Talk Dirty to Me by AnonymousPerv,AnonymousPerv

Just then, the front passenger door opened, catching me by surprise. And damned if my thoughts must have been well placed. It was Frank and while I couldn’t see everything from the back, I could tell he was nude. He was quiet so I spoke up. “Uh, where are the oth-” The back door and front driver’s side door opened in unison just as I was about to finish asking. Dan threw a wad of clothes at the bottom of the seat and stepped in. Peter was getting in front.

“Well, that was easy,” Dan smiled, closing the door behind him.

I tried not to look, but Dan’s meat was hard to avoid. Absolute mammoth sized balls. No wonder he was a boss man. I quickly turned away, looking up to the sky out my window. “Oh, uh, I guess I wasn’t quite expecting… this.”

“Yeah, yeah. Roy Kipling, the owner of the resort, said we didn’t have to go naked, but normally this is a no clothing allowed establishment.”

“You mean none at all?”

“That’s right. There are only a few exceptions where clothes are allowed, like on the rare occasions they have service workers come out, or special events that require working with fire. He mentioned a few things. Anyway, we didn’t want to impose, so we agreed to strip off. No big deal.”

“Well, for me it is.”

“Oh yeah, about that. Here’s the deal. They have two cabins available on the far end of the east side of the resort. It’s near a lake, about a two-mile journey on a dirt road.”

“Maybe we should have taken the other car,” sighed Peter.

“They had some multi-suite cabins available too, but with your request-” Dan waved to me, “Mr. Kipling is being accommodating.”

“What do you mean?”

“Refusing to go naked. Roy said he’s not comfortable having you around the busier areas where everyone else goes nude. Oh, by the way, there’s a bison farm adjacent to this that we’re allowed to visit, and a wild horse reserve on the other end of the property. Ponds, lakes, meadows, loads of wildlife and nature reserves. He’s hoping the expansion helps draw more crowds.”

“It seems fairly busy. There was a decent amount of people arriving while you were in the welcome center.”

“But a place this size needs many more visitors. They fill the cabins most weekends, but the campsites go half empty most of the year.”

We were already on the dirt road, headed to our destination. “Yeah, it is beautiful out here. So much to see.”

“Yeah, you’ve seen an eyeful, haven’t you?” scoffed Frank.

“Oh, stop it. I just wasn’t prepared… and, uh, did you guys notice…”

“Notice what?” asked Dan.

“While I was waiting outside for you, I didn’t see one woman come in or out of the welcome center. It was all men.”

Pete laughed up front. “Yeah, I think I can guess why.”

Dan asked, “Why so, Peter?”

“You couldn’t tell? Come on. Don’t tell me I’m better at figuring this out than you, Dan, but Roy? He’s gay. Definitely gay. Not to mention, this is kind of a rugged place and isn’t advertised as family friendly, rather adults only. He may need to reconsider his business model.”

“You think he’s alienating the straight crowd?” Frank asked Pete. “Family oriented crowd?”

“Could be.”

“We weren’t hired to handle their public relations, just the new land deed.” Dan huffed, then tapped me on the shoulder. “Look, there’s only one bed and pullout per cabin, so Pete’s going to stay with Frank and me, and sleep on our pullout. You get the other cabin to yourself.”

“Well, that’s silly,” I said, trying to pretend I didn’t want to impose. I improvised, “Pete could sleep on the pullout in my cabin. Or I mean, rather, even I could. Let’s face it, I’m bottom of the totem pole here in terms of leadership roles. I get it. Don’t treat me differently just because I’m a woman.”

“We already are,” said Frank.

The words stung and silence hung in the air for a bit before Pete spoke up. “I think that’s them — the cabins. Packed behind those trees.”

We were just rounding a corner and I saw them. Two small log cabins, maybe six hundred square feet each, sitting on the bank of a large pond. It might be a lake, but it would be labelled a small one. The road ended here. It appeared Roy could be setting this area up for more expansion should they ever need it, but right now it felt a little lonely and desolate.

When we got out of the car, I was shocked that not one of the three men made any attempt to cover themselves. Dan’s balls were accompanied by a fat cock, even if it wasn’t as long as Pete’s. Frank seemed average through and through. I tried my best not to scope any of them out when they were looking at me. I hope I succeeded.

“Pete, you can have the bed. I’ll sleep on the couch,” I said, as I pulled my suitcase out of the back of the SUV.

“But uh, I thought you weren’t comfortable -”

“I’ll get over it,” I said. “Besides, I am just going to keep to myself.”

“Alright. I certainly don’t want to sleep on a pullout. Never do well with those things. I appreciate you doing this for me, Beth.”

“Yeah, uh, no problem.” The truth was, I expected Peter to be a bit more chivalrous and put up a fight. My plan was I’d “concede” and he’d stay with Dan and Frank, after all. I overplayed my hand, but it was too late to change anything.

“When are you having Roy sign those papers you brought?” Dan asked Pete. It was strange watching my two colleagues hold a conversation completely nude, their dicks not three feet apart. For a flash of a second, I imagined what it would be like to be between them, holding their cocks in my hands. “Get it together, Beth,” I whispered to myself, ashamed I was having such thoughts.

Pete reminded Dan about the meeting with Roy. “We said we’d meet up for breakfast tomorrow. I was hoping to do it then.”

“Good thinking. And we’ll firm up those plans with the other board members, too.”

“No problem, Dan. Do you still want to do that pheasant shoot Roy talked about?”

“Oh, absolutely. I haven’t fired a rifle in ages.”

“Don’t you need a license for that?” I asked, interrupting.

Dan laughed. “Yeah, let’s hurry up and get over there. Roy said it was starting after lunch.”

We all dispersed, Dan and Frank to the cabin closest to the car, and Pete and I set off to the other. I couldn’t help but notice how muscular Pete was. He’s quite slender, so with clothes on one doesn’t see it, but with every bare inch of flesh exposed, I could see toned, tight muscle development. He obviously worked out. A runner, maybe? A swimmer?

“Pete, do you mind if I ask how old you are?”

“What? No. I’m 33.”

“Why did I think you were closer to 40?”

“Gee, thanks a lot, Beth. I dunno. Probably because Frank and Dan are both in their late 40s? But I started at the firm right after college. Been there seven years now.”

“Aren’t you a partner?”

“Junior partner, yes.”

“When did you make that?”

“Let’s see, it was almost three years ago.”

“I thought you must have been with them for a decade or more to make that.”

“Not at all. They reward success. You keep busy and get the clients, bill the hours… you’ll be rewarded.”

“Ah, so maybe I need to be more aggressive getting new clients.”

“Never hurts to network.” Pete turned to me, his cock whipping around in the motion. I jerked back, as it nearly hit me. “Hold on, these doors use regular keys and I put them in my bag.”

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