The Alpine Adventure Pt. 02 by thesolitaryreaper,thesolitaryreaper

Can there be too much pleasure in sensual relationships? And can this lead to cracks in intimate partnerships? Are we as human beings eternally greedy? These questions often ring bells in my mind during my day job. I really loved my job but I wasn’t able to focus in recent days. Perhaps it was the fear of losing the most precious things I had.

After experiencing the most romantic vacation in my life in Switzerland which won me not just one but two sexual partners, I was back in Delhi with my girlfriend Jagriti. This level of sexual excitement was unlike I had ever experienced before and somehow my inner subconscious reminded me that nothing lasts forever.

Jagriti had lost all her inhibitions and fears about sex because not only did she have sex with a guy but with a girl as well. Immediately after coming back, she insisted that we take up and apartment together. Her job and my job were more than sufficient to meet our expenses. I was really excited by this prospect.

We had sex practically every day in the bedroom, in the drawing room, in the kitchen, in the bathroom…. You name the place and we have tried to fool around there. However, we restrained during her periods. It was hard for both of us as we couldn’t keep our hands off each other. Although many YouTubers have told that sex during periods is okay, I was repulsed by it.

As you may recall from the last story, it was only Yogita who licked Jagriti’s ass. Throughout our Swiss vacation, I never did anything to Jagriti’s forbidden hole. And even after returning I kind of avoided it. This is where problems started. Jag was super jealous of Yog because I was always enthusiastic to lick, eat and even fuck Yogita’s ass. Though she hadn’t shown it during the vacation, she had started showing signs of it now.

One day during her periods, she was having the usual “girly temper tantrum”. She wanted sexual pleasure and I wasn’t willing to have sex with her on her period. I asked her to masturbate and even bought her three different sex toys. She grabbed my dick through my jeans and said, “I want this! Not some plastic crap!”

I flatly refused and said that this is the line that I will not cross. She was so addicted to sexual pleasure that she wanted to be pleasured during every moment of her waking life.

She asked me why I can’t fuck her ass. I said that I never felt that attracted to her ass. This broke her heart.

“You were licking and eating Yogita’s ass like it was some kind of an ice cream. You do realize that we women shit too and we use the same asshole to do that. Why is her ass so precious and mine isn’t?” Jagriti was losing it.

She burst out into tears and sat on the couch. I didn’t know what to say to console her. I tried to caress her breasts but she pushed my hand away.

“You know something? You have better boobs than Yogita. But Yogita has better ass than you. If you recall, I played with Yog’s boobs very less compared to you. You don’t see Yogita being jealous and angry about it. Do you?” I asked her.

“Yes, you played with her boobs less than mine. But you did play with them. You never play with my ass at all. Why is that?” Jag was not letting this go.

I told her that if she really wanted that, then I am willing to take her ass just like I did Yogita. She snapped at me saying that she doesn’t want any favor from me like that. Apparently she wanted me to lick, eat and fuck her ass wholeheartedly and not because she persuaded me to.

Now, this is where women put men in a dilemma. After a long fight, when men do agree to their women’s demands, suddenly the women don’t want the thing they were fighting for. It is so freaking confusing and annoying!

Anyway, for the next few weeks we didn’t become physically intimate. A crack had appeared in the relationship and I was afraid that it will only widen. During our weekly video calls with Yogita, she tried to cheer up Jagriti but she wasn’t giving in.

Now, Yogita and we had a pact that while we are away she can see other men. She was happily pursuing one-night-stands with a lot of guys though she wasn’t willing to commit to any of them.

Both Jagriti and I got on with our respective jobs and lived a sexless life for a few more weeks. However, something else happened in between. Jagriti joined a gymnasium which was different from the one that I was going to that was run exclusively for females. She also started working out at home.

I initially thought that this might take her mind off things and let her cool down. However, I did notice something. She was specifically doing Jumping Squats, Donkey Kicks, Single-leg Deadlift and the like. At first I didn’t care much but then curiosity kicked in. I looked up online to see why she was keen on these workout routines and sure enough, a women’s health website said that these are workouts designed for improving the butt shape and size.

Damn it! She was still jealous of Yogita’s fantastic ass and wanted to own one for herself. Frankly, the idea kind of turned me on because if she succeeds in her ass endeavor, then I will have two girlfriends with perfect asses which I can lick one after the other. My mouth watered in anticipation.

Over the weeks I did see her ass progressing in shape, firmness and size. Three months later, her ass rivalled that of Yogita. One day I had to work late at my office and when I returned, I could hear conversations happening inside the apartment. I opened the door and my eyes widened.

Yogita was on Skype call with Jagriti. And Jagriti was sitting on the couch with her ass facing the camera. She was showing Yogita her newly shaped ass. She noticed me entering the house but didn’t care. As I moved past them I noticed that Yogita was naked on the camera and was masturbating looking at Jagriti’s ass. “WTF!” I thought while I walked to my room to freshen up. I was too tired from work to be aroused.

I let Jagriti and Yogita do their business and took a shower. After I came out to the dining room, I could see that Jag was sitting on the drawing room couch and masturbating now with the vibrator I bought her while Yog was showing her ass. I shook my head and went and checked whether there was any food. I found roti and palak paneer. At least my girlfriend was still kind enough to cook dinner for me today, I thought. I ate my dinner and went to sleep. Sitting in front of the computer all day had taken a toll on my brain. I needed rest.

Next day was Saturday and I had set the alarm for 8 AM as I wanted to sleep longer. As the alarm went off, I opened my eyes and tried to turn it off. However, I couldn’t move! I tried to look around and found that I was naked and my hands and legs were tied! I couldn’t even move my head. It was securely fastened with some sort of band.

“What the hell! Jagriti! Please come here!” I shouted. But nobody answered. After about 20 minutes, Jagriti appeared wearing a night gown. I asked her what this new nonsense was. She didn’t say a word. She came over and climbed on top of me and sat on my chest. I said her weight will cause me breathing trouble but she didn’t care. She just turned around with her ass facing my face and removed her night gown. Her bare ass was facing me. She had completely washed and bleached it. It was looking even better than Yogita’s ass. I was instantly turned on and had a rock hard erection. The moment she saw that, she slapped my dick hard and I screamed in pain. Tears started rolling down from my eyes.


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