The Senior Streak: Pt. 05

An adult stories – The Senior Streak: Pt. 05 by Psndeviant,Psndeviant *all characters in this work mentioned or unmentioned are 18 years old or older*

“Oh dear! It looks like someone took all the clothes from the lost and found!” Stacy said teasing the tormented teen. Jeff turned around only to hear her ask, “I wonder who that could have been!?”

She wore a devious smirk as she once again looked upon the nudie cutie.

“Stacy!” Jeff said shocked that she was there. Then he noticed that she was no longer wearing her volleyball uniform, having apparently cleaned up and showered from her wet hair. Instead she wore a black mini-skirt with slit all the way up to hip exposing her whole right thigh, her tight athletic stomach was being shown off by her pink too-tight tube top which also showed off her tantalizing tits. Her outfit caused his rager to jump a little after drinking in the sight of her.

“Oh! Do you like my outfit Jeff?” She said in response to his involuntary movement. “I picked it out just for you!”

“For me?” He asked dumbly completely lost at what was happening.

“Yes, for you silly.” She said with teasing tone. “I do have to say I like the effect that it’s having on you.” She said smiling brazenly at his cock causing it once again to jump before her. “Jeff, I have to tell you that thing is really impressive. I actually haven’t seen one that big before, well in person at least.”

He looked down at his stubborn erection to see it was as big as he’d ever seen it. When he looked back up he saw she had moved even closer to him now standing only a foot away.

“Yeah I can totally jump on that! Mmmmmm” She said licking her lips.

Jeff’s brain was so devoid of blood he couldn’t think or act the only thought in his head was God! She is so fucking hot!

Stacy continued to surprise Jeff when she moved in and kissed him, grabbing his ass, and pulling him into her. The kiss was deep and passionate causing Jeff’s dick to go wild. He was so excited he thought he was going to cum when at the last second, she pulled away leaving his dick twitching violently.

“I know you want me Jeff.” She said seductively eyeing his body, biting her lip as she looked directly at his dick. “You can’t have me yet and I’m afraid if I do anything else to you right now you’re going to cum!” She wasn’t wrong.

“Stacy please! I’m begging just give me…” He thought for a second what did he want again? Did he want to cum? Did he want clothes? He couldn’t decide and his dick didn’t make it any easier.

“Give you what? Some release?” She giggled. “You know you have been really impressive up until now. The way you kept your head high even as you were jeered and ogled by my team! That was pretty great!” She said, her enthusiasm showing through even now.

Jeff still didn’t know how he got himself in that situation, but now he was starting to think more clearly despite his horniness.

“Please Stacy this whole day has been so humiliating. I just want some clothes so I could go home.” The naked eighteen-year old pleaded.

“Wow you’re the first guy to ask me to dress him while being so clearly in need of some…physical attention.” She said once again appraising his erection.

Stay focused! She’s just trying to distract you! He thought assertively to himself, and with that thought the spell she had over him had diminished. He still found her unbelievably attractive, but he wasn’t going to play her game anymore.

“Stop messing with me and give me some damned clothes!” He said raising his voice.

“Shhh! Keep your voice down!” She said in a smiled whisper. “The secretaries are still here! Listen Jeff I didn’t take the lost and found clothes they were emptied before I got here. The plan was to…”

“Plan!?” He hissed. “This was your plan!? What is this some sort of sick game!?” He whispered with ferocious indignance.

She smirked then said. “Yes, this is all my game. You see this is how I find a boyfriend I know will be worth it!” She said resuming her trademark enthusiasm. “So far you’re the only one who’s come this far!” Adding a wink at the end.

“How many guys have you done this too?” Jeff asked incredulously.

Stacy sighed. “Listen! Do you want to talk about them? Or do you want to talk about us?” she said almost annoyed.

“Well Stacy, what makes you think I want to be with you?”

She guffawed loudly, almost too loudly. “You’re throbbing dick that hasn’t gone down since you were pushed out of the locker room silly!” She said in a cute matter-of-fact sort of way.

He couldn’t deny his arousal as it was literally presenting itself, but it did beg a question. “How do you know my dick hasn’t gone down since then?” Which led him to another obvious question. “Just how did you pull all this off?”

“Silly boy, Emily and I have had a crush on you for a long time! We worked together to make it happen! She did a few things to help this along! She snuck into your room and turned off your alarm.”

“Wait! What!?” Jeff asked shocked. Emily was in my room?

“Yeah, she also stole the towels and your gym clothes, and was the one who pushed you out of the locker room at just the right time!” She said with her eyes twinkling with excitement. “You should have seen you! Standing there naked, hard, and embarrassed! IT WAS SO HOT! She made sure to keep an eye on you the whole time. Apparently, she saved your fine ass from Ms. Braun’s terrifying clutches!”

Emily was the one who sounded the air horn?

“I’ll let you know when she got back to practice she gave us hell! I have never gone through such tough conditioning!”

“She followed you the whole time appreciating your remarkable stamina!” Using her hand, she referred to his persistent boner. This whole thing was so weird for Jeff, before today he thought he was invisible to women and now apparently two women were so into him they coordinated a conspiracy to strip him naked.

“B-but if you both like me then…wait what do you guys actually want from me?” He asked incredulously.

“We both want YOU, silly! We’ve actually been in a secret relationship for a while and while we adore each other’s bodies we desperately want a dick involved and you have a nice one!” Jeff’s dick involuntarily twitched in response yet again soliciting a smirk from Stacy.

Goddamnit! Stop doing that. Jeff thought about his defiant dick.

“Every other guy failed our little test, either he couldn’t keep it up, he wasn’t resourceful enough, wasn’t big enough, or came too soon. We were losing hope when we both discovered how much of a hottie we thought you were! We made the plan and secretly hoped that you would meet our high standards! Which you definitely have so far!”

“Well, that’s good I guess.” Jeff said still unsure of all this.

“Now just one more test and you’ll have both of us whenever you want! I get you first though, that was the deal! Emily is still a dick virgin so I need to ‘break you in’ so that you don’t ‘break her’. After all a dick like that could do some real damage to a little virgin pussy so I need to train you to be gentle until she’s ready for it rough!” She said that last part so excitedly clearly aroused at the prospect of a good hard fucking.

The thought of fucking both of them did sound really fucking good to Jeff, but he was nervous about the last test to which he asked, “What’s the last test?”

“Well, seeing as you have no clothes. You need to run home just like you are!”

“What!? Run home naked! Are you insane I could be arrested!”

“Yes, so you better not get caught! Oh, and that’s part one of the final test! The other part is when you get home you have to jerk off!” Stacy said.

Like I wasn’t going to do that already!

“Emily will be there to get it on video! I gave her your key that I took from your clothes! Once I see the video you pass!”

“You really want me to jerk off in front of someone…” Jeff became suddenly became even more embarrassed, but still he found the idea quite alluring especially now since his balls were so spectacularly blue. “Well seeing as I have no choice…”

“OH JEFF! That is such good news! Emily will be so happy like I already am.” With that Stacy pulled Jeff in for a nice hug, planted a kiss on his cheek, and grabbed his ass. His dick twitched between her legs causing her to squeal with delight.

“You better get going Jeff! You don’t want to keep Emily waiting! Oh, and don’t cum until you’re in your room! Trust me we’ll know!” She said mischievously. With that she left down the hall, but just before she did she lifted up the back of her skirt to show she was not wearing panties. Jeff nearly passed out at the beautiful sight. She looked back at him briefly, winked, appraised his boner silently, bit her lip, and then finally left.

With her gone Jeff snapped back to reality. He saw that it was dark outside. Hopefully night gives me some cover. He thought. With that he started off on his naked journey home.

He opened the door slowly, looked out to see if the coast was clear, and luckily it was. He made his move quickly keeping low and his head on a swivel. He got to the gate beyond which was the faculty parking lot, and beyond that was the street. There were only a few cars in the parking lot meaning it was wide open providing little cover. He would have to move fast and not stop. He thought for one moment what he would do to get home. He decided the best route was through the park across the street, as cutting through it was the shortest route home and there were enough bushes and trees where he could find cover.

He took a deep breath and began running outside the gate towards the park across the street. He was halfway across the parking lot when a pair of headlights flashed directly on him causing his heart to sink. He didn’t bother looking back and broke to a full sprint. He heard honking from the car behind him, but he didn’t care he was in a bee-line for the nearest bush.

He got across the street before the car could catch up to him. He sat in the bush silently, hoping that whoever it was didn’t track his movement to his current location. He peaked out and saw that the car was heading in the opposite direction much to his relief.

He ducked from one bush to the next his awareness heightened by the adrenaline from the vulnerable situation. As he made his way through park he found himself in a bush next to several girls he recognized from the volleyball team they were laughing about something, he decided to eavesdrop to find out.

“He was so embarrassed!” The short brunette with giant tits said with a laugh.

“Yeah I can’t believe how hard he got too! I guess he was just as turned on as we were by the whole thing!” The tall thin girl said.

“I wanted to touch it soooo bad girls! If it wasn’t for Stacy!” The thunder-thighed beauty bemoaned.

“I think we all wanted to do something with that beautiful thing!” Said the ample-breasted one.

The tall one sighed. “Yeah, it sucks that Stacy is blackmailing all of us into not talking about it.” Lamenting that it would have to remain a team secret. This news was actually a huge relief as now Jeff knew he could go to school on Monday without fear that everyone knew what happened.

Wow Stacy may actually like me for real! He thought giddily to himself appreciating that while she orchestrated the whole humiliation she cared enough to keep it limited. Man, do I have Stockholm syndrome or something? I mean she still essentially stripped me naked in front of a group of women. Although despite his best effort his memory of the event earlier, while still humiliating, was also strangely erotic. What is wrong with me?

The girls continued to talk about Jeff and everything they liked about the experience, mostly the things they liked about his body. Then one of the girls said she had to go and the others quickly followed. Jeff resumed his trip across the park making it to the other side safely.

He got to the corner of the park next to an open street not far from where he lived. He just had to go down this street, go up two streets, and make a right then he would be on the home stretch!

Jeff took a deep breath to increase his resolve then he made a run for the end of the street. He was able to get there easily and unnoticed. He got the corner where he needed to take a right and peeked around it. He saw a pair of headlights approaching and ducked quickly out of sight of the road. His heart was pounding and his dick was throbbing.

God I really need to get home, my dick is starting to hurt from being hard for so long. He lamented and winced at the discomfort.

He looked again and saw the coast was clear so he went for it. He got to the corner of the next street. Ok just one more street to go. He quickly ran across the street to the other side, now there was only one length of completely exposed wall between him and his street. He started to go when he saw a car pull up to the corner. His heightened awareness allowed him to act quickly. He knew if he turned around they would still see him so his only option was to hop the wall to his right, putting him in backyards of the row of houses behind his own. He quickly scaled the fence.

When he landed on the other side he paused making sure the coast was clear and that he wasn’t seen. He heard the car drive off without event which allowed him to sigh in relief. He looked around the back yard and saw no one, likewise the lights were off inside much to Jeff’s relief. He moved silently across the yard and scaled the fence to the next house deciding backyards provided more cover than the open street.

Jeff was two houses down from where he began hopping fences with 3 houses to go before he was behind his own. Before he hopped every fence, he made sure the coast was clear and the next looked much the same as the last two so he hopped over. When he was halfway through the yard he heard a growl behind him, looked and saw a rottweiler snarling at him. He panicked and ran with the dog barking and running after him. Jeff scaled the fence with lightning speed barely avoiding getting bit, and also failing to check if this next yard was clear. Unfortunately for Jeff it wasn’t.

“My! Oh my!” A feminine voice from behind Jeff said.


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