The Jocasta Complex Pt. 04

An adult stories – The Jocasta Complex Pt. 04 by halbrighton,halbrighton WARNING: This story contains explicit sexual language and activity, including rough sex. If such material offends you, please move on to a different story. There is something for everyone on Literotica’s website.

Please note that this is the FOURTH part of this FIVE part story.


The Jocasta Complex – Part 4

Mothers and sons succumb to their mutual lust on a two week mountain holiday.


Friday Morning / Day 8

It was almost eight by the time Ally slowly came to life. The house was completely silent, but the smell of fresh brewed coffee was wafting through the air from the kitchen. Looking over, she saw that Josh was still fast asleep.

Between their love making, pillow talk and lying in bed listening to the impassioned moans of Sandy and Mike that carried down the hallway, it was nearly three in the morning before she and Josh finally drifted off to sleep. Ally decided to let him sleep as she got out of bed, put on her robe, and headed toward the kitchen and coffee.

“Oh, hey, good morning,” said Lois smiling as she looked up from her tablet. “Let me get you some coffee. Sit next to me, and we can talk.”

“Anyone else up yet?” asked Ally as she sat down, yawning. Ally watched Lois as she moved around the kitchen gracefully in her elegant silk orchid print kimono.

“Not yet,” replied Lois. “Just you and me. Josh still asleep?”

“Yeah,” said Ally. “And Dan?”

“Out cold,” responded Lois with a thin smile. “We didn’t get much sleep last night. Between the talking and listening and love making―”

“Yeah, it was the same here,” replied Ally. “They were still at it when Josh and I drifted off.”

“Do you think Sandy is going to be OK?” asked Lois seriously, turning to look at Ally as she sat down next to her. “In the clear light of day―you know―and all that?”

“I don’t know,” replied Ally, her voice equally serious. “I think we both kind of expected it―but still―I wasn’t prepared to watch her ―”

“With her own son!” agreed Lois, shaking her head. Lois’ voice was full of empathy for Sandy. “I know how hard it was for me with Dan the first time―and probably for you with Josh―but just imagine ―”

“Yeah,” said Ally. “All we can do is be supportive at this point, I guess.”

“Yeah! I guess we’ll just have to wait and see how she is―,” agreed Lois before becoming distracted.

“Do I smell coffee?” said Josh as he walked into the kitchen with Dan right beside him. Both boys were naked.

“Yes,” replied Lois, getting up from her chair. “I’ll pour you a cup. You can sit down next to us―after you both go and put a robe on! No more nudist camp. OK?”

“Yeah, OK,” replied Josh contritely, as he and Dan did an about face and headed back down the hallway.

Lois poured each of the boys a cup of coffee, then topped her own and Ally’s off before starting a fresh pot and returning to sit next to Ally. Lois and Ally chatted for several minutes until Lois saw Dan, Josh and Mike all coming down the hallway together. Lois got back up and poured a third cup of coffee for Mike, suggesting they all go sit at the dining room table.

“Should I pour Sandy a cup?” asked Lois, looking at Mike.

“No, she’ll be out later,” replied Mike, sounding guarded.

Lois and Ally exchanged concerned looks.

“We’re going to go down and join the guys for breakfast,” said Josh. “Dan and I are going to put our newfound culinary skills to work.”

“Good idea,” replied Ally. “Take what you need from the fridge.”

“It’s a nice morning,” suggested Lois. “Why don’t you boys hang out at the pond this morning―”

“And give us some girl time!” added Ally. “We can get together for lunch. OK?”

“What about the Zoom call?” ask Josh.

“Oh shit!” exclaimed Ally. “I forgot all about it. I’ll call and reschedule it for later this afternoon. You and I can break away for a while. It shouldn’t take that long.”

“Sounds good,” replied Josh as he and Dan headed toward the door.

That would work out really well, Ally told herself. She had regretted not telling Josh about the moves she had made with Michael and Andrew’s companies when he caught her on the phone with her assistant from the office earlier. She had promised to never lie to him or keep secrets. She later realized that she had broken that promise then.

Now was her chance to correct her mistake. She would tell Josh what she had done before their afternoon Zoom meeting, telling him it came up while she was on the phone. Technically, that wasn’t a lie.

All of this rushed through Ally’s head as she and Lois watched the boys raid the refrigerator for breakfast stuff before they headed down to the bunkhouse.

Once all three boys were gone Ally excused herself to the office and made the call to her assistant, rescheduling the Zoom meeting.

Lois got up and poured a cup of coffee for Sandy and waited for Ally to return before they both headed down the hallway to check on Sandy.

When Ally opened the bedroom door the room was completely dark. The blackout curtains on the windows were pulled tightly shut. The light from the hallway cast a narrow shaft on light on the bed and they could see Sandy huddled in the far corner of the bed with only the top sheet covering her.

The moment they stepped through the door, they could hear her weeping softly into the pillow she had wrapped around her face. They could also see that she was curled up into a fetal position as her body heaved beneath the thin sheet.

“We brought you some coffee,” said Lois, her voice soft and empathetic as she sat down next to Sandy and began stroking her back and putting the coffee cup on the nightstand.

“We’re here for you,” added Ally as she sat down next to Lois and began stroking Sandy’s backside and thigh. “If you want to talk it out, we’ll listen. OK?”

“Where is Mike?” sobbed Sandy. “And the other boys?”

“They’re all down at the bunkhouse,” said Ally. “We told them not to come back up until lunchtime. OK?”

“OK?” whimpered Sandy, in the girlish high pitched voice she got when she was emotional.

“Sit up, mon amour,” urged Lois as she leaned over and kissed Sandy on the cheek. “Sit up and drink your coffee―and we can talk! OK?”

“What have I done?” wailed Sandy as she threw her arms around Lois’ waist and buried her head in her lap, continuing to weep uncontrollably. “Oh God, Lois―Ally! What have I DONE?”

“Oh, Sandy! In a moment of weakness you succumbed to your desires―and Mike did too!” rationalized Ally. “Just as Lois and I did with our own sons!”

“I KNOW ALLY!” wailed Sandy. “You’re Josh’s mother, but not his biological―”

“No, I’m not Josh’s birth mothers,” interjected Ally. “But I’m his mothers in every other way. I know―”

“We’ve felt what you’re feeling now, mon amour!” consoled Lois as she crawled up next to Sandy and hugged her from behind, kissing her on the neck. “We’re here for you. You’re not alone. We’ll be here for you. Won’t we Ally?”

“Of course we will,” agreed Ally as she scooted closer in bed on the other side of Sandy, hugging her from the other side.

Lois and Ally rolled Sandy onto her back and began showering her face with kisses, lightly stroking her breasts and lower torso as they pulled the sheet away, allowing their fingers to venture lower.

Gradually Sandy stopped weeping and she began returning Lois and Ally’s kisses. The two women removed their robes and nuzzled their warm naked bodies up to Sandy’s as her moans signaled her arousal.

First it was Lois who slowly kissed her way down Sandy’s body, sucking and kneading her lush breasts and then it was Ally’s turn as Lois moved lower and found Sandy’s clit, bringing her tense, overwrought body to an immediate orgasm.

Lois kissed and massaged her way back up Sandy’s body until their tongues were in each other’s mouths. Then it was Ally’s turn to bury her head between Sandy’s thighs and bring her to yet another orgasm.

After she came the second time, Lois and Ally draped themselves over Sandy’s body and hugged her close as they continued to kiss her face and neck from either side and soothingly stroke her naked torso. Lois and Ally could both feel Sandy’s body begin to relax.

“Why don’t we all take a shower together?” suggested Lois finally. “Just like we used to!―Then I’ll fix us all breakfast and we can talk some more.―Would you like that?”

“Sure,” sighed Sandy as she hugged Lois and Ally to her body.


Friday Afternoon / Day 8

Ally, Lois and Sandy sat side by side in their chaises at the back of the pond’s new platform, where it connected to the dock. They had watched as the six boys horsed around in the pond as they swam or tread water in the midafternoon sun. They had been boisterous as they splashed water at each other and generally had a good time. Now they were on the deck in their own chaises quietly sunning themselves.

“For once I’m glad the weather report was wrong,” cooed Lois as she sank back into her chaise and closed her eyes, luxuriating in the sun’s warm rays as it caressed her bronzed flesh.

“It’s turned into a really nice afternoon,” agreed Sandy as she slathered on more sunscreen. “Now, if the boys can just behave themselves!”

“Don’t worry,” chimed in Ally, who was sitting on the other side of Sandy. “I told them we were off limits until tonight after dinner.”

“Did you talk to Mike?” asked Lois from behind her movie star sunglasses, speaking to Sandy as she continued to soak up the sun with her eyes closed. “How did he take it?”

“Yeah, we talked,” sighed Sandy. “He understands that it can’t happen again―that it was a one-off―that we had our one night together and that’s it.”

“Is he going to talk to the rest of the guys?” asked Ally in a hushed tone.

“Yeah, he says that he and Josh and Dan are going to tell the others to drop the whole subject, that it’s not to be talked about again,” replied Sandy, her voice a little shaky. “Hopefully, this is the end of it.”

“Let’s hope so,” said Ally empathetically as she squeezed Sandy’s forearm. “Are you feeling any better now?”

“Somewhat,” replied Sandy with a sigh. “I’m not sure I’ll ever really be comfortable with what I did. You know?”

“I know, mon amour!” said Lois, stroking Sandy’s other arm. “But give it time.”

“SO! ― What’s the plan for tonight?” asked Sandy abruptly, trying to sound enthusiastic and to also change the subject.

“I thought we might change things up and take things to the bedrooms,” replied Ally. “Make things a little more intimate. What do you girls think?”

“That sounds like a good idea,” replied Lois. “What do you think Sandy?”

“Sounds good to me,” said Sandy. “Do we chose partners now or later.”

“How about now,” suggested Ally. “Can I have dibs on Mike?”

Lois and Sandy both laughed. They were knowing laughs.

“W-H-A-T?” whined Ally good naturedly.

“You really loves you some man meat,” giggled Sandy. “Don’t you darlin’?”

W-E-L-L ― ―YEAH!” snickered Ally, glad that things were taking a lighter turn.

“How about you, Lois?” asked Sandy.

“Dan and Nick seem to be forging a closer friendship,” replied Lois. “Would that be OK with you, Sandy?”

“Sure,” replied Sandy. “I’ll entertain the other two boys. Chris and Matt both seem a little inhibited―and I’m just the slut who can cure them of that, once and for all.”

“Well―OK then girls!” enthused Ally. “I guess we all have our dance cards full. So, now why don’t you sluts get some more sun!”

Lois and Sandy looked up at Ally as she got up from her chaise, smiling at them. Ally looked down at her cell phone before flipping the leather cover closed.

“It’s almost 2:30 and Josh and I have a Zoom call with the office at 3:00, if you’ll excuse us. Try not to get into too much trouble on your own ladies,” said Ally smiling.

Ally motioned to Josh and pointed at her cell phone. He understood the message and joined her as they walked up the hill to the house together.


The boys watched Ally and Josh as they ascended the path to the ranch house.

“Where are they going?” asked Chris.

“They have a Zoom call or something,” replied Mike as he got up himself and walked toward the wooden dock.

“Where are you going?” asked Matt.

“To get more beer,” replied Mike, without turning around, “and to see if Dan is ever going to get off his fucking computer and join us.”

“Now where are YOU going?” asked Chris, sounding exasperated as Nick was the next to get up and move off.

“To talk to Dan. Maybe I can get him to tear himself away from his computer and join us,” said Nick, looking back at Chris and Matt as he raised an eyebrow and shrugged his shoulders. “I’ll be right back.”

After Mike and Nick had been gone for several minutes Chris turned to Matt with a question.

“Man! Everyone seems to be all amped up today,” said Chris, “What’s the deal?”

“Yeah, I think the whole Mike and his mom thing has everyone all wound up,” responded Matt. “There’s been all this Oedipus stuff going on ever since we got here. And Mike and his mom was the final straw.”

“Huh?” asked Chris, sounding confused.

“You know,” responded Matt, “Oedipus Rex! The king in Greek mythology who killed his father and fucked his mother.”

“I guess I skipped class that day. I must have missed that lecture in Western Civ,” replied Chris, rolling his eyes before sinking back into his chaise and closing his eyes.

“Haven’t you noticed how strange Ally and Josh talk to each other now?” asked Matt. “It’s always ‘baby this’ and ‘baby that’!”

“Yeah? So what?” replied Chris.

“It’s like Ally constantly needs to remind Josh that she’s still his mom or something!” continued Matt. “And Josh calls her ‘baby’ back just to reassure her, I think. All that ‘baby’ shit back and forth is over the top!”

“Man, that’s some pretty high level Freudian shit,” replied Chris dismissively. “Maybe they just like calling each other ‘baby’.”

“I don’t think they even realize they are doing it,” said Matt.

“Seriously dude,” said Chris in exasperation, “let it go!”

“How many years have we known them?” asked Matt, trying to drive home his point. “And how many times have we ever heard them call each other ‘baby’ before?”

“Whatever!” retorted Chris. “Bro! You’ve got paralysis of the analysis!”

“Who’s paralyzed?” asked Nick as he returned and plopped himself down on his chaise.

“Dr. Phil here, is analyzing everyone,” said Chris mockingly.

“I’m just saying Ally and Josh seem to call each other ‘baby’ a lot,” retorted Matt, unwilling to yield the point. “I think Ally is all psyched out that Josh doesn’t love her like a mother anymore, that’s all.”

“She kinda quit being his mother when she started fucking him,” challenged Nick. “Don’t you think?”

“Yeah, but she still wants the love of a mother too,” said Matt.

“Maybe so,” replied Chris as he continued to sun himself. “But that’s for the two of them to work out. All I know is that she fucks like a bunny. And I don’t need to psychoanalyze that!”

“Chris is right, man!” said Mike as the other three looked up at him, not having noticed him walk up. “Women use sex to get love, and men use love to get sex. It’s that simple. Nothing more to analyze.”

Given the events of the last twenty-four hours, the three other boys all had to restrain themselves from saying something sarcastic. They all decided to leave it alone.

“Can I have one of those?” said Nick instead, as Mike sat the cooler full of beers on the swimming platform before handing Nick a beer.


“There’s something I need to tell you before we start the Zoom call,” said Ally as they sat next to each other at the dining room table with the laptop, secondary monitor and three-ring binders arrayed in front of them. They were both dressed now in preparation for the online meeting.

“Oh, what’s that?” asked Josh.

“When I spoke to the office earlier,” answered Ally, “I asked them to back off the move on Michael’s company.”

“OK,” replied Josh, seeming more curious than concerned. “Why is that?”

“When I was talking to Dan’s dad, he told me that Mike’s dad had retained him because someone was making a play for his company,” answered Ally. “That’s the kind of work Daniel does.”

“And you didn’t want to create a conflict with him?” said Josh. It was really more of a statement than a question.

“Exactly, baby!” replied Ally. “I wouldn’t want anything to come between he and I and Lois and Dan―and you.”

“That makes perfect sense,” replied Josh. “But what about Andy and his dad’s company?”

“I left that play in place,” said Ally matter-of-factly before pausing, then adding. “Actually, I told them to move ahead more aggressively.”

“So you are going to take him down?” asked Josh.

“It’s a prudent business move,” replied Ally. “Turns out he’s way undercapitalized and ripe for the picking.”

“How do you know that?” asked Josh.

“Because Bree told Sandy and Sandy told me,” replied Ally.

“Well, that’s certainly some insider ‘insider’ information,” replied Josh, snickering.

“All’s fair, baby,” replied Ally. “Oh! And something else―”

“What’s that?” asked Josh, amazed again how cutthroat Ally could be.

“If you have no objection,” Ally continued, “I want to retain Daniel to negotiate on our behalf and to handle all the legal details. Is that OK with you?”

Before Josh could answer, Ally’s phone rang. They both looked down at it and then at each other with a questioning look on their faces. Ally picked up.

“Bree, I’m so sorry we didn’t get a chance to say goodbye when you and Andy left,” said Ally, rolling her eyes. “Is everything all right?”

Josh couldn’t hear the other end of the conversation but Ally commiserated and sounded empathetic as Bree told her tale of woes before Ally finally spoke.

“So, Bree―is there anything, anything at all, I can do to help,” said Ally with just the right amount of sympathy. Ally paused as she listened to Bree.

“OHHH! I see,” replied Ally earnestly as she looked at Josh and mouthed the words ‘Oh shit!’

“Well, of course,” replied Ally. “We’re always looking for investment opportunities. As long as the numbers work, of course, I’m all in. And you’re sure your husband is onboard with this?”

Ally turned to Josh smirking as she listened to Bree’s reply.

“Well good then,” replied Ally enthusiastically. “You let him know we’d be happy to be his ‘White Knight’, so to speak. I’ll have my people get in touch with his people to work out the details.”

Again, there was a pause at Ally’s end of the conversation as she listened to Bree.

“Well, it’s my pleasure. I’m so happy you thought of me in your time of need,” said Ally reassuringly to Bree. “That’s what friends are for.”

Josh could tell by the way Ally kept nodding her head that Bree was gushing her profuse thanks.

“Well, you’re welcome,” said Ally finally. “And reassure your husband that we will want to retain him to run the company. I’ll instruct my team to make sure the deal includes a very generous compensation package, so you and your family have nothing to worry about.”

Again, Ally paused as Bree gushed over the other end of the phone. Now loud enough for Josh to catch a few words.

“Oh, by the way,” said Ally when Bree quit talking, “I think I’ll retain Dan’s father to handle the deal, if that is OK with you. We’re all friends and I’m sure he’ll make sure everyone is treated equitably.”

Another pause.

“Well, I’m so glad you agree,” said Ally. “I’m so happy you thought of us first. But I’d better get off the phone now. I have a Zoom call that I’m already late for with my staff. It will give me an opportunity to set the wheels in motion. Oh yes, you’re welcome. Talk to you soon. Bye!”

As Ally hung the phone up she had a shit-eating grin on her face as she turned to Josh.

“What the fuck was that all about?” asked Josh, even though he suspected he already knew the answer.

“Long story short, Bree’s husband asked her to call to see if we could be his white fucking knight and buy his company on favorable terms before things turned to complete shit,” replied Ally. “The cocksucker was too embarrassed and too much of a pussy to make the call himself. He let his wife do it!”

“And you’re still going to leave him in charge?” asked Josh, sounding a little confused.

“Oh hell yeah, he runs a good operation. Why wouldn’t I want to keep him,” replied Ally. “His only problem is that he created too much value that wasn’t reflected in his stock price and was undercapitalized to boot. Besides―I kind of like the idea of having him by the balls, just so I can squeeze them every once in a while. Especially since I won’t have to physically be there to do it!”

Josh laughed as he watched Ally type a text message into her laptop letting her assistant know she would be a few minutes late in connecting to the Zoom meeting. She let her know that it would be all hands on deck after the call.

“OK, I need to call Daniel now to lock him in” said Ally turning to Josh as she pulled up his number on her cell phone and dialed.

“Do you still need him, now that all the drama is over and it’s a done deal?” asked Josh.

“Oh hell, yeah!” replied Ally. “I want to take him off the board. I don’t want to run the risk of them changing their minds and trying to retain him themselves. There’s no one better at this stuff than him.

“What if he says no,” asked Josh.

“Even if he does, after I talk to him, he would probably have to recuse himself,” replied Ally. “We win either way.”

“You certainly seem to have all the angles covered―”Josh started to compliment Ally as she lifted her hand to cut him off when Daniel answered the phone.

“Yes, and nice to talk to you again so soon too, Daniel,” replied Ally. “But this is a business rather than social call, if you don’t mind.”

From the way Ally was listening, Josh could tell that her conversation with Daniel had quickly transitioning to a business call. It sounded as though he was going through his boilerplate legal spiel to a new client.

“Well, here is the long and short of it,” said Ally into the phone. “I just got a call from Bree. It seems that Andrew got hit with a similar play to the one you were telling me about with Michael’s company.”

Ally paused and listened.

“Apparently they are undercapitalized and Michael and Bree have asked me, my company, to be their white knight, so to speak, and I agreed,” continued Ally. “I’d like you to handle the transaction and make sure both parties are equitably treated. There is no one more qualified than you to handle the deal and because of all of our personal relationships you are uniquely suited for the task. There would be a level of trust. Would you have time?”

Again, Ally paused.

“Oh, yes! I’m glad you reminded me,” replied Ally. “Yes I told my staff that we should retain Andrew to run the company and provide him with a generous compensation package―with your approval, of course.”

Another pause.

“Oh, wonderful!” replied Ally. “I’ll have my people make the initial contact with you and I’ll leave it up to you how to proceed. Thank you so much, Daniel. Again, please let me know if there is anything I can do for you. Love you too! Bye!”

“So that’s it? asked Josh. “It’s a done deal?”

“No, not quit,” replied Ally. “This could still go south if we can’t agree on a price. And there are other things that could go wrong too. But we’re in a better position now than we were a couple of hours ago.”

“Are we going to need to cut the trip short?” asked Josh.

“No, I don’t think so,” said Ally. “For the next couple of weeks most of the action will be at staff level, and with Daniel, of course. I think we are OK for now. Besides, I want to avoid any direct involvement. I want this to be purely a business transaction and keep emotions out of it.”

“Other than you fucking Andrew,” replied Josh pointedly.

“Yes, other than me fucking Andrew,” answered Ally with a sly smile.


Friday Evening / Day 8

Lois, Dan and Nick busied themselves preparing dinner as the sun began to set. Everyone except Ally and Josh had spent a long afternoon at the pond. While Lois and her two sous chefs prepared dinner, Sandy and the other boys set the table, opened the wine and then lounged around the great room watching the Giants play the Dodgers on TV. Ally and Josh remained in the master bedroom, apparently still busy with Zoom calls back and forth with their office.

Ally had texted Lois at the pool earlier to let her know about her call with Bree and the impending purchase of Andrew’s company, and that Daniel would be handling the transaction to make sure everyone was treated fairly. Ally asked Lois to inform the others and told her that she and Josh would probably be tied up at least until dinner time.

Ally and Josh never rejoined the others at the pool. Once they were into the Zoom call with the team at the office, the new acquisition took on a life of its own. There were multiple calls back and forth between Ally, Josh and their team at the office and a couple of calls with other attorneys at Daniel’s firm.

Josh had been surprised at how quickly things were moving, and even more surprised at how adept Ally was at fielding each of the questions that came up. He was amazed at how she seemed to take it all in stride.

After the first hour or so of frantic activity, both Ally and Josh realized that they would have to sequester themselves frequently for the duration of their stay at the ranch.

Ally had Josh bring in one of the folding tables from the garage and a couple of the folding chairs to place in a corner of the master bedroom as a work area. That would provide them with some privacy when they were communicating with their office without disturbing the others. Ally anticipated that the communications would continue all weekend, and certainly during the following week until they left for home.

When Dan knocked on the bedroom door to let them know dinner was ready, Ally was just finishing up her final call with her assistant, giving her marching orders since the staff would be working through the weekend.


Lois outdid herself yet again at dinner, preparing her own recipe for lasagna, substituting pancetta for Italian sausage in the sauce. Everyone had second helpings along with more of the Greek salad that Lois had the boys prepare.

Dinner turned into a three hour affair as the group constantly ate and talked, with most of the conversation, and questions, centering around Ally and Josh’s acquisition of Andrew’s company. They went through six bottles of the Tuscan Meritage that Lois had brought along. It was a blend of Cabernet, Merlot and Sangiovese that matched the lasagna perfectly.

The conversation continued through dessert and coffee. Dessert was warm, freshly baked double-dark chocolate brownies served with a drizzle of raspberry coulis on the plate, and a scoop of vanilla ice cream with fresh raspberries and sliced strawberries on top.

Nick turned out to be handy in the kitchen too, especially since he was very adept at operating the professional grade espresso maker on the corner of the kitchen counter that had gone unused up to that point. Espressos, Lattes, Mochas and Cappuccinos continued to flow as the evening wore on, as did the Sambuca.

Everyone pitched in cleaning up after dinner and everyone retired to their respective bedrooms, since the dance cards for the evening had already been filled. Eventually, each of the women and their partners drifted off to sleep after a night of intense lovemaking, with their partners arms and legs draped over them from either side.


Saturday Morning / Day 9

Ally could hear her phone vibrating on the nightstand next to her as she awoke bleary eyed. The first thing she noticed was that the sun was beaming directly through the windows. As she reached over Mike’s body to retrieve her phone, she verified that it was, indeed, already a little after 9 a.m. The third thing she noticed, and much to her displeasure, was the colossal headache that throbbed between her temples.

“Just a sec,” whispered Ally huskily as she answered the phone, seeing that it was Bree. “I don’t want to wake either of the boys up.”

“Either?” asked Bree chuckling. “Who are the ‘eithers’ you slut?”

“Just a minute,” replied Ally, still talking in a whisper as she scooted to the end of the bed and headed toward the bathroom. With each step, her head pulsed with more and more pain.

“Mike and Josh, if you have to know,” replied Ally indignantly, not in any mood to be teased at the moment, her head feeling as though it was about to explode.

“Sorry, I don’t mean to snap,” apologized Ally as she closed the bathroom door behind her and immediately filled the glass on the counter next to the sink with cold tap water and sucked it down.

“Are you OK?” asked Bree, laughing quietly. “You sound a little out of sorts. Is everything OK?”

As Bree talked, Ally tried to focus on what she was saying. However another thought was competing for her attention at the moment. She was remembering a line she once read in a Somerset Maugham novel about a guy who woke up hungover. Maugham described him as feeling as though something had crawled in his mouth and died. That’s how she felt at the moment as she poured and gargled a second glass of water.

Ally could hear Bree giggling on the other end of the line.

“Too much wine and sambuca last night,” lamented Ally as she sat down on the toilet to expel said wine and sambuca, as well as the prodigious amount of cum that still filled both of her cavities after allowing Josh and Mike to ravish her body late into the night.

“It sounds like I woke you up,” said Bree apologetically. “I’m sorry. I thought you would be up by now. I just wanted to call and thank you for yesterday―for everything!”

“That’s OK. I think everyone will benefit,” replied Ally, rubbing her temples with both hands as she balanced her phone on her thigh.

“Andrew sends his thanks too,” said Bree. “He says he will be working with your team and Daniel throughout the weekend.”

“I’m glad they all seem to be working well together,” replied Ally.

“That’s just the thing,” said Bree, her tone almost apologetic. “He’s so busy that he says Andy and I are getting under foot and―”

“And you and Andy would like to join us here at the ranch,” replied Ally, finishing Bree’s sentence for her.

“W-E-L-L ― yeah!” responded Bree sheepishly. “If it’s not too much trouble.”

Ally’s brain was rushing a mile a minute trying to figure out how to respond to Bree, not to mention what she wanted to do. Ally’s hangover addled head wasn’t helping matters as she tried to think through her options and the potential ramifications of her final decision.

“Oh, baby! We’d love to have both of you come back,” replied Ally finally. “We were so disappointed when you left. Do you want to drive up this morning?”

“Could we?” answered Bree excitedly. “We’re just getting in the way down here.”

“Sure! We’ll have the bedroom next to Lois ready for you when you get here,” said Ally.

“What about the bunkhouse?” asked Bree, sounding confused.

“Oh, we kind of changed things up after you left,” said Ally. “The boys are pairing up and joining Lois, Sandy and I in our bedrooms. It’s more intimate. That’s why Mike and Josh were both in bed with me this morning.”

“Actually, that sounds kinda fun,” said Bree enthusiastically.

“You don’t mind sharing a bathroom with Lois and Dan, do you?” asked Ally.

“The more the merrier―right?” answered Bree, laughing.

“What time do you think you’ll get here?” asked Ally.

“Noon, maybe 1ish,” said Bree.

“Great! We’ll have lunch ready,” responded Ally enthusiastically. “After lunch we can make that shopping trip into town we talked about. What do you think?”

“Sounds good to me,” said Bree, equally enthused. “Can’t wait!”

“Give me a call when you’re close,” said Ally. “In the meantime I need to get in the shower. My skin’s beginning to crawl.”

“Well, baby,” laughed Bree, “that’s what happens when you got two big hunks sandwiching you all night. Bye!”

Typical Bree, laughed Ally, as she put her phone on the counter next to her. Bree always liked to get in the last word.


“Look at you―all hot and sexy!” said Sandy as she and Lois looked up from their coffee at Ally, who was wearing the raspberry colored version of the new dresses she bought in town.

“In that case, I wish I felt like I look,” replied Ally as she slowly ambled toward the bar and sat at the kitchen counter. As she sat down, Lois was already fetching her a cup of coffee.

“Are you an Advil or a Bufferin girl?” asked Lois. “Want a side of Alka-Seltzer?”

“Advil,” replied Ally. “Two please. How are the two of you feeling?”

“Oh, we’ve both taken our medicine,” replied Lois as she put Ally’s coffee in front of her, smiling.

“I tried to talk Chef Boyardee here into Bloody Marys,” said Sandy sarcastically. “But she nixed the idea.”

“I don’t think we have any tomato juice or mix anyway,” said Ally. “But we can pick some up when we go shopping after lunch.”

“Shopping?” exclaimed Sandy in her typical exuberant fashion.

“Yeah, I thought we could finally make that shopping trip after Bree and Andy get here―you know, after lunch.”

“Bree and Andy!” exclaimed Lois. It was obvious from her tone of voice that it was actually a question.

“Yeah. If Bree hadn’t called, I’d probably still be asleep,” said Ally. “Andrew says he is busy and they’re getting under foot, so Bree asked if they could come back. I said yes. Is that OK with the both of you?”

“Sure, darlin’,” said Sandy enthusiastically. “I could use some more of Andy’s man meat. That boy can rock a girl’s world.”

“That’s fine,” said Lois softly, sounding less enthusiastic.

“I promise, he’ll be on his best behavior,” said Ally softly as she looked at Lois. “Under the current circumstances, I think I have both he and his father by the short hairs. And I’ll make sure Bree understands that Andy has to behave.”

“I’m a big girl, you don’t―” Lois started to say, before Sandy interrupted.

“Darlin’, Andy just needs to be house broke a little,” said Sandy. “That’s all. If he wants to act out and behave all macho and aggressive, I’ll give him the ride of his fucking life. He’ll be the one rode hard and put away wet!”

“Oh yeah, the other thing,” interjected Ally. “I told Bree about our new sleeping arrangements and I suggested she use the bedroom adjoining yours. I figured Dan would be sleeping with you anyway. She was OK with it. Is that OK with you?”

“Well, yeah. Sure I guess,” replied Lois halfheartedly.

“Why don’t Lois and I switch bedrooms,” suggested Sandy, sensing Lois’ discomfort. “Bree and I can tag team them boys all night, back and forth, and really tucker them out.”

“That’s OK with me,” said Ally, thankful for Sandy’s offer.

“Yeah, sure. Fine. Thank you,” replied Lois, before changing the subject by adding, “How about I fix us all some breakfast.”

“Sounds good to me!” came a loud voice from the doorway.

Ally, Sandy and Lois looked up to see Mike’s hairy body as he stretched his arms over his head as he walked and his long, thick appendage swinging back and forth between his legs like a pendulum.

“C-L-O-T-H-E-S!” shouted all three women simultaneously.

“Oops! Sorry!” yelled Mike meekly as he turned on a dime and headed back down the hallway.

“Wake the others up!” yelled Lois. “I’ll have breakfast ready for everyone after you all shower and get dressed.”

“Yes ma’am!” replied Mike with uncharacteristic politeness as he disappeared down the hallway.

“Maybe I should leave him with you for a while darlin’,” laughed Sandy as she turned to look at Lois, who was already starting breakfast. “Maybe you can finally get him house broke too.”


Saturday Afternoon / Day 9

The four women were in their element as Bree sped toward town in her BMW en route to their shopping spree in Sonora. The quartet were feeling energized. This was the first time they had all gone shopping together in over two years.

They were going to hit the dress store first and then the jewelry store. After that, they were headed to the salon to get pampered and prettified. Sandy and Lois would get pierced for their new jewelry. Bree was already pierced in all the right place, plus the inside her nose, as it turned out.

Sandy and Ally had already talked before they left and agreed that Ally would buy each of the women a complete set of the dresses they all liked and Sandy would splurge for a set of nipple rings and the matching G-Strings for herself, as well as Bree and Lois.

“That will be our ‘harem attire’ for the rest of the week,” Sandy and Ally joked.

Each of the other women were on their own for their sets of body jewelry, picking gemstones that matched their eye colors. As it turned out, Lois’ cost more than all the others combined. Her body jewelry featured rare brown zircon gemstones that were flecked with gold, uncannily mirroring her hazel eyes.

When the four women exited the salon a few hours later, freshly attired in their matching dresses and jewelry there were a lot of dropped jaws and two near traffic collisions as they walked the two blocks back to where Bree’s BMW was parked.

“Well, that was fun!” drawled Sandy as they got to the car. “Maybe we should take a walk around the block again―

just for shit and giggled―what do you think?”

“I think we would be pressing our luck,” replied Lois, always the adult of the group. “We just might get arrested.”

“You’re always such a party pooper,” sighed Sandy, feigning exasperation. “Just like with the Bloody Marys this morning.”

“Speaking of which,” interrupted Ally, “if you want any tomorrow, we’ll have to stop and get tomato juice or mixer.”

“Well, if you’re going to make them, make them right,” interjected Lois, “we need to use tomato juice and make our own.”

“OK then,” asked Ally, “what else do we need?”

“Do you have Worchester sauce? Tabasco?” asked Lois. “How about celery salt? We’ll probably need more fresh lemons and celery too.”

Bree could see the Super Walmart a couple of blocks ahead and an impish smile crossed her face as she slowed at the entrance.

“OK, but the question is who’s going into Walmart dressed like this?” asked Bree turning into the nearly full parking lot.

“Oh Jesus! Have you seen those videos they have online!” laughed Ally as she started to giggle uncontrollably.

“What a bunch of wusses!” chided Sandy. “I’ll go! But one of you bitches has to come with me.”

Sandy looked around, but there were no takers as they all had a giggling fit. Finally, Sandy’s eyes fixed on Lois.

“No! No, NOOO!” protested Lois adamantly. “NOT ME!”

“What do you other ladies think?” drawled Sandy with a devilish grin. “After all, it’s Giada De ‘Fuckin’ Laurentis here’s recipe, ain’t it?”

“Yep! Lois! ― Food and drink are you remit, after all!” agreed Ally, laughing and giggling. “Looks like you’re Sandy’s bitch for this little adventure, mon amour. Try not to get famous in the process.”

“Merde!” exclaimed an exasperated Lois as she sullenly got out of the car and joined Sandy, who was waiting for her with a broad grin on her face. ‘You bitch!’ thought Lois as she gave the snickering Ally a dirty look.

Sandy and Lois started walking through the parking lot toward the front of the Walmart Super Center. Bree and Ally continued to follow their progress from the car, continuing to giggle like schoolgirls.

Several of the shoppers coming out of the store with their shopping carts stopped to gawk. One man accidently bumped the cart he was pushing into the lady in front of him and he caught hell from both his wife and the woman he ran into. All that served to do was make Bree and Ally giggle more.

After Sandy and Lois were gone for half an hour Ally was starting to get worried. A police car had pulled up in front of the store and the officers had gone inside about ten minutes ago, which worried Ally. When she was about to dial Lois’ phone, she saw Lois and Sandy coming out the store exit, both wearing rather gaudily colored and patterned hooded Mexican ponchos.

“Oh shit! This is going to be good,” squealed Bree, unable to control her laughter. “I can’t wait to hear THIS story.”

Ally watched closely as Sandy and Lois crossed the parking lot. Following them were two men, each pushing a shopping cart full of bags. Judging from their shirts and ties, and the way they carried themselves, Ally assumed they were managers of some sort.

As Sandy, Lois and their retinue approached the car, Bree popped the trunk. Sandy appeared to be having the time of her life. Lois, on the other hand, had the poncho pulled up over her head to hide her face. She was beet red with embarrassment.

Sandy walked by with the two store managers still in tow to help her load the trunk and Lois slunk into the back seat. Still hiding inside her poncho, Lois turned to face the window and avoid making eye contact with Ally or Bree.

“Je ne peux pas croire que vous êtes des salopes folles!” pouted Lois, petulantly.

“What did she say?” asked Bree, laughing even louder.

“Lois says she can’t believe us crazy bitches,” snickered Ally.

“I guess we’ll have to wait for Sandy to hear the story,” replied Bree. “As soon as she’s done letting those two guys feel her up.”

Ally turned and looked out the back window.

“Hell, my gynecologist doesn’t give me that good an examination,” laughed Ally, trying to control her giggling. “These two are being very thorough. It looks like one of them may be a proctologist.”

Both Ally and Bree had another giggling fit.

“They hid us in the office while the police were looking for us,” said Lois sullenly. “Sandy gave both of them blow jobs by way of saying thank you.”

“Bareback?” asked Ally, sounding concerned.

“Oh, hell no!” replied Lois. “I made them go get condoms from the pharmacy aisle.”

“And you?” asked Ally.

“No fucking way,” spat Lois vehemently. “I let them feel me up a little. That’s all!”

“Did they feel up your COUCHIE?” snickered Bree, trying to constrain her giggling.

“Don’t be vulgar!” snapped Lois, turning to face Bree with an indignant look on her face.

Bree returned Lois’ stare, looking at her questioningly with a raised eyebrow before Lois relented and finally answered the question meekly.

“Oui,” said Lois softly.

“So! How did you get past the police?” asked Ally.

“They gave us these ponchos and walked us down one side of the store while two other managers took the police and the two bitches that filed the complaint down an aisle on the other side of the store and back to the office,” answered Lois. “The first manager Sandy gave a blow job used Sandy’s credit card to check us out so the baskets were waiting up front.”

“Well that was kind of them,” said Ally. “Certainly worth a couple of blow jobs. Don’t you think Bree?”

“Sounds reasonable to me,” agreed Bree, winking at Ally in the rearview mirror. “Especially with a couple of couchie feelies to boot.”

“Fuck both of you bitches!” sulked Lois irritably as she turned and huddled in the corner of the back seat again.

“One of us had better go reel Sandy in,” said Bree as she looked through the rearview mirror. “At the rate she’s going, they’re going to have her bent over the trunk and slipping her the high hard one any moment now.”

“Bree’s right,” agreed Lois, perking up suddenly. “The one that got the condoms bought a twelve pack.”

“Optimistic little horndog isn’t he,” snickered Bree.

“Yeah, you’re both right,” replied Ally. “Get the car running and I’ll round her up before we all end up in jail, including her two new admirers.”


The ride home provided Bree and Ally an opportunity to hear both sides of the sordid tale. Apparently aside from a few nasty looks from some of the women shoppers and the constant leering by the men they encountered, things went reasonably well as they found the juice aisle for the tomato juice. There were only three or four minor shopping cart collisions and one case stack of Gatorade knocked over.

“Cleanup on aisle 13,” was the last thing they heard as they headed toward the produce department to pick up the celery. The coast was clear as they went down the aisle to pick up the celery salt and Lois said she breathed a sigh of relief.

Being the compulsive shopper that she was, Sandy found something on every aisle that she wanted to buy and they had to get a second cart.

Things went south as they passed in front of the meat department. Starving for attention, as Sandy was wont to do, and ever the exhibitionist, Sandy couldn’t resist asking one of the butchers where to find the salami.

“Excuse me!” Sandy had asked the rough looking 50ish butcher. “Where do you keep the big salamis. Us girls are going to play ‘Hide the Salami’ tonight. What kind do you think would work best.”

“You really said that?” asked Bree with an incredulous look on her face as she turned to stare at Sandy in the front seat next to her.

“Well, I figured if anyone would know, it would be him,” replied Sandy, playing coy.

“I think that’s when we drew a crowd,” deadpanned Lois at her most droll from the back seat.

“Yeah, including those two uptight bitches,” added Sandy.

“They’re the ones who called the police?” asked Ally.

“Yeah, I think so,” answered Sandy. “All because we were a little underdressed and having a good time along with the fellas around us.”

“You don’t think calling them a couple of uptight cunts had anything to do with it?” asked Lois from the back seat.

“Well, maybe a little,” replied Sandy, trying to stifle a laugh.

“Was that the only thing you said?” Bree asked Sandy, sensing there was more to it.

“Well, I did tell them that they should both go do something,” said Sandy, pausing for effect. “I seriously doubt that those two ugly bitches hadn’t already been doing it on their own for year anyway―and probably with a vibrator.”

“Telling them to go fuck themselves doesn’t seem that outrageous under the circumstances,” suggested Ally, enjoying this bit of repartee.

“I think it had more to do with Sandy telling them they would have to take the sticks out of their fat asses first,” said Lois, helpfully clarifying the conversation.

“Oh!” exclaimed Bree. “Did they?”

“What? Take the sticks out?” said Sandy, her turn to deadpan. “Or were you asking about their fat asses?”

All four women began giggling uncontrollably.

“Well, we never did see the sticks,” replied Sandy finally. “So I can’t say for sure.”


The good natured banter had continued between the four friends all the way back to the ranch. Bree’s car became a sort of time machine, briefly transporting the women back two years, before the pandemic, to an easier time when their lives centered around sex, shopping, fun and each other.

For the time it took them to drive back to the ranch, the four friends were once again the carefree trophy wives, the sex kittens they had been before Covid―the same oversexed, man hungry sluts who had fucked each other and each other’s husbands for years.

Now they were a couple of years older, and perhaps not any wiser, as they had moved on to fucking their sons and stepsons. It wasn’t anything they wanted to discuss, but they were all aware that they were breaking new, uncharted ground and approached it with a sort of reckless bravado.


Saturday Evening / Day 9

“Jesus, it’s late,” exclaimed Sandy as she got out of the car once they reached the house. “What are we going to do about dinner?”

“The boys are preparing it?” replied Lois calmly as she stepped out of the back seat right behind Sandy. “We’ve been texting back and forth. Barbequed ribeye’s, homemade Caesar salad and garlic bread. We’re keeping it simple. Oh! And leftover brownies and ice cream for dessert.”

“Sounds good to me, Bobby Flay!” replied Sandy, giving Lois a wink.

As the four women reached the front door, Bree turned and smiled wickedly at the other women.

“Are you girls ready to watch their eyeballs bulge out?” asked Bree as she pulled her U-neck cowl open to reveal her breasts and new nipple rings. The other three women followed suit as they stepped through the door, their mesh G-strings peeking out from the bottoms of their short dresses.

As the four women strutted across the great room, they continued to banter with each other, sounding like giddy teenagers. The women giggled even more when they saw four heads swivel around like Linda Blair in the Exorcist, to gawk at them.

“What’s up boys?” taunted Sandy. “See something you like?”

“I think we can already see what’s up,” whispered Bree to Ally as they exchanged wicked smiles.

“Fuck mom!” shouted Mike. “You all look so hot! DAMN!”

“You’re the hottest bitches I’ve ever seen!” boomed Andy, leering at the four mothers.

“Thanks―I think?” replied Bree, giving her son the evil eye.

“I’d offer you a penny for your thoughts,” added Ally. “But I’m afraid you’d tell me. Especially you, Andy―you naughty boy!”

Everyone laughed.

“We’re going to head out to the kitchen and see how the culinary staff are doing,” said Lois as the other three women followed her, making sure to get their breasts and asses swaying in opposite directions for the benefit of their audience.

“By the way, how are we going to divvy up the boys tonight?” whispered Sandy to Ally as she sidled up next to her as they walked.

“Why don’t we discuss it at dinner,” whispered Ally back. “That should make for some interesting conversation.”

“Sounds good to me,” replied Sandy. “Just as long as Bree and I don’t end up with―”

“Oh, don’t worry about that,” reassured Ally before Sandy could complete the thought. “We’ll make sure that’s part of the ground rules, tonight and moving forward.”

“Well, how are my young chefs doing on their own,” said Lois as she stepped into the kitchen. Dan, Nick and Josh’s eyes widened as they saw Lois in her revealing dress for the first time. The three boys’ eyes got even wider when Sandy, Bree and Ally followed Lois into the kitchen, breasts and nipple rings hanging out of their revealing dresses.

“You boys better put your tongues back in your heads,” drawled Sandy with a laugh, “before you accidentally cut them off with one of them there knives.”

They all laughed.

“Jesus mom!” said Dan breathily. “You look totally fucking hot!”

“Thank you, MPD!” squealed Lois with delight. “That’s so sweet of you to say, mon amour.”

“Fuck the brownies for dessert,” blurted Nick as his eyes fixated on Sandy’s ornamented breasts.

“Aren’t you sweet,” gushed Sandy, seeing where Nick’s eyes were laser focused as she basking in the attention. “Would you like some whipped cream on them too?”

“Ahh―yeah,” answered Nick, gulping self-consciously. “And maybe someplace else too.”

“Ummmh! You wicked little boy!” cooed Sandy. “I AM impressed with your culinary choices.”

“I guess we know who’s behind door number one for you tonight,” whispered Ally sarcastically into Sandy’s ear.

“Hush!” hissed Sandy quietly, as she flashed Ally a wicked smile. “Don’t interrupt my flirtin’ with that big hunk of manhood!”

“You all look spectacular,” said Josh, speaking for the first time as he stepped from behind the counter and kissed Ally on the cheek.

“I take it you spent some time at the salon too,” added Josh. “You all look radiant.”

“Thank you, baby,” purred Ally. “We wanted to look special for our boys. After all, it’s Saturday night Isn’t that right girls?”

“Oui!” agreed Lois on everyone’s behalf, before trying to move things along. “Sandy! If you and Bree can set the table, Ally and I will go select the wines for dinner and open the bottles. What do you girls think about a little Champagne before dinner, since we don’t have an appetizer?”

All the women answered in the affirmative and then they set about their tasks.

“Damn, your moms are hot!” whispered Nick to Dan and Josh, as he shook his head in awe of the two beautiful women.

Both boys expressed their agreement.

“Yeah, well it certainly looks like you’ve got dessert lined up for tonight,” kidded Josh as he poked Nick’s arm playfully.

“Yeah, but you two get to have dessert EVERY night,” replied Nick. “And breakfast in bed too, probably.”

“I have to admit, life is good!” replied Dan with a sly smile as he nodded his head in agreement.

“That’s true,” said Josh, also smiling at Nick. “But we ARE sharing!”

“You are indeed,” said Nick earnestly. “And it is much appreciated―by all of us!”


The four boys in the great room followed the women with their eyes as they sexily sashayed toward the kitchen. The sexy MILFs hips swayed provocatively and their breasts flopped back and forth as they put on a show for the boys.

“Those are four prime pieces of pussy!” observed Andy both emphatically and sarcastically as Mike sat next to him on the loveseat. Mike shook his head in agreement as his eyes followed the four MILFs.

The other boys couldn’t hear Mike and Andy’s conversation from the opposite side of the fireplace, so the two friends spoke freely to one another without fear of being overheard.

Mike and Andy’s loveseat faced toward the kitchen, and they were able to follow the four women as they crossed the great room flaunting their tits and asses as they strutted toward the kitchen. The other boys were on the couch opposite them and had to crook their necks and look over their shoulders to track the women’s sexy gyrations.

“Ally is one hot little bitch―and an absolute WHORE!” said Andy. “She just can’t get enough. She’s the biggest slut I’ve ever seen. She’ll do anything, man―ANYTHING!”

“No shit,” replied Mike. “She wore my ass out last night. And Lois! Who the fuck would have thought that under those glassed and all her drab clothing there was a smoking hot bitch like her underneath!”

“Not only that, but she loves being ass fucked,” said Andy. “Once I filled her ass, you should have heard the shit she was saying.”

“Yeah, I remember you telling us the next morning,” agreed Mike, before needling his friend Andy. “But how do you explain the tattoo, bro?”

“Shit, she was just covering her ass―LITERALLY!” laughed Andy. “My guess is that Dan watched the video and heard all the shit she said in the heat of passion. She was just kissing and making up with him, proving to him she was still his. ― BUT I know better!”

“You think so!” needled Mike, trying to get another rise out of his friend.

“I know so!” replied Andy emphatically. “The next time I take her tight little French ass, she’ll know it too! ― And so will everyone else this time! I’ll have her shouting ‘O-U-I’ so loud they’ll hear her in Sonora.”

“Bold words, bro!” said Mike. “I’ll look forward to seeing and hearing it.”

“You will,” promised Andy, as he continued to fixate on Lois’ ass as she disappeared into the kitchen.

“What about your mom―Bree?” asked Mike. “Have you done her yet?”

“No. Come to think of it―I’ve been meaning to ask you about her,” said Andy, turning to face his friend Mike as he spoke. “When you were in the pond with Bree―my mom―did you do her? How was she?”

“Oh yeah, I was meaning to tell you, but then you left,” said Mike, suddenly becoming animated. “I took her pussy and it was so fucking TIGHT! I made her cum in no time. Of course, she had her fingers down there playing with her clit too though.”

“How about her ass?” prodded Andy excitedly.

“Oh fuck, YEAH!” said Mike eagerly. “I couldn’t believe it, her tiny little ass was even tighter than her pussy. And the muscles in her ass! Oh shit man! The way she squeezed my cock in that tight little hole―it was incredible! Her whole body was shaking when I bottomed out. She kept begging squealing for me to go deeper.”

“Yeah, I saw how big her eyes were getting from across the platform when you were behind her,” said Andy. “I was all the way up your mom’s ass too then. She’s the only woman who has ever kept pushing back into me and I ran out of cock. She’s amazing.”

“Yeah, I kno―” said Mike, catching himself and breaking off mid-word, before continuing. “I―I know how much she likes ass play. I’ve seen her with you and the others.”

Mike hoped he had recovered and Andy hadn’t heard the slip, but no such luck.

“No man, that’s not what you were about to say,” pressed Andy grinning knowingly at his friend. “You fucked your mom! Didn’t you? Fess up? Give me all the nasty details. Come on!”

Mike knew he had been caught, and his face showed it.

“Yeah, I did but you can’t talk to anyone about it,” said Mike, with dead seriousness. “I promised her we would never talk about it again―EVER!―or to anyone else. So you’ve got to promise to keep quiet. PLEASE! OK?”

Andy nodded his head emphatically yes.

“When the fuck did that happen?” prodded Andy excitedly.

“The night you guys left,” replied Mike. “I did her right here on the floor, right in front of where we’re sitting now, in front of everyone! AND she was BEGGING for it! She was already all worked up by the time I drilled her. The slut just wanted cock―ANY COCK!―MY COCK!―by then.”

“And that was it?” pressed Andy, wanting more details.

“No man, she dragged me into the bedroom,” bragged Mike proudly, “and I did her everywhere at least three more times as she screamed and begged for more. I kind of lost count, we were going at it so hot and heavy. Man, she was screaming like a banshee, she wanted it so bad. We went at it almost all night.”

“Fuck, man!” lamented Andy, “I wish I had been there to see it!”

“Me too, man,” agreed Mike. “But now it’s your turn! You’ve got to do your mom before we leave here. I can’t wait to see you fill your mom’s petite little ass with that huge snake of yours. You’ll own her ass before you’re done. I guarantee it! She’ll squeal and beg you to be her daddy!”

Mike and Andy fist bumped, really getting into it now.

“Do you think you’ll fuck Sandy again, you know, before we leave?” asked Andy. “I’d love to see it this time.”

“If I get to do her again,” promised Mike, “we’ll do her together.”

“Yeah, and my mom too!” agreed Andy, fist bumping Mike again.

“And that French bitch too!” added Mike as they double fist bumped.

“We’ll DP both that French whore’s holes,” hissed Andy. “We’ll ruin that cunt’s ass and pussy.”

After that, both Mike and Andy fell silent. Each of them were lost in their own thoughts for several minutes. Mike eventually looked over at his friend Andy and saw the crazed expression on his face.

In that moment Mike realized that they had gotten too carried away. He regretted having slipped by telling Andy about what had happened with his mom. Mike hoped it wouldn’t come back to bite him in the ass. He decided to ratchet things down.

“It looks like dinner is ready,” said Mike, nodding toward the dining room table where everyone else was gathering. “Let’s go eat and see what else is on the menu tonight!”


Dinner was a three hour affair again. The boys peppered the women with all kind of questions about the trip to the salon and how the piercings were done, and if they were painful, etc. Once Bree brought up the Walmart caper, much to Lois’ discomfort, the boys had even more questions, between fits of rowdy laughing on their part and girlish giggling from the women.

By the time they finished dessert and coffee and continued to sip on their sambucas, they still hadn’t decided how to choose partners for the evening. So after they all helped clear the table and clean up in the kitchen, they adjourned to the great room to continue their deliberations.

The women finished the last of the dishes while the boys built a fire and lit some candles around the great room. When the women arrived, the room was nearly dark with only the glow from the fireplace and a few candles scattered around the room providing a faint source of light. The atmosphere was intimate to say the least.

Since the number of chairs and sofas was limited, each of the mothers chose to sit on their son’s laps. Mike was in the middle of the large couch with Matt and Chris on either side of him and Sandy was only to anxious to avail herself of six roving hands.

Andy and Nick were on the loveseat, so Bree plopped herself on her son’s lap, wrapping her arm around his neck and burrowing her head into his chest. Bree’s legs were draped across Nick’s lap, provocatively spread apart and inviting his attention.

Dan and Josh were in the two club chairs and Lois and Ally melted onto their laps, nuzzling their heads on the boys shoulders, whispering to them as they kissed and nibbled on their ears.

Once everyone was settled in, the conversation returned to the method of pairing for the evening. There were as many ideas as there were people, and some of ideas were intentionally absurd, offered for no other reason than to get a rise out of either one or all of the women or boys as everyone enjoyed the banter.

No one seemed to be in any hurry to arrive at a decision since all the women were enjoying the roving hands and the boys were enjoying roving.

Ally and Josh were cuddled close in their overstuffed leather club chair and enjoyed playing voyeur as they watched the others play. Though the room was getting darker as the fire began to wane, Josh and Ally could see that Mike and Andy’s hands had disappeared up between their mothers’ legs. The other boys’ hands were relegated to groping Bree and Sandy’s breasts.

“Apparently the ‘incest taboo’ doesn’t extend to heavy petting for either Bree or Sandy,” purred Ally into Josh’s ear before teasing his ear with her tongue.

“Apparently not,” replied Josh as he engaged in a little of his own heavy petting as Ally spread her legs wider apart for him. “How long do you think Sandy is going to be able to maintain her newfound virtue?”

“Judging from the way she’s rocking her hips,” cooed Ally, “not very long. ― Oh shit! Look at Bree!

When Josh turned to look at Bree her breasts were heaving and her entire body was shuddering, obviously in the throes of an orgasm. Looking back and forth between Bree and Sandy, both women had their tongues deep inside their son’s mouths as they engaged in urgent, passionate kisses.

“Do you think Bree is going to give it up to Andy?” asked Josh as he licked Ally’s ear.

“The real question is ― Will Bree be able to keep Andy from taking what he wants,” answered Ally.

Ally looked over at Lois, who returned her stare, shaking her head knowingly. Lois suddenly whispered into Dan’s ear and he looked over at Ally and Josh, shrugging his shoulders. Dan’s unspoken thoughts were clear, what was happening between Mike and Sandy, and Bree and Andy, was completely predictable. And once the two boys fingers were inside their mothers, the outcome seemed inevitable.

“I’d love to hear what they’re saying,” panted Ally as she neared her second orgasm on Josh’s probing fingers. “It looks like Mike is making his pitch to get back inside his mother’s pants.”

“He’s already in her pants―Ah, well, her G-string,” Josh corrected himself. “It’s her pussy he’s after―among other things.”


“No, baby! We CAN’T!” whimpered Sandy softly into her son’s ear, letting his fingers tantalize her clit as he continued to seduce her.

Mike could tell from the tone of his mother’s voice and the way she closed her thighs around his fingers that her inhibitions were quickly fading.

“You know you want it as much as I do!” whispered Mike into his mother’s ear as her body melted into his chest. “Don’t deny it―your body certainly doesn’t. You’ve already cum twice.”

“I know, darlin’!” whimpered Sandy. “But this is just petting. What you want to do―”

Sandy’s voice trailed off for a minute as her body shuddered for the third time as she struggled to keep from moaning too loud.

“We just can’t do that again!” pleaded Sandy. “You promised―I promised!”

“I want you―and YOU want ME!” panted Mike into his mother’s ear. “Just remember how good I felt inside you! How you moaned so hard and begged for more! Don’t you want to feel that again?”

“Yes, baby!” whimpered Sandy. “But we can’t―we just can’t! It’s wrong. It’s just SO wrong!”

Mike knew Sandy didn’t really mean a word she was saying―NOT REALLY―as she came on his fingers for the fourth time.

“Just think how good it would be!” breathed Mike into his mother’s ear. “This time Andy can join us. Imagine how good it would feel to have both of our BIG COCKS filling you, DRIVING YOU CRAZY―YOU’D BE SOOO FULL!”

“Oh GAWD, baby!” mewed Sandy as her body shuddered for the fifth time.

“Look at Bree!” whispered Mike. “Look how her body is shaking too. Andy’s getting her off again. She’s already cum almost as many times as you! Both of them can join us in bed. We’ll make both you and Bree cum SO HARD!”

Sandy was drifting into a dreamy daze as her son Mike whispered into her ear, continuing his seduction. Sandy’s resolve was quickly melting away. She looked over at Bree atop Andy’s lap as Bree’s body quivered in orgasm yet again, just as Mike had said.

‘Why should we deny ourselves―Bree and I!’ the wicked Siren’s voice inside Sandy’s head asked. ‘Why should I deny myself―or my son―of such a simple, harmless pleasure!’ Sandy rationalized.

Sandy watched Bree intently as she nuzzled into her son’s chest. She traced the outline of Bree’s slender arm as it disappeared between her and her son’s bodies. Sandy could tell from the way Bree moved her forearm that she had her hand wrapped around her son’s monstrously long and wonderful penis! Sandy remembered how good it had felt in her own hands―and inside her! Bree was giving in to temptation―JUST as she was!”

“If Bree is willing―” sighed Sandy, breathing into her son’s ear, “then so am I!”


When Bree first sat in her son’s lap, she couldn’t believe how wide Sandy had spread her legs, inviting Mike to drive his fingers into her pussy.

“Jesus! I can’t believe Sandy is letting Mike do that!” whispered Bree conspiratorially into Andy’s ear.

“Do what?” answered Andy, playing dumb.

“Stick his hand up his mother’s couchie!” gasped Bree quietly. “Look!”

“Oh, that’s no big deal,” replied Andy as he squeezed his mother’s thigh, making her clasp them tightly to avoid his adventurous hand. “He’s had more than that in there!”

“What?” gasped Bree as her body stiffened. Bree’s voice was a low breathy whisper. “What are you talking about? When did that happen?”

“The night we left, ” murmured Andy, as he kissed his mother’s ear, making her sigh and her body quiver with excitement. “They did it right here on the floor in front of the fireplace―with everyone watching.”

“You can’t be serious!” breathed Bree excitedly into her son’s ear.

“Serious as a heart attack,” whispered Andy as he tongued his mother’s ear again, making her body tremble. “You know how she gets when her engine’s running. She dragged Mike into the bedroom after that and she kept everyone up all night, with her screaming and moaning. Mike gave her the fucking of her life!”

“I can’t believe she did that!” groaned Bree, taking a deep breath as her body trembled involuntarily.

“Why? Ally and Lois both do it,” said Andy provocatively, drawing his mother into the conversation he wanted to have. “You don’t seem to be shocked by them.”

“Yeah, but Ally isn’t Josh’s real mom,” replied Bree. “And to be honest, I’ve never been really sure that Lois is Dan’s real mom. She’s so much younger than Daniel. I’ve always kind of thought she was Daniel’s second wife―like Ally was Nunn’s. She won’t tell anyone how old she really is!”

“SO―you’re saying you’ve never had similar fantasies about me?” murmured Andy breathily into Bree’s ear as he began to nibble on her earlobe, eliciting a moan. “You’ve never thought about it? Because I have―OFTEN!”

“Oh, baby,” whined Bree suddenly growing uncomfortable with the direction of the conversation, “people daydream or fantasize about all kinds of things. It doesn’t mean they would do them.

“SO―you HAVE fantasized about me!” replied Andy quickly, sinking the hook. “I’ve watched you looking at me when I’m naked. I could tell you were wondering what I would feel like inside you!”

“Baby, STOP!” pleaded Bree as she squirmed on her son’s lap. Her body felt warm all over as a shivers ran up and down her spine. “This would be WRONG―we shouldn’t even talk about THAT!”

“Why not?” prodded Andy. “Look how wet it makes you thinking about my big cock inside your tight WET little pussy!””

Bree’s heart was pounding now, realizing that she had spread her legs and her son’s fingers were deep inside her, massaging her erect and throbbing clit.

“No, NO, baby,” yelped Bree. “We’ve got to st―”

Bree’s voice trailed off suddenly as her entire body began to throb uncontrollably as she buried her face in her son’s chest to stifle her orgasmic moan.

“We’ve got to stop,” panted Bree as her body continued to quiver. “We’ve got to ― OH GAWD! THERE! YES BABY! THERE! Don’t stop! Oh God! Please don’t stop!”

Bree’s body was on fire as she squirmed on her son’s lap. Her small body was diminutive, like nothing more than a rag doll, as Andy enveloped her with his arms as he held her tightly against his muscular chest.

“You know you want me to fuck you, admit it!” gasped Andy into his mother’s ear, his voice full of passion. “You want me to fuck you just like Mike fucked Sandy―long and hard―ALL NIGHT! You’ve dreamed of it―HAVEN’T YOU?”

Andy could feel his mother’s body begin to shake violently as her animal needs and conscience battled against each other inside her head. Now Andy’s long fingers were deep inside Bree’s gushing pussy. His fingers were pressed tightly against her G spot, dragging his fingertips along its length as he used his thumb to stimulate her erect and sensitive clit.

He could sense that his mother’s resistance was weakening as her body trembled each time she orgasmed. Her face was buried in his hairy, muscular chest as she vainly tried to stifle her moans.

“You’ve dreamed of having me fuck you! Haven’t you?” prodded Andy after she orgasmed yet again.

“Oh God, Yes! YES I have!” whimpered Bree. “But we can’t! We just can’t!”

“Why not?” panted Andy as he drove three fingers into his mother’s wet, tight petite little pussy, dragging them across her G spot again, this time applying more pressure with his fingertips. “Sandy and Mike want us to join them tonight. Just the four of us. Mike and his mom―AND YOU AND ME!”

“But, baby―” Bree started to say as Andy cut her off.

“Look at them,” said Andy before Bree could say another word. “They’re watching us. They’re waiting for your answer.”

Bree cast her gaze at Sandy and Mike on the couch nearby. Both Mike and Sandy’s eyes were fixed on her. Sandy’s eyes were full of lust and she slowly, almost imperceptivity nodded her head yes in answer to whatever Mike was whispering into her ear. Bree’s heart raced even faster.

Bree took a deep breath and closed her eyes for just a moment before opening them again and looking directly at Sandy as she slowly nodded her head YES too!


Lois had been quietly watching Sandy and Bree as she sat on her son Dan’s lap in the darkened room, enjoying his soft fingers as they glided over her engorged clit. As she and Dan watched Mike, Andy and their mothers, she and Dan whispered back and forth to each other. They both concluded that Sandy’s recent vow wouldn’t last the night and that Bree would succumb to her son’s constant badgering.

Lois and Dan watched as Sandy and Bree climaxed multiple times on their sons’ fingers. They watched as the boys seduced their mothers and their mothers acquiesced to their own carnal desires.

Lois looked over at Ally. Even in the darkened room, Lois could tell that Ally’s face was flushed after another orgasm of her own. Lois could see the beads of sweat pouring down Ally’s forehead and her chest heaving in and out.

Lois and Ally locked eyes on each other as each of them contemplated how to proceed. Both women shrugged their shoulders, neither of them sure what do to next. Lois seized the initiative.

“There is still the matter of bed partners to be decided,” announced Lois in a decisive voice and everyone looked toward her. “I have a simple proposal. Let us ladies decide on our lovers for the evening. Any objections?”

There was a murmur of approval.

“Obviously―at least obvious to me―Ally and I select Josh and Dan as our primary partner’s for the evening,” continued Lois. “So now it is Sandy and Bree’s turn. After that, the remaining names will be written on pieces of paper along with one blank sheet and the remaining partners will be chosen.”

“Sandy and I choose each other’s son,” announced Bree, looking directly at Sandy. “Don’t we Sandy?”

Sandy nodded her head yes.

“If it is OK with the rest of you,” said Bree looking around the room, “We’d prefer the four of us to share each other’s sons exclusively in our adjoining bedrooms. Does anyone object?”

“That being the case,” said Lois, “may I suggest that Dan and I pair with Nick, and Chris and Matt pair with Ally and Josh. What do you think, Ally?”

“That’s more than OK with us,” agreed Ally. “Don’t you agree, Josh?”

“Well then, it’s a done deal,” replied Josh, getting up with Ally still in his arms as he headed toward their bedroom. Looking back over his shoulder, he glanced briefly at Matt and Chris. “Are you guys coming?”

Matt and Chris followed Josh down the hallway with Lois close behind holding hands with Dan and Nick. Sandy, Mike, Bree and Andy were the only ones remaining in the great room, with Sandy and Bree giving each other tentative looks. Bree was the first to speak.

“Why don’t the three of you remain here until I come back and get you,” suggested Bree, making it sound more like an order. “I’ll come and get you when I’m ready.”

“Ohhh―O-K!” replied Sandy with a hint of trepidation as she looked back and forth between their two son.

“Nothing to worry about, my pet,” reassured Bree. “I just have a little surprise for everyone―one that I’m sure you’ll all enjoy.”

Bree pulled her dress off as she started crossing the room and looked back over her shoulder at Sandy and their sons, talking as she continued to walk.

“You may as well get naked now while you’re waiting,” suggested Bree. “Sandy, you’ll want to lose the jewelry. If things get as hot and heavy as I imagine they will, you won’t want to lose one of your gorgeous nipples in the crush of flesh.”


As Josh, Matt and Chris headed down the hallway, Josh put Ally down, letting her walk the rest of the way. All four shed their cloths as they neared the master bedroom. They all deposited their cloths on the dresser just inside the bedroom door or on the chair next to it. Ally walked straight toward the bathroom, removing her nipple rings and G-string as she went.

“Why don’t you fellas join me in the shower,” said Ally in a sultry ‘come hither’ voice as she looked back at the boys, flashing a lustful smile. “We can wash each other’s back―among other things!”


Lois had immediately excused herself to the bathroom when they got to the bedroom and surprised Dan and Nick when she came back out in a costume, suggesting that they engage in a little role playing. Before Lois could say another word, the boys descended on her, sandwiching her between them as they took turns thrusting their tongues inside her mouth.

“Mes amants!” moaned Lois, her voice immediately overcome with desire. “I love your tongues inside me. “C’est merveilleux―Oh God, please DON’T S-T-O-P!”

Dan moved beneath Lois as he licked and sucked her clit, while she deep throated Nick from overhead. Nick moved behind Lois, spreading her ass cheeks wide with his huge strong hands as he moved down her back with his tongue, alternately rimming her anus with his tongue and driving it as deep inside her as his tongue could reach, flicking it around inside her, making her groan with pleasure.

Nick would occasionally pull back and lick up and down the crack in Lois’ ass and her perinium, before rimming her and penetrating her all over again, driving her wild as she bucked up and down on her two lovers tongues.

“Oh Gawd! Your tongues feel SO GOOD!” moaned Lois. “I want you to USE ME! USE ME like your WHORE tonight! RAVISH ME!”

“What do you want us to do to you WHORE?” barked Dan, sensing Lois wanted him and Nick to feed her fantasy.

“OHHH! You brutes! You’re both so big and strong,” moaned Lois, feigning fear. “I’m powerless against you. You’re going to do all sorts of nasty things to me―I JUST KNOW IT!”

“What sort of nasty things―WHORE!” sneered Nick, catching on and slapping her ass, which elicited both a yelp and a loud moan.

“I just know you evil brutes are going to double penetrate my helpless body!” squealed Lois girlishly. “You’re both going to stick you monstrous cocks in my tight little pussy and my tiny little ass ―AND AT THE SAME TIME! OH MON DIEU! I JUST KNOW IT―YOU MONSTERS!”

“And when we’re ready to cum WHORE,” growled Dan, “we’ll make you swallow it―ALL OF IT!”

“OH NO, NO, NOOO! But it will be too much!” wailed Lois. “I’ll never be able to swallow all the cum from your huge balls!”

“Then we’ll beat you! You nasty little WHORE!” barked Dan as he slapped Lois’ right and then her left breast, catching her by surprise as she cried out―as much in shock as in pain.

“You’re such MONSTERS!” shrieked Lois, feigning hysteria now. “You’re going to do such vile, unspeakable things to me! I just know you ARE! Please MASTERS! Have mercy!”

Both Dan and Nick were impressed by Lois’ performance. Lois was a good actress. She was really into her role and was thoroughly convincing. The more she cried out, the more aroused both men became and the more they embraced their own roles as cruel masters.

“You are such evil, cruel masters!” sobbed Lois. “I just know you’re going to use the ropes in the box beneath the bed to tie me to the headboard and abuse my helpless body. I JUST KNOW YOU ARE!”

Dan looked up from underneath Lois at Nick. They exchanged an ‘Oh Shit’ look, then Nick got up and pulled out the box from under the bed and opened it, throwing the four strands of white rope on the bed, just as Dan rolled Lois over and roughly pinned her arms above her head.

“Once you’re tied up, we’ll teach you a lesson,” growled Dan, the angry expression on his face almost frightening Lois for real.

“And we have just the tools to teach you that lesson,” barked Nick as he threw the flogger, cat-o’-nine-tails, riding crop and long bamboo cane onto the bed next to Lois’ heaving body.

“OH PLEASE MASTERS!” begged Lois. “Don’t torture me! I promise to be your dutiful slave! I’ll do anything! ANYTHING!”

As Lois begged, Dan and Nick each tied off one of Lois’ wrists to the brass headboard. The four lengths of rope already had nooses on one end that slipped around her wrists and ankles snugly and the other end of the ropes tied easily to the brass rails at both the head and foot of the bed.

“Oh MASTERS! I beg YOU, I beseech YOU!” begged Lois, taking her performance to another level. “Have mercy on your helpless slave! OH, MASTERS!”


“What the fuck is going on over there?” asked Josh as he looked up at Ally who was riding his cock reverse cowgirl style while Chris and Matt mauled her breasts as she jacked them off.

“Lois borrowed my big box of toys from under the bed,” panted Ally as she struggled to hold back her impending orgasm. “She’s role playing with Dan and Nick.”

“Fuck! We’re going to have to try that ourselves,” replied Josh haltingly as he tried to hold back his own imminent orgasm.

“Fuck YEAH!” agreed Chris as his own balls began to pulse.

“They sound like they’re having one hell of a good time,” groaned Matt as his first glob of semen painted Ally’s left breast.

“Looks like you’re having fun too, sailor!” exclaimed Ally as she leaned forward and took Matt’s erupting cock into her mouth. Ally could feel Chris’ cock begin to pulsate in her hand, so she drew it to her lips as well, stuffing both cocks inside her mouth as she frantically began gulping down their loads.

Ally barely finished before she felt Josh’s cock begin to pulse inside her as his strokes became short and herky-jerky. She lifted herself off his cock and planted her pussy in Josh’s face while taking his cock down her throat in one smooth motion. Josh used his tongue and lips to bring Ally to orgasm as she bobbed her head up and down as he ejaculated down her throat.

“Don’t spill a drop, SLAVE, or we’ll beat you, you worthless WHORE!” commanded Josh as he roughly slapped each cheek of Ally’s ass and then her breasts. Startled―Ally yelped in pain.

“My fellow masters,” proclaimed Josh in an uncharacteristically commanding voice, that at first confused Ally and the other two boys.

“See what instruments of torture we may avail ourselves of in the nightstand drawer,” demanded Josh. “This impudent slave needs to be taught a lesson!”

‘Oh FUCK’ thought Ally’s as a fresh jolt of adrenaline surged through her body along with the pain emanating from her tits and ass cheeks. ‘Looks like we’re going to be doing some role playing too!’

Ally’s heart skipped a beat, knowing the contents of the drawer―not in the least because she had bought everything in it. It was going to be a long night, Ally told herself, knowing that she would soon be sporting nipple and labia clamps, and a pulsing and vibrating silicon butt plug wedged inside her ass.

More troublesome from Ally’s perspective, she had no doubt that she would have a stainless steel spider gag in her mouth, preventing her from speaking, but providing easy access to her mouth and throat for other purposes.

Ally took some comfort in the fact that she had already shown Josh how to use the assortment of mini floggers, crops and paddles on her body without leaving any lasting damage to her flesh.

“OHH F-U-C-K!!!” screamed Ally as the first jolt of electricity surged through her, making her entire body flinch.

“F-U-C-K!!! Turn that FUCKING thing down!!!” demanded Ally angrily. “It fucking H-U-R-T-S!”

“S-O-R-R-Y!” apologized Matt meekly as he lowered the intensity of the battery operated prod down to the lowest setting.

“Enough of your insolence WHORE!” growled Josh as the paddle in his right hand caught Ally flush on her right ass cheek, making a loud cracking sound. Ally spun her head around, looking back at him and giving him a dirty look, while he flashed her a wicked smile. “Get that gag in the bitch’s mouth!”


Bree had just closed the bedroom door and was about to go fetch the others when she heard Ally’s scream. Bree turned to look back toward the master bedroom as a wicked smile coursed across her face.

‘She must have had some additional toys squirreled away someplace,’ Bree thought to herself. Bree had overheard Lois and Ally talking about the box of ‘toys’ Lois was borrowing before dinner. It certainly sounded as though someone had just given Ally a strong jolt with an electric prod, Bree decided.

“Looks like we won’t be the only ones playing ‘spanky-spanky’ tonight,” Bree muttered to herself with a laugh as she headed toward the great room.

Bree had spent the previous twenty minutes preparing the bedroom for she and Sandy’s night of incestuous sex with their horny, eager sons. Bree had been fending off Andy for several years now, and tonight she finally surrendered to her own forbidden desires. If Sandy could do it, so could she, she rationalized to herself.

Bree had decided that if she was going to finally submit to this ultimate taboo, it was going to be done on HER terms, the way SHE wanted it―and that meant plenty of leather and chains!

Bree was glad that she had brought her black bag of tricks on this second trip to the ranch. For some reason her intuition had told her to bring along her favorite toys―and now she was glad she had done so!

Striding toward the front of the fireplace where her son and Mike were seesawing in and out of Sandy’s pussy and mouth, Bree drew to a halt a half-dozen feet away. All three turned to look at Bree―their jaws dropping the second they looked up.

“W-E-L-L! Fuck me with a stick!” drawled an astonished Sandy, gobsmacked by the apparition standing before her.

“I wouldn’t say that too loud,” muttered Mike, sotto voce. “She just might do it!”

“Yeah, no shit!” murmured Sandy, unable to take her eyes off of Bree and her bizarre getup.

Looking up from the rug where they had been going through warmups for the illicit sex to come, Mike, Sandy and Andy all remained on their knees as they gaped at Bree.

Standing before them was the diminutive, pale skinned Bree in a black leather corset that rendered her already tiny waist even smaller with her breasts ballooning out from the top. Completing her ensemble were black fishnet stockings attached to a black leather garter belt and six inch black stilettos.

Bree also had smallish stainless steel rings attached to each of her nipples that matched the studs in her leather collar and garter belt. Connected to the rings were thin stainless steel chains that linked to the ring hanging from between Bree’s nostrils.

As the three stunned ‘copulants’ continued to scan Bree’s sleek white body they all locked their eyes on her leather collar that proclaimed ‘MISTRESS’ and the black riding crop in her right hand. In her left hand, Bree was grasping a handful of other stuff, which she tossed on the rug in front of Sandy. There were black leather wrist and ankle cuffs, a wide leather belt with rings on the front and back, and on each hip, and what looked to the boys like some sort of bizarre gag for Sandy’s mouth.

“Get that stuff on the bitch,” ordered Bree as she looked back and forth at Mike and her son. “Blindfold and wrist restraints first. Cuff her behind the back.”

“WHAT THE FUCK!” protested Sandy as the two boys began manhandling her. “You just wait until I get hold of your skinny little ass, you KINKY BITCH!”

“The spider gag next,” ordered Bree calmly. “That should keep the slut quiet. Then the belt. Snap her wrists to the side rings. She’ll be easier to handle.”

Now only unintelligible sounds emanated from Sandy’s gaping mouth. But based on the volume of her high pitches protests, she was not pleased with the sudden turn of event.

“Stand her up and let me take a look,” ordered Mistress Bree.

As Bree circled Sandy, Mike and Andy held Sandy by the biceps, keeping her in place. The two friends looked at one another quizically, both wondering what Bree had in mind next.

“All trussed up like a Thanksgiving turkey,” taunted Bree as she circled Sandy. “And a lot of breast meat too.”

A shrill high pitched, but muffled scream, escaped Sandy’s gagged mouth as Bree landed precise blows to the outsides of the buxom Sandy’s heaving breasts. Sandy struggled to break free ―but to no avail, as the two boys continued to hold her in place by her biceps.

“The bitch has a great looking ass too,” Bree purred as she continued to circle Sandy, landing two more precise blows on the middle of Sandy’s shapely ass cheeks, eliciting another high pitched scream.

Sandy’s body was trembling now. The last two blows of the riding crop really stung and Sandy was totally unprepared with the blindfold now covered her eyes.

“Are you going to be a good little pet?” purred Bree as she gently stroked the inside Sandy’s thighs with the leather pad on the end of the riding crop, making Sandy’s entire body tremble.

“Are you going to behave yourself―do what you’re told, my pet?” seethed Bree into Sandy’s ear as she ran the end of the leather pad up and down between Sandy’s labia, eliciting a pathetically frightened humming sound from the much larger, more buxom woman as Sandy’s breasts heaved and her body trembled in fear.

“You didn’t respond! I didn’t hear you grunt affirmatively or see you shake your head yes,” taunted Bree as she stepped back from Sandy. “But maybe NOW you will!”

Bree’s next two swings were delivered with a little more force and even more precision, the edge of the leather pads landing precisely on the tips of Sandy’s rigid nipples, causing her entire body to spasm uncontrollably and her legs to buckle as she nearly tumbled to the floor.

Sandy’s shrill screams carried throughout the great room, despite the stainless steel gag forcing her jaws apart.

“The bitch is ready now,” snapped Bree. “Drag her ass to the bedroom!”

Mike and Andy pulled Sandy along between them with her feet dragging beneath her while Bree continue to give the boys instructions. The boys were willing infidels, eager to see just how hinky Bree could really be.

“There are leather straps already buckled to the sides of the headboard. Attach the rings on her wrist restraints to the snap hooks. Make sure she is on her knees, facing the headboard,” instructed Bree once they were in the bedroom with the door closed.

Bree watched as the boys did as instructed. She was surprised that Mike made no effort to intervene on behalf of his mother. Would Andy behave the same way when it was her turn, Bree wondered. ‘Yeah, the evil little bastard would probably enjoy it!’ she finally concluded.

“V-E-R-Y good, boys!” cooed Bree. “Now our little BDSM 101 class can commence.”

Bree stepped forward so that she was between Mike and Andy, with them on either side of her.

“I’m going to demonstrate and then you are going to practice the fine art of inflicting delicious pain without leaving any lasting marks,” began Bree, sounding very professorial. “And we’ll be using Sandy’s luscious body as our canvas.”

Mike and Andy looked back and forth at each other wondering what the fuck they had gotten into―but they were game! Next they turned to look at Bree who handed Mike a cat o’ nine tails and then Andy a flogger.

Next the boys turned to look at Sandy as she made even more frantic noises, having heard Bree’s every word. They watched Sandy’s gigantic breasts flop back and forth and her ass jerk up and down as she struggled against the wrist restraints. They watches as Sandy’s sex juices streamed down her inner thighs in spite of her frantic behavior.

“You two gorgeous hunks of manhood are SO big and strong, SO you need to listen to me VERY carefully,” continued Bree as she gently stroked the shafts of Mike’s and then her son’s penises with her riding crop as she spoke, going back and forth between them as they twitched with each caress of her leather tipped crop.

“Are you listening?” asked Bree as she tapped her son’s glans with the riding crop, making him flinch. Both boys nodded their heads ‘YES’ vigorously.

“Never― NEVER E-V-E-R ― swing too hard. If you do ―you’ll leave a welt that will NEVER go away. You must ALWAYS exercise restraint. Is that clear?” cautioned Mistress Bree.

“When you whip your slave, the ‘ARTISTRY’ resides in only using JUST enough force to produce the maximum pain―but WITHOUT leaving any lasting damage,” emphasized Mistress Bree. “UNDERSTAND?”

Both boys nodded, while continuing to swing and snap the flogger or cat o’ nine tales in the air in front of them, getting the feel of them.

Sandy’s moaning and groaning had originally sounded like pathetic pleas for mercy, but the noises she was making now sounded much different. The sounds escaping from her muzzled mouth were growls of outrage.

Mike began to wonder if Bree had really thought all of this through. Mike guessed that Bree had never seen Sandy really pissed off before. If not―he concluded―she probably soon would! Mike couldn’t wait to see Bree on the receiving end.

“Good―then let’s begin!” said Bree, interrupting Mike’s train of thought.

Bree laid a red horizontal stripe across both Sandy’s ass cheeks with the long cane she had chosen, making Sandy lurch and bellow in both anger and pain.


Lois’ costume left her tits and genitals completely exposed and the two boys fed Lois’ fantasy further by attaching the pincer style nipple clips from the toy box to her engorged nipples, letting the chain that connected them dangle below her breasts.

As the boys jostled her body around, the weighted ball hanging from the middle of the chain tugged at her sensitive nipples, making her moan.

There were a small pair of pincer clips in the box as well and those now hung from her labia, which were stretched from her body by the attached weighted balls.

As Lois squirmed, she couldn’t tell which was more uncomfortable, the pincers, grabbing and pulling on her labia, or the monstrously large silicon vibrator that hummed and throbbed inside her ass.

As uncomfortable as all these feelings were, what captured Lois’ attention the most at the moment was the curious tickling sensation she was feeling around the rim of her anus.


“OH GAWD, YESSS!” squealed Ally, as she tightened the muscles in her pussy and ass around Josh’s cock inside her pussy and Matt and Chris’ inside her ass.

“HARDER, BABIES! H-A-R-D-E-R!” grunted Ally as she wildly thrashed her ass to capture more man meat inside her needy orifices. Ally was about to begin stroking her clit when she was distracted by a loud voice coming from down the hallway. It was Sandy and she sounded P-I-S-S-E-D!

“YOU SKINNY LITTLE BITCH!” bellowed Sandy’s furious voice from the end of the hallway beyond the master bedroom, followed by a frantic scream from Bree.

‘What the FUCK’ thought Ally, as her three partners froze in mid thrust before pulling out of her, all four of them looking toward the bedroom door.


Ally, Josh, Matt and Chris were off the bed, and hurtling into the hallway when they heard Bree’s blood curdling yelp. Looking down the hallway they saw Bree running for her life in some sort of BDSM outfit with Sandy in close pursuit.

Sandy had a wide black leather belt around her waist and her left hand seemed to be attached to the back of it. Ally and her own three playmates stopped momentarily to take in the scene.

Wielding a long riding crop in her free right hand, Sandy was flailing wildly at Bree, who was losing ground to the longer legged Sandy. Ally and her three sex partners heard Bree yelp for a second time as Sandy landed a vicious blow to the middle of Bree’s left ass cheek.

“We didn’t hit you THAT HARD!” whined Bree loudly, dodging yet another blow as Sandy swung the riding crop back and forth like a pirate’s cutlass as she pursued the diminutive Mistress Bree.

“I’m going to take your HIDE OFF,” screamed Sandy. “You pasty assed little CUNT! I’LL SHOW YOU WHAT HARD IS!”

Bree, and then Sandy, disappeared around the corner of the hallway into the dining area of the darkened great room, with Mike and Andy close behind. Ally and the boys now rushed down the hallway to follow, fearing what the enraged Sandy might do to the much smaller woman.

Approaching Lois’ bedroom, Ally looked over at Lois, Dan and Nick as they poked their heads out into the hallway to see where the screaming Bree and Sandy had disappeared.

Ally and Lois eyed one another with shocked curious looks on their faces as they scanned each other’s bodies. Ally and the boys rushed by. Lois, Dan and Nick followed.

When Ally, Lois and their entourages reached the great room, Sandy was chasing Bree around the dining room table as Bree pulled chair after chair out behind her to impede the stampeding Sandy.

Sandy continued to flail away with the long riding crop, but Bree managed to stay slightly ahead or dodge the blows, all the time whing her apologies and begging Sandy to stop, but to no avail. Sandy was furious and completely out of control.

“You skinny little RUNT!” bellowed Sandy. “Just wait until I get holda’ ya!”

As they circled the table, Sandy snapped the leather pad on the end of the riding crop against the table’s surface, making a loud cracking noise.

“Listen to that you mousy little BITCH!” growled Sandy. “That’s the sound your skinny ass is gunna make in a minute!”

When Sandy lurched across the table, swinging the riding crop, she caught Bree on her nipple, which protruded from her corset. Bree’s scream was three octaves higher than the last time Sandy had made contact and she crumbled to the floor.

Sandy also lost her footing and was now sprawled tits down on the table. Mike and Andy finally caught up and grabbed both her arms and pulled her away from the table and into the darkened great room, depositing her on the sofa with them continuing to hold her in place.

“OUCH!!! BE CAREFUL YOU LITTLE BASTARDS!” scolded Sandy. “My ass is fucking sore as hell―and it’s ALL your fault!”

“Let’s ALL calm down!” said Ally calmly as she caught up and headed in Sandy’s direction. Turning to Matt and Chris, Ally said, “You boys go help Bree up and sit with her on the loveseat while we calm the situation down.”

“Calm down, MY ASS!” barked Sandy. “It wasn’t yawl’s ass gettin’ whooped on like a rented mule. IT WAS MINE!”

As Ally listened to Sandy carry on, she couldn’t help but notice Sandy reverting to her full Texas twang as she became even more agitated. It was much like the way Lois’ Québécois French accent came out when she was similarly excited.

“Let me take a look at you,” asked Ally as she stood in front of Sandy. “Can someone turn on the lights, please?”

After Josh flipped a couple of switches next to the fireplace the great room was flooded with light.

“Stand up, baby,” asked Ally in a comforting voice, “and let me take a look at you. OK?”

Sandy stood but continued to glare at Bree. Ally circled Sandy’s body examining the welts on her back, buttocks and breasts. The horizontal welts on Sandy’s ass had been administered with a cane and stretched across both her ass cheeks. They were almost identical in width and equally spaced. They all seemed to be applied with the same minimal amount of force.

“Whoever did your ass did a good job,” said Ally as she ran her index finger across one of them. “These should heal up quickly.”

“YEAH? Well they FUCKING HURT!” sulked Sandy.

Ally ran her finger across the welts on Sandy’s back next. They were in a crisscross ‘X’ pattern and were slightly more severe. Those too, would heal up, but take a bit longer.

“Your back will be fine in a couple of weeks,” assured Ally.

“How the fuck would you know?” seethed Sandy.

“Because I’ve received worse,” replied Ally calmly, “and from a professional. My welts were no deeper than yours and they were gone in two weeks.”

“A professional?” gasped Lois, never having heard this story from her friend. “Who? When? Why?”

“It was a long time ago,” replied Ally dismissively. “You know how Nunn liked to film me. It was his idea to hire a pro to give me the whole BDSM experience―and film it, of course.”

“How about my tits?” asked Sandy meekly, looking up at Ally doe-eyed. Sandy’s voice sounded as though she was calming down.

“They’ll be fine, baby,” said Ally soothingly. “The welts on your tits don’t look like much more than bee stings. They should heal up first.”

Ally stroked Sandy’s cheek reassuringly and then turned to Lois.

“You’re the queen of skin care,” said Ally as she looked over at Lois. “Do you have something we can put on these welts?”

“Yes, of course,” replied Lois, getting up from the club chair where she was sitting on Dan’s lap. “Let me get my cosmetics case.”

“That still leaves the matter of this SKINNY LITTLE CUNT!” growled Sandy as she lurched toward Bree. Andy and Mike were ready this time, and quickly restrained her.

For her part, Bree jumped straight in the air, like a frightened mouse, from between Chris and Matt, scrambling over the top of the loveseat and crouching behind it. Bree popped her head up to peer back over the top as Mike and her son struggled to hold the still enraged Sandy back.

As a precaution, Mike and Andy reattached Sandy’s wrists to the sided of her leather belt as they continued to restrain her upright in front of the sofa.

“What the fu―” Sandy started to plaintively whine.

“It’s for your own good,” whispered her son Mike, “until you settle down.”

“He’s right,” agreed Ally. “Good call, Mike.”

At that point Lois had returned with her cosmetics case and she and Ally went about applying one of the skin creams to Sandy’s welts.

“This should help, mon cher,” whispered Lois, kissing Sandy’s ear.

With the situation calming down and the room now brightly lit, everyone looked around at each other. All eyes found Bree, who was now sitting on the arm of the loveseat next to her son―ready to beat a hasty retreat, if necessary.

For some reason, no one seemed surprised to see her in her dominatrix outfit. It was as though that was how they had always imagined her with her pale white skin and sultry dark personality.

All eyes were then drawn to Lois and remained on her as she stood next to Ally. Bree was the first to break the silence.

“Just out of curiosity, did you leave mints on Dan and Nick’s pillows beforehand?” asked Bree snickering, as everyone chuckled.

“MERDE!” gasped Lois, suddenly conscious of her naughty attire.

Lois immediately turned a vivid shade of red, which nicely contrasted with the skimpy black and white maid’s outfit she wore, which barely covered any of her assets.

It wasn’t much more than a flimsy sexy apron that clung to the bottom of her breasts, lifting them provocatively, before tying behind her neck. The back covered nothing but the small patch of skin above her ass crack where the apron string tied.

“I rather like your chapeau,” complimented Ally, unable to resist needling Lois. “You look SOO cute, si élégant!”

It was all Ally could do to keep from bursting into laughter as she watched Lois’ eyes roll upward to look at her maid’s hat and then lower to meet Ally’s gaze. ‘If looks could kill’, thought Ally as she continued to laugh.

“And what’s that sticking out of your derriere darlin’?” chimed in Sandy, wanting to get in on the fun. “Is it Easter ALREADY?”

“Quelle?―Ahh, what?” gasped Lois as she stood on her toes, arching her back and turning slightly as she looked back over her shoulder.

“MERDE!” sulked Lois.

Still lodged in her ass was the silicon vibrator the boys had inserted earlier. Looking back over her shoulder now, Lois finally understood why it had tickled. Attached to the end of the thick black vibrator was a fuzzy white bunny tail the boys had attached.

“Maybe we should have us an Easter Egg hunt or sumpin’ after the sun comes up!” drawled Sandy, forgetting about her welts for the moment. “You up for boilin’ some eggs Mademoiselle Fifi―when you’re done doing your turndowns and such?”

“Va te faire foutre et le cheval que tu montais!” fumed Lois, the words spilling out of her mouth in a torrent.

“What the fuck did she just say?” asked Sandy, looking up at Ally. “Something about a horse?”

“Oui!” giggled Ally. “Lois said, fuck you and the horse you rode in on!” Everyone burst into laughter, including Sandy and Lois.

“Sounds so much more elegant in French,” deadpanned Sandy.

“And you, mon cher!” said Lois, recovering from her momentary embarrassment, as she looked at Ally. Now Lois’ French accent was thick enough to cut with a knife. Lois had the haughty tone that only a Frenchman can achieve. “You look so CUTE as well. Perhaps we can take a pony ride after we hunt for the Easter eggs!”

Ally looked back over her own shoulder and grimaced. She too had a vibrator stuffed up her keister and attached to it were long strands of fabric that looked suspiciously like a horse’s tail.

“Why don’t you whinny for us, honey?” snickered Sandy as everyone except Ally and Lois laughed even louder.

Ally and Lois eyed each other more closely. Both had spider gags and masks hanging down around their necks. Both wore nipple and labia clamps. ― They both decided to shut up for the moment.

Conspicuously silent were the boys, all of whom had long since learned to tread carefully when discussing the women’s appearance, lest they be banished to nooky purgatory.

There was a lull in the banter for a moment and suddenly everyone could hear the hum of a vibrator set on high as well as a pulsing noise.

“Whoever the fuck has that FUCKING remote control thing better stop it NOW, if ya know what’s good for ya’.” growled Sandy. “If my ass tingles one more time, yawl’ wish youda’ never been born. I’M WARNIN’ YA!”

Sandy watched as Bree extended her hand outward in Sandy’s direction. Sandy saw the small black remote in Bree’s hand just as her ass began to vibrate.

“YOU FUCKING BITCH!!!” screamed Sandy as she lurched toward Bree again, having wrested herself from Andy and Mike’s grip. But Bree was ready and scurried across the room to the dining room table with Sandy threatening to kill her repeatedly as they circled the table, again and again.

Mike and Andy were in hot pursuit, and the game was on again.

“What does she think she’s going to do if she catches up?” asked Ally calmly as she settled back on Josh’s lap. “Both her hands are strapped to the belt.”

“I’M GOING TO STOMP YOU SKINNY LITTLE ASS!” bellowed Sandy as she began to gain ground on Bree. “YOU ALBINO DWARF!”

“I guess you have your answer now,” was Josh’s droll reply.

“She’ll never catch Bree,” offered Lois, who was sitting in Dan’s lap now, in the other club chair. “She can run like a rabbit!”

“Rabbit, HUH?” needled Dan. Lois could feel his hand toying with the vibrator in her own ass.

“MERDE!” gasped Lois, perhaps a bit too loudly―and self-conscious about her bunny tail.

“Like a pony, perhaps!” suggested Josh as he tweaked the vibrator in Ally’s ass.

“SHUT UP!” grumbled Ally as she slapped Josh’s thigh.

Sandy and Bree had gone several more turns around the table before Mike and Andy caught up with Sandy restraining her.

“THIS AIN’T OVER!!!” yelled Sandy vehemently at Bree, across the table. “You just wait! When I get done with yawl, your ass will look like a spotted leopard!”

“You know, you kinda look like a zebra yourself, Sandy, but with a butt plug up your ass!” taunted Ally from across the room. “Of course, one without a tail though!”

“You and the upstairs maid have that covered!” yelled Sandy back as Andy and her son continued to restrain her.

Vibrating and pulsing noises once more interrupted the silence.

“YOU FUCKING WHORE! I’M GOING TO KILL YOU!!!” screamed Sandy as her entire body turned red.

“You better take that away from your mother,” whispered Mike to Andy. “Or we’re going to be at this all night!”

As Andy chased his mother around the table now, she kept buzzing Sandy, eliciting more threats.

Things had been rockin’ and rollin’ ‘back at the ranch’ for more than an hour now when nature decided to do a little rockin’ and rollin’ of its own.

At first there was a rumbling noise in the distance across the valley. As it grew louder, it sounded like an oncoming train, and then things began to rattle on the tables and shelves. As they felt the floor beneath them heave as though they were in a boat with a wave swelling beneath them. It finally registered with everyone that they were having an earthquake.

“Oh FUCK!” screamed Sandy, before begging her son in fear. “Let my hands loose, darlin’! PLEASE!!!”

Three seconds into the rumbling the lights went out and they were all cast into complete darkness. The fire had long since burned itself out and the lights on the appliances in the kitchen, which usually cast a faint glow, were out too. Making matters worse, it was a moonless night. Only the stars twinkled in the sky through the large windows.

It was blacked out everywhere. Normally you could see the light pollution from Sonora to the north and Jamestown to the south. But it was pitch black outside the floor to ceiling windows.

The rumbling went on for almost ten seconds as they all waited in the dark for it to stop.

No one had to express their worst fears. All of them were worried that the large, roughhewn beams overhead would come crashing down and crush them in the dark.

“That must have come from the Melones or Bear Mountain Faults,” said Mike nervously, trying to fill the silent void.

“They run along either side of the reservoir, just north of here,” continued Mike. As an engineering major, he had just completed a course in geology and had become familiar with the faults in the area.

“The Melones Reservoir is about twenty miles away,” replied Nick. “A 5.0? ― What do you think?”

“That sounds about right,” agreed Dan.

“Is everyone OK?” asked Josh.

Everyone murmured ‘yes’ into the darkness.

It became completely silent again as they waited in the pitch dark and utter silence in anticipation of an aftershock.

Once again, penetrating the darkness and silence, was the humming and buzzing of the vibrator and then Bree’s giggled.

“Would you pull that fucking thing out of me!” Sandy begged her son with a whimper.

The next sound to penetrate the darkness was the plopping sound as the big thick black vibrator hit the hardwood floor.

“Damn!” laughed and wheezed Bree from somewhere in the darkness as she struggled to catch her breath.

“Yeah, you keep breathing hard―you anorexic little CUNT!” growled Sandy. “Cus them your last breaths, once I get my hands on your scrawny little ass!”

“Can’t we all just get along!” said Matt theatrically from somewhere in the darkness, mimicking Rodney King’s most famous words almost perfectly. Everyone burst out laughing in the pitch black room.

Just as everyone composed themselves, a faint glimmer of light penetrated the darkness. Looking toward the fireplace, they all saw Chris. He had found the butane fire starter and one of the candles on the mantle after groping around in the darkness.

“Thank you, Chris!” said Ally appreciatively. “Maybe you guys could start another fire, so we have more light.”

Chris, Mike and Nick went about gathering more wood from the side of the fireplace and starting a new fire.

“We need to get up, baby,” whispered Ally in Josh’s ear as she got up and moved toward Sandy and Mike.

“Sit your mother on your lap in the chair,” said Ally, waiving her arm toward the club chair she and Josh had just vacated. “And hold onto her this time!”

Next, Ally turned her attention to Bree, who was struggling against Andy as he tried to pry the remote from her hand.

“Give me that damn thing!” scolded Ally as she wrenched the remote from Bree’s fingers. “Andy! Go sit her ass down on the loveseat on your lap. ― And hold onto her!”

Once Andy and Bree were in place, Ally stood in front of everyone and was about to speak when the aftershock hit. As she looked around the room, everyone was staring at the large overhead beams. It was a mild aftershock and it soon faded.

“OK! This horseshit has to stop!” announced Ally. “Sandy! What’s it going to take for you to settle down?”

“To beat on her ass like a rented mule!” replied Sandy without missing a beat.

“She’ll hit too HARD!” squealed Bree. “Just look at my ass! Those ain’t going away any time soon!”

“OK! How about if we have someone else give you your medicine?” asked Ally.

“Who?” whimpered Bree.

“No fucking w ―,” started Sandy before Ally cut her off.

“Shut the fuck up for a minute!” scolded Ally as she turned toward Sandy.

“Both your sons whipped Sandy,” said Ally, turning back toward Bree. “Seems fair they should do you too!”

“But they’re not train―” whined Bree as Ally cut her off.

“You thought they were well enough trained to whip on Sandy’s ass―didn’t you?” retorted Ally before Bree could get another word in.

“Well, yeah,” admitted Bree reluctantly. “OK then. We’ll go back to the bedroom, but someone has to hold Sandy back. OK?”

“Bedroom, HELL!” exclaimed Josh. “We want to watch. Don’t we?”

As Josh scanned the room there were no nays.

“W-H-A-T?” squealed Bree with alarm.

“You’re going to get your medicine right here, mon cher!” said Lois as she reached out to grasp Bree’s hand as she pulled her to her feet. “But first we have to remove your lovely corset so you can feel the caresses on your back as well. N’êtes-vous pas d’accord.”

“What did she say?” asked Bree with alarm as she looked at Ally.

“She said, ‘Don’t you agree’,” replied Ally, before adding with a laugh, “Not that it matters.”

“Andy, go get the switches you used from the bedroom,” ordered Ally. “Josh, get that role of rope from the garage. Both of you take candles with you.”

“Rope? What’s the rope for?” asked Bree with alarm.

“To suspend you from the beam, Mistress Bree,” replied Ally, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

“Matt! There are two stretch bars under my bed. Can you fetch them?” ordered Ally as she saw Dan get up and head the other way. “Dan! Where the fuck are you going?”

“To get the Hasselblad,” replied Dan.

“OH!―YEAH! Good idea!” was Ally’s satisfied reply.

“I never signed up for all this!” whined Bree in protest.

“I didn’t either,” spat Sandy, “you whiny little TWAT!”


Bree had hung suspended from the beam directly in front of the fireplace from the two spreader bars through three more aftershocks―an hour, more or less. Between the second and third aftershock the electricity had come back on, much to everyone’s relief.

Not wanting to miss his opportunity to take his mother’s ass while she was restrained, Andy had lubed her ass up as she screamed in protest.

“NO, NOT HERE!” begged Bree. “Not in front of everyone.”

“Bullshit sister,” scoffed Sandy. “I got it in front of everyone right here ―and so the fuck can YOU!”

Once Andy snaked his cock all the way inside his mother’s tight little ass, Bree constantly panted, begging for more. Mike took Bree from the front as everyone watched in fascination. The tiny woman managed to take all of both of them, begging for more as she swung from the rafters.

Bree’s body was striped with welts both front and back. Mistress Bree had trained the boys well and Ally supervised to make sure no lasting damage was done to Bree’s pale flesh.

Bree began frantically thrashing her ass back and forth, lost to her passion and trying to encourage both boys deeper inside her. But the lower spread bar had begun to bang into both boys shins.

“Can someone get rid of the fucking spread bar?” shouted Mike in frustration as the steel bar crashed into his shins.

Matt and Chris obliged and Bree immediately wrapped her legs around Mike’s back and cried out her encouragement even more louder, egging them on.

“OH GAWD! You’re both so big!” wailed Bree. “Oh God, more! Don’t stop. DEEPER!”

Soon only gibberish came from Bree’s mouth as she experienced one orgasm after another. By the time the two boys came inside her, her body was spent, hanging almost lifeless from the rafters like a prize marlin being weighed at the boat dock.

“You boys pull her down,” said Sandy, talking to her son and Andy. “Carry her into the shower, so I can clean her up.”

“AHHH! You sure about that?” asked Ally suspiciously.

“Yeah, we’re even now,” replied Sandy. “It’s all good.”

“OK, if you’re sure!” replied Ally.

“Maybe Mademoiselle Fifi over there can fix breakfast for everyone,” said Sandy. “That is, unless she’s still got turndowns to do.”

“Nah! The sun’s coming up. Too late for turndowns,” replied Ally on Lois’ behalf. “Why don’t the rest of you go shower too. Fifi and I will get breakfast going. Won’t we Fifi?”

“Pourquoi est-ce toujours moi?” muttered Lois under her breath, lamenting that it always seemed to be ‘her turn’.

“Thank you Fifi!” repeated everyone as they left the room, enjoying themselves as Lois blushed crimson red in her cute little maid’s costume.


Sunday Morning / Day 10

When Ally got back to the kitchen after making sure Sandy and the other children were playing well together in the shower, she saw that Lois was cleaning and scrubbing Sandy’s and her own vibrators with hot soapy water.

“Give me yours,” said Lois, turning toward Ally, “I’ll wash it too. Then we can start breakfast.”

“Merci beaucoup, Mademoiselle Fifi,” replied Ally, pulling the vibrator from her own ass with a ‘pop’ and dropping it in the sink.

“I’m stuck with that nickname from now on,” lamented Lois as she turned again to look at Ally. “Right?”

“Afraid so,” replied Ally giggling. “It’s just too delicious.”

“MERDE!” huffed Lois, grimacing.


After breakfast the women shooed all the boys down to the bunkhouse to sleep or do whatever they wanted. The girls wanted some time for themselves to talk, and hopefully, to get some sleep.

The boys were only too happy to accommodate since they wanted to watch baseball on TV anyway. They grabbed a couple of cases of beer from the pantry and a case of chips from the garage after clearing the table and doing the dishes.

The girls had adjourned to the master bedroom and showered together. After the women dried themselves off, Ally and Lois applied fresh lotion to Bree and Sandy’s welts. As Ally and Lois massaged the two women’s bodies, they all started to become aroused. It wasn’t long before Sandy and Bree had turned on their sides and were sixty-nining each other, all apparently having been forgiven.

Ally and Lois joined the other two women on the bed and soon their heads were between each other’s legs as well. After much moaning and groaning and undulating pelvises, the four women wore each other out and they fell asleep, each couple in one another’s arms, until mid-afternoon.


Sunday Afternoon / Day 10

Waking first, Lois and then Ally slipped out of bed and left Sandy and Bree to get some much needed sleep after their mutual ordeals of the night before. Lois and Ally showered together in Lois’ bathroom, then headed out toward the kitchen after donning the days agree on attire, their new green dresses.

The women had agreed before they left the clothing store that they would all wear the same color dress each day, and today’s color was green.

After they got to the kitchen, Lois prepared a small charcuterie tray for she and Ally to share while Ally opened one of Lois’ bottles of Corton-Charlemagne. Adjourning to the great room, they shared the food and wine, chatting as they lounged together on the loveseat.

As they sat and talked, Ally finally got around to asking the question that had been bugged her all night.

“When and where did you get that maid’s outfit anyway?” asked Ally.

“When we were buying the dresses,” replied Lois with a wicked smile. “There was a little room at the back full of naughty clothes and toys. Didn’t you see it?”

“No, but I wish I had,” said Ally. “Did they have a nurse’s outfit?”

“Yeah, I think so,” giggled Lois. “Does Ally want to play doctor?”

“Josh said you all sounded like you were having fun with your role playing,” snickered Ally.

“WE WERE!” gushed Lois. “We were all getting so HOT, but then Sandy screamed, and it was c’est la vie.”

“Maybe we can take a trip back into town tomorrow and I can get my nurse’s outfit. Maybe we can find outfits for Sandy and Bree too!”

“Ahh―I think Bree already has her outfit,” giggled Lois. “Don’t you think?”

“Yeah, you’re probably right,” laughed Ally. “But maybe one for Sandy! What do you think?”

“About the costume for Sandy?” giggled Lois. “Cowgirl ― certainement!”

“Who’s a cowgirl?” yawned Sandy as she suddenly appeared behind them.

Ally and Lois turned to see Sandy walking toward them in her own green dress, freshly showered and looking no worse for wear, other than the welts that dotted her huge tits, of course.

“You two bitches talking behind my back?” asked Sandy, laughing.

“No, mon cher,” replied Lois. “We’re talking about getting costumes for the rest of you. Ally wants to be a nurse and play doctor. We thought you might want to be a cowgirl.”

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