This Old House

An adult stories – This Old House by AnAverageGuy61,AnAverageGuy61 British English language and spelling. In some stories the legal process will be different to what readers from the USA are used to, over here we have laws that apply nationally, not state by state. Where possible I try to research facts in the hope I can be accurate in what I write.

I write for my enjoyment, and hopefully that of others. I welcome feedback and constructive criticism, hateful or pointless comments will be deleted.

To those of you who favourite my stories or follow me, thank you, it means a lot.


An unhappy sister, her brother makes a decision that affects them both.

I had just got back into my car when my phone pinged, it was from my sister, Dawn.

“Where R U?”

“Ten mins away, just got dinner for us both.” I sent my reply.

“Good, I forgot my key.”

I put my car into gear and drove away, quickly, 5 minutes later I pulled up on the drive. Parking behind Dawn’s car I got out, Dawn smiled as I grabbed our take away dinner.

We had arranged to meet at our parent’s house, and we had the task of clearing it out before selling the place. Our parents had both passed away while on holiday. Dad collapsed and died almost immediately, Mum collapsed and passed away several hours later. Although shocked by their passing, it didn’t surprise Dawn or myself that they went so close to the other, that was how strongly they loved each other.

“Pete, thank god. I can’t believe I forgot my key to the house.” Dawn sighed as she tried to hug me.

I put the food down and returned the hug, Dawn took my key and opened the door. While she served the food onto plates I opened a few windows. Dawn produced a bottle of red wine from her bag.

“You remembered the important thing then?” I poked fun at her. Dawn poked her tongue out at me, that was something she had done since we were young kids.

Although we had spoken regularly, I hadn’t seen Dawn for almost a year. She was married and lived at the opposite end of the country to me. That was partly my fault. I didn’t like her husband, more importantly I had a thing for my sister. I had never acted on my feelings, I took the cowards way out and put distance between us. Dinner was a relatively quiet affair, we would talk later. Between us we washed the plates and tidied away. I took the rubbish out, Dawn carried the wine and glasses into the lounge.

I sighed as I sat down, Dawn watched as I picked up my glass of wine. “So how have you been? Pete.”

“Not too bad. Busy with work and stuff.” I answered. What Dawn did not know was that I had recently sold my business, I was working as a freelance consultant.

I was in the position where I could choose to work when I wanted to, and for who I wanted to. Dropping everything to clear out the old house was easy for me, I wasn’t sure how Dawn had arranged time off.

“Obviously not that busy if you managed to clear your schedule to be here. What about a girlfriend, anyone in your life?”

“There’s a lot more to it than that, Dawn. But yes it was easy for me to arrange time off to be here. As for a girlfriend, nope there’s nobody at the moment. How long are you planning on spending here?”

“Let’s see how long it takes.” Dawn replied, it was the look on her face that concerned me.

We sat and talked for a while. The conversation was mostly about Mum and Dad, and memories from when we were kids. Dawn stifled a yawn, I suggested we call it a day and head off to bed.

“You take Mum and Dad’s room, I’ll take one of the others.” Dawn nodded and headed off, I looked in both spare rooms only to find there were no beds. “Fuck!” I silently cursed and went and made up the couch with blankets and a pillow.

I woke in the morning to the sound of Dawn moving around in the kitchen, I sat up and looked for my trousers.

“Want to tell me why you slept on the couch?” Dawn asked as she bought me a cup of coffee.

“There are no beds in the spare rooms. The couch seemed a better option than the floor.”

“You could have shared with me. There is plenty of room.” Dawn smiled. I wasn’t sure by her smile if she knew it would have been difficult for me, sharing a bed with her.

“I didn’t want to disturb you.” I replied, lying through my teeth

“Bullshit. you came up minutes after I did. You can share with me tonight, it’s got to be better than the couch.” Dawn replied as she walked back to the kitchen. “Breakfast is almost ready.”

I watched Dawn walk away from me, her long legs and tight cheeks were getting me hard. I put my trousers on quickly, hoping to hide my swelling cock. Dawn’s tiny vest top barely held her tits in place, she smiled and carried on eating.

After breakfast we showered and dressed in old clothes. I was going to shift some of the furniture, Dawn suggested we deal with Mum and Dad’s clothes first. By lunchtime we had all the good clothes in bags ready for the charity shop, old clothes and underwear went in a bag for the local tip. I drove into town and handed over the bags of clothes at the charity shop, the lady was polite, but bloody scary. She was 65 if not older, her make-up was plastered on trying to make her look 30 years younger. On the way back I grabbed some sandwiches for lunch.

Dawn made a start on sorting out all of Mum’s china ornaments, so I took a look into the loft. There was nothing there apart from a few old pieces of wood, I guess with Dad’s age and bad hip he didn’t climb ladders. Dawn and I had already agreed if we wanted anything from the house we would put it aside, all unwanted items were going to the charity shop. Dawn walked to the local store later in the afternoon, we needed something to cook for dinner, as well as bread and milk. That evening I found out that Dawn was almost as good a cook as Mum, she returned with a bag of stuff and knocked up a decent meal for us both.

Between us we cleared up and sat down to relax, Dawn had brought a bottle of wine earlier. I showered and changed into shorts and t-shirt, Dawn was wearing tiny shorts and a vest top. I hadn’t noticed before but Dawn followed Mum in the bust department, at a guess I would say she was a 36D. Dawn was taller with shapely legs, her wavy brown hair framed a pretty face.

High cheekbones and a small button nose, yes, my sister was a good looking woman. A glass or two of wine and a crappy film on TV, we were both falling asleep.

“C’mon sleepy head, time for bed.” I nudged Dawn and helped her up off the couch. Dawn kept hold of my hand as she headed upstairs, it looked like we would be sharing the only bed in the house.

Dawn took off her shorts and slipped into bed, thank god she was wearing panties. I took off my t-shirt and got under the covers. We had been in bed for about 10 minutes when I felt Dawn spoon into me, I lay there as if I was asleep. My cock started to chub up as Dawn lay against me, I tried desperately willing it to stop. Thinking about the woman in the charity shop did the trick, my cock softened and I fell asleep.

I woke up needing to pee, after emptying my bladder I went downstairs. I am one of those people who cannot go back to bed once I am awake. Glancing at the clock I was surprised to see it was 7.30am, I usually got out of bed around 6am. Dawn shuffled into the kitchen minutes later, she yawned before greeting me. I told Dawn to sit down, a pot of coffee was on the go.

“Did you sleep okay?” Dawn asked, stifling another yawn.

“Yeah, I went out like a light as soon as my head hit the pillow.” I put the coffee on the table, the toaster popped as I turned around.

“What’s the plan for today, boss?” Dawn smiled.

“I thought you could clear out the kitchen cupboards, I’ll have an easy day and watch you work.” I burst out laughing when Dawn glared at me.

I offered to bring down some heavy items from the spare rooms, Dawn volunteered to start sorting out the kitchen cupboards. With the heavier items moved downstairs, I emptied out the cupboard under the stairs. I kept sneaking a look at Dawn as she emptied the cupboards, she needed a chair to reach the top shelves. Most of what i found was junk and destined for the tip, the prize find was a box of old photographs. I put them aside to look through later.

Dawn cooked a meal with some dry goods she found in the cupboard and some sausages that were in the fridge. Knowing that we didn’t have much food in the house I knew we would be going out for breakfast tomorrow. After we showered and changed, I suggested we look through the old photos I found earlier. Dawn was excited to see what was in the boxes.

We reminisced as we looked at the photos, there were some of us as kids on holiday. Some of the photos were of Mum and Dad before us kids entered their lives, I looked at one photo of Mum and realised how much my sister looked like her. Apart from the difference in hair style, they were almost identical. Dawn quietly studied some of the photos. I went to refill our wine glasses, and when I returned Dawn was crying.

“Hey, what’s up?” I asked as I hugged her. Dawn sniffled and burst into tears again.

“I miss them so much, Pete. With them both gone and you living miles away, it is really hard for me being alone. God why is everything so fucked up?” Dawn cried as I held her, several minutes later she calmed down.

“I’m always here for you, Dawn. A phone call is all it takes. You have Richard, so you’re not alone.”

“I might as well be for all the interest he shows me. Probably because he’s too busy screwing his assistant at work.” I didn’t realise things were so rough for Dawn.

“Do you know he’s playing around, or do you just think he is?” I asked.

“I’m pretty sure he is. I did some laundry recently, one of his shirts smelt of perfume, Miss Dior to be precise. I know it’s what his assistant Gemma wears. So that and the fact he hasn’t touched me in months, yeah, I’m sure he’s cheating.” I hugged Dawn, she started crying again. I really didn’t know what to say. No doubt, whatever I said wouldn’t have made her feel better.

Dawn calmed down and reached for her wine, she took a large gulp. “If we didn’t have to sell this place, I would have moved back here myself.”

“Seriously, Dawn. You would move in here?” Dawn nodded.

“Yes, it would get me away from a cheat who doesn’t want me. The worst part is I would give him what he wants, me out of the picture so he’s free to screw that bitch!” I sat and looked at the floor, unsure of how or what to say or do. I didn’t need the money from the sale of the house, I already had more than I could spend. Now would probably be a good time to let Dawn know how well off I was, without rubbing her nose in it.

“Okay, Dawn. Let’s say we didn’t need to sell this place, and you move in here.” I looked at Dawn, her attention was fixed on me. “If we don’t sell the house and you move in, how will you pay the bills?”

“I know Pete, I can’t afford to, it’s just a dream. One I wish there was a way of making it come true. I doubt I would find any work close to here, I am certainly not commuting to London every day.”

I sat and looked around the room, I could see Dawn watching my every move. I knew the job Dawn was laid off from, if she found another job she wouldn’t be able to work from home. Her skills meant she had to be in the office every day.

“Is there any type of work you can do from home?”

Dawn thought and shook her head. “Probably not, everything I am qualified for means working in an office.” We sat in silence for a few minutes, Dawn stood up and looked at me. “I’m going to turn in for the night, I’m exhausted.” I watched as my sister slowly walked upstairs. I hated seeing her like this. I sat for a further few minutes, I had an idea that was turning into a plan. Given that Dawn was so tired it could wait until after breakfast. Dawn was lying on her side, I could hear her sniffling. I lay on my back, I usually did this if I laid down to think. Minutes later Dawn turned over and cuddled into me, her arm was lying across my stomach.

“Goodnight Pete.” Dawn sniffled. I lay there staring at the ceiling. “Goodnight Dawn.” I could hear Dawn snoring lightly after several minutes.

I woke in the morning still lying on my back, Dawn was still cuddled into me. Needing to pee, I moved, Dawn stirred. “What time is it?” She asked, trying not to yawn at the same time.

“7am. When we are showered and dressed I’m taking you out for breakfast.” I headed to the bathroom. Dawn stared at me and smiled when I walked back into the bedroom, I had a towel wrapped around my waist.

“Not bad.” Dawn smiled then left to take her shower. I was sitting downstairs waiting for Dawn, I sent a text message to a client. Dawn emerged dressed in jeans and a sweater.

“Where are you taking me for breakfast?”

“You’ll see. Come on, let’s go.” Dawn followed me out to the car. As we drove into town my phone rang, I used the car’s built-in system to answer the call. It was a client asking if I could spare some time to help them out.

“How long will you need me for?” I asked.

“Three days, maybe four at most. We could really use your help, Pete.” I looked across at Dawn, she shrugged as if to say okay. “No problem, I’ll set off later and see you this afternoon.”

“Thanks Pete.” The client cut the call.

“Sorry Dawn, I have to go for a few days. I’ll get back as quickly as I can.”

Dawn put her hand on mine. “It can’t be helped, Pete. I’ll carry on with whatever I can manage.”

Dawn and I sat in the small restaurant, we drank coffee as we waited for our food. Dawn was unusually quiet, I wondered if she was mildly depressed. Over the last few days I had noticed Dawn wasn’t her usual chatty self, taking into account all that had happened, I shouldn’t have been surprised. We Left the restaurant, Dawn waited as I dashed over to an ATM. Our next stop was the supermarket. I needed to make sure Dawn had food in the house while I was away.

Back at the house I helped Dawn carry a few bags of groceries indoors, I grabbed my overnight bag. “You have my number, call me if anything, and I mean anything crops up.” Dawn nodded, she looked at me funny as I passed her some cash. “In case you need any money, while I’m away.”

“I’ve got some money, Pete.”

“Well, you’ve got more now.” I kissed Dawn on the cheek and assured her I would be back as quickly as I could. Dawn looked sad as I started the car and pulled away. I wondered if she knew how I felt about her? Did she feel the same way about me? Who was I kidding, I thought to myself. I drove on to the ring road and floored the accelerator, at a time like this I was glad I had purchased the estate version of an Audi A6. I had a lot to do in a few days. I just hope Dawn was okay at the end of it all.

Fighting my way through the traffic on the roads around London was a pain in the arse, I was used to more rural roads in Yorkshire. I parked outside Dawn’s house as the evening drew in. There was a light on inside, at least Richard was home. I rang the bell and waited, Richard was dressed in shorts when he answered the door. I stepped inside without waiting for an invite.

“To what do I owe the pleasure, Pete?” Richard knew he wasn’t my favourite person. I was just about to answer and ask him a question when a woman walked down the stairs in her bra and panties. The colour drained from Richard’s face.

“You bastard!” I punched him on the jaw, and the woman screamed. “Who are you? What do you want?” She yelled at me, Richard struggled to his feet.

“I’m his brother-in-law, but not for much longer.” I stared at Richard, it was hard not to kick the shit out of him. “Dawn suspected you were cheating on her, now we know for sure.” I walked over to the woman and sniffed. “Miss Dior, I assume?” She nodded and sat on the stairs.

“Right, here is how things are going to shake down. I am going to take all of Dawn’s stuff with me tonight, while you pack it we can discuss the terms of the divorce.” Richard agreed and headed upstairs. As he packed Dawn’s clothes I laid out how the divorce would go.

“You file for the divorce. Dawn gets eighty percent of your savings and all her personal belongings, agreed?”

“Eighty percent is a bit high.” Richard looked unhappy at my suggestion. I thought about thumping him again, just because he deserved it.

“Okay, Dawn can file and force you to sell the house, she’ll probably end up with more.

“Alright, alright.” Richard flapped. “Eighty percent and her stuff. I want you to promise she won’t come after me for more.”

“You agree to my terms and you’ll never hear from or see Dawn again.” Richard agreed as he packed up my sister’s clothes, his fancy woman stood there in silence. She was nice, but not a patch on my sister.

Downstairs I watched as he packed Dawn’s CD’s and books into boxes. “If we have missed anything, I’ll be in touch. You have the address to send the divorce papers to, don’t try to be funny, we know how much is in your savings account!” Richard nodded and closed the door behind me, I put the last box into the car and headed off.

It was getting late, I could feel the tiredness kicking in. I found a cheap motel for the night, lucky for me there was a Burger King over the road. I fell asleep thinking of Dawn. After a breakfast that wasn’t the best i have ever eaten, i set off again. It was late afternoon when I pulled up outside my apartment. Inside I started to pack my stuff, knowing this would be my last night here. It suddenly hit me that if this all went wrong, I would be homeless for a few days. The next morning, I visited the letting agent and paid the penalty fee for getting out of the apartment early, just as well money wasn’t an issue. I thought again that was something I would have to come clean to Dawn about, she knew I had money, she didn’t know exactly how much.

Checking the time, I knew I could get back to our parent’s house before it got dark, thankfully the traffic was light. I called Dawn when I was about an hour away, I told her I finished quicker than I thought I would. Dawn seemed excited that I would be home, I just hoped she liked the surprise I had in store for her.

Dawn came running out as I parked up on the drive. “Thank god you’re back!”

“Why, what’s wrong?” I asked.

“Nothing, I was just getting lonely.”

“I was only gone for a few days.” I smiled.

“Come inside, dinner is almost ready.” Dawn smiled and walked indoors, I followed close behind. Emptying the car could wait a while. Over dinner Dawn asked how my work thing went?

“It wasn’t as bad as I thought. With some help from their tech guys we got it sorted.” I lied. We ate dinner and tidied up. I asked Dawn if she could give me a hand bringing some stuff in from the car.

Dawn looked confused as she saw all the boxes and bags in the car, I passed her the lighter stuff to her to carry inside. I carried the last box in and closed the door behind me. Dawn looked at the boxes and then looked at me.

“What is all this? Where did it come from?” Dawn asked.

“Take a look.” I pointed to a box I knew had her stuff inside.

Dawn rummaged in the box. “This is all my stuff. What’s going on Pete”

Come and sit down, I gestured to the couch. “As you can probably guess, I didn’t have to leave for work. There is some bad news though.” Dawn waited for me to continue. “You were right about Richard, he is cheating on you. I called around and his fancy woman was there in her underwear.” I could see the anger on Dawn’s face. “I got him to pack up your clothes and personal things, if there is anything missing let me know. Richard got a punch on the jaw for cheating on you.” That made Dawn smile. “He is going to file for a divorce, you get all your stuff and eighty percent of your savings, you have to promise not to go after him for any more money.” Dawn looked shocked.

“So what are the other boxes? I know this shit isn’t all mine.”

“The other boxes are my things. I moved out of my apartment this morning. You said you wanted to live here, well now you can.” I smiled at Dawn.

“What about the money? Surely we need to sell this place?”

“No we don’t. Dawn I don’t need to sell this house for money, I have enough as it is.” I replied, Dawn stared at me like I had lost my mind. Dawn stood up and started pacing around the room.

“So let me get this straight, Pete. We don’t need to sell this house and we are both going to live here?” I nodded. “Do you need the money I am getting from Richard to pay for anything?”

“No. Whatever you get from Richard is yours to keep.” Dawn was looking more confused than ever. “I haven’t told you, but I sold my business about a month before Mum and Dad passed away.”

“You sold your business? What will you do for work, or do you have something lined up?” Dawn was speaking at a million miles an hour, at least it felt like she was.

“I sold the business when I got a good offer for it. I now choose when I want to work, and more importantly, who I work for.”

“So you will still have to work? It only seems fair that I get a job as well, I want to help with the bills and stuff.” I sat there and burst out laughing. What’s so funny?” Dawn asked.

“Please come and sit down.” Dawn flopped onto the couch. “You don’t have to find a job Dawn. I don’t have to work if I don’t want to. I sold my business for over four million pounds!”

“How much?” Dawn exclaimed.

“Four point two million, to be precise. You said you wanted to live here, well now you can.”

“Oh my God, I can’t believe this. While you were away I was thinking of ways to get the money to buy your share of this house, now I find out I need not have worried. I need a drink!” Dawn slapped my arm as she got up and went to the kitchen, she returned with two glasses and a bottle of Dad’s rum. We sat and talked about the house and her pending divorce. After a few glasses of rum, I said I was ready for bed. The drive had taken it out of me.

Dawn went upstairs to get changed, I locked the house up and followed her a few minutes later. For the first time since we had been at the house, Dawn looked relaxed and happy. I got into bed, Dawn spooned into me. I put my arm across and cuddled Dawn. I desperately wanted my sister, so I made my move and waited to see what happened. The worst case scenario was Dawn wouldn’t talk to me again.

Slowly I moved my hand up and cupped her breast, Dawn moved closer into me. I felt her nipple get hard. Dawn moved my hand, she turned over and looked at me. I waited for her to react, I didn’t know what to expect. I watched as she sat up and removed her vest top, she lay back and slipped off her panties. “Make love to me Pete, please.”

I slipped off my shorts, as we kissed Dawn took hold of my cock. “Hmm, I need a better look at this.” Dawn slid down and started to lick and suck my cock. I was no stranger to sex, although it had been a while since I had got any. Dawn’s head bobbed up and down, I fought the urge to come. It was a fight I was losing, very quickly.

“Dawn, I can’t hold it much longer.” Dawn started to stroke my cock as she kept the tip in her mouth. It was too much, I groaned loudly as my cum filled my sister’s mouth. I heard Dawn gulp as she swallowed my cum. I pulled Dawn up and kissed her, that shocked her as she had just sucked my cock. I started kissing her face and neck, I could hear her breathing get heavier. When I kissed and sucked her nipples, Dawn groaned quietly.

“Oh God yes!” Dawn sucked in a breath as my finger stroked her pussy lips, she was already wet down there. I kissed my way down to her pussy, Dawn made a funny squealing noise as my tongue flicked at her clit. I felt her hand grab my hair as I used my lips to nibble her pussy.

“Yes! Fuck yes!” Dawn hissed as I flattened my tongue and licked her pussy from bottom to top. I spent time licking and sucking Dawn’s clit, she screamed as she got off for a third time.

Moving up I slowly slid my cock inside Dawn. “Oh God, so fucking good!” Dawn groaned. I kept a nice slow pace, Dawn wanted to be loved, not fucked. When she eventually wrapped her legs around me I picked up the pace. Dawn let out a long oooh sound, then a scream as she orgasmed. I pounded my cock into Dawn, she was mumbling and thrashing her head about. I felt my cock twitch before I shot my load into her pussy. Dawn shook as she came again. When I was done I lay there gently kissing her face. Dawn smiled and kissed me, it was a deep passionate kiss. Somehow Dawn managed to roll us over, my cock slid from her pussy. Dawn lay there gently stroking my chest.

“Will it always be like that?” Dawn asked.

“It will be, if that’s what you want.”

“Hmmm, that’s what I want. Someone to love me and make love to me.”

“I half expected you to scream and tell me to leave.”

Dawn shook her head. “I couldn’t do that Pete. I’ve known for a long time how you felt about me, Mum and I spoke about it many times. Even when we were kids it was obvious you had strong feelings for me, Mum always told me not to encourage you. We both knew that was the reason you moved away, all that crap about better for business!”

“Ah shit! I didn’t think I was being that obvious. What were Mum’s thought’s?”

“She said that if I ever needed anyone, you would be there for me. I’m not sure how she meant, but I bet it wasn’t like this.” Dawn giggled and got comfortable.

I kissed Dawn’s head, minutes later she fell asleep still draped across my body. We were still laying together when I woke up in the morning, I gently rolled Dawn off me so I could go to the bathroom. It was too early to get up, Dawn cuddled me when I slipped back into bed.

“Stay in bed with me.” She mumbled.

“I’m not going anywhere. Needed to use the bathroom.”

I woke a few hours later; Dawn was cuddled into me with her leg draped across my thigh. I looked at my sister as she slept, so beautiful. I gently slipped out of bed to avoid waking Dawn, dressed in shorts i quietly made my way downstairs. As I stood looking out of the window waiting for the coffee machine to finish. Dawn startled me when she wrapped her arms around me. I turned around and faced Dawn, she smiled and looked into my eyes.

“Are you okay, Dawn?”

“Uh huh. I’m more than okay. Thank you for last night, it’s been a long time since I have felt loved and wanted.” Dawn hugged me tighter, I kissed the top of her head.

Dawn let go of me and walked to the fridge, she had everything to make us a breakfast of sorts. As we ate i sat there silently thinking of how the future would be, Dawn had a look in her eyes i hadn’t seen in a long time. I can only describe it as a sparkle that happy contented people have.

We spent the rest of the day putting our stuff away, and we also discussed what furniture to keep. As most of it was good quality we decided to keep most of it. Dawn watched me as I sorted through one of my boxes, it was mostly business related stuff that could stay there.

“What’s that?” Dawn asked as I plugged in a small box and set it on the window sill.

“That’s my internet connection, well our internet connection.” I explained the box had a sim card installed and gave me internet over 4G. “I’ll show you how to connect your tablet to it later.”

As the evening drew in we sat and looked around, everything had been put away. Both of us were tired, so I suggested going out for dinner. We showered and got dressed in some cleaner clothes. I drove us to a restaurant I had seen in town the other day. Dawn held my hand as we walked inside, the lady showed us to our table. A waiter arrived to take our order, while we decided he would fetch our drinks.

“I’ll have grilled fish with new potatoes and green beans.” I looked at Dawn, she nodded. “Make that two of those, please.” The waiter took the menus and left.

“It’s nice here. Strange that I have never noticed it before,” Dawn looked around.

“Same for me. I only came here because I saw it the other day.” We continued to talk about the house and any changes we wanted to make. Dawn was about to speak as the waiter arrived with our meals.

“Wow. This is amazing!” Dawn exclaimed as she ate her meal. I had to agree the food was excellent, I knew we would be coming here again. Neither of us wanted dessert, we had a coffee to round things off. I paid the bill as we prepared to return home.

“Thank you, sir. I hope you enjoyed your meals.” I said we had. “I hope we will see you and your wife here again, have a good night.”

“Thank you, I’m sure we will be back soon.” Dawn held my hand as we walked to the car. Dawn was giggling as we walked. I knew the comment about my wife had amused her.

“When we get home, your wife wants you to make love to her.” Dawn laughed as I started the car. Her hand stroked my face. I set off, slightly quicker than I normally would have.

That night we made love. Dawn started by riding me cowgirl style, she loved it when I cupped her breasts and stroked her nipples. As we writhed around the bed Dawn had several orgasms, she screamed as my cum filled her pussy. I cuddled Dawn as we lay there panting, our bodies covered in a sheen of sweat. I looked at Dawn, she had drifted off to sleep, a smile on her face.

One week after I had visited Richard, Dawn received the divorce papers. There were two envelopes with the papers, one containing the cheque for her share of the savings, the other was a letter of apology. The cheque was put aside to be banked, she briefly read the letter before throwing it in the bin. Dawn signed the papers, she posted them back the day after receiving them. After that Richard was never mentioned again.

With neither of us needing to work, Dawn and I spent most of our time decorating the house. We used a local guy to sort out the patio area for us, that sort of work was way beyond me. Dawn spent a lot of time keeping up the garden. Mum’s flower bed and shrubs had always been her pride and joy; my sister was determined to keep them looking good.

One evening I was sitting out on the patio drinking a beer, Dawn walked out and sat in a chair.

“Hello, do you come here often?” She laughed at her own comment.

“Not really, but as the scenery has just improved I might spend more time here now.” We both laughed. I looked around the garden, Dawn had worked hard to get it looking good. It was a fair sized garden, it overlooked some fields.

“You okay, Pete?”

“Yeah I’m good. Just taking it all in. Never thought I would see the day I was sitting here with the woman I love.”

Dawn blushed. “It is lovely here. Made better by you being here, obviously.” There was that smile again.

“Obviously.” I replied. “All we need now are a couple of kids running around to complete things.”

“You mean that? You want children?” Dawn asked.

“I’d like them, but only if you want them. Having you here with me is enough, kids would just round everything off.” I replied. I didn’t know if Dawn had considered kids or not. I watched as she stood up and came over to me, I smiled when Dawn sat on my lap.

“You might get your wish sooner than you think.” Dawn looked at me, a mischievous smile on her face. She leant forward and kissed me. “My period is a week late! I did a test earlier.” Dawn held a pregnancy tester out for me to see.

“Seriously?” I asked, Dawn burst out laughing. “My god, the look on your face, Pete.”

“I’m going to be a Dad.”

“I spoke to the doctor earlier. They said to pop in but these tests are so accurate I can take it as a sure thing.” I pulled Dawn close and kissed her.

Dawn’s visit to the doctor confirmed the pregnancy. I did ask Dawn if she wanted to know the sex of the baby, she said no, she wanted it to be a surprise. We decided which bedroom to use as a nursery, it was decorated in neutral colours.

Although I could have retired completely, I still did some work for a few select clients. I made sure none of the tasks I took on involved me being away from home for any length of time, as Dawn neared her due date i stopped working. As a man who had never had kids I knew very little about pregnant women, yeah i knew they got bigger and had morning sickness. Dawn’s pregnancy taught me another thing, never ask a dumb question.

As Dawn neared the end of her pregnancy sex became uncomfortable. I suggested we try the good old doggie style, Dawn wasn’t having any of it. “When you make love you should look at the other person, doggie style is okay if it’s just a fuck for the sake of it. I don’t give my body up unless I have feelings for the person, if I have sex then I want to look at who I am with.” Consequently, I ended up using my right hand a few times.

We were sitting in the kitchen one afternoon when Dawn’s waters broke, I helped her up and out to the car. I grabbed her bag and locked up the house. The nurses at the hospital were brilliant, they did everything they could to make Dawn comfortable. When Dawn was told to push, I held her hand and mopped her brow.

“It’s a girl.” The midwife said smiling as she handed Dawn our daughter. “Any ideas for a name? No rush, I can put baby Wright on the wrist bracelet.”

Dawn and I looked at the tiny bundle of joy in her arms. “Do you think Lydia is a nice name, Pete?”

I thought for a few seconds and agreed, we decided to use Joan as the middle name, after Mum.

Thirty minutes later Dawn and Lydia were taken up to a ward, if all went well they could be coming home in a day or so. When I knew Dawn was settled I left for home, it would be the first time I had been in the house alone since we had moved in together.

Having a baby in the house was a big adjustment for both of us, thankfully Lydia got into a routine after about six weeks. Dawn took to being a mother like a duck to water, I honestly don’t think I had seen her this happy in years. I helped out wherever I could, although Dawn did most of the hard work. When Lydia started toddling about we had our work cut out, I was surprised at how quick she was able to move. When we looked back at the photos of Dawn as a baby, it was plain to see she looked like Lydia.

One evening we were sitting watching TV, Dawn shifted on the couch and cuddled into me. I put my arm around her. Nothing was said, I think we were both enjoying a peaceful moment.


Yesterday Lydia celebrated her second birthday. It was early evening and we were sitting in the garden, Lydia was sitting on a blanket playing with some toys. I turned and looked at Dawn, she was feeding our son Nathan. Yes, we decided to have another child, we wanted a brother or sister for Lydia.

I stared into the distance as I thought of how my life had changed. I came to this house to clear it out ready to sell the place, i never expected to be sitting here a couple of years later surrounded by my family. Dawn looked across at me with a smile, I returned the smile. All those years of having feelings I suppressed because Dawn was my sister, here we were years later, lovers and parents. I was happy with my lot in life, more than anything, I was excited to see how things would work out in the future.


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