Trans Daughter: An Unconventional Approach by silkstockingslover

An adult stories – Trans Daughter: An Unconventional Approach by silkstockingslover,silkstockingslover Summary: Daughter helps resolve her parents’ marital problems.

Note 1: This is a twisted Breezy tale. I hope you enjoy.

Note 2: Thanks to Tex Beethoven for editing.

Note 3: This is a unique Valentine’s Day story (not based on the setting, but based on the power of love).

Trans Daughter: An Unconventional Approach

Almost a decade ago, two weeks after graduating from high school, Allen told his parents he was a transsexual, and he planned to begin taking the anti-androgens to feminize himself.

He was rather worried about how his parents would react, since he was their only child… but they’d all three discussed the matter thoroughly enough that his parents were satisfied he wasn’t making an idle decision, they both supported his intention… and to his utter amazement, neither of them had been particularly surprised, not even when he’d first introduced the subject.

His (soon to be her) parents also supported his changing his name to Aubrie, and without arguing about it at all, they also paid for all her medical procedures and drugs.

Aubrie thought everything was just fine with her parents during the twelve years it had taken her to earn her Doctor of Psychology degree and begin growing her practice, but gradually, like so many couples in a rut, it turned out that their situation wasn’t as it appeared.

Things went from bad to worse, when Richard asked his wife Alexis about having threesome. He opened with, “Hey honey, how would you feel about spicing up our sex life?”

He knew it was a precarious request to make, but he’d been thinking about it for some time. While he loved his wife, and he still enjoyed spending time with her, their sex life had become no more than memories. For instance, blow jobs were a thing of the past, except perhaps on his birthday, or if Alexis was really drunk, and he was pretty sure they’d had sex only twice in the past calendar year.

“What do you have in mind?” Alexis asked the same way she always did whenever he asked about sex…with very little interest. To be fair, she knew she was part of the problem, but twenty-plus years of faking orgasms had taken their toll on her. Although she’d never come right out and told him, she’d never had an orgasm from intercourse with him… not even once! His dick was admittedly thick enough, but with only five inches of length to work with, he’d never even come close to providing the deep, satisfying fuckings her college boyfriends had given her. So she’d moved on from enjoying interpersonal sex, and had bought herself a few sex toys, all of them big ones, that really filled her pussy and gave her the orgasms she needed.

Their conversation continued. “How about a threesome?” he blurted out, before he could change his mind.

“Hell, no,” she said, instantly annoyed both by him and the impertinent request.

“But I was just thinking…” he began.

“Don’t even finish that sentence,” she warned, in the tone she always used whenever she needed to inform her daft husband that the next thing he said would escalate their polite conversation into something nuclear.

Richard wisely shut his trap … but even though he went silent, he couldn’t conceal his annoyance.

Alexis went back to her romance book, and ironically, she was in the middle of reading a hot, sexy scene.

A week later, Alexis had taken some time to reconsider the threesome proposal, so she resumed the discussion as if she hadn’t stopped it in its tracks a week ago. As Richard massaged her nylon-clad feet after a long day on her feet in a trial… they were both attorneys… she asked, “So what’s in it for me?”

“Pardon?” he asked, continuing to massage her feet. He’d always had a foot fetish, particularly when the feet were in nylons, and he’d always loved massaging her feet after a long day of school back when they were still young, and after work ever since. He knew she loved it, and it was his favourite part of the day. He was often allowed to spend at least fifteen minutes doing something he loved doing while they chatted about their day, and the interlude usually ended with him licking her sweaty, sexy, salty, stocking soles… and sucking her toes into his mouth… which always got him hard. In the past it had often led to sex, but alas, now it never did.

He had no idea what she was asking, since the last thing he’d said was about a judge’s odd decision in his favour about some evidence that if allowed, would have been damaging to his client.

“I’m referring to that threesome notion of yours,” she said, still in her lawyer mode, thus making it all his idea and effectively placing him on trial.

“Really?” he asked. He’d figured his ‘notion’ had already been ruled upon… case dismissed.

“Yes. If we decide to do it, then what’s in it for me?” she asked. Visuals of a bigger dick slamming into her cobwebbed pussy had been distracting her all week… ever since he’d planted that seed in her head.

“Well…” Richard began thoughtfully, as he massaged each of her toes individually, then took a deep breath, since she was reintroducing a conversation could easily fall apart again in a heartbeat, “I’ve always wanted to share a threesome with you.”

As soon as he’d said the words and seen the response on her face, he knew his brief glimmer of renewed hope was fading fast. But her next words didn’t put the kibosh on the idea, at least not immediately. Instead, she said, “I’ll ask you again. What’s in it for me?”

“Well…” he began, but then chose exactly the wrong phrase to continue. Instead of saying something neutral and non-judgemental, he said defensively, “At least I’m trying to spice up our sex life.”

“You are, are you?” Alexis asked, her voice suddenly as frozen as an Antarctic ice floe.

But Richard had gone too far to stop now. He’d already been exiled to sleeping downstairs most of the time because of his snoring, so he soldiered on, perhaps suicidally, “Yes. A threesome might bring some spark back into our nonexistent sex lives.”

Then to Richard’s astonishment, Alexis said… rather eagerly, even… “Okay, let’s do it.”

“Really?” he asked. This wasn’t at all what he’d anticipated hearing, except in his dreams! The idea of fucking another woman was a major turn-on for him, and he already knew a couple of secretaries in his law office who’d he more than willing, and the opportunity to watch his wife in some lesbian action was, of course, every man’s favourite fantasy.

“Sure, why not?” she shrugged… luring him in for a sneaky twist.

“Sweet!” he exclaimed, excited by his wife’s astonishing response. Her pussy had dried up like Death Valley in the past few years… and he received a lot of flirtatious attention at work, since he was a good-looking and charming guy.

“Yeah, except…” she added.

Oh, no, here it is her inevitable ‘except… he thought to himself. She often used it dramatically like when she was about to turn the courtroom on its head with some shocking additional piece of evidence that would prove her client undoubtedly innocent… she was the female Matlock of New York City. “Except what?” he asked, in a voice that confessed he wasn’t certain he wanted to hear what she was about to say.

“Well,” she said, then paused. And then for the first time in a long, long time… so long that summer had progressed on to autumn, and then into winter, with spring now on the horizon… she covered his hard cock… it always got hard whenever he massaged her feet… with her left sole and began rubbing it. She seldom told him this, but she’d always appreciated his daily foot massages, and in the past she’d often rewarded him appropriately for them, but her endless lack of orgasms whenever he participated had eventually led her to not caring. “Let’s examine this new adventure more closely. I assume you plan on inviting someone with a pussy to join us. Or in other words, you envision this threesome including another woman?”

“Of course,” he said. The possibility of another man sharing their bed wasn’t remotely interesting to him, and it hadn’t even occurred to him.

“And do you further envision me eating this additional girl’s pussy?” Alexis asked. She’d decided to tease him, and maybe even make him come in his pants, like she’d done lots of times when they’d first started dating.

“Oh, yeah! That would be so hot,” he said, unaware that he was being led by his metaphorical dick towards an unexpected hammer that was about to fall.

As she began using both feet to rub his cock through his pants, she struck. “Well, if you’re contemplating getting some fresh new pussy, then would only be fair for me to have a go with one or more new and big dicks.” She’d stressed the word ‘big” just as her husband groaned, since he was about to come.

“Wait! Whaaaaaaat?” he cried out, while his dick betrayed him by ejaculating in his pants.

“Yeah, a nice big eight-inch dick pounding my pussy would be really nice, especially if you were watching,” she grinned wickedly, maintaining the pressure on his dick, while it kept coming.

“That’s not at all what I had in mind,” he objected, while he soiled his underwear and got it all sticky.

“So you’re saying that I won’t get a chance to see you sucking some dick for me?” she asked sarcastically.

“Are you kidding me?”

“Not at all. If you want to watch me eating pussy,” she said, removing her feet from his lap and standing up, “the least you can do is suck some dick while I watch.”

“Jesus, what’s wrong with you?” Richard demanded, completely pissed off by both aspects of what had just happened. He always hated coming in his pants, and he certainly didn’t want to suck anyone’s dick!

“What’s wrong with me? You’re the fucking idiot who tried to talk me into having the kind of threesome where there wouldn’t be any pleasure in it for me,” she accused. “Although I find it interesting that you came right after I mentioned you sucking dick.”

She then headed out of the room as he called after her, trying to defend himself, “That was a complete coincidence! You never fucking touch me anymore, so now when you did, of course, I came in a hurry.”

This argument was still festering in both of their heads a couple of months later. Thanksgiving was approaching, and their daughter… their only child… was flying home from Los Angeles to Westchester County, New York for the first time in almost a year, when she’d visited them last year for Christmas. The almost estranged couple was now sleeping in separate rooms, and by mutual consent, they were in the early stages of filing for a divorce. This emotional separation… not yet quite a physical one… wasn’t common knowledge, since they both worked for the same firm and they were prominent names in the legal community… well-known as a power couple.

They did agree to share the strain in their relationship with their daughter while she was visiting them.


Aubrie had established a very successful practice in Los Angeles. She specialized in guiding people… often rich and famous one… through their marital issues, as well as attached or unattached members of the LGTBQ-plus community. Her practice was somewhat unorthodox, since it often included hands-on therapy… or to put it baldly, sex therapy with actual sex. She often guided couples in rekindling their relationships, by orchestrating intimate and lengthy sexual encounters, guiding and encouraging them every step of the therapeutic path they needed to follow. Other times, she provided husbands with opportunities to fulfill their fantasies, for instance by walking their wives through pegging them. Occasionally she got directly involved in the therapy by fucking a husband herself (anally, since she still had a dick), while she gave the wife tips on how to satisfy her husband while she also satisfied herself. On other occasions, she fucked a wife with her big eight-inch cock, she or joined the husband in spit-roasting or double penetrating a particularly needy wife. Or sometimes a couple teamed up to pleasure her, if they were interested in threesomes. Each couple’s needs were different, so she always asked lots of questions as she analyzed the situation thoroughly, dug deeply into their sexual insecurities and the often differing desires each of them had, while she did her very competent best to help them both to explore their deepest, darkest fantasies. In short, her learned expertise and her novel approach had saved countless marriages.

Dr. Aubrie had many repeat clients and a plethora of referrals, and she’d gotten so popular, she made endless house calls, often working nights and weekends. So it was complicated, but she managed to schedule four days off over the Thanksgiving weekend after her mother had phoned, begging her to come home for a few days. She hadn’t been home since last Christmas, and she sensed from her mother’s tone that something was wrong. So she took the days off and headed home.


Aubrie’s sense that something was amiss became stronger, the moment she entered the house. She couldn’t avoid feeling an awkward tension… it permeated the place.

That night, wearing only thigh-high socks and a t-shirt, she’d just finished an online Skype session with a client. She’d jazzed all over herself and the computer screen while watching the husband fucking his much younger wife in the ass, so she went to clean up… assuming her parents were asleep.

She washed up, then then returned to the hallway, where she found her Mom standing there, waiting to use the washroom.

Alexis saw her daughter’s penis for the first time in more than a decade, back when she’d been a he. She couldn’t believe the size of it! Her eyes went wide, and she gasped, “Oh my, honey! You’ve got a really big dick!”

“S-s-sorry, Mom,” Aubrie stammered, covering her semi-hard cock with her hands.

“No worries, honey,” her mother reassured her. “it’s a very impressive dick, and I certainly don’t object to seeing it.”

“Um, thanks,” Aubrie said. Her Mom was definitely checking out her dick.

As the stunned, suddenly very horny mother squeezed past her trans daughter into the bathroom, she mumbled… in utter awe of the majestic dick her daughter was packing… “That’s so gigantic! Very impressive.”

Aubrie went back to her room, put on a pair of panties, and shook her head. Had that just happened? Had her Mom just been staring at her cock? And referring to it as ‘gigantic’? Wow!

She got ready for bed, her head spinning with what had transpired, and the unmistakable look of… well… lust she’d seen in her mother’s eyes.


The next afternoon, Aubrie’s parents took her to an exclusive five-star restaurant, which was an odd place to tell her they were separating, but they did.

Although she was heartbroken, she outwardly supported what must have been her parents’ painful decision, and she did her utmost to present a good face to the awkward situation. But she’d always thought of them as the perfect married couple, and she sensed there was still a connection between them worth saving.

Once they arrived back home, the daughter mentioned her professional qualifications and suggested, “Look, you two. Before you start signing papers that will end your thirty years of marriage, why don’t you let me guide you through some counseling activities? Maybe we can reconnect you as a loving couple.”

“I’ll give it a try,” Richard said immediately. From the moment the topic had arisen, he’d hated the prospect of ending their marriage. But given the bad blood that had been festering between them ever since that argument about the threesome, he’d been too stubborn to say the words out loud. He’d been wounded by her crack about needing a bigger dick, and his pain and resentment about it was still lingering, even after all those months.

“Sure, I guess it might help,” Alexis agreed much less eagerly, since she wasn’t really sure anymore that she wanted to keep her husband. Truth was, once she’d come right and told Richard his dick wasn’t big enough for her, that objection had been imprinted in her subconscious, and she’d become obsessed with big cock porn and erotica. Even though Richard’s cock was nice and fat, it hadn’t ever been long enough to get her off.

“Perfect,” Aubrie said, even though she’d caught her mother’s reluctance in just those six words. Reading people’s tone of voice and their body language was one of her skills, and it often gave her insights even before she took the time to process what they’d said. In this case, she knew the problem rested primarily with her mother, even though she hadn’t yet determined what the actual problem was… except that based upon all her schooling and experience, it had to have something to do with sex. Which of course was her professional specialty, so she felt very optimistic.

“So how do we do this?” Richard asked, trying not to admire his daughter’s legs in her black nylons with a slight sheen to them. Alexis had pretty much stopped wearing them at home since the Big Fight, and in fact, she’d begun wearing dress pants to work most of the time.

“Well,” Aubrie said brightly, “first let’s enjoy the dessert we brought home, and then we can meet in the living room and see what we can accomplish together.”

“Okay, sounds good,” Richard said, glancing down at his daughter’s purple-painted toenails. That wasn’t a colour he was accustomed to seeing on a woman, and never on his wife.

“Okay, why not?” Alexis sighed, as she went into the kitchen.

Aubrie followed her mother in, and said to her, “I don’t need you to tell me what the problems are between you and Daddy, but I do want you to bring an open mind into our session.”

“Honey,” she said, turning to her daughter, “I appreciate what you’re trying to do, but I don’t think there’s anything you can do to solve our problems.”

“Mom,” Aubrie replied, pulling her mother in for a hug, “perhaps I need to remind you that helping couples work their way through problems just like yours, is literally what I do for a living.”

“I know,” the Mom said, feeling strangely comforted in her daughter’s embrace, unable to recall the last time she’d been held like this, “but it feels awkward to talk to our daughter about our personal lives, and about our…” she trailed off.

“About your sex lives,” the daughter completed her thought.

“Yes, exactly,” Alexis sighed, the visual of her daughter’s dick flashing back into her mind without her permission. Which had been happening a lot since their accidental encounter last night. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t push away that vivid image of her daughter’s big, fat cock. It made her pussy tingle. It made her mouth water. And frustratingly, both of those were happening at this very moment.

“And my top specialty is rekindling couples’ sex lives,” the daughter informed her. “So trust me; I know what I’m doing.”

“Just what do you do exactly?” Alexis asked, looking up at her daughter in surprise.

“Trust me, Mommy,” she said again. “I don’t mention it on my business cards, but basically I’m a sex therapist, and I’m very good at it. The worst case scenario is that you and Daddy might remain in the same predicament you’re in now, and I highly doubt that will turn out to be the case.”

“Except that our daughter will learn sordid things about her parents that she shouldn’t,” Alexis pointed out the obvious, even while she was admiring her daughter’s ass while she poured herself a glass of water from the tap. Then she shook her head at her twisted thoughts, before going to the refrigerator and taking out the cheesecake.

“I can easily separate those two sides of myself,” Alexis said. “And you need to do the same.”

The daughter then returned to the living room to speak with her father. She deliberately sat across from him so she’d be offering him an ample view of her legs and feet in their nylons. She’d always liked nylons, and she hadn’t been surprised when she first noticed that many men loved looking at them on her, although a lot fewer women had the same appreciation for them. She recalled her mother had always worn them when she was younger. Aubrie had learned, in large part through her sexual interactions with her clients, that all men and women harboured at least one sexual fetish, most people more than one, and they seldom if ever revealed those fetishes to their significant others, or even to anyone. But eventually, everyone ended up telling her about them, so she’d heard it all by now. From incestuous fantasies, to golden showers, to orgies, to gay or lesbian sex, to pegging, to bondage, to both cuckolding and being cuckolded, and endless other kinks, the sexual mind of every man and woman was a lot more devious and complex than their outward appearance would ever reveal.

Aubrie was convinced on excellent authority that if everyone fulfilled their wildest fantasies and revealed their kinkiest fetishes to everyone else, the world would be a much happier place.

And she not only believed that principle, but she lived it. She’d learned back in her twenties that most men and women had a thing for trans people. Men who fantasized about sucking dicks felt it would be a lot less gay if that dick was attached to a curvy feminine body. And some women who found a female’s body sexually stimulating preferred that body to have a cock instead of a pussy. But regardless of the reasoning, even before she became a professional sex therapist, she took part in a wide variety of wild sexual encounters, and thus she’d fulfilled most of the goals on her bucket list.

For instance,, Aubrie had… before, during and after her transition:

-fucked his most annoying high school bully in the ass

-was in the middle of a threeway where she fucked a hot girl’s pussy while getting banged herself

-been spit-roasted

-been the focus of a twenty-man bukkake

-although she didn’t find it very stimulating, she’d allowed herself to be pissed on

-fucked a mother and her daughter simultaneously with a strap-on and vibrator.

-joined the mile-high club with a man and a woman

-did a cum walk on a crowded downtown sidewalk

-fucked a married couple

-shared a 69 with another trans

One thing she hadn’t ever done, or even seriously considered doing until today, was having incest with her parents.

She said, crossing her legs, “So Dad, similar to what I just told Mom, I don’t want you to tell me anything that’s going on between the two of you, but I want you to be willing to say things to each other in front of me that might feel awkward.”

“Okay, you’re the doctor,” he agreed. Meanwhile, he couldn’t stop himself from admiring his daughter’s long legs in those nylons… since he’d greatly missed his wife wearing them since their blowout.

“I’ll also be asking you some very blunt questions,” she warned, wiggling her toes to see whether he’d check them out. He did. Good, that would be helpful.

“Of course, honey,” he replied distractedly, not totally sure what he’d just agreed to.

“I appreciate that because my methods are somewhat unorthodox,” Aubrie said, wondering whether her Dad was getting an erection from looking at her legs and feet in her nylons. She sensed that he was.

“I really don’t want to lose her,” he suddenly blurted out pathetically, ripping his eyes away from his daughter’s sexy, sensual, silky feet.

“I’m glad to hear that… it’s a great start,” Aubrie said, “but please don’t share any more of your feelings until we begin the session with all three of us present.”

Just then, her mother came out with three plates and handed them out, before somewhat reluctantly sitting on the couch with her husband… with the distinct gap between them very obvious.

Aubrie gave them time to enjoy their desserts in peace, while she observed them. She could tell a lot about people by analyzing their mannerisms.

First, now that his wife was sitting more or less next to him, with her mocha-coloured nylon legs crossed and resting on the coffee table, her Dad’s attention had slyly shifted from admiring his daughter’s legs in her nylons, to sneaking glances at his wife’s legs in her nylons.

As she observed her mother, it was obvious she knew where his attention was, since she was… apparently idly… wiggling her toes and moving her foot around, although otherwise, she seemed to be totally oblivious to her husband’s presence in the room.

One helpful thing from Aubrie’s perspective was that neither she nor her mother were wearing shoes… which would enhance the nylon-clad attractiveness of their feet in Richard’s eyes.

Richard was thinking he might be catching NOS… Nylon Overload Syndrome…if there was such a thing… after he’d gone so long pretty much without seeing any nylons at all. Today both his daughter and his wife had adorned their legs with that sexy fabric, and they were both shoeless, with their feet out in the open for him to admire. His dick was rock hard while he imagined himself massaging, kissing, licking and even fucking either of those pairs of silky feet… especially their soles.

Meanwhile, Alexis couldn’t get her daughter’s dick out of her head. It must be at least eight inches long! She couldn’t know for sure, since last night it had only been semi-erect. She knew her fascination with it was wrong… so wrong… but she couldn’t stop picturing that big dick inside her mouth or her pussy.

Aubrie inwardly smiled, noticing some redness in both of their cheeks. While that could be because either or both of them were somewhat angry, they’d just eaten a delicious dessert, so it was more likely they were both horny. Her father from nylon feet, and her mother from fantasizing about the cock she’d seen last night… she’d been behaving oddly all day, and it wasn’t because she’d been keeping their upcoming divorce a secret, since she hadn’t.

Once they’d all finished eating, Dad set his plate down, stood up, and said, “I’m going to get myself a rum; would anyone else like anything?”

“I’d like a glass of Chardonnay,” the daughter said, making it easier for her Mom to ask for something. She didn’t want either of her parents/clients to get drunk, but she knew that a bit of liquid courage would help them get past the discomfort of exposing their feelings, especially with their ‘innocent’ daughter taking part in the conversation.

“Honey?” he asked his wife.

“Sure,” she answered, assuming he’d know she meant Chardonnay as well. It was another monosyllabic reply. Around him, she habitually used them now.

Richard collected the three plates and forks and took them into the kitchen.

Which gave Aubrie a discreet chance to address her accidental peep show. “I’m sorry about last night, Mom.”

“Oh, it’s no big deal,” she said, her cheeks going ruby red, while she choked back a chuckle about using the word ‘big’.

“Except…” Aubrie started to say something, but before she could, her Mom interrupted her by continuing.

“I mean it was big and impressive,” she clarified, “but it just isn’t a big deal, if you know what I mean.”

“I believe I do,” the daughter said. “But here’s a question. Have you thought about my ‘big and impressive’ dick today at all?”

It was a blunt question, but she’d be asking them both a lot of blunt questions today, and she hoped this one might somewhat break the ice for her mother, even though it was typically the men who struggled with their feelings during the initial stages of these sessions. But Aubrie was guessing that this time, her mother was the problem.

“Aubrie!” she gasped, shocked by the question.

“I it’s that’s a personal question, but I’ll be asking you and Dad a lot of them today. So please answer it for me, Mommy,” Aubrie was using the word ‘Mommy’ to introduce one of the two new terms she planned to utilize throughout the session.

“Really?” The mother asked, surprised that hearing the word Mommy made her pussy tingle.

“Yes. I need you both to be completely honest with me… and with each other… so we can accomplish what we need to do today. I need to understand… and the two of you need to understand… exactly what’s happened between you two… with as few recriminations as possible… so we can try to mend some fences,” she explained. She often encountered rejection and denial when her questions started getting sexual, which was usually, but not always, later on in the session.

“I don’t think our fences can be mended,” Alexis sighed.

“Mommy, I asked you to come into this session with an open mind,” the daughter reminded her just as her father came back in the room.

Alexis sighed again, but she was relieved he’d returned when he did, because now she needn’t answer the question. Since if she did, she’d not only look like a pervert, but an incestuous pervert to boot… although she wouldn’t be alone in that, since she’d noticed her husband perving on their daughter’s legs and feet in her nylons. That had pissed her off at first, but since she too was turned on by their daughter, it was hard to find fault with him for doing the same thing. Except she did anyway.

“Thanks, Daddy,” Aubrie said, accepting the wineglass from him.

“You’re welcome, honey,” he said, unable to avoid glancing down at her perfectly manicured toenails.

Robert handed the other wineglass to his wife, but he didn’t receive same gratitude from her… or even some common courtesy… as she accepted the glass from him without even looking at him. He suppressed a sigh before sitting back down where he’d originally been.

“Now before we get started,” Aubrie began, taking a sip of wine, “I need to make one stipulation. During our session, this room needs to be a safe place. Nothing that any of us says during the session can leave the room, unless you both agree that it should, and I’m not allowed a vote in making that decision. In other words, everything any of us say here will be strictly confidential.”

“Okay,” they agreed.

“So first, I want both of you to move closer to each other,” Aubrie instructed.

Robert started to obey, but his wife said, “I’m comfortable right where I am, thanks.”

“Okay, then there’s a second thing. Both of you need to do exactly what I tell you to do, and to be open-minded,” the daughter clarified… except she wasn’t their daughter right now, since Dr. Aubrie had now assumed her persona of their therapist.

“Fine,” Alexis said, using that dramatic tone of voice that said loud and clear that she was complying with her daughter’s instruction, but she wasn’t happy about it.

“Mommy, one out of two isn’t bad,” Aubrie quipped to avoid a worse confrontation, “but I also need you to rein in your hostility, so we can all dig down to the source of your marital difficulties as amicably as possible.”

“Okay,” she said, and they scooted together until their legs were touching.

“Better,” she said. “Now I’m going to ask some baseline questions, that hopefully will make you both feel more comfortable.”

“Okay,” they said in unison.

“And while we proceed, I want you to hold hands.”

They did, and this time Alexis didn’t make a face. If she told the truth, which she wouldn’t be doing out loud anytime soon, she’d sorely missed this basic human connection with her husband, this simple form of intimacy.

“First question. Dad, please describe when you met Mom for the first time.”

“Really?” he asked.

“Yes, really. Please just tell me,” she responded a bit sternly. She wanted all three of them to be reminded about how much they used to love each other.

“Well, I was attending a college party with a couple of my buddies on Halloween, and stereotypically, I saw her across a crowded room,” he began. He smiled as he refreshed his memories from that special night very clearly. “As cliché as this may sound, she was with another guy, so there wasn’t any contact at all between us that night, but I already knew I’d just caught sight of the woman I’d marry someday.”

Aubrie had heard this story before, but for her this time, it was about establishing some trust in the situation, and more importantly, getting her parents to remember a time when things were good between them. So she said, “I never get tired of hearing that story, Daddy.”

“And I never get tired of telling it. People say love at first sight isn’t real, but I felt things that day I’d never felt before,” he replied, then he turned his head to look at his still very pretty wife. Feeling the need to say something he hadn’t said in a long time, maybe because he’d always thought it went without saying, or maybe because he was an insensitive jackass, he said, “Alexis, very often I still get that feeling, even after all these years. You’re as beautiful today as you were the day I fell in love with you.”

Alexis felt warmth course through her from his memory of that first night, when she hadn’t even known he existed. She’d heard that story many times, always with a similar compliment, and now she realized while she was hearing it, that she’d desperately needed to hear it again. But she was still stuck in enough of a funk that she couldn’t repay his kindness.

“Mom, now it’s your turn to reminisce about something,” Aubrie said, giving her mother a chance to say something nice, before the conversation progressed… as it must… to the day their great start had exploded into a disaster. And although her Mom hadn’t verbally said anything conciliatory yet, her face and her body language had noticeably softened.

“You’ve already heard my thoughts about our marriage,” she said flatly.

“And I want to hear them again,” Aubrie insisted. “I expect both of you to answer all my questions without quibbling, and to answer them fully and honestly.”

“Fine,” she sighed, crossing her arms.

“And I don’t want any more of your tone and you crossing and uncrossing your arms. So kindly get yourself relaxed and comfortable, and then tell me what’s on your mind,” Aubrie instructed.

“Okay, I’m sorry,” Alexis responded. She realized she was acting childish, so she decided to do what she was told. After taking a sip of her wine, she told her abbreviated continuation of Richard’s story, “A couple weeks later I was looking for a book in the library, and I was preoccupied, so I bumped right into him.”

“It was serendipity,” Richard added. He hadn’t been stalking her, but the accidental bumping was mutual, since he too had been preoccupied. In his case, it was because he was perusing a book about law precedents to see if he could find anything pertinent to a case he was researching for one of his courses.

“Yeah, you’ve always said that,” Alexis smiled and allowed herself a soft, genuine laugh. “Anyway, we both apologized and we got to talking, and it turned out we were researching different but similar cases, and in his hand was the very book I’d been looking for.”

“Serendipity indeed,” Aubrie agreed. She rarely approved or disapproved of something somebody said this early in a session, but this particular story had always touched her and helped her believe in fate, and she’d recounted this story many times during therapy sessions with other people.

“So long story short, he offered to share the book with me, so we went to a coffee shop and studied together and chatted, and we both drank so much coffee we knew neither of us would get any sleep that night. So we went for a moonlight walk,” she continued, fondly recalling that endless evening they’d spent together.

“And?” Aubrie prompted.

“You already know the rest,” Alexis said. Reminiscing about their beginnings was reminding her why she’d loved him for all these years… his compassion, his kindness and his sense of humor.

“I do, but tell me anyway,” Aubrie insisted. Her mother’s body language and her tone of voice showed that her emotions were opening up very nicely … but she was still holding something back.

“Well, I’d broken up with my boyfriend Phil a couple of days earlier, so at the time I wasn’t certain whether or not I was overly vulnerable. But while we strolled around campus trying to burn off our excessive caffeine, I realized how comfortable I felt with Richard,” she continued.


“Well, he could tell I was getting cold from the November chill, and since we were both already wearing jackets, he courteously wrapped an arm around my shoulders and pulled me close,” Alexis recalled fondly.

“It was the scariest thing I’d ever done,” Richard interjected, recalling the debate in his head about taking such a risk… he didn’t even know if she was single yet … it hadn’t come up in their conversation.

“Yes, any other guy would have gotten a knee in the groin for his trouble,” she added, looking at her husband for the first time since we’d arrived home. Sure, he’d aged and gained some weight, but he was still attractive, and he still had that adorable smile she’d fallen so hard for.

“But he didn’t get one,” Aubrie mentioned.

“No, not him,” Alexis agreed, smiling openly for the first time.

“And what happened then?” Alexis asked. This was where the story usually ended with Mom saying that she too knew she’d met her one and only.

“Well…” then she hesitated. They’d never told their daughter what had happened during the rest of the night.

“Tell me everything this time,” Aubrie instructed.

“I don’t think you want to know everything,” Alexis demurred, recalling their marathon sex session that first night.

“Yes I do,” the daughter insisted.

“Honey, it’s very personal,” Alexis insisted back.

“And we didn’t do something we’d ever want to share with our daughter,” Richard supported his wife, vividly recalling that fucking amazing first night.

“For this session to succeed, you two mustn’t keep any secrets from me,” Aubrie explained. “Right now I’m not your daughter, I’m your knowledgeable and very competent sex therapist, Mom and Dad. Furthermore, no matter how scandalous the secrets you share with me might be, in my line of work, I’ve heard it all before.”

“I still don’t know if I should,” Alexis said tentatively.

“Then let me cut to the chase for you. Did you two fuck each other that night?” Aubrie asked bluntly, knowing when to be subtle and when to get graphic.

“Aubrie!” Alexis gasped.

“Well did you?” Aubrie asked again, refusing to allow her mother to wiggle out of answering the question.

“Yes,” the mother finally answered, almost in a whisper, her cheeks bright red.

“Twice,” Richard embellished.

“Interesting,” Aubrie said with a nod. She employed this word because almost without fail, it led one of both of her clients at the time to pursue the subject further.

“Why is it interesting?” Alexis asked. “I assumed at the time it was a one-night stand, and for me, a rebound fuck.”

“You thought that?” Richard asked, surprised.

“Yes,” she said. “Even though I felt an amazing chemistry with you, I assumed at the time that you weren’t gonna call me, when I was the kind of girl who’d blow you and fuck you just a few hours after we’d met.”

“You blew him too?” The daughter asked, her face studiously non-judgemental.

Alexis sighed, “Yes, if you need to know all the sordid details. I blew him in a secluded spot between two of the buildings on campus, and I swallowed his load. Then I took him back to my sorority room, and we fucked for over an hour, and we used up two condoms. Is that what you want to hear?”

“Yes, it’s exactly the kind of things I want to hear,” Aubrie said.

“I went down on you too,” Richard added, now feeling that was an important thing to mention.

“Why do you need to hear all this?” Alexis asked. “What’s the purpose of your hearing about your mother and father fucking each other on their first date? And shit, it wasn’t even a date!”

“That’s an excellent question, Mommy. First, good for you, Dad. A man should always be willing to go down on his woman, and far too few will do that,” Aubrie said to her Dad, before turning her attention to her mother. “And second… Mommy, sex isn’t something we need to be ashamed of. You and Daddy had sex even before your first date because you both felt an inner connection, and it got you both aroused. You were each brave enough to allow your hormones to take control, and to your credit, you just let loose with each other. And the only important question about the aftermath of that night, is do you regret making that choice?”

Alexis pondered the question. Even though their relationship wasn’t in a good great place right now, they’d had a great marriage while it lasted. “No. Definitely not. I wouldn’t change anything about that night for the world.”

“Thank you for sharing honestly. Next question: Do you regret marrying him?”

“No.” This time she answered without any hesitation.

“Please hold each other’s hands,” Aubrie reminded them. At some point they’d stopped doing it.

They did, also without hesitation.

“In case you need reminding, marriage is inevitably difficult. And it’s even more difficult whenever your communication breaks down,” Aubrie said. That was the most frequent reason for a troubled marriage. Miscommunication, or a lack of communication, often led to infidelity. “And it’s clear to me the communication between you two has broken down.”

“You got that right, it has,” the mother agreed.

“Dad has already told us he still loves you, Mom,” Aubrie said, “Now I’ll ask you a vital question. Do you still love your husband?”

Alexis didn’t need any time to consider, she knew the answer deep down. “Yes.”

“And just to make it crystal clear, I’m asking both of you this time. Do you still love each other?”

“Yes,” they said in unison, holding each other’s hand more tightly.

“That’s a great start,” Aubrie said. “But it’s only a start. The next vital question is, how did your communication break down?”

Richard began, saying, “Well, I think I began taking your mother for granted, and I gradually stopped doing the positive things… many of them small… that I’d done for her when we were younger.”


“Like frequently telling her how much I loved her. Kissing her every day before I left for work. Surprising her with some flowers just because… and probably many other things as well.”

“And I guess I took him for granted too,” Alexis admitted. “Like starting to let off steam by using him for a punching bag when I was having a bad day. Not physically, but sometimes I ripped him apart verbally.”

“Did you know that everyone treats their spouses… or their parents… badly sometimes, which isn’t surprising, but while they’re still young, it’s the worst? I found that very surprising when somebody told me,” Aubrie said. “But it’s just human nature.”

“I suppose.”

“Was there any particular moment where the tension between you suddenly got worse? Aubrie asked. There was almost always some moment in a couple’s lives when a moderate amount of tension escalated wildly… some specific breaking point.

Sudden silence. Neither of them said a word.

“Dad, didn’t you always massage Mom’s feet after you both got home from work?” Aubrie asked, her instincts telling her it was time to push a little harder, and discover that breaking point.

“I did,” he answered, suddenly looking manically back and forth between both feminine pairs of nylon-clad feet.

“Did… as in past tense?” Aubrie asked.

“Yes. Well, ever since that tension-escalating moment you just mentioned, your mother has mostly stopped wearing nylons, and I’ve mostly stopped massaging her feet.”

“She’s wearing some nylons right now,” Aubrie pointed out.

“Yes she is, thank goodness,” Richard said, admiring his wife’s sexy legs and feet in their nylons.

“Mom, put your feet in his lap,” Aubrie instructed.

“Okay, you’re the boss,” Alexis agreed willingly, but with kind of a joke, so she wouldn’t give too much away. One of the things she missed the most since ‘The Incident’ was getting her feet massaged.

Richard’s dick was already hard, thanks to the presence of two pairs of legs and feet in their nylons, and when Alexis offered him her feet, he instantly… and gratefully… placed his hands on them and began rubbing.

Alexis could feel his hard cock under her feet, which got her wondering whether her daughter’s cock was hard too. Which made her shake her head slightly… hopefully undetectably… because of such a twisted thought.

“I’m so sorry, Alexis! I was being selfish, and I was a complete asshole!” he blurted out sorrowfully, while he tenderly massaged her silky sheer sole.

“I’m sorry too,” she said equally sorrowfully. “I completely overreacted.”

“I asked you for something I never should have asked for,” he mourned.

“No, you didn’t. You should have the right to share all your fantasies with me, and I with you,” Alexis contradicted him generously.

And suddenly Aubrie was completely out of the loop. But it wasn’t her role in these sessions to take anything personally, so she gently asked her Dad, “What did you ask her for?”

“I’d rather not say.”

His daughter uncrossed and re-crossed her legs, making his dick flinch… which made him feel guilty, since he’d just apologized to his wife for his perverse fantasy.

“Just tell her, honey,” Alexis said, “we’ve already told her this much, and I haven’t seen the slightest sign of her judging us for any of it.”

“Well… I asked her if we could have a threesome,” the father admitted.

“Mmmhmmmm,” Aubrie nodded.

“What does that mean?” The mother asked, enjoying her ongoing foot massage.

“It means that I’m not shocked or appalled by anything you’ve told me so far, and I highly doubt you’ll be able to shock me, even if you try. A threesome is a common request… or if someone isn’t brave enough to ask for one, it’s at least a fantasy they harbour,” she explained.

“It is?” he gasped.

“Yes. And it’s rather tame, compared to many other fetishes or fantasies I’ve helped couples deal with,” Aubrie said, recalling some of the many truly kinky fetishes she’d helped people deal with.

“Really?” he asked.

“Yes. You probably wanted to be with two girls?” she asked.

“Of course,” he said a little defensively.

“It’s not all that obvious, Daddy,” she said. “You’d be amazed by how many men fantasize about being pegged, sucking a dick, or even getting fucked.”

“Aubrie!” he gasped.

“Dad, I’m twenty-eight, and I’m sexually active, so I’m going to speak to both of you honestly and frankly.”

“Please do, honey,” her mother said, a visual of her sucking her daughter’s cock or getting fucked by it popping into her head again. This time she didn’t even try to push it back out.

“I don’t want to do any of those,” her Dad said.

“I’m not judging anyone,” she said, “but for the record, a prostate orgasm is pretty amazing, and it can give men pleasure that’s very different from penetrating someone in the mouth, pussy or ass.”

“Jesus!” he gasped.

“Trust me, I know,” she said wickedly, and she gave her mother a wink.

“So you’ve fucked men in the ass?” Alexis asked.

“I have,” Aubrie admitted readily.

“And been fucked in the ass yourself?” she followed up.

“Many times,” the daughter admitted un-defensively. She never kept any secrets about her sexual proclivities from her clients, which was what she considered her parents to be in this situation.

“Interesting,” the wife said.

“I don’t think it’s all that interesting,” Richard disagreed. He’d accepted his son becoming a woman, but he hadn’t ever put any thought into the possibility of her taking it up the ass… even though fucking a woman in the ass was one of his own fantasies.

“Don’t knock it till you try it,” Aubrie smiled. She then said, “And while we’re being blunt, have you ever fucked Mom in the ass?”

“God, no,” Alexis answered for him.

“I guess if you had, she’d know about it,” Aubrie quipped. “But have you ever fantasized about doing it to her?”

He was silent for a moment before he answered, “I’d be lying if I pretended I’d never thought about doing it.”

“Figures,” the wife snarked, while her husband moved his hands to her other foot.

“And Mom, how did you respond to his threesome request?”

“At first I was pissed. But a while later, I realized maybe I was okay with it.”

“Interesting,” Aubrie said. She hadn’t expected to hear that. She could tell there was more, so she added, “But?”

“But I wanted to be with two men, not two women,” Alexis answered.

“Fair enough,” Aubrie nodded.

Then there was utter silence for about a quarter of a minute.

Then Aubrie broke the silence by asking, “So that’s where matters stand right now? Dad, you want a threesome with two women, and Mom, you want a threesome with two men. So you’re at an impasse. Correct?”

“Yes,” Robert said tentatively.

“Somewhat.” Alexis answered.

“Somewhat?” The daughter asked.

“Well, to be honest, it’s not the two men thing that gets me excited,” she said. Then abruptly, she paused.

“Go on,” Aubrie said.

“No, I’ve already said too much,” Alexis said, not wanting to hurt her husband’s feelings… by revealing the biggest lie in their marriage.

“I’ll remind you this is a no-secrets zone until we complete the session,” Aubrie said, “so please tell us whatever you’re holding back.” She was curious to know where her Mom was going to take things next.

“Yes, honey. Whatever it is, I can take it,” Richard said, although his wife suddenly censoring herself like that made him a bit nervous.

Alexis sighed.

She looked at her daughter, then she looked at her husband, then she looked down at the floor. Then she breathed a deep sigh.

“Whatever it is needs to be said, Mom,” Aubrie coaxed her.

The mother sighed again, then she looked at her husband, and said, Robert, I truly hate to tell you this, but… but you’ve never given me any orgasms with your short little dick, so I’ve always wondered what a bigger dick would feel like, and whether one like that could make me come,” she explained, then without consciously realizing she was doing it, she turned to look at her daughter. Maybe for some reassurance, she wasn’t a horrible person?

“Never?” Robert asked, “ever?” feeling like he’d just been kicked in the gut.

“Never. Not even once,” she confirmed, feeling terribly guilty to be throwing this in his face after so many years.

“Wow,” he said, feeling totally humiliated.

“It’s not your fault,” Alexis apologized, “it’s just who I am. You get me off just fine with your tongue.”

“I’m so sorry,” Richard said, feeling awful that he never knew.

“No apologizing please. This session is for about understanding each other, not blaming anyone.”

“But I am sorry I didn’t say anything sooner,” Alexis said anyway.

“I just can’t believe you faked it all for these years,” Richard said, still processing.

“So Mom, do you think you’d be sexually satisfied if you had a big cock fucking you?” Aubrie asked bluntly.

“Maybe,” she said, again glancing down at her daughter’s crotch.

“And Dad, would you enjoy fucking a younger girl?” Aubrie asked, just as bluntly.

“Um, I….”

“Yes or no,” Aubrie said, standing up.

“Well, to tell the truth, yes I think I would,” he answered, still rubbing his wife’s nylon-clad feet, while he admired his daughter’s nylon-clad legs and feet.

“So what I’m about to say and do next is very unorthodox,” Aubrie said, as she walked over to her mother, raised her dress and said to her, “Take out my cock, Mommy.”

“Aubrie!” her father gasped, suddenly staring at his daughter’s huge dick, barely hidden inside her pink panties… and with the head of her cock literally poking over the top.

“Mommy has been obsessing about seeing this again, ever since she unintentionally saw it last night,” Aubrie said confidently, as her mother stared at it with a lust and fascination she couldn’t be faking.

“What?” Richard asked, trailing two giant steps behind what was happening.

“But you’re my daughter,” Alexis gasped, even though she was staring at it with desperate need. It was so big! So hard! So perfect! God, did she want to interact with that big cock!

“When did you see our daughter’s penis?” Richard asked. He couldn’t help respecting the huge member his daughter was sporting.

“Last night when I went to the washroom, I saw it by accident,” Alexis answered, her eyes transfixed on the hard cock, which this time was only a few inches away from her face.

“And you’ve been preoccupied about it ever since, haven’t you?” Aubrie asked, knowing the answer.

“Yes,” Alexis admitted, then not consciously intending to, she raised her hand to her daughter’s dick and pulled it out of her silky pink panties.

“Alexis!” Richard yelped, unable to believe what he was witnessing, even though his own cock flinched inside his pants.

“That’s good, Mommy. Now go ahead and stroke my big cock,” Aubrie ordered gently. This was completely spur of the moment… she’d never fantasized about doing anything this until earlier today.

“I’m sorry, Richard, but I have to do this,” Alexis said in a lustful trance, as she slowly stroked the huge dick.

Aubrie pulled her dress off over her head to reveal a matching pink bra and said, “Daddy, I can make both your fantasies and Mommy’s fantasies come true today.”

“Aubrie, I….” Richard said, as she unclasped her bra and tossed it to her father… causing a desire to fuck his daughter to enter his head for the first time ever.

“Do you like what this sexy feminine body you paid for looks like, Daddy?” The daughter asked, sensuously cupping her firm, C-cup breasts for her father.

“You’ve got perfect tits, baby girl,” Alexis said, admiring her daughter’s jugs.

“And you mustn’t judge Mommy, Daddy,” Aubrie added, as her mother continued slowly stroking her cock. “You’ve been drooling about my legs and feet in these nylons all day.”

Richard didn’t say a word.

“Is that true, honey?” Alexis asked, as she twisted her body sideways and began rubbing her husband’s hard dick with her feet. “Have you been checking out our daughter just like I have?”

“I-I-I, fuck,” he stammered and sighed.

“It’s okay, Daddy,” Aubrie moaned softly, while her mother slowly stroked her cock. “I’m flattered you think I’m sexy.”

“He’s always loved nylons and women’s feet in them,” Alexis explained. She’d always thought it was a weird fetish even though she’d often worn nylons even before she met him, because she liked how they accentuated her legs, and they gave her a professional look as a lawyer.

“Mmmmmm,” Aubrie said, “I’ve learned it’s a common fetish.”

“Really?” Alexis asked, even though her focus was on the big cock resting in her hands. She wondered whether she should open her mouth and start sucking the majestic monster.

“Yes, it’s very common,” Aubrie confirmed, “and so are fantasies about hooking up with a trans person.”

“I can certainly see why,” Alexis said hungrily.

Richard continued being mostly speechless while he watched his wife stroking their daughter’s big cock.

“Do you like my cock, Mommy?” Aubrie asked, looking down at her mother, whose face made it clear she admired it greatly.

“It’s perfect, honey,” Alexis answered.

“How does it feel in your hand, Mommy?” The daughter asked, loving her Mom’s complete fascination with her cock.

“It feels so good, honey,” the mother replied. “It’s so long, so big, and delightfully heavy.”

“Tell me more, Mommy,” Aubrie pushed, wanting to tempt her mother into feeling enough submissive lust it would consume her.

“It’s perfect, honey,” Alexis said, then admitted, “and I want to feel it in my mouth so badly.”

“Only your mouth, Mommy?” the daughter asked in a sexy, playful voice.

“Oh, honey,” Alexis said, her mouth watering and her pussy tingling.

“Go ahead and tell me, Mommy. Tell me where you’d like to put my big cock,” she ordered wickedly.

“I want it in my mouth and in my pussy, honey! You have no idea how badly I need a big cock in my life!” Alexis said in total desperation. She looked at her husband, and said tearfully, “I’m truly sorry, honey. I’m so sorry, but I dreadfully need to get fucked and pounded by a big cock just like this one.”

Alexis then looked away from him, leaned forward, and took her daughter’s cock in her mouth.

“It’s okay, Daddy,” Aubrie moaned softly while he looked at her, stunned. “This doesn’t mean she doesn’t love you. It simply means you might need some assistance to make all her fantasies come true.”

Alexis backed off of the cock just long enough to say, “She’s right. I do love you, honey, but I need to have this big cock too, I just have to!” She then took it back in her mouth and bobbed on it hungrily.

“She hasn’t looked that excited about sucking me in years,” he said sorrowfully.

“Nobody can control what size they are, Daddy,” Aubrie said, “but I’m very happy you’re happy to eat her out.”

“I do love eating her pussy,” he agreed, as he watched his wife sucking her daughter’s cock like a porn star.

“Now just like you can’t get any bigger,” Aubrie said, “Mommy can’t get any younger. And that’s what you want, isn’t it, Daddy? A younger woman you can fuck?”

“Yes,” he answered after a brief hesitation.

“Am I a hot younger woman you’d want to fuck, Daddy?” Aubrie asked bluntly.

“Honey, I don’t… I couldn’t ever…” he began, then stopped in confusion.

“Just say what you feel, and never mind any shoulds or shouldn’ts,” the daughter instructed… her mother now taking two-thirds of her cock into her mouth. “Don’t get stuck on preconceived notions of social morality about issues like incest… especially not between consenting adults.”

“But morality or not, it’s still illegal,” he objected, even though his cock was throbbing, as his wife removed her feet from his crotch and lowered herself down to her knees on the floor, while amazingly keeping the dick inside her mouth, not even pausing her bobbing.

“May self-righteous people attempt to regulate things that don’t harm anyone and are none of their business,” she said. “But I have three things to say. First, what better way is there to show how much you love your grown child than to be intimate with her? Second, incest goes back to ancient Egyptian times, and to Roman times, and to almost every period in history. It was only in the twentieth century when some nose-in-the-air nobodies declared it was wrong. And third, I don’t see any cops in the house; and if one or two of them knock on the door, they won’t have a search warrant with them.”

“I guess,” he said. The prospect of fucking his daughter was seriously making his dick throb.

“Go ahead and tell her, honey,” Alexis said, briefly taking the dick… dripping with her saliva… out of her mouth. “Tell her you want to fuck her… I’ve already told her I want to.”

“Then yes I do! I do want to fuck her,” Richard admitted, unable to deny it any longer.

“Does my daughter like a man’s cock in her ass?” Alexis asked as she brought her mouth to her daughter’s big ball sac and sucked a large testicle into her mouth.

“I do, Mommy, I love a cock in my asshole pounding me hard,” the daughter replied to her mother, but looked at her father.

“That’s one thing I won’t ever do,” Alexis said, “but I learned recently that your father has always fantasized about plugging my ass. So if you’d care to pinch hit for me…”

“Well, Daddy,” Aubrie smiled, “do you want to fuck your pinch hitter daughter’s asshole?” (She normally called her asshole a pussy, but for the moment she was going with the filthy asshole angle.)

“God, yes,” he answered with a groan.

“Then get undressed,” the daughter ordered while her mother sucked on her other ball.

He didn’t need to be told twice! He stood up and stripped quickly, as if he were a teenager about to lose his virginity.

“Now start sucking harder, Mom,” Aubrie ordered. “My first load can either go down your throat or all over your face. It’s your call.”

“Really? Then please coat my face with your load, baby girl,” Alexis said lustfully, then she slithered her tongue up her daughter’s hard shaft and resumed sucking, as if this would be her final cock ever.

“She’s never let me come on her face,” Richard said, still taken aback, and feeling rather astonished to see this nasty side of his wife… he hadn’t seen it in decades… or maybe never.

“You’re welcome to come on my face, Daddy,” Aubrie offered. “Or in my asshole, if you’d rather.”

“Jesus,” the father groaned, his cock flinching.

“Are you hard because you’re eager to fuck your daughter?” Aubrie asked as she relocated her hands onto her mother’s head.

“Honey, you’re driving me crazy,” he said, fighting his urge to touch his curved cock.

“How’d you like to watch me face fuck your wife?” The daughter asked, but then she didn’t wait for an answer, just started slowly pumping her cock in and out of her Mom’s mouth.

“That looks really hot, honey,” Dad said. His dick had never been harder than it was right now.

“Yeah! So you’re saying you like watching me face fucking Mommy?” Aubrie asked teasingly, sliding her entire dick into her Mom’s mouth, then holding it in place tickling her tonsils while her mother gagged a little.

Alexis’s eyes were watering while she gagged, but she was so fucking turned on that she was determined to take all eight inches down her throat and keep it there for as long as possible. She loved being used, and it always turned her on in her fantasies, but she’d never told her husband or any other man she’d be open to doing that.

“Take it all, Mom,” Aubrie ordered. “Any cock sucker of mine had better be able to take me all the way inside their mouth.” While saying that, she gave her father a look. Since she was a trans, Aubrie had had just as many men suck her dick as women. Or actually, if she ever counted them, she was pretty sure she’d had more men than women bobbing on her dick.

“Mmmmmmm,” Alexis moaned, focusing on not gagging. As weird as it sounded, she wanted to be a good cock sucker. She wanted to feel her daughter’s dick slamming into her mouth, to feel those big balls bouncing off her chin, and just allowing herself to be face fucked. To be treated like a slut.

“Should I face fuck her some more, Daddy?” Aubrie asked, still balls deep in her Mom’s mouth.

“Jesus, honey,” Richard said, as he watched in voyeuristic perversion, attempting to process how quickly this had swung from a therapy session to… to whatever it was now.

“Answer the question, Daddy. She probably never told you this, but Mommy is a submissive slut, and she’ll obey any order she’s given.” She knew what she was talking about, since many times before she’d seen these same symptoms in women desperate to break free from whatever was holding them back. “Isn’t that right, Mommy?” she asked, pulling her cock out of her mother’s mouth so she could reply.

Alexis couldn’t believe her daughter had just diagnosed her as a submissive slut. But as she pondered the phrase, and the undeniable fire in her loins, mixed in with the variety of erotica and porn she’d gotten addicted to, it seemed to be an accurate description of who she was. She looked up at her daughter and confessed, “Yes, baby girl. I never knew that until you told me just now, but apparently I am a submissive slut for your big cock.” The horny wife then turned her to her wide-eyed husband and added, “Please tell your daughter to use her Mommy like the cheap fuck slut I’ve just learned that I am.”

“Really?” he asked. He was hearing her words, seeing her actions, recognizing the desperate lust in her eyes and her tone of voice, but he couldn’t believe she’d undergone such a transformation!

“Just tell her to do it,” Alexis demanded. “I won’t be happy until I’m a whore for her big cock, her submissive slut, and an obedient fuck toy for our brilliant, nasty, gorgeous daughter!”

Richard’s cock was throbbing, his head was spinning, and his manhood was questionable. But he took control of what he could control, which was giving his wife what she needed, even if he couldn’t provide it himself. So he ordered in an authoritative voice, feeling a rush of adrenaline coursing through him as the words escaped his lips, “Daughter, I demand that you face fuck your mother! Aubrie, slam your big cock into her hungry mouth, and keep at it until you come all over her pretty face!”

“I love…” Alexis began to say something passionate, since the words that had just spewed from her husband’s mouth were so fucking hot! And they were exactly what she’d needed to hear… that liberating permission from her husband… but she was interrupted by their daughter shoving her cock into her mouth and way down her throat again!

“Yes! Fuck her face, honey! Give her that big cock she’s always wanted and needed so fucking badly,” he cheered.

“Mmmmmmm,” Alexis moaned passionately, as that big cock slammed roughly into her face.

“Oh, yeah! Mommy loves my big fat cock, Daddy,” Aubrie moaned while she face fucked her mother…and she’d be coming on her face real soon!

“Yeah, give her that dick!” the father moaned, no longer able to resist touching his cock.

“No! Don’t touch your cock, Daddy,” Aubrie ordered. “Instead, get on your knees right next to Mommy, and watch me face fucking her from really close up.”

“Um, okay,” he said hesitantly, and he let go of his throbbing dick and lowered himself to the floor right next to his wife.

“Do you like my dick, Daddy?”

“It’s very impressive, honey,” he said, while he watched that long, fat, cock sliding in and out of his wife’s mouth… less than six inches away from his face!

“Ya think?” she asked, and then she pulled out her dick and stuck it into her father’s open mouth! “And is this even more impressive Daddy?”

But of course he was unable to say a word.

“Holy shit!” Alexis gasped. Her husband had a mouthful of their daughter’s dick!

Aubrie grasped her Dad’s head with both hands, and then… feeling merciful… she slowly slid only four inches of her dick inside his mouth. “My cock is in your mouth for a reason, Daddy. It’s important for men to be in touch with their feminine side. And not just intellectually, but viscerally too.”

“Oh my God! This is so hot,” Alexis said, watching in awe and admiring her beautiful daughter’s perfect shapely body and her amazing dick… halfway inside her husband’s stunned and overwhelmed mouth.

“Do you think so, Mommy?” Aubrie asked, as she continued slowly face fucking her father.

And he wasn’t protesting at all, nor pushing her dick away when he easily could have. But his face… the portions of it he had any control over… conveyed his utter confusion. Aubrie had seen this look many times during ‘conversions’ like this, as she liked to call them, because nobody was completely straight when they were given the opportunity to try something a bit crooked, especially with a trans… so his expression (or the portions of it just mentioned) was almost a textbook one (at least in certain rare circles)… a picture of the perplexity and curiosity battling inside him, where curiosity almost always won.

“Oh yeah, baby girl! Fuck your Daddy’s mouth!” Alexis cheered, as she stuck a couple of fingers of her left hand into her very, very, wet, pussy. She couldn’t explain why, because she’d never even once entertained a fantasy of watching her man… or any man… suck a dick, but now that she was witnessing it right before her eyes, she was completely captivated, and mightily turned on!

Aubrie took a few more strokes into her father’s mouth, before she pulled out, since she’d mastered the trick of knowing exactly when to switch tactics and leave them craving more. She slid back into her mother’s mouth and watched as her mother sucked her dick lustfully and unashamedly.

“Did you like having my dick in your mouth, Daddy?” she asked. But then she looked down and saw his smallish cock pointing straight out, silently but enthusiastically answering her question.

He gave her what was perhaps the most confused look ever compared to other men right after they’d had a dick in their mouth for the first time. Then he said, “It was awkward.”

“Got it. Awkward. And did it also feel good?”

“I don’t know,” he lied. The truth was it had definitely felt good… and weird… and awkward… but good indeed. It had taken him a minute of processing while his daughter fucked her huge dick between his lips, before he could accept it was hot, and that it felt… well… natural. But if he admitted that out loud he’d sound gay, so he just told the lie and stopped talking.

“I think you actually liked it, but you’d prefer we didn’t know that,” she startled him by saying accurately, and then she pulled her dick out of her mother’s mouth again, but this time just positioned it in front of her father. His mouth was closed this time, but her dick was readily available to him. It was his move.

“Go ahead and suck it again, baby,” Alexis instructed, placing her left hand on the back of her husband’s head, completely turned on by his predicament.

Admitting defeat (but still only silently), he opened his mouth and leaned forward to get the hard cock back inside his mouth… while his own dick throbbed.

“Oh yeah! Daddy loves my dick, Mommy,” Aubrie moaned, watching her Dad slowly bobbing on her cock.

“It sure looks like it, but I love it more than he does,” Alexis said. Then just a few seconds later, she decided she needed it back in her mouth. So she pushed her husband backwards and away from it and took it into her mouth again. And unlike her husband’s awkward slow sucking, she devoured the big cock, dying for it to pulse and erupt inside her mouth.

“I’m going to come soon,” Aubrie warned, a dozen or so deep, fast bobs later.

“Mmmmmmmmmm,” Alexis moaned, while she continued bobbing on the cock, good and ready to taste her daughter’s cum.

“Oh fuck,” Richard groaned, while he watched. He felt an odd desire to get that big dick inside his mouth again.

“Get ready for it,” the daughter warned, and a few seconds later, she erupted her first rope into her mother’s hungry mouth.

“Yeah! Come in your mother’s mouth,” the father sang out while he watched his wife taking his daughter’s load… in utter awe.

And then like she’d promised earlier, she pulled out and splattered the rest of her massive load all over her Mom’s face.

“Shit!” Richard gasped, seeing great gobs of goo coating his wife’s pretty face.

The mother swallowed the cum that was in her mouth, and then she bathed in the glory of her facial, delighted by how warm the cum felt on her face, and she felt a rush of adrenaline when she realized she’d just given an effective blow job to her daughter… and now her pussy was burning with lust. As soon as Aubrie finished spurting, her mother took the hard cock back into her mouth, and she savoured the salty seed for another minute.

Then Aubrie pulled out and asked, “Are you ready to get fucked now, Mommy?”

“Really?! Yes! I need it so badly,” the mother said desperately, gazing worshipfully at her daughter’s hard cock.

“Kneel on the couch and bend over the backrest,” Aubrie ordered, pulling her mother to her feet by her armpits.

The horny woman quickly got on her knees onto the couch with her hands braced on the top of it. She looked back at her daughter and begged, “Shove that big, long dick inside Mommy’s pussy, baby.”

Richard watched in awe as his daughter got behind his wife and slid her cock right into her.

“Oh yes,” Alexis moaned as the dick filled her pussy up, going deeper than her husband ever could, “fill me up with that big fucking cock!”

“Oh yeah,” Aubrie moaned as her dick disappeared inside her Mom. “Do you like this, Mommy?”

“So biiiiiig,” Alexis moaned wildly, as she felt her daughter’s body pressing back against hers, which meant her entire eight-inch cock was buried inside her pussy. “Oh, Richard! My pussy is so full!”

Part of Richard felt shamed… their daughter was able to fill up his wife, while he couldn’t. Another part of him was turned on… witnessing this incestuous act of their daughter fucking his wife. Another part was mortified… by what he was seeing, and by how strongly his dick was throbbing because of it. But the biggest part of him wanted to sidle up behind his daughter… to fuck her amazing ass, and her perfect, young, ripe body!

“Do you want me to fuck you real hard, Mommy?” Aubrie asked, knowing the answer.

“Oh, honey, I really do want you to fuck Mommy’s pussy really hard with your great big Mommy-fucking dick,” Alexis begged, gazing back at her daughter with desperation in her eyes. She’d never wanted to get fucked more in her life!

“Shall I fuck her good, Daddy?” Aubrie asked, looking back at her stunned Dad’s face.

He didn’t even hesitate: “Yes! Fuck her, honey! Fuck her with your enormous cock!”

“Yes I will, Daddy,” she said in a baby girl voice, and then she bucked her hips and made her mother scream, as she plowed into new depths inside her Mom’s pussy.

“Oooooh, fuuuuuuuuuuuck!” Alexis screamed, as pleasure pulsated throughout her body from the deep fucking.

“Give it to her, honey! Give your Mommy the fucking she craves so badly!” Richard bellowed, loving that his wife was finally getting the fucking she’d desperately needed for so long.

“Oh baby,” Alexis moaned while her daughter fucked her, “she’s fucking me so good!”

“Yeah, I can see she is,” Richard approved, as he watched an incestuous act no one else would ever believe could happen… fuck, he didn’t believe it himself, and he was right here watching it.

“Oh, Aubrie! Mommy loves your cock,” Alexis moaned, with rapture consuming her… an orgasm miraculously rising inside her from just a couple dozen hard, deep thrusts.

“I think Mommy is about ready to come all over my dick, Daddy,” Aubrie announced, feeling a massive rush from the thrill of fucking her Mom… especially from hearing all her wild moans and exaltations of lust.

“Fuck your Mommy! Don’t you dare stop fucking Mommy!” the mother moaned wildly, her nasty mouth really going overboard. “Oh, yes! Fuck Mommy’s pussy! Pound Mommy good!” and, “Oh, yes honey, our daughter is fucking me so fucking good!” and, “Harder, baby girl, harder! Give me all that mother fucker fucking dick!” and, “Mommy’s getting so close, baby girl!”

“Make your Mommy come, baby girl!” Richard joined in, wanting to see… at long last, as it had turned out… his wife coming from a hard fucking with a huge dick.

“Yes! Make Mommy come!” Alexis agreed, bouncing back vigorously to meet her daughter’s deep thrusts.

Aubrie grabbed her mother’s hair and pulled it back painfully (which with all this excitement, Alexis considered a good thing), and she ordered, “Come all over your daughter’s dick, Mommy slut! Come right fucking now!

“Oh yes, baaaaaaaby girL,” the inherently sexually submissive woman screamed, obeying her daughter’s order by doing something that had seemed impossible until today. She was coming from getting fucked!

“Shit!” Richard grunted, both excited and a bit crushed that his feminine daughter had accomplished in less than five minutes what he’d apparently never done… made Alexis come with her cock!

“Fuck!” Alexis moaned, collapsing forward against the couch, while the most intense orgasm in her entire life was ripping through her, like a tornado cavorting irresistibly through a trailer park! Fireworks were exploding inside her, while every nook and cranny of her being was burning with orgasmic bliss. “So good!”

“You actually made her come!” Her Dad couldn’t believe his eyes.

“It’s what I do,” Aubrie shrugged with faux modesty, as she continued fucking her mother, but now more slowly.

“I’ve never come so hard,” Alexis gasped, almost completely of out of breath… and her orgasm refusing to fade.

“Not to brag, but I believe I’ve just solved one of your marital issues,” Aubrie said… all right, she was bragging. She finally pulled out of her mother’s pussy, then she turned slightly to aim her glistening cock at her father, who was still on his knees, hovering very close to the recent action.

Then making her proud of him, without any prompting her father leaned forward and sucked her cock into his mouth.

Richard felt his mouth opening and his body leaning forward without his even deciding to it, and he found himself wrapping his lips around his daughter’s cock and tasting his wife’s pussy on it.

“But then again, I might have just created a new problem… a gay Daddy,” Aubrie smirked, as she watched her Dad sucking her dick.

Alexis turned around and sat down on the couch, and she saw what was happening. She couldn’t explain why, but she found it really hot. “Oh yeah, honey, good job! You’re sucking our baby girl’s cock. I love it!”

Aubrie allowed her Dad to suck her dick for about a minute, then she pulled out of his mouth and asked, “Are you ready to fuck me, Daddy?”

“Really? It’s okay if I do that?” he asked, his eyes staring unbelievingly up at his daughter.

“Yes Daddy, it’s definitely okay. I just finished giving Mommy the big cock she’s always wanted, and now I’ll give you the younger woman’s pussy you’ve been fantasizing about for so long. Although I guess it isn’t exactly the kind of pussy you’ve been visualizing.”

“Go ahead and fuck our daughter, Richard,” Alexis urged him, and she brought her hand once again to her still fevered pussy.

“You’re sure?” Richard asked doubtfully, as his daughter knelt down on the floor and rested her hands on her mother’s thighs.

“Come close and fuck me, Daddy,” the daughter invited him, loving to get pounded from behind just as much as she loved doing the pounding. “Mommy says she wants you to do fuck me, and I really want you to.”

“Stop pussyfooting around, Richard,” Alexis ordered. “Be the Man, and fuck our daughter.”

“All right then, I will,” Richard said, finally moving away from the couch and getting behind his daughter, who was gazing into Alexis’s pussy… with her naked ass looking so amazing.

“Oh! Just a minute, I need to do something.”

Aubrie scurried over to her bag, fetched a bottle of lube from it, poured a generous amount into her cupped hand, and lathered up her Dad’s decent-sized dick. It wasn’t huge like hers was, but it was thick, which would feel great, spreading her asshole! She’d long ago discovered that her prostate orgasms were the most intense when a guy had a fat cock… for her, width was more important than length. Or to paraphrase, the fatter the cock spreading her asshole… aka her pussy… the more intense her orgasm… length made very little… if any… difference.

Aubrie then decided to make this next stage of their festivities into a fully family threesome, so she dropped back down to her knees between her mother’s legs and asked, “May I lick you, Mommy?”

“Really? Wow! Yes, please do, baby girl,” Alexis agreed eagerly, placing her left hand on the back of her daughter’s head, and gently guiding her gorgeous daughter’s face deeply into her wetness.

“And now it’s time for you to slide your fat cock inside my pussy, Daddy,” Aubrie said, while her face was being guided into her mother’s pussy. Unless she had reason to do otherwise… such as earlier today… she always called it a pussy instead of an asshole. She was after all, a woman.

“All right, that sounds good,” Richard said, feeling his masculinity returning somewhat following his humiliating experience of watching someone else fucking his wife and making her come. Plus, of course, when he’d ‘gayly’ sucked someone’s dick.

“Really give it to her, Richard!” Alexis ordered, and then she let out a soft moan, when her daughter’s tongue parted her pussy lips and began licking.

“Yes please, Daddy, pound your fat cock into your baby girl,” Aubrie urged him. So far she could only feel his cock touching the outside of her pussy, and she was dying to feel it getting spread wide open.

“Do it!” Alexis demanded. So her husband pushed forward and watched his dick slowly… gradually… entering his daughter’s tight warm ass.

“Oh my God, it’s so tight and warm in there!” Richard groaned, the sensations of his dick inside this ass… instead of in a pussy or a mouth… was a completely new and different experience.

“Do you like how that feels, honey?” Alexis asked him.

“I love it,” Richard admitted, as all six of his inches disappeared inside his daughter’s amazingly tight asshole.

“Then fuck me like crazy,” Aubrie demanded. Even though this wasn’t a new experience for her, she really wanted to feel this fat cock pounding her hard and stimulating her prostate.

“Yeah, Richard! Really fuck her.” Alexis added, finding this wicked family threesome wildly stimulating.

“Do you want to get fucked hard, baby girl?” The father asked, while he grasped her hips.

“Yes, really pound my pussy, Daddy,” the daughter begged, while she kept licking her Mom’s sweet-tasting pussy. “Fuck the shit out of me!”

“All right, you got it,” the father agreed, and he began forcefully pumping his dick in and out of the tightest hole he’d ever experienced.

“Ooooooh,” Aubrie moaned, while the fat dick spread her good.

“I’m happy you’re enjoying getting fucked, but don’t stop licking me,” Alexis admonished, while she watched the two wild incestuous acts happening simultaneously.

“Oh, yeah! Is she eating you good, sweetheart?” Richard asked, looking lovingly into his wife’s eyes.

“Oh, yeah! She’s a natural,” Alexis moaned, her second orgasm of the day rising inside her.

“You taste so good, Mommy,” Aubrie said, as she gave and received pleasure simultaneously.

“This pussy is amazing,” Richard moaned, his orgasm rising quickly within her incredible tightness.

‘”You’re going to come soon,” Alexis observed, having seen his face making the same approach many times before.

“Pretty soon,” he admitted, trying to put off the inevitable for as long as he could.

“Come inside my pussy, Daddy,” Aubrie moaned, her dick throbbing, and a prostate orgasm imminent inside her.

“Yeah, fill her right up,” Alexis celebrated. Her husband was about to come inside her daughter’s asshole… or her pussy… whatever… and that was so fucking hot!

“Oh, fuck,” the father moaned, fucking his daughter as hard as he could, loving the sounds of her moans, loving the sight of his daughter eating out his wife, and loving the thrill of fucking her asshole!

“Oh, fuck! I’m getting close, baby girl,” Alexis moaned, and she pulled her daughter roughly into her wetness and began grinding on her face.

Richard had experienced his own face getting ground upon like this many times, so knew his wife would come very soon.

The moans of rapture now coming from both his wife and his daughter were too intense for him to ignore any longer, and after a few more deep, hard thrusts, he erupted a massive load inside his daughter.

When she felt the pulsations of her father’s dick erupting inside her and filling her pussy with cum, that was the final trigger for her, and she too erupted and spewed her load all over her mother’s legs and the couch. Witnessing the double orgasm was enough to trigger Alexis’s orgasm, spurred on by her daughter sucking on her clit, which earned the trans woman the bounty of a full face-wash of feminine cum.

As all three of them came within a few seconds of each other… all three of their bodies quaked… and all three of them moaned wildly….

Aubrie lapped up her Mom’s cum.

Richard slowed down some, but he continued fucking his daughter.

Alexis collapsed back against the couch, releasing her grasp on her baby girl’s head, wile her second orgasm of this wild day night flooded out of her.

A couple of minutes later, Richard pulled out and rolled onto his back, needing to stretch out a cramp that was unexpectedly attacking his leg.

Aubrie stood up, leaned forward, and kissed her mother with sweet tenderness.

Alexis tasted herself on her daughter’s lips.

Eventually, Aubrie stood up, and said, “We’ve now successfully concluded Session One.”

“Session One?” Alexis asked. “There’ll be more?”

“It always takes me at least three sessions to ensure that a couple is completely contented, and that all their marital difficulties have been resolved permanently,” Aubrie explained.

“I see,” Alexis said.

“Besides, I haven’t fucked you or Daddy in your asses yet,” she said, grinning wickedly down at her Dad, whose eyes had gone wide.

“Mmmmmmm,” Alexis purred, the promise of watching her husband getting his as fucked was quite hot… as was the idea of getting sodomized herself… an activity she’d never considered at all seriously… until now.

The end


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