Women’s Bondage Prison Pt. 15

An adult stories – Women’s Bondage Prison Pt. 15 by palm09,palm09 Lucy did not want to go back to the punishment cells. Her pussy and anus still felt stretched even a day later. And now she was forced to wear a pair of massive number seven prison dildos in her two sore holes. But compared to the even deeper discipline dildo gag in her throat, Lucy felt grateful for her two number sevens.

As she continued to clean her cell and polish her chains, she watched prisoners and guards coming and going along the cellblock hallway. Lucy watched a pair of twins parade past her cell and wondered if they were headed to a training or punishment cell.

Judging from their bondage, Lucy decided they must be newer inmates and so more likely to be on their way to the training cells for orgasm control lessons. Each twin wore her uniform faultlessly. Lucy was impressed by the shine in their tall heels, the gleam of their nipple bells, and even the angle their pillbox hats rests on their heads. A heavy ball and chain trailed behind each twin with the chain rising from the iron ball up to their exposed pussies, which were clearly visible below their tiny uniform skirts.

Right below where the chain from the ball and chain neared the labia rings, it bifurcated into two thinner chains like a “Y”. Each of these two thin chains coming off the main chain ran through one of the two labia rings each twin sported. After passing through these labia rings, these chains ran for another few inches before ending at the twin’s wrist cuffs. The twins must be training so they could soon wear a harsher pussy ball and chains that would be connected to a thick spring-loaded dildo stretching their labia lips, instead of this variation with the chain merely passing through their labia rings on the way to their hands.

Still, even with this training version, the twins struggled to keep their ball and chains rolling behind them at the right pace to avoid these chains constantly threading up and down through their labia rings. The constant motion of these chains against the labia rings tugged and pulled on their sensitive flesh as they kept trying to adjust their hands to keep their iron balls steadily rolling. Their task was made harder given a thin one-foot chain ran from the inner nipple ring of one twin to the inner, and closest, nipple ring of the other. The twins were consequently careful to remain parallel to avoid pulling on their breasts.

This inexperience with their ball and chains made Lucy sure the twins were new to this prison and so likely on their way to the training cells. But their ability to walk so well in their tall prison heels and keep their breasts in harmony made Lucy doubt herself and wonder if they had been badly behaved long-time prisoners on their way to a punishment cell. Lucy had not yet seen a punishment cell that fit two naughty prisoners and hoped such did not exist for the twin’s sake.

One twin quickly glanced into Lucy’s cell before returning her gaze down the hallway. Lucy felt herself shudder as she realized the twin saw nothing special looking at Lucy who must have appeared just like one of the hundreds of other prisoners in her kinky uniform. Lucy wanted to call out that she was different. Lucy wondered if the twin realized that what appeared to be a standard ball gag she was wearing was really a long discipline dildo and that she was now enduring number seven dildos in her pussy and anus. Then Lucy shuddered again as she wondered why she was trying to take pride in her punishment.

The twins quickly marched past Lucy’s cell bars and she saw a guard following closely behind. Given the guard’s crop and the redness on the exposed butt checks on the twins, Lucy knew a slap with the crop was how the twins were being directed to speed up, slow down, or turn. As their jingling nipple bells, clicking heels, rattling chains, and rolling iron balls became faint sounds, Lucy felt grateful to at least be safe in her cell.

But Locked up in her cell, thoughts of safety were soon replaced by those that she was now just another prisoner among the many other young women in this jail. While back at home, her body forced into this skimpy jailbird outfit would have sent heads turning for miles, in this prison, it barely earned a glance. She could imagine the shock of people from back home if they saw her pierced and belled nipples and then noticed she wore fat dildos in all of her holes. But the reality again washed over Lucy that no one here was shocked because as prisoner C821DD534F she was no different than her neighbors in their cells.

Lucy wondered what her neighbors were doing and listened. A low tinkling of nipple bells told her they were busy in their own cells and she wondered if they were preparing themselves for returning to work on their quota. While the cell doors here had jail bars and were not solid iron with breast slot holes, Lucy quickly learned that there was little difference in how she had to fuck herself. One small difference was that instead of being alone as she worked her dildos, in these cells now she was visible to everyone and could also see out across the hallways to watch her fellow prisoners fuck themselves. The other difference was that instead of thrusting her breasts through the door slots, she now thrust them through the bars of her cell door so that they still hung out into the hallway. The tiny rod she would have to balance on was fit to the right height so that when standing on it, Lucy would be at the perfect height so that her breasts would be centered in each of the two shallow indentations in one of the horizontal bars of her cell door.

A guard soon came by to unlock all the prisoners’ pussy straps and gags. Lucy waited at the bars of her cell until it was her turn. She carefully threaded the discipline dildo out of her mouth and took in a welcome gulp of fresh air. But Lucy was wary to quickly insert her vaginal dildo into her mouth and begin to quickly suck it clean. When she could no longer taste her own juices, she knew it was time to move on to the next step and begin to prepare.

Lucy took a thick dildo from her shelf and hurriedly mounted it to the inside of her barred cell door, above where her breasts soon needed to rest. With this dildo now facing into the cell, Lucy prepared the next steps. She found her spring-loaded number seven dildo with a one-foot thin chain hanging off the base of it. Lucy quickly snapped a round metal ring to the end of this one-foot-thin chain so that the dildo and ring were now linked by this connecting chain. Then she searched for her rubber anal hook with the thick beads on the end. She rapidly screwed on a long pole the non-beaded end of the rubber anal hook. Looking for a button on this long pole now attached to the rubber anal hook, she found it and pressed it. Now the dildo mounted on the cell door bars began to expand. Lucy positioned the small 3-inch narrow rod on the floor close to the bars as she made her final preparations.

Now ready, she quickly inserted her spring-loaded dildo and forced the rubber anal hook deep inside her. She clipped the top of the pole, connected at the bottom to the rubber anal hook, to the back of her collar. Next, she attached a special pussy strap to hold the spring-loaded dildo in place while still allowing the rubber anal hook to enter and exit. She tested the setup by lifting her right leg so the heel of her shoe passed through the metal hoop hanging from the chain linked to the base of the spring-loaded dildo. Bending her thigh, Lucy used her heel to tug on the ring and push her spring-loaded dildo out of her pussy for a few inches. Gingerly, she used her heel to slowly guide the massive dildo back into her.

Lucy wished she did not have to fill her quota while balancing on the small rod. Her prison heels still required careful balance and now having to perform in them while balanced with just one heel on such a small rod was precarious. Lucy wondered if she was developing the skills of a ballerina as she was forced to push her body’s endurance, flexibility, and balance in this prison. Mistress told the prisoners that developing these qualities would help them reform from their deviant ways. Lucy was not sure but also knew she was running out of time.

Balancing the sole of one of her heels on the small rod that rested on the floor of her cell, Lucy lifted herself on that one leg so that she was just high enough to now rest her breasts on top of the designated bar in her cell door. As she pushed her breasts out, the bar offered some support but more importantly she could bring her wide open mouth to take in the third dildo mounted on the cell door bars. Soon her stretched lips were kissing the cold metal of the cell door as her throat flirted with the tip of the dildo now buried deep inside.

Lucy felt herself begin to sway and rushed her hands from gripping the bar behind her back to clutch at the bars of her cell door. She tried to recover her pose as she knew she needed to be focused if she were to avoid a return trip to the punishment cells. That would be much worse she knew. Still, she felt her current predicament was not good either. Here she was lewdly displaying herself at this cell door with her breasts thrust outside the bars and a dildo mounted on the inside thrust into her mouth. And now she needed to remove her hands from the bars to lift and lower the telescoping bar, running from her collar down her back, connected to a cruel hook of bulging anal beads. And Lucy knew she needed to be able to press the button in the middle of that bar with both hands for it to activate the dildo in her mouth. So with careful movements, she removed her hands from the cell door bars and as she worked to find her balance on the thin rod once again.

She felt her leg tremble as the weight of her body rested once again on her single heel. With her other leg, she bend it so that her heel approached her plugged pussy in a search for the ring hanging from the chain linked to her dildo. Lucy knew she found the ring as the chain connected to her dildo began to move and she felt her pussy begin to moisten. But Lucy recalled the punishments she would earn for an orgasm and so quickly raised the telescoping bar at her back to allow the thick beads of the anal hook into her unprepared rear. The last bead was so large that her body shuddered when it went in and Lucy heard her nipple bells chime out. She would have to be more careful to brace herself next time, as she recalled how to absorb the shock into her legs instead of upper body and now ready to signal breasts. Finally she tested the button on the bar behind her back, now that the dildo was in her mouth. She immediately felt the dildo expand in her mouth as it base filled out into ball while its tip lengthened to penetrate her throat. With puffed out cheeks, Lucy tried to hold her breath so as not to gag as coughing would immediately also cause her nipple bells to ring out. Finally the massive dildo shortened and deflated.

And so Lucy found herself ready to begin working on her quota. As she waited for the other prisoners to get into position, she looked across to the cells on the other side of the hallway. A young blonde prisoner was struggling to have her heel find the metal hoop dangling from her dildo while maintaining her balance on her thin rod. Lucy watched her stripped stockinged leg bend and flex until finally the heel made contact. The blonde began testing all of her dildos. Lucy never heard the blonde’s nipple bells ring even once as she watched the blonde masterfully adjust herself on the thin rod in preparation for each impalement. The blonde tensed and relaxed the leg she was balanced on so that her body was ready to receive each dildo and braced against any impact that might shake her breasts dangling far outside the cell bars. The blonde continued to weave her body in a fluid manner as she danced on her thin rod, oblivious to the gross indecency of her movements, as Lucy saw what she wondered were number eight dildos pump in and out at an impressive pace. When finished testing, the blonde rested in the same position as Lucy with her lips touching the cell door bars, hands at her back on the telescoping bar, one leg flexed with the ring in toe, and the other balancing on the thin rod.

Another brunette one cell over was just now centering her breasts into the indentations in the cell door bars which caused her nipple bells to chime loudly. The brunette froze in fear until the sounds died out and then moved her hands to behind her back to grasp her telescoping bar so that she could also test her dildos. The brunette soon entered into an erotic wave of motion as she danced on her thin rod with abandonment. Her pigtails flew side to side and up and down as she adjusted her body to take in what Lucy guessed where at least number five dildos. While her massive breasts quivered and gently shook when she activated her vaginal dildo, Lucy never heard her nipple bells ring out again. Soon the brunette was also resting in position, like Lucy and the blonde.

Lucy scanned further down the hallway and saw that now all the prisoners were in position, each balancing in their tall heels on their one small rod with their other leg raised and that heel ready to pull on the hoop connected to their spring loaded dildos. With their lips spread around the cell door bar mounted dildos and hands ready to move the telescoping bar connected to their rubber anal hooks up and down, all the prisoners waited for the signal to begin.

A matron walked up and down the hallway, reminding the prisoners that any ringing of their nipple bells would be severely punished. Some prisoners were allowed up to two orgasms for the session, but others like Lucy were not permitted any. Each prisoner was given her quota and Lucy gulped into her dildo seeing how much work she had to complete. And then with the sound a whistle, the work began.

All the prisoners began to desperately fuck themselves in all their holes. With pumping thighs they used their heels to pull their spring loaded dildos as far out as their pussy strap would allow before letting them rocket back in. They paid equally attention to their rubber anal hook as they used their arms to raise and lower the beads in and out of their stretched hole. And from the movement of their bulging cheeks, each prisoner was activating her dildo gag to let it work deeply in and out of her throat. Yet despite the movement of these multiple dildos, most prisoners managed to remain balanced on their thin rods and to keep keep their nipple bells from ringing.

Indeed, looking down the center of the hallway a visitor would see a long line of protruding belled breasts. While some of these breasts may treble or gently undulate from time to time, from this perspective they appeared largely stationary. But if the visitor looked just to the side and towards any cell, then she would gaze upon a very different sight. A erotically clad young woman wearing the skimpiest of prison clothing would then be seen passionately fucking herself.

The prisoners were so focused on fucking themselves that they would barely notice the visitor walking down the hallway to inspect them. For their desperate thrusts and gyrations were not actually a passionate frenzy but instead a coordinated choreography. Each prisoner focused on her next movement necessary to brace against the impact of the dildos she was working while remaining balanced on her rod and keeping her nipple bells silent. None had time to reflect on their lustful appearance as they tried to fuck themselves even faster to meet their quotas.

Lucy was so busy that she did not even notice that the pig tailed brunette across from her was in trouble. But she heard the tinkle of the young woman’s nipple bells. Checking her own bells remained still, Lucy returned her focus to maintaining her rhythm and balance. So she did not see the guards soon approach the pig tailed brunettes cell and so was not sure what they did or said to her. But when she did look to that side a few minutes later the brunette’s breasts were still thrust through her cell door bars, and looking past the bars Lucy would see her striped hat bobbing back and forth as she worked the dildo in her mouth. Lucy did not have time to look anymore as she focused back on the dildo in her own mouth and preparing to let the second dildo rocket back into her pussy as she dove the third anal deeper inside her. She was not sure, but Lucy thought she later heard the same prisoner’s nipple bells ringing again some time later and noticed some commotion at that cell of pig tailed brunette.

A few moments later Lucy noticed the brunette being led out of her cell. The brunette was crying as tears trickled down her face which was now contorted with a harness gag holding the base of a thick lady trainer dildo buried deep in her mouth. In addition to now wearing this cruel lady trainer gag with the accompanying chain and breast bar, the brunette’s spring loaded dildo was now connected to a heavy ball and chain which dragged on the ground behind her. The bifurcated nipple leash attached to each of her nipple rings ensured the brunette was motivated to keep up, despite fearing where she was being taken. Any tug on the leash from the guard would not only stretch her breasts but also activate shocks from her lady trainer as the breast bar clanged against the metal of her nipple rings.

The sound of the ball and chain rattling behind the brunette prisoner and her heels clinking on the stone hallway floor soon faded away as the normal sounds returned to the cell block. Lucy wondered if she should consider clanking ankle chains and the sloshing sound of dildos ramming in and out of wet pussies, stretched anuses, and drooling mouths normal. Or if it was normal that no sounds emerged from the long rows of nipple bells hanging off the large breasts that she and her fellow prisoners kept thrust through their cell door bars.

Lucy also knew it was not normal to control her urges much longer. She was trying not to orgasm but the temptation was growing. To help, she thought about what must be happening to the pigtailed brunette and how she did not want that to happen to her. Lucy wondered what type of punishment cell the brunette must be tightly locked into. But even those images were not enough to stop Lucy from trembling with the pleasure of an approaching orgasm. She was prepared to give in and ready to stop resisting. But just before she could release her spring loaded dildo deep into her soaking vagina, Lucy heard the whistle blow. This cycle of working on her quota was over.

Lucy quickly hopped off her rod and was relieved to once again be standing on two feet. She waited for a guard to unlock her cell and usher in a prison maid to unlock her from her bondage and help clean her up. Lucy did not have to wait long.


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