Zai and Tim Pt. 01 by BigMadStork,BigMadStork

Just to play it safe, I whisper, “Zia, force field protecting Tamara and me, please.”

I feel a tingling on my skin.

Mom screams at me, “What the fuck are you doing to her? Zia, arrest him and quarantine him somewhere. He broke so many laws; we could kill him now. I want to make an example out of him. Men like you should be locked up for our own good.”


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Tammi is almost laughing as she says, “Damn, mom. How are you still Queen? Could you read this anymore wrong if you tried? Let’s start with Tamara’s scream. That wasn’t a scream of pain. No. That was pure adult pleasure. That’s something I have never experienced in my entire life. Do you hear Tamara complaining? Is she bruised? She placed her body over his to protect him.

“Does she seem like he assaulted her? Do you really believe he raped her? Not even you could be that dim. My real question is, are you mad at them for doing it, or are you mad at Tamara because she got him before you did?”

Mom tried to slap Tammi, but the forcefield prevented that slap. Mom earned herself a sharp jolt of electricity from the force field.

I still can’t talk, and I think it’s better if I don’t. So far, the sisters are doing well on my behalf.

Tamara has just pushed herself up, and she is pissed.

Tamara talks in a low, raspy voice that’s full of power, “You need to stop hating men so much. It’s restricting your options and clouding your view. Those are two things that the Queen of half the galaxy can’t afford. This particular man has saved your life, assisted our mission, may help prevent a galaxy war, and just gave me by far the best sex of my life.”

Mom tries to slap Tamara and receives a firmer electrical shock. Mom is knocked back.

In a flash, the room changes configuration, style, and color. I bet we just became a Thompson Industries cargo ship. That means we have caught up to the convoy. I need to be on the bridge.

To be continued …


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