The Barbell Club Ch. 01

An adult stories – The Barbell Club Ch. 01 by guygranite,guygranite The Barbell Club: 1

There are so many benefits and drawbacks about living in the big city. I never thought the best part would be living across from The Barbell Club. It’s an up-and-coming no frills free weight gym that oozes testosterone every time they lift the roll-up doors. Technically, I live kitty-corner from the gym and am constantly reminded of their presence with blaring music, grunting, shouting, and occasional cheers.

My favorite day is “PR Day.” They lift the door at 6AM the first Saturday of each month and support members trying to reach their “personal record”. Masculinity is on full display throughout PR Day. Guys show up, pump themselves up, and then shoot their shot. I mentally consume every inch of each guy setting their records on PR Day, cataloging my favorites for later.

Some guys bring their friends to help them get hyped. For example, I’ll hear a young guy shouting “Come on Rudy, come on Rudy! You got this baby. Wohooo!” as Rudy bends over, clenches his tight ass, flexes every hard muscle in his body, and screams as he moves the weight off the ground. He always wears tight training shorts that show off his athletic thighs. He’s nice to look at, but not my type. His scream still sounds like a dissatisfied adolescent, though he looks to be in his mid-20s.

The quiet guys are my type. Clay’s tall, quiet, and stoic. This man sets his sharp jaw, lifts with authority, and doesn’t break his face. His dark eyes are on a mission every time I see him in the gym. I hear his rhythmic breaths as see his muscles flair tighter and tighter throughout his workout. I relish the memories of this man and my arousal each time I experience his tight body pounding the metal.

My girlfriends think I’m crazy. They see the appeal of watching studs working out, but are worried that I’m missing an opportunity for a deep loving relationship. I’m not looking for a relationship right now, but I may be missing opportunities for hot sex.

The girls came over for brunch last Saturday. The weather was hot, the men were progressing through their routines, and our mimosas flowed generously.

Veronica surprised us all by bringing her binoculars. She said she wanted a better view.

She did have a better view. She gave us the play-by-play as she studied the god-like chests, firm asses, and thinly veiled bulges. She was especially talented at describing the outlines present between rock solid thighs. We had fun trying to conclusively determine if power lifting gave men a hard-on.

As usual, the conversation turned to me.

“So, when are you going to stop shopping and make a purchase?” said Carol.

“Never,” I laughed. “I’m happy right now as things are.”

“Oh, come on. You can’t stare at these hot guys all the time and never get off.”

“Who says I never get off?” I said and everybody laughed.

“I bet you do,” Veronica shared as she winked.

There was a pause.

“Seriously Mel, why don’t you go talk to these guys?” Veronica continued. “You can’t just sit here and watch them every weekend.

“I don’t want a relationship.”

“You don’t need a relationship. You need to talk to a man.”

“I…” I didn’t have a good response. I have been finding my way through each day, but I really do feel a gap in my life.

“I don’t know how,” I shared. “I mean, I don’t know how to start that conversation.”

“You don’t have to,” Veronica continued. “Make them do it.”

“What do you mean?”

“Setup a situation where they have to talk to you. For example, you could walk by and drop something. Then, the guy would pick it up and give it back to you. At that point it’s up to them to start a conversation.”

“No way, that would never work,” I said.

“Don’t knock it, ’til you tried it,” she said. “That’s how I ran into Dave and we all remember how good that was while it lasted.”

“Ok, I guess I could do that.”

“Good, go get your shoes on.”

“What?! Now? No way!” I said.

“Why not? You have to put yourself out there,” she said while the other girls quietly nodded.

“Ok, umm, what should I drop?”

“How about a pair of underwear?” Carol cheerfully chimed in.

“Are you kidding?”

“Absolutely not,” said Veronica. “Go get a clean pair of underwear. Make sure it’s sexy, but not too fancy.”

I couldn’t believe I was doing this. I was going to walk by The Barbell Club and drop a pair of underwear to try to start up a conversation with a guy. I rummaged through my underwear drawer and picked out an everyday thong. I thought about the scenario and changed into my usual yoga sports bra and leggings. I grabbed my mat and a bag to make it look like I was going to a yoga class.

I touched up my lipstick, lifted my chest, and headed out the door.

“You got this Mel!” shouted Carol.

“Don’t worry, we’ll be watching,” Veronica teased.

I walked around the block in the opposite direction to gather my nerve. I positioned the thong on the edge of my bag so it would easily drop and moved toward The Barbell Club.

I saw a handful of guys lifting as I approached from the far side of the street. I was sure a pair of binoculars was trained on me right at this moment.

I confidently strode by and nudged my bag. I felt the thong drop as I walked a few paces.

“Excuse me, miss. You dropped something.” I heard, as a helpful young guy jogged out of the gym. He moved to pick up what I dropped.

“Oh shoot, thanks,” I said as I turned around and saw that it was Rudy.

He picked up my thong, looked at me, and gently folded it.

“Here you go,” he said as he handed me the underwear.

I saw the mass in his tiny shorts begin to swell. I blushed and thought that it was cute of him to fold my thong.

“Thank you,” I said as I turned around.

“Hey,” he said, “where do you do yoga?”

“The hot yoga studio down on second.”

“Oh cool, I live by there. Maybe I’ll see you around.”

I smiled, turned, and continued walking down the block. I swayed my hips as I felt Rudy’s eyes on me the entire time.

“Holy Shit! You did it!” Carol exclaimed when I got back in my apartment.

“What did he say?” she asked.

“He asked where I did yoga and I told him down on second. He said maybe he would see me around.” I couldn’t believe I went through with it and that it actually worked.

“He looked you up and down as you walked the entire block,” said Veronica, “and the man is hung.”

“Wait, what do you mean?” I said.

“He got a hard on as soon as he realized what he picked up. Look, Carol got a few photos.”

Carol showed me her phone. She had taken half a dozen photos of our conversation zoomed in on Rudy. One of them was focused directly on his crotch. Those light grey training shorts showed everything. I could see the outline of his thick dick. His mushroom head reached to his left pocket.

“Fuck,” I exclaimed as I felt my nipples hardened and sensitively strained against my bra.

“That’s what we said while you were talking to him,” Veronica said in a lustful voice. “Do you mind sharing those photos with us Carol?”

“Absolutely!” she said as we all heard the chime of incoming messages on our phones.

We took a moment to look out the window as Rudy laid down on the weight bench with two large dumbbells. We got a peripheral view of him and saw that his erection was subsiding as he laid down. Rudy is an enthusiastic lifter. He breathes so hard as he strains to lift the weights. He does five reps and then begins to really push hard. We hear him forcefully exhale with a rush has he lifts the sixth rep. He takes a deep loud gulp of air as he arches his back and moans. His face reddens and he releases when he reaches the apex.

You could hear a pin drop in my apartment. I took a sip of my drink because my mouth was dry from watching him.

He grunted as he prepared for one more rep. He lowered the weight and screamed throughout. His body is arched from his firmly planted feet to his shoulder blades. His hips were thrust to their maximum. We could see the luscious lines of his front and back.

He eventually sat up completely spent, lowered the dumbbells to the ground and wiped the sweat off of his face. We were quiet for an eternity.

Veronica finally broke the silence. “Well, that’s all that I can handle for today,” she said as she let out a deep breath.

“Can you believe he folded my thong?” I exclaimed a little too loud.

“He what?!” someone said as everyone laughed breaking the tension.

“I know! I’m not sure if he’s kind or if he needed to compose himself before handing them over.”

We carried on conversations for a few more minutes. Eventually, everyone packed up and went on their way.

I couldn’t believe what I had done. The thought of Rudy ran through my mind throughout the day. I changed my mind and decided that I could get over his screaming if I was the one making him scream.


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