The Recurrence by AG31,AG31

Lewis pulled a tube out of his pocket. “Now I’m going to put this stuff on it. It will pretty much stop the bleeding, but it will make it scar a little. So you can remember.” He grinned his wolfish grin. Another frisson engulfed Henderson at the new pain.

Lewis left and Henderson was engulfed in exhaustion, physical and emotional, total, thorough, complete exhaustion. As he lay there he savored the old pain in his ass and elsewhere and the new pain on his chest. The gazes of those around him took on the aspect of caresses. Eventually they drifted off, the haze of erotic degradation began to lift somewhat, and a sense of his other self began to return, he shifted to his side and brought his knee up to cover his genitals.

He was nearing the edge of sleep when Hugo came in. “Here,” he said and gave him a wet washcloth. “It’s not quite two hours, but these things have their own rhythm. I could find one of the staff to give you a couple a hand jobs for a little while?” Henderson shook his head wearily as he wiped off his torso, gingerly over the weeping wounds from the whip. “OK, well, let me put some gauze on the places that are oozing, so you don’t stick to your clothes.” Henderson stood, so the manager could get to all the places, and when he was satisfactorily bandaged, he put on his clothes and left the building.

First he went to a drugstore and bought four tubes of topical anesthetic and then he called Marcia. “Hey, hon, are you at home now? Good, ’cause I’m getting off early and I have some stuff I want to tell you. Yeah.. see you soon, sweetie.”



The prequel to this story is Naked.

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