Talk Dirty to Me by AnonymousPerv,AnonymousPerv

“Okay, that’s enough!” yelled Peter. “Maybe you think your relationship with Beth is more casual than it is, but you cannot speak to her this way.”

“Relax, bro. Beth don’t mind, do ya, sugar-tits? Or rather, milk-truck tits.”

“Sir, I think you need to find another table,” Peter said firmly. I was shocked he was holding it together. His face was redder than my burnt skin. Perhaps if Bernie weren’t a client, he’d be more aggressive. Once again, I nudged Peter to let him know I was okay, that he could back down.

Bernie leaned across, closing the space between our table. He winked at Peter. “Look, friend. All I’m doing is complimenting the girl. I’m-”

“You’re insulting her.”

Bernie leaned back. “Difference of opinion. My intentions are pure.”

“Hardly pure.”

Bernie thought for a second. “Okay. You’re probably right, but it doesn’t make what I’m sayin’ any less true.” He looked back to me. “Now, Beth. I have to ask. Did God gift those to you or did you find one helluva doctor? I could refer my wife.”

Of course, he was married. My low opinion of the man sunk even lower, if this is how he acts when he’s married. I put my drink down and paused a second. Then I lifted my tits up, rather high, and squeezed. “They’re all natural, Bernie. Just nothing you’ll ever get to touch, I’m afraid. No matter how hard you get over ’em.”

“Now that is a shame. Not even one little grope? One tweak of a nipple?”

I shook my head. I was enjoying the attention, even though the situation was absurd. Funny how yesterday I would have died of embarrassment if I’d known this would happen. Maybe all those years of vanilla sex, and repressive attitudes towards my body, hid some truths from myself.

Bernie leaned in even closer. I was wary he’d try to cop a feel somehow, so I stayed alert. “Now, play along, sister. After all…” Bernie pulled back and glanced around the room before coming back to me again, “Every straight man in the place is thinking the same thing. You’re the hottest piece of ass here.” I could tell Pete wanted to light into him but he held back, gauging my reaction. Bernie dropped his voice even more, “Not that there’s lots of straight guys here. When Dan invited me, I didn’t know…”

“Maybe he thought you were gay,” said Pete, flatly.

Bernie didn’t seem to appreciate it. “All I’m saying is this place is a bit of a drag. Needs more women like you.” And that’s when he did it. Just as I let my guard down, Bernie sneaked his hand under my arm and gave my left tit a pinch.

I slapped his hand away. “Alright, Bernie. Let’s not make a scene.”

“Sorry. Couldn’t help myself.” The whole time, Bernie’s friend said nothing. Bernie turned to him. “I see we’re not welcome here. Let’s leave these two lovebirds alone.”

I was grateful Bernie was willing to eject himself. Pete was at the end of his rope. Once Bernie was out of earshot, Pete asked, “You did work for that guy?”

“Yes, very recently.”

“Of all the people to see you here.”

“I guess Dan must have mentioned this place to him. You know, a day or two ago I would have vomited over the idea of Bernie Poser seeing me naked, but I dunno…”

“Getting used to it, huh?”

“Yeah, I guess so. Even liking it.” I paused, noticing Pete was hard again. The table wasn’t hiding it from view. “Maybe not as much as you,” I joked.

“Very funny. Hey, if anything, that pervert is right. You’re hot. I don’t see how he managed to stay soft around you.”

“You still can’t stay soft? Even after having me?”

“Even less so now. I can’t wait to fuck you again.”

His words sent shivers up my spine. All this attention was making me very horny. “Maybe we should go back to our room,” I whispered.

“Just look at you two.” Another voice boomed out. This time it was Roy Kipling, boisterous as ever. “Are you two together?” he pointed wagging both his fore and middle fingers at us.

“Oh, um,” Peter cough, trying to think what to say. “Erm, just really good friends.”

“Squeeze on over, dear,” Roy said, shoving me aside. “I’m glad I stumbled into you. You especially,” he nodded my direction. “So, tell me. A young couple like yourself. What do you think of the place?”

“My gosh,” I said. “We haven’t even had a chance to see everything yet, but what we have experienced has been lovely.”

“Kind of you to say but come on. Tell me the whole truth. As my attorneys, I expect to hear it.”

Pete shifted in his chair. “Uh, we were actually discussing this not that long ago.”


“Well, Beth is right about everything being lovely. It really is, but it’s a bit… lethargic. You need to draw more couples and women here, I think. It’s fine to encourage the gay and single crowd, but a balance needs to be made that alienates no one.”

Roy absorbed the information for a moment before responding, “You think it’s possible?”

I broke in, “I think there’s a few things you could do. Pave more routes between your attractions. Maybe offer a map and more activities that include women. Or maybe some that are organized by women.”

Roy tweaked at his beard and said, “We have a few female employees, but probably not a lot of regulars who could help with something like that. We need a larger pool of people to have these things. Catch 22.”

I asked, “If you doubled your visitor and membership numbers by next year, what could your total renovation and advertising budget be this year?”

“Interesting question,” said Roy. “Half a million dollars, maybe more.”

Knowing the resort wasn’t making much money now, I assumed Roy had other sources of revenue or cash. Maybe a large inheritance or something. Or maybe this place didn’t do so badly, after all. Most entrepreneurs I’ve met are never satisfied with their gross sales figures, even when they are well in the black. Regardless, I believed the money was enough to work with. “Roy, before I arrived here, Peter explained how this resort has a reputation. The thing is, I don’t think that reputation is one of inclusion and fun for everyone, but rather of morbid curiosity. We need to work on the image a bit because this resort really has it all. A nice restaurant, snack bars, cabanas, pools, hiking, the lakes, beachfront. It’s a terrific camp site, with so much more.”

“I make sure we’re well staffed and the grounds are kept in order,” bragged Roy. “It may hurt the bottom line but it’s worth it. I’m proud of this place.”

“You should be. You just need to hire a marketing expert.”

“Why not you?”


Just as I was trying to wrap my head around the out-of-left-field questions, Dan and Frank walked over. “Oh, great to see you,” said Dan. “Change of plans for Frank and me. Have you eaten yet?” Peter shook his head and motioned for them to pull up some chairs.

As the two were getting seated, Roy got up to allow them room and said, “I was just telling… Beth, is it?” I nodded. “That she should handle my marketing, along with spearheading a few updates to the place.”

“What?” asked Dan, sounding as shocked as I was.

“I’m impressed with her insight,” said Roy. All four men were looking at me while he spoke. I felt it was ironic (if that was the right word) that Roy was complimenting my insight while I was buck naked in front of my colleagues. Roy continued, “One can have more than one skillset. Did you know, before this, I was the CEO of a toy manufacturing company. Before that, I was an airline pilot. It’s funny how life can lead you down any variety of paths. What do you say? Stick around for a few weeks. Organize a plan and I’ll back it. Dan, I’ll pay her wages plus fifty percent. Can you afford to let her work for me exclusively for a while.”

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