The Sinful Stepmother Ch. 01 by The_Wicked_Titan

An adult stories – The Sinful Stepmother Ch. 01 by The_Wicked_Titan,The_Wicked_Titan “Dude, you gotta let me sleep over sometime!”

Seth sighed as he was once again being badgered by his ‘friend’, a fellow senior named Carson.

You see, this wasn’t the first time Carson had asked to sleep over. This was actually the fifth time, yes, Seth counted. He’d denied him every single time though it wasn’t because he didn’t like Carson, they were actually really similar and got along in pretty much everything they did. The reason Seth didn’t want Carson over was because of his mom or rather his stepmom, Carson had a huge crush on her.

Seth sometimes cursed himself for having such a hot stepmom. Almost every friend he had wanted to sleep with her, some made it abundantly clear while others took more subtle approaches but Seth wasn’t stupid, he caught them before they got anywhere near his stepmom. The few friends he had who didn’t want to sleep with her were the guys who already had girlfriends or in rare cases, were gay.

Seth zipped up his backpack, “Tell you what, the day the entire cheerleader squad decides to fuck me is the day I’ll let you sleep over.”

Carson groaned, “That’s never going to happen!”

Seth smirked, “That’s exactly why I said it.”

The sound of the bus brakes hissing made both boys look forward. Seth watched the bus driver raise their hand, giving him the all clear.

“Alright, see you on Monday.” Seth said, getting up and playfully smacking Carson on the shoulder.

“Right, see you.”

Seth sighed as he stepped off the bus, this week was rough for him. Aside from having to study his ass off for a pre-calculus test, he’d also been turned down by a girl he’d been pining over for months. He wasn’t sure why she denied him, she basically told him to fuck off in the politest way possible.

Yet all of that was behind him now, he was finally going home. He couldn’t wait until May, then he’d finally be done with the horrible journey that was high school. He never understood the hype around it, he’d heard the cheesy line from both his stepmom and dad, that line that they repeated every time he complained, the one that went something like ‘you’ll miss it when it’s over’, that dumbass line.

The walk home was slow but somewhat peaceful. The mild fall weather was perfect, he relished in the semi-cold and semi-warm weather, it was utter perfection. It even soothed his sore muscles that he’d managed to earn himself from weightlifting.

Seth wasn’t a complete loser, not like some of the other dorks he knew who lived in his neighborhood. He used to be a huge nerd, the type of guy to sputter every time a girl looked his way, but after joining the weightlifting club in the last half of freshman year, he found himself looking much better. He was lean, far from the slightly chubby nerd he used to be, his arms filled up his shirt in a way that got him a few compliments.

Despite all of these amazing traits, there was one glaring weakness in his metaphorical armor. His stepmom. The MILF on the block, the woman some of his friends swore was a goddess. Aside from the teasing, Seth himself was very attached to her, not in a weird way, just really attached, he guessed that made him a mama’s boy.

Seth stopped in front of his house, his mom’s black Toyota Camry sat in the driveway, right next to the empty spot where his dad usually parked.

His dad was a different story. Seth really did try to form a close relationship with his dad, going as far as to try to go fishing with him or something, anything to resolve his complaints about him never leaving his room because of those damn video games. Regardless, it was all done in vain and Seth had a feeling he knew why their relationship was so strained.

When Seth opened the door to his house, he could hear the sound of his stepmother in the kitchen. He heard the sound of plates and cups clinking as the water ran, but the telltale sign she was there was her angelic voice. His stepmom had a unique voice, it wasn’t too high pitched to where it was annoying but it wasn’t too low pitched to where it didn’t fit her, it was the perfect mix.

“Mom, I’m home!” Seth called, shutting the door behind him as he took off his shoes.

“In the kitchen!” She called back.

Seth walked across the rather large house and into the kitchen, where he found his stepmom wearing a black tank top that showed off her upper body, everything from her fit arms to some side boob. She also wore an apron which made her look every bit a housewife. All of this was finished off with a pair of red athletic shorts, the kind that made her ass look amazing while showing off her thick thighs.

His stepmom turned to look at him, her green eyes full of that motherly glow that made Seth want to collapse and hug her at the same time. She brushed a strand of her black hair out of her eyes and smiled at him.

“How was school?” She asked.

“Boring.” He answered, walking over to the fridge and taking out a soda.

Her laugh was music to his ears, it made him feel warm.

“Just a few more months and it’ll be over.” She said, returning to her dishes.

“Yeah, thank fuck.” Seth said.

“Language!” She scolded him.

He rolled his eyes, “Come on, you’ve said worse than me.”

“That doesn’t mean you should pick it up as a habit.” She said quietly.

Seth smiled and walked over, pressing a kiss to her cheek before making his way to the stairs.

“Oh, I almost forgot, your father will be coming home late!” She called to him, “Something came up at work!”

“Alright!” He called back.

Seth walked down the hall and to his room, opening the door and walking inside, making sure to lock it so his annoying little brother wouldn’t come barging in.

He sighed as he sat on his bed. He glanced over at the photo on his nightstand, the one that was just him and his stepmom. She wore a huge smile on her face despite the fact he was a grumpy little kid in the photo, his frown looked almost cartoonish.

You see, his stepmom had raised him since he was eight. It was amazing yet depressing, she was there for more of his life than his actual mother was.

His actual mother.

Seth shuddered as he thought about her. He never forgot that one fateful day.

It was a cold winter day when his life changed. He had just gotten home from school, ready to sit down and watch some TV. Yet when he entered his old family home, he found his dad wasn’t home, he was out working yet again. Regardless, he went ahead to go and try to find his mother, maybe she’d make some hot chocolate for him.

He had turned down the hall to his parents’ room, his soft footsteps quiet as a mouse as he made his way to the door. He was about to open it when he heard weird noises coming from inside.

When Seth opened the door, he found his mom making out with someone he’d never seen before.

The minute his dad got home, Seth told him everything. He went to bed to the sound of his parents fighting. Eventually, it ended with his mother packing her bags and storming out of the house.

Life was never the same for Seth, his dad was colder towards him and his mom refused to ever meet with him. He didn’t say anything but he knew his dad blamed him for his marriage’s failure. It was a dark time for Seth.

The light at the end of the tunnel came in the form of his stepmom, Melissa. She looked like a borderline goddess to Seth, she treated him exactly how a mother should treat their kid, she was there for him even when he was spiraling out of control. She’d earned the title of mom in his eyes, she was his true mother.

Despite Melissa being younger than his actual mom, she was ten times more motherly. For a 26-year-old woman who had absolutely no experience in raising a child, she was still better than his actual mom.

Seth had no idea how his dad landed a beauty like her. His dad was in his mid-thirties, she was in her mid-twenties. He’d only heard bits and pieces of how they’d met, apparently Melissa’s asshole boyfriend at the time cheated on her and she’d ran into his dad at a bar. One night of drunken sex later, they decided to start dating. That’s when Seth’s relationship with her started.

It took a bit for Seth to get used to calling another woman ‘mom’, but eventually she grew on him. Now that thirty-six-year-old woman was the first person he’d run to if he had an issue.

Seth shook his head, he needed to stop reminiscing about the past. His old mother was gone. He couldn’t afford to get stuck on something that had happened ten years ago, it was unbecoming. Melissa was his mom now.

Three knocks at his door caused Seth to look over.

“Come in!” He called.

The door opened and his mom came walking in. She smiled at him with those expressive green eyes, “Do you know someone named Carson?”

For fucks sake! Seth screeched in his mind.

“Y-yeah.” He said, clenching his fists.

“Okay, good, because he just added me on Facebook. He said he was one of your friends.” She said, showing him her phone. Sure enough, there was the moron himself.

“Yeah, don’t worry about it.” Seth said while gritting his teeth.

“Okay. Thanks for clearing that up for me.” She leaned in and kissed him on the forehead, her breasts running up against his arm slightly before she turned and walked out of his room, his eyes lingering on her retreating figure.

The second she was gone, Seth yanked his phone out of his pocket and called Carson. The phone rang for a while before the son of a bitch finally picked up.

“Yo.” Carson greeted.

“Carson, you fucker!” Seth cursed, “The fuck are you doing adding my mom on Facebook?!”

“Shit, you saw that?!”

“She told me, you fucking idiot!” Seth nearly yelled, “Leave her the hell alone!”

“But dude!” Carson groaned, “She’s so hot. Just let me talk to her.”



“I said no!”

“Pretty please with a cherry on top?”

“I fucking said no!” Seth hissed, “She’s too damn old for you.”

Carson sighed for a moment before saying, “Fine, I’ll leave her alone for now but only if you help me hit diamond tonight in Siege.”

“Fuck, whatever.” Seth said.

When Carson hung up, Seth shook his head. He already had enough problems in his life, he didn’t need his idiotic best friend trying to fuck his mom. He’d already had to fight plenty of people, like the quarterback on his school’s football team that tried to get her to suck his dick.

See, Seth admired his mom, she wasn’t a complete slut. She was loyal to his dad, going as far as to kick a guy in the balls for suggesting she ride his dick in the back of a gas station. It helped that she took self-defense classes and stayed fit, despite the fact she had a whole kid. Forcing her would be troublesome.

Set sighed and walked over to his closet and started getting changed, enough about his mom, it was gaming time.


Seth mashed the buttons on his controller as sweat ran down his forehead, his heart pounded in his chest, this was it, the final round. Once they won this round, he could finally get off this game. His thumbs were starting to hurt from how hard he was trying.

“Dude, we’re right there!” Carson yelled into his mic.

“I know, shut up!” Seth said, mashing his controller even harder.

“Let’s fucking go!” Carson cheered as the victory screen.

Seth smiled, leaning back in his chair, he was finally done. This had stopped being fun after about three rounds but Carson insisted he stay unless he wanted him to text his mom. The last thing Seth wanted was for his mom to get some weird perverted message.

“Alright, dude, I’m hopping off for tonight, I’m tired.” Seth said, sliding off his headset.

“You better be on tomorrow!” Carson said before Seth turned off his Xbox.

Seth buried his face in his hands, he needed to do something about Carson, this was getting ridiculous. He didn’t need someone holding a threat over his head to get him to do something.

After putting his headset down, Seth stood up on shaky legs before making his way to his door. It was getting late, he hadn’t even eaten dinner yet and he was almost certain his mom had either finished cooking or was close to finishing.

Seth opened the door to the hallway, finding the hall was dark. He heard his little brother watching TV in his room but his door was closed. He stepped out into the hallway, noticing the house was dark save for the moonlight coming through the window at the end of the hall as well as the various other windows surrounding the house.

Seth’s bare feet made no sound as he walked through the house. He was half-tempted to call out for his mom but he wasn’t sure if she was taking a nap, he didn’t want to bother her if that was the case.

He went down the stairs and proceeded to walk into the kitchen. The lights were on, the dining room’s lights were also on and the table was set with three plates and three pairs of silverware. Yet he didn’t see his mother.

He looked down the hall to his parents’ room. The door was left ajar and he could see the lights were on inside. He walked to the front door and peered through a window, finding the spot where his dad usually parked was empty. Seth scratched the back of his head, it was dark out and his dad still wasn’t home. His mom’s car was still there, so she must’ve still been home.

Seth turned and walked down the hall to his parents’ room. His heart pounded against his chest, he hoped his mom wouldn’t catch him otherwise she’d think he was the biggest creep ever.

As soon as he got to the door, he pushed it open and found the room empty. He walked in, his eyebrows raised as he stared at the set of clothes laid out on the bed. He heard the sound of running water echoing in the bathroom. He looked over to the door and tip-toed over, pressing his ear to the door.

“Oh, fuck!” His mom’s voice moaned, “That’s it!”

Seth’s heart threatened to explode, it couldn’t be, there was no way she was cheating. How could this happen twice?

He slightly pushed the door open, but instead of finding his mother with some random guy, she was alone in the shower. She had her back pressed against the wall as she fingered herself, her face growing red as she moaned louder and louder.

The sound of her fingers bringing her closer to orgasm could be heard echoing in the bathroom. Her moans bounced off the walls, each one growing in intensity.

Seth looked down as he felt blood rushing to the southern region of his body. His erection was visible in his shorts. He bit his lip and tried to soothe it but touching it only made it worse.

You fucking sicko, she’s your mom! He yelled at himself in his mind.

But…look at her. A debauched part of his mind said.

Seth forced his eyes forward, licking his lips as he stared at his naked mother’s body. Her pale creamy skin had drops of water running down it along with soap suds littered all over. Her black hair was damp and stuck to her body, reaching all the way down to her lower back. Her face was twisted in a storm of ecstasy as she started to cum all over her fingers.

“Oh damn.” Seth whispered, eyeing her shaved pussy as juices gushed out and splashed onto the floor below.

“FUCK YES!” She screamed.

Now that Seth saw her naked, he could see why his friends wanted to be around her so much. Her breasts were round and full, he couldn’t help but touch his dick, those boobs were model-worthy. Water ran down the slope of her ass, falling onto the floor at her ankles. Her ass was amazing, he’d never seen an ass so round and big. The best part of it all was that she wasn’t even fat, in fact, she had the perfect blend of fitness and jiggle.

“Oh, that felt so good!” His mom moaned, tilting her head back.

Seth couldn’t help but wonder when was the last time she and his dad had been intimate. She looked like a woman gone wild, it was as if she was letting herself fall to her primal desires.

When his mother shut off the water, he quickly scurried out of the bedroom, she’d kill him if she caught him.

Seth shook his head as he basically thundered up the stairs, “That was fucked up.”


The sound of the sink running filled the bathroom as Seth eyed himself in the mirror. He rubbed his face, making sure he didn’t miss anything after he’d just finished shaving. A towel was wrapped around his waist while his dark-brown hair poked out in all sorts of different directions.

As Seth squeezed out some toothpaste onto his toothbrush, he couldn’t help but think back to earlier, what he’d seen in his parents’ bathroom. He tried his hardest to forget it but he just couldn’t, he couldn’t even bring himself to look at his mom during dinner. She acted like she hadn’t done anything the entire time.

Seth hated to admit it, but that was the first time he’d actually seen a woman naked in real life. Sure, there was porn but that couldn’t compare to the thrill of seeing a woman’s naked figure in the flesh.

Even more shamefully, Seth was also a virgin. He swore he was unlucky when it came to girls. The ones that were easy were usually not his type, the ones he wanted were usually taken or turned him down. He never understood how some of his friends managed to score their girlfriends while he was stuck in the never-ending loop of crushing on a girl only to get his heart broken.

Seth ignored the sound of his little brother raging through the walls, he really wished he’d never downloaded that new COD game for him, he was louder than a fucking siren.

Just as Seth gargled some water before spitting it into the sink, he heard someone knock on the door. He grabbed a nearby cloth and wiped his mouth before walking over to the door and opening it.

His mom stood on the other side of the door, wearing nothing but a black robe that concealed most of her body. He caught a tiny glimpse of her boobs, which were covered by a blue bra, but his eyes were planted firmly on her eyes, not her boobs. He still thought it was a bit weird to look at her that way.

“Hey, sweetie.” She said, “Listen, I got a call from your father and well, he’s getting a hotel for tonight.”

“What?” Seth asked, “Why?”

“Apparently something blew up at work and he’s working overtime to fix it.” His mom explained, “But that’s not what I’m here to talk to you about. I need your help.”

“Uh, sure, what do you need me to do?” Seth asked.

He really wasn’t sure what he could help his mom with, she’d washed the dishes earlier and even folded the laundry. He couldn’t think of anything else that needed doing around the house.

“Don’t make fun of me, but can you sleep in my bed for tonight?” She asked, “I mean, you don’t have to if you don’t want to but I hate sleeping alone.”

Seth’s jaw nearly dropped but he didn’t let his surprise show.

“Sure, I guess I can do that.” He said, “Why didn’t you just ask Nick?” He nodded his head towards his little brother’s room.

His mom shook her head, “You know him, he’s going to stay up until three playing that stupid game.”

“Right.” Seth said while running his hand through his hair, “I’ll be in your room in like five minutes.”

“Thank you.” His mom smiled, leaning in to kiss him on the cheek before walking down the hall.

Seth looked in the mirror, his blue eyes full of confusion. The last time he and his mom had slept in the same bed, it was because he had a bad nightmare. That was years ago.

It took him a few minutes to force himself down the stairs and down the hall to his mother’s room.

Seth tried to convince himself that this wasn’t that big of a deal, it wasn’t like she was asking him to fuck her or anything. Yeah, this whole thing was weird but at the same time, he didn’t really see anything inherently wrong with it. As long as the night didn’t end with her bouncing on his dick or his head in between her thighs, he didn’t care.

When he opened the door to his mom’s room, he found her already on the bed. Her robe was off and was draped over a nearby chair, which meant most of her body was on display. Fortunately for Seth, she was wearing a bra and panties.

“Hey.” She smiled at him.

“Hey.” He said back, walking over to the empty side of the bed.

Normally, Seth slept in nothing but a pair of boxers but tonight he made an exception. He wore a blue shirt so he wasn’t too exposed. He climbed onto the bed, trying his best to keep some distance between him and his mom while also trying to hide the fact that he was doing that.

His mom reached over and grabbed the remote control for the lights, shutting them off before setting the remote back on her nightstand. She let out a soft sigh before climbing underneath the covers and turning onto her side.

“Goodnight.” She said.

“Goodnight, mom.”

Seth climbed under the covers, he may have wanted to avoid being too close to his mom but he wasn’t about to leave himself exposed to the cool air of the room just to do that.

An hour passed by and Seth still hadn’t fallen asleep. His mom was softly snoozing away but he was wide awake. It was hard to sleep when he wasn’t comfortable, he was stiff as a board as he lay next to her.

Seth hadn’t really been in his parents’ room in a long time, he certainly hadn’t tried sleeping there. He quickly found that it was far colder in there than his room, he wondered how his mom managed to even fall asleep. The cold air bit at any exposed skin, sending goosebumps all over his skin while making him scurry under the covers.

Seth looked over at his mom, he’d heard about people managing to fall asleep in cold conditions by cuddling together. He cautiously scooched over to her sleeping form, making sure he didn’t wake her. Once he was close enough, he pressed himself against her body, taking in her warmth.

Now that they were touching, Seth was surprised by how smooth her skin was. He cuddled closer to her, his knees pressing against the back of her knees as he tried to get as much warmth as possible.

His mom quietly sighed, shifting around a little. Seth’s eyes widened as she pressed her ass against his groin. He looked down with alarm as his dick started to harden against her cheeks.

Shit, not right now! He begged his mind.

His pleading was all in vain, his dick continued to prod his mom’s ass. He shifted around to try to find a more comfortable position, but his boxers were restricting him from moving exactly how he wanted.

“Stupid fucking things.” He silently cursed at his boxers.

Looking back at his mom, Seth slowly reached down and pulled his boxers down slightly, his dick springing free. He felt a little better without them on but there was still the issue of his dick now pressing against his mom’s bare ass cheek. If he moved away, he’d get cold, he had to move closer.

Seth shifted closer, a gasp nearly escaping his mouth when his dick slipped in between his mother’s thighs. The sensation of her soft thighs wrapped around his dick was amazing, he’d never felt anything like it before.

He swallowed before setting a hand on her hip. He tried to pull back, a slightly pleasurable feeling rolling over his dick as he did so. Before he could pull all the way back, another cold chill threatened to ravage his body. He sighed, he needed to clear up his erection.

Seth was limited with his options. He couldn’t dry hump his mom, she’d wake up for sure, plus that would be just weird. He pulled back, ignoring the cold as he flipped onto his back and reached down with his right hand. Quietly, he started stroking himself, moving the covers slightly to get a nice view of his mom’s ass. At least he had some good jerk off material next to him.

Dark twisted fantasies filled his mind. He couldn’t help but fantasize about yanking her panties down and ramming his dick in her. He imagined her round and well-toned ass clapping as he fucked her until she screamed. A grimace spread across his face as he thought about filling her up with his cum, claiming her pussy for the night.

The fantasies proved to be too much for poor Seth because the next thing he knew, thick white semen started to shoot out of his tip. He aimed his dick at his mom’s ass, the white liquid splattering against her. He grunted as he watched globs of his cum hit her ass, coating her cheeks.

What the fuck did you just do?! His mind screamed at him.

“Shut up.” He hissed to himself, rolling over and looking for something to clean up his mess with. He found a box of tissues sitting on a dresser not far away.

Seth braved the cold as he climbed out of bed and grabbed a handful of tissues, walking back over and gently wiping his cum off his mother’s ass cheeks. He balled up the tissues and walked over to the bathroom, flushing them down the toilet so as to destroy the evidence.

He sighed as he climbed back into bed, sliding his boxers back on and pressing his back against his mom’s back, now he could sleep.


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