The World of Fashion by greenday0418,greenday0418


On The Job Challenge 2023


With a double bachelor’s degree and two master’s degrees in hand, I found myself sitting next to the secretary of Olivet Malory, the CEO of Malory’s Models, LLC.

My name is Jason Stillwell, and I’m still trying to figure out why I let my mother set up an interview for me with Ms. Mallory. While I have a bachelor’s and master’s degree in marketing, I never envisioned working for a modeling agency. I don’t even know what position I’m interviewing for.

As I waited, my mind drifted to my life with my mother, Grace, and our disagreements throughout my childhood. The big one was my parent’s divorce. I was ten when mother kicked my dad out and refused to let me see him. When I asked why she made Dad leave, she screamed, “Your father has a girlfriend, and that’s not allowed in a marriage.”

Without my father at home for advice and support, I endured a lot of bullying at school from boys and girls since I was the smallest kid in my class. Befriended by no one, I was a loner who learned to be invisible, smile politely when spoken to, and always walk fast to escape potential confrontation. These tactics didn’t always work; I had the bruises to attest to that fact. Most nights until the week before I started eighth grade, I cried myself to sleep. A high school boy was shaking me down for money, and I exploded, breaking his nose with a straight right punch. The news traveled fast, and when the tale returned to me, I had hit him with a brick and stabbed him with a kitchen knife. Problem solved.

Mom never gave me an allowance, so buoyed by my newly found confidence, I wandered around the neighborhood asking store owners for a job. All I heard was a choir singing one tune; not hiring, sorry kid, or ‘gid’ out of here. After a week of rejections, depression set in, but there was one more business to check on, a restaurant with a help-wanted sign.

After being rejected by several employees because of my size, I pleaded with a cook taking out the trash. He listened to my promises to be on time and finish the job no matter how hard it was, shook his head, and went inside. I was so depressed I sat on a crate and sobbed.

“Hey, kid. Fill out this application and get a parent to sign on the back. You start Monday at four and work to nine.”

I was ecstatic. Mom was off somewhere, so I signed her name. My job was scrubbing pots and pans on weeknights at minimum wage.

Several people checked my work that first night, but I was left alone once I proved I wasn’t afraid of grease and dishpan hands.

Payday came, and the owner, Eric, asked what my home situation was like, and I told him the truth; my mother was never home, my dad was overseas, yada, yada, yada. He told me to come to the restaurant immediately after school to do my homework before starting work, and he would check it. He fed me before I went home.

A year later, when he promoted me to food prep, I discovered he was a three-star chef who wanted to cook meals that ordinary New Yorkers could afford. Besides being my only male role model, he taught me to cook.

After my seventeenth birthday on April first, I shot up four inches and added twenty pounds. I let my hair grow, and when I started my senior year, everyone thought I was a new kid, but they still ignored me. I grew an additional three inches during my senior year.


When I turned eighteen, my father, Alex, called me. I was angry because he never called or wrote me. He begged for a meeting and promised to explain. We met on a Saturday and spent the day together, reconnecting. I remember everything about this meeting like it’s on DVD.

“I’m sorry I didn’t try to see you, but your mother threatened to send you to military school in Alaska if I tried to contact you.”

“No apology necessary, Dad, and she wasn’t bluffing; she hates you that much.”

We danced around the elephant in the room with idle conversation before I blurted out, “Dad. Mom said you cheated on her.”

“Jason, after you were born, your mother gave all of her love to you, and I began working longer hours and taking more overseas jobs. I thought bringing home a larger paycheck would bring your mother and me closer. I couldn’t have been more wrong.”

“Was it true? Did you have a girlfriend? Do you still see her?”

“Yes, I had a woman friend before your mother threw me out, and I still see her.”

Because I knew what my mother was like, his declaration hadn’t upset me.

“What kind of work do you do?”

“I do jobs overseas that most people won’t touch. That’s all I can say.”

“Do you speak with Mother at all?”

“Every July, she takes me to court for more child support. All she had to do was ask, and our lawyers could negotiate. She knows I’ve never argued about paying child support.”

“What about alimony?”

“I make six figures and live in a run-down hotel between jobs. You do the math.”

I remember laughing out loud when he said that.

“What’s so funny, Jason?”

“I guess you’ll be living in roach motels until you die because there’s nobody else crazy enough to marry my mother.”

My dad backhanded me and almost knocked me off my feet. Eric’s the only person I told the truth about the bruise on my cheek and jaw. I lied to everyone else to keep my dad out of trouble.

“Don’t you ever disrespect your mother again, Jason. She may not have been a good wife, but she’s done an excellent job raising you.”

When he helped me steady myself, I apologized with a caveat, “Sorry for offending you, Dad, but I have to disagree with you about Mother.”

“Excuse me?”

“She constantly ran you down starting the day you left, made up stories about how you were a poor husband and an even worse father. Well, I knew what kind of father you were before you left, and if she lied about that, I figured everything she said about you was a lie.”

“You’ve grown up to be a fine young man. Your mother must’ve influenced you in some way.”

“The excellent job raising Jason was done by, ta-da, Jason! Eric Walsh, owner and head chef of the 5th Avenue Grill, mentored me throughout high school and taught me how to cook. At home, I did all the grocery shopping, washed my clothes, cooked for myself, cleaned the house, and studied. I’ve been at the top of my class since I was eleven. That’s when she became involved with flashy grand openings, politics, and saving the environment. While she was cutting ribbons, rubbing elbows with who’s who, and chairing fundraisers for local politicians, I was studying, surviving, and hating her for deserting me.”

“I’m sorry, son. I never knew. That’s not the woman I fell in love with.”

He asked me what colleges I applied to, and I named a few but told him I really wanted to go to Princeton.

“Let me know when you get accepted at Princeton.”

My Dad said when not if, and I didn’t disappoint him.


Graduation day arrived, and Mother was cutting the ribbon at the grand opening of a new city dog park on East Broadway and couldn’t miss that super event to see me receive my diploma. But my father was there cheering me on, and after the ceremony, he hugged me and gave me a paid-in-full receipt for four years at Princeton, including room and board. When I asked him where he came up with the money, his reply and facial expression scared the shit out of me.

“You don’t need to know what I did to make this happen for you.”

It must have been from those overseas jobs he wouldn’t talk about.

After arriving at Princeton, I was determined to lose my virginity. Two weeks after classes started, I attended my first sorority party, and a pledge met me at the door and danced with me for ten minutes before leading me to a bedroom. I spent the night with her and used all three condoms I had brought in my wallet. Whenever I had free time during the next two years, there were several girls there I hooked up with who didn’t want commitments.

I moved into a townhouse with a senior girl who needed a roommate to pay half the rent. Our relationship was platonic until a thunderstorm knocked out the power for six hours one muggy October evening, bringing her screaming into my bed. What can I say; lightning scared her.

After that, we slept together until she graduated and got engaged. We were pretty vanilla together, with no kissing or oral, just plain old fucking. She liked being on top, was on the pill, and I never complained.

I rented a studio apartment that Eric steered me toward before my senior year started, and I still lived there. It was cheap.

When I graduated from Princeton with a double major in Psychology and Marketing, mother was at a fundraiser for a senatorial candidate somewhere in the country. Still, my father was there for me, even though he had to fly nineteen hours from Japan. Eric came, and after the ceremony, I introduced him to Dad.

In the next twenty months, I worked tirelessly to get a master’s degree in psychology and a second master’s in marketing. I paid for both with student loans and planned to pay them off in three years.

After receiving my second master’s, I was ready to enter the world of academia and teach, but my mother had other plans for me. She decided I would interview for a job with a successful businesswoman my age, Olivet Mallory, CEO of Mallory Models.

“Her mother and I were sorority sisters in college, and she owes me a favor.”

After I told my father about her plans, I added, “I’m having lunch with her tomorrow. I’m going to tell her I refuse to be manipulated and will accept the teaching position at Princeton.”

“Son, I need to speak to you in person about that. Invite me to dinner tonight, and after we eat, we can talk.”

“Dad, what’s up? You’ve always wanted me to teach and be happy. Now you sound different.”

“I’ll bring a good bottle of wine and be there at 7 PM,” and he hung up.

He knocked on my door at 7:02 as I took dinner off the stove. I let him in, and we ate, barely speaking. After dinner, he poured two more glasses of wine and waved me into MY living room. “Clean up later, Jason. Join me on your sofa,” so I followed and waited.

We didn’t talk. Dad talked, and I listened. I won’t bore you with his nine-minute speech, just the last line, “Son, you’d be doing a good friend of mine a big favor by going to this interview; for now, that’s all I can say.”

“This is so unlike you, Dad, but you’ve always given good advice; I wish I knew more.”

“Soon, all will be revealed.”

Reluctantly, I turned down the job at Princeton.


Ms. Mallory’s office door flew open, and I returned to reality. A beautiful woman, whom I presumed to be Ms. Mallory, strutted across the room, wearing a designer dress and 5-inch heels. She was barking out commands to an older woman who meekly followed her and was dressed more modestly in loose-fitting slacks and a long-sleeved jacket buttoned up to her neck.

I looked at the secretary behind the desk as they passed through the outer office where I was seated. As they headed toward the elevators, she shrugged and gave me a weak smile, which I took to mean, ‘Sorry you had to wait to be ignored.’

When the elevator door closed, I stood up to leave, intending to inform my overbearing mother that I no longer wished for assistance finding employment. I was quite surprised when the elevator door reopened, and Ms. Mallory’s voice, echoing from inside the elevator, addressed me, “If you’re here about the job, you’re hired, so hurry up and get in here.”

As the doors closed, I squeezed into the elevator, and Ms. Mallory gave me further instructions: “Stay three feet behind me, keep up, don’t speak unless you’re spoken to, and confine any response to, yes, Ms. Mallory.”

And that’s how my first day on the job went; being wholly ignored while following Ms. Mallory and her PA, listening to her humiliate and yell at employees. She was a dynamo all day long, only stopping briefly for lunch. I did notice that at every full-length mirror we walked by, she stopped and inspected her makeup, swirled her hips, and glanced at me.

At 5 o’clock, Ms. Mallory told her PA, “I’m leaving. He’s all yours now, so keep the boy away from me. I only agreed to take him on as a favor to you, so he won’t get fired if you keep him away from me.”

She walked away, and I began to write out my letter of resignation in my head when the older woman turned toward me with a sad look on her face and spoke softly to me, “I’m so sorry you had to suffer through that, Jason. My daughter is overly impressed with herself and loves to make everyone feel small. Please, join me in my apartment, and we can talk while I make dinner. You’re hungry, aren’t you?”

“How do you know my name?”

“I’ve known your parents for years, and when your mother asked me if I would get you an interview, I set everything up, although I didn’t expect Ollie would make you wait two hours.”

We rode on the elevator to the fortieth floor and exited into a small room with a door to the left labeled ‘ROOF’ and one to the right. The woman I now presumed to be Olivet’s mother opened the door on the right by punching a code on a pad.

I was speechless. Calling this magnificent space an apartment is like calling a penthouse on Park Place a condo.

It had a very open concept, with the living room, dining room, and kitchen overlapping, surrounded by windows covering over half of the room. To the left of the entry door was a double doorway that I assumed led to her bedroom. To the right was a single door I would later discover opened to a large office with two desks and a loveseat.

There was a third, single door farther down.

We were standing in her kitchen when she introduced herself.

“If you haven’t figured it out, I’m Amelia Mallory, but I prefer you call me Melia. I apologize for my daughter’s rude behavior. She knew you were waiting and deliberately made you wait. Ollie has been like this since her thirteenth birthday.”

I struggled to keep from snickering.

“However, she has done a remarkable job running the agency after my husband’s death, something I cannot do myself because of a particular affliction. Before you ask, Ollie is the name my daughter wanted me to use when she was four. She hates it now, and I call her that to pluck her last nerve. It’s not like she can fire me; I own more of the agency than she does.”

While she spoke, I studied her face and figure. Because I researched her history, I knew Ms. Mallory was two years older than me, so I guessed Melia was about fifty.

I gave her the horny single guy once over.

‘Haircut’s vintage Doris Day, no facial wrinkles. Lips, kissable and soft. Pink lipstick, yowser. K-mart clothes hide the rest of her. Score TBA.’

When Melia finished talking, I started to tell her about myself, but she cut me off, “I know everything about you and your parents.” She looked pensive as she stared through me, so I took her hand, led her to a stool by the island, and poured her a glass of wine. “Please, sit, and let me make dinner, Melia.”

I made stroganoff using ingredients in her freezer and pantry while sneaking peeks at Melia, sipping a glass of red wine.

‘So sad. Still mourning her husband?’

When dinner was ready, I made two plates and sat across from her to eat. While we ate, Melia spoke about the agency and the building.

“When this building was in the planning stage, in 1955, the money man pulled out before they broke ground, so Maurice Mallory, my father-in-law, somehow secured funding, made a deal with the developer, and put this building up with a vision he had. While the building was going up, Maurice was renting space to businesses and individuals.”

‘Keep her talking so I can stare.’

“His selling point was location, location, location, and he had that with an address on a cross street between 5th Avenue and the Diamond District. Another factor is privacy which he achieved because there are two elevators, one for all the leased floors with the agency’s floors locked out and the other for the Mallory Agency with the leased floors locked. Only a few of my employees have access to the rented floors.”

“Wow, Mr. Mallory was a visionary. I’ve lived in the city all my life. Why haven’t I heard about him?”

‘Mother dresses better than Melia.’

“Maurice was a very private person. He never gave interviews and rarely attended any city functions. Anyway, he bought a struggling modeling agency while construction was ongoing and moved it into the first eight floors and, later, the top five. He dedicated the rest of his life to learning the business and making the agency successful.”

“What kind of tenants do you have?”

‘Like I care. Still, she has such sad, lonely eyes.’

Melia seemed pleased that I asked this question and smiled before continuing, “The 9th through the 25th floors are leased to businesses. The larger ones include three major law firms, four top cosmetic surgery practices with fully equipped operating rooms, and offices for three major banks.”

“That’s impressive; who else has offices here?”

I inhaled deeply through my nostrils.

‘Opium, my favorite fragrance.’

“Business managers, jewelers, a watchmaker, modeling agents, private investigators, and various medical professionals like optometrists, doctors, and dentists, all willing to pay top dollar to have an office in this building. One floor contains nothing but delivery-only fast-food restaurants. Complimenting them is the largest bicycle delivery service in Manhattan, which provides service to this building and ten blocks in any direction.”


‘Oh lord, look at those lips move. Shit! Getting a hard-on.’

“Three of the floors have a three-star restaurant leasing one side of the building and on the other side, a nightclub rated in the top fifteen by the New Yorker magazine. The next ten floors were converted into luxury condos and leased out.”

“I’m excited now, and perhaps I’ll stay on if you’ll have me. What exactly goes on in a modeling agency?”

‘Please let me have you.’

“Well, my dear, the first eight floors have everything needed to take a young new face, male or female, from a stumbling beginner to a sophisticated and chic international runway model. The Mallory agency is one of the more successful runway model rental companies for the top four fashion weeks in New York, London, Paris, and Milan. Other venues that use our models are New York Bridal and Paris Haute Couture weeks and dozens of smaller shows throughout Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, and the Americas. Our newer models are used for catalog….”

Melia stood up, her crotch was four feet away, and I fell into Jason’s imaginary world with a semi-naked Melia in my arms. Time didn’t matter there, and I gazed at her, touched her until she spoke.

“Jason. Jason, did you fall asleep?”

“I’m sorry, this has been a long day. Please continue.”

“Our photographers also do a brisk business creating portfolio books for anyone who walks in the door. The standard package is five hundred, but they run up to two thousand.”

‘She wants me. Dick’s stuck, oww, zipper.’

My face looked impressed, but my mind was short-circuiting. For the first time, I wanted to fall on my knees and bury my face between a woman’s legs, something I’d never done before.

‘Deep breaths. Look down. Calm.’

“The top five floors also belong to the agency. The 36th floor has hotel-like suites as temporary housing for visitors and employees who have late-night sessions, and the 37th floor is where the agency has all of our office space, including the executive offices. There is an employee cafeteria on the 38th floor, the 39th is for future use, and my humble home is on the 40th.”

‘Humble, my ass. I bet your closet could hold my efficiency.’

“How did you meet your husband?”

‘Her voice; so sensual. OWWW. Zipper cut me, feel blood.’

“We met in high school, fell in love, and married after college. We both went to work for Maurice, and when he passed away, Claude and I took control, and Claude made the agency what it is now; a force in the fashion arena.”

“What will I be doing?”

‘Kneeling under your desk, I hope.’

“I am Ollie’s PA, and you are my PA, so when I receive orders from Ollie, you do what I tell you to do.”

“So I’m a gopher.”

‘Crap! Fantasy crushed. Back to reality.’

“For now. Pay attention and observe what is happening around you; there may be an opportunity to climb high within the company. I have plans for you, some long-term and some a little sooner.”



My new job as a gopher began the following day; get this from so and so, take this to Mr. somebody, and get lunch for fifteen people. I slowly got used to being on the move all day, matching names with faces, and getting used to seeing naked and semi-nude male and female models at any moment of my day. They weren’t doing it on purpose; it was part of their job to undress and dress as quickly as possible. As I walked down any hallway, it wasn’t unusual for people I didn’t know to ask for my assistance. I met quite a few people behind the scenes; everyone had skills and knowledge they were willing to share.

I had to bring lunch and eat on the run because if I stopped moving, I’d fall behind.


My big problem was the commute, waking up early, riding on the crowded subway, and arriving at work barely on time. Then after running around the building for ten hours, I reversed my morning journey and got home too tired to cook. My usual dinner was a big bowl of cereal.

At the end of my third week, Melia stopped me before I left work.

“Jason, you have dark circles under your eyes, and you added another notch to your belt.”

I slumped onto the loveseat, buried my face into my hands, took a deep breath, told her what my evenings were like, and admitted I’d lost twelve pounds.

She sat beside me and wrapped an arm around my shoulders before speaking.

“Jason, you dear sweet boy. If you stayed here, you wouldn’t have to travel crosstown twice daily.”

“You mean there are rooms for rent in this building?”

“No, but Ollie’s old room has been vacant since she moved out.”

She walked out of her office toward the extra door and opened it. It was a mini-suite with a full bathroom, and it did make sense to cut my fatigue and commute. I pretended to look around while quickly thinking that this could work. I enjoyed the job, no longer thought about teaching, and loved walking behind Melia in her baggy clothes. What could go wrong?

“Okay, Melia, I agree.”

“Very well, why don’t you stay tonight, and I can arrange to get you moved in tomorrow.”

“Will you let me cook dinner for you? Cooking relaxes me.”

“That’s not a problem; my husband did most of the cooking before he passed away.”

“How about Chicken Cordon Bleu for the entre? I found chicken breasts, broccoli, and scalloped potatoes in the freezer.”

“Sounds yummy. Where did you learn to cook?”

“There’s a diner a block away from my mother’s condo, and I worked there all four years of high school. Eric took me under his wing, and besides my father, he made the biggest impact on who I am. I also cooked at a campus steakhouse throughout college.”

So I prepared dinner, and while we ate, I peppered her with questions.

“Why don’t you leave the building? Mabel, the head seamstress, told me that when I delivered her a box of thread last week.”

“I have agoraphobia, fear of leaving the safety of my home, which is this building. That’s affected me since Ollie’s birth, but I could leave as long as I had Claude to hold onto. To attend his funeral, I had to be sedated and supported by two male models at the church and the gravesite.”

“Why does Olivet treat everyone like shit?”

“Once she entered high school, Ollie got totally out of control, drinking, doing drugs, having unprotected sex, and she began hating me, which was slightly worse than how she treats me now.”

“What did you do to her?”

“I did the most horrible, despicable, and hateful thing to my teenage daughter. I told her NO! After she turned fourteen, her father jokingly asked if she could skip school and fly to Paris with him for the spring fashion shows. I was the bad parent who said no and dealt with her fallout while he snuck out of the apartment. The next summer, She snuck her boyfriend into her bedroom, and I caught them in bed, chased him out in his underwear, and grounded her for a month. She wanted a Lamborghini for her sixteenth birthday, and I said no. She spit in my face, and I slapped her, leaving a red mark.”

Despite the tragic story she was telling me, Melia enjoyed what I fixed and even let out a quiet belch, followed by a meek apology.

“Claude and I went to Paris in the spring of Ollie’s junior year. I wanted to take her with us because I didn’t trust her, but my husband overruled me, believing his baby never lied. The fact that she wasn’t throwing a fit should have sent flares and rockets flying, but he had blinders on. I don’t want to repeat that sordid tale, but we cut our trip short, bailed her out of jail, and sent her to rehab. After that, Claude kept her close on a short leash while he groomed her.”

‘Shit. That sad smile is back.’

“Many current employees were here then and took my side over Ollie. When Claude put her in charge shortly before he died, he told her she couldn’t fire anyone, so she rules by intimidation. Changing the subject, this chicken is amazing. Where did you get the seasoning from?”

“I mixed some of the spices you have and made a marinate. Does Olivet have a boyfriend?”

“She has no desire to settle down, and so far, she hasn’t met the man who can tame her. I’ve heard she has one-night stands here in the city. When she travels, she never mixes work with sex.”

Melia ate her last piece of chicken and pushed her empty plate toward me, “Well, you get an A+ for that fabulous dinner. Did you cook for all of your girlfriends at Princeton?”

“Not really; I did have a girlfriend with benefits my junior year, but she was a rollover and go-to-sleep partner, and we only connected in bed. However, I am halfway through the ‘Kama Sutra,’ and I would love to try to imitate some of the pictures.”

“Well, you get kitchen duty because I need to make a call.”

While I cleaned up, Melia disappeared into her bedroom, leaving the door open. While washing dishes, I detected her scent, and she stood behind me, watching.

“So, um, uh, what do I now? Should I go home and pack my clothes and bring them up tomorrow?”

“I made a phone call to someone who does odd jobs for me, gave him your address, and he’s coming by tonight to get your apartment key. So take the key to the night receptionist, Marsha, and my man Gregory will pack everything you have and bring it here.”

When I returned from dropping off my key, Melia’s door was closed, so I went to my room and showered before bed. After I dried off, I crawled under the sheets and dropped off to sleep immediately.

I, um, always sleep naked, ever since the lightning incident.

Something disturbed my sleep, and I awoke in confusion, lying on my stomach in the dark. An odor drifted up my nose and went straight to my brain. It was perfume, Opium, Melia’s signature fragrance, but why was it in my room? As my night vision arrived, I saw a shadowy figure standing by the open doorway, leaning against the wall. I heard mumbling and soft moans and could see movement, so I stood up, walked toward the shadow, and confirmed it was Melia.

“Melia, are you alright?”

She wore a long diaphanous nightgown with one strap hanging off her shoulder, exposing a dark areola on a slightly sagging breast. One hand was caressing that beautiful mound of flesh, twisting the nipple with her fingers, while the other hand’s index finger was stroking the area between her legs, sliding back and forth. My brain was overloaded, breathing in the combination of her arousal and perfume, hearing her soft moans of rapture while staring at her face displaying her pending climax.

“Kiss me, Jason. Please kiss me; I need you, baby, you beautiful man. I’ll die if you don’t take me now….”

So I kissed her, feasting on the tart taste of her lipstick and feeling her warm breath through a nostril slithering across my cheek. My dick didn’t waste any time getting hard, and I didn’t try to justify my actions or moralize whether this was right or wrong. I wanted her.

Cupping one smooth ass cheek with my right hand, I probed her rosebud with my middle finger while my left hand covered hers over her gown, moving up and down over her sex. I explored her mouth with my tongue as her breathing accelerated, and she circled my neck with both arms.

I broke off my kiss and pulled her closer, and now both hands were cupping her soft, round butt cheeks. Her hand stroked my cock with her nails.

“Jason, don’t stop; it’s been too long since I’ve been with a man. Please, take me to my bed; I need you.”

After that statement, I felt ashamed, believing the last man she’d been in bed with was her husband.

“Are you sure, Melia? I don’t want to take advantage of you; I’m a lowly employee, and you’re an owner. What would people think?”

“If you don’t make love to me right now, I’ll fire you, then have you boiled in oil. Jason, I’m begging you, I need to feel that monster inside me, and please put your fingers back…,” and I silenced her with my tongue slipping between her lips. I returned my hands to their previous position, only this time under the robe. My right index finger slid between her butt cheeks, drilling up to my first knuckle, while the first two fingers on my left hand slid into a swamp. Sliding my fingers deep inside, Melia came faster than I expected, screaming into my mouth. My fingers were squeezed by her tight pussy and tighter ass, and her legs went limp, no longer able to support her body. Only her arms clenched around my neck, and my fingers kept her off the floor.

Quickly, I scooped Melia up in my arms and carried her into her bedroom, gently laying her in the center of the bed. She released my neck, so I lay beside her while she stroked my throbbing cock.

Then we kissed again, gentle at first, then frantic with lust, with all eyes wide open. My tongue danced with hers, and I had no idea how long it lasted, but our lips slipped apart when her eyes closed, and she shook all over.

Not sure what to do next, I lay down and cradled her with my arm. I was unsure what my next move should be.

Melia recovered and took over, knowing what she wanted. Getting up on her knees, she straddled my legs, and I could see the outline of two magnificent breasts swaying over my torso. My cock bounced excitedly, and I almost came when Melia wrapped both hands around my pride and joy, exclaiming, “Hmmm, That’s a big one, nice and hard. I’ll bet you won’t last a minute on our first go-around.”

Melia slid her luscious body down my legs until her mouth was above my cock. Hesitating a moment to run her tongue around her lips, she bent over and took half my cock into her mouth. Her D-Cups were seductively hanging, but her robe concealed her nipples. With a sultry look in her eyes, she removed her mouth from my cock, then slowly swirled her slippery tongue around my shaft before sucking the little head between her plump lips.

“Oh, Meeeliaaa.”

“Mnot nyet lober” must have come through her nose because her lips never released their grip.

Melia sucked hard for a second, delivering pain and pleasure to my friend, then thrust her mouth down until her lips kissed my groin. She won the bet when her tongue forced its way out, licked my balls, and I began to cum in spurts. As a low moan escaped her diaphragm, her lips slid up and sucked on my little head, catching everything. When the eruption ended, she removed her lips and leaned forward to kiss me, with cum on her lips and inside her mouth.

I’d seen pictures and read passages about this practice in the Kama Sutra and remembered reading a trashy novel belonging to my mother that dealt with this situation.

I smashed my lips against hers and thrust my tongue between them, knowing I was tasting my come.

“Very nice, Jason. You passed that test, so why don’t you suck on my stiff nipples, and you don’t have to be gentle? Suck and bite them like you mean it; I like rough foreplay.”

So I removed her robe and followed her instructions, biting and sucking her nipples and hearing her moans of pleasure and pain. Being young and in my prime, I recovered quickly and decided on my next move.

According to the pictures in the Hindu manual of love, my next move was obvious, so I let my tongue travel a meandering path from nipples to naval, then down below her landing strip. Her pussy lips glistened with her juices, and the aroma from her arousal completed my prick’s resurrection. I extended my tongue and began licking the pussy of a woman for the first time, and it was just like the Kama Sutra described. I never received this education at college because all the girls wanted to do was fuck, no foreplay.

The first touch was electric as my tongue slid between the labia, and the taste was not what I expected. Since I turned thirteen, I listened to my mother lecture about oral sex being demeaning to liberated women and how both male and female sex organs had a foul taste. It’s hard to describe what Melia tasted like other than to say I love the taste of her pussy, and I wanted to taste more now. With vigor and great enthusiasm, I let my tongue do the loving.

I was unprepared for her first orgasm, but I didn’t slow down, and soon she had a second climax and a third one before grabbing my hair and pushing my face away. I wouldn’t have stopped otherwise.

“Stop! No more. I need to catch my breath.”

I elevated my body to my hands and knees, made eye contact, and smiled as I moved inch by inch up her gorgeous body, my dick bouncing up and down, leaving a trail of lubrication on the sheets. When my face was directly over hers, I asked, “Are you protected?”

“You are so sweet. After nine hours of labor giving birth to my daughter, I had my tubes tied.”

I didn’t give her a chance to prepare and slid my cock inside her.

‘God, she’s tight. Hot and slick. If I move, kaboom. Think puppies, fields of flowers, term papers, the night sky, and my mother’s eighty-year-old neighbor who flashed me; eeeeww, gross.’

That worked, and my dick softened.

I pulled out, leaving the head in, and slowly thrust forward until I bottomed out. I repeated this motion twice more and was now diamond hard with no feelings of an imminent eruption. I rolled her legs back under my arms, pulled out while glaring at her vulnerable position, then, with a growl, slammed my prick deep inside. Melia gasped, reaching for my neck with her arms as I pistoned inside her.

“So good, Melia, oh, Yesss, you’re so tight and slick.”

“Yes, right there, my clit rubbing against, owwww.”

“Oh, lover, push back on my cock, ohhhhh.”

“Harder, Jason, faster, soooo goooood. Don’t stop, baby.”

“Gonna fuck you, Melia, I love fucking, yes, want to shoot cum inside, feels so good.”

“Faster, harder, fuck me, make me yours, fuck, fuck, I’m close, don’t slow down.”

“Yes, love your pussy, come on my cock, come NOW!”

“YESSSS, Aaawww, oh, goooood, oh my god, I’m coming again, faster, harder, FUCK ME!”

I couldn’t hold back any longer, so I relaxed, let go, and cried out, ” Ohhhhhhh, COMING!”

Our lips mashed together, and I remained deep inside her as I shot my cum and half my internal organs deep inside her tunnel of love.

‘That’s still prime pussy. I wish I was Melia’s first lover.’

Gasping for air, I rolled over her leg and collapsed next to her before pulling her onto my chest. She was much better than my roommate at Princeton.

“Did I pass all your tests, Melia?”


Since it was Saturday, we slept until 9:30 before Melia woke me with a kiss while her fingers stroked my flaccid dick. Standing up, I realized we slept on top of a large puddle of our combined juices spread across the bottom sheet.

Melia took my hand, led me into her bathroom, filled her whirlpool tub with hot water, and helped me into the bubbling cauldron to soak.

She slipped on a red silk robe and said, “Jason, relax, and I’ll be back before you know it, baby. You were fantastic.” Melia slipped out of the bathroom, and I dozed off, visualizing her supple body, soft breasts, and full kissable lips.

I woke up when she returned and stared as she dropped her robe to the floor, and I inspected the beauty of her body. I was in awe while staring at this gorgeous woman who hid under baggy clothing and followed her daughter around the building. At fifty, she had a thin layer of fat, and her boobs sagged, but her face was that of a thirty-year-old woman.

“Oh, that hot water feels sooo goooood. Wow, I haven’t used this tub since my husband died. I can’t relax in here by myself.”

“Where’d you go?”

“I stripped the bed, put a towel on the wet spot, then sprayed air freshener everywhere.”

We relaxed and made small talk until the water started to cool off, then we got out and dried off. We strolled naked into the kitchen, and I made brunch while Melia stared at my erection bouncing before me while she licked her lips obscenely. We ate quickly with minimal conversation, and I hoped we weren’t getting dressed anytime soon.

She answered her ringing cell phone as I finished loading the dishwasher after eating, “Hello, Amelia Mallory speaking.”

“Yes, Gregory, mission accomplished?” Her free hand was on my leg, moving toward my growing dick.

“Uh-huh, good. Bring everything up and put it in the spare bedroom closet and dresser. I’ll be in my office working, so knock to let me know when you’ve finished.”

She listened on the phone as she let her fingernails tease my scrotum.

“Thank you, Gregory. I won’t forget this.”

She hung up giggling, grabbed my hand, and dragged me naked into her office, shutting the door and locking it.

Melia observed my confused expression and laughed, “Well, Gregory’s on his way up, and I don’t want to get caught looking like this because I’m not ready to get dressed yet.” Then she licked her lips, pushed me onto a loveseat against the wall, and straddled my legs on her knees. Looking down at my groin, where my friend was waking up, she closed her mouth and moved her tongue around. I couldn’t figure out what she was doing until she slid her tongue out between her lips, curled it into a trough, and leaned forward, releasing a trickle of her saliva that ran down her tongue, dripping onto my growing cock.

My lips parted in amazement as she began stroking her clit with her right index finger while changing channels with the radio knob on her breast, using her thumb and the first two fingers of her left hand. I was still catching flies with my mouth as my cock stared upward through his only eye.

Melia smiled, straightened her knees, shifted forward two inches, and dropped back down, eliciting a purring moan from her lips. She moved her face close to mine, and as our lips touched, she whispered, “Slowly, my horny lover, good things come to those who have patience.”

She kissed me while she rocked on my cock, her fingers twisting and pulling on my nipples now, and the sensations she gave me made me squirm. She was tireless, slowly building up to an earth-shattering climax when there was a knock on her office door.

“I put everything in the spare suite, Mrs. Mallory, and unless you need something else, I’ll be going.”

She was straining hard not to groan and struggled to speak.

“Thaannk you, Gregory, specially for doing thisssss on Saturday.” She buried her head on my shoulder and whimpered, “I was so close. Has he left yet, baby?”

We heard her front door close, so she climbed off me and sat on her desk, saying, “Hurry, I need your cock right now, Jason.”

Melia’s my boss, so I stood up, and my height was perfect for fucking her on this desk, and as she laid on her back, I pulled her body toward me slowly, causing her to whine, before impaling her on my eager shaft. Now was not the time for making love; it was time for hot and steamy fucking. Stroking in and out of her drenched pussy, her breathing rate increased, and her cries of pleasure got louder. I increased the speed of my thrusts, with my dick sliding high across her clit and rubbing against her G spot.

“You, Jason, you’re incredible, so strong and dominant. I’m close, almost there, stud, don’t stop, fuck me harder, baby, faster, harder, harder, ram mEEE, I want…fuck, faster…don’t…can’t…Mmmm,” and I shut her up as I leaned over, crushed her lips with mine, and came, shooting one, two, three streams inside her a few seconds before she stiffened and threw her head to the side, screaming, “Cummminnng” as she pulled my head down for mouth to mouth.

She was shaking like she was having an epilepsy attack but gradually relaxed as my softening cock slid out of her tight, wet pussy. A puddle formed between her legs on the desktop, and I lifted her up and over it so she wouldn’t smear it on the desk’s smooth finish. Sitting her on the edge of the loveseat, I dropped to my knees and cleaned her out with my lips and tongue. My cum trickled down toward her anus, and I licked that up before reentering her tunnel of love with my oral digit. I enjoyed this part of sex a lot now, and when I finished, my lips and chin were covered with our combined cum.

With a swipe of her tongue over her plump lips, Melia dropped to her knees and pushed me against the desk before bending over and cleaning me up. Our juices covered my groin and scrotum, and watching her vacuum them up helped my flag pole to rise again.

‘I know she’s as old as Mother, but damn, I bet she’ll still swallow when she’s on Social Security.’

When I was clean enough not to leak on the floor, she stood up, and we looked into a wall mirror. Seeing our faces glistening like glazed doughnuts caused us to giggle like little children. So we vacuumed each other’s face with lips and tongue until nothing was left to lick up but a thin haze.

After we broke our embrace, Melia bent over the desk and licked up the puddle, causing a reactive twitch below my waist. She turned and smiled, “Sorry, but I can’t waste any of your cum; it’s too yummy.”

I kissed those lips again, “Now what?”

“Let’s check out your bed, but first, we need to deadbolt the door.”

As we left her office, her cell phone on the kitchen island went off, playing the building receptionist’s ringtone.

“Yes, Mariah, what’s up?”


“OLLIE! Where is she?”

Melia looked terrified.

“On the elevator! I owe you, Mariah.”

“Quickly, Jason, in your room, shut the door and hide in the bathroom. Go.”

Melia ran into her room, and I stepped into mine but stayed by the door after closing it.

“MOTHER! Why did you allow Maxwell and Albert to take a week off? I need all the photographers this week for last-minute shots before I go across the pond. Where are you, Mother?”

“Calm down, Ollie; I’m right here. Maxwell’s daughter is visiting him and Marie for a week with their three grandchildren, and Albert asked for some time off to get treatment for skin cancer. We still have Samantha and Kiri handling the load, and Karl, although he has retired, would come in if asked nicely. What is so important that justifies bursting into my home, screaming at me?”

Damn, she is a bitch. She needs to be put over a knee and paddled.

“Why does your hair have clumps? Are you adding highlights? What’s covering your face? A new facial treatment? And what is that smell around you, Mother?”

“Ollie, don’t go in my office; it’s a mess.”

I heard the door open, and Olivet screeched, “I smell sex. You’ve fucked a man in here. Is he still in your apartment? Mother, are you hiding him in your room? Maybe he’s in my old room. Is that cum on… eeeuwww, gross, Mother?”

Quickly retreating, I dropped to the floor on the other side of the bed just as the door opened and the overhead light came on.

She sniffed the air. “Well, at least you didn’t rut in here. You’re hiding him in your bedroom, aren’t you.”

After she shut my door, her voice faded to a muffled roar. I stood up, moved back to the door, and strained to hear what was said. I allowed my mind to drift, thinking about the brief moments I was able to observe her. Wearing heels, Olivet was my height, and when she wanted attention, she could do the runway crawl better than any model in the agency.

“Who was it, Mother? Did you fuck your PA, or are you seeing your old lover, Al….”

Melia cut her off, “OLLIE! My sex life is none of your business.”

I dressed quickly and returned to the door, hearing Olivet still lecturing her mother, “…smells like air freshener in your bedroom. If I find out it’s your PA, I’ll cut his nuts off. For god’s sake, Mother, he’s younger than me.”

“Ollie, you’re behaving like a brat. Besides bitching about the time off I’ve given to our talented and faithful employees, did you need something else?”

“I need to see the revised contracts I’m taking next week. My secretary said you have them.”

“They’re in my office.”

I heard a door open and close, and my instincts told me to evacuate the building immediately. Seeing no one when I peeked out of my room, I tiptoed toward the exit to the elevator.

Passing the office door, I stopped when I heard Olivet saying, “…is kind of cute, and I wouldn’t mind trying him out, but only if he’s got anything in his pants. Maybe I should take him with me next week, and when I’m done with him…,” and I moved quickly out the front door, shaking my head.

After riding the elevator to the ground floor, I called Melia on her private number, “Melia, pretend this is Mariah calling.”

“Yes, Mariah?”

“When she’s gone, call me.”

“Uh-huh, thank you, Mariah,” and she hung up.

I went for a walk, and she called me an hour later.

“Jason, Ollie finally left. After I told her you were staying in the second bedroom, she looked through your clothes, checked the bathroom, and even sniffed the bed. I think she likes you. Anyway, wait until after 4 o’clock in case she comes back.”

At 4:15, I returned and used Melia’s code to enter the lobby because the agency was closed. The operator worked in an office on the second floor and had access to the lobby’s security camera. I rode the elevator up and let myself in, not knowing what to expect.

Melia’s bedroom door was closed, but she came out when she smelled dinner cooking in the oven, and we ate while discussing Olivet’s snit.

“It took me a while to convince Ollie I had sex with an old boyfriend, but she finally calmed down and asked about you. It seems she’s been keeping tabs on you, and if I take you for a test drive, I am under orders to give her all of the juicy details.”

What kind of asylum have I got myself into? I’ve slept with the owner after three weeks on the job, and her daughter wants to take me for a test fuck to Europe.


It was shortly after 7 o’clock when I woke up, and Melia’s door was still closed, so I decided to fix her breakfast in bed. I dressed before going into the kitchen, which proved to be wise. I wanted to make a strawberry soufflé because I knew fresh berries were in the frig, so I pulled the ingredients needed and set the oven temperature to 400°.

I was so busy pouring the mixture into the soufflé bowl that I didn’t hear the front door open and close. As I opened the oven, I was stunned by a voice behind me, “What’s this, a PA masquerading as a cook?”

I turned to see who was speaking, knowing it was Olivet, and I watched her back as she entered Melia’s bedroom unannounced. I was torn between following her and putting my soufflé in the oven, and hunger won the battle.

As I eased the oven door shut and set the timer, I felt a disturbance in the force behind me, and knowing it had to be Melia and Olivet, I turned around and put my finger against my lips.

“I just put my strawberry soufflé in the oven and don’t want it to collapse.”

“Then I’ll whisper. Since you were never properly introduced, Jason, this is my daughter, Ollie.”


“I know, don’t call you Ollie. If I may continue, you know Jason because you hired him in the most humiliating way as my PA, and he’s staying in your old room. As an added bonus, Jason is an excellent cook.”

“You’re too kind, Melia. I hope I didn’t disturb you when I snuck in at midnight. My friends wouldn’t let me leave; they kept saying one more round.”

The evil Olivet reared her ugly side and snarled, “My mother’s name is Mrs. Mallory to you, and I want to know how you conned her into letting you stay here. And mother, for the last time, my name is Olivet!”

“Ollie, watch your manners while you’re in my….”

“I’ve got this, Melia. Ms. Mallory, since I work for Melia, she has ordered me to use her first name when I speak to her or refer to her when with other employees; I….”

“Oh, shut up.”

Then her nose began to twitch, and her frown softened as the aroma of strawberries wafted through the kitchen. She was using a normal voice now, “It smells, um, okay. When do we eat? ”

“It’s just about ready.” One moment later, DING.

“If you ladies are hungry, sit, and I’ll be happy to serve you.”

Olivet was the first to praise my baking with her mouth half full, “Mmmm, goooood, you crook, goo mm.” She cleaned her plate, took a second piece, and ate like a construction worker with a five-minute lunch break. When she swallowed the last bite and burped, she smiled and said, “That was fantastic, but I need to talk to my mother privately.”

“In my office, Ollie.”

“Mother! Don’t call me…,

I heard them going at it while I cleaned the kitchen, and when I finished, I located the vacuum and did my room before moving into the living room. After a few minutes, Melia hugged me from behind, so I shut off the vacuum and turned to face her.

“She’s gone, we’re alone, and I’m going to bolt my front door.”

The rest of the day, we chased each other around, had sex on every piece of furniture, and I asked Melia a probing question.

“You’re a gorgeous woman who looks twenty years younger than your age. Why do you wear such ugly, baggy clothes?”

“Ollie has to be the focus of attention all the time, and she doesn’t want to compete with her mother as her equal. Until I started dressing like a frump, she would talk about me like I was an overaged call girl in front of all the employees. That made everyone uncomfortable. I bought what I wear online to keep the peace.”

“What about a compromise? Olivet wears dresses and skirts above her knees, four and 5-inch heels, and shows a lot of cleavage. What if you wore dresses just below the knees, 3-inch heels, and no cleavage but bra’s that show you are an attractive woman?”

“I have nothing like that except for the shoes and lingerie. How can I go shopping when I can’t leave the building?”

“Fourth floor, women’s wardrobe.”

We dressed and went shopping. Since it was Sunday and we were alone, Melia followed me around naked, trying on the dresses I picked out. When we finished shopping, we fucked on a sofa while being observed by a dozen mannequins’.


It was Monday morning, and I could hear Olivet’s voice screaming at Melia through the thick office doors, and I knew precisely why Olivet was angry. The doors flew open, and she stomped out like an angry child, dressed in her signature above-the-knee outfit with plenty of her large firm tits showing, teetering on heels, followed by her mother. When she saw me from the corner of her eye and stopped placing her hands on her hips, I knew I was in for a significant butt-chewing.

“You, uh, you um, what the fuck is your name, boy?”

I stayed silent and let Melia answer, “His name is Jason, and you are very aware….”

“Jason, Jay, or boy! Who the fuck cares. What crap did you fill Mother’s head up with?”

“Ms. Mallory?” I was pretending to be clueless. I’ve had a lot of practice.

“Her clothes, why is she dressed like that?”

Today she looks like a million bucks wearing a designer dress that fell just below her knees. It was a long sleeve front button-up that didn’t show much skin but revealed the figure of a woman who appeared to be thirty.

I snapped out of a short brain fart and answered Ms. Mallory’s question, “You’ll have to ask your mother because I didn’t dress her this morning.”

Fuck, Don’t ask if I dressed Melia yesterday.’

“Aaaeeeeeeia!” Her shriek ripped through the office, bringing wry smiles to the women in the office. Quickly she collected herself and continued being herself; a bitch.

“Oh, never mind, let’s get my weakly inspection done so I can go over the trip details with my staff.”

“Ollie, let me take over the inspections for you. I’ve only done it a few hundred times and can teach Jason the routine. Why don’t you take the day off and visit the Ohm Spa? We have an open appointment with them every day for models. Sylvia can call and confirm a time, and Richard can drive you there. Then you can return calm and refreshed tomorrow morning and work on the proposals you will present to the fashion houses.”

Sylvia is Olivet’s secretary, and Richard is our limo driver.

“MOTHER! I’ve told you repeatedly, don’t call me that name; however, I am a little frazzled. A day off being pampered is just what I deserve.” Her forehead wrinkled as she was thinking, and I almost giggled when she whipped around and said, “Very well, that’s the plan. Good thing it popped into my head.”

She turned and walked toward the elevators, and I raced over to open the elevator for her before she fired me. When the door closed, everyone in the office started giggling, and when the elevator dropped a floor, hysterical laughter broke out.

Melia addressed Sylvia and three other women in the room, saying, “Please forgive my daughter for her outburst. This part of the business is where she’s weakest, keeping her wits in front of the staff. Now she’s going to Europe to negotiate with the different fashion houses about using our models for their fashion week. No one is better for that part of the business than my daughter. She is a ruthless negotiator who takes no prisoners. So now, Jason and I will walk around and make everyone happy, knowing there will be no screeching for the three weeks when she is away. Ta-ta, ladies.”

Listening to her speak, I was proud that I was her PA and lover, and I felt emboldened to speak my mind to Melia later.

We started in the lobby with the receptionist and worked our way up through the floors, making everyone happy when she informed them that Olivet wouldn’t be doing inspections in the immediate future. She had a short script that she repeated over and over to bring much joy to the agency.

“We’re all grown-ups, and everyone working here is the best of the best, so there won’t be any formal inspections, just informal wandering around to ensure everyone is happy. I’m instructing all supervisors and managers to contact Ms. Mallory’s secretary, Sylvia, for any major problems. If her office staff can’t resolve it, then and only then, contact me. My assistant, Jason, will be available for special problems, such as emergency pickups around town.”

That evening, Melia received a phone call while I was making dinner. She glanced at me before going into her bedroom and closing the door.

Curious about the call, I made a mental note to ask about it later. Dinner was almost ready when she rejoined me and set the table.

While I cleaned up after dinner, Melia stood with a glass of wine and stared through her glass wall at the Manhatten skyline. After I joined her, an uneasy silence surrounded us, and she seemed deep in thought, almost like she was in a trance.

We looked at each other, and I swear I could hear the second hand on my watch moving, tick, tick, tick, before I blurted out, “Melia, I need to talk to you about something that’s been bothering me.”

There, I said it, the deadly ‘We need to talk’ phrase.

She started to speak, but I cut her off.

“Let me start, please. I know the age difference between us is a problem, as is the fact your daughter is the boss. I think about you a lot, and I wanted to say I’m deeply in….”

She placed her right index finger across my lips, and a melancholy smile appeared as she embraced me.

“Jason, you dear sweet boy. Let’s not speak about something we know can’t happen. Enjoy the moment, for we know not what tomorrow may bring.”

“But Melia, I need to tell you….”

“Shush, not another word. Let’s go clubbing, have drinks, dance, and come home and fuck. You know how to dance, don’t you? Perhaps I’ll even dance for you. I know you can fuck, baby.”

She didn’t want to hear me say the word. Perhaps she’s correct; I might be kicked to the curb tomorrow, especially if Olivet finds me in bed with Melia. Oh, well, let me ask my nosy question.

“Who was on the phone call you took in your bedroom?”

“Nosy little boy, aren’t you? It was an old friend, and that’s all I will say.”

While I paced around the living room, Melia disappeared into her bedroom. An hour passed before she came out, and I was stunned. Her hair and face were perfect, and Melia was wearing the sexiest evening gown I’d ever seen, a burgundy double-strap, full-length dress with a big slit showing off her right leg.

“I thought you didn’t have any sexy clothes.”

“It was hidden under a coat in my closet so Ollie couldn’t steal it.”

She led me through her front door, and we rode the elevator down to the thirty-fourth floor and entered the other world inside her building when she punched in an eight-digit code on a keypad. Exiting the elevator, we entered a hallway filled with people milling around. In front of us was a sign reading ‘Fifth Avenue Rotisserie.’ There was a line of approximately twenty people waiting to get in.

At the other end of the hallway was a much longer line, and Melia took my hand and led me down to the entrance to ‘Club Ecstasy,’ as the sign above stated. Every person in line stared as we passed by them. The maître d’ greeted her like an old friend, which didn’t surprise me.

“Mrs. Mallory, it’s been a long time since you’ve graced us with your presence; before Claude passed away, I believe. How have you been?”

She smiled, “Hello Michael, I’m good. Can you find me a table?”

“In a New York minute,” and we were immediately escorted inside by a waitress as I heard a chorus of angry voices behind us.

As we were seated, the waitress introduced herself, “My name is Maria, and I’ll be your server tonight. What would you like to drink, Mrs. Mallory?”

“Sex on the Beach for me and spring water for my date, Jason. When we leave the dance floor, bring the drinks.”

Then she dragged me out into the dance crowd.

Now I can hold my own on the dance floor, but Melia was so much better than me, I let her lead. We danced to one fast song and two slow ones, and I noticed her dress had a minor wardrobe malfunction containing her breasts.

She dragged me back to our table, and our drinks magically appeared as I sat down. Melia didn’t sit, just drained her glass in two gulps and whispered something into Maria’s right ear. As she disappeared into the crowd, Melia began moving with the music and eying me like a hungry cougar, and I don’t mean the kind you find in the wild.

Maria returned with another drink for Melia and whispered something in her ear. Melia smiled, drained her second drink, then leaned over and made my hair stand straight up with a dramatic and deep French kiss. OMG, Melia kissed me in a public setting for the first time, and the lights blinked out for me.

As I regained consciousness, Melia finished reapplying lipstick she had hidden somewhere when a suave Cuban hunk approached her and took her hand.

“Madame Mallory, I am Franco. Would you do me the honor of dancing with me?”

Facing me, she flicked her tongue out of her mouth like a serpent and purred, “Jason, this dance is for you, so pay attention.” She turned toward Franco and clutched his arm, “Lead on, Franco. Let’s stretch some zippers and soak some thongs.”

Before the music started, I vaguely heard a voice on the intercom saying something about Franco, Melia, dance, and tango. I couldn’t begin verbalizing what I watched for the next few minutes, but it felt like hours had passed as they mesmerized the dance crowd with their fluid motion across the dance floor. I was numb.

When the dance ended, my pants felt very uncomfortable. I tried rearranging things using both hands in my pockets but failed in my adjustment attempts because Iron doesn’t bend easily.

Melia returned to me, her face flushed, and downed her third drink before taking my hand and leading me back toward the elevator. After punching in the code and hitting the up button, she pinned me against doors and deposited another layer of lipstick on and around my lips.


Olivet’s thoughts

‘What is my mother hiding? Does she have such a low opinion of me that she thinks I’d fall for such a pitiful attempt to get me out of the building? Although, I admit the day at the spa was fantastic, and I feel re-energized.’

As I walked up to the building entrance, a glance at my watch confirmed it was after 8 PM, so I punched my code in to enter the lobby. The elevator seemed to take forever to come down, but finally, the door opened, and I pushed the button for the fortieth floor.

‘I need to see if Mother has a man in her bed.’

When I punched in my code for mothers front door, I prepared myself to find it bolted from the inside and was truly surprised when it opened. I headed toward her bedroom to see the lights were off and an empty bed.

‘Is she fucking him in my old bed?’

Reaching the door, I turned the knob and pushed hard, slamming it into the wall, but the lights were out in here also.

‘Where the hell are they? Jason couldn’t have convinced her to leave the building.’

Jason’s face appeared in my mind as I stood in the kitchen, and I began fantasizing about him touching me, kissing me, and treating me like the bitch I pretended to be.

I heard the front door open, and my mother’s voice echoed throughout her condo. She sounded a little tipsy. When I heard Jason’s voice, I slipped into my old bedroom, shut the door, and plastered one ear against it.



“Thank you, Jason, for taking me out of my home and out among people again. I know it was my idea, but you gave me the confidence to verbalize that thought.”

“Thanks for the, um, kiss at the club and, um, at the elevator. My head is spinning.”

She covered my junk under my trousers and squeezed, immediately stopping the dizziness.

“Why don’t you surprise me with something out of that Indian book of love?

“You mean the Kama Sutra?”

Melia fumbled with my zipper but pulled it halfway down while nibbling on my lip. The alcohol affected her motor skills but made her more aggressive sexually.

Holding her close, I whispered, “Melia, my love? Do you trust me?”

“Ohhh, my darrrlin boy, you can do anyfing you want tonight.”

“Melia, how about something kinky?”

“Ooh, baby, kinkey, kineky, fuck, whatever you call it; WHAT do YEW have in your horneee mind, Jase?”

She was pretty drunk, so I took her hand and led her into the living room, six feet from the windows revealing the city’s skyline.

“Let me treat you to something I’m sure neither of us has experienced,” and I slid the straps of her dress over her shoulders. She tried to pull away, weakly chastising me, “Jase, what are you….? Stop! Somm one, oh God, see us.”

As her dress hit the floor, I helped her step out of it while slipping my tongue between her lips, silencing her protest. Quickly I unbuttoned my shirt and tossed it behind me while her hands caressed my face as we kissed. After unbuckling my belt, my trousers dropped to the floor, and I stepped out of my shoes as my boxers slid down my calves. Then I embraced her again, one hand on her supple ass cheek and the other inside her thong.

Our lips separated for a moment, and she was able to cry out, “Jason, no, we can’t, mmm. Somm on see….”

Silencing her again with my lips, I slid the dental floss over her thighs and let them drop. I maneuvered Melia until her back was against the glass.

I dropped to my knees, stating, “The glass is solid; you can’t go through the glass. If you fear heights, that will disappear after tonight.”

Melia giggled nervously at my corny statement but cried out when I lifted her off her feet and sat her on my shoulders, my mouth against her slit.

“Don’t, no, oh my God, stop, please,” Melia was sobering up; she cried and threw her arms out, parallel to the floor, her palms trying to stick to the glass like an octopus’s suction cups. Her eyelids were squeezed tightly over her eyes as I stood up with her petite frame on my shoulders. Her shoes dropped off her feet, hitting the floor with muffled thumps. With the glass window supporting her back and her arms keeping her balanced, I licked and tongue fucked her for almost a minute before her pleading ended and her moans began, and with great delight, I ate a delicacy for dessert, on glass.



I cracked open the bedroom door and watched Jason undress himself and my mother. Instead of being angry because she lied, I was jealous and aroused.

‘Oh my God, I knew she was fucking him. What a slut my mother is, but seeing his cock hanging between his legs, I don’t blame her.’

Not wasting a second, I stripped and buried four fingers inside my slick, wet pussy.

‘Gooood, lick that old skank. I wiissssh you were eeeeeeatttin meeeeee,’ and I climaxed while clamping my teeth together and exhaling through my nose.



Her first climax was tentative, but the second one minutes later was violent and loud. I said uncle to myself as I dropped to the floor because her knees were squeezing my brains through my ears. As her feet touched the carpet, she wrapped her arms around my neck, whispering, “You, asshole, if you didn’t ring my bell so well, I’d fire you.”

“Now it’s time for you to look through the glass.”

She wasn’t frightened and didn’t fight me when I turned her around, placed her hands against the glass, and pulled her hips back until she was the right height for me to fit inside snugly. I saw her eyelids half open from her reflection in the glass.

My hands held her by the waist as I slowly stroked in and out. “Oh, Melia, you are still super tight, almost like a virgin. Ohhh, fuuuuck, I have to stop for a minute. Don’t move, flex, or even breathe, or I’ll explode.”

I thought I heard someone moaning behind me, but I attributed that to Melia’s heavy breathing in front of me, reflecting off the glass. As I’ve stated before, sometimes I’m clueless.

“Jason, you know I’m going to punish you for doing this?”

“God, I hope so, over and over,” and I flexed my prick inside her. My lady responded by moaning while leaving lipstick marks and tongue smears on the glass. Then she got bossy, “Faster, a little higher, that’s it, I’m close, slower, no faster.”

I grabbed a clump of hair, pulled her head up, and rubbed her face against the mess she left on the glass.

“Quiet, bitch, I am in charge.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Do not cum until I give you permission, understood?”

“Yes, no, I don’t, I don’t know; please let me come.”

Laughing, I slid my cock in and out, and Melia cried out, begging for her climax. After twelve agonizingly slow thrusts of my rigid dick, she was screaming profane words before and after my name. I reached around, coated a finger with our juices, and raised it toward her lips.

“After you wrap your lips around my finger, you may cum.”

Melia quickly slid her lips over my finger and used her palms on the glass to press back against my cock. Her vagina clamped down on my cock, and she screamed as her third orgasm tore through her body.



I was screaming, “I’m gonna cum AGAIN! YES, so good, CUMINGGGG,” only it sounded much quieter, like, “Mm gomma mum MGAMIM! Mes, sss mood, CMMMNGMM.” That’s because my free hand covered my closed mouth with a small pillow I had when I lived here.

With my back against the door and crouching on shaky legs, I pulled my fingers out of my drenched cunt as I came down from my second intense orgasm. I was exposed if either of them looked in my direction, and I had an important decision to make, get dressed and flee or stay.

It was an easy decision.

‘I want his cock. I’ll hide in his bed like Goldilocks.’

As I straightened up, I slid my ass up the door until my legs were straight.

‘OMG, I want to see Jason fill her cunt with his spunk.’

I jammed two fingers in my ass while my other hand softly massaged the area above my clit.

‘He’s so hot. I want, need to come again, fuuuuck. Mother, you slut, moo like a cow.’

“Ohhhh mmmMMMiiiii Gaaahhhhddd, clooooossssss!”

My pillow was soaked.




I hung on and stopped thrusting until she stopped shaking, then stepped back and led her to the white leather sofa next to us. I sat down with my legs together, and she immediately knew what I wanted. Melia climbed up and straddled me before sliding down my pole. She began riding up and down as I chewed on a nipple.

A whining noise was coming from her open lips, increasing in intensity, changing to a gravelly moan before she clamped her mouth shut, trying to hold her screams inside.

I grabbed both nipples between my thumb and finger, pulling them toward me as she crushed my lips with hers, and our tongues danced together. She raised her hips up, then slammed her body down repeatedly until she stopped moving with my cock buried deep inside.

I twisted Melia’s nipples, and her climax exploded inside her, tearing through her body like an electrical current, head to toe. Then my orgasm exploded inside her as Melia collapsed against me, my cock spasming inside her.



‘I knew it. Mother’s a total slut. Jay’s a stud. I’m going to get him. She’s too old.’

Removing my fingers after cumming a third time, I staggered back inside the bedroom and closed the door.

‘Feel strange inside, nervous, butterflies. Never felt this way before. Could this be…no way…love?’

As I entered the bathroom to freshen up, I entertained one last thought about what I’d seen.

‘I’ll show my mother. Going to rescue his cock from her skanky cunt.’



After a moment, Melia began moaning again, proving she was still alive but totally wasted. I rested until I could stand up, her legs wrapped around my torso, then carried her to bed. I cleaned her with a washcloth and towel before covering her up and leaving her in the dark to sleep it off. I had intended to spend the night, but Melia was unconscious from orgasms and vodka, so I headed to my bed.

I picked up my clothes on the way to my room and froze when I reached my door. The light streaming through the glass wall reflected off a vertical line about two inches wide and twelve inches high. I touched it and was dumbfounded.

‘It’s wet.’

I held my finger under my nose and inhaled.

‘No way, it can’t be. It’s not from Melia. Olivet?’

I entered my room, and as the door closed behind me, I was overwhelmed by the same odor that I had on my finger, mixed with the scent of an exotic perfume.

‘That’s Olivet’s perfume.’

My dick went from swinging low to checking out the ceiling in three seconds flat. I turned on the lights and discovered someone was sleeping in my bed. Before I pulled the covers off, my mind spun like a tornado, replaying today’s events. A thought passed by, wondering if I should sell my story to Hollywood.

‘Hell, what if it’s not Olivet?’

I pulled back the covers, praying the lump was Olivet, and I wasn’t disappointed. There she was, smiling at me, displaying all her frontal charms.

‘She’s gorgeous. Say something, dumbass.’

Like always, she said the first words of a conversation, “WOW! Um, hi, Jason. How long have you been fucking my mother?”

She was talking to me, but her eyes were centered on something else, and for the first time, I saw her smile.

What a crazy, screwed-up family. No sense in lying, so I blurted out the truth, “The first time was after my third week as her assistant, the Friday night I moved into this bedroom. Your mother is very persuasive and always gets what she wants, except with you. However, the vodka slapped her tonight, and I had to tuck her into bed. When did you get here?”

“Right before the two of you came staggering in. Where did you go?”

“Down to ‘Club Ecstasy,’ we had a few drinks and even danced together. Then she did this one dance, a tango, with another guy, and I was blown away. She has some serious dance moves.”

“She must’ve wanted you really bad, and from my observation of the acrobatics in the living room and your, um, reaction to finding me in your bed, I can see why. Does that thing ever shrink?”

“Um, you watched us?”

Olive licked her lips as she nodded.

For some reason, I reached for my blanket to cover myself until a deep breath provided enough oxygen to my brain to make me realize how ridiculous I would look.

“I told my mother if I found out she was fucking you, I’d take you for a test drive. Now I might even make you my very personal assistant. So jump on board, cowboy, and show me what you got.”

As I crawled between her legs, tongue out, she informed me, “Uh-uh, no need for foreplay. I lubed myself with four fingers, watching you use my mother like a whore.”

I smiled. “No problem.”

‘Cock want pussy.’

The big head was no longer in control.

I moved up on my hands and knees until my round peg pointed at her leaky hole, then slammed into her swamp. Her pussy wasn’t as tight as her mother’s, but when I was buried inside her, the head of my cock was touching the back wall, and she gasped. With my prick deep inside her, I knelt and hooked her legs over my shoulders while staring down into her blue eyes. We were playing the ancient game of chicken, and I was on top, determined to win.

I flexed my cock against her cervix.


Her eyes began jumping from side to side while her lips trembled slightly.

Her breath rate increased, drops of sweat formed along her hairline, and her stiletto nails raked across my torso from my groin to my nipples.

I hate to lose, and if I need to cheat to win this battle of the sexes, I will. I smiled, but my facial expression said, ‘Take this, bitch,’ as I flexed my cock again.

She was whimpering now, like a puppy calling for its mother. She nibbled on her lower lip, and her eyes pleaded with me to fuck her.

I pulled back an inch and stopped.

“Oh my Gaud, please, Jay, fuck me.”

I win.

“Beg harder,” and I flexed again.

“Ram my pussy hard. Turn me into your dirty little whore. Use my cunt. Fuck me, Jay. Fill me up with your cum. Please, make your slut scream. I’ll make you forget my mother. I’m begging you, please mas….”

‘She almost called me master. Should I call her slave? Too harsh. Ohhh feels good.’

I pulled out, leaving just the head inside, and slammed back in while pulling her against me using her legs. Olive came, screeching profanities, until I silenced her with my lips and tongue.

‘Can’t wake Melia. Mmmm, she can squeeze that puss.’

I repeated my out and in movements and settled into a pace ensuring I would last a long time. Her eyes rolled back, and she was squealing in her throat.

‘Olive. That’s her name from now on.’

I wanted to turn Olive into a quivering bowl of Jell-O and stake my claim to her heart. Melia was a great fuck, but she was my dad’s age. Watching Olive strutting around the building since starting my employment ignited a tiny flame of lust in my soul that was now a bonfire.

I was jolted from my daydream by Olive coming again, gasping for air, and thrashing around under me. I increased my pace until she came again, then slowed down until she had another climax. She was crying and babbling nonsense, but when I slowed down, she begged again, “No, no, no, don’t stop, please, Jason,” and somehow, she rolled over and presented her ass to me.

I don’t have any memories after that until Olive was kneeling over me, sucking my balls until I blew a load on her breasts.

As I dropped off to the world of dreams, I heard her saying, “I love him. He’s teachable. I won’t tell him how much I’ve thought about him since I hired him. He’s so adorable.”

Her voice faded in and out.

“I need to assert myself…. While I’m in Europe…. Tomorrow I’ll hook him….”


I heard my alarm go off, but it was on the other side of the bed. As I rolled over, a fully clothed Olive turned off my alarm.

“Good morning, Stud. You’re something else in bed. I’m not ready to face my mother, but I’ll have it out with her after my trip because you’re mine now, lover.”

I was speechless, and as I lay on my side with my mouth open, she leaned over and thrust her tongue into my mouth. I think it was the sweetest kiss I’d ever experienced.

“I put my phone number in your contact list. You really should change the password from Melia to my name. I leave Friday at 4:30 on Air France out of JFK, so call me Thursday, and you can spend the night with me and drive me to the airport. You are, by far, the best fuck I’ve ever had, and I want to see how you make love. Ciao Bella.”

‘Why did she have to add her number to my contact list? It’s a company phone. What password? Oh well, game on. I guess the bitch is back.’


She was out the door leaving behind a wrinkled sheet with a wet spot and the intoxicating odor of a scent I couldn’t identify. I got up and changed the bedsheets before turning the exhaust fan in the bathroom on high.

Then feeling lonely, I went into Melia’s bedroom and lay beside her naked body. As I pressed my erection against her soft butt cheeks, she stirred and rolled over, covering my lips with hers. We had time for a quickie before dressing and riding the elevator down three floors.

The week flew by, and before I knew it, Thursday arrived. Olive stayed in her office all week with Melia but did call me every night. I was still, you know, sleeping with Melia, but while I was running around the building, gophering, a plan was born.

‘I’m so bad.’

I called Olive at noon.

“Olive. This is Jay. How are you?”

“Jay. I’m leaving for home at four. Meet me in the lobby with a change of clothes in a small bag, and I’ll take you home. You can cook dinner for me, and after you clean up the kitchen, you can join me in my Jacuzzi bath and scrub me all over. Then, after you dry me off, I’ll allow you to show me your oral skills before you fuck me all night.”

“Wow, Olive, that sounds wonderful if I was a eunuch, with my balls cut off. I have a different idea of how tonight should happen.”

I heard a sharp intake of air over the phone.

“Jay, you’re confusing me. I don’t understand. Your balls aren’t missing.”

“Olive, it’s a figure of speech, like, ‘his lover put a ring through his nose,’ or ‘his girlfriend gave him kneepads for his birthday.’ Another figure of speech is that guy is ‘pussy whipped.’ That’s not me, and I will never be that way.”

“Why are you calling me Olive, Jay? You’re scaring me. I was merely suggesting….”

“Olive, be quiet for once and listen. Here is what I propose. Before you leave work today, go to the props department and ask them for a felt choker with a ring in the front and a leash for a small dog.”

“Are you calling….”

“Shut up. Go home to your condo, stripped naked as soon as you enter, and fasten the choker around your neck.”


“Olive! Will you please shut the fuck up? Grip the middle of the leash between your teeth. Get your cell phone from your purse, drop down on your hands and knees 6 feet from the door, take a selfie, and send it to me.”

“AAARRRRRGGGGG!” Click. Olive started screaming at me and then hung up.

I hope I haven’t screwed everything up, but her idea of our future relationship was a non-starter.


Melia and I were inseparable the rest of the day, and the only work we did was review the progress reports of the models hired in the last six months and wander around and watch photo shoots. That night, we went to bed in the wee hours of the morning after visiting one of the restaurants for a late dinner and rubbing elbows with some of New York City’s elite party people.

That night, I dreamt about receiving blowjobs, fucking a slick pussy, caressing full tits, sucking on big nipples, and inhaling a sweet perfume, but it wasn’t ‘Opium.’

All my dreams were about Olive, and I sat up at 5:45 AM wondering if I had gone too far.

I rolled away from Melia and finally fell asleep.

We awoke at noon and made love; sweet, slow, and gentle. As we snuggled afterward, her phone rang. Thirty seconds after answering, Melia waved her free hand at the door and whispered, “Go! Get out and close the door behind you.”

Stunned, I followed orders, and as I shut the door, I heard her ask, “What do you want, Ollie?”

I showered, and after getting dressed, I wandered into the kitchen and found Melia sitting at the table and apparently waiting for me.

“Jason. Something has come up that I need to take care of today. I need you to spend the day away from the building. Take the day off, go to the movies, or visit your mother.”

She looked deathly pale, and without looking at me, she stood up and walked into her bedroom. The door closed behind her, and I heard the deadbolt turn.

I wandered the city in a daze until late afternoon before returning to Melia’s apartment, but I couldn’t enter because the deadbolt was engaged. After ringing the doorbell for several minutes, I called her cell phone. When she answered, her voice sounded like she’d been crying.

“Jason. What do you want?”

“Um, I need to get in so I can make dinner for us, and if you don’t want me in your bed, then I can go to sleep in my room.”

She sobbed, kept telling me to go away until I lost patience, and yelled, “Can you at least let me in so I can get some clothes before getting a hotel room?”

She hung up. I stared at my phone before turning toward the elevator. I was about to push the down button when I heard the deadbolt retract. I slowly returned to the door, and as I punched the code in, I heard her bedroom door close.

I guess making dinner was out, so I filled a suitcase with underwear and socks for a week, threw some T-shirts and jeans on top, and grabbed two pairs of sneakers. As I wandered through the kitchen, Melia cried out to me from her bedroom.

“Jason. Please stay in one of the suites downstairs. I’ll talk to you tomorrow and try to explain what’s happening.”

Stunned, I wandered out the door to the elevator and rode down to the 36th floor, where a gum-chewing brunette holding a college textbook about surgical robotics met me.

“You must be Jason. You’re kind of cute. Here’s the key to 3604, the first door to your left. I’m in 3601. Call me if you have any problems like a fire or a water pipe breaking. Otherwise, don’t bother me because I’m studying for a test.”

I spent most of the night staring at old movies on TV. The next morning after getting dressed and eating breakfast at the cafeteria, I ended up pounding on Melia’s bolted door. My phone rang, and it was Melia. She pleaded with me to give her more time before we talked.

So I took her advice and visited my mother, but she wasn’t home. After putting her mail on the dining room table, I returned to my suite and ordered a pizza for dinner.

The next day, Sunday, I stayed in all day watching hockey and basketball.

Monday, Melia wouldn’t let me in her apartment and made excuses for not talking yet. Olive called on my work phone after noon, and I hung up when she started screaming at me. The rest of the workweek followed Monday’s pattern, with Melia crying and Olive screaming.

Saturday morning, I went out early and wandered around Manhattan, trying to make sense of the previous nine days. I ended up back at the entrance to the Mallory agency, staring through the windows and getting knocked around by the Saturday foot traffic.

Something snapped inside me, and I went inside. I rode the elevator to the 40th floor, and wouldn’t you know it, the deadbolt wasn’t in use. I went to my bedroom, jammed as much clothing as possible into my second suitcase, grabbed my personal cell phone and charger, and left the apartment. I returned to my suite and packed all my clothes, leaving my door card on the bed.

My last stop was Olive’s office, and I left my company ID and work cell phone on Sylvia’s desk, with a note to Melia. Then I used the company phone to call for a taxi. When the elevator reached the lobby, my taxi was pulling up outside. Caller ID can get you a cab ‘tout de suite.’

The driver took me to my mother’s house, which was still dark and silent. I found her calendar on her dresser, and she was on a cruise for a month in the Arctic.

‘Saving the ice pack, for sure.’

After throwing out all the spoiled food in her refrigerator, I napped. My cell phone had a full charge when I awoke four hours later.

‘Feel better. No calls or texts. Thank you, Lord. Need food.’

I walked to the local grocery store, a family-owned business, Martino’s Mercato (Market). I kept running into people who knew me, which slowed me down. Somehow I ended up at my mentor’s restaurant, and the welcome I received rivaled a movie star’s entrance at the Academy Awards, causing all the customers to stare, wondering who I was. After being stuffed with five courses, I had to give a blood oath that I wouldn’t be a stranger before Eric let me leave.

The sun was setting when I finally reached my destination, and Mr. Martino gruffly reminded me that my mother always called her order in and had her groceries delivered. Duh, I only lived there 18 years until I went to college, and his daughter, Donna, wore tight sweaters when she brought our groceries every Saturday morning for four years until I turned sixteen.

Back then, my Saturday routine was waking up at sunrise, eating breakfast, getting dressed like I was going to church, brushing my hair, and gluing it down with mom’s hairspray. Donna showed up promptly at 9 o’clock and helped me put away the groceries while she babbled on about her many boyfriends. I was devastated when she went to college while I was a Junior.

I took home enough to make a hearty breakfast tomorrow with a promise from Mr. Martino to deliver the bulk of my groceries after church. When I got home, as I was putting the food in the frig, my father called me. He was back in New York from his latest job overseas and informed me he had retired. We chatted for a while and agreed to have dinner together sometime.

I overslept, but it was Sunday, so who cares? After eating breakfast, I flopped down on the sofa and found a show about serial killers, so I watched that until the doorbell rang at 1:30.

It was my grocery order, and you’ll never believe who delivered it.

Donna had filled out nicely, was not wearing a ring, and when I looked into her eyes, I saw a woman who would make a wonderful wife, mother, homemaker, confidant, best friend, lover, and someone who would rarely cause problems in the marriage. In short, she was a ‘Stepford Wife’ and would be mine if I reached for her hand and asked her out.

We chatted, and I found out there was no man in her life and that she worked for an accounting firm while helping her parents out on the weekends.

I told her about my life and embellished my story by adding that I was dating the agency’s owner. Yeah, maybe I lied, so what. Donna looked disappointed when she left.


It was dark outside, and my phone rang at 2:30, fucking AM, yanking me out of a wet dream. Donna Martino was showing me what she could do with a banana.

Reaching for my phone on the nightstand, I knocked it on the floor and fell out of bed. By the time I grabbed my phone, it had stopped ringing. Now I was really pissed off. Squinting at the screen, all I saw was the name Olivet at the top. Why is her name coming up on my phone?

‘Shit. Bitch woke me up.’

Let me think, it’s a five-hour time difference, so it’s 7:30 in Paris. Well, I’ll call her back and set her straight.

I hit ‘Star 69’, and the phone rang twice before she answered.

“Jay, issss thisss youuuu?”

Olive wasn’t crying; she was bawling.

“Olive, calm down, take a deep breath, and tell me what’s wrong.”

“You, you stopped answering meeee.”

I heard her blow her nose before continuing.

“Mmmmotherrrr told meeee youuuu quit.”

And then she hung up the phone. I sat on the floor, staring at the wall for twenty minutes waiting for Olive to call me back. When my phone didn’t ring, I crawled back into bed and tried to fall asleep. Unfortunately, I couldn’t turn off my brain.

‘She sounds devastated. How did she get this number?’

‘I should call her.’

“Hmmmph, screw that.”

‘I’ll show her.’

‘She needs me.’

‘Hell no, not calling her back.’

‘Should I fly to Paris?’

Nature calls. I need to take a leak while I figure out how to bring peace to the world.

I stood up and shuffled to the bathroom, mumbling, “Sleep. Who needs it? Sleep is overrated.”

After shaking the dew off, I was awake and hungry.

“French toast, that’s what I need.”

Now I was talking to myself, which was normal growing up, as I opened the fridge and pulled out what I needed.

I had four pieces piled on a plate, steaming hot, covered with butter and syrup, and cut out in lovely, even squares when my phone rang.


“Jay? Please don’t hang up on me. I stopped crying, but I need to tell you something.”

“Um, okay, go ahead, I’m listening.” I put two pieces in my mouth, savoring the taste of cinnamon as I chewed.

“I’m a bitch, have been since I was 12, and always thought I’d be one the rest of my life because nobody ever talked to me like you did. I went off on you because I couldn’t believe you talked back to me, the great Olivet Mallory. After you hung up the phone, I trashed my office, then screamed at my staff before riding the elevator to the lobby and leaving.”

She stopped talking, so I said, “I’m listening,” and continued eating.

“The first-class flight attendants wanted to throw me off the plane over the Atlantic. The hotel staff rushed me to my suite so I wouldn’t disturb guests in the lobby. They begged me to eat in my room.”

She blew her nose, and I grunted, still eating.

“I kept it together that first week because you answered your work phone, but I was so angry when you hung up. When I called you last weekend, you didn’t answer.”

“Olive, how did you get my personal number?”

“That night when we, you know, I searched your room and found your cell and added my number to yours and vice versa.”


“Yesterday, while talking to Clive Wentworth, a client, I started crying uncontrollably because I thought I’d lost you. I ended the session, claiming I felt ill, and Clive almost tripped over his feet trying to get out of the room, saying something about a weak immune system.”

Another pause.

“You’re doing fine. Please continue.”

‘Damn. French toast has never tasted so good before.’

She blew her nose loudly as I ate another piece.

“I returned to my hotel room and haven’t left it. I’ve been nibbling on room service food and living on bottles of wine while waiting for you to call, buuuttt yoouuu diddnn’tt c-c-call meeee.”

Olive started crying again, and I spoke quietly to calm her down. “Shush, baby, don’t cry. Everything will be okay.” I finished eating and burped away from the phone.

We talked for hours, and I told her why I had resigned and moved to my mother’s house. We negotiated, and I made her promise to eat, shower, and stop drinking. In return, Olive made me promise to go back to work, stay out of Melia’s bed, and call when I arrived home every night.

“So we’ve agreed to work things out and talk when you return. I have one more request, Olive.”


“You only have thirteen days left, including weekends. Take no prisoners and bring home the money.”

Most people would probably think I should pursue Donna, Ms. 98% perfect mate, but I want Olive because I believe I’m perfect for her, and I’ll never be bored. Time will tell.


I returned to work the next day and apologized to Mrs. Mallory, but I no longer called her Melia, and I now spent my nights at my mother’s house. After work, for a couple of nights, Melia tried to get me to come to dinner and talk.

I asked her a question.

“Mrs. Mallory, is my employment contingent on me visiting you in your private home after work hours?”

“Well, no.”

“Then I must respectfully decline. You taught me a lot about the agency and other things, and I hope you will continue to share your experience with me, but on a personal level, I have to draw a line.”

“But Jason, you can still call me Melia.”

“I can’t because Melia was my lover, while you, Mrs. Mallory, are my employer. I believe Olive and I can become friends, lovers, and maybe more. She mentioned you have an on-and-off again boyfriend. Perhaps you can reconnect with him?”

Her cheeks paled, and I thought she might faint.


Every night, after reaching mothers home, I called Olive, and we talked on the phone for hours like we were in high school; well, she spoke, and I listened. After I got home, I curled up on the sofa while she told me everything that had happened that day until she started to fall asleep. Then I made dinner, went to bed, and rode the subway to work the next morning.

The night before Olive returned to New York, we had our usual talk, and I asked her if she wanted me to pick her up at the airport.

She hesitated, and after 30 seconds of silence, which was very unusual for her, she answered, “NO. Richard is picking me up and dropping me off at my condo. I have something planned, so wait for my text.”

She hung up, and I made dinner while hoping the bitch inside wasn’t returning with her.


As I walked into Olive’s outer office, I had a spring in my step while all four women seemed on edge.

I asked Sylvia, “What time does Olive’s flight arrive today?”

“12:40, Jason. I assume you’ll pick her up?”

“No, Richard’s picking her up, and I’ll be staying here.”

All four women took a breath and looked away from me. Interesting!

“Is Mrs. Mallory here yet?”

Sylvia blushed, looked down at her keyboard, and mumbled, “Um, no. She’s taking the day off.” At the same time, two of the women picked up their phones, and the third began typing on her keyboard.


I tried to chat with them, and they all acted like they wanted me to disappear because I had body odor or drool on my chin. Now, I was getting nervous. I wandered around the building, and almost everyone followed me with their eyes. At 12:30, I went to the cafeteria and spotted Caitlin, one of the women in Olive’s office, eating her lunch. When she saw me, she jumped up, dumped her tray in the trash, and raced me to the exit, but I was right behind and caught her near the elevators. At that moment, one elevator door opened, and her two coworkers stepped out, saw me, then stepped back inside before the doors closed and the elevator went down.

“All right, Caitlin, your coworkers deserted you, and the three of you are acting like you’ve been shoplifting at Macy’s and got caught. What the hell is going on? Everybody in this building has been giving me weird looks today. Spill the beans.”

“Mrs. Mallory was very specific. Anyone who ratted her out would be on unemployment the next day. That’s all I can say, and if you don’t let go of my arm, I will scream.”

I removed my hand, and she began punching the elevator down button.

‘Why would Melia threaten Olive’s minions?’

When the elevator doors opened, I followed Caitlin in, and after she pushed the button labeled thirty-seven, I pushed the white one with the red 40 on it.

“Please, don’t mention me to Mrs. Mallory….” She started whimpering, cutting off her statement.

I just stared at her. Caitlin backed off the elevator when the door opened, whispering, “I’ll lose my job. Please, Jason, I have a four-year-old daughter. I can’t start over….” The Elevator door closing cut her off.

I stepped out when the doors opened on 40 and punched in the code. The deadbolt was in use. With closed fists, I pounded on the door until it opened.

Melia was frantically tying her robe around her waist, then ran her fingers through her unruly hair. She had what looked like cum on her chin, and she was nervous as hell. I’ve seen this look once before; only I was the man she was trying to hide.

She spoke much louder than was needed, “Jason, why are you pounding on my door?”

As I slid past her, I said, “We need to have a serious conversation.”

She stepped back but blocked me from going any further.

‘Damn. Melia has a man in her bedroom. Why is she jumpy?’

“Jason, we need to talk after I shower and get dressed. Please wait downstairs in Olive’s office, and I promise I’ll tell you everything.”

“Okay, Mrs. Mallory, I’ll wait for you downstairs.” I smirked and turned around.

My phone chirped as I opened her door, signaling I had a text. I let go of the door and pulled my phone out of my pocket.

The automatic door closer shut the door with a loud bang as I read my text from Olive, “Arrived safely at home. Richard bringing in contracts. Here is my address, Luv, Olive,” and her address on 8th Avenue was on a separate line.

As I looked back to say something to Melia, her bedroom door opened, and a man stepped out, tucking his shirt into his pants.


“Um, Jason.”

Finally, everything made sense; Melia was the woman he had an affair with when Mother kicked him out. Melia was still married to Claude then, so they kept their romance a secret until he passed away three years ago. Everyone in the building probably knew about their affair and that I’m his son. Super awkward. He insisted I consider working for Mallory Inc. to help Melia deal with Olive. Melia hired me, and I’ll bet she didn’t set out to seduce me, but my father had been overseas for three months, and she is a very sensual woman. Then the sudden breakup happened, but Melia didn’t kick me out to appease Olivet; she was also trying to hide our affair from my father.

“Jason, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about Melia and me, but we should talk now….”

He was still talking, but I was looking at Melia, pleading silently with me, using her lips, “Please don’t tell him.”

Ding. Another text. I looked down at it.


Distracted, I mumbled, “Um, sure, Dad, call my boss, and we can set up a double date, clear the air. Mrs. Mallory, Richard dropped Olive at her condo and is bringing in the contracts. I need to take the rest of the day off.”

“But Jason, I need you to help me with the contracts.”

“Mrs. Mallory, if that’s what you want, why don’t you invite my dad to help us? That way, we can catch up while we work, and I can tell him about my recent love life.”

With eyes wide open, she quickly replied, “I’m sorry, Jason, I wasn’t thinking. Take off the rest of the week, and when you return refreshed, we can go over Ollie’s trip, the contracts, billing, and scheduling.”


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“Do you think Olive could take a week off also, dear Mrs. Mallory?”

Melia looked like she had stuck a nail file in an electrical outlet before nodding and weakly speaking, “Of, um, course, Jay, um Jason.”

“Excellent. A question for you, Dad? Does Mother know that Melia was the woman you….”

“Well, no, she doesn’t. Please don’t tell her. You know how she’ll react.”

“Ah, yes. I need to think about what I’m going to tell Mother. Goodbye, dad, we’ll talk soon.”

Embracing Melia, I whispered, “Dad wouldn’t like it if he found out I was a younger and longer version of him.”

She shook her head as she backed up next to Dad.

“Dad, Mrs. Mallory, I hate to rush out of here, but someone desperately needs me.”

I was out the door and pushing the down button as I looked at my phone again.

Olive had sent me a picture.


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