Together Ssn 02 Ch. 03 – Innocence by Dadbodboi,Dadbodboi

Frankie pulls the dildo down the labia to the vagina, and says, “Good girl. There’s no use lying to me when you’re completely exposed in front of me. It’s obvious. My next question is: You would want your auntie to be the one to do this instead of me?”

Gabby blushes hard, her flawless complexion turning bright red, pushing harder against the dildo with her hips to cradle the head of it in the opening of her pussy as Frankie holds it steady, and the young woman confesses, “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have such strong feelings for a family member. When I found out what she does, I wanted to reach out, but I was scared of being judged, but I also thought I could get close by expressing interest in streaming myself. So, I told mother and father that I wanted to cam myself, although not telling them about my feelings for Auntie Pleasant, of course. They agreed to let me come here if I made my own arrangements, which I simply couldn’t find it in myself to put into words. How could I tell Auntie Pleasant my true intentions? Please, don’t tell auntie, I beg of you.”

Frankie stares down at the young woman, and tells her, “I won’t tell her how you feel; only how you perform. This is a business. It’s immensely fun and liberating, but it’s also how we make a living. Therefore, this is an induction, a chance for you to impress me. Impressing me will allow me to put in a good word with Pleasant, and may convince her to include you in streams. I can’t guarantee you will stream with you auntie though. Solo and with me are what you are likely to expect. Do you understand?”

Gabby nods nervously under the assured figure leaning over her, and says, “Yes, I understand. I hope to impress you, Frankie.”

Frankie softly says to the young woman, “You’ve already gone a long way to doing that.”

Quivering on the bed with the dildo being pressed against the opening of her vagina, Gabby smiles up at Frankie as she feels the dildo slowly being pushed inside of her. Frankie eases it in inch by inch, allowing the vaginal walls to accustom to the presence of the plastic phallus. Gabby gasps as she feels the dildo filling her hole. Frankie places a hand on the young woman’s belly and says, “Relax. No need to be so nervous.”

Frankie has the young woman at her mercy now. Having a dildo pushed into Gabby’s pussy whilst knowing what she knows about the girl’s personal feelings gives her a great sense of power and importance in this moment. She eases pressure on the dildo to allow the teen’s tight pussy to push against it, and, almost out, then Frankie pushes it back in, rubbing Gabby’s belly as she does the same again, and again, and again.

With ever increasing intensity, Frankie pushes the dildo into Gabby’s pussy, watching as she wriggles and squirms under her hand, and feeling her thighs gripping around her waist as her pleasure builds. Frankie hears the moans and whimpers escape the young woman’s lips, seeing Gabby’s eyes are closed. Leaning further over her, Frankie breathes against the young woman’s cute cheek for a moment as Gabby rolls her head to the side, and waits as she rolls her head back, and plants a kiss softly against her lips. Shock grips Gabby as her eyes open and her head tilts back to present her mouth to Frankie easier for a much deeper kiss.

Gabby acclimates to the presence of Frankie sharing her mouth and her pussy in these moments, and becomes accustomed to the feelings emerging from each interaction between them. The soreness and aching from the earlier binding and striking melts into the swelling of an orgasm blossoming from deep within, and under the embrace of Frankie, Gabby finds her entire body tensing up as the teen trembles upon reaching orgasm.

After a moment to allow Gabby to settle down after reaching climax, Frankie removes the dildo and wipes it with a cloth before replacing it in the cabinet, and she asks, “You were thinking of your auntie the entire time?”

Gabby lays there, and admits, “Yes.”

Frankie smiles at the young woman and says, “I was too.”

Gabby gets dressed again, and Frankie takes her downstairs to the living room to see Pleasant. The auntie stands and approaches her niece, and asks, “Well?”

Gabby looks her auntie in the eye with a wry smile, and says, “I haven’t changed my mind. You’re not going to be rid of me so easily.”

Pleasant asks, “Is that so?”

Frankie reports to Pleasant, “Gabby isn’t as innocent as she looks. She is strong, and, I see no reason that she can’t join us.”

Pleasant turns to Frankie, and says bluntly, “You’re not making this easy,” and takes a deep breath and says more apologetically, “I’m sorry. Thank you for what you’ve done today.” Pleasant then looks over Gabby as she walks around her, and says, “I’m willing to try to make things work for one week. Depending on tips and feedback from our viewers, I will consider the value of you staying more long term. You will begin with Frankie on her room to promote your own. Have you considered a screen name for yourself?”

Gabby admits, “Not really.”

Pleasant says, “I stream under the name Pleasant Cummings. Frankie is under FuckFrankie. You need a name of your own? Are you going to stream as Gabby? Gabriella?”

Gabby says, “I don’t know, um.”

Frankie suggests, “You look young, and seem innocent at first, so you should play around that idea to build a persona you can put out there. It doesn’t have to be a character you make up, just taking on a role based on you and your feelings. Young. Innocent. Pure. Pristine…”

Gabby’s attention is caught, and she interrupts Frankie to say, “Pristine. I like that. My screen name will be Pristine Cummings.”

Pleasant asks, “Why Cummings? You could be Pristine White.”

Gabby reasons, “It will let people know we’re related. I mean, under the same brand.”

Pleasant says, “Frankie has been streaming for months from here on her FuckFrankie account and my Pleasant Cummings account, and we’ve promoted each other’s rooms on our accounts when streaming. She doesn’t use the name Cummings and it works for us.”

Gabby tries to reason, “Cummings is also my name.”

Pleasant unwillingly concedes, “You can do what you want,” and sits down on the settee.

Frankie asks Gabby, “So, are you decided then? That you wanna be known as Pristine Cummings? It’s important you get this right.”

Gabby thinks about it, and looks down at her auntie who isn’t looking at her or acknowledging her presence, and, with a sigh and a smile, she says, “Actually, I do like the name Pristine White.”

Frankie looks directly at Gabby and asks, “Are you sure about that? Once we make it, that’s it. You’re committed.”

Gabby says, “It’s not like we’re married or something,” with a brief laugh, and clears her throat before going on to add, “It’s a good name, and it’s only for streams. I will still be Gabriella White-Cummings, or Gabby, otherwise.”

Pleasant stands up from the settee and gives her niece a hug, and tells her, “I’m sorry if I’ve made you feel unwelcome today. I’ve had to adjust and process a lot very quickly. I should make it clear that you are welcome here, and you are. Of course you can be called Pristine Cummings if you really want.”

Gabby hugs her auntie back tightly, and tells her in return, “Thank you, Auntie Pleasant, but, I really do prefer Pristine White. Cummings was just a suggestion, and, I like that you suggested the name Pristine White for me. It feels like my own name.”

Pleasant says, “Then it is. We will call you Pristine on camera, and promote your room as Pristine White.” Pleasant turns to Frankie and asks, “Can you go and make an account for her? Then we can go shopping.”

Gabby asks, “Shopping?”

Pleasant says, “If you’re going to be streaming here, I want you properly attired, and, I’m going to make sure you are.”

Gabby asks her auntie, “So, you’re going to take me shopping yourself?”

Pleasant smiles and says, “Of course. How else will I be able to see what looks good on you? Now, go with Frankie and make your account. When you’re ready, we’ll go.”

Frankie takes Gabby back up to the stream room to create an account for the newcomer under the name, ‘Pristine White’, as she wants, and whilst they await verification of her identity, Pleasant does as she promises and takes the teen niece out shopping.

Pleasant’s place of choice for their shopping trip specialises in adult lingerie and sex toys, and is called Taylor and Bond’s, and, upon entering, Pleasant is greeted with open arms by the staff, as one woman dressed in a formal grey suit and pink button-down shirt approaches and exclaims, “Mistress Cummings! It is a pleasure as always to see you in here,” and she notices the unfamiliar teen with her, and asks, “and, whom may you be?”

Gabby answers respectfully, “My name is Gabriella, but you may call me Gabby for short.”

The woman introduces herself to Gabby, “You may call me, Taylor, of the titular Taylor and Bond’s.”

Gabby quickly quips, “Is that, titillatingly titular Taylor and Bond’s?”

Taylor beams a bright and bubbly smile at the teen and remarks to Pleasant, “I like this one,” and asks, “Will Frankie not be joining you today?”

Pleasant replies to Taylor, “Frankie should be on-cam right now, if you would like to check in on her. For today, I need to get Gabby here stream ready.”

Taylor looks excited as she examines Gabby, and says, “Oh, you’re expanding your streams to include three of you now, Mistress Cummings? Well, we will certainly be able to prepare something suitable for your House of Desires. Will you be looking for a tailored fit, Mistress Cummings?”

Pleasant answers Taylor, saying, “It would be nice to have a couple of sets tailored, but, I’m also going to peruse for some off-the-rail items to have her try so I can get her on-cam in the mean time.”

Taylor says to Pleasant, “Of course, Mistress Cummings. Why don’t I take young Gabby here to get her measurements, and you can look over our selection for some items for her to try?”

Pleasant says, “Thank you, Taylor,” and watches as Taylor takes the teen to the fitting room.

After some time picking out some stunningly expensive lingerie for her niece to try on, Pleasant goes to the fitting room and lets herself in, closing the door behind her. Taylor and Gabby notice her in the mirror in front of them, as Gabby stands naked in front of it. Taylor examines the teen with a measuring tape in hand, taking down notes with a pencil in a notebook at the young woman’s feet. Pleasant places the lingerie on the bench along the side of the room, and sits herself down to watch as Taylor does her work with her niece.

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