The Demand by sbksbk

A literotic sexstories: The Demand by sbksbk ,
“I can’t believe you’re asking me this?” Paula implied.“Will you do it then?” Ricky quizzed.

Paula had been going out with Ricky for just under a week, he was every girls dream; she wanted to hang onto him at all costs; at the moment she was the envy of all her friends. It had been the most fetish request, never would she have thought this of him, even the thought of it disgusted her; it was the most outlandish plea she could ever of thought of considering.

“Would you mind if I had time to think it over! I mean it’s not as if it’s a normal thing to do is it?” Paula could see by the look on his face that he wasn’t to delighted with her answer.

“Let me know by tomorrow night then?”

“Ok, tomorrow night then!” Paula reached across opening the car door as she spoke. “What happens if I say no?”

“Somehow I don’t think you will; sleep on it, I’ll see you tomorrow night!”

Paula watched as he drove away before going into the house; she did speculate if all his girlfriends had had to go through this ritual, never would she have considered him to even ask her of such.

“You’re early!” Her mother smiled as Paula stepped in the door. “How did your evening go then!” She knew Paula was thrilled to bits with her new boyfriend.

“Fine Mum, the film was good”

“When are you seeing him again?” Asked her father.

“Tomorrow night, he’ll be picking me up”

“You don’t seem to happy about it?” Here mother stated.

“Just a bit tired Mum, it’s been a long day. I think I’ll have an early night!”

“Ok dear, hope you feel better in the morning” Her mother smiled.

Paula lie on her bed for what seemed ages, should she do this or not, he’d taken her to bed on their second night, it was good; yes it was first-rate, she’d not been fucked like it before, it was almost as if he’d go on forever, he’d wonderful staying power.

Next morning in the office her friends who knew of her relationship with Ricky were all over her, envying her was more like the true conversation. He was well sort after by her friends but some said they wouldn’t give him houseroom, did they know something she didn’t she wondered.

In her own mind she made it up to go along with his suggestion, never mind as to how bizarre it was; she knew she’d to hang onto him at all costs, it couldn’t be that bad. She’d to ring him at dinnertime to confirm her decision one way or the other, and then he’d make plans for that evening.

Ricky was a very manipulating person; with many friends that’s what worried her mostly, his friends. He was respected for his charity work of which he was well into, he raised lots of money, he was also very affluent person himself. Perhaps that is why he’d so many suitors, or would be suitors. Come lunchtime she was at her wits end, she knew she had to say yes,

The phone rang for what seemed ages before he answered.

“Are, Paula spot on time well have you made your decision one way or the other?”

Yes I mulled it over all night, but yes I’ll go ahead with it!” Paula stated waiting for his response.

“Good for you! You will enjoy it I’m sure of that, not many girls get the chance, they think of it as a daydream, however, this is not the case with you I’ll pick you up at 7 o’clock is that all right?”

Paula agreed to the time, giving a sigh “Yes I’ll be ready!”

“Wear something sexy, no jeans or trousers Okay?”

“Will do, I’ll be ready at seven!” Paula replaced the phone into its cradle.

For the rest of the afternoon she was on edge, sometimes snapping at her friends, as soon as 5 o’clock came around she was nearly first out of the door, straight home after dinner she was into the shower, she’d already decided as to what to wear, her clothes were laid out on her bed.

“My you look dressed to kill, this new boyfriend of yours doesn’t realise as to what his got!” Her father enlightened her.

“What’s the occasion?” He mother smiled.

“Nothing really; just going to meet some of his friends, he asked me to make an effort!”

“Effort; Christ you’ll have every man in town after you! You look really…” her father hesitated for a moment, he knew the right words but he couldn’t say them “Really dishy!” He meant to say very fuckable,” Thankfully he’d managed to change his wording.

“Leave her alone Bruce, your making her go red!” Her mother laughed.

As her mother spoke the doorbell rang.

“It’s alright I’ll get it!” Paula stated, not wanting to have any more embarrassment in front of Ricky.

As she opened the door Ricky was gob smacked, he knew he’d have no trouble everything would go down fine.

Ricky arrived back at the car first opening the door for her, Paula looked back to the house; her mother was waving out of the window. Paula raised her hand then got into the car. “I must say you’re really the party piece!” Ricky smiled getting into the car beside her.

“Thank you!” Paula smiled. “Where are we going?”

“You’ll find out soon enough. This is going to be what most girls dream about; but very seldom get, something you’ll always remember!”

Ricky drove about three streets away then stopped the car.

“Here?” Paula looked out of the car around her.

“No, not yet. You’ll have to put this blindfold on!”

“Blindfold, why so?”

“As I said you’ll not see as to where we are going, and you’ll keep it on until all is finished” Ricky informed her as he tied the ends of the cravat around her head.

It was at least another ¼ of an hour before Ricky had finally stopped; he’d gone around in circles toward the end just to make sure that she’d lost her bearings.

“Well here we are, I come around and lead you in!” Ricky got out of the car and walked around to the passenger side. “Ok out we get.”

Paula eased her legs out then stood.

Little did she know that she was realise that she was no more to blocks away from her own home?

This was going to be a good turn for Ricky’s handicap friends; it was their club. Ricky had hired the hall for the evening; all had been prearranged, no one spoke as they entered the main doorway, as far as Paula was concerned they were both on their own. Ricky took her into the room with the table then turned her; lifting her off the floor onto it, then eased her back down.
“So what do you want me to do?” Paula asked, not realising that the table was now surrounded by twelve of Ricky’s handicapped friends, each had their trousers or jeans down to their ankles, toying with their cocks.

“First you’ll start by giving a blowjob as to make sure the cock is up and running, as soon as it is, the guy will then start to fuck you, then the next one will offer his cock up to you. When the guy who’s fucking you is about to cum, he’ll move up to your mouth, you’ll take his cock and finish him off, swallowing his load. You’ll have to work from left to right, so your new cock will always be on you’re left, the one that’s about to cum will move up to your right. Are you with me?” Ricky smiled as he spoke, pointing to the first of the guys to take his place.

“I think so! How many will there be?”

“Don’t you worry your little head about that, just enjoy them as they will you I hope!”

“Do I have to wear this blindfold all the time?”

“That’s the adventurous part about it, you and each of the guy’s will be wearing blindfolds. You won’t know whom is fucking you, and nether will they know as to who you are!” Ricky lied as he lifted her legs up onto the edge of the table, spreading them wide.

Each of the guy’s moved down below her, scrutinising the view before them. Mind you Ricky was the first to bone up.

I’ll just test you to make sure your ready!”

Ricky moved in between her legs pulling her panties to one side, lining his cock up to her, it went in easily. He placed his hands each side of her onto the table’s edge, pushing his cock in deeply; then held himself firmly up inside her.

“Now here is your first, take it into your mouth!” He informed her.

Paula was shocked when she felt the cock rubbing around her mouth, she really did consider that they were on their own; reaching up taking the cock into her hand then guiding it to her mouth. The guy stood hands on hips his cock in her mouth, he started fucking motions almost as soon as his cock became fully engulfed.

The others by now all had raging hard on’s; Ricky now started to work on his cock diving it in and out of her at a leisurely pace. He looked up to the guy with his cock in her mouth and nodded to him; as if to say are you ready. He grinned back at Ricky gesturing he was more than ready to move.

“We’ll move around now!” He informed Paula, beckoning the next guy up toward her.

As soon as the guy pulled his cock out of her mouth the next cock was up and ready and waiting whilst the other guy took up Ricky’s position, her pussy held him tightly as he fucked her, it was sheer bliss to him. He looked up toward Ricky the expression his face showed all. Ricky leaned his hips forward in fucking movements, aiding him to fuck her faster; the guy soon picked up on his gesticulation and started to plough into her.

Ricky knew that he’d not have to be to long with twelve fucking her, and he wanted to get down to the pub when they’d all finished. Paula was now gripping the edges of the table herself she’d never been fucked so aggressively. She could hardly believe the noises that the guy fucking her was making; he sounded more like an animal to her. Abruptly he pulled out and rushed up to her side, the other guy immediately snatched his cock from her mouth. Paula realised as to what was happening rolling her head to her right, before she knew it the moist cock was within her mouth, this was the first time she’d ever tasted her own juices.

The guy let out a loud moan as he came, it nearly chocked Paula, it’s taste was not as she’d had have expected it to be, nevertheless there seemed to be gallons of it. Her new lover had moved in now, the feeling was good; she was even working with him. It was then that she realised the next cock was prodding her mouth. Thankfully they were both working in harmony, which gave her instant orgasm, the guy fucking her pussy sensed her inner pussy muscles flex as she went through it.

It was when the fifth cock was placed in her mouth that she started to wonder; mind you she was enjoying it immensely but she did wonder as to how many more they’d be.

“Ricky…how many more are there?” She managed to ask before her mouth was full again.

Ricky was sitting in a chair beside her at this stage, he’d be glad when they’d all finished, as he himself sought after giving her a good fucking, only he’d blow his load up her.

“Not to many, by the looks and sounds of it you’re enjoying yourself!” He replied still stroking his cock.

Paula couldn’t answer, as her mouth was more than full, the guy between her legs was fucking her at a ferocious rate, her feet had been placed on his shoulders he was using his full length in her; she’d lost any form of momentum at this stage.

It was her ninth that shocked her, he’d just moved from her mouth and was now fucking her pussy hard, she knew he was well endowed by the blowjob she’d given him. Unexpectedly he ripped his cock out of her and repositioned it up to her anus, this is something she’d never had, and by the feel of it didn’t want.

“Ricky, no I don’t want this!” She stammered.

Ricky stood from his chair immediately, the last thing he wanted was for her to pull at her blindfold, the guy who was fucking her was one of the most repulsive of men he’d ever seen. Should she see his face she’d more than likely run out of the hall screaming then all would be lost?

“It’s okay, try it you’ll more than likely enjoy it. Give him a chance to get it in!” He implied.

The guy went from pussy to arse, then back again collecting her juices as he went, all of a sudden it was in, Paula let out a loud moan as he forced the huge cock up her; then it was out again into her pussy then back up her arse; however this time it felt more than good.

One of the other guys came up and started to finger her, she’d now all holes plugged, Enjoyment wasn’t a word she could use; it was far beyond enjoyment, never would she have considered that being fucked in her arse could feel so magnificent, she was having orgasm after orgasm. She was taken aback when the guy exploded up her arse; she nearly chocked on the cock in her mouth; it felt more like she was having an enema. As soon as he’d blow all he snatched his cock out, the guy who’s cock as in her mouth was straight down to her pussy, thankfully for him her pussy had retracted somewhat, after his predecessor had chosen her arse. In a way she’d not minded him blowing up her back passage, she’d not have fancied his cock in her mouth again after it had been there. She completely lost count now; she didn’t know as to how many had fucked her; all she knew is that she was enjoying it immeasurably.

Ricky was annoyed when two of the guy’s wanted second helpings, but he allowed them their pleasure. The time had gone well, she’d been fucked for nye on 2¾ hours, when the last one had blown his load Ricky stepped in between her legs, she was soggy for sure, but it felt good, when he blew his load Paula sat up startled.

“It’s alright it’s me this time!” He chuckled.

Each of the group of guy’s had left; the hall was empty, Ricky reach over her pulling he into a sitting position, still without removing her blindfold.

“Right I think it’s time to go down the pub, I’m sure you could do with a mouthwash!” Ricky suggested.

He almost had to carry her out to the car. Paula waited until he’d got in beside her then asked.

“Well, aren’t you going to thank me for meeting you demand?”

“It was hardly a demand, it was more of a wish, I like to watch!” Ricky stated as he started the engine and moved off.

“Now will you tell me as to how many there was, I’d lost count?”

“You really want to know?! Ricky smiled.

“Of course, why not!”

Ricky pulled into the kerb and stopped the car, then turned to take her blindfold off.

“With me at the end, they’d be fifteen! You did well” he informed her

“My pussy feels more like I’d had twenty, none of these friends of yours will be down the pub will they?”

“Shouldn’t think so!” Ricky lied, knowing that they’d all be there. “So you’ve been fucked fifteen times, you’ve taken a load up your pussy, another up your arse and thirteen loads in your mouth. Now that has to be a record!” Ricky chuckled as he moved the car from the kerb.

The pub was quite full when they entered, Paula did wonder as to why so many in there shook Ricky by the hand, most she’d never seen before as he introduced her to them. One of them had a bad affliction, she did feel sorry for him; little did she appreciate it was he who’d blown his load up her arse.

“Who are all these people, I didn’t realise you knew so many?” Paula quizzed when he finally managed to sit down beside her.

“There all from the handicapped club, they’re often in here, I do charitable things for the club now and again. They’re quite harmless!”

“Well I don’t know as to what you actually do; but they certainly seem to appreciate you” Paula stated with a smile, looking across to the bar as she spoke.

“Oh, I do my bit I suppose!” He smiled.

Ricky always helped the guys out at the club in a way he felt sorry for them, knowing they’d never get a girl between the sheets so to speak, trouble was he’d quite taken to Paula, but seeing her fucked by so many put him off to some extent. Normally he’d have picked a girl from out of town, he’d been doing this for nearly a year now, little did Paula realise that this was as to why some of her friends had taken a disliking to him, but didn’t have the heart to inform her of his antics. They couldn’t let it be known that they themselves had been through the same misfortune.

At this moment Ricky’s last girlfriend came into the pub, she’d not been through Paula’s ordeal. He stood and looked toward her, then down to Paula.

“Have to go now, see you again sometime!” He remarked.


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