Twin love affair chapter 4 : Our secret love affair exposed ? by Darkone82

Introduction: ” Calm down Sally please… It can't be that bad… who was the Text message from? Mac spoke to me in a soothing tone of voice

” WE BEEN EXPOSED!” I screamed out crying as I thrusted myself into my brother arms,sobbing hysterically on my brother shoulder

“WE BEEN EXPOSED?.. What the hell do you mean we been exposed and by whom Sally all the neighbor left yesterday for their summer vacation?” Mac state in highly panic tone of voice. , ( Sally POV)

Later on in the day, Mac and I decided to go take a dip in our Uncle’s Tom’s luxurious in ground pool, after a magical night and morning of exhausting love making. We Both were in need of a nice relaxing and refreshing dip in the pool.

Per the rules that Mac had given to me earlier in the morning, After I had ran the math in my head and figured out that for the next three days of my monthly menstrual cycle.I would be ovulating and which mean I was at my peak of my fertility for the month. If he was going to impregnate me than he was going to have to plant his incestuous seed in my fertile womb as often as he could.

So to make this happen Mac order me to remain completely nude while we were around the house, be prepared for him to take me at his will. So Mac and I walked hand in hand out of our Uncle’s luxurious mansion both of us completely nude and headed over towards to this massive luxurious in ground pool.

I found myself staring down at Mac’s massive cock as we made our way towards our Uncle’s luxurious pool, just watching it swaying freely in the air backwards and forwards caused my pussy to become slightly moist ,which caused me to have to rub my thighs together just to hide the fact that just the sight of his cock now would cause me to get wet.

Moments later we finally made it over to our uncles luxurious in ground pool, I nervously look around my uncles backyard at our neighbors slightly worried someone would see us swimming nude together in the pool or doing something else and our secret love affair would be exposed!

I believe Mac could sense my nervousness about being nude together outside. Mac wrapped his muscular arms around my waist and gently pulled me in towards him. He tilted, his head downwards and his hungry lips connected my with such passion that it calmed my nerves slightly, then slowly withdrew his lips from my, which left my lips trembling and whimpering for some more.

I playfully slap him on his muscular chest and lend in close to his ear and whisper softly into his ear very seductively as I playfully run my finger down his chiseled bare chest

“Mac I surely hope you have recovered enough from our earlier sexual escapades by now, because as soon we get into that pool. I’m going to ride you harder than a bull rider, riders a bucking bronco!” As I retched down and took ahold of his massive cock stroking it seductively. I felt it starting to stiffen in my hand as I gently stroking it.

“Sally so your saying you will only last eight seconds? because if you think about it Sally most bull riders only last least than eight second. If that so we going have to work on your stamina Sally?”Mac laughed

I playful slap Mac chest “Mac your such a smart ass sometimes.You damn will know it was only a figure of speech. ( I lend in give him playful kiss on the lips) How about this than, I’m going to ride you until your raw!” I told him as I tightened my grip on his rapidly harding cock that I had in hand.

“Really Sally you won’t want me to have raw cock would you. because that would mean no more sex for you for few days and if I remember correctly you wanted me to plant my incestuous seed into your fertile womb as many time as we can over these next three days?” as he picked me up off my feet and walks me over to edge of my uncles luxurious pool. “ this should cool you off a little”

My eyes wide with horror as I realized that he was going to dump me into the pool “ Mac you wouldn’t da….. ( Mac dumps me into the pool “ ahhhh ( splashing water sound) moments later I pop up back out of the water and used my hand to push my dark brown hair out of my eyes “ Damn it Mac! You know how much I hate it when you dump into the pool!” I then noticed that Mac was setting up to do a cannonball. “Mac don’t you even fucking dare! I am in the your landing zone!” I said as quickly attempt swim away but it was to late.

Mac yelled out as he Started to run towards the edge of pool. “CannonBall!” As he leapt from edge of pool. I watched on in horror as Mac cannonball just barely cleared me and landed about five inches from me and the next thing I heard was a thunderous BOOM sound as he entered the water and a larger wall of water rusted towards me.

“ Fuck you Mac!” I squealed out loud as I attempted to shield myself from the massive wall of water that was coming towards me by tossing both my hands up in front of me, which was futile as the wall of water engulfed me. As water rolled over me I yelled out “FUCK!” The chlorine pool water poured into my wide open mouth, which caused me to start coughing and gagging.

As I was coughing and spitting out the chlorine pool water, it was at this moment Mac decided to spring up out of the water in front of me laughing his ass off “ Mac your such an asshole do you know that?” As I slapped him hard on his bare chest.

Mac just laughed and reached out with both of his arms, wrapping them around me pulling me in towards him. “ I know I’m a asshole Sally… ( Mac lends in and plants a gentle kiss to my lips, then withdrawing just a few inches from my lips ) “ But I’m the asshole that you can’t get enough of!”

I laughed and tightened my arms around his shoulders and smothered his lips with a deep incestuous passion kiss as I retch down and started stroking his cock slowly “ Now Mac, it not your asshole that I can’t get enough of ( laughs softly) * whispers gently into his ear, as I tighten my grip on his massive cock “ It this massive cock of yours that what I can’t get enough of Mac, my cunt is ablaze with desire to have it buried deep with in it once again, Mac I want to feel it sliding in and out of me”

Mac lend into towards me and our lips connected in deep incestuous French kiss, our tongues wrestling around in each others mouth, while we were kissing, Mac wrapped his muscular arms around my waist tightly and hoisted me into the air, carrying me to the side of the pool

Once we were at the side of the pool, Mac broke our kiss, then Mac lowered my extremely aroused body gently down onto the cement edge of the pool. I knew just from the wetness that I was feeling from between my legs at that very moment. My vaginal fluids had to be gushing out of my cunt.

I closed my eyes and laid back on the ground ; as I slowly started drifting away in a incestuous daydream, I could only imagine what my twin brother Mac was experiencing at that very moment. I wondered if my vaginal juices were shivering in the bright sun light, God I just loved the way it felt when he would touch me; it would send a surge of energy coursing through out my body.

My daydream that I was having abruptly came to a screeching halt as I felt Mac hands grab ahold of my thighs; pushing them apart with his hands. Then all sudden I felt his scorching breath blow over the flesh of my inner thigh; as he gently kissed his way up the inner side of them; my flesh twitching with each kiss he planted.

“ Oh Fuck… mmmmmmm, Mac that feels so Goddamn good mmmmmmm, I don’t understand why society says this is wrong when it feels so right?” as my thighs sway loosely backwards and forward in the air, as Mac continues to make his way up my my thighs.

Mac lifts his head slight just enough to look me in the eyes “ To be honest with you Sally; society has always been reluctant to embrace controversial topics or ideas just look how long it took for the LBGQT+ community to become a society acceptable, and the countless stories about deformed babies.Society is alway afraid of things they deem to be Taboo.” Mac said before lowering himself back down i between my legs

“ Well the way I see it Mac Society as ahold can go Fuck themself.. because this feels so DAMN RIGHT to be wrong” I moan out loud as I feel Mac’s Scorching breath brushing up against my extremely inflamed Labium Majus, feeling his scorching breath on them sent a surge of energy coursing thought out my body which caused my back to arch upward and my hips buck wildly in participation of him devouring my cunt.

As Mac slowly flicked his saliva rich tongue over my extremely inflamed and swallow clit he look upwards at me with those light baby blue eyes of his and said to me in a muffle voice “So Sally tell me just how badly do you really want me to feast upon your delicious Cunt!?”

Before I could utter my response to his question, Mac took my clit into his mouth and began to slowly suckle on it. “ Oh FUCK Mac…. God Damnit Mac ..Bad…. Feast upon my delicious cunt…. Shit this feel amazing and so natural and right… Fuck socially and their acceptable normal!” I moaned out as Mac thrusted his long tongue deep into my cunt sliding his tongue into and out of my cunt at rapid rate. I locked my leg around his head as to push his tongue deeper inside of me

“ Shit Mac I can’t hold it, I am about to CUM!!! I moaned out loud as my back arched like a bow and I tossed my head back as my thunderous orgasm struck. I could feel the waves of my orgasm squirting out from my cunt. I laid there smiling from ear to ear knowing my scorching vaginal fluid was coating Mac’s head and face.

Once I came down from my orgasmic high and regained my wherewithal. I was able with help from my elbows to sit up straight and look down at my brother Mac’s and saw just how bad of a mess I made when i came just moments before. His whole face and head was covered in my vaginal fluid and I could see it even glistening in his jet black hair.

“Looks like you could use a towel Mac!” ( as I retch over grab ahold of one of the white towels we had brought with us) “I sure hope Uncle Tom doesn’t use that Urine-indicator dye in his pool.” As Mac caught the towel that I tossed him and started to wipe his face with it.

Mac laughed and tossed the heavy soiled towel back at me “ Oh you mean that Jacks magic, blue stuff that uncle Tom told us about we were little to keep us from urinating in his pool?”

“Yeah I remember seeing Uncle Tom having bottles of it in the pool shed Mac when we were little “ I said as I slide my body off side of the pool and made my way over towards him

“ Well Sally let just say we won’t have to worry about that because it just a old wise tale that parents and pool company tell customers to buy their products” Mac said to me as he wrapped his muscular arms around me as he lifted me up to place me upon his lap.

I ran my finger tips along his chisel’d chest and give him a gentle kiss on his lips before raising back up “ So Mr. Smarty pants go ahead and tell me just how you know this Urine-indicator dye is a myth?”

Mac laughs “ Well, Sally I was able to get access to one of Uncle tom's computer during one of our many summers that we stay with him and when I google it had many news articles on it

“You sly fox Mac … you're going to have to tell me just how you were able to get on the internet with Uncle Tom being around, because I can remember very vividly how strict he was about us getting on the internet when we were growing up.” I press myself firmly against him. While reaching down with my hand and taking ahold of his erected cock in my hand, gently stroking it. “ So do tell lover how is this Urine-indicator dye is just a myth”

Mac let out a low moen as I slowly slid my hands up and down his throbbing shaft. “ Well from what I read according to the CDC there is no known chemical that is known to indicate the presence of Urine in the water because the naturally occurring compounds in our urine are unstable. They reacted to many common disinfectant like regular chlorine Sally”

“ So Mac from what you are telling me is …let just say shall we, If any of your incestuous seed were to seep out of me and into his pool than the pool water wouldn't turn a dark blue or purple or whatever kind of colors they are using now of day… is that what your telling me Mac?”I said as I give my twin brother Mac’s throbbing cock a gentle squeeze.

“ Yes that correct Sally… mmmmmmm” Mac replied in wincing In pain tone of voice

“ Well then I say we put that hypothesis of yours to a test than and see if there a reaction or not lover!” I said to Mac with a slight smirk on my face and I lead him by his cock cross the pool to shallow end of the pool. “ Really Sally….( wincing in pain) did you really have to drag me by my dick… it like your a bitch in heat!”

The seconds I heard Mac utter the words “Like a BITCH IN HEAT!” to me my whole demeanor drastically, changed instantaneously, I swiftly snapped my head in his direction and I tightened my grip that I had on his cock, just seeing him squirm from the increase pressure on his cock made me smile “ I’ll show you a BITCH IN HEAT MAC!”

“ Oh SHIT… I’m really truly sorry that I called you a BITCH IN HEAT Sally, I really didn’t mean for it to come out the way it did.. For the love of GOD please loosen your grip on my COCK!” Mac yell out wincing in pain as I continued to drag him across the pool by the shaft of his harden cock that I held firmly in my hand, toward the shallow end of my Uncle luxurious pool.

“Mac you really need to cut all this bitching and complaining, especially that GOD DAMN whimpering bit you doing because it all your fault I’m acting like this?” I said to him as we enter the swallow end of the pool

“How is this all my fault Sally?” Mac say with the look terror in his eyes

“Well Mac it quite simple, if you really think about it… I’m ovulating so YES I am a BITCH in HEAT!” I say to him as I loosen my grip on his cock “ get up on those pool steps “ I command him.

“ How the fuck is the fact that your ovulating my fucking fault Sally?” Mac said as he quickly position himself up on the top step “ Jesus Christ Sally you could have permanently damaged my cock with the amount of pressure you were had applied to it and the fact you dug me by my cock halfway across the damn pool!” Mac bitch as he gently rubbed the shaft of his cock.

I looked my twin brother directly in his eyes with the most serious look on my face and spoke to him in a stern tone of voice “ Well Mac, would you have rather me dug you by your balls instead ?” I ask as I lower my head downward towards his ball.

Mac shacks his head backwards and forwards side quickly “ Fuck that Sally anything but my balls!”

“That what I wanted to heard lover, it would be ashamed if they were damaged in any sort way (as I caress his testicles in my hand, gently rolling them around the palm of my hand) “especially since they contain precious cargo ( I leaned in towards Mac){spoken in a seductive tone of voice} that we wouldn’t want to be damaged, now do we lover?” I said to my brother

“ No we surely wouldn’t want that to happen Sally!” Mac moaned out loudly

“ That good hear lover, especially when its our ultimate outcome of our incestuous love is for you to breed me right lover” I said to Mac in highly seductive, tone of voice and smirk on my face as started to playfully flicked my long saliva rich tongue cross the exposed flesh of right testicle, toying with him with my tongue and lips, like a cat toys with a field mouse before ultimately eating it.

“Oh my God Sally! (Moaning loudly){Breathing deeply} Why do you to torment me in this manner lover?” Mac softly moans

“I love the way you squirm lover… Oopsie!” I mumbled out as I take his whole right testicle into my mouth, accidentally grazing his testicles with my teeth.

Mac retch down with his right and give me a Gibbs slap to the back on my head. “Fuck Sally that fucking hurts … Goddamn it no teeth!” Mac yelled out in pain

“ Sorry Lover, you know how excited I get when I get the chance to worship your glorious cock” I Said with a smirk, Yeah that right I momentarily allow my teeth to graze my twin brother right testicle as I took his right testicle into my mouth twirling my long tongue around it, while I started to gently suckling in it as he would have done to my nipples.

MAC tossed his head backwards against the concrete pool steps moaning out loud “Oh God Sally that feel so fucking good …mmmmm ahhhhh… yes Sally I shall breed you (gasping for breath) “ but first Sally worship my nut sack in which contains my incestuous seed that will certainly soon will take root within your fertile womb, bring forth the fruits of our incestuous love!”

It brought a smile to my face as I heard my twin brother Mac declare out loud his desire to breed me, I made feel all warm inside, I quickly withdraw from his right testicle and switched over to his left testicle, giving it the same treatment as I had his right, without the teeth part oh course.

I would spend a few minutes suckling on his left testicle, before withdrawing it from my mouth and slowly retched up with my right hand seizing the shafted of his massive cock in my hands, I could feel Mac’s massive cock throbbing as I slowly ran the tip of my long tongue upwards along the full length of his shaft. I stopped momentarily as my tongue ran over one of his swollen veins that ran up his magnificence cock. I slowly flicked my tongue over for few moments.

“Damn I can’t believe that I hadn’t took the time to notice before now how the veins of your cock Mac…they’re so swollen and how they bulge from your shaft, when your fully erected.” I mutter as I continue my climb up his shaft. Moments later I retched the most sensitive part of Mac’s cock the glans and I could already see his pre cum oozing out from his urethra.

“Ooh I see someone is getting excited!” I giggled softly as I noticed my twin brother Mac’s pre-cum oozing from his urethra opening

“You have that effect on me Sally!” Mac moans out loudly

“ Damn Mac I just love the taste of your pre-cum lover.. we wouldn’t want any of it to go to waste!” I moan out as I started to twirl my tongue around the tip of his cock, lapping up all his pre-cum that had been oozing from his urethra.

Mac toss his head back moaning loudly as I cleaned up his pre-cum. Mac suddenly reach down and took me by my hair, pulling away from his cock.

(Heavy breathing)“ Sally I know how much you just love cleaning my cock of my pre-cum.. unless you’re wanting me to unload my incestuous seed all over your face, than I highly recommend that you that you swallow my cock immediately!” Mac moaned out loudly.

“No Mac the only place I want your incestuous seed in is either my mouth or but preferably in my fertile womb!” I moaned out as I swallowed the entire length of my brother cock with my mouth bobbing my head quickly up-and-down on his cock, it then I felted both of his testicles tight and his cock starting to spasm as he neared his orgasm.

“ I can’t hold it Sally much longer … I’m am to CUM!” Mac yelled out. as his entire body started to shake!

I tighten my muscles of my mouth around his cock as if I was milking his cock of his incestuous seed. As Mac exploded his load into my mouth and it slid down the back of my throat. As this was occurring, I kept having this feeling in back of my mind that I couldn’t seem to shake. A feeling that someone was witnessing what we were doing from far, and just who now knew our incestuous secrets

********* Mark’s and Stephanie POV ********

I just had pulled into my driveway of my parents house after another extremely frustrating and dissatisfying date with Kelly Cooper, I slammed the driver side door of my 2023 Chevrolet Corvette closed as I made my way up to the front door of my parents house

“ Fucking Kelly Cooper is such a bloody cocktease ” I yelled out loud as I forcefully pushed opened the front door to my parents

I literally had just broken up with my longtime girlfriend Sally MacDonald just the day before for not going up to Snyder’s lake with me. Sally won’t put out even after us dating for more than 2 years.

So I dumped her ass for Kelly Cooper, oh the stories I had heard about her from other guys in my class. “ Mark dude Kelly is such a slut, I bet she will spread her legs just for the chance ride in your Corvette.” Another of my friends told me “ Dude she literally could suck started a Harbor.”

Let me tell you something, what my friends intentionally failed to inform me about Kelly Cooper, was the fact that she already knew about those stories that were going around about her, and she used them to her own advantage.

Yeah Kelly Cooper was one of hottest Girl in my school every guy in my class wanted to fuck her especially with that tight curvy body of her and that tight juicy ass and oh fuck don’t get me started on those highly delicious 40DD breast that she has.

“ Fucking blue balls” I yelled out as I swiftly closed the front door firmly behind me as entered the house, I was highly sexually frustrated and I just wanted to scream at the top of my lungs. I tossed my car keys into the glass bowl that was sitting on bookshelf that was located near the front door as I gently caress my balls as made my way up the stairs that lead to my bedroom

“Oh she easy bro they say… She could suck start a Harbor they say.. Bull Shit more like she a GodDamn cock tease” I mumble under my breath as I stepped into my bedroom gently caressing my sore nuts. I suddenly came to abrupt stop and abruptly removed my hands from my nuts, when I spotted my younger sister Stephanie standing over at the window that over looking the McDonald’s backyard.

“Stephanie what hell are you doing in my room.. Mom has as warned you numerous times that you’re not allow in my room when I’m not home” I bark at her as I made my way over towards my California king size bed, one I got to my bed, I laid down on my bed in dire need of relieving myself, when Stephanie didn’t respond to my question.

“Stephanie I know you can hear me GodDamnit, ( slams ball up fist on my bed) “So when I ask you a fucking question, I expected some sort of a response from you BITCH!” I scream at my sister

For a few minutes my sister Stephanie just stood there as if she was in some kind of trench. I could feel my blood pressure skyrocketing and my anger towards my sister grew as minute slowly ticked by

“I heard you Mark, so how about you blow it out your ass! Taking you sexual frustrations out on me, won’t help you!” Stephanie barked back

“ Ok Stephanie then would kindly please explain to me what exactly you find so fucking interesting that your staring out my window at the McDonald’s place?” I ask her in a demanding tone of voice

“Mark aren’t you still dating Sally McDonald?” Stephanie finally mutter in a soft tone of voice as she continued to stare out my window, as if my sister was in some sort of trance.

When I heard my sister question, I snapped my head in the direction of my sister with a defiant look on my face. “ Hell no Stephanie, I dumped her prune virgin ass on the last day of school!” I said as I started to get comfortable on my bed

“ Why did you dumb her for Mark?” My sister mutter out

“Well if you have to know Stephanie, I had planned to take her up to Snyder’s lake after we got out of school and fuck her, but when she got wind of what I had planned she refused and So I dumped her and when after Kelly Cooper

“ Did she give you any reason why she wouldn’t go to Snyder’s lake?” Stephanie said as she continued to stare out my window

(Sighs) “ Well Stephanie if you have to know I grow tired of waiting for her to put out…( I throw up quotation sign in the air with my hands) “ allegedly she told me she was saving her virginity for marriage or someone special” I mumbled under my breath

“ Marriage or someone Special that’s very interesting!” Stephanie replied while not removing her eyes from my window

“ Stephanie why the hell are you asking me all these question about Sally?” I ask my sister in curious tone of voice

“Well Mark, if she told you she was waiting for marriage or someone special to come along… then you just might want to come over here and get a view of want I been witnessing for the pass forty five minutes!” Stephanie said to me in shaky tone of voice while looking at me over her right shoulder

“What the hell are you babbling about Stephanie?” As I leaped to my feet and make my way over towards the window she was looking out of.

“You better not be wasting my time Stephanie , I already have worse case of blue ball in world history…..” I literally couldn’t finish my sentence, once I finally got to see just what my bratty sister was talking about, my Jaw literally hit the floor.

“That fucking SLUT! *stuttering slightly * “ This can’t be happening.. Stephanie that just can’t be Sally over there .. what the unholy hell am I witnessing ( I was in a complete state of shock and disbelief) “ I can’t believe my eyes Stephanie…( my lips starting to tremble) “there no way in hell that Sally would be deep throating him of all the people in the world ( I run my hand through my hair) “ this just can’t be real… I wouldn’t have believed it unless I had saw it happen for myself.” I stutter slightly as I attempted turn away from the window and from what I just witnessed, but my feet wouldn’t budge.

“ I don’t see anything wrong with what she doing Mark… I mean it doesn’t seem like to me that she being force to do it against her will… ( Stephanie slightly turns her head towards me slowly) “ I mean you think that something Mark, than you really should been here about thirty minutes ago….( Stephanie slowly reached down towards her crotch with trembling hands and starts to unbutton her shorts and then she slide them down her long slender leg, then toss them in floor by the window, her panties were removed in quickly and tossed in floor by the window)

“ What the hell Stephanie? Put your fucking clothes back on damn it” I screamed at my sister as I attempted to turn away from her and also I was attempting to hide the increasingly noticeable erection forming in my shorts

My younger sister Stephanie didn’t stop there she literally started to push her index finger into her tight virgin cunt, “ Listen Mark, if you were have been here you would have witnessed for yourself, just how hard she came when he was eating her out. When she squirted all over Mac face and head it reminded me of how old faithful sprays when it erupts” Stephanie said with gasp as slowly continue to slide her index finger into her tight virgin cunt.

I looked on in state of shock as my sister continued to finger herself. I almost puked just at the sight of it. So I quickly turned my head away from her “ Damn it Stephanie.. are you serious right now! What the bloody hell do you think you are doing? You can’t seriously be attempting to get off to Sally deep throating her own twin brother!”

Stephanie push her back firmly against the wall by the window as she slide her index finger deeper into herself moaning loudly

“ Oh Fuck Yes Mark …. I think it’s so fucking hot… mmmmmmmmm ahhhhh damn … so hot!” Stephanie moaned out loudly as her index finger hit her hymen.

“Damn it Stephanie that INCEST!… it not natural! Not to mention what those two are engaged in at the moment is highly illegal in all fifty states” I said as I slammed my balled up fist on the window seal as I became aware of my own erection was starting to tent my shorts. I can’t believe I was getting so aroused from watching my own sister fingering herself.

I felt increasingly nauseous, just at thought of what Sally and her Brother were doing, and now they have corrupted my own sister, so I turned away from the window and walked over to my bed and grabbed ahold of my cellphone. “ That fucking skink, she wouldn’t even think about deep throating me!… but she more than willing to put out for her own twin Brother!” I cursed both Sally and brother out loud as I made my way back over to the window with my phone and just in time to recorded a video of Mac blowing his load into her mouth

Stephanie noticed that I was recording a video of Sally swallowing his massive load. She reach out towards me and place her free hand on my shoulder. “ Mark why would you record them…. I mean I know that they are doing is illegal, but it so hot.. look Mark do you see his cum dipping from her mouth. Damn I wish I could do that with you mark!” Stephanie said as she made a move to unbutton my shorts.

When I noticed my sister was attempting to unbutton my shorts I yelled at her “ What the hell do you think you are doing Stephanie I’m your Brother!” I quickly attempted to get free of her grip, but it was no use, Stephanie had already unbuttoned them and pull down my shorts and was attempting to fish my raging cock from my boxes, as she slowly lowered herself to her knees in front of me

“ Damn Mark your cock is so hard, I can feel it pulsating in the palm of my hand, please allow me to suck your cock Mark .. pretty please at least let me relieve your pint up sexual frustration” Stephanie yank my boxers down, and my cock sprung free in front of her face.

I frozen in place as my sister ran her twirled her tongue around nuts and gently sucking on them “ Oh fuck Stephanie what the hell got into you this is Incest!” I moaned out loudly as my sister moved up along my cock. Before stopping right at tip of my cock playfully flicking her tongue over the tip.

“So what if its incest Mark, the way I see it you can’t use that video of your to blackmail her into sleeping with you, especially when the video will clearly show you also blowing you load into my mouth…uh ?” As she swallows my cock and rapidly begins bobbling her head up and down on it

“ Oh Fuck Stephanie where did learn this from?” I stumble backwards trying to steady myself

“What you really think I’m that innocent Mark. Just to let you know all those stores you heard about Kelly, were really about me. But I would only allow them to blow their loads either in my mouth or my ass. But I was saving my final virginity for you Mark.” Stephanie said as she clamp the muscles in her mouth down around my cock in attempt to milk my cum from my cock. “ give me your incestuous seed Mark!”

I couldn’t believe what I had just heard, my little sister Stephanie was the one those stories I had heard from my friends and she was saving her last cherry for me, I was thinking straight at the moment I could feel the pressure building in my cock, I grab ahold of her head forcing her farther down on my cock and I started to face fuck her hard.

“ Oh Shit Stephanie I’m about to Cum!” I grunt out

“ Give it to me Mark feed me your incestuous seed!” Stephanie mumbled out

My either body started to shack as I felt my Cum being push through the full length of my cock and it erupted into the back of my sister mouth to the point she started to gag from the massive amount of my cum being unloaded into her mouth at one time.

As I stood there standing by the window just was pumping my incestuous cum into my sister hungry mouth, it was at this moment I witnessed Sally either body tighten and just from the sound of her moans, I could tell the very moment that Mac blown his massive incestuous load into her more than likely fertile womb.

It was at that very moment, Stephanie removed my cock from her mouth and she set about cleaning any of remnants of my cum from my shaft, once she had finish she lifted her head upward towards me, with this giant shit eating smile on her face, as she rises from her knee and bring her face in close to my face her lips just hovering over my, both of our lips were trembling.

“ Damn Bro, don’t you ever masturbate, gosh no wonder you had blue balls.” Stephanie said as she planted a deep passionate kiss to my lips before removing them and turn her attention towards Sally and Mac.

“Damn Mark did you hear how loud Sally just came when Mac blown his incestuous seed into her womb just now, I would bet you a 100 dollar right now that he will impregnate her before you impregnate me”

“ Wait what … Stephanie did I just hear you correctly, you want me to impregnate you?… I don’t know about that now?” I said to my sister as I stumbling backwards away from her, in state of shock

“ Yes Mark you heard me correctly, I want you to impregnate me! Or I could just show mom this video, the choice is yours?” Stephanie said as she held up my phone in the air in front of her. “ So what you say brother? Give me a baby or else?” Stephanie said as she slowly got dress.

“ Stephanie you wouldn’t dare show that video to mom?” I said as my sister send a copy of video to her phone and once she received it and saved to her phone, then tossed my phone on my bed and started to walk out of my room before stopping just short of my bedroom door and then she turned her head back towards me looking at over her right shoulder at me.

“Why shouldn’t I blackmail you Mark, because you were dead set about blackmailing Sally and Mark… you have until tomorrow afternoon to make your decision. I surely hope you make the correct decision and agree to impregnate me.” Stephanie just as she disappeared from my door as she around the corner into the hallway. Just leaving me there to sit on alone on my california king size bed, in a state of utter shock and disbelief, I had thousand of thing rushing though my mind at that very moment from everything that had just transpire between Stepn

on what just happen between Stepanie and myself. I reach over and open a text message to Sally, attached both the photos and video that I had just record and wrote ” We know you and your brother secret, I have pictures and a video of it all.. Now I could decide to blackmail you into sleeping with me, but I really could use you and your brother help instead… Please when you get this message please call me… Thank.. you and your brother are my own hope! I look down at the screen on my phone and I took a deep breath before clicking the send button, once i did the message started to process and which seemed like it took an eternity, it was only once I saw the message delivered message appear on the screen did I allow myself to relax and laid down flat on my bed.

******** Sally POV *******

I collapse down on my brother chiseled chest. I laid my head down flat on his chest listening to sounded of his heart beating, we were both competetly spend after our latest love making. I turned my head in his direction.

“Mac I can feel your incestuous seed swimming inside of me, fighting one another to seek out my egg. I swear if I not pregnant already than I’m surely am going to be now. I love you Mac with all my heart and soul” I said to him as I lifted my head up off his chest and planted passionate kiss to his lips

( Sally text message alert sounds)

When I heard my text message alart sound on my phone go off, I started to shift my weight about to gently unmount myself from my brother laps, but I could just tell from his body expression that he want me to stay where i was and not move, but in my the back of my mind I know it had to be important, Maybe Uncle Tom was coming back earier which would be a really bad thing to happen, becuase it would throw a monkey wrench into everything that me and my brother had planned for us to do. So i recluntantly lifted myself up off of my brothers lap and slowly start to make my way up the cement pool steps and grab my towl to start to dry off a bit.

Mac stil was just now coming down from his orgasmic high, rising his ebrows on the pool step, when he turned his head in my direction'” Really Sally? your just going to allow a text message to interrupted our moment?” Mac said as he slowly started to stand up on his feet making his way up the pool stair and start to wallk over to where I was standing

I turned my head toward him ” You never know if it Uncle Tom texting us to tell us that he cutting his trip short… Or something” I couldn't even finish what I was about to say when I look down at the message and it was from Mark, the message read ” We know you and your brother secret, I have pictures and a video of it all.. Now I could decide to blackmail you into sleeping with me, but I really could use you and your brother help instead… Please when you get this message please call me… Thanks.. you and your brother are my own hope!” As I read the Mark's text message all the color in my face drain from it and my whole body started to trimble.

Mac grab his white towl that we brought with us to the pool and started to dry himself off and made his way over to where I was standing and the second he saw that all the color in my face had drain away and my whole body was shacking he quickly move over to be with me and took me into his arms and ran his hand through my hair

” Calm down Sally please… It can't be that bad… who was the Text message from? Mac spoke to me in a soothing tone of voice

” WE BEEN EXPOSED!” I screamed out crying as I thrusted myself into my brother arms,sobbing hysterically on my brother shoulder

“WE BEEN EXPOSED?.. What the hell do you mean we been exposed and by whom Sally all the neighbor left yesterday for their summer vacation?” Mac state in highly panic tone of voice.

I lift my head slight off of Mac shoulder and hand him my ceil phone to show hime the message that i just got from Mark. ” Apperently Mark and his sister Stephanie caught everything on camera, see he include snap shot of you cumming in my mouth and worse of all you cumming in me, but as upsetting as this making me, Im also highly confused at the message he sent along with it, just take a look the message Mac and help me understand what is he wanting” I told my brother as hand the my ceil phone off to him

Mac took look at the message that reads “” We know you and your brother secret, I have pictures and a video of it all.. Now I could decide to blackmail you into sleeping with me, but I really could use you and your brother help instead… Please when you get this message please call me… Thanks.. you and your brother are my own hope!”

“What the fuck… Is this asshole high or something, I mean first he admits that had he secretly records us, thinking that he could blackmail you into to fucking him, but then make it seem like he had a sudden change of heart.. and now is begging us for our help to solve his problem… I don't know about you Sally something not right with about this… How about we go into the house and give him a call and find out just what the fuck going on.” Mac say while as he stared intensively at the My Ex boyfreind Mark's bedroom window

” Come on Mac let go into the house, I know that look to well Mac and He not worth you going to prison for, we just will have to figure out just want he wants and try to used it against him just in case he attemps to upload that video on any porn site.” I stold my brother as we turn and head inside

A Little while later after both Mac And I had the change to calm down from the bombshell that Mark had dropped on us earier. I decide it was time to make the phone call and to see just what the fuck Mark was wanting

” Now Mac before I make this call, you have to promise me that you well hear him out and not make any threats to harm him right?” I say to Mac as I pick my phone up of the table ” Right?” As i take ahold of his nuts in my free hands and give them a gentle squeeze

” Ok Sally I promise! Now make the fucking phone call already before I change my mind!” Mac said as weins in pain

I loose my grip that i had on my brother nuts sack and I Start to dail Mark's number, the phone start to ring, Moments later Mark answers the Phone

” Hello.. Sally is that you?” Mark say over the phone it seem like he been crying

” Put on speaker Sally, I want to hear what the asshole as to say for himself.” Mac barks from the back ground

” Ok Mac chill, give me time I was just about to do that before you lease out ” I tell my brother as i place the call on speaker

” Oh I Can tell your brother really wish he could rip my head clear off shoulder right about now” Mark says

” Don't Temp me Mark,especialy after the stunt you pulled today, the only reason that your head is still part of you body right now is becuase promised Sally I wouldn't hurt you, but keep up with those sly remarks and I'll just might have give into my temptation and especialy after you threated to blackmail my sister into fucking you, which is never going to happen so you can forget about that” Mac yells into phone

” That Mac is very understandble react if my serect incestuous love affair with own sister was on the on the verge of being exposed,but like I wrote in my text message earier, I have decide not to expose you serect, but instead I'm tossing myself at your mercy and seeking help with something that deals with my sister Stephanie?”Mark say in a very nervous tone of voice

“What exactly can we do to help solve your issue with your sister Stephanie Mark?” I ask mark in a curious tone of voice

” Well she witnessed what the two of you were doing in the pool this afternoon and afterward she gave me blow job and when she saw your brother blow his load into you in attempt to impregnate you, Now She want me of all people to impregnate her, and if i don't she going to tell our parent when they get home that She give me a blow job.”

Mac laughs ” So wait your telling us that your younger sister Stephanie, is now blackmailing you into impregnating her after she witness us fucking in the pool?”

“This isn't a laughing matter Mac, it all your fault, you two created a fucking monster and now your going to help me figure away out for me from having to Impreganating her!” Mark say

” Well all we can offer is the two of you to come over to our house tomorrow after noon and we set the mood for the two of you, becuase there no way of getting out of Impreganting her now, I can't wait for Mac to Impregante me Mark!” I said to him

{Sign} ” I Guess there no other way to get out of this, so what time should we be over at your house tomorrow” Mark reluctanly

” Well afternoon, becuase Mac and I are going to be fucking all night and into the morning, so that give us enough time to rest up and have another go while your two are here.” I say to Mark

” You to are enjoying this way to much, Ok just to let you both know we both still virgins, Kelly Cooper was a busted

” Even better we can teach you both the proper way of making a baby?” I say to mark

” Ok see you to in the afternoon, and I had better knock her ass up the first time!” Mark says

” You could or it might time month even years for you to get her pregante mark, We will see you both at noon tomorrow good night!” I say to him as i hang up the phone and both Mac and I have hard Laugh. Read 144 times | Rated 0 % | (0 votes) Vote list (Close) :
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