The Nude, the Fat and the Lovely Ch. 07 by JackandJilldo,JackandJilldo

The ambient lighting increased enough for the other couples to dance, but the spotlight remained on Beth and myself as “Dancing Queen” by ABBA began to play. Our ballroom dancing lessons were put to good use as we flowed across the floor. At one point, Beth placed her left foot on my right shoulder, and then tipped backwards and turned completely over – ending in an American split – in a stunning gymnast’s move which elicited a round of applause.

“There’s our king and queen!” someone hollered.

There was no doubt about that statement. Not only were we the most attractive couple in attendance, we were by far, the most talented on the floor as well. The song ended, and Beth and I headed back to our table to take a break. Ken and Amy joined us a few minutes later.

“You had me fooled.” Amy said to Beth. “I must say, you do look so much better, losing all that weight.”

“Why, what a backhanded compliment!” Beth replied, rolling her eyes. “You’re goddamned right I do! Maybe I can join your little group now?”

Amy’s gaze drifted over to me.

“Klaus Meine huh?”

“Jawohl!” I exclaimed.

“Very funny.” she retorted. “I have to say, you’ve made quite an improvement as well.”

I ignored her, and her eyes focused on Beth once again.

“You look familiar.” she mused. “Not because you look like the old fat Bethany, but you remind me of someone else. A singer or an actress maybe.”

“She looks like that chick that used to be on those soap operas.” Ken offered. “Or the toothpaste chick.”

“Kylie Easton, maybe?” I inquired casually. “That would be her mother. She’ll be stopping by any time now too. I asked her to be a chaperon for the party. And you’d better hope she doesn’t kick your snotty little girlfriend’s ass for what she did to her daughter.”

Ken’s and Amy’s jaws dropped.

“Y-your mother?” Amy stammered. “Why haven’t you ever told anyone in school your mother is a famous actress?”

“Because I wanted to be liked for who I am,” Beth replied, “and not because of who my mother is. Or her cousin for that matter. But all you ever saw was the fat chick. Jack saw me for who I really am.”

“Who’s her cousin?” I inquired, as this was going to be news to me as well. “You sure are closemouthed about your family, Beth.”

“I told you, I don’t like to brag.” she responded. “I was referring to her cousin Sheena. She still lives across the pond, so I didn’t think it was a big deal.”

“You’re telling me your second cousin is Sheena Easton?!” I asked incredulously. “Damn, too bad we couldn’t have gotten her to play for the prom.”

“She isn’t touring right now.” Beth replied. “Besides, she’s shooting some episodes on Miami Vice. She’s Crockett’s new love interest on the show. She’ll probably drop by for a visit while she’s here in the States though, if you’d like to meet her.”

About that time, Kylie wandered over.

“Oh, hi Mom.” Beth greeted her. “We were just talking about you and Cousin Sheena.”

“Do tell.” Kylie responded. “Dang, you two look great together! Who are your friends?”

Amy squirmed uncomfortably, as she was about to be outed.

“This is Ken Dahl and Amy Kellenbach.” Beth answered vaguely.

“I see,” Kylie replied, her eyes narrowing. “The same Amy Kellenbach that stripped my daughter and humiliated her in front of the boy she was tutoring?”

Amy dropped her head.

“Yes Ma’am.” she mumbled. “I’m sorry.”

“Well now, things turned out so much better for her – dating Jack and toning up like she did – I guess we can all let bygones be bygones, eh?” Kylie said brightly.

I knew she was acting, as I knew damned well she wanted to punch the bitch right in her beautiful face, but she refrained for some reason. I supposed it was because she knew about the video, or the fact that being arrested for assault might not be the best publicity for her. Either way, the situation was avoided as Mr. Hunter took the mic and addressed everyone.

“Greetings, Class of 1987!” he said enthusiastically. “Well, y’all have voted for the prom king and queen, and even before you knew who they were, I’m pleased to announce that Jack Cartier and Beth Easton will take the crowns for this year’s prom.”

A round of applause went up, as we approached the stage to receive my crown, and Beth’s tiara and wand. Flashbulbs went off as we posed for posterity, and then smiled and waved. I took the mic and addressed everyone.

“Thank y’all so much for crowning us.” I began. “I know it sure means the world to Beth, but I think it’s well earned. She worked very hard to change her image, and once the after party begins, you’ll see her really unwind.

“On that note, I hope that everyone will be staying, and I have a big surprise to unveil at midnight, so be sure to stick around. Did everyone invite your friends to attend?”

A roar of shouts and whistles went up, and I smiled.

“Awesome! I’ll be taking over as the emcee in thirty minutes or so, so get ready to have some real fun! Remember, my dress code is totally informal, so if you brought some comfy clothes, feel free to change as soon as the prom ends. I’m expecting a big turnout, so I have some security milling around, as well as some parents who volunteered to be chaperons. On that note, I’d like to introduce you to a chaperon I personally invited; Beth’s mother, Kylie Easton.”

The spotlight moved over to the table where Kylie was standing next to Ken and Amy.

“Hey, it’s the Toothpaste Lady!” someone hollered.

“Holy shit!” another voice called out. “She used to be on one of those slop-operas too!”

“Let’s watch our language.” I cautioned. “This is still an official school function. At least for the next twenty five minutes.”

Mr. Hunter motioned for me to hand him the mic. I complied, and he grinned.

“The prom is officially over!” he called out enthusiastically. “This is Jack’s bash from here on out. Peg and I are going to enjoy ourselves for a change!”

He glanced over at the DJ.

“Play something that swings, would you?”

The DJ nodded, and fumbled through his record collection, before putting something on the turntable. Some sort of Big Band music began to play, full of trumpets and horns, and everyone clamped their hands over their ears.

“I meant from THIS century!” Joe hollered. “When I said swings, I meant rocks! Get with the times, Dude!”

The needle dragged across the record with a sickening scratch, and the DJ flung the disc over his shoulder, much to the delight of everyone present. He placed a new record on the turntable, and this time, “Heat of the Moment” by Asia, cranked over the speakers.

“That’s more like it!” Joe said approvingly. “Just because we’re older, doesn’t mean we’re square. I kinda like this New Age and heavy metal stuff myself. C’mon Peg; let’s dance.”

Over the next hour or so, people began to show up in droves, and I had the maintenance man open the giant accordion-like divider to expand our space. Even though the room had literally doubled in size, it was really filling up, and I was getting a bit concerned. I hadn’t really planned on half the county showing up for the shindig, but I suspected a lot of kids from other high schools were attending as well. No problemo! The more the merrier, as far as I was concerned.

Amy had disappeared for a while, but eventually showed back up. She hadn’t changed out of her prom dress, I guess as a pathetic way to try and show Beth up, but she was a bit wobbly upon her return. I suspected alcohol and/or weed might be contributing factors, but I decided to ignore my own rules regarding drugs and alcohol, to let her make as big of a fool of herself as she wanted. Boy was she going to flip when I played that tape!

As I mentioned earlier, the hall could legally hold 5,000 people. While it was impossible to count the exact number of attendees, it sure looked full! This was going to be killer. Amy’s transgression would be seen by not only other students at Old North High, but by those from at least five other high schools from the county; maybe more if neighboring kids showed up. That bitch was going down faster than an aluminum British battleship in the Falklands.

Everyone was having a total blast. Beth had removed not only the lower portion of her dress – but the maternity section as well – exposing her tight, snow white, six pack tummy, and she was the center of attention.

She was absolutely, drop dead gorgeous, and more than a few other chicks were a bit jealous, as she and I tore up the floor. Her well-toned thighs were now clearly visible, along with her arms and belly. She was literally runway model material, and the photographers from the fashion magazines were getting their money shots. Everyone from Old North was still having a hard time wrapping their heads around the fact that this slim chick used to be Big Bethany, but the other kids had no clue. They all just liked what they saw.

As midnight rolled around, I dropped by the DJ’s table to remind him of what was about to go down, just as we had rehearsed. The song finished out, and suddenly there I was; mic in hand and the spotlight on Beth and myself.

“I hope y’all are having fun!” I called out.

This was greeted with shouts, whistles and clapping.

“Good!” I continued. “I want everyone to look over at that wall. We have a short video to share with y’all.”

I gestured toward the white concrete block wall where the projector was aimed. The video would be about twenty feet tall, by thirty five feet wide. Everyone was going to see this clearly, and as everyone’s gaze focused on the wall, as I handed the mic to Beth.

“It’s all yours, Babe.” I said quietly. “Knock ’em dead.”

“What you are all about to see, is the reason that this evening was planned and put together.” she explained. “Last year, something awful happened to me, and I want all of you to see for yourselves, exactly what happened to me. It’s hard to watch, let me warn you. It’s very graphic, but I think every single one of you needs to see this for yourselves. If you’ve ever been bullied or made fun of, your day of payback is here.

“Last year, Amy Kellenbach invited me over to her house to join her supposed inner circle of friends. It was a setup. You see, for those of you who have no idea who I am, I was an overweight girl who was tutoring this very handsome man to my left, as he was recovering from a nearly deadly car crash. Amy was jealous of the time we were spending together, and she and some of her friends decided to play a horrible prank on me, to embarrass and humiliate me in front of the student that I was tutoring.

“I was stripped nude, and sent into the room where my student thought he was was waiting for Amy. Instead, he saw my fat ass completely naked. Can you all imagine my shame, horror and humiliation? I don’t think you can.”

A collective gasp went up from the crowd. Everyone was beginning to understand where this was going, and Beth continued.

“This is not easy for me,” she stated emphatically, “but I have enough confidence in myself now, that I can share this with all of you. The entire event was videotaped, and I want each and every one of you to see what Amy Kellenbach did to me!!!”

At that point, the entire hall went dark, and the videotape began to play at full cinema size on the wall; all of the audio in crisp, clear Dolby stereo. People gasped, as Beth’s horrific ordeal played out in front of them. They all witnessed Amy’s cruel laughter, as Beth’s muffled and pathetic voice cried out for mercy on the other side of the door.

“Let me out! Let me out! Oh God, please LET ME OUT!!!”

You could have heard a pin drop, as the lights came back on. No one knew for certain where Amy was, but it didn’t take more than a few seconds for the crowed to point her out.

“You fucking bitch!” someone screamed. “You fucking cunt!”

“All of this; the masked couple, the after party; all of this was planned so all of you could see for yourselves, what that fucking bitch did to me!” Beth screamed. “Look at what she did to me! Look at what she did to me!!!”

The entire hall went silent, as everyone tried to absorb what they had just witnessed. Words were useless, as the gravity of the situation became abundantly clear. I took the mic back and added my two cents.

“What I witnessed that night, was the most disgusting behavior humanly possible.” I stated. “I am actually ashamed to think that at that point, I was actually dating that piece of shit. Ken, I know that you and I have had our differences, but I think – and I hope – that you understand why I dumped her after this went down.”

Ken was thunderstruck. He stared at Amy for a few seconds before responding. He then turned to me.

“I don’t know what to say.” he said, faltering for words. “Jack, I am so sorry. I had no idea what happened. Please accept my apologies. Beth, please accept my apologies as well. I want nothing more to do with her. This is inexcusable.”

“Stand up for me, you fucking prick!” Amy demanded. “You worthless piece of shit! I’m your woman! Defend me!”

Ken looked at her for a few seconds and shook his head.

“No. No Amy. I cannot defend your actions this time. You are beautiful, but what you did to Bethany was disgusting and inexcusable. I can’t believe you treated another human being like that. For fun? This was a joke? We’re done, Amy. Just like Jack dumped you for what you did. We’re through. And this time, there are witnesses to understand why. Jack, I understand now. So sorry, Bud. I am SO sorry.”

At this point; Ken, Amy, Beth, Kylie and myself were all grouped together. Amy was fuming, and I could see all of her angst building up as she approached Beth, with pure nuclear fire in her steely gray eyes.

“You bitch!” she screamed. “You fat, fucking bitch! You’re a worthless fucking fat fuck! I’m the one that deserves to wear this crown! Not you! You ate your Wheaties! Well, fuck you, you fucking cunt! I’m the fucking queen of this show! I’m gonna kick your fucking ass!”

At that moment, Amy made a huge mistake. She lunged forward and attempted to punch Beth, who deftly sidestepped the move and returned in kind. Last year, Beth would have been slow in responding. Had she connected with a return punch, the sheer horsepower of the weight behind her strike would have laid Amy out cold, but she did not have that luxury this time around.

Instead, her martial arts training and quick reflexes acted more like a small block engine torque as opposed to sheer horsepower, and her right fist connected with the side of Amy’s face just below her eye with a fast, sickening thud that sounded like a raw steak hitting a granite counter top. Amy dropped straight to the floor; stunned for a few seconds, as Beth backed up and regrouped for a followup move should it be needed.

“You fucking bitch!” Amy screamed, as she placed her hand on the side of her face. “I’m gonna fucking kill you!”

Amy was crouched down at this point, and I had a sudden urge to plant my left foot on the hem of her dress. The idea was for her to stagger to her feet, trip and make an even bigger ass of herself, but as fate would sometimes intervene, that is NOT what happened.

She was so full of adrenaline and hatred, that when she sprang to her feet, she literally popped out of her dress like an overripe banana squeezing out of its peel. Amy rocketed out of her clothes with so much force, that she made several steps before coming to a stop.

Most of the girls weren’t wearing bras, due to the way their dresses fit, but Amy being Amy, wasn’t wearing any underwear either. All she had on at this point, were her high heels and elbow length gloves. Oblivious to the fact that she was completely nude, she glared at Beth, as flashbulbs popped off left and right, like strobe lights, as dozens of people took photographs..

You could have heard a pin drop, as all eyes were focused on Amy Kellenbach’s nude body.

“What the fuck are you all staring at?” she demanded, still totally unaware that she was fully nude. “I’m gonna kill that bitch!”

It was at that point, that Amy realized she was devoid of her clothes. I deftly kicked her dress to one side, where it was quickly and eagerly picked up and passed around. In the deathly quiet, the sound of tearing fabric could be heard, as Amy’s dress was torn to pieces.

“Oh my god!” Amy gasped. “I’m nude! Holy fucking shit, I’m totally fucking nude! Where the fuck are my clothes?!”

Nobody uttered a word, as the sound of her dress being torn to shreds wafted from the dark background.

Joe and Peg were stunned, to say the least, and I shrugged as I made eye contact with them. This was above and beyond what I had planned, and even I had no idea where this was going.

“Where are my clothes?!” Amy shrieked. “Oh God, where are my clothes?!”

She was fucked up just enough to not panic completely, but still aware of her situation.

“Fuck!” she screamed. “I’m fucking nude! Jesus fucking Christ, I’m totally fucking nude!!!”

Cameras continued snapping pics of her gorgeous body, as Amy began to panic. She tried covering herself, but it was too late. 3,765 people had seen her nude, and several dozen photographs had been taken, not to mention five or six camcorders that were filming the entire thing.

Amy looked around in sheer panic, and realizing there was nowhere to hide, simply placed her hands over her face like a child, in a pathetic attempt to disguise herself. Guffaws erupted from every corner of the hall, accompanied by a ton of snide remarks.

Amy was not only shamed for what she had done to Beth at this point, but utterly humiliated in front of the entire school, and her shoulders shook violently, as she began to sob hysterically; her face buried in her slender hands.

Slowly, the guffaws and comments subsided; leaving the room as quiet as a cavern. Beth strode over to her adversary and pulled her hands down, exposing her vision to everyone present. Amy trembled noticeably, as she stood shamed and humiliated in front of everyone.

“How does it feel?” Beth demanded. “How the fuck does it feel to be stripped of your clothes in front of the entire school? How do you like being nude?”

Amy said nothing, and Beth gave a pfft of contempt.

“You’re pathetic!” she sneered. “You didn’t make Prom Queen, but I’ll give you a title for this party.”

With that, Beth removed her tiara and placed it on Amy’s blonde head. She then thrust the princess wand into her hand and stepped back.

“Well, well, well!” she exclaimed. “I now crown you Miss Nudie Queen!”

Amy once again, burst into tears. At that point, Beth did something totally unexpected. Even to me. She reached out and placed her hands directly on Amy’s perky tits, squeezing them firmly. Several cheers went up at this point, and Beth stepped back.

“How does it feel, Amy?” she demanded. “How does it feel to lose your dignity like this? How does it feel, to be completely humiliated in front of your friends? I own you, you fucking bitch.”

Amy stood in place; utterly defeated and completely humiliated. Tears streamed down her face as she fought for words, but nothing came out. All she could do, was look at every student who was staring directly at her, and wish she was dead.

Beth stared at Amy for a few seconds before finishing her thoughts.

“It’s not so funny now, is it?”

Amy placed her hands over her face once again, and began to cry.

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