Two's Company, Three's… Ch. 04

An adult stories – Two's Company, Three's… Ch. 04 by neruval442,neruval442 “So, are we staying tonight?” Amy repeated Beth’s question of a few minutes earlier.

“You said you had college in the morning?” queried Beth.

Amy thought for a moment. “My first class isn’t until eleven.”

I nodded. “We can easily make it back for that if you two lazybones don’t sleep in.”

“Hey,” protested Beth, punching me playfully.

“Settled then,” I decided. “So what shall we do next?”

“There’s one thing I’m really looking forward to trying when we move in,” Beth said wistfully.

“What’s that?” I wondered.

“That bath.” The look on her face held anticipation, with just a hint that she was thinking of something risqué. “It’s the perfect size for all three of us.”

“Hmm,” I mused, looking round the kitchen. What looked like a central heating programmer was mounted above one worktop, and I moved closer to examine the controls. “I think…”

I pressed buttons, checked the display again, and I was rewarded with the distant whir of a pump coming to life. “I think you got your wish, Beth. Probably it’ll be an hour or so for the water to be really hot.”

She leaned over to kiss me hard on the lips. “I knew there was a reason I married you.”

“Apart from that you couldn’t keep your hands off me in college?” I teased.

“Well, that too,” Beth admitted with a grin.

“We could probably do with finding something to eat,” Amy ventured. “Those chicken nuggets seem like a long time ago.”

I tried not to look too smug. “Actually I have an idea about that too.”

I reached over to the counter. “This was on the hall floor when we came in.”

“Mm, I love Chinese,” nodded Amy. “But will they deliver, this far out of town?”

“Someone came out here to push the leaflet through the letterbox,” I pointed out. “I’ll give them a call and see. What does everyone want?”

When we’d all decided, I went into the hall to phone. “They’re fine to deliver when we order for three of us,” I reported when I returned.

“Yay!” grinned Amy.

Beth glanced at me, a smile playing over her lips. “While you were phoning, Amy and I decided that you could be the one to get dressed again so you can open the door to the delivery guy — we’ll just stay out of sight till he’s gone.”

“I know the perfect place,” Amy’s voice came from the other end of the kitchen. “Look.”

Past the utility room was the conservatory, and I was surprised to see a set of wicker furniture — two-seater sofa with slightly faded cushions, a couple of easy chairs. “They must not have wanted to take it with them when they moved out,” Beth ventured.

“This is ours, Beth,” Amy chuckled, claiming a seat on the sofa. Beth joined her, and I pretended to scowl at them. “Fair enough. Anyway, I have to go and find my clothes — or enough of them not to shock the takeaway guy.”

I retrieved my shirt, jeans, deciding that’d do, and made my way back to the conservatory. “Tim,” Amy began, looking comfortable as she leaned against Beth. “Can I ask you and Beth something? You don’t have to answer if it’s private.”

“You can ask anything,” Beth reassured.

“Well, I wondered why you decided that Tim should have — you know, the snip, is it called?”

I looked to Beth, seeing her nod. “So… My family has a history of inherited conditions, and when Beth and I got together we took some tests. It was pretty certain that any children we had, would be at much higher risk, so we decided we just wouldn’t go that way.”

Amy’s expression showed sadness, sympathy, but she nodded. “I get it.”

“It has its compensations,” Beth threw me a soft look. “We’ve never had to bother with pills, or any of that.”

Amy managed an answering smile. “I can’t really complain about it either.”

She thought again. “So is there really nothing they’ll ever be able to do? All that research that goes on.”

Beth gave a shrug. “Well, we thought about it — we had some of Tim’s stuff frozen, it was what they recommended — but I don’t think there’s much chance.”

Amy was silent for long moments, then she spoke again, her voice quiet but clear. “If — if my genes turned out to be different –” then the rest of her words in a rush — “would it be possible for me to have a baby, for you I mean?”

A bewildering array of emotions played across Beth’s face — astonishment, a struggle to believe that Amy might be serious in her suggestion, even a hint of refusal, as though it would be too painful to hope again, now she’d come to terms with how things were, best leave them that way.

I swallowed, tried to ground the conversation a little. “Amy — that’s amazing — just that you’d consider it, I — I’m overwhelmed.” I wiped tears from the corners of my eyes. “But that’s a huge step — you’re just starting your course — you should finish your degree before you make any big decisions about your life…”

Amy nodded. “I get it.”

She glanced at Beth. “But — after next summer, I have my language year — I’d be abroad anyway — we could do it then, you could come with me, and say you adopted, nobody would know anything.”

Tears were flooding down Beth’s face now, and I did the only thing I could think of, wrapping my arms round both of them, pulling them close, Beth’s auburn hair mingling with Amy’s blonde…

Finally Beth drew out of my arms, brushed at her cheeks. “Amy — thank you — I don’t have the words… Let’s see how things go for you when you start at uni, and if it’s all working out, then maybe in the summer we can –”

Her voice broke again, and it was Amy’s turn to wrap arms around her. “OK…”

We all jumped, startled, at a loud knock on the door, and I grimaced. “Well, at least he didn’t come five minutes ago,” Amy pointed out.

I went to the door, accepting the cardboard box with our meal. “Thanks so much.”

Beth had thought to fetch the picnic set we always kept in the car, and we sat down to eat. “Spring roll, Amy?” she offered.

Amy accepted a tiny spring roll from Beth’s fingers with her lips. “Mm, this is delicious — we can definitely order from there again.”

When we’d finished eating, Beth stretched luxuriantly. “I’m looking forward to getting some sleep.”

She looked around. “I guess we can take these cushions up, crash out on the floor upstairs.”

“Oh, didn’t I say?” grinned Amy. “There’s a double bed in one of the spare rooms, I looked in while Tim was on the phone to the estate agent. Something else I guess they didn’t want to take with them.”

“And we have that big picnic blanket, don’t we,” I ventured.

Beth smiled. “Sounds like we can make things quite cosy tonight, after all.”

She got to her feet, glancing at Amy. “Think that bath’ll be ready for us now?”

“What about me?” I mock-protested.

“Maybe we can leave some room for you, too,” Amy chuckled.

We made our way upstairs, and Amy looked thoughtfully at the sunken bathtub. “Oh — it has seats built in, too.”

Beth opened cupboards, drawers. “There are even a couple of towels. And I’m sure they can’t have meant to leave this — it was right at the back of the drawer.”

In her hand she held a small bottle of what looked like very expensive bath oil. “Wow,” I nodded. “Definitely make the most of that.”

I set water running, seeing steam rise reassuringly as the bath filled. Beth tipped a little of the oil in, and the room filled with a delicious fragrance. “Mmm.”

She glanced at me. “Haven’t you forgotten something?”

I quickly shed my clothes, leaning to swish the water with my fingers, and my fingers brushed across another chrome fitting I’d not noticed before. “Hmm, wonder what this does?”

I turned it carefully, hearing the note of the water from the taps changing. “Oo,” grinned Amy, “bubbles and everything.”

She dipped her toe in the water, then stepped into the tub, settling onto one of the padded bench seats. “Oh, this feels amazing.”

“Last one in –” teased Beth, sitting opposite Amy, and I was left to take the seat at right angles to both of them, stretching out my legs as I let the water cover me to my neck. “Mm, that bath stuff makes everything just a little bit slippery, doesn’t it.”

“We’re counting on it,” chuckled Beth. “Imagine how our skin will feel when you get both of us into that bed afterwards.”

“I had in mind a little sooner than that,” I teased, moving closer to kiss her, my hands starting to stroke her under the water.

“Ohh…” she murmured, “yes, don’t stop…”

I caressed her breasts, the oil helping my fingertips slide over her nipples. “Do you think if we were careful, we could…?” I hinted.

“Oh — yes — please –”

She leaned back, and I moved between her thighs, my tip finding her centre. I pressed into her, my hands on her breasts again, and Beth moaned softly. “Mm… I’d have bought the house just for this,” I murmured.

I began to move in her, and she gasped. “Oh — whenever you want — don’t wait for me –”

I chuckled. “Not that you’re counting on my mouth, or Amy’s, when we finally make it to the bed…”

I moved more insistently, already feeling the sensation start to build that I knew would end in my release. “Oh — Beth, darling, I’m –”

I tipped over the edge, and as I thrust hard into her, a little water spilled over the edge of the bath onto the tiled surround. “Oops.”

Beth’s face held calm satisfaction. “It’ll mop up,” she chuckled. “You OK, Amy?”

I turned to look at Amy, her expression distracted. “Mmm — where the bubbles come out, it’s under the seat here, and it feels really nice, just not quite enough to…”

Beth grinned at me. “Come on, Tim. Sounds like Amy needs you more than I do, for the moment at least.”

Reluctantly I got to my feet, reached for a towel. I dried Beth, the oil still on her skin making it shine, then patted Amy dry. “Show us where the bed is?”

Beth had brought the picnic blanket upstairs, and I carried it folded over my arm as we followed Amy across the landing, then along to the nearer of the two guest rooms. “Wow,” nodded Beth, “it looks perfect.”

She sprawled on her back. “Come on, Amy — I want to see what it’s like to touch one another, my skin feels so silky…”

“And when we really can’t wait any longer, Tim can do what he’s best at,” chuckled Amy, going into Beth’s open arms.

I knelt at the foot of the bed, watching as they kissed, started to caress one another. I wasn’t surprised when it was Amy who broke the kiss first. “Oh — Beth — don’t stop, touch me, use your mouth while Tim –”

She turned onto her back, opened to me, and I didn’t hesitate, burying my mouth in her. The fragrance of the bath oil, mixed with Amy’s arousal, was intoxicating, and I couldn’t help myself, my tongue exploring her, pressing inside her then moving to flicker over her nub. Beth’s lips were on Amy’s nipples, and Amy gasped. “Oh — oh god — I’m –” and her body arched, a spurt of clear liquid against my mouth, her thighs clenching around me, her lips seeking Beth’s urgently for a final kiss. “Ohhh…”

“Wow,” breathed Beth. “It just seems to get more intense, Amy.”

Amy nodded wordlessly, turning onto her side. “Now you, Beth.”

Beth threw me a smile. “I already know what I’d like you to do, Tim.”

I nodded, moving to lie back on the bed, and she slid her body over mine. Instead of offering me her breasts, she moved up straight away so that I could reach her wetness with my mouth, and I didn’t hesitate, starting to tongue her with the same urgency I’d used on Amy. “You can take a little more time,” Beth’s voice was amused, and I slowed, my tongue exploring. I moved my hands to her breasts, caressing where Amy’s fingers had been a few moments before, and Beth tilted her head back with a contented sigh. “This is perfect.”

Even though we’d slowed things down, I could sense from her body that she wanted, needed her release soon, and I began to move my tongue more insistently. “Oh — mm, yes –” I heard. “Now I’m ready.”

I smiled to myself, already knowing what I’d do to make the crucial moment as intense as it could be. I stroked one hand down her smooth stomach, then slid a finger inside her just for a few moments to pick up her slipperiness. Then as my tongue continued to lap, I moved my finger further back till I found her other opening. “Oh — oh god, yes, Tim, that’ll make me –” I heard, and as I pressed my fingertip inwards, Beth cried out, her body tensing, shaking, warmth flooding from her…

Finally she subsided, sliding off me carefully. “Wow,” I heard Amy’s voice, “that looked amazing.”

Beth let Amy fold her in a tender embrace, and I smiled to myself, spreading the blanket over them, turning out the light, then joining them on the bed. “Sweet dreams,” I murmured, kissing each of them softly, then I closed my eyes, drifting off.

The next I knew, it was full daylight, and there was a quiet but persistent knocking on the front door. I pulled on jeans, shirt, and took the stairs down to the hall two at a time. “Just a minute,” I called. A dash into the kitchen, frantically trying to remember what was there that shouldn’t be — my boxers, and a pair of panties. I found the shorts, rolled Amy’s panties inside to make an item I hoped would look innocuous clutched in my hand.

I opened the front door, hoping I didn’t look too rumpled. “Sarah — hi!”

“I thought I’d pop round and pick the keys up, save you fighting your way into town through the traffic,” she explained.

“Come in for a bit,” I invited. “The girls are still asleep, but I’ll make us coffee — it’ll have to be black, though.”

Sarah stepped into the hall. “I’d love a coffee, actually.”

She followed me into the kitchen, sat down at the table. I spooned instant granules into mugs, waited for the kettle to boil. “Here you go.”

Sarah sipped gratefully. “So, what are your plans?”

“Actually I have a favour to ask,” I ventured. “We’ll be moving in more or less as soon as the paperwork’s final, but we could really do with someone to be here for a delivery — all the flatpack.”

“Oh, that’d be no problem,” nodded Sarah. “Just give me a call at the office and let me know what day.”

She looked round, puzzled. “Something smells really nice — I didn’t notice it yesterday when I was showing you around.”

I managed to hide my smile. “Maybe it’s the perfume Amy wears, it’s quite distinctive.”

Sarah finished her coffee. “Anyway, I’d better get going — another property I’m really hoping to finalise today.”

I handed her the keys. “We’ll make sure the Yale’s locked when we go.”

I walked to the front door with her. “Thanks again, Sarah — I know we’re going to be happy here.”

“I’m glad.” And before I could blink, react, she’d leaned over to kiss me softly on the cheek. “See you soon.” Then she was gone.

I climbed the stairs, found Beth and Amy propped up in bed. “You seem to have another fan,” Amy’s voice was teasing.

“Maybe it’s that bath oil,” Beth smirked. “He doesn’t usually have young women swooning in his arms — well, present company excepted.”

“She didn’t swoon,” I protested mildly. “She was friendly, but very professional.”

Beth reached to touch a fingertip to my cheek. “Mmhm — very professional lipstick, right, Amy?”

“OK,” I raised my hands. “I surrender.”

I glanced at the angle of the sun. “We should get going soon, if Amy’s going to be in time for her class.”

“OK,” nodded Beth. “So if you give Amy her panties back, we can get dressed.”

“Panties?” I feigned innocence.

Amy’s eyes widened, her cheeks turning unmistakeably pink. “So they’re still in the kitchen — and Sarah –?”

Beth pretended to frown, but I could tell she was holding back laughter. “Tim’s messing with you, Amy.”

I had my rolled-up boxers behind my back, and Beth held out her hand. “Give.”

“Oh, this?” I teased. “It’s just my shorts.”

“OK, Amy,” Beth was definitely laughing now. “You tickle him and I’ll grab it.”

Amy complied, and I squirmed as she dug her fingers playfully into my ribs. “OK, OK.”

Beth unrolled my boxers, and Amy took her panties with a toss of her head, slipped them on. “For that, you can drive all the way back without these,” Beth wagged her finger, holding onto my shorts.

“Even if I promise to treat us to breakfast?”

Beth exchanged grins with Amy. “OK, deal.”

A few minutes later we were leaving the house, and I pulled the front door closed, checking that it was properly locked as I’d promised Sarah. We retraced our route to the motorway, and I waited for the next blue sign, pulling off at the service station.

“Mm,” nodded Amy as I put our tray on the table. “These bacon muffins are great — not sure zingy chicken’s really a breakfast thing.”

When we’d finished eating, we headed north again, and I turned off the motorway at the familiar junction. The dual carriageway into town, and I pulled up outside the college. “Wish I could come to you again tonight,” Amy said wistfully.

“I know, darling,” Beth nodded. “But you can talk to your Mum about the house and everything.”

“Classes finish at the end of this week,” Amy said. “Then it’s just getting ready for exams.”

She gave us a hopeful look. “That other bedroom would be perfect for revising.”

“We’ll do the paperwork today,” I promised.

Amy leaned over to kiss me on the cheek, then Beth. “I’ll call you,” she promised.

We watched her walk up the steps, then disappear out of sight. The emotion in Beth’s voice was obvious as she spoke — “I can hardly believe it’s only been a couple of days, Tim. And –” now her voice faltered, her fingers fumbling for mine — “what she said — about next summer –”

I drew her head into my shoulder, stroking her hair. “I know, love. Come on, let’s go home.”

I started the engine, pulled away, and a few minutes later we were outside the house. Beth’s arm was round my waist as we walked up the path, and when the front door closed behind us, she wrapped her arms around me tightly. “Nice to have you all to myself sometimes.”

“Upstairs, love?” I queried softly.


We were still in bed when Amy video called us. “Hi, you two. You OK?”

Beth pulled out of my arms, sat up. “Mmhm. You?”

“Great — I told Mum about the house, and she’s really pleased.”

Amy grinned. “I didn’t say quite so much about the rest of the weekend.”

My laptop was on the dressing table, the camera giving Amy a view of the whole room. “You look pretty relaxed,” she ventured.

Beth stretched lazily, the covers slipping down to leave her breasts bare. “Wish I was there with you,” Amy’s voice was almost wistful.

“Still, we can think of a way to have fun.” I glanced at Beth, and she gave me a knowing smile. “I’m sure there’s something in your room you could use to improvise, Amy.”

Amy looked around, curiosity and distinct anticipation in her face. “Well…”

She reached out of view of the camera, coming back with a hairbrush in her hand. “How about this?”

Beth grinned. “Oh, I can think of some things.”

“Like this?” Amy’s voice held obvious anticipation as she teased her nipples with the handle of the hairbrush through the thin t-shirt she wore. “Or this…”

I felt a distinct thrill as Amy slid the handle between her parted lips, swirled her tongue on it. “Mmm,” I heard Beth’s obviously-aroused voice, “I know — you pretend that’s Tim, and I’ll watch and do to him what you do.”

“Oh wow,” Amy nodded. “That’ll be so hot.”

Beth pulled the covers off me and gave a satisfied nod. “Ready, Amy?”

I couldn’t help my groan as Beth’s mouth surrounded me, the feeling increased exquisitely by watching Amy’s movements on the laptop screen. “Ohh…”

Beth chuckled, pausing to wet fingertips with her tongue, reaching to brush then gently pinch my nipples. “Oh — mm — oh god,” I gasped, the sensation overwhelming. Beth swallowed wetly as I spurted, and out of the corner of my eye I could see Amy’s throat bob as she imitated. “Mmm…”

Beth released me, sitting up. “Wow, Amy, that really worked.”

Amy nodded, her eyes shining. “And I have the perfect use for this, too.”

She propped her phone on a pillow, and I felt a renewed thrill as she parted her thighs, carefully pressing the handle of the hairbrush against her opening. “Mmm… Beth, imagine for me?”

Beth didn’t hesitate. “So Tim’s between your thighs, his weight’s pressing you down, you can feel him thrusting in you –”

Amy gasped, her fingers moving on herself. “Don’t stop.”

“So he thrusts harder, you can see in his face that he’s close, and just when he gets to the point of no return, he moves back and presses himself against your other place, you can feel all his stuff spurting there…”

The last image was enough to tip Amy over the edge, clear liquid arcing between her still-circling fingers to splash on the sheet. “Ohhh…”

She sank back, her breathing rapid. “Mm, I definitely want Tim in my other place next time.”

Beth gasped. “God, Amy, I can’t tell you how turned on I am right now.”

“That’s my cue,” I chuckled. “Beth, lie down, but with your head at the bottom of the bed.”

Beth complied, throwing Amy a puzzled smile. “Now, Amy,” I ventured, “do you think, if you watched us, you might feel like…”

For the first time I could remember, Amy’s face held a slightly guilty look. “Actually there’s something I was going to show you.”

She leaned off camera again, and this time when she returned I heard a surprised murmur from Beth. “Amy, where did you get that?” she wondered.

“I — well, Sally left it when she moved out,” Amy explained. “She must have forgotten — it was pushed right to the back of a drawer.”

“Does it work?” Beth queried.

Amy pressed the switch, producing a low buzz. “I put new batteries in it and everything.”

“OK,” I chuckled. “Amy, you try that out, and I’ll do something Beth likes. But Amy — ” I couldn’t help my grin — “you aren’t allowed to get there until Beth does.”

She nodded. “I’ll try.”


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