Talk Dirty to Me by AnonymousPerv,AnonymousPerv

It’s very rare for me to knock out 14k words in three days. Originally titled WEEKEND AT AUTUMN SPRINGS, this one was written fast, so I wouldn’t be surprised if there are some editing issues. Regardless, if you’re a romantic and if you like a little dirty talk, then this might be up your alley. I vaguely left room for a part 2. Let’s see the crowd reaction.


“Hey Pete, what are you working on?” I’d just finished a report for Dan Hemple, the founding partner of the firm. The effort put me in the unfortunate position of working with a client named Bernie Poser. Bernie’s last name suited him because he was definitely a poser, always trying to show off. Always trying to impress. He’s the gym-bro type who’s concerned most about his personal image and anything else is beneath him. We put up with the man because his account is worth a high six figures, but he’s exhausting. Bernie might be the most misogynistic man I know, more interested in my tits than my talent. I was hoping to sweet talk Pete into letting me take a long weekend.

“Oh, hi Beth. Just putting together the new land deed for Autumn Springs, that resort south of Savannah.”

“A resort, huh? Why do you get all the good gigs? Let me guess. This one is going to take a personal visit or two to oversee, right? At the clients’ expense?”

Pete smirked, “Only because they offered.”

It was no surprise we got this kind of work. Dan’s firm specializes in land contracts, deeds and property acquisitions and seizures. Things of that sort. We were always getting complex work from people who wanted to feel confident that no mistakes would be made. We might be a small firm, but we have a stellar reputation. God forbid a business actually start tearing down trees, digging and building on someone else’s property. It’s disastrous, legally expensive and happens more often than people realize.

“As a matter of fact,” said Pete. “That’s why I’m packing now. We’re going down for the weekend.”

“What? Leaving now?”

“Well, no. Dan, Frank and I are leaving tomorrow at 8. It’s a few hours of driving and we’re coming back Monday. I’m just organizing the paperwork. I need the owner to sign a few things.”

Dan didn’t tell me anything about this. I crossed my arms and leaned back against the open door. It pushed my ample breasts up and out, but I didn’t care. Usually, I always try to dress and act professionally in the office. I never want to be viewed as someone who earned her position by being the sexpot of the office. Those types move up fast, but often hit a ceiling they’ll never break.

“Well, why the fuck do you guys get a paid holiday and not me?”

Pete looked up from his papers, shuffling a few of them. “Honestly, Beth, I don’t think we even considered it. The resort offered to host anyone from the company. I didn’t think to ask if we could have guests outside the company, but I’m sure you’d be welcome. You’re one of us.”

I didn’t want to miss the opportunity of skipping a workday, even if it ruined my weekend plans. Not that any of my plans mattered. A resort sure sounded more fun and interesting than another weekend of bad rom coms. It’s what my life has become since breaking up with Jeff.

Pete scratched his head and winced. “I know Dan asked Brenda if she wanted to come but she said no.”

“Brenda, the receptionist? Said ‘no’ to going to a resort?”

“Yeah, I was kind of surprised, too, but you know, considering…” I wasn’t sure what Pete was getting at, but he continued. “I guess that’s why we didn’t think to ask you.”

“That’s ridiculous,” I scoffed. “Am I invited or not?”

“Well, yeah, I don’t see why not? Just be here at 8 and you can leave with us. We have room.”

“Alright, then. I’ll pack enough for the trip but keep it to one suitcase.”

“That would be appreciated.”

I couldn’t believe Brenda passed on the opportunity to skip work. She hated Fridays. We get lots of extra calls from clients trying to reach us before the weekend and it annoys her. Brenda is also the sun-dwelling, beach-going type. A resort seems like something she would love to do. I wondered if she had issues at home or something else preventing her from going. I considered seeking her out, asking about it, but eventually thought the better of it. Let her business be hers.

I was so excited about the trip I showed up early the following morning, letting myself in the office at 7:40. We don’t normally open until 8:30 and Brenda is typically the first one in the door, but sometimes Frank arrives first. I wasn’t surprised to see him come in shortly after me. “What are you doing here so early?” he asked.

“Pete didn’t tell you? I’m coming with.”

“Are you helping?”

“If needed.”

“Oh. Well, alright then. Heck, I thought it was just going to be us men.”

“Don’t you guys go to the strip club every month? Isn’t that enough for male bonding?” I hoped it sounded as sarcastic I intended it to.

“Yeah, but this is different, no?” Frank asked, raising a brow.

“Uh, yeah. I would say so,” I scoffed. “Thanks so much for inviting me.” That, too, was meant to sound sarcastic.

A few minutes later Dan and Pete arrived and we were set to go. “I’m driving,” said Pete, “Throw everything in the back.”

“I thought we were taking the company sedan,” said Dan.

“We could, but my SUV’s bigger. I’ll even cover the gas,” he joked.

I took the backseat with Dan. I got along with him better than Frank, so I was happy about it. He turned to me shortly after we got on the freeway. “I was surprised when Pete said you wanted to go.”

“What? Why?”

“You just broke up with that guy… uh, Jess, right?”

“Jeff. And yes, I did break up with him.”

“I thought you might still be wallowing in the misery of that.”

I waved Dan off. “Oh, no. It’s for the best, believe me. I might have cried a bit, but yeah, it’s no reason to skip out on this resort.”

“Oh,” Dan sounded surprised. “I’m sorry I didn’t think to ask. Pete said you kind of forced your way in.”

“Hah! That’s probably accurate but thank you for saying so.” I wagged my finger at him. “And if another client of our ever offers a free resort weekend, the answer is always yes.”

Dan laughed. “Okay, I think I can remember that.”

A couple hours into the drive, we turned onto a narrow, county road and continued for some time. Thirty minutes or so later I leaned up to the front and tapped on Pete. “Are you lost? How long have we been on this road?”

“Oh yeah, this place is way out, but one would expect that.”

“A resort? To be in the middle of nowhere?”

“Well, yeah, Beth. Why do you think drawing up that new deed has been so complicated? We’re dealing with property that borders six farms!”

I frowned, confused. “Jesus, just how big is this place?”

“Yeah, that’s what I’m talkin’ about!” scoffed Pete.

I started to lean back and shrug it off when I stopped myself, asking Pete pointedly, “Is this like some exotic hunting resort? Is that why you were hesitant to invite me?” Peter’s expression turned to confusion and he turned to look at me. “Eyes on the road, man!” I shouted. “Like, why didn’t you tell me?”

“What, that this is a hunting resort?”

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