Talk Dirty to Me by AnonymousPerv,AnonymousPerv

Pete continued, “I always thought we were lucky to have you around the office, Beth. It’s much more pleasant to look at a shapely woman than the other guys, ya know.”

“Gee, thanks,” I scoffed, placing my hand to my hip. “Glad I’m appreciated.”

“Hey, I can rightly say I prefer the shape of you naked. You literally look better naked than with clothes on. And you dress very nice!”

I rolled my eyes. “See why I didn’t want you guys to see me this way?”

“You said you didn’t want us to see you naked because you don’t like your body. You didn’t say you don’t like being ogled. I mean, damn, girl. You’re hot. Own it.” I turned another shade of red. “But then, I’m a lover of large breasts. Yours are about as perfect as they come.”

“Are you being serious?”

“I am.”

“Okay, maybe you have some big tit fetish or something. I don’t think most guys would like them.”

“So what?”

“W… well?” I stammered.


“I mean… what if they don’t like them?”


I was baffled. The logic was bulletproof. Why should I care whether someone likes my tits or not? Or whether someone thinks I’m hot or not? What was the point of it? I stopped talking and started walking again. “I think I’ll get that shower now.”


My skin was bright pink. Under the cool water, I could tell I was going to regret falling asleep under the sun. From top to bottom I expected to crispen up. I sort of cursed myself for not laying on my front side, but then I realized it would be harder applying burn cream if that were the case. When I finally got out of the shower, I called out to Pete. “Hey, you still here? You got that cream?”

“What?” I heard Pete approach the door.

“Do you have that burn cream?”

“Oh, yeah. Gimme one second.”

A minute later there was a knock on the door. I opened it a few inches and reached through the crack. “Thanks, Pete!”

“Aw, I was hoping you’d let me help put it on.”

“Haha, buddy. You wish!” I was actually flattered that Peter liked my body, yet for some reason I was still nervous about it. I felt the bottle hit my hand. “Thanks again. You’re a lifesaver.”

“If you do this again, you better use sunscreen or something.”

“Yeah, yeah. I do have sunscreen. Supposedly, it prevents any UV rays if applied properly, but you’re right. I probably won’t be doing this again.”

I left the door cracked, but only barely. Just enough to talk without the need for yelling. I tried to peep through it quickly just to see if Peter was doing the same, but it was too dark on the other side to make out anything. The blinds were shut in the other room, not allowing much light in. I dropped my towel and decided not to worry about it. I’d just assume Peter wasn’t peeping on me, regardless.

“Do you tan often?” he asked.

“No. Not really.”

“Huh. Most young ladies like that sort of thing, no?”

I didn’t want to bring up my insecurities again. I do tan occasionally, but it always takes me extra mental effort and courage to wear the two-piece. “I suppose so. I do it now and again.”

“Well, like I said before, you don’t have anything to be ashamed of. I think most women would kill to have your body.”

“This again,” I huffed, pretending to be annoyed. Thing is, it’s been a long time since someone complimented my body. Jeff never did. It might be another factor in my body image issues.

“Hey, just sayin’. Why don’t you finish up and meet outside? Dan’s brought back some bar-b-q.”


It was bizarre eating surrounded by three naked guys, but here we were. Pete mentioned I’d burned myself, but he didn’t mention he found me naked. I suppose he was saving me the embarrassment, but I figured he was bound to tell them. I was almost curious enough to ask why they stayed naked when we were in an isolated area, not visiting with guests or touring the park. Maybe Dan and Frank just wanted it that way and it wasn’t my business. Truth is, I got kind of horny after a while. Even though it’s casual, with me being the only one dressed, seeing cocks sling back and forth as the men got up to get more beer or food was kind of fun to watch.

It was just getting dark when Dan looked up to the sky. “I think I’m going to settle in early. Read a book, then go to bed and get up at the crack of dawn.”

“That sounds nice,” I said. “Think I’ll follow your lead.”

“In your own cabin,” Dan laughed, pointing.

“Of course,” I said. “Goodnight, you guys.” I was the first to get up and was hoping Pete might stay outside for a while. I only needed a few minutes to knock one out, I was so horny. Unfortunately, I hadn’t even got the pullout bed arranged before Pete made it back inside. I was just taking off the pillows when he approached.

“Hey, Beth. I know that room is small, but that’s a queen size bed in there. You could take the left side; I can take the right. It’s bound to be more comfortable than this thing.”

I punched at the overstuffed pillow. “Yeah, maybe. Are you sure? You don’t mind?”

Pete chuckled, looking to his crotch. “It’s not like you haven’t seen everything already. It’s your decision.”

“Alright, I’ll take the left side, then. I was going to read for a bit. Is that okay?”

“Sure,” Pete said. “I do the same almost every night.”

A few minutes later we were both propped up on the bed. I was under the sheet in a tee and Pete on top of it, uncovered. We peeled off the comforter and cover as we suspected it would be too hot for their purposes. I wasn’t expecting Pete to have such bravado, staying naked on top of the bed. From this angle, I could easily see his impressive cock plopped over his left leg. It was very erotic but I said nothing, only stealing glances on occasion.

After some time reading, Pete turned to me. “Maybe you should apply more cream before you nod off.”

“Yeah, good idea. This shirt actually hurts a bit wearing it. Makes my skin burn when it rubs against me.”

“Thick, cotton shirt, that’s why. You’d be better off going like me.”

“What? No way, Pete. That’s…” Again, I was stumped. And then a little light went off in my brain. I winged it, “Fine. I’ll do it. I mean, it’s actually the practical thing to do.”

“Don’t hate me for taking a peek now and then,” chuckled Peter, softly to himself.

“I heard you.”

“I meant for you to.”

I got up to fetch the cream. “I’ll be back in a few.”

Pete was under the covers when I came back, with his light off. The one at my night table was dim but lit the room well enough for me to get where I needed. I pulled the sheet back a bit and turned off the light, before quickly ripping off my shirt, sliding into bed.

“See, not so bad. We even have space between us for another person,” Peter chuckled.

“This is awkward enough, thank you.”

“Yeah, you’re right. Besides, I’m guessing Frank and Dan would prefer time alone in their bed, so they’re out.”

“Wait, do you mean?”

“You don’t know? Those two are an item. They don’t overtly show it, though.”

“I had no idea.”

“You know what they say about office romances.”

“No. What do they say?”

“Don’t have them.”

“Probably good advice,” I said. “But I thought you guys went to the strip club once a month! If they’re gay…”

“We do. Male strip club. I go just to entertain them and I don’t care. Not homophobic.”

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