Sweet Revenge Ch. 07

An adult stories – Sweet Revenge Ch. 07 by klampet,klampet I’ve given a lot of thought to my next move in life. Revenge was not as enjoyable as I first thought. My twin sisters were incorrigible, my revenge on them had back fired. My parents were in slavery at their request as were the twins.

Violet insisted that she was my slave but wasn’t, her mum was and insisted on being so. Ferguson had been humiliated and I’m not sure if he has changed his ways and the sports mistress was very happy with my treatment of her.

I didn’t want any revenge on others that had humiliated my friends and me. I was extremely rich and I wouldn’t be twenty until next January, it was only June now.

The people who had pissed me off for years would now be aware of my wealth and they may feel shame at the way they treat my friends and I. That was satisfaction enough for me. Plus my friends would be either returning or starting uni in the autumn. They were on their way to success in the fields they would enter after completing their university studies. Because they are nerds their brains will lead them to successful careers in their chosen professions.

It was two days after Miss Mitchell had been the subject of my attempt to humiliate her and I had that time to reappraise my life. This morning after Salina had brought me my tea I had a phone call from the estate agency.

A house was about to come on the market that may suit my needs and I was going to be picked up and taken to the property this afternoon. Wealth gives a lot of perks that your average person didn’t get. People were falling over themselves to ensure that I was comfortable when dealing with them.

After breakfast I continued with my new video game, it was coming along pretty well. It stretched my abilities yet was giving me a great deal of pleasure.

I lunched with mum, we were always good together, it was she who comforted me when I was being hurt by the treatment handed out to me just because I was different. Nerds, or geeks, were not welcome in my school because of the schools sports orientation.

The car arrived on time and we drove to a large house just outside of town. It was originally a farm house that had been transformed to a luxury home. People getting away from big cities could afford to buy properties after selling their homes at exorbitant prices and buying comparatively cheap places in rural areas.

The farm land had been sold off to neighbouring farmers and the house had total privacy. That was my number one priority, secondly it had a three bedroom bungalow adjacent. Not attached but about a hundred yards away. The house itself had five bedrooms, a huge modern kitchen, two other rooms at ground level.

One was a huge dining room and the other a large lounge with a very big conservatory that led into the garden. The garden was also huge but the best part was the swimming pool.

There were no immediate neighbours and the garden was surrounded by a six foot close board fence.

The sellers were going to live in their new house in Barbados. The woman’s parents who lived in the bungalow had passed away in the last two years and she wanted to move on.

The estate agent advised me that they were ready to leave, the house wasn’t advertised as the agency had told them that they had a buyer subject to viewing. I liked the place immediately, it ticked all the right boxes. Dad could get to work just as easily as he did now.

The price was right, the location perfect, and to make it even better the couple would rent it out to me until the sale went through. It is not easy buying and selling properties in England. I think it’s a conspiracy by solicitors to make it as difficult as possible to enable them to charge huge conveyancing fees. This is not only my opinion but one universally held by the population in general.

Buying a house is the most stressful time in anyone’s life, this one should be easy but….

We shook on the deal and a rental agreement would be made to enable them to move out and me to move in, in two weeks.

When I got home I instructed the family that I needed to speak to them this evening, I rang Violet and gave her and her mother the same instruction.

We enjoyed eating our dinner, it was a bit late as dad got home later than usual, but we chattered aimlessly. Everyone had my forthcoming information on their minds, not knowing what it was.

We took our tea into the lounge, the family were nude as usual. We drank our tea waiting for Nancy and Violet to arrive which they did in due course. I waited for them to undress before I began.

“I have bought a house today which I believe is ideal. I have arranged to move into it in two weeks.”

The twins were ashen at the news, my parents were pleased and Nancy and Violet were amazed.

“This is going to involve a lot of changes,” I continued. “My revenge vendetta against those who have made my life a misery is finished.”

“I am going to release you all from slavery and..” I said before a babble of chatter cut me off.

Sabrina stood up and cried, “no Master, I’ll not allow it to happen to me.”

“Nor me,” shouted Salina.

Mum said, “you must think this out, Master, no one here wants that to happen, dad and I are being as happy as we have ever been. It would be cruel of you to alter things now.” She looked at dad for support.

“That’s right, in fact, if you change our status we won’t move with you. Your mother and I have discovered the path to happiness, more happiness than we thought possible.” he stated.

Nancy then chipped in, “my life has been changed since you first enslaved me and until I meet someone who loves me, I don’t want to be free.”

Violet just smiled at me.

We discussed this for hours, tea flowed, the trend of the argument was not going my way. I tried to tell them that slavery is bad and I didn’t want any. I had got my revenge and that was that.

A ten thirty I said I’m going to bed, I stood up and went upstairs to the sound of goodnight master. My head was hurting and it was late before I could fall asleep.

Sabrina woke me by shaking my shoulders, “wake up Master, your tea will get cold.”

I stared at her bleary eyed, her beautiful naked body standing erect. “I told you I don’t want you to be a slave anymore, that is past.”

“That’s what you think, Master, we have all decided we will be your slaves until our destiny takes us away, so drink your tea and stop arguing.”

I told her to go away.

I showered and went downstairs to get some breakfast. Mum was drinking her tea as I entered the kitchen. “Good morning Master are you hungry.”

I glowered at her and grunted in the affirmative. After breakfast I went for a walk, I needed to clear my head. I walked for about an hour and a half trying to get my thoughts under control. I finally made a decision and went home.

“Right, mum, I’ve made my decision about you mutinous lot. I’ll tell you about it tonight. I just need to finalise my decision after I’ve had a nap.”

I slept like a log for two hours then worked on my programme. It was six o’clock when I noticed the time. I had a shower and went downstairs. The family, including Nancy and Violet, were seated round the table, naked, when I entered the kitchen.

“I see the coven has convened, are you ready to hear what I have to say?”

“Yes, Master,”

“I didn’t realise just how much I have fucked up your lives.” I held up my hand to stop their denials. “Let me finish, please.”

They shut up and I continued, “as I said I didn’t realise how much I’ve affected your lives. After last night, I think I know and here’s what I suggest.”

“The new house has got a three bedroom bungalow, That could be used by mum and dad, theirs to do what they want, no interference from me or anybody else. If they want to they could rent out one of the bedrooms, their decision.”

The twins looked at each other then then at mum and dad. All four looked very satisfied.

“So far so good, Nancy any movement on the Roger front?” I asked.

“Things are improving, he has become very attentive to me and I flutter my eyes at him, figuratively speaking”

“That’s good,” I replied, “you must encourage him, but not too much. Keep your knickers on until Violet and I get to vet him.”

She nodded shyly in agreement.

“One more thing to sort, Violet, are you busy tomorrow?”

She shook her head, puzzled by the question.

“Good,” I said, “Can you spare time to go to the local jeweller tomorrow morning?”

“Why?” She asked.

“I want to buy you an engagement ring,” I told her.

The room went silent, my parents gasped, the twins smiled and I thought that Nancy was going to faint.

“You are getting ahead of yourself, I’m not engaged to anybody, plus tomorrow is Sunday and I’m not sure jewellers open on Sundays,” Violet exclaimed.

“I’m sorry, I’m being presumptuous.” I walked over to where Violet sat and knelt down before her. “Violet will you do me the honour of becoming my wife? You know how much I love you and you are the only girl I really want in my life.”

She stared at me for a long few seconds. I looked at her expectantly seeing her beautiful face. Her naked body was exposed to me, she slowly opened her legs and said “yes Master.”

The room exploded with sounds of happiness as I pulled her to me in a firm hug. Nancy was beside herself with joy as she grabbed the pair of us, “Thank you, Master, she’ll make you a wonderful wife and you are the best thing that has happened to her.”

My parents both hugged her expressing their pleasure and the twins did the same. For a few minutes chaos ruled till everyone sat down with huge smiles on their faces.

“Right, that’s settled, now this slavery thing….”once again I was shouted down and Salina stood up.

“Master, we have discussed this at length, all of us bar Violet, you may not have known it but we knew you were going to marry Violet. In any event we insist on remaining your slaves until we, Sabrina and I, get to meet someone as kind and gentle as you are, mum and dad are happy to stay as they are and Nancy refuses to be released until her circumstances change, so there you are.” she said defiantly.

I spoke again, “that is exactly what I was going to say before you, rudely, interrupted me. That means I may have to punish you, Salina.”

Salina smirked.

“Well that’s sorted, is there anything else anyone wants to bring up?”

Dad asked how much rent would he have to pay for the bungalow. I told him we will talk about this nearer the time and we must arrange to either rent his house or sell it. The twins said that they would have trouble getting to work as there are no buses in that part of the world. I told them I would buy them a used car.

No more question were brought forward, I suggested I take Nancy and Violet home for the reason I wanted to fuck my fiancée.

We entered their house and we all got naked, I held Violet tight and kissed her mouth inserting my tongue into hers. She grabbed my cock and made sure it was rock hard before she pushed it into her moist fanny and began to fuck me.

She came quickly, shuddering and gasping. She sat down and asked her mother to finish me off. Nancy jumped at the request, she straddled me and sat on my cock. She encased my cock with her moist vagina and started to ride me.

I leaned back in the chair and watched Violets mother as she energetically rode me. Unlike her daughter, Nancy had a fully rounded body and her tits were large, soft and yet firm with just a hint of a droop. It was the movements her tits made as she fucked me that were giving me so much pleasure now.

It didn’t take her long before a huge orgasm made her body shudder. Her tits went into over drive bouncing as if they were ready to leave her chest. I was still rock hard as I had not orgasmed yet.

“Ladies you have climaxed so quickly that I have not had a chance to come yet. For that I order you to scissor each other, now!”

Mother and daughter smiled at that order, mother laid on the floor, legs wide apart while she leaned on her arms so that she could clearly see her daughter as she also laid down. The daughter put her left leg over her mothers right leg and her own right leg under her mothers left leg. Violet eased herself towards Nancy’s wide open sex hole until her vagina touched her mothers. They were now locked cunt to cunt..

They laid there, both of them resting on their arms looking at the other. Neither moved, then they looked at me. I loved seeing my future wife and future mother in law in that erotic position and my cock reacted appropriately. Violet started moving her vagina rubbing her mothers, Nancy also moved as they mashed their cunts together. Their bodies were heaving in their lustful action, Nancy’s tits were wobbling and Violets were jiggling.

Nancy screamed as she came again, “your cunt feels so nice on mine, come on Violet, rub it harder.”

They were sweating now and their contortions grew in a frenzy till with loud wailings they came together, their juices mingling into each others vaginas. When they came back to earth they laid back exhausted. mouths dragging in air, but still joined at the crotch.

Once they recovered, I told Violet to raise herself onto her arms so I could put my cock into her mouth. She took me as far as she could and began to blow me hard, Nancy somehow had sat up and began to finger my arsehole that I had exposed by straddling Violet. With this kind of attention it didn’t take long for me to come and come I did. I shot my load straight into Violets throat till my balls emptied, Violet licked the last remaining drops before collapsing on her back.

Nancy still had her finger in my arse and now was cupping my balls. My arsehole was fully relaxed by now and Nancy added another finger and began to finger fuck my arse. Violet reached over with her hand and rubbed my cock till it became hard again. Violet asked me to turn round so that her mother could get a mouthful of my come. Violet liked to share.

I did as she asked, the position was now reversed. They were still joined with their vaginas locked together but my cock was now in Nancy’s mouth and Violet was fingering my arsehole. Nancy couldn’t get all of my cock in her mouth but she had enough to suck and lick me. With two of Violets fingers in me and Nancy’s feverish sucking I came again, this time straight in my future mother in laws greedy mouth.

I went and sat in my chair leaving the ladies on the floor with their cunts touching. I was knackered and the girls were so tired they both fell asleep. I dressed and left them there.

I woke next morning to Salina calling “Master, Master, wake up, your tea will get cold.”

Sunday is supposed to be a day of rest so why am I being wakened so early. “It’s ten o’clock, Master. I let you sleep in but time is getting on”

I shook myself awake, I thanked Salina and drank my tea.

I entered the kitchen to find mum had cleared up breakfast things but she offered to cook anything I wanted. I had tea and toast. As I ate my toast I looked at my mum and noticed something different about her. Her pubic area was bald.

“You’ve shaved,” I gasped, “thought you were against that.”

“After you went to Nancy’s last night I decided to try out this shaven look. Dad was a bit apprehensive but agreed. In fact we used his shaving tackle to do it. He started it and the girls finished it off.” she said.

She sat on a chair opposite me and opened her legs, wide open. “How does this look?”

For a woman of her age her cunt looked wonderful. She was tight and her lips were small. It was like a teenage fanny, just like Violets. “That looks great mum, how do you and dad feel about it?”

“He was over the moon, after he oiled and powdered it, he fucked me for ages, encouraged by the girls, till we were exhausted. I don’t think hair will grow there again. Do you mind?”

It’s not my business what my mum and dad do or what they want and I told her so.

She sat there till I finished my breakfast, it seems she is happy showing me her private parts without any shame, in fact I think she is proud of her shaved cunt.

Being it was Sunday, mum got on with dinner as soon as she had cleared my breakfast plate and cup, I went into the lounge where the rest of the family was. Dad as usual was reading the paper and the twins were watching telly.

Sabrina said, “what do you think about mum?”

“Mum is one in a million and I adore her,” I told her.

“Not that, how do feel about her shaven pubes?”

I told her, “it was not what I want or like it’s up to her whether she is shaven or not. However, for your cheek you will let yours grow. Salina, I’ve not forgotten how you were rude to me yesterday so you can let yours grow as well.”

They were not happy but said nothing. If they agreed not to be my slaves they wouldn’t have to take any notice of anything I say. It was like all our Sundays recently. We ate our Sunday dinner and collapsed in comfortable chairs once the table was cleared.

“Dad, would you help me to learn to drive?” I asked.

“Certainly, Master, you need to obtain the highway code and apply for a provisional driving licence before you can get behind the wheel of a car,” he informed me.

“I will get on to that tomorrow, In the meantime will you show me the basics of how to drive in your car.”

He readily agreed and we went to his car parked in the drive and he showed me what the controls were for.

Monday was a busy day for me. I had applied for a credit card that my bank had fast tracked for me and I had to go to the bank to pick it up. I had already gone on line and ordered a highway code book. I had to get a photograph from a photo me machine to apply for a provisional driving licence.

Having my credit card and photo I went to Violet to take her to the jewellers. She had other ideas, “we don’t have a lot of us time, mother is at work so we can be on our own for an hour or so.”

An hour later Violet dressed and we made our way to the jewellers. I had my new card with an unlimited credit limit the bank rushed through for me. At the jewellers, the staff knew about me and were eager to serve me.

Violet asked for their engagement rings and was shown a tray of rings, none of which took Violets fancy. They were not cheap ones but she thought them too ostentatious which huge diamonds. She asked for more and was shown another tray, smaller but more tasteful.

She picked one out that appealed to her and tried it on. She held her hand out and looked at it from every angle she could. “How about this one?” she asked.

If you like it, that’s all that matters, It looks alright to me.” I replied.

“It’s very expensive, I’m not sure I want one that costs so much.”

“That’s no problem, I want you have what you like, cost is of no consequence.” I told her. I think I’m becoming blasé about money, being a nerd might account for this.

I paid by my new card and took the ring from it’s box. I knelt in front of Violet and asked her, again, to become my wife. This time I put the ring on her finger. I hardly heard the “ohs” and “ahs” of the other staff and customers.

Violet blushed bright red and said, “Get up, I’ve already said yes” I stood up, gave her a big hug and kissed her on the lips. “Come on, let’s go home.”

Later that evening as we had just finished our meal the doorbell rang. We were not expecting any visitors and we all looked at each other. The bell rang again. As I was the only one dressed I went to answer it. Must do something about that, must organise a method whereby the others could dress quickly in order to greet people we don’t know.

I opened the door and Susan Mitchell stood there, she pushed past me into the hallway and took off her summer dress. She was naked, not even shoes on. She had driven here barefoot, bloody dangerous I thought.

“What the hell are you doing here? I never expected to see you again.”

“Well, Master, I want to be your slave, I’ve never felt as good as I did the other night.”

I said, “I have released you from slavery, so put your clothes on and go away.”

Susan knelt before me and cried, “please Master, I want and need to be your slave, have mercy on me.” Tears were falling from her eyes as she wailed.

The noise brought Sabrina into the hallway. “What is she doing here?

Susan turned to see nude Sabrina, “help me Mistress, I will be your slave if you can persuade Master make me his slave.”

“Come into the lounge and we will talk about his.” Sabrina said, grabbing hold of Susan’s hair to make her crawl to the lounge.

The rest of the family tried to cover themselves when the two girls entered the room. “It’s alright” Sabrina said, “this slut is going to be my slave once we get Master to agree to keep her in slavery.

Mum, the fountain of all good sense piped up, “Master, not only have you changed our lives forever, for the better I must say, but you have also changed this young lady as well. Give some thought to that before you make a mistake.”

I’m getting thoroughly pissed off with this slavery malarky, it’s becoming an anchor that I don’t want. That ring on my finger is proving to be a nuisance, but having used it I suppose I now have responsibilities I have to face, but what to do?

Miss Mitchell was listening carefully, agreeing with mum wholeheartedly. She asked me, “will you make me you slave again? I’m willing to do anything if you will. I really did enjoy it before, in fact it is the highlight of my life.”

I told her to get us all a cup of tea, I am going for a walk to think things through. She quickly went into the kitchen followed by Sabrina.

I walked for an hour to consider my options regarding Sandra in particular and slavery in general. I am totally against slavery in any form but it seems I’ve opened a real can of worms that have come to bite me in the arse.

I could not come to a decision at all on my walk, I just didn’t know what to do so returned home even more confused.

Sabrina had Sandra kneeling at her feet when I arrived back home. Everyone looked at me expectantly wondering what I had decided. “I do not want slaves.” I held up my hand to quieten their objections. “I have no idea what to do with Sandra after all she isn’t family but I’m open to suggestions. “The family have made their opinions known to me, so I need your opinion as to how I treat Sandra. Dad, you first.”

Dad cleared his throat and after a few seconds said “Sandra had been subjected to slavery against her wishes but now that is what she wants.”

Mum the spoke, “You can make her your slave with the provision that she can be released whenever she wants.”

Sandra then said, “that seems a good idea to me and right at this time I desperately want to be your slave.”

Sabrina took the opportunity to say that she agreed with what had been said and the thought of having a slave herself appealed to her.

Sandra was delighted at what had been said and looked at me appealingly. I shrugged my shoulders and told Sandra to get me a can of cider. “Yes, Master.” and went to fetch it.

As I drank my cider, Sabrina opened her legs and told Sandra to kiss her fanny and to do a good job or else.

I was fed up and went to bed.

I was woken by Sabrina next morning with my tea, this time she was accompanied by Sandra. “Why is Miss Mitchell still still here?”

“As she is my slave I want her here for a while, she has phoned in sick, I’ll train her to become my sex slave. She will be here for the rest of this week and will return to work next Monday. As soon as school term is finished for the summer she will be with us again.”

“No, Sabrina, she is my slave, send her home now.”

“Yes, Master,” Sabrina said.

Sandra begged me to stay, crying that I have messed her so much that I should think about it more, give me a chance, Master.

I told them both to leave my bedroom.

I went to have my breakfast and found Sandra in the kitchen. “Go home Sandra.” I touched her shoulder releasing her from slavery.

Mum asked for permission to speak, I nodded. “Master let us talk about this, Sandra, go to the lounge.” Sandra went, sobbing.

“I never thought you would be so heartless as you are now, Master. You’ve become as bad as the people who tormented you in the past and I’m disappointed in you.”

I was shocked by what my mother had just said and I was speechless for several minutes as I digested what she had told me,

I nodded my head and told her, “sorry, mum, I’ll give this a lot of thought.” I reached out her and held her to me. Her naked body pressed tightly against me felt so good and I kissed her on her mouth. That caused a movement in my groin that my mother felt and she grasped the bulge in my trousers. Then my mother began to stroke my erection with one hand while she undid my trouser belt with the other. She pushed down my trousers and under pants.

We broke apart and I took off my shirt, I was as naked as my mother. It is the first time we had been nude together alone, I liked it.

Mum stood in front of me and stroked my cock fully hard causing copious amount of precum to form at my cockhead. Mum used that to lubricate the length of my cock, rubbing me gently until she knelt and placed it in her mouth. She couldn’t get it all in but she gave it a good try, gagging as I filled her throat. Mum must learn to breath through her nose when deep throating, the twins will be able to show her how.

“Get on the floor and spread your legs,” I told her. Her response was immediate and I marvelled at the beauty before me. Her tits, soft, firm and large drooped slightly to the side of her chest but her nipples, the nipples that fed me as a baby, stood hard, pointing at the ceiling.

Her body had thickened with age which made her look so beautiful, soft yet womanly, in fact I’ve just this minute realised how wonderful and sexy she was. Dad was a lucky man to have such a beauty for his wife.

Her legs were slim, shapely and her thighs had no trace of cellulite and where they joined at her her crotch exposed her lovely vagina. She had laid with her legs as wide as she could and raised her knees with her feet on the floor. The vision of her vagina, that had launched me into the world, was picture perfect. The hole that had produced me was about to get some of me back into it.

Mum was breathing heavily as she watched me examine her body, she smiled serenely knowing that she was the cause of my erection, the cock that was pointing towards the heavens. I knelt between her legs and pushed two fingers into her sopping cunt, frigging her gently until the vibration of her body told me she had come making her tits wobble like jelly.

“Come on, Master, fuck your eager mother in her waiting cunt.” she said her voice hoarse with excitement while she played with her large clitoris. I closed in on her and placed my cock at the pink starshaped entrance to her bowels.

“Oh, fuck Master, fuck my arsehole then, come on get inside me, for fucks sake stop teasing me.”

I gently pushed into her rectum and eased past her sphincter till she relaxed and made it easy for my cock to push in until my balls pressed against her arse cheeks. She began to wriggle her arse to suck my cock deeper into her bowels. Then I started to fuck her in earnest, faster and faster till she came again. I was fascinated by the contortions her tits made as she moved with her orgasm, they seemed to have a mind of their own.

After she came for the third time I put my cock into her mouth so she could taste herself. Then I put it into that beautiful, bald vagina that I had left nineteen or so years ago. It took me in and her vaginal wall gripped me so tightly I could feel my orgasm coming so I pulled out gently. I wanted to hold back in order to give my mother a good fucking.

We kept still for a few moments as I recovered control of my cock until I was ready to ride my mum’s body like a rampant stallion. I thrust hard and deep into her cunt, she in turn pushed back in rhythm to my own movements. We were totally coordinated in our motions, just who was fucking who was in question but we arrived at the conclusion jointly as we came together our bodies shuddering together.

My cock didn’t soften and it was still fairly hard. I hadn’t withdrawn from my mother and her vagina wall teased me so I was hard again within minutes. Mum smiled at me and she suggested we change places so she could sit on me and ride cowgirl. I thought that was a good idea and while still inside her we did just that.

I relaxed and watched as my mother moved up and down on me, her tits bouncing as I watched them almost mesmerised. They were a joy to behold. Because I had ejaculated so much spunk into her a few minutes ago my next orgasm was not immediate. I let my mother fuck me, she had multiple orgasms as she rode me. I could see her vaginal lips as they gripped my cock. As she rose up her lips slid up my cock and when she lowered herself her lips raised back to fold into her vagina.

She must be fit for her age as she continued in this vein, coming and coming with profanities spilling from her mouth. “Master, your cock is so fucking big my cunt feels on fire, fuck, fuck. Do my fucking tits make you feel good, you are staring at them so hard I can nearly feel your eyes touching them, Oh, Fuck, I’m coming, I’m fucking coming again.”

I laid still watching my mother’s body as she rode me like a horse until my balls were ready to spurt come into my mothers cunt, “I’m ready to come again, mum, come with me.”

Mum had an enormous orgasm at the same time as I had an enormous orgasm. The feeling shook my body, my toes turned up in the perfect coming of two fuckers together.

When I recovered I saw Sandra standing in the doorway rubbing her clitoris. “Stop that,” I ordered, “you slut, stay in the lounge and don’t touch yourself.”

Mum was smiling, making her face look extra beautiful, her legs were wide open as come trickled from her sex hole. “That was wonderful, I’ve never been fucked like that before, you are amazing.”

My mum sat on the floor with her back to the wall, her legs were splayed wide open resting while getting her breath back. Her vagina leaked come as it trickled down to her anus. She looked so beautiful.

“In a little while I’m going for a walk, that’s where I do my thinking and I have a lot to think about.” I told my mother.

“Be careful, Master, you can ruin a lot of lives by making the wrong decision. Don’t forget that you started this slavery thing as a means to an end. And don’t forget you are dealing with real real people with real feelings,” my mum said.

I smiled at her, she is a very wise woman. Sitting there I realised how much I love my mother, not like I love Violet but in a different way. Plus she looked so pretty, her tits with the hard nipples pointing at me as her lovely shaved cunt dripped come. “Mum, you look gorgeous, dad is a lucky man.”

Mum just smiled and continued her resting. She was so happy and relaxed. I dressed and with a last look at my mum I went to the lounge and spoke to Sandra. “My mum has been fucked, as you know, and she needs you to clean her up using your tongue.”

“Thank you master, it will be my pleasure.”

I walked for an hour or so before returning home with the answers, I think.

Dinner that night was splendid, mum had excelled herself and everybody was jovial, The only fly in the ointment was Sandra, who was still with us, however that was for later. Violet and her mother would be here soon and I needed answers from them all.

I answered the door when Violet arrived, I would give my fiancée a key but we are moving soon, and we went into the lounge where the rest of the family were drinking their tea. They started to take off their clothes but I stopped Violet, much to her disgust.

Once everyone had settled down, the girls sat on the floor alongside Sandra. Dad sat in his chair with mum on his lap, he seemed happy with his situation. Nancy and Violet sat on the settee with me.

I spoke, still uncertain how this would go, but we must come to an agreement favourable to all of us. “First of all, slavery is bad and I’m not comfortable having having slaves but I have come to the conclusion you like being slaves.”

I listened to the response which was what I expected and feared. Unanimously the reaction was to stay as slaves, I don’t understand it but that is how it must stay.

“If you are sure then slaves you will stay, but, and this is a big but, you will treat as slaves. None of you will be allowed to do anything unless I agree. You will also have to show yourselves as slaves. The ladies will have to curtsey me every time I enter a room, the twins will teach you, and you will have to curtsey me every time you enter a room where I am.”

“No one will wear clothes indoors and none of you ladies will wear underwear when you go out. You will have to sexually satisfy any friends I bring home without complaint as and where they want. Mum you will organise an item of clothing in the hall for use if someone calls. Sandra will return to her normal duties at school with immediate affect, she may come here only if she rings first.”

“None of you will have sex without my consent, either with each other or singular. No touching of genitals without my permission and strictly no orgasms.”

“That’s all at the moment, if I think of anything else I’ll let you know, any questions?”

Salina stood up and looked at me with her legs open. I noticed the string between her legs. “We won’t have to fuck any of your friends during our periods, will we?”

It was my time to smile, “You have three holes, why should the loss of one stop you satisfying anybody?”

Sandra asked if I was her master and I said yes, but not Sabrina’s.

“Anybody got anything else to say.” I asked

Nancy said Roger was now more than friendly and that he would be dining at Nancy’s on Friday evening. She wanted Roger to meet her daughter and her fiancée before she would move on. I was delighted with this news, it may be something that would allow me to release Nancy from slavery and give her a normal life.

I reminded Nancy that she must be dressed so Roger doesn’t get the wrong idea about her family.

“Any thing else,” I asked. There was no response It had been a long day and I was tired, I wished everyone good night, gave Violet a kiss on the mouth and went to bed.

The next three days passed uneventfully, the girls gave mum and Sandra lessons on how to curtsey. Nancy called in one evening and she was trained. Nancy wanted to talk to me about the meeting with the following night. I told her just to be natural and leave everything to me. Violet is a good judge of character and I have ways to find out if Roger is the real McCoy.

Nancy curtsied before dressing to go home, the curtsey was over elaborated by the twins. The bow was far to low and the leg movements were, frankly, indecent and it took a longer time than necessary.

Mum had learned how to curtsey and it made her almost laugh out loud but she did it every time we met in the house.

Apart from the ladies antics I spent time with the estate agency making removal arrangements, this is not the usual practice for them but in my case they took all the worries of moving out of my hands. We would be moving on the last day of June. That was on Thursday week.

I signed a few papers for my financial adviser and advised him that my fiancée would be taking over my finances in future and he must contact her to make the necessary arrangements.

Salina brought my tea up early Friday morning, bowing as was now the way to greet me. “Good morning, Master, it’s a lovely day, here is your tea, enjoy.”

Once again she curtsied, her tits hanging down and her left leg bent so much her vagina was exposed. I noted that blonde hair was visible on her pubes, I didn’t like it.

“Salina, shave your pubic area, I don’t like to see it hairy, tell your sister to do the same.”

Salina smiled, “yes Master. Thank you.”

I told mum I would eat at Nancy’s tonight, I was eager to see Roger. Meeting us for first time would put him on the defensive. He would try to impress and I wanted to know the real Roger not the one who he thought we wanted to see.

Violet answered the door and she was naked. “What do you think you are up to? Get dressed and do it now.” I was a bit peeved by her appearance.

“Alright, Roger won’t be here for another hour, no need to panic. Anyway I wanted you to see what a beautiful fiancée you have, darling.”

The darling came out as a reprimand to my sharp remark. Then I smiled, “ok, you win, just make sure you are properly attired long before Roger arrives.”

I then saw Nancy and she was nude as well, I just shrugged my shoulders in defeat and took the cup of tea I was handed. The ladies sat on the settee drinking theirs. We chatted about our day and time passed quickly, I was getting concerned that Roger would be knocking on the door in a few minutes and they were still undressed.

When the doorbell rang I nearly had a heart attack, Nancy by comparison was totally in control, reaching behind the settee she produced a summer dress that she quickly donned. A pair of slippers she had by the door completed her attire, She looked at herself in the, checked her dress, patted her hair, smirked at me and went to answer the door. Violet had also dressed and was ready to greet visitors, or in this case a visitor.

I don’t know about dinner tonight, no one had been into kitchen to prepare anything. This is a weird family I thought as Nancy ushered Roger in. Neither Violet or I had ever met him and I think we were both impressed by his appearance, He was about six foot one, built like an athlete and dressed in an expensive suit, white shirt and tasteful tie. His voice was cultured, obviously a public school education, He reeked of money.

After the introductions we lead into the kitchen where I discovered why there hadn’t been any sign of cooking. Roger had brought an Indian takeaway. Madras curry, pilau rice, poppadum’s and Pashwari naan, a veritable feast for a king.

Nancy spoke to Violet and me, “Roger is not a manager where i work, he is the owner and likes to be hands on so he works at his place but no one knows he is the boss. He only told me when I invited him to dinner to meet you two.”

“That’s right, I don’t want this be in the public domain, so please keep this to your selves. I’ve had an interest in Nancy for quite a while, I could see that underneath her hostile demeanour there was a truly beautiful woman trying to get out. Over the past few weeks I have been proven right, all of a sudden Nancy became a very charming, happy and agreeable woman. Her smile lights up her face like an angel, a beautiful angel.” he said, pleased to have got that off his chest.

“We were eager to meet you before Nancy got too involved with you, I don’t know how much you know about her life. She got let down by Violets father and became a very bitter woman. The bitterness was destroying her life but she couldn’t move on and she has wasted eighteen years. Now she has overcome that and has started living again.”

“Violet and I are concerned that she may make the same mistake again and we’re trying to help her,” I continued, “hence the need to vet you, We don’t mean to offend you but under the circumstances…” I left the end of that statement in the air hoping he understood.

Roger looked me straight in the eye. “Quite so young man, sorry I don’t mean to sound condescending, I understand you are very successful and are already very wealthy. Let me tell you about myself, I was born with a silver spoon in my mouth, my parents are minor aristocrats, they have titles, and I’ve had every advantage in life, that was until I married. Monica was a slut, her main interests were money and sleeping around.”

“It took me ten years to find out how she acted behind my back, I knew she spent a lot of money, she’s an heiress and has a lot, but I was not aware of her adultery. When I found out I hired a detective, got the evidence and divorced her. I started up my business and chose to work there as a normal member of staff, although I promoted myself to manager.” That brought a smile to his face.

Violet and I looked at each other, on the face of things, Roger seems to be acceptable but we don’t really know him. Time will tell.

Roger had relaxed and was was chatting with Nancy like an old married couple, Violet and I watched them trying to assess Roger.

“Roger, why Nancy?. You are a catch, not only rich and good looking but part of the landed gentry, women will be falling over themselves to date you.” I said.

“What you say is true, I have no trouble with the ladies but I haven’t felt comfortable with one till Nancy. I wonder if it’s me as a man or if it’s me as a rich dude. Since Monica I’ve had so many women but none of them have had that something extra.”

“A few months ago I was idly watching Nancy, wondering why she was so unhappy. There were times when when she had a difficult task her demeanour changed and her beauty became apparent. Nancy suddenly changed a few weeks ago and she was so happy and cordial. Other male workers were taking an interest in her so I made myself known to her. I didn’t rush her as I was not certain how she felt about me. l felt we were making headway which encouraged me to ask for a date. And here I am,” he finished.

” Nancy, how do you feel about Roger? I asked her.

Nancy didn’t answer right away, Roger looked at her intently. Nancy eventually replied. “I feel a lot for Roger but I’m not sure that Roger feels the same. I think we should wait a while, don’t forget our situation,” she finished.

Roger spoke up, “I feel that Nancy and I have a great chance of happiness. Talking to her tonight has convinced me we have something. I’m happy to try to convince her to feel comfortable with me. One thing more she said something about “our situation” what does that mean?”

Nancy and I exchanged glances. Violet caught my eye and nodded towards the kitchen. “Roger, excuse Violet and I, we will make some more tea, so excuse us.”..

“You trust me alone with Nancy?” Roger said with a smile. I gave him a thumbs up as I left the room.

In the kitchen Violet said, “I think we must come clean about our situation. I think Roger is a good guy and will make mum happy but we must tell him everything.”

I am in agreement with Violet and if he is disgusted, then he is not the man for Nancy. We made the tea and took it into the lounge. We passed the tea round and sat down to drink it and to put Roger in the picture.

I sat opposite Roger and told him about our lives since I placed the ring on my finger. I told him everything in detail. He never said a word, glancing occasionally at Nancy but taking in everything I said. “You may find this explanation of our day to day lives appalling but there it is, I’ve tried to stop my family and Nancy’s from being my slaves but they won’t, so I’m in the process of treating them like slaves in the hope they will ask to be released.”

I sat back and waited for Roger’s reply. His reaction, when it came it was a surprise to us. He threw his head back and laughed out loudly. When he managed to control himself, he said, “You don’t know much about the upper classes in this country, I could tell you tales a lot about our rulers that would make your head spin. What you do is nothing compared to what the top families do in the privacy of their houses.”

“Ned, you said Nancy was to always to be naked in your company but she isn’t now, why?”

“Because you are here and we wanted to appear a normal, middle class family. Do you want Nancy naked?”

I looked at Violet who nodded and we waited for Roger’s reply. It was short. “Yes.”

“Nancy, do you want to be naked now?” I asked.

Nancy fell to her knees and cried, “yes, Master, please let me take these clothes off, they are suffocating me.”

“OK, strip,” I ordered

Nancy stood up and kicked her slippers off, then gripped the hem of her dress and lifted it above her head before throwing it on the floor. “Thank you, Master, thank you.”

Roger looked at her body in wonder. “My God, you are very beautiful, Nancy.”

He turned to me and said, “make me your slave, Ned, I want to be equal with Nancy.”

I was shocked, why would he want to be a slave? I looked him in the eye and told him. “Nancy is a slave but only at her insistence and I will release her at her request, do you want the same terms?”

Roger did and insisted that I enslave him. “Roger,” I ordered, “take your clothes off,”

“Yes, Master.” He removed his clothes and hugged Nancy. They sat on the settee and chatted together and ignored Violet and I,

We went into the kitchen, our work was done. Nancy was on the road to a happy life by the look of it. Hopefully Roger and Nancy will want to be released soon and be a normal couple whether they marry or just shack up. I hoped for the former.

Violet and I went upstairs to her bedroom and we had a glorious hour of sex before I went home. I put my head in to the lounge to say goodnight but they were oblivious to everyone bar themselves.

When I got home a shock awaited me, Ferguson was at the front door begging to be let in. I told him to go away, we didn’t want anything to do with him. I ordered him to be quiet and lead him into the house. The household had gone to bed, they had been disturbed by the noise but had refused to get up, trying to ignore him.

“Why are you here?” I asked. “We don’t want you, you are a bully and a nasty little man. Go away and leave us.”

“Master, I have seen the error if my ways and really want make amends, please let me, I’ll be your slave forever, please.

“Go home, you are causing a disturbance, if you still want to, come back at a reasonable time tomorrow.” i ordered.

Reluctantly he agreed and left. I walked into the twins room without knocking. They both got out of bed and curtsied. “Tomorrow, Ferguson will probably be here, I want you two dressed, I’m not happy having you two naked in his presence, not yet anyway.”

They agreed, curtsied again and returned to their beds. I knocked on my parents door and mum called out for me to enter. She had left her bed and curtsied, more brazenly even than the twins. I repeated my instructions to them and went to bed.

The next morning, Sabrina brought my tea. She hadn’t dressed although it was a workday for her. Since I was forced to have them as slaves they were not allowed to wear knickers at any time apart from when they were at work. It meant they took a pair in their handbags to put on when they arrived at work and took them off when finished. I reminded her that when she got home this evening she must be dressed in case Ferguson was here. She smiled, curtsied, and left my bedroom to dress for work.

I ate my breakfast then returned to work on my programme. An hour later I was disturbed by noises from downstairs, I left my room and heard Ferguson talking to my parents. I went into the twins room and looked for the but plug the twins had. I found it in the bedside cabinet between their beds.

I found that mum had made Ferguson stay in the lounge. “Ferguson,” I said as I entered the lounge, “you don’t ever wear clothes in my house. Get your clothes off and I’ll decide later what your punishment will be.”

He stripped quickly and I made him bend over and inserted the butt plug in his arsehole. He just sighed and said, “thank you Master.”

I told mum and dad that they could find him menial jobs to do. I was going to Violets house and would return later. Dad said he would use John Ferguson as a piss dump and mum would get him to do some house work.

Violet opened the door, miraculously she was dressed. I raised my eyebrows as a question. “Roger is still here,” she explained. She lead me to the kitchen where Nancy and Roger sat chatting. I asked why Roger was still here.

Nancy told me that the two of them had spent most of last night talking and it was about two o’clock when they noticed the time. “I told Roger he could sleep on the settee when I went to bed, neither of us were working this Saturday so we slept late and have just had breakfast. I hope that that is alright with you, Master.”

I am not happy with this situation. “You two are not slaves as far as I’m concerned and can do as you like. I see you are both nude, did anything take place last night apart from the talking?”

“No Master, until you say so, we cannot have sex,” Roger replied. Nancy nodded in agreement.

I put my hand on both their shoulders and released them from slavery causing them both to protest. “last night was one of the best times in my life,” Roger said, “I’ve met a woman I have adored from afar and I think Nancy is a beautiful woman. I want to get to know her better and my intentions to her are honourable. If she will accept I would like to marry her.”

Nancy agreed. “Master, in spite of our class differences I now think I could make a life with Roger. But we both want to be your slaves, that is how we are comfortable. No one will now this apart from our immediate family. I have been your slave for weeks but no one knew I was, Roger didn’t nor anyone else at work.”

“That is right,” Roger joined in, “all I knew was that Nancy had stopped being bitter with life and she became the person she is now. I thank you for that. So please enslave us and give us permission to have a physical relationship. She has been happy that you fucked her, as her Master you are entitled, but she won’t let me until you tell her to.”

What a sad sight I saw before me. Two naked adults staring at me wanting to be enslaved again. What have I done? “OK,” I said sternly, “you can have a sexual relationship but I wish you would want to be free.”

Nancy cried out in joy. “Thank you Master, we have made our decision.” She leaned towards Roger and grasped his cock in her hand. His cock immediately stiffened as he grasped Nancy’s tits. They were oblivious to Violet and me. Roger stood up, his cock rock and hard and pulled Nancy up to enfold her in his arms. Their bodies close together, Nancy fell to her knees to engulf Roger’s cock with her mouth. She managed to get it fully into her mouth as she deep throated him.

Roger told her to stop as he was near to climaxing. “Bend over the table, please Nancy, I want to fuck you. I’ve waited for this for weeks.

Nancy bent over the table with her arse in the air and reached back and opened her arse cheeks for Roger. He was beside himself at what she offered him. Two sex holes were on display so he placed his cock at her cunt and entered her quickly and pounded her as hard as he could.

“Fuck me hard, fuck my cunt and make me come,” Nancy screamed. She came twice, shuddering violently which in turn caused Roger to spurt his load into Nancy’s cunt.

As she recovered she turned and sucked Roger’s cock cleaning it dry. Roger suddenly noticed that they had an audience. “Sorry,” he said, “should have been more private, I know, but you are used to seeing Nancy being fucked.”

“Don’t worry about that,” I replied, “if you become part of our family, you’ll see more than that. We are fairly open minded about sex. Come into the lounge while the girls make us a cuppa tea.*

“Thank you Master, that’ll be nice.”

We sat down waiting for the tea to arrive. Roger looked at me and said, “I have really fallen in love with Nancy, She is so much nicer than the women I usually date. She is so caring, our talks last night and this morning have shown me a more loving person but one who must realise that we are equals which was one of the reasons I became your slave. Once she gets more confidence in our relationship the better.”

“Seeing her as we are both naked and your slaves will boost her self confidence,. My lifestyle hasn’t brought me happiness but my few hours with her has meant more to me than anything else in my life.”

Roger really does seem to be a good person and I will help their love to blossom. Nancy entered the room, along with Violet, carrying a tray with a tea pot and crockery which she placed on the coffee table. Still nude, she poured out four cups of tea and handed them to us. She sat on the settee next to Roger and Violet sat in an armchair opposite me.

As they drank their tea Nancy and Roger fondled each other almost absent mindlessly. Nancy held her cup in her right hand and gently caressed Rogers cock and balls while he had his cup in his left hand and used his right one to rub Nancy’s clitoris. Almost without realising they were arousing each other. I looked at Violet who smiled at me and opened her legs to show me she was not wearing knickers.

Nancy spoke, “Master, would you like to fuck me? I would very much like to have you in my arsehole while Roger fills my vagina.”

I looked at Roger who smiled and said, “Master, I know you can fuck Nancy anytime you want but Nancy has already asked me if I minded you fucking her arsehole. If that makes her happy. I’d take it as an honour if you comply with her request.

Once again I looked at Violet, once again she smiled and opened her legs. “Roger, if you are serious in your intentions to Nancy then I will not touch her sexually ever again, you have my word on that.”

“No, Master,” Nancy cried, “that is not what I want. Roger asked me last night if I would become his wife. I have asked for time to reply. We both agree that if our relationship is to be a strong and healthy one, then you are to be our Master! We would be pleased if you could feel that you could please us both by fucking my arsehole while Roger is in my cunt.”

I shook my head, the ring on my finger has opened a can of worms that is destroying my ethics. I don’t want to interfere with other people’s lives. All I want us to marry Violet and bring a couple of children into the world and not be the owner of a harem.

They looked at me expectantly, Nancy almost wetting herself, Roger looking at me with pleading eyes and Violet smiling while opening and shutting her legs when no one else was watching her. Reluctantly I nodded my agreement.

Roger laid on the floor and Nancy rode him cowgirl, inserting his cock deep into her fanny. Nancy then laid on top of Rogers body with her legs behind her. Her tits mashed into Rogers chest and Nancy reached behind her holding her arse cheeks open to allow me to approach her bum. I dropped my trousers and with Violet stroking my cock got an erection. I slowly pushed into Nancy’s arse so as not to hurt her. I could feel Roger’s cock as I push past her sphincter till I was fully in with my balls hitting her perineum. The space is only about 1.25 centimetres and Roger’s cock and my balls were touching as we lay there ready to fuck Nancy.

Roger began sliding in and out of her cunt and I matched his thrusts. Nancy was screaming lustfully as we speeded up. “Come on you two fuckers, fuck me hard, make me come. Ooohhh fuck,” she shouted as she climaxed. “Fuck me Master, make your slut slave come again, I’m coming, oh fuck I’m coming again.”

Roger and I by this time were also ready to come, as if by agreement we pounded her harder and harder until all three of us came. Bodies shuddering in unison we slowly relaxed as spunk emptied deep inside Nancy who screamed again. “God, that was fantastic, the best fucking I’ve ever had..”

We stayed inside her, our cocks slowly deflating. Nancy eventually moved and our cocks left her body with come dripping from both of her fucked orifices. She sat up, legs wide open, she smiled and said, “thank you both, I really enjoyed that.”

I pulled up my trousers up and asked Violet if she would come home with me. She nodded. On the way to my house I told her about Ferguson and asked if she had any idea how to get him off my back. She could offer no solution so we agreed to think about it.

We went into the lounge and found Sandra as well Ferguson were seated naked on the floor, mum and dad sat on the settee fully dressed. “Hi aged parents,” I said, “any problems with these two?”

Mum said that she had worked them in the kitchen giving it a good cleaning, Dad has pissed on Ferguson twice and he is drinking a lot of water. Apart from that no problems but for Miss Mitchell wanting to come in.

“Why are you here, Miss Mitchell, I’ve told you that you are free. Please don’t keep coming here, I want privacy for myself and my family.” I said angrily. “In any event I told you to ring before coming here. You have disobeyed again, that means I must punish you.”

“Master, you never gave me your phone number so I couldn’t call you.”

“You didn’t get the hint did you? I don’t want you here, I’m only tolerating you because of my mother. Go and sit down on the floor and stay there.” I ordered.

Dad said he needed a pee and ordered our unwelcome guests to ready themselves in the shower. They scampered upstairs eagerly and waited for dad. Dad looked at me and winked before slowly going upstairs.

Mum was getting a bit uneasy with the situation. “Why must we be dressed just because those two are here, I feel that I’m being punished. I, and dad, enjoy being nude in our home, it’s not fair, Master.” she said.

As usual in these situations I looked at Violet, she nodded in agreement with my mother and once again I gave way. “OK, this is your home, I was only trying to protect you, so if you want you can undress.”

I had barely finished speaking before mum gripped the hem of her dress and pulled it over head. She had no underwear on so was immediately naked. She gave a huge smile and said, “thank you Master.”

I stopped Violet from stripping and she gave me angry, look, “Why not, I like being nude but you stop, I’m not happy,.” she said.

I never replied and just then Sandra and Ferguson entered the room to sit on the floor awaiting instructions. Dad followed a minute later and noticed his wife, he looked at me and I nodded. He stripped and sat next to my mother, he sighed and held her hand, he was happy.

I was resigned to the way life had lead me, the ring was meant to be mine, my family was happy being slaves and I had made two people outside the family to be willing slaves. I shrugged my shoulders and turned to my parents telling them they could use our visitors as they wished. Mum smiled.

Mum had been stroking dad’s cock casually while her legs had opened. She was totally at ease with her nudity, having sex in front of others didn’t phase her, in fact I think it added an erotic overtone to her love making. Dad was getting an erection, he also enjoyed the extra spice that having sex in front of others gave him.

“Ferguson, crawl over to my husband, you have had his urine in your mouth now get some sperm in it. Susan you can lick my fanny, I’m feeling lazy, so crawl over here and make me squirt.”

The both reacted swiftly and eagerly. John Ferguson put my dad’s cock into his mouth and began to deepthroat him. Sandra placed her head between my mum’s legs and slipped her tongue into her vagina..

Violet, who was not in a good mood, stood behind Ferguson and forced his legs apart and bent down to ensure the butt plug was fully in. “I must buy some bigger butt plugs,” Violet said, “and some more sex toys.”

I didn’t understand what she meant and didn’t want to question her at that time. She moved behind Sandra and pushed her legs wider exposing her tight arsehole and wet cunt. Satisfied, she sat in an armchair and watched her future in laws enjoying themselves as they were sucked by our visitors.

Mum was really relaxed as Sandra worked on her clitoris with one hand and stuck two fingers into her arse. Sandra’s mouth was slobbering all over mums cunt, pushing her tongue into her slit as far as it could go. Dad was pulling hard on mum’s left tit as mum was doing the same on her right tit. Ferguson was giving dad great head with his mouth as he stuck a finger into his arse and fondled dad’s balls with the other.

Mum and dad were really laid back whereas Ferguson and Sandra were sweating profusely. “Keep going you two, I’m nowhere near ready to come,” mum said.

I looked at Violet, she was still sulking and sat with her skirt up showing her naked crotch. I caught her eye and pointed towards the kitchen, Reluctantly she stood up and went with me to the kitchen. As she sat down at the table she asked, “Why won’t you let me undress.”

I told her she was my fiancée and not a slave and I’m not happy having her being ogled by all and sundry and I’m the only one to fuck you.

“You fucking hypocrite, you have fucked my mother and your mother. You see all your family naked as well as my mum and Roger. You have double standards. In front of me you have fucked my mother in all her holes. How do you justify that?”

I was taken aback by this attack by Violet and couldn’t answer her, there was a lot in what she said. I thought about it for a few minutes. I asked her for time to think about some more. She kissed me on my cheek and said, “of course you can, I know you will come to the right decision, you are basically a very fair man.”

We went upstairs to my bedroom and made love, both of us naked. Violet was losing her boyish figure and I do believe her tits were getting bigger. Violet told me her breasts were hurting a little, she didn’t know if it was because she was developing a bigger bust or not, she would ask her mother when she got home.

We dressed and I walked Violet home, I told my parents I wouldn’t be long not that they were interested. Dad was fucking mum’s arse as Ferguson and Sandra tweaked her tits. We entered Violets house and found her mother and Roger sitting on the settee watching telly while drinking tea.

“Hello, are you both OK, I see you are still here Roger.”

Roger looked at me, “I’m still trying to get Nancy to marry me but she is avoiding making a decision, I’ll wear her out eventually.”

“I’m thinking about it, so far I can’t think of a reason not to say yes, Everything seems so perfect I can’t believe my luck. I’m sure I will marry Roger but I would first like to get yours and Violets blessings.”

Violet and I exchanged looks and we looked towards the kitchen. Violet nodded and we excused ourselves and went to the kitchen. This seems to be our discussion venue, we have done this so often before. I waited for Violet to speak, she is so much more experienced in the reality of life and like my mother so rational. “I feel good about Roger, I think mum could have a great life with him. I could be wrong in which case he is one of the worlds best con men.”

I agreed with her but I would need to speak to him in private, he seems so perfect it is hard to believe. We went back to the lounge to find Nancy and Roger deep in conversation, we interrupted them and asked if I could speak to Roger alone. Nancy and Violet went upstairs to leave Roger and I alone.

I asked Roger if he wanted to dress him self but he refused, He had enjoyed being nude with Nancy and he hoped he would continue in future. “I understand this is normal in your family circle and I definitely want to be accepted into it.”

That was a good start. I asked about his family an what would be their reaction to him marrying a working class unmarried woman with an adult daughter. He laughed replying, “you are a real snob, Master, my parents would be delighted that I was marrying for love.”

“What about your inheritance, moneywise and title wise,”

“Like you, I already have a shedful of money, which I will ensure Nancy has free access to. She will have no need to work and will be financially secure. On my fathers death I will inherit his title but won’t use it, Nancy will officially be Lady ******.

I mentioned that Nancy may not want children to which he said that he would officially adopt Violet who would inherit his money and title upon his death.

I discovered nothing that I thought might adversely jeopardise Nancy in her relationship with Roger and told him so. “Thank you Master, I can only hope that Nancy will marry me and I’ll be accepted into your family. Mine would be hard to swallow initially, you’ll meet them and you can judge them for yourself.

“Do you want to be released from slavery?” I suggested but Roger refused saying he would have to speak to Nancy first.

Nancy and Violet returned to the lounge, Nancy nude and Violet fully dressed. “My tits are growing,” Violet said joyfully, “Mum says that I have all the signs. I’ve always wanted bigger tits like mums.”

She was radiating happiness and her mother looked on proudly. “See Master, I told you she was a late developer,”

After they calmed down I told Nancy that as far as Violet and I were concerned we could see no objections to her relationship with Roger. Nancy looked pleased and gave Roger a big hug, their naked bodies pressed together. I could see a twitch in Roger’s cock and suggested to Violet we made ourselves scarce.

Nancy wouldn’t hear of our going, “if we are going to be a family then we must go on as normal, we have nothing to hide have we, Roger?” As she spoke she was rubbing Rogers cock to a huge erection.

Roger agreed. “You shouldn’t alter your way of life to accommodate me, I understand that Violet and Nancy are always naked indoors and that you fuck them both, as their Master, you are entitled to, but Violet is always dressed. Why, Master?”

I told Roger and Nancy that we must go as I have to talk to Violet,. They shrugged their shoulders and acknowledged our need to be alone. As we left Nancy was kneeling in front of Roger with his cock in her mouth.

We walked back to my house, we discussed Violet’s need to undress like the rest of our families and I agreed that in future Violet could strip off but only if she wanted to, not because I ordered it. She gave me her most brilliant smile and thanked me. “I know you are a fair and honest man, Ned, and that you are sometimes a bit slow in understanding other people’s needs. However you are always ready to recognise your mistakes when they are pointed out to you.”

We had both had a long day, I took Violet back home. I went in to say goodbye to Roger and Nancy. They were watching telly when we entered the lounge, snuggled together. Nancy asked me if Roger could sleep with her tonight. This is exasperating me, they are old enough to be my parents but keep deferring to me for every step they take. “You guys must start to make your own decisions, I can’t be responsible for your day to day activities.”

Theyl both ignored me saying you are our Master and you must accept that. I gave up and said goodbye and left.

When I arrived back home the twins had returned. They were still dressed as I had earlier told them. to but were uncomfortable. As I walked in they tried to catch my eye, I nodded to them and they went to their bedroom to divest themselves of their clothing. Mum and dad were still nude as were Ferguson and Sandra, the twins when they returned were also now naked, in fact I was the only one fully dressed.

I asked mum if Ferguson and Sandra had behaved themselves by not touching themselves. She said they had been good, serving both parents with no release. I looked at Sandra, she sat with her legs open and I could see her wet vagina and her nipples were hard and large. This is a thirty something year old educated woman sitting on her arse on the carpets of my parents house totally naked and willing to be a sex slave.

Ferguson is a young arrogant young man with wealthy parents and his life in front of him but he also sat naked, like Sandra, his cock half hard and he wanted to be a slave. I have unleashed more than I want and regret it bitterly now. Ah well, I life goes on.

I decided that as Ferguson and Sandra had come to my home uninvited that they must be punished. I now kept the leather belt in the lounge as it was more convenient. I got it out if the cupboard and handed it to Salina. Sandra and Ferguson watched knowing what was coming. I didn’t want to administer the punishment myself but Ferguson needed to be controlled and must learn not to come to my house without asking first.

I know the twins were into corporeal punishment and I was going to get them to do my dirty work for me. “Salina, give John Ferguson ten strokes with that belt,’ her eyes lighted up. “Ferguson you will count out each stroke with the the sentence, “I must not go to Masters home without permission” do you understand?”

He acknowledged me by repeating the phrase. I looked at Salina and told her to carry out the punishment. Salina told Ferguson to kneel on the floor with his head touching it and with his arse up. He complied with my sisters order and Salina spread his legs so that his anus was visible as was his balls and flaccid penis.

Smack, “One, I must not go to Masters home without permission.” Smack,. “Two, I must not go to Masters house without permission..”

I think Salina was enjoying the lashings she gave Ferguson. She stood with her legs apart which gave her good balance and pulled her arm way back to deliver the stroke to Ferguson’s arse. The third stroke was just under the first two so his arse now had three red welts on his white skin. The fourth stroke she delivered in an upward angle hitting below the previous three but the belt hit between his legs and hit his balls and, by now, his rock hard cock. This caused him to scream in pain.

I ordered Salina to stop hitting his genitals, I don’t want to cause him to be injured permanently. The very sight of him being struck there made me cringe. Salina grunted, surly, and continued with the punishment. I’m not sure but I think Salina had an orgasm, she certainly looked pleased with her self.

Sabrina was delegated to punish Sandra. I asked Sandra where she would prefer to be struck, she was getting ten strokes as well. Sandra smirked at me and said, “five on my tits and five on my arse, I don’t care if I’m hit on my vagina. That is if you will allow it, Master.”

Sabina made Sandra stand upright with her hands behind her head. Sabrina hit her arse hard and Sandra called out the number and the statement Ferguson had used. Sabrina made Sandra turn 180 degrees and hit her across her breast. She did this alternating hitting bum and boobs until ten strokes had been delivered. Sabrina has smiling broadly, I think the twins were too fond of giving and taking pain.

Mother stated that dinner was ready, she had made a casserole in the slow cooker that morning. We trooped into the kitchen and sat at the table. I told Ferguson and Sandra to sit on the floor.

When we had eaten our meal I told our unwanted visitors that I want them to go to their own homes. They protested but I was firm, I touched their shoulders so they were no longer my slaves. Go home I ordered. I watched them dress and held the door open for them to leave. Sandra had tears in her eyes, pleading to stay and Ferguson asked what he could do to stay. “Go home, both of you and don’t come back!” I ordered.

They left and when I returned to the kitchen mum was angry with me. “You cannot treat people like that, you made them slaves and they were happy with that. You are playing mind games and causing them distress. I have told you this before. You must sort them out before you release them into the real world.

This has been a bad day for me, I’ve been bollocked by Violet and now by my mother.

“I’m not sure what I can do, mum, I’ve released them from slavery, told them I don’t want them here. I can’t undo what is past so what do you suggest?”

Mum said, “you must realise that if they have to seek psychiatric treatment that may put us in a difficult position? There has to be away out of this predicament and I feel that asking them may be a help. If they do contact us again perhaps we should ask them and not antagonise them by rejection.”

My mother is a very good adviser and, of course, I accept her advice. I will do as she says.

“Master,” Sabrina said, “we would like to go out tonight, if we may. Our friends, girls, want us all to go to a dance and it’s been a long time since we’ve been out and let our hair down.” She looked at me awaiting a response.

“That’s fine, just remember not to say what goes on in this house and of course, no underwear, so dress accordingly. I looked at their naked bodies, two beautiful proportioned bodies that will attract a lot of attention. Like the rest of my family they were accustomed to being nude at home and were very casual as they relaxed. Right now they sat on the settee exposing their vaginas, modesty was out of the window. Being naked didn’t leave much to the imagination and showing me their sex holes was an every day event. I know they are tempting me but Violet was my love.

Mum and dad were fondling each other as usual, they always seemed to be ready for sex. Dad’s hands were on mums body constantly while she always seemed to be playing with his cock and balls. The phrase “Get a room.” frequently came to mind.

Suddenly mum moaned softly as she came, dads hands had done their work. When she recovered she wanked dad hard and he ejaculated ropes of come over mum. The twins smirked and winked at me. Mum and dad just sat back and touched each other again as if nothing happened.

I was tired and had an early night, my problems couldn’t be solved tonight. That is for another day

to be continued.


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