They Said It Didn't Exist by nefarious_one83,nefarious_one83

The other brunette shook her head laughing. She also saw the flirtation between the two, and it wasn’t even physical flirtation. It was just casual conversation, finding a connection. She nudged Tina’s shoulder, “Quit picking on them, T. Geez. I’m Lana. On this note…” She stood up, gathering her things to leave. She leaned in to hug Shayleigh, “I have to get home, I’m so sorry, sweetie. You know the hubs doesn’t like me out late.” She laughed.

Shayleigh hugged her, smiling. “Really? You sure?” She didn’t want her friend to feel out of place, or uncomfortable. She held her hand, “I mean, I’m sure…”

Regen smiled politely, stood up and, looking at Shayleigh, “You stay and visit with your friends, it’s totally fine. I am sure we’ll come across one another’s paths again.” Regen looked at the women, starting to walk away.

Lana shook her head, trying to reassure Regen, she grabbed Regen’s arm gently, “No, no, no. Stay. I mean it, I have a kid and husband at home. Adulting comes first. It was a pleasure to meet you! You all enjoy your night!” She hugged each woman, then walked out of the bar.

Marian playfully slapped Tina’s upper arm, “Behave, Tina.”

Shayleigh sat down and Regen sat to her left. She tried glancing under the table at Regen’s legs to no avail. All she could do was smile. As if Regen had some sort of hold on her. Like, it was something she didn’t know she even missed out on, or something she never knew she needed. She was completely attracted to Regen, and they’d not even known each other for an hour. She crossed her legs, rubbing them as she picked up her beer, “Yeah, Tina. Behave.”

Regen grinned playfully, “I mean, they’re not wrong, Shayleigh.” She blushed, not even being able to stop herself before she spoke. She bit her lip nervously, lowering her head. She was also holding in a laugh, desperately trying to contain it. She saw Shayleigh blush, and that was such an amazing feeling to know she was finding the right buttons.

Shayleigh leaned over, playfully slapping Regen’s upper arm, giggling, “Cheeky girl.” She sipped her beer hiding a sigh. Her eyes closed a brief second. Just a playful touch had her body on fire. It was obvious Regen was either bi or gay. She wouldn’t be as receptive otherwise. She was floating happily on this feeling of being wanted, feeling sexy. She could only hope Regen felt the same way.

Regen smiled wide, taking a sip of her cocktail. She herself was hiding a sigh. She could see her lips on Shayleigh’s. She wanted to know more. She sat back in the chair, getting comfortable as she listened to Shayleigh and her friends talk. Taking in any information she could on Shayleigh. Still feeling Shayleigh’s hand in hers, the playful slap on the shoulder. Regen knew there was something there.

Regen and Shayleigh looked at one another, both blushing. Their smiles were both as bright as their eyes as they gazed into one another’s. Regen shyly looked away first. She couldn’t believe the insane yearning she felt toward Shayleigh.

Tina giggled after she emptied her glass, “Okay. Time for me to head home. I have a fiance who needs me.” She winked., “A pleasure, Regen. You two have a wonderful night.” She put on her coat, smiling.

Marian stood sliding on her jacket, “I’ve got to just get home.” She chuckled, “It was good to meet you, Regen. Hope you’ll hang out with us again!” She hugged Shayleigh, before the two walked out the door together.

Shayleigh looked toward the door, laughing, “They are wonderful. I am done for the night, I believe. Oh, think I’ll have a tea! I’ll bring you a drink. Be right back!” She got up excitedly, taking the tray to the bar. She didn’t want to leave Regen, but it was going on ten, and tomorrow was her first day consulting with all the office leaders and management. She knew she needed to be prepared, but god did she want to be with Regen.

Regen smiled wide as she watched Shayleigh walk away. She pondered asking if she’d like to dance. Shayleigh was taller than her in those heels though. Which made her smile inside. Regen was enjoying being in Shayleigh’s company, but she too had a long day ahead. She thought instead of a dance, they meet for lunch or dinner. She twirled the now empty cocktail glass on the table.

Shayleigh reached the bar, exhaling deeply. “Oh. My. God!” She accidentally said it aloud as she sat down the tray. Nya heard her. Shayleigh quickly covered her mouth giggling.

Nya leaned on the bar smiling wide, “‘Oh my god’? Is this a good one or a bad one?” She chuckled knowing the answer. Shayleigh’s happy excitement was just beaming in her eyes and smile. It made Nya grin wider, “What’ll it be?”

Shayleigh was blushing, smiling like a teen girl with a crush, “I’ll have a tea. I think I’ll take Regen another cocktail. She’s only had the one, and been sipping it. It’s definitely a good one! Wow!” That made Shayleigh wonder, and smile even wider, “Definitely a good one.”

Nya smiled, walking off to tell the cooks to start some water. When she came back, she leaned in close to talk under the music, “I’m glad you like her. I knew you two would hit it off. I can see it over here. The tense flirtation in the air, my god! You two have this thing, looks like which one makes the first move, type deal.” She laughed.

Shayleigh blushed, laughing with her, “I am wondering that, too. I don’t want to rush, or force it. She is so sweet. Wow. Just freaking wow!” Her hands held her face in a glorious state of excited surprise. She could see Regen was one of those true romantics. She adored the idea of Regen courting her. She wanted to keep talking to her, more and more. When Nya set down their drinks, she took in a deep breath, trying to compose whatever she could inside. She smiled and thanked Nya, then walked back to the table, to Regen.

Regen smiled as Shayleigh walked up to the table. She quickly stood, pulling out Shayleigh’s chair for her. She smiled as Shayleigh sat, “Thank you for the drink. You didn’t have to do that.” As she held the back of the chair, her thumbs accidentally caressed Shayleigh’s bare upper arms, making her hold in a sigh. She made sure Shayleigh was comfortable, then sat back in her own seat.

Shayleigh’s legs rubbed slowly together as she closed her eyes at Regen’s soft touch. She picked up her tea, taking a sip to once again hide a soft sigh. Regen was so charming, so polite. She’d not ever met anyone as wonderful as she seemed to be. She looked up into Regen’s eyes, smiling, “Thank you, lovely! I do hate it, but after I finish my tea? I must go. I have a really big day ahead of me.” A tinge of regret pinged in her heart.

Regen got comfortable smiling, “I was thinking the same, actually. I have a long day, as well. It’s not all fun and games.” She laughed. As Regen crossed her legs, she accidentally brushed her foot over Shayleigh’s, knocking off her heel, exposing red and blue painted toenails. On two of her toes was a silver toe ring. Her eyes widened, she hurried with an apology, “I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to hit you. Are you alright?” She leaned forward, taking Shayleigh’s hand that was resting on the table. Looking down to see if she’d hurt her or not.

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