The fall and rise of a marriage by wieliczka,wieliczka

Over the years, I remember asking her to direct me, communicate with me, guide me on how to specifically pleasure her. Her attitude more than half the time was that ‘I should know’, ‘I should pay attention’, ‘I should ….’ Fuck, I was happy when I found anything that would work for her. That god damn sense of entitlement …

“Making love for us Brian hasn’t been as good as it could be.”

“Where do we go from here Deb? Our drives are different, our wants are different, our needs are different and our capacity for bending for each other … different?”

It was over 2 hours later that we called it a night. We didn’t solve things, but it was a good and healthy start. We did know where and how we going to go forward.

Tuesday Jun 1, 2021 Brian and Debbie Zoom session


“You know Debbie, I’m pretty close to finishing up the cabin.” I paused, waiting for her to say something.

In an angry voice she bellowed out “IT’S ABOUT FUCKIN’ TIME.” Then she broke out in laughter. That’s the thing about marriages, the ‘core personalities’ will always remain. It’s the marriage, and the devotion to the marriage that actually ‘sandpapers off’ the rougher edges. She set me up for the joke and I enjoyed it. Months ago this would have been devastating. Now, it was a tender connection.

We’ve learned much about being together. I was able to give her the occasional ‘freedom’ to ‘CONTROL THE WORLD’. I also waited for her to come back to me to ‘sort things out’ between us afterward.

She also was so aware of me not having ‘any space’ in the marriage. It became a friendly game of getting me to ‘go to the head of the class’. I’ve lived my life that if there wasn’t any space for me to be somewhere, I wouldn’t go.

I work with her issues, she works with mine.

I was going to return home Thursday, only 2 days away. It’s been almost 8 months.

Wednesday July 14, 2021 Brian and Debbie at home


“When Laura and her husband Ken, Cathy and George going to come over? I’ve got the brats, burgers and some craft beers ready.” The brats and the beers were from northern Wisconsin. Damn good, both of ’em. I did learn that I couldn’t eat or drink those wonderful things very often. The weight or the cholesterol … would not be good. In the past several months I realized that I needed to drink less. I was drinking a glass of slightly better than cheap vodka every night. I ‘needed it’ to deal with the depression and boredom. My therapist was real helpful. I know that it was wrong, but I didn’t tell Debbie about it until I was clear of the problem. I got osme shit for it, but it was deserved this time.

“Brian, they all know that we’ll be outside — and masked. Cathy and George are asthmatic and I know that they’re good about it. Laura and George … well … they may be a problem.” She paused while looking at me and smiling. “We go with our plan. Respect OUR wishes at our house, or the highway.”

Wednesday September 8, 2021 Brian and Debbie at home


“Brian, Laura’s in the hospital and Ken’s in the ICU. She was real sick and had problems breathing. The ambulance took her on Monday before midnight. Her husband Ken put a note out on Facebook on Tuesday morning. His kids were looking out after him. He’s got Covid too. On his facebook account on Tuesday, he said that he’s seemed to be doin’ ok. On Wednesday, his kids called the paramedics for him.” Debbie looked at me severely. “Don’t you dare say I told you so.”

I was about to say something about ‘The Law of Natural Selection’ but barely stopped in time. With all the bullshit that I’ve heard from Laura and Ken’s mouth, gloating was real appealing to me. Karma, it was god damn karma. When she was here about 12 weeks ago, I almost asked her and her husband to leave. She started to wind up with whatever the medical conspiracy theory of the day was when Debbie reminded Laura that what she was saying was not acceptable at our house. Laura got a bit huffy, but cooled her jets. That day we found out just how much Laura was not following the protocols and that it was nothing to be worried about. She was warned again when she started to talk about the sheep wearing masks when Debbie just stared at her while we were all quiet. Laura stopped that shit once again. She was still an anti-vaxxer and demanded the same of her husband.

Now she was hospitalized, with oxygen. Our neighbor’s experience gave us cause for concern for Laura. Her husband did post that they got the delta variant. Now, it’s pretty bad.

“Deb, I’m sorry about your friend.” I got a ‘look’ from Deb when I continued. “Honest Deb. I am sorry. I’m not responsible for her, but I really don’t wish anyone harm. She’s always been this way and as you know, it’s not our job to stop her from doin’ what she ever wants do.” I looked down at the floor then continued. “What can we do to safely help?” Deb’s face went from angry, to reflective, to warm, to sorrowful.

“I’m sorry Brian. I also have so many feelings about her poor choices.”

Sunday September 12, 2021 Brian and Debbie at home


“Brian?” I heard Deb calling me. It was not a friendly call but a worried one. “Laura’s Mother-in-law just died from COVID complications. It looks like she got it from Laura and Ken. They both went to that the wedding reception together in Indiana and then spent the rest of the weekend with Ken’s mom. She was frail and the complications ended her life quickly. The Facebook posting from Ken’s kids is that they are all devastated.”

“I’m sorry Debbie. His mom was a great person.” Unsaid in my head I shouted ‘HER FUCKIN’ DEATH NOW WAS EASILY PREVENTABLE’.

“Brian, it’s become the pandemic of the unvaccinated. We can’t do a thing about it for anyone but our selves it seems. By the way, Laura is still in the hospital but appears to have stabilized. Ken has stabilized too.”

“Please offer our condolences. Ask if there is anything we can safely do.”

Saturday October 9, 2021 Brian and Debbie at home


Climbing the stairs from the basement, I’m smelling something good. It’s has to be the thick pub burgers that we had in the freezer. “Deb? What’s up? I’m not arguing with it but what”, I inhaled deeply with a smile on my face and in my voice, “gives?”

Looking over her shoulder from the stove, she smiled then ordered me to wash up and set the table. Those things had to be done, but the anger, impatience and entitlement was no longer in her voice.

“Today is our anniversary. Pull out the candles and the fancy dishes and wine glasses too. Open a Trader Joe’s red for dinner.”

“Wait a minute. We were married in May, today is October. Aren’t you a bit mistaken?”

“Brian, it was a year ago today that we started to reboot our marriage. I know that we’ll continue working on it till the day we die. But a year ago, we didn’t know that we’d still be together.”

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