. Kaylee wastes no time. She is quickly down too, and I feel a gentle bump as her head touches mine. She doesn’t move away. We lie there for long minutes just staring at the sky, thinking quietly about our fragile existence spiralling in the infinity of blackness.

I feel the warmth of her head and the feminine scent of her cinnamon hair. Wow. This is nice. I want this moment to last, and get the vibe Kaylee feels the same way. Time drags on and while the night is balmy, the ground is lumpy.

Still, I don’t move. If telepathy is a thing, it should work in this moment, but all I detect is my beating heart. I am trying to make sense of the constellations, when I feel movement and a hand reaches down. 
”Come, dear brother. This is memorable, but I guess we need to get back.”

I take her hand and we walk the rest of the way in silence.

Something has changed.

Mom and Dad have left the lights on, and we use our card-key to enter. They are in their room and their door is shut. Asleep, I guess. We act like church mice getting ourselves ready for bed with as little noise as possible. In the bathroom, I brush my teeth quietly, but my long piss is noisy, then, I get into some old cotton shorts, grab a glass of water and turn to head towards my room.

I see Kaylee in a long checked lumberjack shirt which she seems to like for nightwear. With the air-con blowing, I can understand why. I put out the main light, leaving the dim night-light. We are in the passageway behind the couch. She is looking at me, with a slight air of expectancy. “Night sis. I had a wonderful time.” I whisper, then nervously give her chaste peck on the cheek. Silently, I sigh, then turn away.

“Call that a kiss?”

Her words fall down my spine like rain of pebbles.

Before, I didn’t want to overstep boundaries.

I turn back and see her lovely shape in the semi-darkness. Unmoving.

I feel like every inch of my skin has come alive in this moment.

I reach in and give her a proper kiss, on the lips.

Soft, morning dew, apples, toothpaste.

I am burning inside.

We aren’t breaking.

Her arms are around my back.

This isn’t happening. This has to happen.

We keep kissing.

My arms are around her, still balancing a glass of water.

My life is a derailing train. My life has found meaning.

Oh. My God! We are necking hard, right outside our PARENTS’ goddam bedroom door!

“Kaylee.” I whisper urgently. “We have to move.”


There is only one place we can get some privacy.

“My room.” I breathed. “Let’s finish there.”

Quietly, carefully, we disentangle and move together across the lounge to my door, near the front door. We have maximum distance to the bedroom, which we don’t want to disturb. Kaylee sits on my narrow bed, under the window, as I shut the door without noise. Then, I am right next to her. My heart is a jackhammer, fully aware of this forbidden pleasure we are about to share. We are silent as I lean in again and she meets me half-way into another breathless, burning kiss. Our arms are around each other and I reach up into her soft, cascading hair. This feeling is incredible. Her scent is divine. I simply love being in her arms. After a minute or so we pause and look at each other.

Kaylee is thoughtful “What are we doing, Jake?”

“Where have you been all my life, beautiful girl?”

“I’m serious.”

“Sorry. You’re right. Wait! Your door. Is it open or closed?”

“Um. I’m not sure. Open, maybe.”

“Anyone up, will see you’re not in there!”

“Oh. Hell. I better check.” Kaylee gets up and very slowly opens my door to see if the coast is clear. She slips out and pulls it to. She isn’t gone for long, when I hear voices. She is talking to our mother. A light is on. They are in the kitchenette. A kettle gives a faint whistle. Their voices go on for some time. Eventually, I realise Kaylee isn’t coming back. My disappointment is exceeded only by a crushing sense of loneliness.

Sleep is a long time coming.

The following day, we are all up, getting ready to enjoy ourselves at the resort. I see Kaylee talking to Dad on the small deck outside. She has her phone and it looks like they are discussing a map of the island. She has given no hint that anything unusual happened last night. Everything seems normal. It is a bit unreal, being so normal, I keep expecting an explosion from somewhere, but nothing.

Mom was talking to me. “Kay told me you two had a pleasant evening. Found a fire with marshmallows toasting.”

“Yeah. It was nice. Since she moved out, we haven’t done much together. It makes a change being out with her. I like her company. We had fun dancing, like we used to.”

She nodded approvingly. “So, you are having a good time here, with us all? Not wanting to be elsewhere with your friends?”

“Really, I’m good. I am thinking, it’s is nice being around adults, my friends can be immature.” Somehow my mind flicked to the TV series, Jackass. Not that I had seen all of it. Enough to get the vibe.

“Like Jackass.” I added and we smiled. “I can do without their antics sometimes.”

“You’re too smart for that.” She complimented me.

We head off to the main complex for breakfast and grab a table for four. Our parents have a few ideas for things they want to do. It is from that moment I start to gain a deep appreciation for my sister’s own manipulative smarts.

She raises a spoonful of her muesli and fruit, then looks at Mom, “I was explaining to Dad, that Jake and I want to explore up the coast. It is mostly beach, bush and rocky areas. No roads up there. We can take a picnic, just enjoy this tropical paradise. Today seems as good as any.”

I remain cool and collected. Of course, she hasn’t flagged this with me, and I know that we will be doing this kind of trip alone, because Dad hurt his leg in the workshop of the auto sales yard he manages. He is fine to move around, but rocky coastal explorations are not on his to-do list.

I also get a tingle of excitement at the thought of another chance to make-out. I would be lying if I said what we did last night wasn’t on my mind. Well, not much else is on my mind this morning, to be honest. Kaylee has not said anything and I guessed we might discuss it; next time we are alone.

Our parents are fine with the idea. They have their own things to do today.

An hour later, Kaylee and I are well up the beach, walking together. I am carrying a small rucksack with our lunch, drinks, sun lotion and towels. We both wear matching cheap straw hats we brought at an airport stall. The waves are crashing and the damp white sand is firm, easy walking. A lot of people are on this stretch, sunbathing, swimming.

“Last night.” I begin. I want to talk, but I don’t want to be dick about anything. Kaylee didn’t make it easy. “Before or after we got back?”


“Oh. After.”

“I liked it.”

“Liked it, huh.”

What more could I say? A lot more, I guess.

“How could I not like it? You are so pretty and sophisticated.” I breathed the last word. “Any guy would be nuts to not want to kiss you.”

Kaylee takes the compliment in her stride and looks thoughtful.

“So, I am kind of disappointed we had to finish.” I add, then I’m worried I have gone too far.

“Yeah. That was touch and go. I got back to my room with seconds to spare. Mom wanted to talk.

The beach is getting rocky, so a path further inland looks better going. Grove after grove of palm trees open up. We are on the beach again. Only a few people here, plus some tied up boats. We keep going. There is a low headland, waves are crashing at the end and a few fishermen are up on the rocks above the breaking waves. We go inland again.

“Do you know about this route?” I ask.

“Not really. I know this continues to the north coast road, maybe another thousand yards away.” We arrive at a rocky area peppered with bush.

“You checked this out?”

“Googly maps is your friend.” She laughs.

We leave the track, climb over some more rocks and a tussock clearing opens up. We can’t see the ocean, due to all the bush. Kaylee is looking around for a promising area. We haven’t noticed anyone for some while. This is a really quiet place.

“This will do.” She points to secluded spot, protected by impassable plants. “Perfect for a picnic.”

“Perfect?” I look dubiously around. Gee, I can be really slow sometimes.

“Yes. Lay our beach towels, just here.” I oblige and she sits down, flattening the lumps under the towel.

“Get on.” She pats the space next to her. Clearly, no interest in our food and drink.

I sit down and we are close together, invisible from the world, except the perfect blue sky above us.

“You mentioned last night?”

“Yes.” My mouth goes dry and the burning feeling in my body is returning.

“I liked it too.” Kaylee admits, as she is leaning towards me in slow motion.

Is this happening again?! My arm is snaking around her back as I meet her lips with mine under the hot Caribbean daylight. Our hats bump and mine falls off, but we are lost in the moment. Sensory overload returns full force. The taste of her lips, the feminine smell of her hair and clothes, the touch of her soft skin. We are kissing hard once more. This time our lips open and our tongues lightly tease each other. I gulp in some air, then we are French kissing passionately for a long time. This is way beyond the shy kissing I have done with a few girls before.

I find I am stroking her back with one hand and entwining her cinnamon locks with the other. I just can’t get enough of her. We fall together onto the towels maintaining our embrace and frantic kissing. I feel pent-up energy rushing through us. Forbidden pleasure burning hot. We break, look at each other wistfully, then lean in again, passionately grinding out another prolonged French kiss.

Finally, a roaming hand brushes my shorts. The sorry truth of my situation is revealed.

“Oh. It seems there’s a horny boy in these shorts.”

“Heck, Kaylee. You are turning me on. Don’t tease me.”

“Now. Would I do that to you?” she is working her hand down the length of my stiffening cock, making its shape obvious in my pants. I need more room and she knows it.

“Let’s get these out the way.” Then she is loosening and removing my shorts. I am lying on my back now and raise my hips up, so she can pull them down.

“Ooh. What a sexy boy.” Her eyes are transfixed on my hard silky dick, taking a while to check out every inch. Her hand is cupping and feeling my balls. “Ahh. Full of jizz. I bet.”

She leans down to kiss me once more, starting a stroking rhythm on my dick.

“We were going to find this cock some pussy. Right?”

“Yes. Oh. Kaylee. If you keep doing that I will cum.

“I think the time is right.” She reaches under her short skirt and slides her panties down, dropping them on the towel. I am consumed by both shock and desire as she straddles me. I feel her pussy rub up and down on my cock. She is wet. “Don’t worry, I am on the pill. I want your first time to be special. But we better start, as you won’t last.”

Her hand is under her skirt, guiding my cock-head to the entrance of her vagina. I can’t see her sex. All I can see are perky firm breasts inside her top, her face, mouth open in an “O”, concentrating, red-brown hair falling like curtain. As she slides down onto me I feel the most exquisite pleasure around my cock. “Ohhh. You feel so good.” I moan out.

I can’t thrust, while on my back, just make upward hip movements to create some friction. It is Kaylee, gently rising and falling, who is bringing most pleasure to our fucking.

“Hold on as long as you can.” She tells me.

“Oh. Fuck. I will try.”

We continue for a few minutes and I am almost having to bite my arm to stop my orgasm and blowing my load.

“I’m going to cum.” I tell her.

“Blow for me.” She ups her speed and reaches back to grab my balls, so she can feel everything. Her pressure brings me over the top, “Ohh. Kayleeeeeeeee. I’m CUMMING! I moan loudly, my mind is spinning away, falling off a cliff in a hurricane. I arch up, blowing my sticky load deep inside her.

“Ha. I feel it.” She says gleefully. I felt your balls release your jizz, filling me up. So hot.”

She leans down and we kiss once more, while she keeps me inside.

It takes a long while for my passion and deep breathing to settle.

“Oh. What have we done?” I am down and reality is back with force. I just had sex with my sister, and it’s on me as much as her. But, I wanted this to happen.

“Well. You have grown up a bit, Mr. 19. Congratulations. You’re not a virgin anymore.”

She falls forward and lies on me. “Just enjoy the present. Let’s savor this day. Plenty of time to moralise later.”

Her beautiful body is a heavenly weight on me, which I want to hold and treasure as long as I can. I hiss her once more. Finally, she rises, gets some tissues from the rucksack, and wipes my cum from her pussy and legs. She thoughtfully wipes my cock and I pull my shorts back up. The evidence of our act is gone, but the memory remains, like it’s carved in a block of stone, for all time.

We hungrily eat our picnic lunch, under the perfect blue sky. At first, I feel like avoiding her eyes, but that is stupid. Also I feel we are closer than any time in our lives.

After our food, we both realize we have only one thought in mind. We lie back down on the towels and resume kissing. I feel the pressure of her breasts and want to get them out. I take the easy way and just push her bra up. Her lovely firm globes are free.

“Oooh. How cheeky of you..” but her words trail off, as I take a nipple in my mouth and pleasure it with my tongue, licking and sucking. She is breathing heavily. I switch to the other nipple and keep up a rhythm.

Now my hand is snaking under her skirt and my fingers are stroking her wet panty crotch. “Don’t stop. Just don’t stop.” she begs. Now, I have found her entrance and I’m exploring, finding her smooth and shaved. I insert a digit into her heavenly wet softness, squirming it around. I keep the movement up for some time, until I feel her whole body bucking under my fingers. “Aaaarrrrrghhhhh”. Kaylee lets out a wild moan as her own orgasm takes hold. Then, I’m slowing down letting her get calm and lie still.

“Fuck. I could get used to that. You sure you haven’t done that before?”

“Unless it was in another life. You know reincarnation and all?” I half-joke, half-trying to think of a satisfactory answer.

It is still a lovely day when we reluctantly start walking back.

Everything has changed.

The next day, we are down by the poolside, on sun-loungers, where we seem to gravitate. Often, we have seen loose girls at the hotel, who we could have chatted up, as was our original plan to get me laid. I notice Kaylee observing a pretty, freckled, red-head girl walking past in a bikini. We have seen her before and she doesn’t seem to have any partner.

I pick up my marguerite cocktail and take a sip. It hides my face as I look over to Kaylee. I speak in a soft voice; no one else can hear “You know. You don’t need to find me a girl anymore.”

“I wondered.” She replies after a moment.

“I’m good now.”

“Good.” She murmurs and lies back. “Very good.”

Maybe it is my imagination, but at that moment I can see all the tension in her body is evaporating. For the first time on this holiday, finally, Kaylee is totally relaxed.

The days are suddenly very different. We have a secret code “PD” for “parent dodging”. We are both stretched to the limit to find plausible excuses for a few minutes of PD, and invariably such minutes are occupied by frantic kissing and fondling, away from most eyes, or at least anyone who has an inkling we are brother and sister.

I notice that we have become inseparable as we always want to be together. I don’t know what our parents are thinking, except for sure it makes them happy to see us as such good friends. Friendship is one thing, but love is another entirely.

It is about five days after Kaylee and I first had sex, hidden away up the beach, which I can never forget. I just know I am a different person, and not from having lost my virginity. Previously, I thought about Kaylee only occasionally, with the usual affection of a sibling, and never much sexually. She always seemed to have her own space, own interests and own life.

She had different friends her own age and they came to visit, often enough. I thought some were cute, and a few, like Marcie, I had a crush on. My poor cock took a hammering at nights, my dreaming of Marcie. But nothing lasting happened. She quickly got a permanent boyfriend and they moved away. Kaylee was always distant from my growing up fantasies.

Now, it is different. Now, every single minute of the day I can only think about one thing: Kaylee! Beautiful, darling Kaylee. Her lovely body and soft, happy smile and perfect pearly teeth. Her voice, clear as a bell. Her long legs. Her sexy clothes. Her touch, her reddish-brown hair, her green eyes, her confident poise, …her soft pussy. I just want to be with her the whole time. Fuck. I am head-over-heels in LOVE! It is like I have no free will left. I love her more than anything. It is crazy, but true.

Now, I want to tell her my feelings. I want to find a quiet romantic spot, where I can take her in my arms and tell her how much I love her. But, there is a charcoal ghost floating in paradise. REJECTION! Twisting and screaming in the sunset of another dying day: the acrid smell of burned love, rejected love. What if she doesn’t feel the same way? What if she just laughs and tells me not to be a silly boy? What if she is just playing around, having a good time on vacation? Are the three years, between us, an unbridgeable gulf? I could be broken and burned. She is always going to be in my life, as my older sister, and I do not want to ruin the future, by confessing such youthful feelings. Oh. God, why is there this pain? What has this last family holiday turned out to be?

The next couple of days continue as before. Kaylee and I are turned onto each other, but we can’t do anything. Most of the time Mom and Dad are around and we are all going out together, on a fishing boat, to the restaurants, to the swimming pool, tour bus into the old town, sun tanning by the sea. We are having a great family holiday — all together.

Mom and Dad decide to visit another town, further away on the island, where pirates sailed around in the old days, long ago. Kaylee checks it out on her phone. It has a museum with cannons out front. The docks area looks interesting, but touristy, with a great seafood restaurant. Naturally, Kaylee and I demur, this is a perfect time for serious PD. In the morning we accompany our parents to the tour bus, where a crowd of other hotel guests are milling around.

Dad asks us “What are you going to do today?”

Even though we mentioned it earlier, I reply. “We’re going to chill out around the main pool, basically, be on holiday, drinks, music, sun.” Kaylee laughs. “Yeah. That’ll do me.”

“Have a good time, dears.” Mom tells us as they board. “You too” we reply and both wave, like such good kids. They must be proud.

Then we wait until the coach is well down the road and disappears out of sight.

Hand in hand, gripping tightly, we march fast, back towards our villa.

“Your place or mine?” Kaylee giggles the words out.

“Yours. It has a larger bed.”

We almost fall inside the front door, pulling at each other’s clothes, not that we have much on anyway. Off comes Kaylee’s skimpy sun-dress. Down comes my shorts, the green pair she went back to buy. I kiss her neck, finding the scent of her skin and hair, so exotic, so feminine, so sensual. I can’t get enough of her. I feel myself getting firm already. Kaylee’s roaming hand rubs the front of my briefs, “Who is the eager beaver here?”

“Oh. I’m so horny. I want you so much.” I kiss her shoulder, kissing downwards towards her perky tits, imprisoned in a pale yellow bra.

Somehow, we lurch across the lounge, into her room, and fall together on her unmade bed. This is forbidden territory, I have only dreamed about invading it, where her body lies down at night, sleeping and snuggling for the last week. Have I died and gone to heaven?

Kaylee’s legs are open wide on the bed, one knee up high. I see her cute yellow panties, so I lean down, pushing my nose into her crotch. I am licking the fabric of her panties, right over her hidden pussy lips. I still have not properly checked out her pussy! She has a damp spot already and now I am adding to it, vigorously nibbling her mound and panty crotch with my teeth. I am like a robot with a single mission, which is to please this girl. My hands grab her pert bum underneath, holding her tight as I use my mouth on her.

“You’re making love to my panties?” she laughs in surprise, but just as quickly, her head is learning back “Just don’t stop! Oh fuck, you, you, horny panty-eater. Eat me out! Fuck!”

I feel her struggling to get them down, so I can get my mouth stuck in properly. I catch sight of her neat trimmed dark-brown triangle above her shaven delicate labia, while I pull my own underwear down to spring free my hard cock. About 7 inches, ready and willing for this gorgeous girl.

“I want it in now!” she orders. “We have all day and this cock had better get used to working HARD for a living!”

All thoughts of the world, are gone. Any thoughts of the rights and wrongs of our lust, are gone. We are purely in the present.

I crawl up to face her and she takes my stiff cock and guides it to the entrance of her vagina. She is so wet. I am easily pushing inside. The feeling of her wet velvet is simply incredible. We are both moaning into each other’s mouths, like mad, sex-crazed maniacs. Maybe we are. I know I am filling her nicely and now I feel her crotch on mine. I’m in. Completely. Heaven.

We are kissing. Licking our mouths as we kiss. Now, I begin thrusting and she is an animal, writhing and humping me back. “Fuck me. Fuck me. Fuck me hard, bro, I want you so much. Ohhh.” We continue fucking hard for some time.

“Kay. You feel so good, so soft. I can’t last much longer. I’m going to blow my load in you. Any moment…”

“Just do it.” She screams “Fill me with your jizz.”

I make her wait.

I dredge up some self-control from somewhere, and I just keep thrusting away, again and again. After that first fumbling desperate fuck, I feel more confidence and stamina this time. Minutes pass. Nothing is better than this. More minutes. Our mouths are open, tongues wrestling for dominance. I want this to last, pleasuring Kaylee, frantic with her moans and cries, enjoying every second. More minutes. Thrusting. Banging. Fucking.

I fill her up.

I must have damaged my brain with the flash of light which blasts through me, as I orgasm harder than I have ever done before. My balls just know this is the right time, as they empty out, pumping streams of thick cum deep into Kaylee. It is what she ordered. As she wants. I can feel my cock spasm to eject the last drops of cum. We collapse into each other’s arms, hot skin on wet skin, just hugging and soothing each other for a long while.

“Wow. That was so good.” I murmured.

“That was insane!” she added. “Insanely good.”

My cock is softening and I am sliding out.

“Wait. Don’t spill any. I want to taste it.” She reaches down and I feel her finger, next to my cock, pushing inside herself. Then her finger comes up towards our faces. There is white, sticky cum on it. It goes into her mouth. “Ahhh. Yummy. I knew you would taste good.”

She is looking at the expression on my face.

“Don’t tell me you haven’t tasted yourself before?”

“I. Um. Maybe, but I don’t remember.” I say, not really lying, or anything. I am recalling, I think I have tasted my cum, in a moment of curiosity, after masturbating once, or twice… Not recently, anyway. Once again, her finger is back. Sticky. I hesitate, but Kaylee doesn’t tease me. It disappears into her mouth.

Then her hands go behind her back and her bra falls away. Her perky, medium-cup tits are out and my eyes widen. Her nipples are both erect atop dark circles. I am falling forward and hungrily take the nearest one in my mouth. “Easy boy.” She breathes “I guess we keep getting this the wrong way round. Fucking, then foreplay. Works for me.”

“Mmmmm.” I agreed, as right now I am worshiping her beautiful tits. All I want to do is lick, suck and nibble them. All over, and over again. I just keep going until I feel a tap on my shoulder. “Whoa. Time out. I love it, but they need a rest.”

I groan as her breasts move away. I am on my back, still buzzing from our sex, and I feel Kaylee’s head on my chest, then ohhh, my cock is in her mouth! She is licking off all our juices and doing a damn good job of arousing me once more. Kaylee is loving my cock and it is responding like a Trojan, getting ready for the next battle. Soon, she straddles me and skilfully slides my cock into her precious velvet hole once more.

She is riding me reverse-cowgirl style, hands on my knees, her firm butt bouncing on my lower stomach. I am grabbing the sheets with my hands, to remain in place while she bounces. My balls and pubes are wet from cum which is oozing out of her hot pussy. She is using me like some kind of human dildo. This is raw, pure sex and I am loving it!

After some time of steady bouncing, Kaylee speeds up. 

“Blow…your…load.” She demands.

“My balls are blown.” I protest.

“Blow anyhow.”

She is almost incoherent, making noises, bouncing harder on my stiff cock. Her tight butt cheeks are all I can focus on. I feel more wetness on me and I know that Kaylee is having her own orgasm, releasing her pussy juices as I hear her long “Ahhhhhhh” sound.

“Oh. Fuck.” I orgasm once more, my mind losing all sense of time and space as I arch above the bed, lifting her whole weight up, my cock jetting at least some more cream for her.

“Oh. You good, sexy boy.” She purrs in satisfaction.

My whole body is covered in sweat. Gee. I feel worked over, glowing, in a nice way. But Kaylee is far from done.

She is moving backwards and I see her bum approach my face. Her legs are either side of me and I know what is about to happen. I am hypnotized by the sight of her pussy lips right above my face. It is the first time I have her honey-pot close up and just know I will become an addict for it. Her delicate folds are dripping wet with her juices and my cum oozing out.

I widen her legs a little so her pussy is within an inch of my face. Right now, I will do ANYTHING for my beautiful sister. I stick out my tongue and rock my head backwards so I lick the entire length of her lovely slit. I taste her and myself at the same time. Salty. Tangy. Warm. Sweet. Exotic. She has my softening cock in her mouth again and I hear her moan. So, this is my first 69. I know about them for sure, but the reality of it is something else. I am not going to disappoint. I am wildly tongue-lashing her pussy to give her maximum pleasure. Her moans and shudders tell me she just loves it.

It isn’t long before I am getting really turned on again. The heat of her rampant pussy, her breasts brushing my stomach and mouth wrapped around my suffering cock, are so sensuous. Together we are united, a groaning sex-beast and I am an eager part of it. I wrap my arms around her bum, pulling her closer, feasting on her.

Now, I find her delicate, shiny pink clit. It is a hard nub, trapped between my lips. I am gently teasing it, sucking it like a nipple. It has an electric effect on her. She pauses working my cock with her tongue, to spasm with pleasure. “Aaaarrrrrrrgggggghhhhh”. Then she resumes with the right pressure and strokes, I really want to orgasm again, but two seems to be my max right now and my balls feel so empty.

Gradually, I find a better rhythm, where I am gently cleaning her pussy with my tongue, swallowing whatever juices she has. This is so sexy; I could do it all day. Again, she is shuddering away, making cute ahh-ing noises, and I know she is coming once more. Her pussy is all wet again. So, I need to restart my cleaning all over. I sigh and get back into it.

When we surface from our lovemaking, it is midday. I stagger into the lounge and lock the front door which is still slightly ajar. Thankfully, no one came in. I think. I pour a glass of iced water for each of us and carry them into Kaylee’s room. She is sitting up on her bed. Which isn’t really a bed anymore. It is an odorous, sweat and cum-stained fucknest.

“Hello you.” I smile.

“Hello you horny sex maniac.” She smiles back.

“You’re the sex maniac. I’m the wide-eyed noob!” 

“Anyhow. Fuck, that was good.”

Somehow, hearing Kaylee swear seems so right, nowadays.

“Shall we get some lunch, so at least we can say we went to the pool area?” I ask.

“Yeah, because we have a busy afternoon. When does that tour thing come back?

“5 pm”.

“OK. So an hour for lunch and an hour to clean up…” she stands and surveys her room, which looks and smells like a sorority club had an orgy in it.

“…leaving three hours spare. Good.”

“Oh. Wait. Doesn’t the housekeeping turn up about now?” I reminded her. We have fully serviced accommodation.

“Hmm.” Kaylee throws her sundress on and goes outside. About 10 yards away is the next villa and the housekeeping cart is outside it. She heads over and a middle-aged local woman looks up. “Hi. Can you fix up the bed in number 12? Please.”, Kaylee asks, “it’s kind of wrecked, sorry.” There is a broad knowing smile. “Yar, it’s OK, I will come back to it. Don’t worry yerself. Happens all the time.”

I am in the shower when Kaylee returns. Heck, things are different. She just walks straight into the bathroom and observes me under the falling water. “You are quite fit really. Still, a workout routine will help.”

“You want to make-over my body as well as my clothes?” I laugh at her.

She pulls off her sun-dress and is naked once again. The shower door opens and she is inside with me, putting on a cute, pouting expression, “Am I that bad?” squeezing herself a dollop of body soap.

“No. You are not bad. Not bad at all.”

She squeals loudly and wriggles as I tickle my soapy fingers under her armpits. That brings me back. The last time I heard her squeal was years ago, playing with the garden hose. In the present, we are hugging, rubbing our slippery wet skin together in the warm spray. Her tits are poking my chest and my semi-hard cock keeps getting bumped by her hands and hips. Steamy and soapy, together. Fuck, this is simply awesome.

We have at table at the hotel café by the pool. It has a nice view of the vibrant planting, the beach and crashing ocean, all below a wonderful blue sky. Paradise. I am hungry and wolfing down a chicken salad we ordered.

Kaylee’s hair is finally dry and falling as she likes it. She is staring at the ocean, watching some paragliders swooping left and right.

“Any regrets?”

Her words hang in the air.

“No.” I am firm. “None. Here with you is the happiest time of my life. No regrets.”

“It does feel strange.”

“Yeah. Like we are secret agents with a big, um, secret!” I smile.

“We are never going to be the same as before.”

“I’m fine with that.”

I add. “Why would I want before? Before; you have your own life and I hardly ever see you lately.” It is true.

Kaylee looked sad. “I’m sorry. That will change.”

After lunch, we leave the pool area and are walking back towards our villa, hand in hand. Lots of guests are milling around, and I notice people in this area, that were around at the start, are mostly gone and new people have arrived. There is a constant turnover and we are like old-timers at this resort, by staying longer than a week.

When we get back to the villa, we don’t even get as far as the bedroom. We fall onto the couch, hugging and kissing, hands roaming madly over each other. “Oh. Kay. I want you so much.” I moan into her ear and my hands are under her dress, feeling her soft skin on my fingers.

Suddenly, she gets up, takes my hand and pulls me aside, off the couch. Ignoring my puzzled expression, she stands next to the padded arm of the couch, raises her arms high into the air, then falls over forwards until her face is on the seat cushion, arms straight, half-turning her head to look outward. Her backside is in the air. It takes my slow, dumb brain several seconds to realize what I am expected to do. I walk behind her and lift the hem of her dress, up onto her back. I catch my breath at the cutest sight of her butt in a fresh pair of pink lacy panties. For a while, I run my fingers over them, enjoying the feel. Finally, I grasp the side fabric and gently pull them from under her, down until they fall at her feet.

I am staring at Kaylee’s beautiful firm cheeks and bare pussy, between glorious silky tanned thighs. Her most private area of all, her clean, dark-pink, rosebud is on display for me. Lower are her pussy lips, just doing enough to hide her velvet hole. I part them with my thumbs and kneel down to gently lick inside, right around her opening. I taste her sweet dampness, once more. My cock is struggling in my shorts, so I drop them to free it, while my mouth nuzzles her lovely pussy. I notice she is at exactly the right height for me to enter.

She isn’t moving or helping me. She is inert. I have to lift one sandalled foot to free it from the panties, then I manually widen her knees. I am breathing hard, transfixed at her sexiness. I stand between her long legs, then guide my cock into her velvet tunnel, entering slowly, pushing her insides, further and further, until my thighs are on hers. Then I withdraw and slide in again. The feeling is simply exquisite. “Oh. So hot.” I moan as I start a steady thrusting rhythm.

My hands are on her hips and we are fucking again. Except, this time, I am fucking. She is lying there, exactly like a large sex-doll, thrown over the arm of a couch! This is such a strange turn-on. What goes through the mind of this girl, I will never know. I cannot explain my total lust at that moment. I am consumed by a red haze of passion. My sole desire is to get my rocks off inside her sexy body.

No matter how hard I am fucking, she is not moving, not responding, not even making any sounds. This is all about me; she is giving herself over completely to me, for my pleasure. Oh my god, what a feeling. Every second is bliss. Now, I am moaning loudly as I thrust and fuck away for long minutes as sweat drips down my face and body. I am so fucking this one lovely girl.

My sister.

I cum hard.

My orgasm hits with the force of an ocean wave. Somehow my balls rise to the challenge and my cock pumps out sticky cum, deep inside her. “Ahhhhhhhh. FUCK.” I groan, losing myself in the pleasure.

I stay inside her, my body shaking. That was so good. It is while before I settle down, sliding out of her.

Leaning forward, I kiss the bare skin of her lower back, inhaling her scent. “Beautiful, beautiful Kaylee.” I whisper “You drive me crazy.”

I hear a little sing-song voice from below:

“And you can fuck me any time you want.”

There is complete silence in our room, but the world outside continues as ever. Some children are distantly yelling, kicking a ball, then a helicopter passes over the resort, heading away.

Kaylee pushes herself up and her eyes are sparkling. Her persona has returned, lighting up the room again.

“I want this jizzy cock.” She is kneeling in front of me, taking my softening aching tool in her mouth. “Ummm.”

I am glowing with contentment. I let my fingers play in her hair. “I want to make you cum too.”



Out pops my cock.

Kaylee gestures towards my room and we move there. “Lie down.”

I oblige like a docile lamb.

She throws off her dress and unclips her bra. Clad in just sandals, she sits on my chest and looks down, like a bird of prey observing its victim.

“You want me to cum. Huh?”

“Yes. When I do, you should too.”

“You have no idea how horny you made me, back there. Your cock is so good. I wanted to thrash and scream. I had to use all my self-control to remain still. Why? Because denial is such a bitter-sweet sexual torture to endure.”

As she says those words, her hips are moving and her wet pussy rubs gently on my chest.

“After endurance, there must be release.”

She is breathing heavily. Even the air feels clammy, hotter.

“Do you know what gay girls do? Little brother.”

I look up blankly, more from surprise at the question than ignorance of the answer.
”They trib. They rub their pussies together until they are so wet, they are cumming hard on each other.”

My imagination suddenly goes into overdrive, picturing wet pussies rubbing hard.

“I am so horny, I could trib.”

Her finger is in her mouth. She wets it, then wipes it around my mouth. She does it again, and again. She puts her finger in my mouth, and I suck it wet, and she rubs it on my face. Again, once more.

With that, she scoots forward until her pussy is above my face. I see her arms out and can tell her hands are gripping the headboard.

“Would you help me trib, little brother?”

Oh my god. I can hardly breathe anymore. “Yes. Do it. Get off on me!”

I gulp in some air just in time, as my mouth and nose are enveloped in her soft folds. She is riding my face with a gentle rhythm. As her pleasure increases, I feel her picking up the tempo. I hold out my tongue and tease her soft damp skin moving backwards and forwards. I keep it out to pleasure her as she rubs.

“Fuck. Yes. So good.” She moans. “I’m so horny, I want to cum hard.”

I breathe when I can. Her pussy is slick with her moisture. The feeling on my face is mind-blowing. I want to stay like this and pleasure her however long she likes.

I reach up and somehow find her nipples, then twist and tease them.

“You are going to make me cum so hard!”

Her rhythm is fast as she teases out every iota of pleasurable contact, especially when her clit is hitting my nose.

“Ahhhhhh. Fuuuuck.”

I feel a little stream of her juices as she shudders to a slow pace.

“So good.” She purrs.

Kaylee is still not done. She works herself up to another moaning orgasm. Her liquids enter my mouth once more and run down the sides of my face. My bed is damp under my head.

Then she moves off and lies down next to me. We are cuddling and kissing, both tasting her girl-cum juices. My arms are around my beautiful lover and I am totally spent after a day of hot sex.

“Can this ever get any better?” I ask.

“Today is a keeper. Don’t expect every day to be this good. But we can try!”

I simile at her, then look at my phone to see is it nearly 4 pm.

“We better get cleaned up.”

Mom and Dad arrive back soon after we have the place looking nice.

“Hey!” Full of bouncy enthusiasm, Kaylee gives them both a hug like she hasn’t seen them a week.

“Have a good time?”

“Sure did.” “You missed a nice day out.” Both are chattering at the same time.

They are tired but relaxed, needing a drink after a long day. “Beer or wine?” I ask, with chilled drinks in the minibar ready for us all. Soon we are laughing and talking away. Dad got his wish for a family holiday and we are in the moment. But, right now, my thoughts are on how can we be so cool, calm and collected after what we did today.

Despite what Kaylee said about fucking any time, it’s her period now, so we have to abandon any plans of that part of our fun, for a few days. I don’t mind. I am just happy being in her arms, hugging, French kissing, whenever we can get away without being seen. She can always be adventurous with me. Of course, all that passion is reserved for PD. We are taking some risks and need to get a grip before we cause a scene.

The next day, we have some private time in the early evening as our parent’s head off to a restaurant. It is a fancy, expensive one, so we insist they enjoy it without us, to save money.

For long minutes after they are gone, we are looking at each other. I take Kaylee’s hand and lead her to her room. “Clothes off and into bed, lovely girl.”

I am stripping off too and crawl in with her. The sheet is over our shoulders, our heads rest on her pillow. We are facing each other. It is the first time we have laid in bed, just like a normal loving couple.

Our free arms go round each other and we gently kiss. This is so nice, such a serene moment, and I am enjoying the simplicity of it. Our legs and bodies are touching here and there. Her breasts are so soft. It has been a long day and we haven’t fondled each other, until now.

The inevitable is happening. Kaylee takes my stiffening cock in her hand. “If you want to use it, you can, I think I’m fine now.”

I urge her onto her back and rise over on my hands and knees. Allowing some of my weight to press on her body, my cock teases her entrance. She is breathing heavily. “I want you.”

Clumsily, I am trying to guide my cock-head into her. A hand comes to the rescue and takes over, doing it properly. I am sliding in. More of my weight is on her and we are soon fucking away. Our lips meet again and we are kissing hard, as we fuck. Missionary-style. Who is the absolute genius who invented this position!

“Oh. Kaylee. You are so good. So, fucking hot. I just. Love. Fucking. YOU.”

It has been a few days and my enthusiasm boils over all too soon. I am unloading more sticky cream deep inside her. Now I can tell, she has been waiting for this moment and I feel Kaylee bucking and writhing, moaning, arching her back, lost in her own world of orgasmic bliss.

My arms are under hers and I can feel her flowing hair. She always has this fresh hay-field and apple orchard aroma, like a girl from an ancient sun-kissed countryside. It almost makes me want to cry with desire to find her in that imaginary place. But there is one thing missing from our passion. It has been missing all along, and it is missing now. We are hugging in our afterglow, stroking each other in spent fading passion.

I want to say the words “I love you.” But they are stuck in my throat. I am scared. Scared she does not feel the same way. Scared this is a holiday game and I will ruin it. I have to summon up enough courage. Open up to her and share my deepest feelings. But I’m too late.

“This is lovely, but we have to get cleaned up. We can’t get found like this.” She laughs. “You just might get to live. I won’t. I’ll take the can. Big time. Hahaha.”

The following day is the penultimate of our stay and thoughts have returned of packing and the flight back tomorrow. We have taken a walk as far as the beach goes, a long way south of the resort. It is where the beach has some run-down, but quaint private houses and old fishing boats are pulled up at pilings hammered into the shallow, clear water.

We find a nice spot and are sitting on pair of beach towels, enjoying this long period of PD. “What is it on your mind, lately, Jake?” Kaylee is looking straight out to sea, breathing the words into the light breeze. She knows something is not quite right with me, even after all our wonderful time together. I have to answer her truthfully.

I pause a while, and say the only thing I can right now. “You wouldn’t ever hurt me, would you?”

“What?” Now, she turns and gazes at me, and I am watching the sea, where gulls wheel in the distance.

She understands I want an answer.

“No. Of course not.” She took my hand in hers, “I will never hurt you. I promise. Not my sweet little brother.”

“I’ve been wanting to tell you this,” I confess, while looking at her face. “I love you so much, Kaylee. I love you with all my heart. I can’t stop thinking about you.” My head bows and I am looking at the towel. “Do you love me? Even a little bit?”

I am babbling now and I had better shut up.


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Kaylee takes my head in her hands and gently turns me to hers. “Look into my eyes.” I do, and become immediately lost in her green emeralds. The breeze twists her cinnamon hair. I see a tiny white fleck of broken seashell on her cheek. She is just so beautiful. One in a million.

“Jake. I love you too. I didn’t realize, when we arrived here, and I decided to get you a girlfriend, but as the days passed, I got too jealous to let anything come of it. You are a wonderful young man, and you make me very happy. Please stay in my life.”

I feel tears build in the corners of my eyes.

“I will, Kay. I really will.”

Our lips approach each other and we kiss like the lovers we are. I throw my arms around her back. My chest feels like it will explode. I am glowing with happiness.

Finally, we separate and fall back onto our towels, still holding hands tightly.

“I never intended to fall in love.” She says. “I always thought I was too tough and in control of my emotions to succumb so easily. I thought I could play the field as long as I wanted. I don’t know what it is, but part of it is, we are so much the same.”

“Yeah.” I said. “You are a girl version of me, and I am a boy version of you. Kind of…”

We both laugh aloud at such a wild, outrageous thing to believe could be true.

“That’s incest, I guess.” Kaylee broke the silence which followed.

“I don’t care. You are the woman I love. That’s all that matters to me.”

“People won’t like it.” She continued.

“We can be discreet, take it slowly.”

We shift so we are both on our sides looking at each other.

“Let’s not worry about all that until after our vacation.” I say softly. Then we are embracing and kissing once more.

A rare cloud passes across the sun. It is time to head back. PD can only last so long. We hold hands all the way back to the resort, lost in our own thoughts, but happy. Oh, so happy.


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