Together Ssn 02 Ch. 03 – Innocence by Dadbodboi,Dadbodboi

As Taylor finishes with Gabby, she announces to them, “I have everything I need to begin work on your garments. I will leave you two in here to try on the items Mistress Cummings has picked for you.” Taking up her notebook and pencil, and collecting the end of the measuring tape in her hand, Taylor leaves the pair as she said.

Pleasant approaches Gabby as the teen watches in the reflection in front of her, and watches as her auntie’s fingers reach out and gently caress her hips, feeling the tips of her fingers glide around and up her body. The niece feels the palms of her auntie’s hands firmly rub up and down her hips, and her chest, and around her waist.

Pleasant gazes into the mirror at Gabby as her hands cup her tits, watching as they squeeze in her grip, and how they sit pertly as her hands rub down her belly and tease at her clit. The mistress’ heart pounds with a hard and quickened pace in her chest as she watches her reflection’s hands explore her niece’s body, almost in a dream-like stupor.

Gabby turns around in her auntie’s arms, and looks her in the eyes, opening her mouth to speak, but struggling to make a sound. She feels Pleasant’s leg press up against her pussy, and she sounds a whimper as her wet and sensitive lips are rubbed firmly, still staring into her auntie’s eyes with longing.

The teen rubs her pussy hard against Pleasant’s leg, maintaining eye contact as intensely as the contact below, and Gabby moans with pleasure. Pleasant immediately clasps a hand over the teen’s mouth to muffle her moans, and Gabby continues to grind on her auntie’s leg harder and harder, faster and faster, her stifled moans becoming louder and more frequent under Pleasant’s palm, and…

“Oh, excuse me,” says Taylor from behind as she enters the fitting room, and apologetically says, “I can come back later, Mistress Cummings,” and closes the door as she leaves the two women alone.

Pleasant’s heart is pumping so hard that she can feel it in her ears, blushing hard in front of her niece with tears welling in her eyes. Gabby still looks her auntie in the eyes, and pulls her auntie’s hand down from her mouth to tell her, “I can handle this,” with a huge smirk as she stares at her scared auntie, who stands still as stone in shock from the intrusion.

Gabby resumes her grinding on her auntie’s leg, getting harder and faster, and with the additional adrenaline from the intrusion, she reaches an immensely satisfying orgasm, flushing intensely through her whole body as she holds her auntie tightly. Her juicy ejaculate is wiped up and down her auntie’s upper leg, leaving it wet as she slowly but steadily steps back, still shuddering in her thighs. She cups her auntie’s face in her hands, and holds her as she says, “I can handle this.”

Pleasant stares at her niece, and says, “I don’t know if I can. I’ve never felt so vulnerable; so weak.”

Gabby says, “You’re not weak. You’re the strongest person I know.”

Pleasant says, “Taylor saw us together. You’re my niece. It’s illegal.”

Gabby suggests, “What did she see? We were hugging.”

Pleasant smiles a little, slightly comforted by the idea, and says, “Yeah, we were hugging. Nothing wrong with that. She doesn’t know we’re related, and, she doesn’t have to know.”

Gabby says “Right, now let’s try on what you picked for me and get out of here.”

After Pleasant and Gabby decide on what they want to buy, they take the items to the front desk to pay, and Taylor remarks to Pleasant, “I haven’t caught you like that since you were here with Frankie, Mistress Cummings, although you were more passionate with her,” and she tells Gabby, “I had to do some tidying up after them. The fitting room was a mess. I don’t mind with the mistress’ patronage though.”

Pleasant calmly and succinctly tells Taylor, “We were just hugging.”

Taylor coyly responds, “Sure, you were,” and winks, and adds hushed, “I won’t tell anyone.”

Gabby tells Taylor, “There’s nothing to tell. Although, I would love to hear more about what Au… Pleasant and Frankie were doing in that fitting room.”

Taylor responds to the teen, saying, “I would love to hear more too. I really didn’t see much, but I saw enough,” then turns to Pleasant and asks, “I see plenty more on your streams, Mistress Cummings. Can I expect to see young Gabby here more too?”

Pleasant hastily says, “We’ll see about that. I haven’t decided on a schedule including her yet, and, I’m trialling her out for a week before I commit to having her on long-term.”

Taylor says, “I understand, Mistress Cummings,” and asks Gabby, “I’ll be sure to show you some support myself. What name should I look for you under on there?”

Gabby replies, “My room is called Pristine White.”

Taylor gasps with excitement upon hearing Gabby’s screen name, and remarks, “Oh, now that is a fitting name for you Ms Gabby, or, would you prefer to be called Pristine, or Ms White, perhaps?”

Gabby smiles and answers, “Gabby is fine, at least for now.”

Taylor says, “I look forward to seeing more of you; both of you. Please tell Frankie I said, ‘Hi,’ and that I look forward to seeing her again too.”

Pleasant says, “I will tell her, Taylor. Thank you for your work today.”

Taylor says, “Anytime, Mistress Cummings. I will let you know when I have Gabby’s outfits ready for collection.”

Pleasant says, “Thank you again,” and goes to leave.

Gabby tells Taylor, “Thank you. It was nice to meet you, Taylor,” and follows her auntie.

Taylor calls after them, “It was nice meeting you, too, Gabby. See you both soon.”

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