The Pleasure Boy 08 by Denker42,Denker42

The introductory chapter concluded with a statement of the underlying rationale and goals of geisha training:

• to become a connoisseur of pleasure — to sample and experience the range of safe and meaningful pleasures, so as to distinguish intelligently between pleasures which conduce to long-term happiness, and empty or self-defeating pleasures which do not;

• to make a profession of being pleasurable — someone who contri­butes to the occasion, and makes it a better experience for others;

• to choose and study some worthwhile pleasure as a specialty that one can teach and share with others.

In short, the trained geisha (or geisho) will be a credit to our profession and to the idea of pleasure itself. By helping others to live pleasurably and being pleasant to have around, she will earn her fee and bring credit to the Guild and to her trainers.

I thought about my mother, and Mistress Lotte and Mitch. I thought about the training I was getting — about the profession I was getting into. Did they live up to this standard? I thought they did. Could I? I didn’t know yet. Only with time and training would I find out. I looked at the digital clock and saw it was almost time for dinner. I went to pee (a great pleasure when you have a full bladder), then washed my hands and went to table.

As we finished eating, I saw Joe, Gayle and Lisa look at each other and then at me. I could tell they were up to something. When they invited me to go to the dungeon with them, I tried to decline, but Mistress told me to go with them. “Good that you see it coming,” she said, “but think of it as an initiation rite. You got part of it last night from Mitch and me. You’ll get the rest of it tonight from them. After that, if they accept you, you’ll be one of us.”

I didn’t miss the implication — that if my fellows didn’t like me, I’d be gone. But I saw the justice of what was happening. These other apprentices and people like them would eventually be my colleagues. Just now, as more advanced apprentices, they were among my teachers. I needed their acceptance and good will and would have to pay its price, whatever that was. “I understand, Mistress,” I answered her, and turned and went with them.

In the dungeon, Lisa took charge. “You’re here to learn about pleasure,” she told me. “You can start by giving us some. If you please us we’ll welcome you and teach you. If you refuse us, we’ll turn away from you. Then Mistress will notice and you won’t last long as her apprentice.”

“Why do you put it as a threat?” I asked her. “You all are senior to me, and you’ve been nothing but welcoming since I arrived here. And you heard Mistress tell me to submit to you. No more was needed. It will be my pleasure to pleasure you.”

“Very well,” Lisa said. “We’re going to play make-believe. We’ll start with Joe here. “Tonight, he’s an obnoxious prick and you’re to serve him. You’re his rent-boy, paid to suck him off. Gayle and I will watch to see how well you do. Then Gayle wants to have you worship her, and I am going to peg you — this first time with a very slim, well-lubricated dildo, as I know your rosebud hasn’t been prepared.”

“Now offer yourself like a good slave boy and let us have our way with you!”

Closing my eyes, and taking a moment to get into role, I turned and dropped to my knees before Joe, giving him my best obsequious smile. “I’m here to serve you master,” I said. Then I bowed down and kissed his foot. He grabbed my hair and roughly pulled me up to an erect kneeling posture, then thrust his drooping cock into my face. “There you are boy,” he ordered. “That big guy needs a good blow-job. Show him what you can do.”

I’d watched all those porn films when my mom was testing me, and had already sucked cock once before, for Mitch after his sexy spanking. Now I resolved to play my part — to give him, and my future customers, their money’s worth. In this mindset, I went to work.

As I sucked him, Joe made a start on teaching me deep throat. When he came, he made me hold his seed in my mouth and taste it thoroughly before I was allowed to swallow. Then he had me lick him clean, kiss his cock and thank him for his gift. “Thank you, sir,” I said, and found that I meant it. He was testing me and teaching me, and I knew he had had better blowjobs than I could give him at that point. He could have been much rougher with me if he’d wanted.

Next, Gayle presented herself. Bowing down to her, touching my forehead to her foot, I set myself to imagine her as an incarnation of womanhood, standing in for the Goddess to receive the male’s devotion. With my lips and tongue, I paid tribute to every part of her, keeping my hands away as if I was not worthy to touch. Thinking of my mother, but also of Mistress Lotte, my girlfriend Kendra and Gayle herself, all represented in this one female body, worship felt very natural. In a small way, I could make pleasuring her a religious act.

I found her clit (Kendra had taught me where it was and what it was for), and licked with devotion. In a few minutes, Gayle climaxed. “Not bad for a beginner,” she said.

Last, I knelt on the bed and held my bum cheeks apart for Lisa’s entry. Her tool was thin as she had promised, she had lubed it well, and I was surprised at how easily it went in . . . and at how good it felt as she fucked me with it. I was surprise too at how submissive this made me feel, and at how much I was enjoying this abject submission. I had a flash of insight on how I would resent this submission — or how a woman might — if I did not enjoy it. Before long, I had a big erection which Gayle noticed. She came over and held my cock in her fist, as Lisa pumped away at me. The strap-on Lisa was using had a part that filled her pussy — so that as she took me, she was stimulating herself. After she climaxed, she asked me if I wanted to cum. “Very much, please, miss,” I answered. The two women exchanged glances.

“Hold him loosely now,” Lisa said to Gayle, “so that he can slide in and out. Here’s some lube. We’ll have him fuck your hand.”

Then she slapped my bum, making me lurch forward. “Go on,” she told me, “do it. If you want to cum, that’s how it will be. Fuck Gayle’s hand. We want to watch you do it.”

I thrust my hips forward and then pulled back, feeling the sensitive tip of my penis slide through Gayle’s loosely gripping fist. I did it again, and then again. At some point it all changed — from a voluntary motion that I was making because I’d been told to, to the instinctive rutting that takes over males completely. Feeling that I was close to cuming, Lisa grabbed my hips and held me, making me pause for a moment till I was under control. Then she pushed to start me moving again, warning me not to cum without permission. Several times she led me through that cycle, until she had me begging. “Please let me cum now,” I moaned to her. “I’m going to cum in a moment even if you’re holding me.

“Not yet,” she answered. “Control yourself. A man must not cum until his woman is ready. And we’re not tired of watching you yet.”

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