Zai and Tim Pt. 01 by BigMadStork,BigMadStork

“Mom never wanted to know anything. If we were dumb enough to get caught and used, we had to clean up our own mess. I doubt she ever intended for us to use it willingly to have sex. That is what allows me to take you… bareback? Isn’t that the term?”

My answer to her is pushing my cock forward into her pussy slowly.

Tamara swiftly repeats, “Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!”

Her hands are on the bed, trying to hold steady and in place. My hands are on her hips, trying to do the same thing. She isn’t moving, which allows for a stable base. I can now concentrate on the terrific feeling I am experiencing. Every woman I have ever known used giant dildos to get better feelings. I don’t understand why Tamara is different.

Tamara is very excited as she answers my unasked question, “Secretly, I have dreamed up being fucked by a man. Mom never let us near one. She hates men with a passion. Now we know why YOU almost ruined her career before it even got started. I have been saving myself for a man. I only used smaller toys. My hymen is long gone, but I should be the tightest woman you have ever been with. Now fuck me, dammit!”

Oh, you want to get an attitude with me. Fine. I push in a bit faster than a woman like her can take. I stop and feel like an asshole. My sister is in bed with tears in her eyes after she screamed holy hell as I pushed in my cock faster than I should have. I don’t know how to fix this. I don’t move out of fear of causing more pain.

Tamara’s looking at me. Her head tilts from side to side as if she’s trying to read my mind.

When she fails, she queries me, “Why have you stopped?”

I know I gave her my “duh” expression as I said, “You had tears in your eyes. I thought I hurt you, possibly injured you from going too fast. You were teasing me, and I plowed into you because of my anger.”

She has a smile on her face, “Look. You’re a decent, caring person. If I ask you to plow hard into me, you won’t. I wanted to try it once and figured this was my best chance. You were right; it was a dumb idea. You may continue now.”

My sisters are insane. That was a dumb thing to do. I pull my pelvis away from my sister, which pulls my cock out. I then roll my hips forward, pushing my cock back into my sister at a slow rate. I turn this pairing into a slow continuous motion of pushing in and pulling out. It’s a marvelous feeling. Tamara instantly has a huge smile on her face. Her eyes are filled with love and lust. That’s something I did not expect to see.

I continue pushing in and pulling out. Tamara is inexperienced; therefore, I use a slow rate. We both get to feel my bowed cock push against her soft pussy walls. In and out, I go with my full length. This is easily the best feeling in the world. I would love to be able to do this all day long. I do try to make this last as long as possible. However, my legs will inevitably get sore, or I will feel a cramp starting to develop. That’s precisely when I must speed up; and use all the speed I have. That rushes my orgasm.

My partner often reaches their orgasm before I need to. When I sense their orgasm is imminent, I move to my fastest speed. Ideally, we orgasm at the same time. That’s a hard thing to do, as we each have our own experience and reaction to fucking. Add in our own feelings or lack of feelings, and everything changes.

Right now, I think Tamara and I are cruising about even. That’s new for me. I wonder, is that because Tamara is my sister, and we have a similar sex drive even though our lives have been so different? Whatever it is, this is the best sex I have ever had.

Other women look at me with contempt. They hate the fact that I make them feel so good. Tamara isn’t like that. She is enjoying this with no fears or prejudices. I am a person bringing her great joy, and she appreciates that. She has disbelief written on her face. She can’t believe I am doing this to her.

Time to rock her world. I speed up for a while, giving her a change of pace. I follow that up by slowly reducing my speed again. We end up right where we started. Why bother? It makes it more interesting for her. I’m not doing exactly the same thing for an hour. For thirty minutes, I speed up and then slow down again.

I could go on for another thirty minutes. No way Tamara is going to make it that long. I have had sex enough times to tell when the big one is on its way. For my sister, this is too much for her brain to handle. She has a man pleasing her, which in itself is blowing her mind. The sex is better than anything else she has ever had. No piece of plastic, glass, or platinum has the same consistency, temperature, and flexibility.

If she smiled any more, her face would break. As the fucking progresses, her yelling gets louder.

She is saying, “Oh no, you don’t. Oh, so good. YES! Just like that! Don’t stop!”

Why would I stop? Do I look like I’m not having the time of my life?

Tamara is funny because she says a phrase three times in a row and then moves on to the next. That phrase is repeated three times, and then she moves on to the next. To break things up, she will moan from time to time.

Tamara is now crying; tears are flowing down her face. Her smile is incredible. She bound up her hair to keep it out of her face. It’s obviously drooping from being wet. It’s cool because it’s shiny, like the rest of her body. She is coping well with her breathing. She takes short deep breaths as needed.

Because I can see the impending explosion, I speed up. This time is different than all the others. I don’t slow down. I do just the opposite; I speed up even more. Tamara’s eyes shoot wide open. She knows exactly what I’ve done. She isn’t telling me no. My orgasm is like a Ferrari 35,000 Race Pod. In a fraction of a second, I am ready to shoot my spunk.

I can’t hold out anymore. I slam in hard and stop deep inside of my sister. I fire off a shot of cum as far into my sister as possible. I quickly pull out. With all my might, I thrust back in, and at the apex, I shoot another blast of cum deep into my sister.

Realization hits Tamara. Her mouth opens wide to release a scream as she orgasms hard. This is a crushing orgasm. I say, crushing because she is crushing my cock with her pussy. I’ve never had this much pressure on my cock before. It doesn’t stop me from repeating my thrusting to cum four more times. Nope. It does take more effort to thrust in, though. With a polished stainless-steel cock, nothing crushes it.

I know Tamara screamed, pulled tight on her muscles, and I have no idea after that. I am drained of all energy. I fall straight down on Tamara, then to the side. Her arm is under my neck. We are both breathing hard to catch our breath. I would bet our hearts are racing much faster than usual as well. There is an urgent beating on my door. Swell.

Tamara doesn’t think; she says, “Come in.”

What the hell, Tamara!

It’s mom, and she’s a Tasmanian devil. She rushes my side of the bed, and instantly I get a couple of kidney punches before she begins assaulting my ribs. After the third punch, Tamara rolls over me, protecting me from her mother.


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