The Winds of Autumn Ch. 01-02 by AimEnigmaClick,AimEnigmaClick

Warning: This is a slow burn novel that doesn’t have much sex in it, especially at the beginning. Though there are temptations at the beginning, the actual sexual themes don’t really get going until later on in the story. It’s a bit different from one of my normal stories. If you are wanting really raunchy sexy, this probably isn’t your story. This is much more of a love novel.

I hope you enjoy!

Chapter 1

As the winds came in, the leaves that were already losing their color fell from the trees before swirling through the air. What had been a warm Autumn was finally starting to change as a crisp smell in the atmosphere set in. But just like any other day, the sun rose and spread its rays on all the plants, roads, and buildings. And just as the sun awakened, so too did a young woman and a young man, to start another normal day in their separate lives.

Two souls, so close yet so far away. They both lived in the same city, yet had never met each other before. Their paths had probably crossed once or twice, but they were both so consumed with their own lives, they had no idea the other even existed.

The girl pulled herself out of her tent to stretch and take in the surrounding nature, despite her messy hair and her morning breath. The boy rolled around in bed a few times, hitting snoozing his alarms until he got the last bit of satisfaction he could achieve from staying under the covers.

She went into a public restroom in the park to wash her face with water and to throw her hair into a neat ponytail. He stumbled his way through his studio apartment until he made it to the restroom to shave and shower.

After making it back to the tent, she played some music on her phone while packing a couple of items for the day. Putting on his tie, he listened to some audio notes he had recorded that would help him with his work projects.

While she drank the lukewarm coffee she saved in a thermos from the previous morning, he drank the fresh coffee he brewed from his cheap machine. And while he decided to skip breakfast because he felt he was more alert on an empty stomach, she pulled out a half-eaten burger from her backpack that she had also been saving from the day before.

She walked to the burger restaurant, where she found a seat and popped open her laptop. He drove to his office, where he took a seat at his cubicle and turned on his computer. She pretended to smile as she posted selfies on social media, making it look like she was studying for class. He pretended to smile as others distracted him from his work so he could help them with theirs.

When she was done playing pretend on her computer, a small frown came over her face as she checked her bank account. She used her last few dollars to pay down one of several loans that were bearing down on her shoulders. She then let out a sigh as she went to the restroom, washed up a bit at the sink, and then put on her uniform so she could start her shift.

Once he was done pretending he didn’t mind helping others with their projects when he had his own to worry about, an empty look came over his face as his supervisor asked him to stay late. He just nodded his head before letting out a sigh as he returned to his desk.

He and she lived close to each other, but he and she had never met. And even though they both thought they had things figured out, HE and SHE had no idea what was really missing from their lives.


Finally, back at his computer, the man took a seat and let out a deep breath before trying to figure out where he left off. However, after spending so much time helping others, he was having a difficult time getting refocused.

Suddenly, he became distracted once again as a pretty woman from the office walked past his cubicle. He tried not to stare too hard, but his coworker that sat closest to him noticed the way his eyes locked onto her.

“Hey, Dan… are you still interested in Jamie?” his friend, Todd, asked, grabbing his attention.” You haven’t really been talking about her lately.”

Quickly taking his eyes off the woman, he now focused on his male coworker. “I’m still interested… but I doubt she is…”

“Do you guys even talk?”

“Yeah, but it’s mostly work related… I’m actually staying late to help her today.”

“I thought you were staying late because the boss told you to look over our stuff.”

“Yeah, that too… but Jamie needs extra help. She asked me yesterday and I agreed.”

Todd laughed for a second before rolling his eyes. “Man, you have to stop doing that.”

“Doing what?”

“You need to stop being so nice to people. That’s why you get taken advantage of. Start saying no every once in a while.”

Daniel sat there for a second and contemplated the suggestion. Then, shrugging his shoulders, he responded, “No, it’s fine. It’s not like I had plans today, anyway.”

“That’s exactly the attitude people take advantage of,” Todd pointed out. “And that’s probably why Jamie isn’t that interested in you.”

Suddenly, Daniel’s eyes lit up. “Wait… did she say she wasn’t interested in me?”

“Not exactly. I’ve just heard that she and Chaz have been talking a lot lately.”

“Chaz?” the man repeated with a confused look. “That can’t be right. Isn’t he married?”

“Not everyone has the same moral code that you do. Unfortunately for you, girls are more interested in dirtbags like him than they are pushovers like you.”

“Thanks, Todd,” Daniel quietly responded as he nodded his head. “You really know how to cheer a guy up.”

“I’m only telling you what you need to hear. Come on, Man. You’re thirty-years-old and you’re single. You also do the most work around here and you’ve never been promoted. Isn’t it possible that you’re the one with the incorrect line of thinking?”

“I guess… but maybe my fortune will change someday…”

Suddenly, the woman they were just speaking about, Jamie, stopped at Daniel’s desk, almost startling him. Playing with her long dark hair, she looked down at him and smiled.

“Uh… hi, Jamie…” Daniel greeted, rotating himself in his chair towards the voluptuous woman.

“Hey, Daniel… I have a question for you.”

“Yeah, what’s up?”

Still twirling her hair, she smiled at the man as she made her request. “I was just wondering… would you like to go out for dinner tonight? You know, since you’re going to be helping me with my work and all, I figured I could treat you.”

“Uh… treat me?”

“Yeah, it’s the least I can do after all the help you’ve given me.”

“Um… sure… That sounds great, actually.”

“Great! There’s this awesome sushi place nearby. Would you like to check it out once we are done?”

“Yeah, I like sushi…”

“Okay, great!” the cute woman responded before waving goodbye and heading back to her cubicle.

Todd, who had watched the whole thing unfold right before him, needed a moment to gather his thoughts. “Well, that was quite surprising,” he started, chuckling to himself. “Maybe you’re not hopeless after all?”

Although Daniel was a little red in the cheeks, he just shrugged his shoulders and spoke nonchalantly, “Yeah, we’ll see how it goes.”

“Don’t fuck this up, Man,” Todd said as he quickly changed his demeanor. Pointing straight at Daniel with a serious look in his eyes, he continued, “No more Mister Nice Guy tonight, okay? This might be your one shot with Jamie.”

“So what does that mean? Do you want me to be a scumbag?”

“If the opportunity presents itself, you should totally take advantage of the situation. Women have been taking advantage of guys like you forever. It’s time you think about yourself for once.”

Staring across the room at Jamie, Daniel thought about all the possibilities that could come from that night. Still, he couldn’t bring himself to the idea of taking advantage of a woman who just asked to take him out for dinner.

“I don’t think she’s trying to take advantage of me,” he explained in a somber voice. “I think she’s just grateful for my help. I’m not going to try to get her drunk just so I can sleep with her.”

“But if she does it on her own…?”

“Then I’ll have to assess the situation,” Daniel answered, furrowing his eyebrows like he was annoyed.

“Whatever you say, Dan. Just make sure you’re assertive tonight. At least tell her what you want. I mean, does she even know you like her? If you tell her, she might stop talking to Chaz.”

“I’m pretty sure she’s smart enough not to think of Chaz like that…”

“You never know, Man. The heart wants what the heart wants, and sometimes there’s no logic to what women want.”

Daniel just sat there, staring at his co-worker with a deadpan face. After a few seconds of silence, he simply replied, “I’ll keep that in mind, Todd.”

“Alright, Bro,” Todd replied as he refocused on his work computer. However, after a few seconds of clicking around, he looked back at Daniel and asked, “Oh and… do you mind helping me with these TP reports?”

“I thought you just told me to stop letting people take advantage of me.”

“Yeah, but… I’m not like a chick who takes advantage of you…”

“Whatever…” the man responded, letting out a loud sigh. “Fine, I’ll help you…”


“Are you sure about this?”

“Yeah, order as much as you’d like,” Jamie said, sitting across the table from Daniel. “You’ve done so much to help me. I’d like to repay you in any way I can.”

“This is all pretty expensive,” Daniel said, looking up and down at the menu. Putting it down, he gazed into the eyes of the girl sitting across from him. “I don’t really mind helping you though, so don’t feel obligated to pay me back.”

“You kind of help everyone in the office. I don’t want you to feel like we’re taking advantage of you.”

“I don’t really feel that way… but I guess it would be nice if the upper staff didn’t know I was capable of fixing everyone’s portfolios…”

Jamie let out a little laugh as she put her menu aside on the table. “Please don’t feel being too good at your job is a bad thing. I think of it more as a blessing.”

It’s only a good thing if you get promoted, Daniel thought to himself before attempting to change the subject. He then peeked outside and noticed it started raining before returning his gaze back to Jamie and asking her about her day.

Once the rolls and the sake came out, they rumbled and bumbled their way through a bit of an awkward conversation. Daniel was a bit nervous because he was afraid of messing his chances up, especially after his conversation with Todd. Jamie, on the other hand, was more than happy to carry the conversation by talking about herself.

At one point, the pretty co-worker decided to ask Daniel a question about himself. “Hey, are you okay, by the way?”

In a soft monotone voice, Daniel asked, “What do you mean by that?”

“Well… like… THAT!”


“Yeah… just the way you talk… Your voice always sounds kind of dead… and you hardly ever smile. Are you going through something right now?”

It’s not that I can’t smile; I just really haven’t had a reason to lately, the man thought to himself silently. But realizing that answer would bring down the mood of their dinner date, he simply responded, “I think I’m just tired from all the work I’ve been doing lately.”

Jamie, of course, was concerned by that answer and apologized on behalf of her co-workers for all the work he had been doing for them lately. She then continued to be nice to him, offering him more food and drinks, all of which he declined.

They finished their dinner date with Daniel feeling a bit too guilty to order anything expensive. He made the excuse that he had a big lunch, and that he wasn’t used to eating so late.

Daniel did enjoy the food, but what he appreciated the most was spending time with his beautiful co-worker. After having a crush on her for years, and thinking it wasn’t going anywhere, it meant a lot to him that she offered to take him out.

Realizing this was his best opportunity to advance to the next stage in their relationship, he thought back to his conversation with Todd and decided to be assertive. Just as they were about to leave, he grabbed Jamie’s attention so he could ask her out on a future date.

“Hey, Jamie,” he started as they awkwardly looked into each other’s eyes. “I know I might not seem happy all the time, but I really enjoyed this.”

“Thanks! I’m glad I was able to make you happy today.”

“Yeah… if you’re willing, I’d like to do this more often. Maybe next time I can treat you?”

Although his heart was already racing, it only pumped harder once he noticed an uncomfortable look coming over Jamie’s face. After squirming for a few seconds, she asked him, “Do you mean… like an actual date?”

I don’t like the direction this is going, but let’s give Todd’s advice a try, Daniel thought to himself. I might as well tell her what I want for once.

Taking a deep breath, he nodded his head and further explained, “I’ve had a crush on you for a while because I think you’re really pretty and nice. So, yeah… an actual date…”

Jamie became flustered for a moment, looking around for an answer as she squirmed in her seat. Then after collecting herself, she just looked into the eyes of her longtime co-worker and responded, “I appreciate that but…”

Shit… Daniel thought to himself.

“I’ve just never thought of you like that… and if I’m being honest… I’m already sort of dating Chaz…”

“Chaz? The one who’s married?” he asked in a deadpan voice.

“Yeah… he and his wife are going through a divorce right now,” Jamie explained, seeming as if she was not only trying to convince Daniel, but also trying to convince herself that things would work out. “They haven’t finished filing all the paperwork, but he’s practically single now.”

There was no reaction on Daniel’s face. He just sat there for a second, collecting his thoughts as he stared at Jamie.

“I’m really sorry to let you down,” she said with a smile. “It was really sweet of you to make your confession to me like that. I never expected that from you! It’s just that Chaz and I have been talking for so long, and we have so much in common… We actually…”

From that point, Jamie continued talking, but Daniel completely zoned out. He became lost in his own thoughts, only nodding every few seconds so she would think he was paying attention to what she was saying.

Once Jamie was done talking, Daniel simply nodded his head and replied, “That makes total sense. Well, thanks for dinner. The rain is picking up, so we might as well get going.”

“Thanks for being so understanding,” Jamie said with a cute smile. “And I hope this doesn’t make things awkward enough that I can’t ask you for help in the office.”

There it is… Daniel thought to himself. That’s why she took me out…


Driving back to his little studio apartment, Daniel remembered that Todd wanted an update on how the date went. Although he didn’t really feel like talking, he figured if he didn’t call, his co-worker would call him, anyway.

Pulling his phone from his pocket, he called, and when Todd answered, he explained, “Hey, you were right; she’s dating Chaz.”

“The married guy?”

“The married guy.”

“I’m sorry, Pal. You’re probably feeling down, aren’t you?”

Shrugging his shoulders as he kept his eyes on the road, Daniel answered, “Not really…”

“You’re in denial, Bud,” Todd said with a chuckle. Trying to cheer his co-worker up, he then offered, “I’m going out with a couple of friends to the bar tonight. You should definitely join in to get your mind off Jamie.”

“Eh… I’d rather not. It’s nice of you too offer, but I think I’ll just stay in and drink at my place.”

“Damn, Dude. That sounds so depressing.”

I actually enjoy it a lot… Daniel thought, before giving his actual response. “I think I’ll be okay.”

“All right, but if you change your mind, the offer is still on the table.”

After getting off the phone with Todd, Daniel reached his apartment and stepped out of the car. There, he looked around at the clouds as he noticed a break in the rain.

He checked the weather forecast as he walked into his little studio. After taking a few drinks straight from his bottle of whiskey, he checked the weather forecast and saw that it would resume raining again shortly.

Grabbing an umbrella and his raincoat, he stepped outside to take a walk. There was a small trail, mostly used for biking and running, right next to his apartment that he liked to walk down when there was a lot on his mind. Like many days before, he walked down the path, questioning the importance of his morals.


Staring from behind the counter, the young woman watched on with a helpless face as the rain drops slammed against the restaurant windows. She was lost in her own thoughts, staring at all the clouds in the sky.

Without her noticing, a man approached from the other side of the counter. “Hello…? May I order?”

“Oh!” the girl reacted, snapping out of her deep thoughts. “Yeah… welcome to a Burger Hut! May I take your order?”

The customer chuckled before asking, “Were you distracted by the rain or something?”

“Uh… yeah… I just can’t believe it’s raining so hard.”

“Yeah, it hasn’t rained in several months, but it’s Autumn now, so you can definitely expect more of that.”

Squirming in place, the woman asked, “Er… do you know… if it’s going to rain all night?”

The man looked at his phone and checked the weather for her. “It looks like it’s going to rain on and off for a while. We should get a little break here soon, but then it’s going to come down pretty hard after that.”

A worried look came over the young woman’s face as an image of the tent popped into her mind. Oh… crap… she silently thought.

“Well, if it’s okay with you, I’d like to place my order,” the customer proposed.

“Oh, right!”

“I’ll take a number one with a Coke.”

“Would you like to super size it?”


Once the rain had come to a temporary stop, the girl rushed to the back to find her supervisor. When she ran into him, she frantically asked, “Hey… do you mind if I’m the first one cut today?”

The supervisor looked down at the girl and noticed the panic in her eyes. “It isn’t like you to leave early, Emma… You usually try to stay as late as possible. Is everything okay?”

“Yeah… um… I just remembered that I need to take care of something… but no need to worry about me!”

“Well… I guess it’s fine with me. You could use a break, anyway.”

“I’ll be back early tomorrow. I promise!”

The girl thanked her boss before rushing out of the store and running across town. She stopped at each intersection, waiting with heavy angst for the sign that allowed her to cross. She even ran in place while she was waiting for cars to pass, hoping to keep her legs warmed up.

Unfortunately, when she finally got to the park, the rain started to pick back up. She sprinted down the biking and running trail until she got to the turnoff point where her tent was hidden.

Oh crap, oh crap, oh crap, oh crap… she thought to herself, as she dodged the trees, searching for her camping site. Please be okay. Please be okay…

Although Emma had run through these woods several times before, this was the first time she had done so while it was muddy. Not used to the conditions, her foot got caught in the mud and she fell face first, getting her work uniform dirty. She then quickly got back to her feet and continued towards her camping area.

Once there, Emma came to a complete stop as she witnessed her worst fear. A large branch had fallen on her tent, crushing it and possibly everything inside.

Oh no, oh no, she said to herself as she ran to the branch and tried to move it from her tent. Unfortunately, no matter how hard she struggled, it wouldn’t budge an inch.

Worst of all, the large branch had landed on the part where the zipper was located. This left her not only unable to access the opening, but she was also unable to retrieve her stuff without cutting the entire thing open.

She sat there for a second, as the rain only grew heavier, trying to think of any way to salvage her belongings. After mulling things over for a moment, she remembered that there was a hardware store not too far away. She decided to run to the store and see if it was open so she could find something to help move the branch from her tent.

Unfortunately, it was much too muddy for Emma to run as fast as she wanted to. She had to jog carefully through the woods, making sure she wouldn’t slip and fall again. Still, she lost her balance several times, but was somehow able to stay on her feet.

After her long and treacherous journey, she finally made it to the hardware store. But once again, she was left disappointed as she discovered that the store had already closed.

With an empty feeling in her heart, Emma began jogging back towards her campsite. Unfortunately, since most of the journey back was on the concrete trail, she wasn’t being as careful as she had been when she was running in the mud. With her guard down, and her mind on everything but each step that was in front of her, she slipped in a puddle of water that was covering another muddy spot on the trail and fell face first once again.

Instead of getting right back up this time, Emma just stayed on the ground as the rain poured all over her muddy clothes and skin. She only got up to her knees as she stared down at the ground and thought to herself,Why am I even running when I have nothing to go back to?

She sat there for a few seconds, just thinking about her life.I guess I deserve this,she thought as the rain drowned out her tears.I never even prepared for this situation… I guess I can check if the public restrooms in the park are open… and sleep in there tonight… Hopefully no one sees me…

Suddenly, as Emma was still staring at the ground, she noticed the rain had stopped falling on her. At first, she didn’t understand because when she looked around, she noticed it was still pouring. However, once she glanced up, she realized that there was a man standing next to her, holding an umbrella over her head.

As she looked up at him with wide eyes, he stared down at her with a confused face and asked, “What are you doing out here?”

“Oh… I was just… coming back from the store… but I’m okay…”

“Really?” he asked, raising his eyebrows. “Because it looked like you were having some sort of breakdown.”

“Oh, no!” she reacted, trying to put a smile back on her face. “Everything is fine. I just tripped and my clothes got a little dirty…”

As the girl was talking, the man handed her his umbrella before taking off his own rain jacket. He then put that around her shoulders. “Here… you must be freezing.”

After being helped up to her feet, she attempted to hand the umbrella back. “Oh, no… I can’t. Besides, I’ll get your stuff dirty… And now you’re getting all wet!”

“It’s okay,” the man responded, not accepting the umbrella or his jacket back. “It doesn’t bother me at all.”

Emma just stared at the man and in a quiet voice responded, “Oh… thank you…”

“You should probably get home. It’s going to be raining all night. Do you need a ride?”

“Er… about that… I’m actually staying in a tent…”

“A tent? Why would you go camping in this kind of weather?”

“Well… you see… I sort of live in that tent…”

The man’s head shot back as he stared at the girl, wondering if she was being serious. “You live… in a tent?”

“Uh… yeah,” Emma answered, shrinking into her shoulders. “It’s sort of a long story… but do you mind helping me? A large branch landed on it and I can’t move it by myself.”

“Uh… sure…” the confused man answered, as they began walking together towards her campsite.

Once there, he tried to help her move the log, but was pretty sure all along that it wouldn’t budge. “This is way too heavy,” he explained, as their feet kept sliding while trying to move the branch. “We need to cut this branch into smaller pieces before we can move it, but we should at least wait until it stops raining.”

With her head down, the girl answered, “I figured as much… Well, thanks for trying…”

Turning and facing the woman, the man asked, “Do you have somewhere to stay tonight? Is there anyone you can call?”

“Um… yeah, I can figure something out…”

“You’re lying to me, aren’t you?”

“No… I can try calling some people… And if anything, I can just stay in the public restrooms in the park.”

“Yeah, that sounds like an awful idea,” the man responded, letting out a sigh. “Either you call someone who will let you stay over, or I’ll figure something out for you.”

A panic quickly came over Emma’s face, as she didn’t want to inconvenience the man. “Oh, no!” she said, as she tried once again to return the man’s items. “You don’t need to worry about me.”

Before she could make another move, he grabbed her by the wrist and stopped her in her tracks. “Look,” he started as the rain continued to pour down on him. “I don’t know anything about you, but you’re obviously going through something right now. If you stay out here, you’ll probably get sick, and things will only get worse for you.”

The woman blushed as she stared at the man who was holding her by the wrist. Feeling she had no other option but to accept someone’s help for once, she quietly responded, “Yes, Sir…”

“You don’t have to call me sir. My name is Daniel, and I have an apartment nearby. You can stay there and dry up until you figure out a plan.”

“No, wait!” the girl reacted, barely resisting. “I couldn’t possibly impose…”

“Just stay at my apartment tonight,” the man instructed, not taking no for an answer. “I’m staying at a friend’s house anyway, so you’ll have the apartment all to yourself. You might as well stay there for the night and get some rest.”

The woman stopped resisting as she followed the man, staring at him with a surprised look on her face.That’s awfully kind of him, she thought to herself, following along quietly.If I really do have his apartment all to myself… I guess I don’t have to worry about being taken advantage of… That would be really nice of him… almost too nice…

“Sir! I mean… Daniel!” she called out, growing worried once again that she would become a burden. “Please don’t feel obligated to help me. I promise I’ll be fine!”

Looking back, the man expressed, “I’m not going to let you stay out here and get sick. So unless you can come up with your own plan to get yourself out of this mess, I’m going to take things into my own hands.”

As the young woman followed, she was forced to put her head down as she realized she was unable to take care of herself. “Yes, Sir,” she responded, now willingly following the man because she had no other option. “Thank you for taking care of me.”

Although Emma was already soaking wet, she felt no need to run now that she had a jacket and an umbrella. She shared the umbrella with Daniel, since he was nice enough to give it to her. However, she couldn’t help but wonder if his intentions were as good as he presented them to be.

I guess I don’t really have any choice but to go with him, she told herself as they approached the apartment complex.He says he’s going to stay with a friend, which is a little strange… I guess if it’s a lie, it’s worth being taken advantage of because I need somewhere to stay for the night.

She probably thinks I’m trying to take advantage of her, Daniel thought to himself, now holding the umbrella since they were both standing under it, anyway.But regardless of what she thinks, the right thing to do is help her. It doesn’t matter how many times I’ve been wronged in the past. I wouldn’t be able to live with myself knowing I allowed this girl to freeze to death out here.

Once they got to the apartment, both soaking wet, Daniel opened the door and apologized before Emma could even see how it looked inside. “I’m sorry if it’s a little messy,” he explained as they stepped inside the studio. “It’s been a long time since I’ve had company… and I really wasn’t expecting anyone to see it today…”

“No, that’s okay,” Emma replied, taking a look around the small room. “It’s not that messy at all. Do you live by yourself?”

“I do… and I don’t usually host people either. I have a couple of waters in the fridge if you’re thirsty, and I have a coffee machine if you want something warm to drink.”

“Oh, that’s quite fine,” Emma responded nervously. “I really don’t want to be a burden at all if I can help it. Just you letting me stay here is nice enough…”

Daniel continued the short tour, showing Emma The TV and the bed. “I really don’t even know why I have this TV since I hardly ever watch it. And feel free to sleep in my bed, though I haven’t washed the sheets since last week. You can sleep on the floor if you’re more comfortable with that.”

“No, that’s quite generous of you… I’ll sleep on the floor if you’d rather have the bed to yourself.”

“I already told you I’m sleeping at a friend’s house tonight,” Daniel further assured. “Sleep wherever you want. And I don’t have any cameras, so it’s not like I’ll know the difference, anyway.”

As they continued the tour, Daniel noticed the nervous look on the young woman’s face. Wanting to do everything he could to put her at ease, he expressed, “I can tell you don’t want to share what’s going on in your life, and you don’t have to unless you want to. Just feel free to use my apartment until you figure out your own plan. And don’t feel a need to pay me back either.”

“That’s so kind of you,” Emma responded after a long pause. Unable to wipe the frown from her face, she finally confessed, “It’s just… I’m in a lot of debt right now… so I’ve been living in that tent for the past few months to save money. It was irresponsible of me to not even consider what would happen if it rained…”

“The past few months, huh? That means you probably haven’t experienced living outdoors when it gets cold, either.”

“Yeah… I guess you’re right about that too…”

“Well, use this time to figure out a plan,” Daniel instructed as he walked around, gathering a few belongings for the night. “I’m sure you don’t feel comfortable staying in some stranger’s apartment. But at least this way, you can take a warm shower and get a good night’s rest.”

Emma stood there for a second, twiddling her fingers as she watched the man grabbing a few things. “A warm shower sounds really nice… I haven’t had one of those in a while…”

“There are clean towels in the cabinet. I also noticed how dirty your clothes are, so don’t hesitate to use my washer and dryer.”

“Oh, how nice…”

Coming to a stop after he had loaded his bag, Daniel stood at the door and turned towards the soaking wet woman. “Oh, and by the way… your shirt… it’s a Burger Hut shirt… Do you work there?”

Cringing once again, Emma quietly answered, “Yeah… I don’t have much clothes, and what I do have left is still in that tent… so this is all I have to wear…”

Daniel shrugged his shoulders before opening the door and taking a step out. However, before leaving, he instructed, “Yeah, you should wash that in the machine then. I have clothes in that top drawer if you want to get in something warm. Oh, and in case you’re hungry, I have some leftover chicken and rice in the refrigerator. There’s also ramen and other stuff in the pantry. Feel free to have whatever you’d like.”

“Are you sure? That’s so generous of you…”

“Yeah, go ahead… I have work in the morning though, so I’ll probably be back pretty early to get my things.”

“Oh, okay…” Emma responded as she watched Daniel start to close the door. However, before the man could fully exit, she decided she couldn’t let him go without asking him another question.

“Wait!” she yelled, just inches before the door shut. Then, as the man opened it back up and stared at her, she asked, “Are you really going to just let me stay in your apartment by myself… for free?”

Daniel just stared at her for a moment, looking into her innocent eyes. “I guess so,” he answered, shrugging his shoulders once again. “Should I not trust you or something?”

“No, no!” Emma reacted, waving her arms in a panic. “I promise I won’t mess anything up…”

“Okay, well… I guess I’ll see you in the morning then…”

“Okay… Thank you, Daniel…”

“Oh, and what was your name again?”

“It’s Emma… Pleasure to meet you…”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you too, Emma. I’ll see you in the morning.”

“Okay… See you…”

“Have a good night.”

“Good night, Daniel…”


Once Daniel got outside, he walked downstairs to the parking lot and let a deep breath out as he took a seat inside his car. Then, pulling out his phone, he made a call to his co-worker, Todd, so he could ask him a favor.

“Hey, Bud!” Todd answered, after the phone rang several times. “How’s it going?”

“Hey… things are going… okay…” Daniel replied, not really wanting to get into what had just happened. “Are you still out at the bar?”

“Actually… things worked out even better for me! I met a girl at the bar as soon as I got there. We’re on our way to my place right now. Isn’t that great?!”

“Yeah, that worked out perfectly for you,” Daniel said as he leaned back in his seat and closed his eyes. Then, after wishing his friend good luck, and ending the call, he whispered to himself, “Shit…”

He contemplated a few different scenarios in his head.I definitely can’t go back in there after promising she could have the place to herself. My parents live too far for me to come back in the morning before work… I guess I could get a motel, but I don’t want to waste fifty dollars when it’s already so late…

Unfortunately, after thinking through all his options, he knew he only had one clear choice. After cranking up his heater and rolling his seat back, Daniel simply closed his eyes again before telling himself,I guess I’m sleeping in the car tonight…


Chapter 2

After a long night, and a surprisingly eventful early morning, Daniel slowly crept back into his apartment, covered in mud. However, much to his shock, he was immediately captivated by a zestful smell, and the shine that came from every single item that was in his apartment.

Rushing out of the restroom, Emma greeted him in a panic. She was wearing her Burger Hut outfit from the previous night. This time, however, her clothes, just like everything else in the apartment, were spotless and clean.

“Oh, I didn’t expect you back so early!” she said, twiddling her fingers. “I wanted everything to be done before you got back…”

“You’re cleaning my apartment?” Daniel asked, raising his eyebrows as he looked around.

“Uh… yeah… I figured I’d do it as a thank you for letting me stay here… I hope that’s okay…”

“That’s… very nice of you… Thank you…”

“Oh, and thanks again for letting me use your washer. I was able to clean my work uniform. I also washed your sheets since I slept in your bed last night… Oh, and I know I told you I wasn’t hungry, but I ended up eating one of your ramen packets… I hope that’s still okay…”

“Yeah… I offered, but I didn’t expect you to clean so much… Thank you…”

“It’s no problem!” Emma replied, waving her hands to brush off the attention. “It’s the least I could do. You really saved me. I would have been in really bad shape without my tent.”

“Oh, speaking of your tent… it stopped raining early this morning, so I went out and got it. I was able to get it out from underneath that log by positioning a car jack between some rocks that were… well… it’s not really important… Long story short, I got your stuff. I took the rods out of your tent and used it as a sack.”

“What?!” Emma reacted as her eyes grew big. Fighting off a hopeful smile, she asked in disbelief, “You did that… for me…? That’s why you’re all muddy? Because you went out there and got my stuff?”

Looking down at his dirty clothes, Daniel scratched his head before admitting, “Uh… yeah… I don’t know if the things inside are salvageable, but… I just wanted to help…”

“That was like… super nice of you…” the young woman said, struggling to find the words to express her gratitude. “And you said you got it out with a car jack? Are you some kind of handyman or something?”

“Uh… no,” Daniel answered, almost chuckling at the idea of being blue-collared. “I’m not really good at that kind of stuff… but I guess I’m good at figuring things out when I really put my mind to it. I’m actually a portfolio analyst. Maybe the most white-collared job in the world.”

Emma let out a giggle before blushing for just a moment. “I guess you could have fooled me. You can totally pass for a blue-collar worker, especially with your dirty clothes… But that’s really cool that you’re so smart.

Even though Daniel had heard that same compliment from everyone in his office, for some reason, when the young woman said it, it almost made him blush. With a little smile on his face, he quietly responded, “Thanks… I’m glad you think so….”

“So… um… you have work soon, right? Would you like some breakfast? I don’t know what all you have but I could try to…”

“That’s okay, actually… I don’t normally eat breakfast, but since I was up so early, I picked up some breakfast burritos. I got you some if you want them.”

Growing slightly red in the cheeks, Emma responded, “Oh… you got me breakfast too… That was nice of you to consider me…”

“It’s really not a big deal,” Daniel said, shrugging his shoulders. He then pulled the breakfast out of his bag and handed it to the young woman, along with a bottle of orange juice.

“And you got me orange juice too… Wow…”

“Do you not like orange juice?”

“Oh, I do!” Emma reacted, growing even redder. “I apologize if that came off ungrateful! I was just… surprised… But I really do appreciate it!”

“Oh, okay… Well, I hope you enjoy it.”

“Okay, thank you,” Emma responded, taking the food before standing awkwardly in front of the man. “Are you going to eat yours with me?”

“No. I need to get going. I’ll change out of these clothes at work. I have to be there pretty early today.”

“Oh… Should I leave right now, then?”

Staring into her eyes, Daniel could tell Emma was willing to leave whenever he wanted. However, he could also tell she probably needed more time to get herself situated. Trying to help her once again, he asked, “Do you have work today?”

“Yeah, but not until later. I work from noon to eight.”

“Well, you can just leave whenever you need to get to work. There’s a keypad on the door and it’ll lock automatically.”

“Oh, okay… Well, I’ll probably need a minute to go through my tent, so I appreciate you letting me stay a bit longer. I hope the stuff inside isn’t destroyed…”

“Yeah, it’s still very wet… You can take it onto the patio and sort through your stuff there. And… uh…”


“You can… you can come back after work if you still need time… sorting your stuff out… Or if you need to stay here another night, I can sleep… at my friend’s place again.”

Emma’s eyes quickly lit up. “Wait… really? I can stay here again tonight?”

Daniel immediately noticed the excitement in Emma’s voice, despite her trying to hide it. “You haven’t been able to come up with another option, have you?”

“Not yet…”

“Well… if you don’t come up with anything by the end of the day, you should probably stay here again. The winds are bringing in a big cold front. It’s going to be freezing soon.”

“Um… okay… but only if you’re sure about this… You’ll already be here, right? I can just walk back after work and knock on the door.”

“Actually, you said you get off at eight… I’ll probably be done with work around the same time. It’s going to be really cold so… I can pick you up if you’d like.”

“Um… you don’t have to,” Emma started before growing uncomfortable with the idea of making the thirty-minute walk in the freezing cold. Then something else crossed her mind. “Wait… so you go to work early and you don’t get off until eight? You work twelve-hour shifts or something?”

“Not exactly…” the man started as he let out of sigh. “I normally end up staying late to check over everyone else’s work…”

“Well, at least you’re getting overtime.”

“It’s not overtime. I’m on a salary.”

“You volunteered to do that?”

“I was volun-told to do it. They asked me to do it a couple times, and they realized it was really helpful… So, now I do it all the time and… uh… well, I don’t want to vent about my life. You probably have it much tougher than I do, anyway.”

“I don’t mind at all,” Emma assured, not wanting to feel like she was such a damsel in distress that no one else’s problems mattered. “But if you really insist on picking me up… and allowing me to stay here another night… I will accept your help. May I have your phone number so you can let me know when you’re there?”


“Oh, and… I get my next paycheck on Thursday. I can pay you back as soon as I get it.”

With his eyebrows raised, Daniel responded, “That’s okay. I offered.”

“I’ll try to find some way to pay you back, okay? But until then… thank you for being so nice to me.”

The man and the woman said their goodbyes, and Daniel even allowed Emma to borrow one of his coats for her walk to work. But as he got into his car and made his way to the office, he started to wonder if he was once again going down the same path that always left him unfulfilled.

Am I just allowing another person to take advantage of me? he asked himself. This is probably how I got to this sad state in my life. I kept volunteering to help with things that didn’t benefit me, and eventually, these offerings became expectations.

He then sat there and thought about the look in Emma’s eyes whenever he tried to help her. There’s something different about her though… Maybe she will eventually start taking advantage of me, but at least for now, it seems like she’s really grateful…


Once Daniel arrived at work, his worries only grew worse as he was greeted by his coworker. “Did the rest of your night go well?” Todd asked as they took their seats. “Oh, and I’m sorry I had to cut the night short.”

“My night was… interesting…” Daniel answered, thinking back to all he had been through after meeting Emma.

“It must have been a rough night for you after getting rejected by Jamie.”

“Jamie?” Daniel reacted before finally remembering his dinner date. It was such a long night, I almost forgot about what happened with Jamie… That feels like forever ago…

“Are you okay?” Todd asked, squinting his eyes. “You look so out of it, and a bit tired, too. Were you not able to sleep after Jamie broke your heart?”

“I guess I just sort of had a long night… But yeah, I’m good.”

“Okay, awesome! Oh, and can you help me with these TP reports? I want to get everything wrapped up as quickly as possible because I’m going out with that girl again tonight!”

Giving his co-worker a lifeless stare, Daniel simply reacted, “Oh, great… You’re going out with her again…”

“Everything okay, Buddy?”

“Yep… Everything is just great…”


After the awkward end to their dinner date the previous day, Daniel didn’t expect to speak with Jamie that day. He figured he had probably scared her off, but to his surprise, she approached him later that morning when he was getting coffee in the break room.

“Daniel? May I have a word with you?” she prefaced, slowly entering the room with her hands clasped behind her back.

“Uh… yeah, sure.”

With a smile, the cute woman continued, “I hope you don’t think things are weird between us after last night.”

“Maybe a little?” Daniel responded, taking a sip from his coffee.

“Please don’t feel weird about it! I mean… I was so flattered after you made your confession to me. It was so cute how you built up your courage just to ask me out on a date. Maybe if things were different, you and I could have something. But I still want you to know that even though I don’t reciprocate those feelings, I still consider you a very good friend.”

Daniel paused before looking down at his coffee and taking another. “That’s good. Yeah, good friends.”

“So, no hard feelings, right?”

With a fake smile, Daniel answered, “Of course not.”

“Hey, you actually smiled!” Jamie reacted with a big grin of her own. “I’m so glad I was able to make you feel better.”

“So, am I…” he responded as he started making his way out of the break room. “Well, have a nice day.”

Suddenly, Jamie grabbed Daniel by the arm and looked up into his eyes. Then, with a pouty face, she expressed, “It wouldn’t be weird for me to ask you to check over my portfolio, would it?”

“Check over your portfolio? Why would that be weird?”

“It’s just, I know you must get tired of helping me so much. And it’s probably especially difficult for you considering… last night… But even though I feel really good about my portfolio, I just wanted to make sure someone as knowledgeable as you checked over it before I finalize everything.”

Daniel looked deep into the hopeful eyes of the woman he had done so many favors for in the past. After a moment of silence, he nodded his head and responded, “Sure. I’ll check over your work.”

“Great! You’re the best!”

Once Jamie left, he then continued back to his cubicle so he could work on his own portfolios once again. However, his mind immediately became consumed with the conversation he had with Jamie and how it differed so greatly from his interactions with the young woman that had just entered his life.

Jamie… and everyone else for that matter… ask me to do them favors so freely, he thought as he remembered the look in his coworker’s eyes. If they were just better at their jobs, they wouldn’t need me to check over their work. They’re just too lazy to learn all this stuff themselves.

His mind suddenly shifted to not only the look in Emma’s eyes whenever they interacted, but also the sound of her voice and all of her hesitant mannerisms whenever he did anything nice for her. But that tent girl… she has every right to ask for help, but she has a hard time accepting any favor I do for her… Is she just that afraid of being taken advantage of?

She doesn’t seem afraid of me. She was shaking, but that’s because she was cold. It’s a good thing she’s cautious, but I wonder if she’s just that nice of a person that she doesn’t want to inconvenience me.

Suddenly, a darker thought popped into his mind. Is she really this genuine compared to the others, or will she turn out like Jamie if I keep doing nice things for her without expecting anything in return? Then, after taking a deep breath, he shook his head before talking himself out of those pessimistic thoughts. All I know about her is that she’s a cute and sweet girl who’s basically homeless… I should be nice to her… even if that means sleeping in my car again… Ugh…


Daniel arrived in the parking lot of Burger-Hut about fifteen minutes early, figuring he would just sit and wait until the young woman finished her shift. However, despite how awkward it felt for him to text her, only a minute passed before he looked up and noticed her rushing out the door.

Since Emma had never seen his car before, he hopped out and waved at her. She, in turn, hurried over to his direction with a brown bag in her hand. When she reached him, she handed it over, saying, “Here!”

“What is this?”

“It’s a burger and fries,” she explained before coming to a sudden stop. “Oh, wait… I didn’t even ask you if you like Burger Hut.”

“You got this for me?” Daniel asked as he looked through the bag.

“Yeah, I get a meal during my lunch break. I figured I’d save it for you since you let me stay at your place and eat your ramen last night. Did you want a drink? I could run back inside and get you a soda or tea.”

“Uh… no, I’m fine,” he responded, once again picturing the differences between Emma’s eager face and the faces of those who had taken advantage of him so often in the past. “I think Burger Hut is good… I don’t need a drink though… but thank you.”

Since he was already standing outside the car, Daniel decided to open the passenger door for Emma. As she realized what he was doing, a little blush came over her face and she slowly entered the car.

“You were here a bit early,” the young woman pointed out. “Did they not keep you so late today?”

Thinking back on it with a dull face, the man answered, “My coworkers didn’t need as much help today. They probably wanted to give me a break after… yesterday…”

“What happened yesterday?”

“Uh… it’s not important,” Daniel answered, quickly replaying the rejection in his mind. “I figured I’d wait here for you, but you came out as soon as I texted you. Did you get off early?”

“Oh, well, kind of… I usually stay pretty late because I don’t mind working instead of going back to the tent… But sometimes they can’t pay us overtime, and I end up staying a bit for free… So, whenever I want to leave early, I guess they feel obligated to let me go…”

“Oh… I’m sorry…”

Suddenly, Emma’s eyes got big as she looked over at the man who was now driving her back to the apartment. “No, I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to make you feel bad for me. I was just explaining why I got out so early! Please don’t feel obligated to be nice to me!”

That… She does things like that… Daniel silently thought as he began to zone out. She doesn’t just try to not inconvenience me. She practically fights me not to do her any favors… Is she tricking me?

“Um, Sir…?”


“Sorry… Did I startle you?”

“No… I was just thinking about something… It’s not important…. But speaking of important, were you able to get the stuff out of your tent?”

“Oh, about that,” Emma started as her face dropped just a bit. “My tent has a big hole in it from the branch… and most of my clothes were ruined. I didn’t have that much anyway, but I was at least able to salvage my most important item.”

“What is it?”

“Uh… I kind of don’t want to tell you… if that’s okay…”

“Yeah, that’s fine,” Daniel answered, shrugging his shoulders. “You don’t have to share anything that makes you uncomfortable.”

Quickly, a cute little smile came back over her face. “Thank you for understanding… And may I ask one more favor?”

“What is it?”

“May I use your washing machine and possibly borrow some of your clothes again? I just don’t really have much right now, but next paycheck, I’ll get some more.”

Daniel kept his eyes forward, but nodded his head. “Everything that was available to you yesterday is available again to you tonight.”

Emma also nodded her head before looking forward again. However, as they reached the parking lot of the apartment, the smile on her face slowly disappeared. If only… if only this was real…


At first, the night went similarly to the previous one for Emma. Daniel was brief and cordial with her. And he was, of course, generous with all the things he offered once again.

Unlike the previous night, however, Emma didn’t immediately pass out from exhaustion. There was a lot on her mind, especially after consecutive days of experiencing nothing but generosity from Daniel.

This just doesn’t make sense, she thought to herself, staring up at the ceiling. I mean, could this really be true? Here I am, wearing his clothes and sleeping in his bed once again, yet still, he hasn’t expected anything in return.

It’s going to happen, eventually. It always does. At first, they’re nice, and pretend it’s just out of the generosity of their hearts. But once I get there, they start to make it clear that they want something in return… That’s when I usually bolt.

Emma then pictured Daniel’s face and the blank stare he normally had. But he just doesn’t seem like that though…. It’s been two days and he hasn’t once even insinuated he wanted something… He’s even staying at a friend’s house to make me feel more comfortable here…

He hasn’t started giving me any compliments. He hasn’t started getting flirty or touchy with me, either. Could it be… that he’s just that nice?

Tossing and turning in bed, the plethora of thoughts continued to run through Emma’s mind as she had a difficult time falling asleep. It’s only going to get colder, and I still haven’t found another plan for shelter. There’s no way he’ll let me stay any longer without me giving something in return.

Her eyes then got big as a sudden realization came to her. What if he sneaks back in here and takes advantage of me while I’m sleeping?! His nice guy act could have been a lie this whole time just to lure me into letting my guard down!

Ugh! I could just tell him my secret… but it would also guilt him into letting me stay longer… And I don’t want someone to feel like they are forced to help me… That’s not what Mom and Dad would have wanted…

I just don’t know! And I kind of feel silly for even considering Daniel would do something so horrendous when all he’s done… has been incredibly generous to me…

Realizing she wouldn’t be able to get any rest, Emma got up and sat on the edge of the bed. Placing her hand over her face, she begrudgingly admitted, Maybe if he took advantage of me, it wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world… I might not have any other options anyway… And maybe he deserves it for at least pretending to care about me.

With so much on her mind, she decided to get some fresh air as she contemplated her life. Stepping out onto the balcony, she took a moment to gaze at the stars as she wondered about her own morality. Could I really live with myself if I exchanged my body for a place to stay?

However, just as Emma was drifting deeper into her own thoughts, something in the parking lot caught her eye. Right below the railing she was leaning over, she noticed a car that looked familiar. Thinking it was possibly the same car that Daniel picked her up in earlier that day, she rushed downstairs to take a closer look.

Much to Emma’s shock, when she got to the car, she noticed the engine was running. Growing even more curious, she peeked into the window, and her eyes lit up when she realized Daniel was in the driver’s seat, lying back with his eyes closed.

“Daniel!” she called, gently tapping on the window. When he opened his eyes, she waved at him and, with a curious face and asked, “What are you doing in there?”

After opening the door, Daniel hesitantly answered, “I… uh… I was trying to sleep in here…”

“But… why? I thought you were staying at a friend’s house…”

“Uh… something came up… so I figured I’d just sleep in here so you could have the apartment to yourself.”

Suddenly, Emma’s eyes shot wide open as she remembered how tired Daniel looked that entire day. “Did you sleep in the car yesterday too?!”

“Mmmm… no… Well… a little…”

“No! This is not what I wanted!” the young woman reacted as she grabbed his hand with both of hers. “Why didn’t you just tell me?! I could have slept in the car, or somewhere else! Oh, my God! I didn’t want to inconvenience you at all, and you’ve been sleeping in your car!”

Allowing Emma to pull him out, Daniel stood before her and shrugged his shoulders. “I just… I didn’t want to make you feel uncomfortable. And after I told you I would stay with a friend, my plan got ruined and I didn’t want to go back on my offer.”

“But why put yourself through so much… just for my sake?”

“I guess… I really didn’t want you to sleep outside in the cold. I was afraid if I came back, you wouldn’t have stayed, and I just didn’t like the idea of knowing you were out there when I could have helped you.”

“That’s nice of you…” Emma reacted and she stood there for a second, gazing up the man. However, as they both stared awkwardly into each other’s eyes, all she could think was, If this is all just an act, he’s really, really, good… I’m starting to think I should just let him take advantage of me whether he’s being honest or not…

Not even realizing she was doing it, Emma held Daniel’s wrist as she led him back to his apartment. It was exactly what he had done for her the previous day when they met, only this time, she was the one who was insistent on helping him.

Despite their awkwardness around each other, they remained cordial when they got back inside the apartment. They offered each other food, and both rejected. However, Daniel would soon go to his liquor cabinet before asking, “Do you mind if I have a drink?”

With the confused look, Emma turned towards him and asked, “It’s your place… Why are you asking me?”

“I didn’t know if you were opposed to others drinking around you. I just wanted to be considerate.”

“Go ahead. I don’t mind. But I appreciate you checking with me first…”

After pouring himself a glass, Daniel offered the bottle to Emma. “Are you old enough to drink? You’re more than welcome as long as you’re of age.”

“I’m twenty-two, thank you very much,” the young woman reacted, growing slightly red in the face. “But I think I’m good for now…”

Taking a big sip from the cup, the man responded, “You’re twenty-two? Wow, so young. That really brings me back…”

“I’m not that young! I’ll be twenty-three next month… How about you?”

“I’m twenty-nine… but I’ll be thirty soon.”


“You think I’m old, huh?”

“No, it’s not that!” Emma reacted, putting her hands up, innocently. “I figured you were older than me, but I just couldn’t put my finger on an exact age… I don’t think twenty-nine is old.”

“Twenty-nine sounds a lot better than thirty.”

“I don’t think thirty is that old either… You’re just… mature. Even more so than your age would suggest.”

Raising one of his eyebrows, Daniel reacted, “That sounds like you’re trying to give me a compliment… but it also sounds a little bit like an insult…”

“It’s not!” Emma responded, giggling at the man’s reaction. “I’m totally immature compared to you. I mean, look how messed up my life is. You must think I’m a total kid, don’t you?”

Daniel took a moment to stare into Emma’s eyes as he once again had a flashback to the way the others talked to him compared to her. After letting out a sigh, he responded, “I’m not going to judge you because I don’t understand your situation. But as far as my interactions with you, I don’t think you’re immature at all…”

Emma let out a little gasp as her cheeks started to turn red. She was left silent for a moment before finally responding, “Thank you…”

“Did I say something weird?”

“No, it’s just… nothing…” Emma responded before finishing the sentence in her head. It’s just that you don’t even know my situation and you still give me the benefit of the doubt. Maybe you are just a really nice man…

Taking another sip from his glass, Daniel continued, “Well, I don’t have much to brag about in my life. I feel like I’m going nowhere fast, and everyone just keeps me around to better their own lives.”

The young woman sat there for a moment with her head down. I guess I’m no better, she thought to herself. Maybe this is a tactic to make me feel guilty. Either way, whether he’s being honest or not, I wouldn’t blame him if he tried to take advantage of me. But… it sure would be nice if this was the real him… And I wouldn’t want to be like the others who just use him…

“Is everything okay? You’re awfully quiet. Did I say something to make you uncomfortable?”

“No, no! You’re perfectly fine. I get lost in my own thoughts sometimes…”

“Oh, sorry about that.”

“No, it’s okay,” Emma started, before trying to appear more cheerful. “So, you don’t have a wife or kids or anything, do you?”

“No kids, and I haven’t had a girlfriend in a long time,” the man explained, pouring himself an even heftier drink. “I don’t really have the best luck with women. As a matter of fact… Well, never mind…”

“Oh, you can tell me,” Emma urged as her eyes grow big. “That is… only if you’re comfortable with it.”

“Uh, I don’t know why I’m telling you this, but… a few hours before I met you, I sort of got rejected by one of my co-workers. We were out having dinner, and I sort of thought it was a real date, but she was just being nice to me, so I’d continue helping her out.”

“Oh, I’m so sorry to hear that… You must be crushed…”

Taking another sip from his class, Daniel simply shrugged his shoulders once again. “Eh, not really. If I’m being completely honest… I kind of lost interest in her when she told me she was talking to this married guy at our office.”

“Yeah, that sounds kind of silly,” Emma assured.

“Well… maybe I shouldn’t badmouth her when she’s not here to defend herself. It is what it is. I’m sure she has her reasons for liking him. It doesn’t matter anymore.”

“Are you sure you’re not just saying that as a defense mechanism?”

“Maybe I am. Who knows, really? But I don’t want to play games where I pretend to be a certain type of person just so a woman will like me. I wish someone would just like me the way I am. But I’m kind of over it right now.”

Emma just sat there for a second, staring at the man with her deep brown eyes. Wow… if he’s putting on an act, he sure is good.

“Well, anyway… sorry for venting. My head hurts. I probably had a little too much to drink, so I’m going to set some blankets on the floor and sleep there. You can have the bed.”

“Oh, that’s okay!” the young woman politely argued. “It’s your bed; you should sleep in it! Please, allow me to take the floor.”

“No, you’ve had it rougher than me,” Daniel expressed as he started laying out some blankets. “You take the bed.”

As non-aggressively as she possibly could, Emma grabbed Daniel’s arm and attempted to bring him towards the mattress. “You should totally have the bed! I’m just lucky you’re letting me sleep here.”

Suddenly, as Daniel tried to gently pull himself away, he tripped over one of the blankets that he had just put on the floor. As he was falling, Emma immediately reacted and grabbed him, hoping to prevent him from hitting the ground. Unfortunately for her, she wasn’t strong enough to help, and ended up falling with him.

Before he realized what had happened, Daniel was on his back, and Emma was lying directly on top of him. As their eyes met, they both grew red in the face. They became even more embarrassed once they noticed his hand was on her lower back, and her hands were on his chest.

Quickly, they separated from each other before they both got up and sat on the bed. They exchanged awkward apologies before asking each other if they were okay.

In that moment, as Emma’s heart raced, she finally accepted the conclusion that she knew was inevitable. The weather was only going to get colder, her situation wasn’t getting any better, and no matter how nice Daniel seemed, no man was just going to let her stay over for free without expecting something in return.

Taking a deep breath, she accepted her fate and did what she felt was necessary. Looking over at the man, she expressed, “Hey, Daniel… As you know, my tent now has a hole in it, and it’s going to be super cold for the next several days… You’ve been so nice to let me stay here, but may I please stay just a little longer?”

Raising his head, Daniel became wide-eyed as he stared at the nervous woman. However, before he could answer, Emma took a deep gulp before leaning closer and further explaining, “I know I can’t expect you to let me stay for free, but if there’s anything you want… I’ll do it…”

They continued to stare at each other as their hearts raced and their breaths became heavier. After what felt like an eternity, Daniel nodded his throbbing head as he scooted closer to the nervous woman. “Actually, there is one thing I want.”

Taking a deep breath, Emma once again accepted whatever was to come next. He’s going to let me stay, and that’s all that matters. He’s getting closer to me, but I won’t back away. Sorry Mom and Dad. I know this isn’t what you would have wanted, but this is what my life has come to. I’m just going to let him do whatever he wants, because I have no other option…

Slowly, Daniel started to lean forward onto the bed. Emma leaned back as she kept her eyes on him, almost getting directly in front of him. As she took another deep gulp, and waited for him to crawl on top, she started to feel his presence getting closer. However, she soon realized he didn’t want to lay a finger on her.

When she finally opened her eyes, she witnessed Daniel grabbing a pillow from across the bed before hopping off so he could lie on the floor with it. “I want my favorite pillow,” he explained as he nonchalantly rested his head against it while facing the opposite direction.

Emma, who was still lying on the bed, leaned over and stared at the man’s back with her mouth wide open. “Wait, that’s all you want?!”

In a tired voice, the man answered, “Yeah… it’s like the perfect mixture of firmness and softness. It’s my favorite pillow in the world. I would let you use is it, but I’m really tired, and I want to sleep with it tonight…”

“Wait! So, you’re not going to… You don’t want…”

“What did you think I wanted? I thought you knew I was talking about my pillow. That’s why you tried to block me from it with your body.”

Going red in the face, Emma almost started to explain herself. “I wasn’t blocking you…” However, as she came to the slow realization that Daniel truly had no intentions of taking advantage of her that night, a little smile came over her face as stared at him from behind.

“Goodnight, Emma. Oh, and you should stay here as long as you want. At least… until you figure something out… Just try not to make a mess, and you can’t get mad at me if I snore.”

“I promise not to get mad!” Emma responded with a giggle. The reality that her new roommate was actually a generous guy who wasn’t going to take advantage of her started to settle in, and she suddenly became giddy. “And I promise I’ll clean every day! Thank you so much!”

As the man quickly drifted off to sleep, Emma could hear his breathing getting heavier. As she rested her chin on her knuckles while lying on her side, she couldn’t help but stare at him with a smile on her face and a blush on her cheeks.

“Goodnight, Daniel… and thank you for tonight…”

To be continued…


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