The Temptation Study

An adult stories – The Temptation Study by harmonicks,harmonicks Thanks to everyone who gave positive and constructive feedback on my first story, the warm reception was a big motivation for writing this one. Sorry that writing another story took so long, I’ve got a few outline concepts in draft but it was a while before I had a hook I felt was good enough to really pull me into fleshing everything out.

This is the first part of a three part story. This story is quite long and a bit of a slow build, though I’ve aimed to keep a decent pace of erotic action along the way, even if it’s a while before the real fireworks start. Still, if you’re looking for just a couple of paragraphs of intro before the sex all kicks off, this probably isn’t for you.


Jon tapped his credit card against the reader, waiting for the confirmatory beep as the transaction went through.

“Ok, that’s breakfast sorted,” he said, putting his card back in his wallet, “Let’s go out and explore. Anything you’re particularly keen to see today? I’m assuming you’ve got loads of things from the guidebooks you’ve been reading.”

“I dunno, Dad,” his 19-year-old daughter Emma replied. “Given it’s out of season it seems like a lot of places are still closed or only open reduced hours. There’s an art museum around the corner from here but I don’t think it opens until midday. Most things are shut until tomorrow.”

“Well, we can always have a wander around and see what we find,” Jon replied. Generally, he’d admit that February wasn’t the best time for a city break, but he’d had a bit of time free up at work after the project he was working on got cancelled, and his daughter had a gap in her studies at university. Plus, the flights were incredibly cheap.

Mostly Jon was just happy to be spending time with his daughter. His wife had passed away due to illness around ten years ago, and between his job and being a single parent he’d found it was more than enough to keep his hands full. However, since Emma had started at university he’d felt at a bit of a loss as to what to do with himself once he got home from work, and the loneliness had started to bite. As much as he wouldn’t have thought it when she was a moody and messy teenager a few years ago, now she was out of his hair he missed having her around the house.

They spent an hour or so wandering around the old town, admiring the character of the narrow twisting streets and the old stone buildings. They were just about to find a café to stop for a coffee when they were approached by a smartly dressed young man with a clipboard.

“Excuse me, sir, could you spare a minute of your time?” he asked.

“Sorry,” replied Jon, not even breaking his stride, “I already give to enough charities.”

“Oh no sir,” continued the man, now walking alongside to match Jon’s pace. “I’m not from a charity, I’m looking for participants for a scientific study and the two of you match the profile we’re looking for.”

“A study about what?” Jon stopped. “What profile do we fit?”

“I’m really sorry,” said the man, “but I can’t disclose the purpose of the study or what we look for, as it may bias the results. But if you agree to take part you will be compensated for your time.”

“Aren’t you biasing it anyway?” chimed Emma. “Surely only a certain sort of person agrees to a study without knowing anything about it?”

“All we ask is that you come to our research office and watch two videos while under observation. The videos are each around 25 minutes long, and we expect that the study will take around one hour. You will both receive €200 each for your time.”

“€200 each?” asked Jon, suspiciously. “Just for watching a couple of videos?”

“Well, as your daughter insightfully pointed out, we don’t want to bias our incoming participants. Those funding our study have ensured we can pay a substantial enough fee for participation that we don’t limit ourselves to only those who are most desperate for money or put little value on their time. If you wish to continue to participate in the study, we also offer two follow-up sessions on subsequent days which allow us to extend our research and offer €400 each.”

“What do you think Dad,” asked Emma. “This seems like a pretty good deal…”

Jon still wasn’t fully convinced by the man and his cold approach on the street. “What exactly are you observing? You’re just watching us watch videos? And what sort of videos?”

“We will attach some basic wristband sensors to monitor a few key biometrics such as heart rate, perspiration and blood oxygen levels. I can’t provide any comment as to the content of the videos, or, as I said, I may bias who chooses to take part. You would be free to leave at any time during the study, though obviously you would forfeit your cash incentive by doing so.”

“Come on Dad…” said Emma, tugging her father’s arm. “It’s just an hour, and we’ve got time to kill. How bad can it be? We could have a great weekend with that sort of money.”

“Fine,” said Jon, “But if this is some Clockwork Orange type setup then we’re leaving, OK?”

The man with the clipboard led them down a side street away from the main square to a small doorway between two restaurants. The man opened the door and led them up the staircase into an empty waiting room. The interior felt like a small medical practice.

“Please take a seat and wait here for a minute, I just need to get some paperwork for you to sign and then we can get started.” The man with the clipboard motioned to some chairs beside a table before walking off down a corridor leading further into the building.

“I’m not sure about this Emma,” whispered Jon after the man with the clipboard had disappeared through a door.

“Oh, come on Dad, don’t be such a downer.” Emma retorted scornfully. “All we have to do is watch a movie, and we can dine out at fancy restaurants for the rest of the holiday on what they’re going to pay us.”

“It just seems a bit suspicious to me… I think this might be a scam.”

“How? They’re not asking us to hand anything over, we could walk out right now if we wanted and they wouldn’t even know our names. Besides, this is totally normal. There are adverts for these sorts of studies all the time at university for students who want to make a bit of extra cash.”

“And is that cash usually €200 an hour?”

“Well, no, but some of them don’t pay that far off. Plus, they’re not usually trying to pull random people off the street to take time out of their day.”

“I guess, but still…” Jon cut himself off as the door down the corridor opened and the man reappeared holding a stack of papers.

He put them down on the table and started to explain the contents. They were all pretty standard forms – Jon and Emma agreed to take part in the study, they had to give their names and ages, confirm neither of them had any serious health conditions, and disclose any medication they were taking. It stated that their identities would be anonymised for processing data and their full names, or any other identifying information, would not be revealed in any publications that may be released to the public once the study was complete. They were not allowed to disclose the methodology or discuss any details to anyone not directly related to the study.

Jon paused over that line. “So, if the police ask us about this, we can’t say anything or you’ll sue us?”

“If you were required to give details as part of an investigation by a law enforcement agency, then that would obviously be exempt from the non-disclosure clause. We can’t make you hide things from the police. But I ensure you that everything we are doing here is fully within the law, and your participation is based entirely on your continued consent. There is no requirement for you to do anything which you do not wish to do, and as I said outside you are free to leave at any point you like.” He placed his finger on the relevant clause within the document.

“It says if we leave we’ll forfeit the session payment and any accrued bonus payments. What bonus payments?” asked Emma.

“Ah, they’re not relevant for today. Bonus payments may form part of subsequent phases of the study as we assess psychological motivations. But we don’t use them during the first session.”

They finished going through the paperwork and both Jon and Emma signed their agreement at the bottom.

The man led them down the corridor, opened a door and gestured for the two of them to go through. It led into a small plain-looking room containing a sofa opposite a large flat screen television on the wall. In the middle of the room was a coffee table with a large jug of ice water, two glasses, a bottle of hand sanitizer and a box of tissues. Two wristbands also lay on the table.

“Please both sit down on the sofa and attach the wristbands to your wrist. These are simple devices that track some of physiological responses such as heart rate and provide us with the data. The bands do not need to be tight, but they do need to be secure to ensure a reliable reading.”

“There is a camera set up above the television,” the man continued, gesturing to what looked like a webcam sat on top of the TV. “This is for our observation during the study. We do not keep recordings of today, it is only a live feed, however our researchers will be making notes for future reference throughout the study. This study will consist of two videos, each about 25 minutes long, which will start shortly after I leave the room. Do you have any questions?”

The pair shook their heads as they finished securing their wristbands. The research assistant turned the screen on and left the room, closing the door behind him.

After a few seconds a video started on the screen. Jon allowed himself to sit back into the sofa, apprehensive about what was to come.

The video started with a blonde woman in her late teens entering a massage parlour. She started to undress next to the massage table, stripping down to a thin green bikini which left very little to the imagination. She lay down on the table on her front as a muscular man walked into the room. He was much older than her, clearly over forty. He picked up a bottle of oil and started to rub some between his hands before starting to massage her shoulders.

Less than a minute into the massage the man suggested that the woman removed her bikini top as the straps would be in the way as he moved down to massage her back. The woman complied, with the camera getting a lingering shot of her ample breasts as she removed her top, before she moved her hands to cover her modesty and lay back down on her front.

“Okay, I’ve seen enough,” said Jon. “We should go.”

“What, why?”

“This is clearly a porn film, Emma, I don’t want you to see this.”

“Oh, don’t be such a prude, Dad. I’m nineteen, not twelve. I’ve seen porn before.”

“We’re father and daughter, it’s not appropriate for us to be watching this together.”

“Dad it’s fine, it’s just porn. For the amount we’re getting paid I was expecting a lot worse. And as porn films go this one doesn’t even look that bad. Come on, just suck it up and in less than an hour we’ll be out of here.”

“You really want that €200, huh?”

“Enough that I’ll sit here feeling awkward and uncomfortable for a bit. It’s more than I make doing a whole weekend of shifts waiting tables and it would be nice to have a bit more spending money while we’re out here.”

“Alright,” Jon sighed, “I guess we can stay.”

At this point the man in the video had moved far enough down the young woman’s back to request that she removed her bikini bottoms. She lifted her stomach and let the man slowly slide them down her toned legs, the camera looking straight down her calves as he removed the thin piece of fabric to focus in on her newly exposed nether regions. The man massaged her ass cheeks and the insides of her thighs, his hands allowing a better view for the camera each time he spread her thigh muscles outwards.

Jon shifted uncomfortably. He could feel his dick starting to stiffen, and he felt annoyed that it was apparently very engaged with the activities happening on the screen and completely oblivious to his daughter sitting next to him. He suddenly became conscious of how warm the room they were sitting in was. He took off his fleece, placing it on his lap to conveniently cover the growing bulge in his trousers.

The masseur in the video had finished his first pass down the blonde lying on the table and was now asking her to turn over so that he could massage her front, handing her an almost comically small white towel which just about covered her substantial chest and reached down her stomach to barely cover her pussy. He began massaging around her collarbone, his palms pressing into the top of her cleavage.

Emma was starting to feel the warmth of the room as well. She took her jacket off before leaning forward and pouring herself a glass of iced water from the jug. She sipped it, the cool liquid helping to relieve her slightly along with the chill from the glass on her hands. It had a slightly strange taste to it, not a distinctive flavour that she could pick out, but it definitely wasn’t typical bottled water. Maybe that was just how the tap water tasted here.

Jon followed suit and poured himself a glass. On-screen, the man had moved down the woman’s chest. Initially she’d put up some resistance as he tried to shift the towel down off her chest, before relenting and allowing the man to start fully massaging her breasts. The towel dropped completely to the floor as her back arched in pleasure, her sultry moans filling the room around Jon and Emma as the man lightly pinched her nipples and his palms kneaded her chest.

The masseur briefly stopped the massage to lower the waistband of his shorts, releasing his large cock and offering towards the woman’s face. She reached out with one hand and guided it into her mouth, pulling herself over towards him and moaning as one of his hands now moved down her stomach and started to caress between her legs.

“This is so unrealistic,” said Jon, “a man my age would never be able to pick up a teenager like that so easily. I mean obviously this is fiction, but they could at least make it believable.”

“I dunno, Dad, I think you’d be surprised.”

“What do you mean?”

“It happens pretty often I’d say. A lot of girls like an older man.”

“They like it?”

“There’s a girl I work with, Cassandra, she’s dating a guy in his forties. All he did was flirt with her for a couple of nights while she was working behind the bar and she gave him her number.”

“Because she’s into older guys?”

“At first I thought she was just going out with him because he’s got money and takes her out on expensive dates, but she says it’s not about that. She says he’s really interesting to talk to, and… well, she talks a lot about how he’s way better in the bedroom than guys our age.”

“Way better?”

“She says every night she’s spent with him she’s climaxed at least three times, while with guys at college she’s lucky if she gets close to once. That an older man is more concerned that the girl he’s with is having a good time and he knows how to make sure she does. Most college guys just care about scoring.”

“That makes sense, I guess…” Jon didn’t really know how to react. He’d always assumed the middle-aged man getting it on with some young bimbo was just a trope in porn to appeal to the fantasies of a male audience. On-screen the man pulled the woman towards him so that her bottom was on the end of the massage table, lifted her legs up to his shoulders and started to slowly push his cock inside her. Jon awkwardly readjusted his pants as he was now near enough fully erect. He finished his glass of water.

Emma wasn’t immune to the actions on-screen either as the room filled with the mixed sounds of bodies slapping together and the loud moans of the blonde woman – acting or not it seemed like she was enjoying it. With her jacket on her lap as cover, Emma slowly slid her hand under the waistband of her jeans and underwear and felt how wet she was. She offered herself a few gentle rubs over her clit before stopping, worried that she’d give herself away if she continued any further. She glanced up at her father, who was staring at the energetic fucking taking place on the screen.

“See this isn’t that bad, Dad” she said, feeling very conscious that her fingertips were still directly in contact with her labia as she spoke. He turned to look at her.

“I guess not, but it’s still pretty weird to be watching this together, isn’t it? And it’s so warm in here…”

“Yeah, the water helps a bit but it’s still really hot in here.” Her hand couldn’t resist a few more slow circles over her mound, as she held her dad’s gaze to confirm he wasn’t looking down at where her hand was. She felt a nervous excitement at secretly touching herself while sitting so close to him.

After switching through a couple of different positions on the massage table, the video on the screen reached its inevitable climax, with the woman reaching a squealing orgasm just in time for the man to pull out and shoot thick ropes of cum over her breasts and face.

“Well, we’re halfway I guess,” Jon laughed nervously. He was genuinely happy to be halfway through but also wasn’t happy about still having nearly half an hour left to sit there with a throbbing erection he could do absolutely nothing about.

The screen went black for a few seconds before starting the next video. The video started setting the scene with a young man and woman talking and establishing that they were brother and sister.

“Ah OK, first they have a porn video with actors that match our age gap, and now they’re showing us an incest flick,” Jon said scornfully.

“Obviously they’re not actually brother and sister, Dad,” said Emma. “It’s just a fantasy.”

“I know… I just… I suppose I just don’t get why people get off on this sort of thing.” Jon sighed.

“I dunno… I guess people just like the forbidden side of it? That people who aren’t supposed to do that sort of thing together still end up doing it.”

“Do you ever watch this sort of stuff?” Jon asked

“No, of course not” replied Emma. That wasn’t strictly true, there had been at least a couple of times watching porn that she’d stumbled onto those sorts of videos, maybe even a couple of times she’d liked the actors and the setup enough to get off to it. But she didn’t routinely seek it out. Being an only child and growing up with just one parent she’d never really felt part of a big family, in some ways that meant that the whole incest angle neither bothered her nor drew her in.

Jon poured himself another glass of water as he could feel the sweat starting to bead on his forehead. He felt the heat in the room had to be intentional, even now in just jeans and a t-shirt he felt way too hot. On the screen, the siblings had decided to settle an argument over who was stronger by wrestling each other, the two making half-hearted attempts to pin each other down whilst rolling around on the floor and groping each other.

“I’m going to assume they’ll be a bit more convincing once it gets to the sex than they are at trying to wrestle,” snorted Emma. Jon smiled, and wondered if maybe he should just relax and try and be a bit less uptight about the whole thing. Emma was clearly a lot less fazed about it all than he was, maybe he just needed to loosen up a little and stop being so protective.

“Can I take my top off?” asked Emma. “I’ve got a bra on underneath. It’s just so damn hot in here…”

“Sure, I guess,” replied Jon. “If it makes you more comfortable.” Emma put her hands on the lower hem of her t-shirt and pulled it up and off in one smooth motion, revealing a plain black bra underneath.

“That feels a bit better,” she said, repositioning the straps on her bra. Jon resisted the urge to glance across at his daughter’s pale cleavage on display next to him. On the screen both characters were also removing various items of clothing, announcing that their tops and trousers were restricting their wrestling techniques too much, and stripping down to their underwear. The woman’s breasts threatened to burst out of the lacy bra she was wearing, as her role-playing brother removed his jeans to reveal a sizeable bulge in his boxer shorts.

They resumed their wrestling, with the brother managing to pin his sister down on her back. He held her arms above her head as he lay on top of her, his body between her legs. Their crotches started grinding together as he goaded her into surrendering the match. She freed herself and rolled them both over so that he was now on his back, with her sat on his chest. She shuffled forward until his shoulders were pinned under her knees, her crotch directly over his face, and now it was her turn to ask if he’d surrender. He managed to free an arm and flailed it upwards, grabbing her bra and pulling it off, before further reaching for her now exposed breasts.

The woman stopped her taunting and groaned as he began to squeeze her left boob, allowing him to free his other arm and reach up to her other breast. They continued in that position, her crotch over his face and him squeezing her chest, before she reached down and pulled her panties over to one side, putting her naked pussy directly onto his mouth. She moaned louder as her brother started to eat her out.

“Man, this is torture,” said Jon.

“You mean the tenuous story arc going on here?” Emma quipped.

“The contrived plot is definitely something, but I mainly just mean this setup. The heat of the room and watching porn without… you know… being able to act on it.”

“I thought you weren’t into incest…”

“I’m not, but it’s still porn I guess. It’s hard not to get aroused at two attractive people cavorting about like this, even if they are pretending to be siblings. But all I can do is sit here and be blue-balled by it.”

“Yeah, I’ve definitely never watched porn for this long without getting off before.” Emma cringed the moment she said that, realising that she’d just openly admitted she masturbated to porn to her father.

“At least as a girl you can slip your hand down there and help yourself a bit,” Jon said, “I’m pretty much stuck without getting half naked.” At her dad’s words Emma immediately drew her hand out of her pants. She wasn’t sure if her dad knew she was touching herself or not, and realised in hindsight she probably responded a little too quickly.

“Oh yeah sure Dad,” she decided to protest, “like I’m just going to get myself off while you’re sat here next to me. Even if girls can do it with their pants on, I’d have a hard time keeping myself quiet or staying discreet about it if I was trying to get some real relief.”

“I guess… sorry… I shouldn’t have brought it up.” Jon blushed. The talk about masturbating hadn’t helped him feel any less aroused. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d had an erection for such a sustained amount of time. Even knowing he was being observed and with his daughter sat next to him, it was taking a lot of willpower to not start touching himself. The couple on the screen had now changed positions again, and had seemingly abandoned their wrestling match as the two settled into a sixty-nine. “At least it looks like we’re into the last ten minutes.”

Jon looked across at his daughter and it struck him how much she looked like her mother when they had first started dating. He realised how much she acted like her too, how she was happy to be adventurous and was open to new things.

He wondered how differently this would be if he was sat next to his wife when they were that age, rather than his daughter. They’d definitely at least have masturbated, possibly even would have fucked on the sofa, giving the researchers a proper show. He thought back to all the wild stuff they did when they were in their teens and early twenties. When did he get so uptight and boring? Was it his age? That he’d been single for so long? Or does being a parent just do that to you? He needed to loosen up a bit.

The couple on the screen had now progressed to full-on sex, with the woman on all fours as she was pounded from behind by her brother. “Mmhm yes, fuck me bro,” she grunted, “fuck me hard, ugh, yeah that’s it…” He flipped her over onto her back and resumed his rhythm into her as she moaned loudly and pulled him in for a deep kiss. They continued for a few more minutes before, both grunting and panting towards orgasm, he pulled out. The woman quickly flipped forward to wrap her lips around his cock and let him finish inside her mouth. She swallowed. “I think we should have a rematch tomorrow, little brother,” she said, before the video faded to black.

Jon and Emma sat in silence for a few seconds with the blank screen in front of them, slightly unsure what to do next. Suddenly the door opened and a different man to the one who had recruited them walked in.

“Hello,” he said, “I am Professor Adams, the lead researcher for this study. If you’d like to collect your things and accompany me back to the lobby then I will arrange your payments and we can conclude this session.”

Emma put her clothes back on and they walked with him back down the corridor towards where they first entered. Jon continued to hold his fleece in front of him so as to hide the large tent in his jeans as he walked. On the table in the waiting room were two envelopes. “Please take an envelope each,” said the Professor, “They contain your compensation for the trial, along with information for how to attend the follow-up sessions later this week if you wish to do so.”

“Thanks for the offer, but I think we’re good,” said Jon, picking up both envelopes and handing one to Emma.

“I got the impression from your comments during the session, Mr Brinkley, that you don’t approve of our research. That’s understandable, we are for sure pushing the boundaries of what most people would deem acceptable. Though I would argue that without pushing boundaries in studies like this, it is difficult, if not impossible, for science to extend our collective understandings of human psychology and social interactions. You were put into a very unexpected and atypical situation this morning; however, it is only in such situations that we can observe behaviours that are less understood.”

The professor paused, as if to let his comment sink in, before continuing. “I would like to thank you again for participating in our research, you will see that you have both received your fee in full. I wish you all the best for the rest of your day, and I hope to see you again. The exit is down the stairs, the way you came in.” He gestured with his hand to the doorway.

Jon and Emma headed down the stairs and stepped outside. The chilly February air felt particularly striking in contrast to the warm facility they’d just left. “Well,” said Jon, “I’m guessing that wasn’t in the guidebook… where should we go now?” Emma was busy checking the crisp notes in her envelope.

“I think,” she said, “that we should find a nice place for lunch, an even nicer place to make a reservation for dinner this evening, then we can go to that art museum. And at some point, I’m going to buy myself a new dress with this cash.” Jon was a little taken aback with how bouncy and energetic his daughter suddenly seemed, and how she appeared to be completely unaffected by the last hour.

They had their nice lunch, booked a table for the evening at a place that Jon suspected was going to be providing the most expensive dinner he’d eaten in a long time, and then wandered around the local art gallery. The whole time Emma had a beaming smile on her face, dragging her father around and explaining the significance of some of the pieces in the gallery. Jon would have found her enthusiasm contagious and had to admit he was having a pretty good time, but his mind was still lingering on what they’d done this morning. Not just his mind, in fact, but his libido as well – his erection had subsided, but he couldn’t shake feeling massively horny the whole day.

They wandered back to the high street so Emma could go shopping for a dress for the evening. She too found that she was still incredibly turned on as she browsed through the sultry garments while her father waited outside. She picked a few to take to the changing rooms and try on.

She admired her figure in the mirror in the different dresses. One dress was dark blue and had a top half consisting of two fairly narrow fabric straps that hooked up over her neck, leaving her back exposed and presenting a fair amount of cleavage and the side of her breasts. Another was black with a long slit in the lower half, showing off her toned legs and threatening to expose the waistband of her underwear. A third one was red and tight fitting, accentuating the hourglass shape between her breasts, her toned waist, and her hips.

She noticed as she changed out of the last dress that there was a light damp patch on her knickers. She slipped her hand inside the waistband and felt how wet she still was, even though it was hours since they’d left the study. She slowly started rubbing herself and leaned back against the wall, biting her lip to stifle a moan, and allowing the tingling feeling to build in her nether regions as she continued to massage her clit. She was just about to insert a finger inside when she was startled by someone noisily entering the changing cubicle next to her.

She mentally cursed whoever it was for interrupting her, and grumpily put her own clothes back on and left the changing area. She decided she’d go with the last dress she’d tried on. The first was her favourite but she felt it was probably a bit much for a dinner with her father, plus it didn’t really suit the cold weather. She headed back outside.

“What did you get?” asked Jon.

“You’ll have to wait and see,” Emma replied with a smile. “It can be a surprise for later.”

“Very mysterious,” replied Jon. He glanced at his watch. “I think we should maybe head back to the hotel; it’s getting on a bit and after the heat in that room this morning I think I could do with a shower.”

“Sure,” Emma agreed. “I’m feeling pretty tired if I’m honest, putting my feet up for an hour or so would be nice.”

They headed back to the hotel, Emma flopping onto her bed as soon as they got into their twin room.

“Do you want to use the bathroom before I have a shower?” asked Jon

“Nah I’m good,” replied Emma. “You go ahead.”

Jon grabbed a change of clothes from his suitcase before heading into the bathroom and locking the door behind him. He stripped off and turned the shower on, testing the temperature before climbing in and letting the warm water engulf his body. It felt good to wash off the clammy feeling he’d had from sitting in that baking hot room. What a weird study, he thought, as he felt his penis still slightly engorged from the experience. He’d stopped actively thinking about the videos, but his body clearly hadn’t moved on and forgotten it.

As he stood in the shower, he gave his half-erect cock a few strokes and contemplated jacking off while he had the privacy of the bathroom. Would Emma get suspicious if he took too long in the shower? He felt pent up enough that he doubted it would take that long, but he was still wary. He sighed as he decided against it. Maybe he could head back to the hotel for a private moment tomorrow if Emma wanted to do any more shopping.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the bathroom door Emma was having no such doubts. No sooner had she heard the water turn on and her father climbing into the shower, had she unbuttoned her jeans and put her hand under her waistband and between her legs. She’d been dying all afternoon to get herself off, and her little warm-up in the changing room had only amplified it. She knew she didn’t have long, but given how charged up and wet she was, even five minutes would be plenty.

She let out a whimper as her right hand frantically rubbed over her mound, her left hand slipping up under her top and bra to pinch her right nipple. She felt like electricity was coursing through her. She closed her eyes and slowly inserted a finger inside herself, curling it up to massage the inside of her hole before drawing it back out, slick with her juices, and resuming the firm circles over her clit. She let out a long deep moan of pleasure, allowing herself to be consumed by the sensations of her body, confident that the noise from the shower’s running water would mask any sounds she was making.

In the shower, Jon realised that he hadn’t brought his conditioner into the bathroom with him. It felt like such a silly and feminine thing to insist on using, but his late wife had introduced him to it when they first started living together, and he had to admit he just really preferred the way his hair felt and looked when he used it. So much that he used it daily and tended to bring a bottle with him when travelling, rather than chance whatever conditioner was in the hotel bathroom, if they even provided one at all. He sighed and stepped back out of the shower, leaving it running as he quickly wrapped his towel around his waist.

He opened the door into the bedroom to be greeted with the sight of his daughter lying back on the bed, eyes closed, one hand in her jeans and the other clearly on her breast. He froze, taken completely by surprise. Emma heard the door open and immediately withdrew both of her hands, yelping in surprise.

“Oh shit! Dad! Uh… I…” she was lost for words as her face blushed crimson, knowing there was no way her father wasn’t aware of what she was doing.

“It’s… it’s OK,” replied Jon. He paused for a second. “Look, we had a weird morning today, and I get it. I’ve been feeling pretty damn… animated all day as well.”

“I’m sorry, I just…”

“Like I said, it’s OK.” Jon cut her off, trying to keep his voice as calm and soothing as possible. “You’re an adult, you have adult feelings and needs, like anyone else does. If I’m honest, I was considering doing something similar myself while I was in there.” The room fell into an awkward silence between the two of them, Jon standing there in just a towel as the shower continued running behind him through the open bathroom door. Jon sighed, trying to think of a way to defuse the situation.

“I tell you what,” he said. “I’m going to get my conditioner out of my suitcase, set a timer on my phone for twenty minutes, go back into the bathroom and close the door, and in that time we can both sort ourselves out. And when those twenty minutes are done, none of this ever happened, deal?”

“OK Dad, deal.” Emma’s mind wasn’t really on getting herself off anymore, but she knew she just didn’t want to be in the same room as her dad. Jon found his bottle of conditioner in his suitcase, picked up his phone, headed back into the bathroom and shut the door behind him.

Emma lay back on the bed and let out a deep sigh, breathing for what felt like the first time since her dad burst out of the bathroom. She could still feel the adrenaline coursing through her after the fright and embarrassment of realising he was stood there. She played back what had just happened in her head. Emma wasn’t sure how she would have expected her father to react to walking in on her masturbating, but she weirdly didn’t expect the calm and pragmatic reaction she’d gotten.

She glanced at the time as her heart rate slowly returned to normal. It was just turning 5:15pm, so she had at least until half past five before she’d need to face her father again. She thought about what he’d said: that he was horny too, that they should use the time to both “sort themselves out”. Did that mean he was going to be jacking himself off in there?

She thought about the videos they’d watched this morning. The masseur seducing his client, the brother and sister fucking. They’d felt like regular porn videos, things she’d already seen similar instances of before, why had they had such an effect on her that the moment she was alone she couldn’t resist fingering herself? Clearly, from what her father had just said, they’d had a similar impact on him too.

Was there some sort of subliminal messaging? Was there something added into the water? Was it just that they’d watched them both together and so she hadn’t been able to climax in the way she would have normally done watching porn by herself? Even just thinking back to the videos that morning she found her arousal building again and her hand naturally reaching back down into her pants. She realised what she was doing and stopped. Was she really touching herself after what just happened? She decided to slip her jeans and pants down and off her legs, giving her hand free access between her thighs. She had just under twenty minutes of agreed privacy, she might as well use it.

In the bathroom, Jon was cursing himself under his breath as he got back into the shower. He felt awful for walking in on his daughter like that, as he pictured the look of shock and embarrassment on her face as she’d realised he was stood there. By the end of the session this morning he thought that he’d never have a more awkward moment in his entire life and yet he’d smashed that record just a few hours later.

He dwelled on it as he continued his shower. Obviously, he knew his daughter was old enough to be sexually active, and there was more than enough confirmation of that during this morning, but this just rammed home to him that she was a grown woman now. She watched porn. She masturbated. She hadn’t had any serious boyfriends that he was aware of, but that didn’t mean she wasn’t potentially hooking up and having sex.

He wondered if that sort of thing was a normal routine for her, to come home at the end of the day and immediately get herself off. Or was it the lingering effects from the morning that had caused her to start masturbating on the other side of the door the moment he left the room? He’d been unusually horny since they left the study, it would make sense if it had the same impact on Emma.

He finished his shower but left the water running as he sat down on the toilet lid in his towel. He had been horny all day, he’d almost felt like he was sixteen again, when all his brain could think about was sex and getting off. He glanced at his phone, the timer showing ten minutes still left on it. He wrapped his hand around his cock and it only took a few strokes up and down for it to be fully hard.

His mind lingered on the scene in the bedroom that had greeted him as he’d stepped through the door. His daughter clearly enjoying herself on the bed, one hand grasping her boob and the other moving inside her unbuttoned jeans. He tried to shake it out of his mind, but all that his brain seemed able to replace it with were scenes from the videos this morning. The man who was around his age, holding the legs of a busty blonde over his shoulders and furiously ramming his cock into her as she lay on the massage table, her breasts bouncing up with each thrust. The brother and sister going at it doggy-style, his grunting mixing with her moaning as she encouraged him to pound her harder. He felt his balls tighten as he reached his orgasm, the long-anticipated relief washing through him as he spurted hard into the waiting tissue.

In the bedroom Emma was similarly feeling her own climax build, glancing at the clock to confirm she had at least five minutes left. She wasn’t expecting to be able to get back into the mood so quickly, but once she resumed touching herself it was like she’d never been interrupted. She felt her hips buck upwards into her own hand, as her orgasm started to build. She found her mind on the first video from this morning, with the blonde lying on the massage table as the masseuse fucked her. Except it wasn’t the blonde on the table, it was her lying there, her legs held apart by the older man as he drove his cock into her. She let out a long deep moan and rubbed her pussy at a frantic pace as she felt a massive orgasm build and wash over her. She lay back on the bed, panting after the intensity of her climax.

In the bathroom, the alarm on Jon’s phone finally went off. He turned the shower off and finished putting his clothes on, pausing for another thirty seconds or so to avoid a repeat incident before opening the door. Emma was sat on the bed, fully clothed, and stood up as he left the bathroom. Jon couldn’t tell if she’d resumed masturbating or not during the last twenty minutes, before reasoning he shouldn’t be wondering about the answer to that question anyway.

“I’m going to have a quick freshen up and get changed,” said Emma, picking up her make-up bag and her shopping bag from that afternoon. She stopped before walking past him and gave him a hug. “Thanks for being so cool about what just happened.”

“What do you mean?” asked Jon. “Nothing happened…” Emma looked up and smiled at him before breaking the embrace and heading to the bathroom. Jon lay down on his bed and switched on the TV. He’d had a teenage daughter for long enough to know that he had a while to wait before she’d be finished getting ready.

Jon realised that although his session in the bathroom had finally caused his erection to subside, he was still a bit horny. This was crazy, he thought, as he realised he was genuinely considering going for a second round while his daughter was getting changed. He decided against it. If she walked out and caught him wanking it would even things up between them, but he’d they’d had more than enough embarrassment for one day. His cock twitched slightly at the thought of his daughter opening the door and finding him shorts down and exposed cock in hand. ‘Stop it Jon’, he thought before concentrating on the TV to distract himself.

After a while Emma emerged from the bathroom in her new red dress. She had matching red lipstick and the deep colour contrasted with her straightened blonde hair that fell either side of her shoulders.

“Wow,” said Jon. “You look fantastic.”

“I scrub up well, don’t I?” said Emma, giving a slow twirl and letting the dress billow out slightly around her legs. She was really happy with how she looked in it. Most of her wardrobe at home was pretty plain and functional, or dresses from family weddings and the like while she was a few years younger, so it was nice wearing something that made her feel like a proper woman rather than a teenager.

They headed out into the chilly evening air to the restaurant. They arrived, were taken to their table, and were handed a menu each.

“Jesus,” said Jon, once the waiter was out of earshot. “This is going to cost more than I usually spend on food in a month.”

“Come on Dad, we’re on holiday,” replied Emma, giving him a look before casting her eyes back to the menu. “Let’s just enjoy ourselves for the evening. We’ve earned it.”

Jon looked back to his menu. “It does all look really good,” he admitted. He resolved to stop being negative for the rest of the evening. It had been a crazy day, he might as well make the most of the expensive dinner that it had paid for.

They ordered drinks, followed by starters and mains. After Jon handed his menu back, he looked across at Emma. “You’re suddenly all grown up,” he said. “I don’t know where the time went.”

“Oh come on Dad, don’t get sentimental,” Emma said. She was tempted to darkly joke whether he had realised she’d grown up when they watched porn together, or when he walked in on her masturbating, but decided not to go there.

“I’m just saying, is all,” said Jon. “You’re only nineteen but you remind me of your mother in her early twenties.”

“What was she like? In her early twenties, I mean. I can’t imagine the two of you being around my age.”

“She was pretty wild,” said Jon. He chuckled. “I guess even back then I was the boring and unadventurous one, most of the time I was just following her lead. She was never one to shy away from a new experience or an adventure, if anything she sought them out and dragged me along for the ride.” The waiter arrived with their drinks.

They spent most of the evening catching up and talking about the usual stuff: how Emma was doing at university, how Jon’s job was going, the inane happenings on their street while she was away. There was one thing that had been niggling at Jon.

“That thing you said this morning about younger girls who have a thing for older men, was that true?”

“Yeah, of course,” replied Emma. “Why, are you thinking of picking up yourself a hot young thing and being a sugar daddy?” she smirked.

“Oh, come off it,” said Jon. “I don’t think I could even if I tried…”

“I think you’d have a pretty good shot,” said Emma. “You’ve kept yourself in good shape, you’re good company and you don’t come across as a creep. Put on a smart shirt like tonight instead of the usual scruffy t-shirt and jeans that you wear and you could manage it.”

Jon laughed in response.

“I’m serious,” continued Emma. “I bet half the people here think we’re on a date rather than father and daughter. You’re underestimating the appeal of a guy who will take you for a proper evening out instead of just out to a club where he can buy you shots until he thinks you’re drunk enough for something to happen.”

“I hear what you’re saying, but I still don’t believe I could be dating some girl under 25.”

“You’ve just been out of the action too long Dad. Plus, things aren’t the same as they were when you were my age. Young women aren’t just looking for a guy they can settle down with for the long term and start a family. There’s more to enjoy in life than that.”

They continued to chat and eat. Jon finished his plate and sat back in his chair. “Well,” he said, “I’m not looking forward to having to pay for it, but this has definitely been the best meal I’ve eaten in a long time.”

“I think this is the best food I’ve had, period,” replied Emma. “We should come here again tomorrow, there are loads of other things on the menu I really want to try.”

“Me too, and I’d love to come back, but there’s no way we’ve got the budget to eat here two nights in a row.”

“Sure we do, we can just do the study session tomorrow morning and just the €400 for one of us will still easily cover it.”

“You’re joking, right?” Jon couldn’t believe what Emma was suggesting. “You want to go through that again?”

“Oh, come on, it wasn’t that bad. We sat in a hot room and watched some weird videos. By the time I next wear this dress it paid for we’ll be laughing about how silly the whole thing was.”

“You are serious. You want to go back tomorrow morning?”

“How bad can it be? We tolerate another hour of being uncomfortable, we get €400 each for our trouble, and in the worst-case scenario it’s something genuinely awful and we can just leave in disgust.”

Jon sat and thought for a moment. He hadn’t until that point even considered the possibility that they might do follow up sessions, he’d just assumed that Emma was as against the idea as he was. He looked at her and the conviction in her face. She really was the picture of her mother.

“Come on, Dad,” said Emma. “It’s one hour out of our morning and then we’ve got enough budget to really splash out for the rest of the weekend.”

“Ok,” Jon relented. “We can go see what they want us to do. If you really want.” Emma beamed at her father’s agreement.

Jon caught a passing waiter and ordered another glass of wine for each of them, before asking for the bill. The two glasses arrived along with the bill inside a little leather booklet. Jon opened the cover and struggled not to wince at the number inside. The money from that morning covered it, but it certainly wasn’t leaving much left over. He pulled out the wad of notes from his pocket and slipped it inside the booklet.

“I’m just going to go to the bathroom,” he said, standing up.

Jon looked at himself in the mirror as he washed his hands. Had he really just agreed to go back for another round of watching god knows what the next morning? His train of thought was interrupted by a slightly overweight middle-aged man next to him.

“Hey man, you’re at the table by the window with the cute young thing in the red dress, right?” the man spoke with a heavy accent.

“Uh… yeah?” Jon wasn’t sure where this was going. Generally, he wasn’t a fan of chit-chat in public bathrooms, let alone with a total stranger.

“You’ve done well for yourself buddy, good job.” He gave a thumbs up.

It took Jon a second to realise what the man was implying. “That’s my daughter,” he said.

“Oh… uhh… yeah, I know…” the man was searching for words. “That’s, uh, what I meant, you know. You’ve done well having a daughter like that.” It was clear from the expression on his face that he didn’t know how to resolve the situation.

“Thanks, I guess,” said Jon as he walked past him and back into the restaurant.

He sat back down at the table with the leery comment from the stranger in the bathroom still in his head. Had the world really come to that? Did people really see a man in his 40s and a young woman having a dinner together as a date between lovers rather than a father and daughter? He considered relaying the conversation to Emma, as validation for what she’d been saying earlier, but realised how it portrayed her in the situation and thought better of it.

They chatted some more, finished their wine and headed back into the cold night air of the city. The sky was clear and the stars were visible overhead.

“Do you want to get a drink somewhere else?” asked Emma

“Nah…” said Jon. “I’m feeling pretty exhausted if I’m honest. Though feel free to head out without me, don’t let a tired old man stop you having a good night out.” He was telling the truth about being exhausted, but also hoped Emma would take up the offer of going out by herself. He was still feeling horny and part of him was wishing for some private time in the hotel room.

“Now that you mention it, I’m pretty tired as well.” Emma replied. “It’s been a long day. And I’m not sure about going out by myself dressed like this… it might send the wrong message.” Jon suppressed his disappointment in being accompanied back and took his daughter’s arm as they walked back to the hotel.

They got back to their hotel room, Emma being the first to brush her teeth and change into her pyjamas before climbing into bed. She watched as her dad emerged from the bathroom in just pyjama bottoms, the bright light from the bathroom illuminating his bare torso before he stepped into the darker bedroom. She wasn’t wrong with what she said earlier, he did keep himself in shape. Maybe he wasn’t an obvious DILF but she didn’t doubt there’d be girls at her University who would sleep with him

She chastised herself for thinking about her father that way. Though she did wonder how long it had been since her dad had slept with someone. It was a decade or so since her mother passed away and he’d never seemed to show any interest in dating or finding a new partner. He couldn’t have been celibate for that long, surely? Maybe that was why he came across so prudish during the study session. He’d gone too long without a good woman’s touch…

She lay back on the bed and realised that her crotch was still tingling slightly. She hadn’t really noticed it while they were out but now that she was just lying there in bed, she realised she still felt uncomfortably horny. She contemplated touching herself, but the covers rustled with her every movement and there was no chance of doing anything without her dad being able to hear in the next bed. There wasn’t really anything she could do other than try and get some sleep.

Jon got under the covers of his bed and switched the light off. He lay back and sighed. There was always a sense of adventure in travelling but today had definitely taken a sharp left turn from the normal old buildings and dusty museums that he’d been expecting. He didn’t feel particularly sleepy, and still felt an unnaturally strong desire to masturbate. It made sense that Emma didn’t want a night on the town alone, but he still slightly resented that she’d denied him the chance to come back to the room alone and get himself off properly.

The two of them lay there in darkness, struggling to get to sleep. After around twenty minutes, Emma broke the silence.

“Dad?” she whispered softly.

“Yeah?” Jon replied. Emma wasn’t really sure how to follow up once her dad responded. She’d been hoping he was already asleep, and that she could maybe have tried to gently rub herself to some relief without waking him up.

“I…” she started, “I can’t sleep. I’m still, well… you know…” she trailed off without really saying anything meaningful but, given he felt exactly the same way, it was enough for Jon to understand the gist.

“I know what you mean,” Jon said, sitting up and switching on the bedside light. “I tell you what, we can just do what we did earlier. I’ll put a twenty-minute timer on my phone, I’ll go in the bathroom, we each do what we need to do and then we can both go to sleep.”

“That works for me,” said Emma. “You can make it fifteen.” She paused realising how casually she was making such a suggestion and what it implied. “Unless, you know, you need longer…”

“Fifteen it is,” said Jon, taking his phone off the charger and setting the timer. He walked into the bathroom and shut the door behind him.

Almost as soon as the door shut, Emma’s hand was in her pyjama bottoms. She was immediately wet and ready. “Fuck…” she sighed as she started to massage herself with her hand. Her breath sharpened as the familiar sensations started down there. She closed her eyes as her thoughts flicked between different mental pictures, searching for something to focus on and help her climax. Her mind went back to the first video from that morning, the one that had gotten her off earlier.

She imagined herself on the massage table, the older masseuse leaning down and squeezing her breasts. She reached up and took her right breast under her pyjama top, massaging it, rolling the nipple between her fingers. She pulled up the hem of her top up over her chest, as if it was the towel being pulled back, and squeezed again. She was trying to be quiet but couldn’t help letting out a small moan of satisfaction as her imagination and the sensations engulfed her body.

Jon had also wasted no time once the bathroom door was closed, his pyjama bottoms were around his ankles and his hand was already stroking his cock as he sat on the rim of the bath. His rhythm slowed as he heard a soft moan escape through the door from the bedroom. Was that Emma? He continued stroking until several seconds later he heard another, louder one. He realised that without the shower running to mask the sounds, he could hear her clearly through the cheap door.

Jon didn’t know what to do. He could hardly go in there and explain that he could hear her. He considered turning the shower on, but given he clearly wasn’t having a shower that would just make it obvious that he’d already heard her. He’d reasoned that he’d just have to pretend he couldn’t hear, while trying to make as little noise as possible so that Emma didn’t realise how much sound transferred through the door. He ignored the fact that his cock twitched slightly at each sexual noise that emanated from the bedroom, and that there was a possibility that part of him liked the sounds of his daughter pleasuring herself.

He tried to focus his mind on other things. He pictured the young couple from the second video that morning, the actress’s large tits swinging about as the two of them rolled around naked on the floor pretending to wrestle. But every loud breath, every moan and whimper from Emma on the other side of the door brought back a different image from that day. The one of his daughter lying on the bed with her hands under her clothes. The same thing she was doing right now, only a few metres away, where he could hear almost everything. He felt disgusted with himself that despite his best efforts to focus on something else, his imagination kept returning to that mental picture. Yet despite knowing he should think of something else, the pace of his hand up and down his shaft quickened when his thoughts drifted back to Emma. He felt his dick stiffen as the soft moans through the door increased in their intensity and frequency.

Inside the bedroom Emma could feel that she was starting to get close. She didn’t know how long had passed and was now just focused on trying to reach her climax before the timer went off. She was conscious of how many noises she was making and how they cut through the night-time silence of the hotel room, but beyond putting her duvet against her mouth to muffle them she was relatively powerless to stop them. In the moment she cared more about relieving the burning horniness in her nether regions than about not being heard.

She’d reached the point in her imaginary scenario where she was now being penetrated on the massage table, her masseuse’s long cock thrusting inside her as he used one hand to continue to massage her breast and another to rub over her clit. She pictured his shaft sliding in and out between her thighs, his strong hands holding her as the table shook with each thrust. She could see the chest and abs of the man fucking her, but it wasn’t the man from the video that morning. She realised the man fucking her in her fantasy was the man who had been topless in the room next to her just half an hour ago. It was Jon. It was her father’s cock that she was imagining plunging in and out of her.

She opened her eyes and her mouth gaped open as a huge wave of energy flooded through her pussy as she came, the sensation even stronger than the orgasm earlier that afternoon. She couldn’t stop a loud, high-pitched moan from escaping her as her back arched, pressing her chest into the hand squeezing her breast, as she continued to rub over her mound with the other. She fell back into the bed and slowed the pace between her thighs as the intensity slowly subsided. She couldn’t believe she’d just had an orgasm while picturing her father fucking her, and such an intense one as well.

The sound of his daughter clearly climaxing in the next room brought Jon over the edge as well. He couldn’t stop himself imagining her face, scrunched in ecstasy as she brought herself to orgasm. His cum shot out with enough energy to cover the sink and cabinet opposite him, despite it being his second of the day. He sank down, almost fully spent from the exertion. It had been a while since he could remember having an orgasm that strong.

He cleaned up his mess and waited out the remaining three minutes for the timer to beep before emerging from the bathroom.

“All good?” Jon asked, pretending that he hadn’t already been able to hear what the answer was.

“Yeah,” replied Emma. “All good.” She wasn’t fully sure it actually was all good, given what her imagination had just drifted into at the peak of her orgasm. She figured it must just be a combination of the wine from the dinner, spending the day with her father, and the thoughts about whether he might be able to get with a girl her age. That had to be it, right?

Jon got into the bed and switched the bedside light off. As he lay back he felt slightly guilty for what he’d just done, both for what he was imagining while masturbating and the fact that he’d been able to hear Emma getting herself off without her knowledge. The way he’d been so horny all afternoon made him even more apprehensive about doing another session of the study tomorrow morning. In twelve hours, he’d gone from not even really thinking about his daughter as a sexually active woman, to ejaculating to the sound of her orgasm.

He wasn’t sure what they’d be made to watch or do the next morning, and he wasn’t sure if he could handle another full day of a near-constant urge to masturbate. But, as much as he didn’t want to admit it, he now found that there was a small part of him that was looking forward to more.


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