They Said It Didn't Exist by nefarious_one83,nefarious_one83

They Said It Didn’t Exist – Pt 1

I want to thank the woman who made this story possible. A muse that showed me romance does in fact still exist, even if ever so brief. Thank you to my amazing editor, you dearest are the best! This tale is not one for instant gratification. The build up is half the fun. – Nef x

After working a long and tiresome fourteen hour day in the hotel her family owned, Regen Madianne sought refuge at a local lesbian bar, ‘Vixen’. Regen opened the door, the smell of fresh food being cooked filled her nose. She lightly smelled cigarettes, some marijuanna. The music was serene, playing a slow paced love song. Couples dancing, people at the tables, the bar. They all seemed to be having a great time, in their own ways, swaying to the rhythm of the music.

Regen found a spot at the bar, close to the end where she could see the room. The bartender welcomed her, as they had known each other for years. Regen outstretched her hand smiling as the two ladies shook, “Hey Nya!” She adjusted on the stool, “How are you doing?”

The short, black haired woman flipped a towel over her shoulder, smiling. “Oh, I’m great, thanks. It’s been a good day, for sure. Barely time to sit down.” She laughed, “What’ll it be tonight?”

Regen was just about to tell Nya what she wanted when a woman walked up to the bar, a couple of stools down holding a tray of empty beer mugs. She had strawberry blonde hair with gleaming blue eyes. She was wearing four inch black shiny heels, black sheer pantyhose, a black skirt, with a purple top. Her hair was done up in a clip showing off the multiple piercings she had in her ear. She glanced at Regen, then shyly looked down smiling.

Regen watched over her phone subtly as Nya took the tray from the woman, putting it on the back counter, “You need another round, or you girls ready to call it a night?”

Regen’s jaw dropped when she heard this enchanting mystery woman’s Australian accent. She was shyly smiling, “I think we’ll have one more. Don’t think we’re ready just yet.” She laughed.

Nya noticed Regen’s subtle staring. “Regen? Do you know Shayleigh? I believe she’s staying in your hotel.” She smiled. Knowing both of these women, she knew it’d be a good match.

Regen gulped nervously, “Uhm, no. No, I don’t. I must not be around when she… you are.” A nervous laugh was let out. She readjusted on the stool. She was feeling squirmy all of a sudden.

Shayleigh reached for Regen’s hand, “Shayleigh Aines, a pleasure to meet you. Are you drinking alone?” Her smile wasn’t showing that shyness, but a curious excitement. Her blue eyes were radiating the hope she had in wanting to get to know Regen more.

Regen laughed, shaking Shayleigh’s hand, her heart skipping a beat when she felt their skin make contact. She’d already been fighting butterflies since Shayleigh came up to the bar. She tried controlling her nervousness, “Regen Madianne. The pleasure is mine. Indeed I am Miss Aines. You’re staying at The Madianne?” She was melting at Shayleigh’s voice, her hand in hers. She immediately liked her. Realizing they were still shaking hands, she let go, with an embarrassed laugh.

Shayleigh nodded, “I am. You own it, yeah? That’s your hotel?” Shayleigh sat as she waited for Nya to fill their drinks. She was curious about Regen. She instantly liked her, too. She was a beautiful woman, with sky blue eyes hidden behind black framed glasses. Her sandy brown hair pulled up in a messy bun.

Shayleigh subtly looked over Regen’s black pants suit, with a white button down shirt, the top two unbuttoned. Down her legs lead to low white pumps. Shayleigh loved how Regen’s clothes fit her sensuous curves so naturally. She couldn’t see if Regen was wearing any type of hose or stockings underneath. It made her wonder, kept her intrigued. Shayleigh was newly attracted to this woman. She felt immediately at ease as they sat there waiting for their drinks.

Regen shook her head, smiling happily as she glanced over Shayleigh’s legs while she crossed them. She thought Shayleigh had the sexiest legs she’d ever seen. Her breath caught, she licked her lips blinking rapidly, “Uhm, no. Well, yes. I will own it when my parents pass away. My brother and I. I guess you could already say we do. We run day to day operations. Our parents only sit in on big meetings as of late. Are you enjoying staying there?”

There were tiny alarms going off in Regen’s head. She didn’t know how to act being next to Shayleigh. There was a strange confidence she’d never felt before, yet she could blush so easily. A feeling of security, no one ever made her feel secure. She wanted to continue their conversation, but didn’t want to impose on Shayleigh and her friends.

Shayleigh nodded, shyly grinning as she caught Regen eyeing her legs. She rubbed her left calf over her right shin slowly. It sent a thrill through her. She felt a shock she’d not ever felt before. Something was igniting a fire inside her soul. She wanted Regen to join the group, “That’s awesome! Yes, I do enjoy staying there. Every time I come over here, that’s where my bosses put me up.” She giggled as she kept running her leg over the other, not able to contain it. She rubbed slowly, sensually. She knew Regen was seeing her own glances. She just wanted to see if this was something more than a physical attraction.

Shayleigh looked back at her friends as Nya set down a new round of beers for her. She smiled warmly at Regen, motioning for her to follow, “Come on, come sit with us. Don’t worry, they’re great people. I promise they’ll go easy on you. You shouldn’t drink alone.” She twirled to pick up the tray, but watched as Regen thought about it. It made her smile wider.

Regen nodded as she looked at Nya, “I’ll have an amaretto sour.” She was nervous. She looked Shayleigh over blushing. She tried her utmost best to keep any and all composure she had. Nya smiled, setting Regen’s drink on the bartop. Standing, she grabbed her black overcoat, purse, and drink. Regen nodded toward Nya thanking her, then took a sip of her cocktail, “Ok, yeah.. You’re sure I wouldn’t be imposing? I wouldn’t want to intrude on you spending time with your friends.” She hid a nervous sigh as she sipped.

Shayleigh laughed, amused, “Of course! I wouldn’t ask otherwise. You’re not imposing at all, lovely!” Her eyes widened hearing that slip out of her mouth. Regen was lovely, so very lovely. She led them to the table. Shayleigh set the tray down, smiling at the women, “Ladies, this is Regen. She’s the owner of the hotel I stay at.” She melted as Regen pulled out her chair for her. Shayleigh thought Regen was the sweetest woman in the world. She smiled, blushing again as she sat, “Thank you, Regen.”

The three women cried out in unison, “Awe. How sweet!”. A blonde took her glass off the tray giggling, “Nice, Shay. I’m Marian. Thanks for the round!” You could tell she was feeling her beers. She just kept looking between the two giggling. Marian nudged a black haired woman, “Hey, Tina, look at them!”

The woman looked between the two of them, joining in the giggling. She too was feeling pretty good. She reached for Regen’s hand, “Hi! I’m Tina. A pleasure. Damn! You are so right Marian.” The two women laughed again.

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