Twisted Tales- Sleeping Beauty by Wisteria Mae


I write sometimes of things i fantasize about. And this is no less fantasy than anything else. , We all know the tale of the sleeping beauty that slumbered in her cursed sleep, until Prince Charming came to wake her up with a kiss. However, that is only the clean version of what truly happened, the story is more harrowing and kinkier than the pretty tale we tell our children.

It started a long time ago, when Maleficent and Briar’s mother were teenagers experimenting with their newly found sexuality. Maleficent soon developed a huge crush on the beautiful young queen, and the queen in her innocence, loved her in return. However, she had a duty to her people, to marry and produce an heir for the throne. And she tried to explain this to the besotted Maleficent, the reasoning behind her having to choose a husband, having to marry and bear a child, the reason of why they could not be together. Maleficent however was simply heartbroken, she could not see reason, she could not ease her pain at the loss of her first love and lover. She flew away in utter despair, and spent some time in the forests, licking her wounds and plotting a way to heal her bleeding heart. Until the day her raven, Devlin told her the news….the queen has given birth, to a daughter no less.

And here the stories merge again, as the Queen holds a party to celebrate the birth of her offspring, inviting everyone in the kingdom to come and celebrate. She also invited the fairies to come and also and bless the child. However, she could not bring herself to invite Maleficent. She was still sad that their breakup was so horrible and how hard Mal took it. Oh…. how she missed her best friend and lover, how she wished she could have one more day, one more night with her, to be in her arms, to feel her kisses on her skin. Alas…it was the past, a past best forgotten if she ever was going to be happy or at least content. These thoughts ran through her mind as she sat at the side of the basinet holding her beautiful daughter, her lovely Briar Rose.

The fairies started coming over one after the other, and each one made a wish for the child, giving her beauty, serenity, happiness and riches, an inquisitive mind, wisdom. The queen was feeling tired, and was looking forward for the last fairy to be done. She watched the fairy as she approached the dais where the basinet was lying next to her chair, but just as she was about to step up, a loud roar sounded outside, the bang of the door echoing through the palace as a dark shape materialized in the archway. She could see beastly horns, and a staff before the shape started moving into the room, the light from the candles finally illuminating behind the gloom to reveal a splendid Maleficent, a black gown adorning her form, her hair hidden under a strange headdress, with horns growing from the side of it.

The queen just stared as Mal approached, the woman knew how to make an entrance that was a certainty. She seemed to glide along the floor, only pausing when she reached the steps and she started to climb the stairs. Her face seemed serene, but her eyes sparkled with fire and the queen could feel the heat of her gaze on her skin, crawling inside her to travel to her core, tiredness forgotten. She stood up to face her over the basinet “Maleficent, welcome. Have you come to give us a wish for Briar Rose?” she said, trying to keep her voice even and regal, but she was sure her emotions were showing in the timbre of her voice. Mal watched her for a few seconds, her eyes burning with an intensity she could not read before finally speaking “My oh my Aurora, look at you. You have achieved your goal, you got your little beastie” she said as she finally looked down at the child in the crib, her stare just as intense as she gave the Queen. “Yes, I came to bring the little beastie something, even though you have forgot to include me in the party invitation. You know I am a fairy and that was plain rude Aurora” she continued, shaking her head as if she told off a naughty child. “Now then…” she starts again after another withering look towards the queen, as she starts pacing around the basinet from one end to the other “I know everyone else has given her so many blessings, but she needs something to counteract all that good stuff, or else she will never know the difference between happiness and pain. She will be meek and submissive, ready to please everyone that asks anything of her. And on her 18th birthday, she will prick her finger in a spindle…” at this point she lifted her eyes to meet the Queen’s gaze again before speaking the last words “And die!” she said at last, and with that she turned in a flurry of black cloth and walked towards the exit, leaving the whole party stunned and horrified.

The last fairy then stepped up and with tears in her eyes she reminded them all “It’s not all done yet, I haven’t had my say” she said as she tried to think on how to fix this terrible curse “She will not die when the spindle pricks her finger, instead she will fall into a deep sleep, from which only a prince could wake her with a kiss.” She spoke slowly as she looked at the sleeping child “Let it be so” she said at last. Mal heard her words and turned, eyes wide as the fairy undone the conclusion of her curse. Alas, she knew she could not change it now, the ceremony was concluded. She left the palace as loudly as she entered, the door banging behind her, the echoes startling everyone back into life.

Mal watches from the shadows as her curse comes to fruition and Briar falls into a deep sleep. As she is placed in the tower and locked away until the time will come for her to wake up, Maleficent watches her sleep and her pain is renewed again, because Briar was a near replica of her mother. That long blonde hair, those pretty blue eyes and plump rosy lips, her delicate features, her dainty nature all combined in such tidy little package that she left Maleficent breathless with desire and seething with plans for revenge.

And as she watched her sleeping, a plan started forming in her mind, and slowly she realised she had to marry herself if she was to have a chance to get her clutches into Briar Rose as she wanted it, beyond reason itself. So, she finally pulled herself away from her sleeping tower, and went to find a husband of her own, a kingdom and a son that she eventually gave birth to. With this last piece of the puzzle in place, the king became superfluous to her needs, so she arranged for a hunting accident to happen, the king’s death now allowing her free reign over the kingdom to shape it as she wished, to the last detail, so that she can carry out her long-term plan. Immediately she started educating her son to her expectations, using village girls as practice as she trained him to be a Master, she taught him the art of dominance, and that of using pain to get the obedience he wanted from the girls. She showed him how he can exert his will upon others, and he grew into a handsome young man, but unlike any other. He was strong, and cruel at times, he knew what he wanted and how to get it, and the only one keeping him in check was his mother.

The time was approaching for the fated date when Prince C had to find Briar Rose, so his mother summoned him to her chambers, for a private conversation. He entered her room and bowed his head in respect before approaching her dais, where she sat, one hand petting the head of a slave, kneeling on her left side. He went closer and took to his knees on her right side, his head resting in her lap, his eyes staring adoringly into her beautiful face “You called Mother?” he stated more than queried, as her hand went to his face to slide a sharp nail down the side before holding his head steady and bending over to kiss him fully on the lips. “I did my son, the time has come” she said, her voice excited as she straightened back up, eyes sparkling in the dark room. “The time….oh you mean for Briar? I can go get her?” he asked as excitement filled his loins. His mother has instilled in him desires for the beauty that was slumbering, waiting for him to wake her up. Maleficent allowed a short laugh to ring out as she ruffled his hair.” Yes indeed, it is time for you to claim her. Tomorrow I need you to take your hunting party up in the Briar forest, and go inside the tower. You will find the thorns will open for you, and let you inside. You know what you must do from there” she said as she could barely contain her excitement. He grinned in return, pleasure and anticipation obvious in his mannerism. “Yes Mother, I will make you proud” he said at last, a wistful look in his eyes. “Go rest my son, tomorrow is the most important day in your life” Maleficent said and dismissed him, as her attention retuned to the silent slave on her left, and she picked up a rose from the side table, using it as a whip she slashed it viciously across her breasts, once, twice….a third time, watching tears dropping from the pretty little things eyes, wishing time worked faster so she could see the same reaction in Briar. Her time will come she mused as she looked after her departing son, who was just closing the door behind him, leaving her to her perversion.

He stands between the bottom pillars of the bed and looks down upon the beauty sleeping within. The covers are old and threadbare covering her body, but somehow the dust did not penetrate in this tower. The torchlight danced on her features, delicate cheekbones and lips, rosy beyond reason and he found his loins stirring, desire pooling in his veins as he watched her chest rise and fall. Bending forward he took hold of the covers, and started pulling them towards him, slowly revealing the rest of her form, until at last, she was laying there covered only in her nigh clothes, her dainty hands laying around her, the blonde hair like a halo glowing around her head, the swell of her breasts tenting the delicate lace of her gown, the curve of her hips flaring under a delicate waist, her legs ending in perfect dainty feet. His mother has been right, she was simply breath taking. His hand moved down to his breeches to rearrange his aching hard cock that desired her beyond reason before climbing on the bed, his hands gripping her delicate ankles and pulling them open, pushing her white gown up Further over her alabaster skin until he was kneeling nestled between her legs. Fingers gripping the lace of her gown, he found himself tearing it from the bottom to the top, unable to wait any longer, his moves feverish as he revealed her to his devouring eyes, lifting from her form only to tear at his own breaches, his hard shaft popping free and ready, roaring with need to plunge inside the beauty’s depths.

Yes, she was sleeping but in this moment, this simply did not matter, only his need, urging him forward, wild passion beating through his veins as he let his fingers rest on her belly, dragging them down through the blonde curls decorating the apex of her thighs, the feel of the silky hair adorning her cunt causing a low growl to escape from his chest, the sound rumbling, pure animal lust. His fingers probed beneath, to the delicate lips, his other hand joining the first to pull them aside so he could look at her in all her glory, naked, spread open, pink folds glistening from dreams he only could guess at. His head bent and his tongue dipped inside her folds, his need to taste that perfect flower in front of him, his tongue sliding down from the top all the way to her entrance, her musky smell filling his senses, trails of saliva glistening in his wake. He growled again and lifted to position his throbbing cock at her entrance, his need so urgent that all need for savouring this slowly was simply forgotten. With one thrust, he plunged inside her depths, the only thing that slowed him being her maidenhood as it tore, but only for a second and soon he was enveloped fully in that tight warm sheath of her cunt, her walls gripping him tighter than anything he has ever felt before.

The roar he let out as he bottomed out inside her caused the birds nestled in the roof to scatter in a panic. He held himself inside, no movement for a few seconds as the blood in his ears stopped battering his eardrums and he got a better position between her legs, his mouth reaching for her neck, to suck at her tender flesh so hard he drew the blood to the surface and marking her with a hickey. Hips finally started moving, slowly at first, building into a crescendo of wild thrusts now as his lust overwhelmed every other thought in his mind. He just had to spill his seed inside that tight cunt that seemed to fit him with such a perfection that he never dreamt of. His loins were on fire, his balls aching with the need to explode, and he tried to hold on for as long as possible, not wanting this feeling to end, but his seed had another plan as it started boiling, and rushing forward, balls tight, he screamed as he finally exploded forth, bathing her cunt with his seed, right at the entrance of her cervix. He held himself there for a few precious minutes as the weakening spasms spurted inside her the last of his seed, and simply collapsed over her, breathing hard, raspy as he seemed to lack oxygen from the effort.

His heart finally slowed down enough to prop himself on his elbows and look down at her, his cock still twitching inside her and in a fit of tenderness he found his head bending forward, lips meeting hers, tongue sliding along the plump softness, before sliding between them, his mouth becoming as devouring as his earlier passion, and he sucked at her tongue, bit the delicate lips. A soft sound escaped that delicious mouth, but so lost was he in the kiss that it took him a few moments to pull back and look down, green eyes meeting her blue pools as they blinked confused and sleepy at him, bewildered and frightened as she whispered “Are you my prince?” Her bewildered look, her voice, like the crystal waters of a spring stream caressing his eardrums, the utter vulnerability in her demeanour just causes his cock to twitch and harden anew inside her, expanding her tender walls as she slowly woke up, tears in her eyes from her lost maidenhood as the sharp pain made itself known as he stretched her walls with his thick shaft. “Yes, I am your prince and you are my princess, my mate, my slave…” he said, each word now punctuated with a deep thrust into her aching cunt, as if to drive the message home beyond doubt. “Please…. that hurts me…ahhh! please stop!” she pleaded with him as he slammed himself inside her again and again, his animal now half sated, allowing him to keep a steady yet hard rhythm. Her dainty hands formed into fits to beat against his chest as she now started to struggle against the pain, but he simply captured her wrists and held them with one hand above her head, trapping her completely, leaving her no way of escaping and continued to drive into her with wild abandon, his seed having lubricated her passage now, offering him no resistance.

Her cries turned to sobs now, hot tears streaming down the side of her face but instead of mercy, all they gained from him was a deeper need to hurt her, to mark her as his, and he bent his head to capture her left nipple in his teeth and bit down hard, then harder as she screamed and her walls spasmed around his shaft from the pain, gripping his cock with renewed tightness. When he finally let go of her breasts, there was a perfect mark of his teeth all around her areola’s, bleeding slightly, a mark that should mar her perfect skin for the rest of her life, a stamp of ownership and this alone made his seed boil anew, his thrusts now wild and erratic, until with a roar he released again, his seed again spurting inside her, filling her up and leaking to run down the crack of her ass.

Finally, as his breath slowed down again, he pulled out and collapsed next to her, his arms gathering her to him into an embrace that was a complete contrast to his earlier lust. Tenderly he stroked her hair as her sobs slowed down, then stopped. “Sleep now my Beauty, tomorrow we are going home” he whispered as he held her at his side, pulling the covers over them after using a strip of her destroyed nightgown to tie her hands and looping it through a bar above her head. He had no desire to lose her now that he has found her. He then curled around her, his arm holding her close against his broad chest, to sleep and regenerate the energy he has spent. Tomorrow will be another day, he knew what he had to do, he knew he had to share her with his mother, but for now, she was just his. Those were the last thoughts in his mind as he finally sank into a deep sleep next to the exhausted sleeping beauty in his arms.

May be continued.



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